Genealogy of the Greenlee Families (2024)


JOHN GREENLEE, 1 brother of Michael Greenlee [page 29] married

; resided in Delaware. CHILDREN:

2. L Robert, who married ; married Becond, Elizabeth or

Sallie Ann Purden. -)- 2.

ROBERT GREENLEE, 2 son of John Greenlee, was born in 1745 in Dela- ware; died in 1793 (when son, David Maxwell was three years old), in Dela- married married second ware; ; ELIZABETH (or SALLIE ANN) PURDEN, who was born in Kent County, Delaware, died in 1790 when son David Maxwell was three days old, daughter of John Purden, or Purdon, and Annie . He resided in Milford, Kent Co., Delaware.


3. I. John back to the old a ; went country when young man. By second marriage:

4. II. David Maxwell, born in 1790; married Elizabeth Massy Evans. -f-

DAVEQ MAXWELL GREENLEE 3 **nGre«toe» { ^beS^X.' j son of Robert Greenlee and Elizabeth Purden, was born in 1790 near Dover, Kent Co., Delaware; died August 21, 1873 in his 83rd year at Georgetown, Sussex Co., Delaware; married December, 1814 at Milford, Kent Co., Delaware, ELIZABETH MASSY EVANS, born November 3, 1792 near Georgetown, Delaware, died December 25, 1873, or 1874 at Georgetown, daughter of Elisha E. Evans and Nancy Elizabeth Smith; millwright and carpenter; in politics, Whig, then Democrat; in religion, Methodist; resided near Georgetown, Dela- ware. CHILDREN:

5. I. Elisha Evans, born December 1, 1814; married Mary Jane Vaughn.-j- 6. II. John Purden, born September 19, 1817; married Louisa Walker. +

176 7. 19 JOHN OF DELAWARE. 179


E. 26. I. David Thomas Pepper, born May 3, 1847; married Lizzie Lay-

ton. -f- 27. H. Levin Asbury Pepper, born August 25, 1849; married Lydia E. Lacey, daughter of the late John S. Laeey; lives at Philadelphia. She died July 1882 at Georgetown. For a number of years she had been a consistent member of the Methodist church. 28. HI. Sallie Elizabeth Pepper, February 15, 1855; married Louis Head- burg. +


ROBERT SMITH GREENLEE' * ' { £&-&£«&«£» iSSSLgTpS*- ' John Greenlee 1 son of David Maxwell Greenly and Elizabeth Massy Evans, was born December 31, 1827 at Georgetown, Sussex Co., Delaware; died August, 1892; married October, 1858 at Georgetown, EUNICE ABBOTT who was born in 1835 at Georgetown, Delaware. He was a farmer; Democrat; Methodist; resided at Sand Hill, near Georgetown, Delaware.

One child :

29. I. Annie Cullen, born January 15, 18S6; married William Blackstone. .


ELIZABETH BIDDLE GREENLY' *» -» n,y ' { g«i«|M« v^ £f£k?™e,' John Greenlee ' 1

daughter of David Maxwell Greenly and Elizabeth Massy Evans, was born February 7, 1831 at Georgetown, Sussex Co., Delaware; married June 18, 1851 at Georgetown, COULTER C. HART, born December 22, 1826 at Georgtown, died February 10, 1869 at Georgetown, son of Burton Hart and Eliza Dodd. He was a farmer; Democrat; Methodist; resided at Georgetown. Delaware. She was living in 1904.


30. I. David Burton Hart, born November 19, 1S54; died unmarried April 7, 1878.

31. II. Robert Thomas Hart, born September 6, 1856; married Mary M. is Wilson ; no children. He foreman in a printing office in George- town, having been employed in the same office since he was thir- teen years of age. 32. m. Sarah E. Hart, born November 21, 1858; married Rowland W. Joseph. + 33. IV. Lizzie Coulter Hart, born January 28, 1863; unmarried. 34. V. Gazelle H Hart, born May 19, 1S65; married Louis W. Heinzer; has one child, Helen Mary Heinzer, lives in Wilmington, Delaware. 180 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.


» 1 , Elisha Evans * David M. OIiTVfKftTTTTPU B.» UKeitJMUSJSITRli 'li NT W 5 ( Greenly Greenly ; Mary Jane Vaughn Elizabeth M. Evina

• > Robert Greenlee John Greenlee I Elizabeth Purden /

eon of Elisha EvaDS Greenly and Mary Jane Vaughn, was born October 1, 1838 at Georgtown, Sussex Co., Delaware; married June 10, 1859 at Georgetown, MARY ELIZABETH HART, born April 22, 1842 at Georgetown, daughter of Burton J. Hart and M. E., or Eliza, Dodd. He is a farmer; Democrat; Metho-

dist ; resides at Milford, Delaware.


