My Adventure With a High Fairy Queen - Chapter 29 - Gladiusmiles - ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか | DanMachi (2024)

Chapter Text

While Riveria was a newlywed seeking the counsel of well-versed Zatrona and Bell was seeking Thalara's romantic sageness (preceding the devastating attack on Luminastra facilitated by a turncoat), the remainder of the party had assembled in the grand hall. Riveria's lavish doting on Bell had created an air of malaise around the group. The shrill voice of Lefiya Viridis upset the discomfiting silence like a red-hot needle through the eardrum, her deep resentment transuding from every word that left her lips.

"That... human! He's been spending all of Riveria-sama's time! They're always together!" She announced, her envy barefaced in her faltering tone.

Ais nodded thoughtfully. "Hmm. You're right. I haven't seen Riveria without him ever since we got here."

"I've never seen Riveria act that way towards anyone else!" Tiona chimed in, her tone animated. "She's always so serious, but with Argonaut-kun... she seems more relaxed."

Bete snorted, crossing his arms over his chest. "Hmph. Who cares. That dang rabbit and whinging old bat deserve each other."

"Bete!" Lefiya gasped. "That's very disrespectful!"

"What're you gonna do about, small fry?"

"Mind that tongue of yours werewolf, or lose it," Ryu said, brokering no room for compromise.

"Tch! Is that a threat, trash?"

"Cut it out, both of you!" Daphne interceded.

"My apologies, Daphne-san. I let my temper get the better of me."

"Whatever." Bete sneered.

"I know that tensions are high, but we mustn't jump to conclusions!"

"I just hope they're not up to anything… improper," Ryu added. "But, I do wish them well."

"Or maybe he's her disciple and she's teaching him things," Welf suggested, trying to find a reasonable explanation.

Daphne nodded in agreement. "Yeah! I know how powerful Riveria-san is. She must be passing her knowledge on to him."

"N-No way! Riveria-sama would never teach a human her secrets!" Lefiya protested, her voice shaking.

Ais shrugged. "They could be just friends."

"Or maybe, they're really in love and trying to keep it a secret from us all," Tiona speculated with a grin.

Bete laughed derisively. "Ha! Don't make me laugh with that bullsh*t! Those stodgy elves wouldn't approve of that at all."

"Whatever it is, I hope their relationship is pure and… uh! I forgot about the prophecy!" Cassandra said, her voice filled with concern. "They're making babies!"

"Ugh! Cassandra, are you still going on about that baloney?!" Daphne retorted incredulously.

"Shove that prophecy up your fine ass!" Bete chimed in impertinently.

"Uh… okay…" Cassandra said meekly.

"A-A-Anyhow…. Who knows what bad things might happen if that human starts doing indecent things to Riveria-sama!" Lefiya added, her face flushed with embarrassment.

Cassandra paused, a puzzled expression crossing her face. "Wait? What would he do?"

"That's just your sordid imagination, small fry," Bete interjected, but nobody paid him any mind.

"Or they could just be..." Ais began, but her voice trailed off.

"Hey, did you just say something, Ais?" Bete asked, noticing her distraction.

Ais shook her head. "No, it was nothing."

"Ugh... she's back to her cryptic self," Tiona muttered, rolling her eyes. "Come on Ais! You must have an opinion! I thought you liked Argonaut-kun?"

Everyone began to shift their attention to Ais, who had remained silent for most of the conversation. She was clearly deep in thought, her brow furrowed.

"Say, Ais, what do you think they've been doing? You just gonna let Riveria snatch him?" Tiona pressed, eager for her input.

Ais sighed, her expression serious. "Mrmmm... I think they've been doing…no good things."

"L-L-Like what?!" Cassandra exclaimed, shocked by Ais's bluntness. "Lovey-dovey stuff?"

"You don't say!" Daphne agreed, frowning.

"Groooosssss!" Lefiya added, her face twisting in disgust.

"Hey, go Argonaut-kun!" Tiona cheered, raising her clenched fist.

"Wow... Sounds like Bell's scored again…" Welf observed, raising an eyebrow.

"Damn. Way to go, kiddo," Bete said with a sarcastic smirk.

"T-T-T-T-That filthy rabbit! Defiling Riveria-sama's flawless, gorgeous, enchanting, bewitching pure assets and her illustrious, voluptuous, yet lean and lithe figure!" Lefiya declared, crossing her arms defiantly. "I'll burn him to a crisp!"

"Here she goes again," Bete muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Down girl. That's not it," Welf said, trying to calm Lefiya down.

"What's all this commotion? You're being a nuisance to the other spirits."

Everyone darted their attention at the source of the not-so-unfamiliar voice, which spoke with incontrovertible sobriety. It was that of Asfi-Al Andromeda, resurrected as a Vespyad. She carefully observed everyone in the hall, her mind calculating and her eyes intently focused. The playful banter subsided in an instant, and this was a harbinger of things to come. The one-time Perseus was about to make a monumental impact.

"Asfi-sama!" they all exclaimed in unison, straightening up.

"Whatever you're arguing about, stop it immediately. It's unbecoming of you all to gossip about two of our own like this," Asfi scolded, her tone firm.

Bete scoffed. "Hah. Figures you'd join in too."

"You can save your snark for later, Bete. Anyway, Lefiya-chan, don't get so worked up over a few rumors. If you really want to know what's going on, just ask them directly," Asfi advised, her eyes softening slightly.

"O-Ohh! Of course! Thank you for the advice, Asfi-sama!" Lefiya said, bowing gratefully.

"I agree! But the whole thing still feels off to me. Like something weird is happening, but we don't know what it is yet," Daphne said, her unease evident.

"Are you serious, Daphne-san? Don't say that!" Lefiya exclaimed, her face pale.