35. I. Lizzie C, born, 1862; married Milo Barber; lives at Milford, Dela- ware. 36. II. Wilbur, born March 29, 1872; married Mary A. Hazel + died 1899. 37. III. Hannah F., born, 187— ; unmarried July, 38. IV. James D., born, 1874; died unmarried.


« • t f EMsna Evans Greenly David M. Greenly LUKAflATTrRATJA ffl.M UKtitflLKflPPPNT V } Mary Jane Vaughn Elizabeth M. Evina

* • Robert Greenlee John Greenlee I Elizabeth Purden I

daughter of Elisha Evans Greenly and Mary Jane Vaughn, was born in 1840; died; married WILLIAM ROBBINS; married second — GOSLIN.


39. Willard S. lives in ; Washington. Charles; lives in Washington. Daughter; lives in Washington. Daughter; lives in Washington. James P. Robbins; lives at Wilmington, Delaware.


B fEllaha Evans « David M. • BAKAnSARAH £j.E t»KIJi«li«GREENLY Greenly Greenly 1 Mary Jane Vaughn Elizabeth M. Evana

• Robert Greenlee John Greenlee \ Elizabeth Purden /

daughter of Elisha Evans Greenly and Mary Jane Vaughn, was born in 1842; married REED; married second GEORGE THORP; resided at Camden, New Jersey. Had a son who was in the Phillippine war.


JAMES PURDEN GREENLY' 1 '^ { E.^T^T." L&S&MUi t Rol»ert Greenlee John Greenlee 1 Elizabeth l'urden / son of Elisha Evans and Jane was born 1844 Greenly Mary Vaughn, April 10, ; JOHN OF DELAWARE. 181

married CRUCE DORSEY; married second FRANCES HAMMOND; married third MARY JONES, CHILDREN:

44. I. John ; lives at Milford.

45. H. William ; lives at Hillsboro. Also eight others, names not given.


* DAVID PENIWELL GREENLY » 1 ' { S^S;?.^ SSUt.aS'SSi * Robert Greenlee John Greenlee « 1 Elizabeth Purden /

son of Elisha Evans Greenly and Mary Jane Vaughn, was born August 24, 1847 at Georgetown, Sussex Co., Delaware; died August 12, 1902 [from Sexton of 1871 at Barratts Chapel Cemetery] ; January 18, Georgetown, Delaware,

RACHEL ANN POSTLES. born September 1, 1S53 at Frederiea, Kent Co., Dela- ware, daughter of David Postles and Sarah Ann Hickman; farmer; Democrat; Methodist; resided near Harrington, Delaware (1901).


46. Paris Carlisle, born January 1, 1872; died October 26, 1875 [G. S.] Mary Elizabeth, born February 16, 1S74; married Orlando War- rington. Ida, born March 31, 1S76; married Alexander Tatman. Mattie Bedella, born October 17, 1878. David Elmer, born October 23, 1880. Paris, born June 18, 1884. Harry, born July 4, 1886. Virda, born July 4. 1886. Frederick Butler, born September 25, 1889.


* • JULni*IAIlHANNAH JAM.JAN"E UKi-tHl^XGREENLY 8 < Elisha Erans Greenly Parld M. Greenly \ Mary Jane Vaughn Elizabeth M. Erini ' ' Robert Greenlee John Greenlee 1 Elizabeth Itirden J daughter of Elisha Evans Greenly and Mary Jane Vaughn, was born in 1852; married JOHN LAWS WARREN. 182 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

1847 at Georgetown, Sussex Co., Delaware; April 13, 1869 at Georgetown, LIZZIE E. LAYTON, born April 27, 1848 at Bridgeville, Sussex Co., Delaware, daughter of Burton Layton and Rebecca Adams. He is a dentist and resides at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


56. I. Wilbur Lee Pepper, born July 17, 1872; married Laura Dewees. He is a physician in Philadelphia. 57. EL Harry Crowell Pepper, born September 8, 1884. Three other children, names not given, who died.