"Yeah, maybe not. I hope Bell-kun and Riveria-san are just friends," Daphne added, trying to reassure her.

"You too, Cassandra?" Asfi asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well... it just seems really odd for Riveria-san to spend so much time with him," Cassandra pointed out, her voice soft. "I mean, what if the two of them are hiding something from us?"

Welf laughed and shook his head. "Ahaha. Please. Bell? Hiding something? You gotta be kidding me."

"Yeah, you're right! Something like that would never happen! Bell-kun is an innocent, naive child!" Cassandra insisted, waving her arms in protest.

Lefiya gulped nervously. "Riveria-sama, the wisest and most powerful mage I know... involved in some illicit affair with a human?"

"Well, whatever it is, I'm sure they have a good reason for it," Asfi answered reassuringly. Her tone was delicate, tender and placid, lullingly giving everyone a frail peace of mind. But her tone was about to turn as cold as ice. "But that doesn't matter. None of that matters now." Her expression suddenly shifted, becoming bone-chilling and ominous. "Because you have all just walked right into the trap set by the Great Dark Mother herself," Asfi declared, her voice completely bereft of any warmth. Her eyes blazed with an unholy light, reveling in the bafflement and dismay that etched across the faces of her former compatriot adventurers.

"""""""Huh? Whaaaat!?!"""""""

"There's a traitor in your midst," Asfi revealed, her demeanor brisk with a despiteful and cruel energy. "It is apparent to me that you all have a very poor judge of character, a defect that is about to cost you extremely dearly indeed. Your lamentable choice of friends will be the downfall of you all." Asfi's voice dinged with an inhuman tone bereft of mercy, carousing herself on the forlornness of her confidants. "You have all been blinded to the enemy within. Someone you considered an ally belongs to Medusa. "

"Impossible! Who the hell would betray us and work with that damn monster!?" Bete shouted, his anger flaring. His eyes flitted wildly around the room, searching the faces of his comrades for any hint of guilt or deceit.

"And I know the identity of this Judas: yours truly," Asfi said with an inaptly cold-as-ice composure, a cruel grin stretching across her face from ear to ear. She was thoroughly remorseless and unrepentant, all emotion absent save for the acrimony she felt for the adventurers that she once called her friends.


The group was at a complete loss for words, the gravity of Asfi's betrayal powdering them like a landslide. Jaws dropped, pupils dilated, and eyes popped out of their sockets. They had been completely caught off-guard, having taken for granted their unconditional trust in their supposed friend. The air hung heavy with a palpable strain, thick enough to choke them all.

"S-So... was everything you ever said... a lie?" Daphne asked, her voice trembling. She felt dizzy, her mind unable to comprehend what she had just heard.

"Wait, that's not true! You couldn't have faked it all!" Welf exclaimed, his voice hoarse with anger and disbelief.

"Yeah! There's no way you'd do something like this!" Cassandra added, shaking her head in disbelief.

"You're correct in one sense. It was no lie that I was reborn as a Vespyad. It is not unheard of for fallen adventurers to start life anew as one of the Vespyads. But I'm sure you all know that Vespyads can be tainted by the venom of the Dark Mother and become Archyads, no?" Asfi explained, her voice eerily calm despite the gravity of her revelation. "What if there was an Archyad that convinced themselves, and everyone else, that they were a Vespyad? They would be the perfect infiltrator, hiding in plain sight, secretly carrying out the Dark Mother's bidding while maintaining the guise of an ally. And what if this Archyad was a revived fallen adventurer used to fool her former comrades?"

"What the hell! Hold on, that means that all this time, you've been secretly helping Medusa all along?!" Welf exclaimed, his voice filled with shock.

"Not exactly. I wasn't 'activated' until everything fell into place. I believed wholeheartedly that I was the former Perseus reborn as a Vespyad and your ally, a ruse so perfect that I even fooled myself. I was not reborn as a Vespyad through natural means. I was an apparition created by Medusa herself, imbued with the memories of the original Asfi Al Andromeda, to be her unwitting spy and infiltrator. I am an artificial Vespyad, a mere facsimile of the real Perseus. There, are you all satisfied now? Does this revelation bring you the closure you seek?" Asfi's confession left everyone reeling, their minds struggling to process the shocking truth that had just been unveiled before them.

"What do we do?" Welf asked, looking around desperately.

"I'm afraid your careers as adventurers and your very lives are about to come to an abrupt end. I've already led Medusa's forces to your location and showed them the way in. They'll be here very, very shortly," Asfi said unapologetically and without ruth. "The battle for Luminastra was lost before it even began. This city will fall, and the last bastion that stood against the Great Dark Mother will be no more. And you, my dear friends, helped make that a reality. And your reward will be to join the ranks of the fallen, forgotten, insignificant adventurers."

"WHAT!?" Cassandra screamed, her face pale with fear.

"Get ready, they're here," Bete warned, the tone of his voice solemn as relentless banging on the doors rang. Scratching, hacking, clawing, and delving reverberated in the vast chambers. They all knew it was only a matter of time before the doors gave way to the ranks of the Dark Mother. But it ended up being a matter of mere seconds. The doors were reduced to ashes and ruins.

The corps of Medusa, droves of armed Gorgon-Spawn, the Militispes, and their Archyad overseers acting as an officer class, surged into the room like a torrent breaching a dam. The mechanical, industrial iron footsteps of Medusa's war machine had pierced the heart of Luminastra, the last remaining sanctuary in the Dungeon against the evil of Tyratryx.

The party was cut off by Medusa's troops in a bolt of a lightning's flash. The adventurers gawked with trepidation at the dark mirrors of the Vespyads, the once lithe, beautiful spirits transformed into an abhorrence, monstrosities that resembled gigantic hornets with mandibles that could crush skulls like eggshells, kidney-shaped compound eyes, and tarsal claws that could rip through solid adamantite. Archyad Drones filled the air, waiting for the order to attack from their Archyad overseers.