5 Sallle Ann Purden Greenly 4 David M. Greenly • SAL.I.IISHAT T TT? J.1.I/-.T?T T7AHA TIT?JSXHTIT V&VV&X.P'RPP'P.Tl / { Le Tln Bivcn. Pcpptr Elizabeth M. Eretu * Robert Greenlee John Greenlee 1 Elizabeth Purden /

daughter of Sallie Ann Purden Greenly and Levin Bivens Pepper, was born February 15, 1855 at Georgetown, Sussex Co., Delaware; married March 3, 1879 at Columbus, Platte Co., Nebraska, LEWIS HEADBERG, born May 20, 1846 in Sweden, son of John Headberg and Martha Ingle; resides at Long Island, Kansas. CHILDREN:

58. Oscar Lewis Headberg, born January 16, 1880. Luella Maud Headberg, born February 2, 1882. 1884 died 1885. Lena Headberg, born May 15, ; October 3, Harry Edwin Headberg, born August 29, 1886. Mabel Leona Headberg, born July 21, 1888. Ellen Ialena Headberg, born January 29, 1890. Carrie Cordelia Headberg, born July 24, 1892. Wilbur John Headberg, born February 10, 1895. died 1897. Robert David Headberg, born February 18, 1S97 ; April 4,


Rtlzaheth Riddle • r>avld M • Robert Greenlee • BHATJATT'UUU1 "•V. "MJ3.XTTAPTS J Greenly .Greenly } Coulter C. Hart. Elizabeth M. Evans Elizabeth Purden

John Greenlee 1

daughter of Elizabeth Biddle Greenly and Coulter C. Hart, born November 21, 1858 at Georgetown, Sussex Co., Delaware; married October 8, 1877 at George- town, ROWLAND W. JOSEPH, born May 8, 1S52 at Nassau. Sussex Co., Delaware, son of Samuel White Joseph and Sarah W. Lawson. He is a mer- chant; Republican; Methodist; resides at Georgetown, Delaware.


67. I. Thomas White Joseph, born December 9, 1878. 68. n. Loleta Olive Joseph, born May 18, 1883. ft* \ ' _ \

No 2*. MRS. SALL1E E. (I'El'l'EK) IIEAI'lil'lUi AX1> FAMILY.


69. IIL Frank Leroy Joseph, born January 12, 1886. 70. IV. Mallery Hart Joseph, born November 4, 1894.


• • • WILBUR GREENLYw ui* • J Oliver E. Greenly Ellsha E Greenly David M. Greenly \ Mary H. Hart Mary J. Vaughn Ellxabeth M. Erana • Robert Greenlee John Greenly • 1 Elizabeth l'orden / son of Oliver E. Greenly and Mary Elizabeth Hart, was born March 29, 1872 at Milton, Sussex Co., Delaware ; married November 11, 1890 at Milford, Kent Co., Delaware, MARY A. HAZEL, born September 1, 1868 at Milford, daughter of Robert Hazel and Eunice Fowler; marine engineer; Democrat; Methodist; resides near Milford, Delaware.



ARCHIBALD GREENLEE > was born about 1755, in Scotland; married MISS GIFFEN, who was born in Scotland.


2. I. Alexander, married and moved to Indiana where he died. A son lives in Emporia, Kansas. 3. II. John, married Sarah McCracken.-|- 4. III. Robert, born about 1780; married Mary Bonar.-)- 5. IV. James, born October 15, 1784; married Jane MitcheL-}- 6. V. William died at Ohio. ; Hamilton, 7. VI. married Alexander Work died in Belmont Ohio. Mary ; ; Co.,

ARCHIBALD GREENLEE emigrated to this country from Scotland at an early date, and settled in Washington County, Pennsylvania, near a place then called Shirtee.


JOHN GREENLEE, 2 son of Archibald Greenlee and Giffen, died in 1818 in Belmont County, Ohio; married SARAH McCRACKEN.



16. L William; married Susan Collins. 17. II. Margaret. 18. HL Archibald, born July 3, 1807; married Margaret Everet Bonar;

married second Catharine Beaver. -J- 19. IV. James. 1811 married 20. V. Robert, born November 30, ; Mary Christy.-f-

ROBERT GREENLEE moved after his marriage, to Belmont County, Ohio, and settled first four miles west of Bellaire. He removed to a farm about two miles east of St. Clairsville in the same county, where he resided a short time, then purchased a farm about two and one-half miles west of town and there resided until his death. In religion he was a Presbyterian.


JAMES GREENLEE, 2 son of Archibald Greenlee and Giffen, was born October 15, 1784 in Pennsylvania; died June 3, 1855 at Bellaire, Belmont County, Ohio; married JANE MITCHEL who was born in Pennsylvania or Ireland and died March 24, 1870 at Bellaire, Ohio. He removed from Penn- sylvania to Bellaire, Ohio. CHILDREN:

21. Alexander, born April 9, 1813; married Mary Jane Brice.-J- 1814 died 1843. Anne, born October 3, ; August 18, Jane, born June 3, 1816; married Rev. Thomas A. Welsh. -4- Margaret, born February 18, 1818; married Joshua Worley.-|- Mathew, born April 4, 1820; married Martha Allen. + Sarah, born April 11, or 1, 1822; married John Allen. + James, born September 2, 1824; died December 23, 1847.