"We're trapped! There's no escape! Asfi-sama, why did you do this? Why?" Tiona cried out, tears welling in her eyes.

"Asfi-Al Andromeda has ceased to exist, and I am that remains of her," The monstrosity that was once Asfi reiterated coldly.

"Dammit! Looks like they got us right they want us," Welf observed, a nervous look on his face.

"Ya don't say, dumbass!" Bete shouted at Welf in frustration.

"What do we do?" Lefiya asked, her voice trembling with fear.

"Fight!" Ais responded, drawing her sword. The rest of the party readied their weapons as well, steeling themselves for the battle ahead.

"You are all going to die. And I am going to take great pleasure in watching it happen," The creature that imitated Asfi declared, her eyes cold and unfeeling.

"Crap, this is so not good," Welf said, his voice tense.

"Aw hell no," Bete growled, his fists clenched.

"What's our plan?" Welf asked, turning to Ais.

"Kill all the monsters," Ais replied, her voice flat and emotionless.

"That's the best plan you can come up with?" Welf said incredulously.

"Sounds good to me!" Tiona chimed in with a laugh.

"No choice anyway, these Archyads won't go down!" Lefiya declared, and proceeded to chant.

"This a good time as any to try out our new Vespyad gear, right?" Welf said with a grin.

"Sounds good to me!" Daphne agreed with a determined smile.

"Agreed," Ais replied with a nod.

"Bring it on, bitch!" Bete exclaimed with a feral grin, ready to fight.

"Forgive me Asfi-sama," Lefiya pleaded in apology.

"Hey! That's not Asfi-sama anymore! It's a damn Archyad!" Bete snarled, his fangs bared.

"HUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRHHHHHH!!" Tiona roared as she charged forward, followed closely by Bete.

"All right! Here I go! Come at me you bastards!

The party moved into a coordinated attack position, brandishing the shimmering weaponry and armor gifted to them by Princess Zatrona from the Vespyad armory, ready to take the fight to the Dark Mother's host. Swords clashed with claws, projectiles and taunts were exchanged, battle cries sang, and roars bellowed. The adventurers made the choice to brave the insurmountable odds against them.

"DORYAH!!!!" Tiona shouted.

"Is this the end?" Cassandra mumbled, her face pale.

"Don't worry, we will get through this!" Daphne said, trying to reassure her friend.

"Hell yeah! We got this!" Welf said, pumping a fist in the air, his Vespyad-forged sword gleaming with a fierce light.

Ais nodded silently, her gaze locked onto the swarm of Archyads closing in on them from all directions. Her golden eyes glistened with resolution as the enemy closed in, her Vespyad made rapier at the ready. "Either we win or we die fighting," she stated assiduously, her voice steady. "There's no other option."

Bete laughed derisively as he launched a punch into an Archyad drone's face with a thunderous roar. "Heh, isn't that the way it always is?" he remarked with a smirk.

The group formed a tight formation, their backs against each other as they prepared to face their enemy head-on. Lefiya's chants echoed in the room as she cast her spells one after another. "Shoot, sniper of the fairies. Penetrate, arrow of absolute accuracy! Arcs Ray!" Bolts of magical energy arced through the air toward their targets, searing through the monsters with deadly precision.

Welf's magic-clad fist crashed with an Archyad drone's jaw with a booming force that sent it sprawling. Daphne and Cassandra stood shoulder-to-shoulder together, their Vespyad-crafted gear at the ready as they waited for the first wave of Archyads to break through the shield wall.

Bete snarled, his Dual Rolan ripping through the Gorgon-Spawn with savage fury. "Damn it! These bastards just keep coming!"

Welf grunted as he parried a blow from an Archyad, his sword arm trembling from the impact. "That's just how it is!" he said between clenched teeth as he countered with a quick slash to his foe's chest.

Ais stepped forward, her rapier blazing with magical energy as she sliced through another Archyad with a single blow. The Vespyad armory had provided her with a weapon imbued with wind magic, enhancing her already formidable speed and strength.

Tiona swung her Vespyad-enchanted dual axes at another Archyad drone, knocking it to the ground with a well-placed strike to the head. "Yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about!" she shouted as she turned to face another foe.

The party fought valiantly, but it seemed like a losing battle as they were quickly overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of Medusa's army. "We can't keep this up!"

Lefiya gritted her teeth in frustration as she launched another round of Fusillade Fallarica at descending swarms of Archyad drones, but the potency of the spells began to wane. "I can't keep up this pace!"

Cassandra's eyes widened in horror as she watched the battle unfold, her body frozen with fear. She knew that they were hopelessly outmatched and that their chances of survival were slim to none.

In the midst of the chaos, Asfi stood calmly, watching the battle with an expression of cold indifference. She seemed completely unaffected by the carnage unfolding around her as she watched her former comrades fight for their lives, a smile brimming with malice playing across her lips. "It's not lookin' good for y'all. Just saying."

Asfi's words echoed in Cassandra's mind, her voice filled with an icy certainty that sent a shiver down Cassandra's spine. "No... it can't be..." she whispered, her voice trembling.

"Cassandra, what's wrong?" Daphne asked, concerned.

Cassandra swallowed hard and shook her head. "Daphne... I'm sorry... but..." she trailed off, unable to finish her thought.

"What do you mean?" Daphne pressed, confused.

Cassandra bit her lip and looked away, tears welling in her eyes as the ominous weight of Asfi's words sank in. "I... I think this is it. I think this is how we all die."

"Hahaha. As predicted." Asfi grinned smugly, reveling in the despair and anguish of her former friends. "Medusa is all-seeing and all-knowing. You all never had a chance."