William, born April 11, 1827; married Mary Johnson. -f- Mary, born September 5, 1829; died.

Elizabeth, born August 1, 1832 ; died August 11, 1873.


' * SARAH GREENLEE s J G { s^ ^- k en f^f&gS""* } daughter of John Greenlee and Sarah McCracken, was born August 16, 1816 at St. Clairsville. Belmont County, Ohio; married July, 1856 at Beallsville, Monroe County, Ohio, SAMUEL POOL, born in 1801 in Maryland, died in 1887 at Cameron, Monroe County, Ohio. He was a farmer; Democrat; Meth- odist. Resided at Cameron, Ohio.


31. I. Ellen Pool, born May 29, 1858; married John N. Baughner.

32. II. Emma Pool, born June 26, 1861 ; married John Pontius. 186 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

ARCHIBALD GREENLEE » ' **"»"» ' { Effig™?*" '«§£»"« }

son of Robert Greenlee and Mary Bonar, was born July 3, 1807 at Bellaire or St. Clairsville, Belmont County, Ohio; died April 3, 1896 at Fredericktown, married 1833 at MARGARET Knox County, Ohio ; April 4, Fredericktown, Ohio, EVERET BONAR (his second cousin), born February 3, 1812 at Mt. Vernon, Knox County, Ohio, died December 25, 1852 at Mt. Vernon, Ohio, daughter of second 1855 at Frederick- Barnet Bonar and Margaret Craig ; married June 1, town, Ohio, CATHERINE BEAVER who was born January 25, 1819 at New Berlin, Perry County, Pennsylvania, died February 21, 1898 at Carrollton, Greene County, Illinois, daughter of Peter Beaver and Hannah Gilbert.


33. Mary Anne, born May 21, 1834; married Dr. John Green. -f- Daughter, born September 29, 1835; died October 1, 1835. Adelaide James Flemming, born November 16, 1838 ; married Helen Sackett.+ born 1841 died 1841. Daughter, June 6, ; July 7, Barnet Bonar, born December 5, 1842; married Hannah M. Walters. -f 1846 died Charles Ambrose, born September 11, ; June 14, 1848. born October 1849 died 1864. Margaret, 5, ; May 28, Thomas Beaver, born December 29, 1855; married Mary Belle Struble; married second Lizzie Olive Woodbury.-J- 41. IX. Lizzie born 1861 married Frances, November 15, ; George Augustus Proctor.-f-

ARCHIBALD GREENLEE, after the death of his mother, lived a year or so with a kind old neighbor, Isaac Cogle, a Quaker, who had been very kind to his mother during her sickness. Then he lived with a Scotchman, Samuel Clark until the latter sold his farm and moved to Indiana. Archibald had his clothing packed to go with Mr. Clark but his uncle, James Greenlee, would not allow him to go. He then went to live with William Workman and remained with him until he was fourteen years old, then went to St. Clairs- rille and became an apprentice to learn the cabinet-making trade. He re- mained there six years, and after finishing his trade he went to Wheeling, West Virpinia and did journey work for four months. His brother William had moved to Washington, Guernsey County, Ohio, and started a hat shop so Archi- bald went there and united with him in carrying on that trade. Having re- ceived some money from his father's estate, he built, a brick dwelling in which his brother lived, he boarding with him. They then bought a dry goods store and continued both that and the hat shop for some time, until it was thought best to dissolve partnership. William took the house and lot and Archibald took the store. He had, however, prior to this time, started a hat shop in Norwich, Muskingum County, Ohio, in connection with his cousin Andrew No. C,*>. MA1CV LOritKXA GKEEXI.EE.


' No. IS. \Kc liU'.AI l> GltEEXI.EE. •— No. 40. THOMAS BKAVEtt GHEEN- LEE.