"Lord Miach... Bete, Ais, Tiona, Welf-san... Lefiya-san... I'm so sorry. I've let you all down," Cassandra spoke softly as tears streamed down her cheeks.

The battle raged on, the adventurers fighting with everything they had and more, pushing themselves and their weaponry beyond the limits. As time wore on, it was clear as day that they were slowly but surely being defeated. The hordes of Medusa were overwhelming them with sheer numbers.

Time was running out. Cassandra was desperately looking for a way to escape. She hurriedly searched the walls, looking past the tapestries, but found nothing. However, her intuition told her that there was a way out. Then, she noticed something on one of the tapestries: a hidden message, a riddle.

"In times of danger,

the solution may be stranger,

all is not what it seems,

in this house of dreams,

keep an open mind,

and a way out you will find."

Cassandra read the words aloud, her voice trembling with fear and uncertainty. What did it mean? What could be stranger than an army of monstrous insects and their treacherous former ally? Her eyes widened with realization. "Of course! The Vespyad's secret vault! I must have forgotten about it!"

"What are you talking about?" Daphne asked, confused and anxious.

"The Vespyads have a secret vault somewhere in here! That's how we got out the first time!" Cassandra explained in a rush. "If we can find it, we might be able to escape!"

"Escape? How?" Bete asked skeptically. "These damn bugs are everywhere!"

"I don't know! But it's our only chance! If we stay here, we'll die!" Cassandra insisted.

"You're right. Let's do it," Ais said immediately, agreeing with Cassandra's plan.

"It's worth a shot," Tiona agreed.

The group gathered around her, their eyes shining with renewed hope. "Okay, what does the message say?" Tiona asked.

Cassandra read the words aloud once more:

As the others read the message again and again, trying to decipher its meaning, Cassandra's eyes widened. She had figured it out! "The second verse! It's not a riddle, it's a clue!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. "Think about it! In this house of dreams... Where could the Vespyads keep their treasure?"

"Maybe there's a secret entrance somewhere," Daphne suggested.

"Secret entrance, huh?" Welf thought aloud as his eyes scanned the walls, then gasped as his gaze settled on a tall mirror embedded into the wall in front of him. "Could it be...?"

The party rushed to the mirror, examining it carefully.

"This thing looks expensive," he observed as he examined it.

"Stand aside," Bete ordered, joining Welf in front of the mirror. "Heh, what a stupid looking thing." The werewolf's powerful kick shattered the mirror into a thousand pieces, revealing a narrow passageway leading deep underground. "It's a f*cking tunnel," Bete said bluntly, his expression unreadable.

"That's the secret vault!" Cassandra cheered excitedly.

"Hurry up! Get in there!" Bete ordered, and they all complied.

"Well done, Cassandra," Ais said quietly, slashing through an advancing Archyad. “Everyone, follow Cassandra!”

"Thank you! Let's go!" Cassandra exclaimed in relief as they all hurried into the narrow passageway. They ran through the tunnel at full speed, hoping to reach the Vespyad's secret vault before it was too late. Welf and Bete held off the advancing creatures, buying the others precious time to open the passageway.

Asfi watched from above as her former comrades escaped into the secret tunnel, her face contorted with rage and frustration. "No! Destroy them! Do not let a single one of the escape!" she roared to her remaining minions, and they scuttled into the tunnel after the adventurers. As the door swung open, a dark, winding tunnel beckoned them forward.

“Go, go, go!” Welf urged, ushering the others inside before slamming the door shut behind them.

Ais darted down the dimly lit tunnel, her golden eyes blazing with determination as she led the way forward. She could sense that Asfi's minions were close behind them, their relentless pursuit dogged and determined. As she raced further and further into the unknown, Ais began to feel an eerie sense of déjà vu. It was almost as if she had been in this place before, or at least something similar.

The passageway was long and winding, stretching on forever into the darkness ahead. Cassandra felt as if she'd been running for hours, yet no matter how far she went, the end didn't seem to be in sight.

“That thing pretending to be Asfi is catching up to us!” Daphne warned, her voice tight with fear.

“We need to find that vault,” Ais said, her expression steely. “Cassandra, lead the way.”

Cassandra nodded and took the lead, guiding them through the twisting passages with an unerring sense of direction. They stumbled upon a massive, intricately carved door as they rounded a corner. Ancient runes glowed faintly on its surface, indicating the entrance to the Vespyad vault.

“This is it,” Cassandra confirmed. “Help me open it.”

Together, they pushed the heavy door open, revealing a vast chamber filled with ancient treasures and artifacts. The vault's air was thick with the scent of history and forgotten magic. Lefiya’s eyes widened in awe as she took in the sight, but there was no time to linger.

"Now what?" Tiona asked nervously. "How do we get out of here?"

Cassandra shrugged helplessly. "I don't know! I've never been in this place before!"

As they searched the vault, Welf spotted another passageway at the back of the chamber. “There! We can escape through there!" he called out, pointing toward it.

The group rushed toward the exit, their footsteps echoing through the vault's hallowed halls. As they reached the passageway, a burst of magical energy sent them sprawling to the floor. Asfi appeared from the shadows, her eyes filled with hatred and contempt. "You fools. Did you really think you could escape me? Did you think I would let you just walk out of here?" Her voice was filled with malice as she advanced upon them.

Welf climbed to his feet, his eyes narrowed with determination. "What do we do? How can we stop her?" he asked Ais anxiously.

Ais gripped her Vespyad rapier tightly, her eyes filled with steely resolve. "I don't know, but we have to try. It's our only chance."

Bete let out a low growl, his fangs bared as he glared at Asfi. "This bitch is going down," he muttered in a menacing tone.

"Agreed," Ais said, and with a single nod they all charged forward as one, their Vespyad weapons raised high in defiance as they faced Asfi down one final time.

"Hehehe... did you think your toys would be enough to stop me?" Asfi sneered as they approached, her voice dripping with mockery.

"Take this!" Bete lunged at Asfi with his claws bared, his eyes filled with cold fury.

Asfi dodged out of the way of Bete's attack, her movements agile and quick. "Too slow," she taunted as she sent Bete sprawling with a well-timed strike to the abdomen.

"Damn you!" Welf roared as he swung his Vespyad-enchanted gauntlet at Asfi, only for her to block it with ease.

Ais rushed forward and slashed at Asfi with her Vespyad rapier, but Asfi's reflexes were too quick. The blade glanced off of Asfi's arm with a loud clang before Ais was thrown across the room by a counterattack from Asfi's whip.

"Ugh!" Cassandra cried out in pain as she was slammed into a nearby wall, leaving a large crack in its surface.

"Oh no you don't!" Tiona shouted as she lunged forward and tackled Asfi, knocking her to the ground. She attempted to pin Asfi down but was thrown off with a swift kick to the stomach.

"Pitiful," Asfi spat as she rose to her feet once more. "Is this all you've got? The power of Falna is truly weak compared to the power of Medusa's Venom. How pathetic."

"Power that Medusa leeched from the Dungeon and spirits..." Lefiya muttered indignantly, struggling to catch her breath as she laid on the ground from the earlier attack.

Ais rose to her feet, her face stained with blood. "I won't give up," she muttered. "Not until you're defeated."

"Give it up, little girl. You've run out of luck.

"That may be true... but we aren't going to just lay down and let you kill us without a fight," Ais shot back. "Even if we have to fight to our last breath... even if we have to use all of our strength to defeat you."

"Heh... you think I'm impressed? You think that makes any difference?" Asfi scoffed as she approached them.

Ais stared defiantly at Asfi, her golden eyes gleaming with determination as she faced down her opponent one final time. "No... but we can still fight."

With Ais and Bete holding Asfi off, the others ran down the tunnel as fast as they could. Their footsteps echoed off the walls as they fled from the battle behind them, their hearts racing in their chests. "We have to get out of here!" Welf shouted as he ran alongside Daphne and Cassandra.

“Hurry!” Ais shouted. “We'll seal them off!”

“Tempest, awaken!” she cried, summoning a powerful whirlwind that tore through the chamber. The walls shook, and the ceiling began to collapse, sending a cascade of rubble down upon the pursuing Archyads and Asfi. The blast blew Asfi backwards as she crashed into the far wall and causing the entire tunnel to collapse behind her.

"Dammit!" Asfi cursed as she struggled to free herself from the rubble. "You fools! You haven't seen the last of me!" she cried out angrily as she disappeared into the darkness of the collapsing tunnel.

Ais and Bete raced down the passageway ahead of them, their hearts pounding in their chests as they fought to reach safety. As they rounded a corner, they spotted a faint light ahead of them, indicating the end of the tunnel. "There it is!" Welf shouted triumphantly.

The group rushed forward, their spirits soaring with hope and determination.

The debris sealed the tunnel behind them, and the sound of crumbling stones and the enraged cries of their enemies faded into silence. The group took a moment to catch their breath, the weight of their narrow escape settling in.

"Holy sh*t! We made it!" Welf exclaimed in amazement. "We're alive!"

"Oh my gosh! We're alive! I can't believe it!" Cassandra exclaimed in amazement. She couldn't believe that they had made it out of such a terrible ordeal unscathed.

"Yeah, thanks Cassandra! You saved us all!"

“Get yer heads outta yer asses,” Bete reminded them. “We still gotta make it outta here alive."

"True! No time to celebrate!" Welf declared with a laugh. "Let's get out of this place!"

"Onwards!" Daphne cried out with renewed enthusiasm, ready to escape..”

“Agreed,” Ais said, leading the way forward. “Let’s not waste any more time.”

The winding tunnel eventually opened up into the familiar dark expanse of the Dungeon. The group emerged, weary but undeterred, their spirits lifted by the sight of their hard-won freedom. "We made it!" Daphne cheered victoriously. "We survived!"

"Whew... finally," Welf said with a sigh of relief.

The group set off through the Dungeon, their path illuminated by the blue glow of Lefiya's magic. The dark walls of the labyrinth loomed around them, but the oppressive atmosphere was tinged with a new sense of hope as they headed for their destination.

As they walked, they discussed their next step, their voices echoing through the labyrinth's halls.

"So... what now?" Welf asked tentatively.

"We need to find Riveria and Bell," Cassandra said firmly. "They need to know what happened."

"True," Welf agreed. "We should be getting close."

As the group emerged from the secret tunnel into the familiar depths of the Dungeon, they found themselves in a moment of respite. The immediate danger had passed, but the weight of their narrow escape and the challenges that lay ahead hung heavily in the air.

Ais took the lead, her golden eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. "We need to find a safe place to rest and plan our next move," she said, her voice steady despite the weariness that clung to her.

Welf nodded in agreement, his hand resting on the hilt of his Vespyad-forged sword. "We need to be on guard. Medusa's minions could still be lurking around here."

As they continued their journey through the Dungeon, Lefiya remained silent, her face pale with exhaustion from the battle and the escape that had followed it. She clung tightly to Ais's side, her thoughts still muddled by the lingering effects of Asfi's venom.

As they made their way through the dungeon's twisting passages, Cassandra's mind raced with thoughts of the prophecy and the role she knew Bell and Riveria would play in the battles to come.

"What will happen next?" Daphne wondered aloud as they walked together through the darkness, her voice echoing faintly against the stone walls.

"Only time will tell," Ais replied cryptically as she led them onward into the unknown, her expression unreadable.

"Only time will tell..." Daphne repeated, her words hanging in the air like an ominous promise.

Lefiya's brow furrowed with concern. "I don't like this at all..." she said quietly, her voice barely audible beneath the shuffling of their footsteps.