Greenlee. After renting for some time they built a shop of their own. They afterwards sold out and moved to West Carlisle, Coshocton County, where they started a hat shop and a cabinet shop and continued them for a couple of years He built a shop and two houses there, having sold one to his brother Robert. After his marriage, his wife's friends living near Fredericktown, he was induced to move there in November, 1833, and resided there until his death, with the exception of one year spent in Mount Vernon, Ohio. In the spring of 1834 he built a house and shop on the same lot and there carried on the furni- ture and undertaking business. In 1852 he removed to Mount Vernon, but remained there only one year and then returned to Fredericktown. Soon after becoming a resident of Fredericktown he was elected an elder in the Presby- terian Church, and held that office for over forty years. He frequently repre- sented the church in the Presbytery and Synod, and in 1872 he was chosen Commissioner to the General Assembly which met in Detroit. He was elected Justice of the Peace, in which office he continued for a great many years; and he was also Mayor of the village for a long time. After retiring from these offices he was made Notary Public, and continued as such until he retired to private life. In politics he was a Republican. He was appointed by the Synod of Ohio as a member of the Committee to locate the University of Wooster. He was also appointed on the first board of directors for the construction of tne Baltimore & Ohio Railroad from Mansfield to Newark. During the war of the Rebellion, he was a member of the Knox County Committee to raise soldiers. At the call of Governor Todd, he raised a company of citizens known as the "Squirrel Hunters" to defend Cincinnati, of which company he was elected captain. They proceeded to Cincinnati, also Harrison's landing, seven miles below that city, where they camped for a couple of days and were then dis- charged, the danger having passed. His courteous manner, kind speech, and adherence to principle gained for him many friends. 20.

* » ber ' Grw>nlee Archibald Gre«ilee • » ROBERT GREENLEE i E° ( Mary Booar Gluen )

son of Robert Greenlee and Mary Bonar, was born November 30, 1811 at West Carlisle, Coshocton County, Ohio; died September 28, 1865 at St. Louis, Mis- souri; married March 17, 1837 at West Carlisle, Ohio, MARY CHRISTY, born March 17, 1818 at West Carlisle, Ohio, died September 22, 1857 at Morrison, Illinois, daughter of John Christy.


42. Emily Adelia, born June 4, 1838; married Billings P. Baker. John, born July 6, 1840; died August 10, 1840. Archibald Wilson, born February 10, 1842; married Mary (or' Olive) E. Smith; married second Helen Daggett.-J- William Craig, born January 8, 1844. James Alexander, born December 27, 1845; died July 2, 1847. Rachel born 1848 Ellen, May 29, ; married Ezra Finch. Lakin, born February 28, 1850; died January 21, 1851. 188 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

ROBERT GREENLEE resided at West Carlisle, Ohio, until 1842, when he removed to Fredericktown, Ohio. lie operated a large tailoring establishment, employing a number of people. When the Mexican war broke out he joined the Second Ohio Regiment, and followed General Zachary Taylor through his campaign. After the close of the war he returned to his home and business. In April, 1855, his trade having been ruined by the advent of ready-made clothing, he removed to Illinois, settling in the vicinity of Morrison. In September, 1861, he joined the Union army, receiving a commission as brigade quartermaster, of In he a with rank Captain. politics was Republican ; religion, Methodist


> ALEXANDER GREENLEE * HlZ^T, 1 ^ Archibald Gr«m«e » l jane Mltcbel Glffen )

son of James Greenlee and Jane Mitchel, was born April 9, 1813 at Mt. Pleas- Jefferson Ohio died or 1887 at ant, County, ; January 20, February 26, Martins Ferry, Belmont County, Ohio; married, 1842, in York Township, Belmont County, Ohio, MARTHA (or MARY) JANE BRICE, born February 15, 1823 at Businessburg, Belmont County, Ohio, died January 11, 1858 at Powhatan, Belmont County, Ohio, daughter of John Brice and Nancy Byers, or Supler.


49. I. Archibald, born December 23, 1843; married Louisa Robb; lives at Wellsburg, West Virginia. 50. Jane, born December 23, 1S45; married George W. Green. -(- Agnes, born June ".9, 1851; married R. A. Ring.-|- John, born August 31, 1855; married Minnie Verwollt.+

ALEXANDER GREENLEE in his early life was a school teacher. After his marriage he settled on Captina Creek, near Powhatan Point and resided there until after the death of his wife; then sold out and moved to Brook County, West Virginia, where he bought a large farm. After a few years he removed to Martins Ferry to make his home with his daughter, Mrs. Agnes Ring. In politics he was a Democrat; religion, Presbyterian.


Greenlee 5 Greenlee ' JANE GREENLEE 3 (Jnnie» Archibald 1 1 Jane Mltcbel] Glffen J daughter of James Greenlee and Jane Mitchell, was born June 3, 1816 at Bellaire, Belmont County, Ohio; died April 21, 1885 at Harrisonville, Meigs County, Ohio; married July 9, 1839 at Bellaire, Ohio, THOMAS A. WELSH, born October 28, 1810 at Middletown, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, died August 3, 1893 at Harrisonville, Ohio.