"Don't worry Lefiya, I'm sure everything will be okay," Cassandra said reassuringly, despite the sinking feeling in her gut that told her otherwise.

Bete scoffed, his sharp canines glinting in the dim light. "Speak for yourself," he muttered under his breath as he pushed ahead of the group, his ears alert for any sign of danger.

As the group pressed on through the Dungeon's winding passages, Cassandra suddenly stopped in her tracks, her eyes widening with a sudden realization. "Wait," she said, her voice filled with urgency. "It seems we are not alone in this place."

The group tensed, their weapons drawn as they prepared for battle. They scanned the passageway in front of them, but nothing seemed out of place.

"What is it, Cassandra?" Daphne whispered, her hand clutching her Vespyad-made sword tightly.

"I don't know... I sense a presence not too far away... but is it friend or foe?" Cassandra wondered aloud, her voice filled with uncertainty as she peered into the darkness ahead.

"Let's find out," Ais said simply as she stepped forward to investigate, her golden eyes gleaming in the party's torches.

Cassandra closed her eyes, focusing on the vision that flashed through her mind. "Wait... I see... I see Sir Finn and his party. They're close, very close."

Ais nodded in understanding. "Let's go meet up with them."

The group picked up their pace, eager to reunite with their companions and share news of their recent ordeal. As they rounded a corner, a faint light came into view, and they soon found themselves standing at the entrance to an open cavern.

"There!" Cassandra exclaimed, pointing toward the far side of the cavern where a familiar figure stood waiting for them. "Sir Finn!"

Finn smiled as he approached the group, his hand resting on the hilt of his weapon. "I'm glad you're all safe," he said warmly. "We had been searching for you for days. We feared the worst when your trail went cold without a trace."

Cassandra let out a sigh of relief as she greeted her captain with a deep bow of respect. "It's good to see you again, Sir Finn."

"Likewise," Finn replied, returning Cassandra's bow with a nod of acknowledgement.

Lili stepped forward, her eyes filled with concern. "Hey, Cassandra, what happened back there? Are you okay? Where's Master Bell?"

Cassandra nodded as she recounted her tale to Finn and the rest of her party, her voice trembling with emotion as she relived the ordeal.

"We were attacked by an army of Gorgon-Spawn and Archyads in the innermost sanctum of Luminastra..." Cassandra explained in a shaky voice, tears welling in her eyes. "They had a traitor with them... It was Asfi... or at least, something that looked exactly like her. It pretended to be her... but it was just a monster dressed up as her..."

A look of concern crossed Finn's face as he listened intently to Cassandra's words. "I see... and what of Bell Cranel and Riveria?"

Ais's expression darkened, her voice heavy with worry. "We don't know. We were separated during the battle with Medusa's forces."

Raul's eyes widened with alarm. "Separated? How? Where could they have gone?"

"We're not sure," Ais replied, her tone uncertain. "We hope they're safe... but we can't say for certain."

Aki nodded in agreement, her tail twitching with agitation. "If they've been captured by Medusa's minions, there's no telling what tortures they're enduring at this very moment."

Aisha placed a comforting hand on Ais's shoulder, her voice filled with determination. "Don't worry, Kenki. We'll find them, no matter what it takes. No way I'm gonna let that pervy snake vamp have her way with Bell Cranel! He's my prey, not hers!"

"Eeeeeppp!" Haruhime shrieked. "The rabbit... slowly devoured, every inch by inch... by the snake?"

"Get your head out of the gutter, you pervy fox!" Aisha chided, smacking Haruhime lightly on the forehead.

Cassandra gasped. "No! I didn't think of that! Please don't tell me Bell-kun is being forced to... forced to... Mph!"

Raul quickly covered Cassandra's mouth to silence her. "Enough!" he whispered urgently, his eyes darting around nervously. "Can you stop imagining things like that?"

"I'm more worried about Master Bell being alone with Lady Riveria," Lili murmured quietly, her expression serious. "We all know what a philandering bum Master Bell is! He won't be able to resist a pretty High Elf princess! What if.... what if.... they're secretly married?"

"Whaaaaat!?" the entire group exclaimed in unison.

"Enough! Stop this nonsense at once!" Finn ordered sharply, his tone brooking no argument. "The two of them are most likely in grave danger! Whatever is happening between them is none of our concern."

Finn paused as he collected his thoughts before continuing. "We need to focus on rescuing them as quickly as possible." He turned to Ais and Bete, his expression stern. "Do you remember where you last saw Bell and Riveria?"

"We last saw them in Luminastra," Bete responded gruffly, his voice filled with frustration. "After that, they were summoned by Princess Zatrona and then retired to their quarters."

Ais nodded in agreement, her tone somber. "We lost track of them after that... we don't know where they are now."

"I knew it! They spent the night together!" Lili exclaimed accusingly.

"Silence!" Finn ordered, glaring at Lili and cutting her off. "We can speculate later. For now, we must focus on finding Bell and Riveria."

"We can't go back to Luminastra," Lefiya murmured worriedly. "It's overrun."

"We have to," Finn replied decisively. "Bell Cranel and Riveria are trapped in there somewhere and we're not leaving without them."

"Yes!" Daphne and Tiona cheered excitedly. "Let's go find them!"

"Wait. What's your plan, Finn?" Aki asked, her eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"My plan? We march to Luminastra and save them," Finn said simply.

"Just like that?" Aki challenged incredulously.

Finn smiled wryly as he shook his head. "Of course not, Aki. I didn't mean we'd just waltz in and save them. We need to be prepared for anything. We know nothing of what awaits us inside the castle."

Aki nodded slowly, her expression thoughtful. "True, but we're not exactly an army. How can we fight our way through all those monsters without a strategy?"

"Have you forgotten that we live in the age of gods? Quality always trumps quantity." Finn quipped in response with a wry grin. "Besides, I have something special in mind. Something that will level the playing field."

Aki's eyes narrowed with scepticism, but she remained silent as Finn continued to speak.

Amid stepped forward, her voice calm and measured. "With your permission, I will accompany you in the search for Bell Cranel and Riveria-sama. If they have indeed been captured by Medusa, they will need our aid as soon as possible."

Finn nodded, his expression serious. "Very well. Amid, I trust you will be able to handle this matter with discretion and care."

"Of course, Sir Finn," Amid replied with a bow of respect.

Ais nodded in agreement. "Thank you, Amid. Let's go."

Bete snorted dismissively. "Well then, what the hell are we waiting for?" he muttered gruffly before turning on his heels and starting in the direction of Luminastra.

The others quickly fell in line, their spirits ignitedwith resolve as they set off on their mission.

Ais's eyes widened with concern as she took note of Lefiya's weakened state. "Lefiya, are you alright?" she asked softly.

Lefiya nodded weakly, her voice barely audible. "Y-yes... I think so..." she answered in a barely audible whisper.

"Come on, let me carry you," Ais said gently, hoisting Lefiya onto her back.

"Thank you..." Lefiya murmured quietly as she rested her head on Ais's shoulder, her eyes drifting closed as exhaustion overtook her.

The group gathered their things and departed from the cavern, their path lit by Finn's torches.

The search for their companions was about to beging. The task would not be straightforward and would be enormously precarious. Yet the party remained united, their spirits high as they set out once again into the Dungeon's darkest depths.

Luminastra might be gone, but hope still lingered. Medusa might have won the battle, but she had yet to win the war. For the war still raged on, and Bell Cranel and Riveria were nowhere to be seen...


Bell and Riveria sprinted through the narrow, winding tunnels, the sounds of battle and destruction fading behind them, their footsteps echoing off the stone walls as they put as much distance as possible between themselves and the hordes of Gorgon-Spawn and Archyads that had invaded the Vespyad sanctuary. The once-vibrant sanctuary of Luminastra was now a memory, its beauty marred by the chaos wrought by Medusa's forces. Their hearts were heavy with the loss, but they knew they had to press on. There was no time for mourning; their survival depended on finding a safe haven.

Bell's heart pounded in his chest as he ran, his hand clasped tightly around Riveria's as he led her through the labyrinthine tunnels. He could feel the exhaustion weighing heavily on his limbs, but he pushed onwards, driven by the desperate need to escape and regroup with their allies.

Riveria followed close behind, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps as she struggled to keep up with Bell's pace. Her once-pristine robes were tattered and stained with the blood of their enemies, a testament to the fierce battles they had fought to make their escape.

As they emerged from the tunnel into the vast expanse of the Dungeon, the darkness enveloped them. Bell paused to catch his breath, his eyes scanning their surroundings. Riveria, though equally exhausted, maintained her composure, her mind racing with thoughts of their next move.

"Now what?" Riveria asked breathlessly. "Where do we go from here?"

Bell shook his head uncertainly. "I don't know... but we have to find the others," Bell said, his voice resolute. "We can't be the only ones who made it out."

"That is true," Riveria agreed thoughtfully. "However, we must exercise caution. There is no telling who or what lies in wait in these depths."

They set off at a brisk pace, navigating the now unrecognizable Dungeon corrupted by Medusa's power. As they moved deeper into its labyrinthine corridors, the oppressive darkness seemed to close in around them, but Bell and Riveria remained focused, their determination unwavering.

After what felt like hours, they finally slowed their pace, seeking refuge in a small cavern hidden behind a curtain of ivy. The cavern was dimly lit by glowing crystals embedded in the walls, casting a soft, ethereal light that provided a brief respite from the gloom.

Bell slumped against the wall, his exhaustion evident. Riveria, ever vigilant, stood guard at the entrance, her eyes scanning the darkness for any signs of pursuit.

"Riveria," Bell said softly, breaking the silence between them.

Riveria turned to face him, her expression solemn. "What is it, Bell Cranel?"

Bell hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "I... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry that you had to marry someone like me... Someone so weak..."

Riveria's eyes widened in surprise, but she remained silent, allowing Bell to continue.

Bell's eyes met hers, his gaze filled with determination and regret. "I couldn't protect Luminastra... I wasn't strong enough to save the Vespyads from Medusa... I'm so sorry... I'm not worthy of you..." he trailed off, his voice choked with emotion.

Riveria approached Bell, her expression softening as she knelt beside him. "Bell Cranel, do not apologize," she said quietly. "You did everything you could, and I am proud of you. We all are." She reached out and placed her hand on Bell's cheek, her touch gentle and reassuring. "You are not weak, Bell Cranel. You are a true hero. And I love you for it. Marrying you was the most wonderful moment of my life."

Bell's eyes widened at her words, tears welling in them as he stared into her eyes, his heart overflowing with emotion. "Riveria... I... I love you too," he said softly as he embraced her, his arms wrapping around her waist as he pulled her close, her lips pressing against his in a deep, passionate kiss.

They lingered there for a moment, their bodies pressed together as they shared their love for each other. Riveria pulled away gently, her eyes meeting his once more. "Come on, we need to keep moving. We cannot afford to waste any more time. We must find our allies and take the fight to Medusa," she said firmly, rising to her feet and offering her hand to Bell.

Bell nodded silently as he took Riveria's hand in his own, following her lead as they set off through the cavern's winding passages once more, their hearts united in their quest to defeat Medusa and free Luminastra from her clutches.

Bell and Riveria wandered through the depths of the Dungeon, their steps echoing faintly as they traversed the dark, winding tunnels.

"I hope the others are safe," she murmured.