53. I. Melancthon Welsh, born May 29, 1840; died December 21, 1845. 54. 68. ARCHIBALD OF PENNSYLVANIA. 19i

in a general store a few years, then commenced the study of medicine. He attended his first course of lectures at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in the winter of 1858-59. At the breaking out the Civil War he enlisted in the Fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. The regiment, failing to be accepted for the three months service, reorganized for three years and during the war. He was mustered first lieutenant of Company B, and was soon promoted to adjutant; served with General Kelly and the much lamented General F. W. Lander. Gen- eral Lander appointed him an Aide in the evacuation of Romney, Virginia. He served under General Shields in the Shenandoah Valley, being his peronsal Aide at the battle of Kearnstown where the celebrated Confederate general, Stonewall Jackson, was forced to retire. He served in the Valley until ordered to the James River, which was reached in the evening of the day of the battle of Fair Oaks, and served under General Sumner. He was at the second battle of Bull Run. Being thrown from his horse at Georgetown, he received a severe injury to his hip which necessitated his being laid up at Washington for several months. After the battle of Fredericksburg he was ordered to report to General John S. Mason at Columbus, Ohio, who had been ordered by the Secretary of War to report to Governor Todd of Ohio. He was on duty at Camp Chase during the raid through Indiana and Ohio by the Confederate general, John M. Mor- gan, and was then ordered to the Pacific coast. In the meantime he had been made Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General, and was assigned to duty with Brigadier General John S. Mason, who was ordered to report to General Irvine McDowell at San Francisco, California. At the close of the war he was Assist- ant Adjutant General of the District of Arizona. He was mustered out of the service of the United States by special orders, August, 1866. After attending his final course of medical lectures at the Charity Hospital Medical College, Cleveland, Ohio, he graduated in the winter of 1866-67, and commenced the practice of his profession in Chesterville, Morrow County, Ohio. He afterward moved to Iowa where he practiced for a time at Barnesville—a twelve miles north of Fort Scott— then village , Knoxville, and Peru, removed to Council Bluffs which has been his residence for a number of years. He is a Republican and Protestant.


' * JAMES FLEMMING GREENLEE • { jffiJJK?£bS!S fffinSE?*' ' Archlliald fireenlee 1 Glffen / son of Archibald Greenlee and Margaret Everet Bonar, was born November 16, 1838, at Fredericktown, Knox Co., Ohio; married November 20, 1862 at Fred- ericktown. Ohio, HELEN ADELAIDE SACKETT, born January 4, 1840 at Ashtabula, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, daughter of Rev. John B. Sackett of Ohio and Amanda Bardeen. CHILDREN:

77. I. born October 1863 died Clarence C, 10, ; December 9, 1876. 78. II. Fred Sackett, born January 17, 1867 at Mt. Vernon, Ohio; unmarried. 79. in. John Arthur, born November 25, 1871 ; unmarried. 80. IV. Charles Archie, born January 11, 1877; unmarried. 192 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

JAMES FLEMMING GREENLEE attended the public school, and in 1859 entered Washington College. On the breaking out of the Civil war he enlisted in the 142nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served in the Army of the Potomac as orderly sergeant of Company H. In 1868 he removed to Knoxville, Iowa, where he engaged in farming and merchandizing. In 1880 he was a delegate to the Republican National Convention at Chicago and voted for James G. Blaine. He was a member of the Ohio Senate for the sessions of 1880 and 1882. In 1884 he removed to Hutchinson, Kansas, where he has since resided, being engaged in banking, wholesale grocery, and farming. In 1892 he was elected to the Legislature, and served in the House of 1893 as a Republican member during the Lewelling administration war. He was the author of the "Greenlee Rail- road Bill." On June 20, 1S94, "Washington and Jefferson College conferred on him the degree of Master of Arts. In religion he is a Presbyterian.

FREDERICK SACKETT GREENLEE lived at Knoxville,.Iowa until 1884, when he removed to San Francisco. He worked four years as bookkeeper for a commission firm, then started in the brokerage and commission business for himself, in which business he is still engaged.


BARNETT BONAR GREENLEE < ' ' { ^^Ib™.? S^/aSTS"'" ' Archibald Greenle* 1 Glffen J

son of Archibald Greenlee and Margaret Everet Bonar, was born December 5, 1842 at Fredericktown, Knox Co., Ohio; died March 9, 1897, at Fremont, Sandusky Co., Ohio; married February 10, 1869 at Fredericktown, Ohio, HANNAH M. WALTERS, born February 21, 1845 at New Comerstown, Tus- carawas Co., Ohio, daughter of John Hoffman Walters and Hannah Grummon.

One child:

81. I. born 1870 at Fredericktown Clyde W., April 30, ; unmarried ; graduated at Oberlin College, class of 1896; now (1899) a student at the Theological Seminary of Oberlin.

BARNETT BONAR GREENLEE was a soldier in the Civil War, being a member of Company B, 96th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He was a farmer; in politics, Republican; in religion, Presbyterian. Resided at Freder- icktown and Oberlin, Ohio, and was highly respected by all who knew him.


* Archibald Greenlee • Robert Greenlee • THOMAS BEAVER GREENLEE ! ( Catherine Heaver Mary Bonar

Archibald (Irei-Dlee 1 Glffen son of Archibald Greenlee and Catharine Beaver, was born December 29, 1855 at Fredericktown. Knox Co., Ohio; married October 12, 1876 at Fredericktown, Ohio, .MARY BELLE STRUBLE of Fredericktown, born July 9, 1855; died March 21, 1886 at Minneapolis, Minnesota, daughter of Richard Struble and AECHIBALD OF PENNSYLVANIA. 193

Mary Young; married second January 12, 1888 at Council Bluffs, Iowa, LIZZIE OLIVE "WOODBURY, born August 9, 1863 at Council Bluffs, daughter of Edmund Israel Woodbury and Elizabeth Whitney.


82. L Rollin D., born May 1, 1878. 83. IL James Archibald, born January 21, 1880. 84. ILL Mary Belle, born February 3, 188L

THOMAS BEAVER GREENLEE, after completing the regular High School course, attended the University of Wooster, Ohio from which he graduated with the degree of A. B. in 1879. About two years later he received the degree of A. M. from the same institution. In 1882 he was graduated from the Western Theological Seminary at Allegheny, Pennsylvania. During the last year at the Seminary he preached regularly in the Presbyterian Church at Mahonington, Pennsylvania, and received a call to that church and settled there immediately after his graduation. His health not being very good in western Pennsylvania, he removed in the spring of 1884 to Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he became the first pastor of Hope Presbyterian Church. His health again broke down. After a few months rest he spent a very brief period in charge of the Presbyter- ian church at Alta, Iowa. He was again compelled to give up his work for a season, and afterward took charge of the First Presbyterian Church of Anthony, Kansas, going there September, 1887. In the spring of 1S90 he removed to Hillsboro, Illinois, where he acted as pastor of the Presbyterian Church for seven years. In 1893 the University of Omaha, Nebraska, bestowed upon him the degree of Ph. D. In April, 1897, he accepted a call to the pastorate of the Pres- byterian Church of Carrollton, Illinois. As pastor and preacher he merits and holds the love and respect of all. He is winning, eloquent and deeply spiritual. He has been Moderator of the Synod of Illinois.


* hlb ,i" BobjrtGrejniM l ^Catberloe Beaver Marj Bonar ' Archibald Greenlee 1 Giffen I daughter of Archibald Greenlee and Catharine Beaver, was born November 15, at 1801 Fredericktown, Knox Co., Ohio ; married October 6, 1887 at Frederick- town, Ohio, GEORGE AUGUSTUS PROCTER, born October 30, 1850 at DePeyster, St. Lawrence Co., New York, daughter of Augustus Lambert Procter and Annette Howard. In religion they are Methodist. Reside at Alta, Iowa.


85. L George Augustus Proctor, born March 21, 1891. 86. II. Archibald Greenlee Proctor, born June 20, 1894. 86. IIL Frederick Beaver Proctor, born June 20, 1894.


94. IV. William J. Green, born January 21, 1875. 95. V. Albert G. born 1877 died 1882. Green, May 19, ; February 18, 96. VI Lewis W. Green, born September 29, 1879 ; died March 3, 1899. 97. VIL John A. Green, born January 2, 1882.


* * Greenlee* James Greenlee Archibald Greenlee • 1 AuxifioAGNES uO'R.'RTi'.NT.'Ii'.'Er. iiriii uriri /Alexander j Martha J. Brice Jane Mltchel Glffea /

daughter of Alexander Greenlee and Martha Jane Brice, was born June 19, 1851 at married Centreville, Belmont Co., Ohio ; February 5, 1871 at Powhatan Point, Belmont Co., Ohio, R. A. RING, born December 14, 1849 at Powhatan Point, Ohio, son of Alexander Ring and Permelia Green. He is a farmer; in in Methodist politics, Democrat ; religion, ; has resided at Powhatan Point and Martins Ferry, Ohio. CHILDREN:

98. I. Philip Lee Ring, born January 4, 1872; married Elizabeth Kuckuck. 99. John Everett Ring, born October 26, 1873. Ferdinand De Soto Ring, born October 19, 1877. George Ring, born February 23, 1880. Luella Ring, born September 2, 1882. Dewitt Ring, born April 26, 1886. Cloyd A. Ring, born August 23, 1891. Florence Ring, born October 3, 1893.