"Me too," Bell replied softly, his mind still reeling from Riveria's earlier declaration of love. His heart swelled with emotions as he stole glances at her face, elucidated by the flickering torchlight. Bell reached out and took her hand, his touch warm and reassuring. "We will find them," he promised, his voice filled with decisiveness. "I'm sure of it."

For a moment, they allowed themselves to take solace in each other's presence, the bond between them strengthened by their shared trials. Then, with a nod of agreement, they resumed their journey through the darkness.

Their steps carried them deeper into the Dungeon's depths, but the sounds of Medusa's minions scurrying about was never far behind, gradually getting closer, and closer.

"Quickly!" Riveria urged in a whisper. "We've got to get away from here!"

The pair moved swiftly through the shadows, their footsteps echoing faintly in the silence as they sought a place of concealment.

They continued their journey through the Dungeon, their senses heightened by the constant threat of pursuit. Every shadow seemed to hold danger, every sound a potential threat. But they pressed on, driven by the hope of finding their friends and regrouping.

The couple navigated the perilous, contorting maze of the mutated, sick Dungeon, hand in hand. They came to an unexpected halt as they made out the familiar outline of none other than Asfi Al Andomeda herself awaiting them. Her expression was hard and unyielding as she watched them approach. But nonetheless, Bell was relived to see her.

"Asfi?" Bell gasped, his voice filled with disbelief. "I'm glad you're safe! Where's everyone?"

Riveria's eyes narrowed with suspicion, her hand tightening around the hilt of her staff. "No... this isn't right. Something's wrong here."

The imposter Asfi let out a mocking laugh, her voice distorted and inhuman. "You fools. Did you really think Asfi Al Andromeda had really returned? That she was safe and sound?" she sneered.

Bell and Riveria exchanged a look of horror as the realization dawned on them. This was no mere trick or illusion - the creature before them was a true monster, a twisted abomination wearing the face of their fallen comrade.

"What are you?" Riveria demanded, her voice filled with a mixture of anger and disgust. "You're not Andromeda. You've merely stolen her memories and her appearance."

The imposter's smirk only enlarged, revealing rows of needle-sharp teeth. "Oh? I'm so hurt," she replied mockingly. "Here I am, all alone, and you don't even recognize your old friend Asfi. Ah well, I suppose it's time to introduce myself properly." She let out a cruel laugh before continuing. "I was created from the remnants of Asfi Al Andromeda's spirit, a synthetic Archyad."

"Synthetic Archyad..." Riveria murmured thoughtfully as she studied the creature before them, taking in every detail of its grotesque visage.

"Isn't the ingenuity of the Dark Mother truly awe-inspiring? A thing of beauty, aren't I?" Asfi boasted proudly. "Now then, enough of this idle chatter. It's time to say goodbye, you fools." She grinned maliciously as she advanced towards Bell and Riveria, her claw-like hands extended towards them in preparation for attack.

Bell stepped forward defiantly, his fists clenched with fury.

Riveria held out an arm in front of him, urging him to stand down. "Wait," she cautioned. "There is something else at play here. Something more sinister."

"What do you mean?" Bell asked, confused.

Riveria's expression hardened as she locked eyes with Asfi, her gaze filled with hatred. "This monster... it seems to feed off hatred... rage... negative emotions," she said, her voice trembling slightly as she spoke. "That is how it gains its strength."

"What are you saying?" Bell asked, bewildered.

"I'm saying that if we allow this creature to provoke us, to fill us with anger and hatred... it will only grow stronger," Riveria explained grimly. "We must resist its influence. We must keep our minds clear and focused."

Bell nodded slowly, his eyes widening with understanding.

The imposter Asfi smirked contemptuously, clearly enjoying the tension in the air.

The imposter Asfi suddenly convulsed and collapsed, its form shifting grotesquely. As it lay prone on the ground, its body transformed into a monstrous amalgamation of flesh and bone.

"W-What is it doing?" Bell stammered, horrified by the sight before him.

Riveria gritted her teeth, her grip on her staff tightening as she stared at the grotesque creature with a mixture of fear and revulsion.

"Bell. Get out of here. Get out of here now!" Riveria ordered sharply, her voice filled with urgency as she pointed at the far end of the tunnel with her staff.

Two large insect-like wings burst forth from its back, and tentacles studded with poisonous spines erupted from its cranium. Its jaw elongated, its teeth becoming sharp and vicious as it glared at Bell and Riveria with a snarl of malice. It fixed its gaze upon them, its third eye glowing with malevolent intent as it prepared to attack.

Bell took a step back, his eyes wide with shock and fear as he stared at the horrifying creature before him. He glanced at Riveria uncertainly, his body trembling with fear and adrenaline. "Riveria?" he whispered softly.

"Go! Now!" Riveria urged once more. "I'll hold it off!"

Bell hesitated for a moment before turning and running towards the exit. He could hear the creature let out an enraged roar behind him, its footsteps echoing loudly in the tunnel as it pursued him. He glanced over his shoulder and saw Riveria standing alone against the monstrous abomination, her expression determined as she faced down her monstrous opponent.

"Riveria! No!" Bell cried out as he rushed back towards her, his heart filled with terror.

Riveria cast Bell a stern look, her gaze filled with determination as she pointed towards the exit. "Keep going! I will meet up with you! Hurry!" she shouted sternly as she thrust her staff at the creature.

Bell stood there aghast, unsure of what to do. Should he obey Riveria and leave her behind? Or should he stay and fight by her side? He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his palms sweating as he struggled to make a decision.

But one thing was certain: time was not on his side. He was between a rock and a hard place, being forced to decide which was the lesser of the two evils. His decision could get one of them killed, or both of them killed. The fate of their lives was at stake, and Bell had to decide what to do.

My Adventure With a High Fairy Queen - Chapter 29 - Gladiusmiles - ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか | DanMachi (2024)
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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.