JOHN GREENLEE * {^l^Vlr^^' ll™%7&?' tl^l'^T^"' )

son of Alexander Greenlee and Martha Jane Brice, was born August 31, 1855 at Powhatan Point, Belmont Co., Ohio; married January 24, 1884 in Jefferson Co., Ohio, MINNIE VERWOLLT, born in 1863 at Warrenton, Jefferson Co., Ohio, daughter of Christopher Verwollt and Christine Brandfass. He is a farmer; Democrat; Presbyterian. They reside at Portland Station, Jefferson Co., Ohio. CHILDREN:

Crissie, born August 8, 1886. Rose, born April 13, 1889. Tina, born June 28, 1891. Emma, born July 8, 1893. Clara, born August 30, 1895.


.Tune Greenlee » Jamen Greenlee * Archibald Greenlee > Z.U1JNUL1U37||| KC17 TTTQ \XJW£L.aH.ET QTT 4 f ] Thoma. A. Welsh Jane Mltchel Glffen J son of Jane Greenlee and Thomas A. Welsh, was born May 27, 1842 at Jacobs- 196 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

1S90 at married burg. Belmont Co.. Ohio: died May 18, Welsh, Meigs Co., Ohio; born June 14, 1870 at Mt. Blanco, Meigs Co., Ohio, RUTH CLINE, September of John Cline and Elizabeth Townsend. 12, 1843 at Mt. Blanco, Ohio, daughter Ohio. He is a farmer; Republican; Methodist; resides at Mt. Blanco,

One son:

1875 married Bertha 111. L Thomas A. Welsh, born August 29, ; Shaver.+


• Greenlee • Archibald Greenlee » 1 TTA-dv T XXTmtT T?V 4 ( Margaret Greenlee James MABY J. WWUJil Glffen j Joshua Worley Jane Mltchel / daughter of Margaret Greenlee and Joshua Worley, was born in 1848 at Demos,

died 1881 at St. Belmont Co., Ohio ; Belmont Co., Ohio ; January 27, Clairsville, born married September 24, 1869 at Demos, Ohio, FRANCIS McCANN, Septem- ber 11, 1845 at Armagh, County Tyrone, Ireland. He is a farmer; Democrat; resided in New York St. Clairsville and East Rich- Presbyterian ; City, Bellaire, land, Ohio. CHILDREN:

112. I. Lorena A. McCann, born September 14, 1870. 113. II. William J. McCann, born November 30, 1871; married Olive L. Carleton.+ 114. III. Edmond I. McCann, born September 20, 1873. 115. IV. James A. W. McCann, born October 10, 1875. 116. V. Margaret G. McCann, born November 14, 1879.


* l A Mathew Greenlee • James Greenlee Archibald Greenlee 1 JTAnw A. bKXOjIHLAiHi*PPT?'PTJT W 4 f VHH {Martha Allen Jane Mltchel Glflen / son of Mathew Greenlee and Martha Allen, was born October 6, 1846 at Quincy, married 1872 in Marshall West Belmont Co., Ohio ; January 23, Co., Virginia, MARY A. HOOD, born March 20, 1850 at Sherrard, Marshall Co., West Vir- ginia, died December 11, 1899 at Lansing, Belmont Co., Ohio, daughter of Samuel Hood and Elsie Johnston. He is a farmer; Prohibitionist; Presbyterian. Resided in Ohio County, West Virginia; removed to Belmont County, Ohio in 1872 and resides at Lansing. CHILDREN:

117. Carrie L., born January 31, 1873; died May 18, 1895. 1874 died November 1899. Edward H, born September 24, ; 7, Allen C, born August 9, 1877. J. Ross, born March 4, 1881. Annie M., born May 4, 1883. Harry, born April 22, 1887. Lawrence, born September 1, 1891. Bertha M., born June 4, 1897. ARCHIBALD OF PENNSYLVANIA. 197


• • • f Mathew Greenlee James Greenlee Archibald Greenlee I *».fl- UMUMiMO'R'P.P.'NT.'RE * i Martha Allen Jane Mltchel Glffen J

daughter of Mathew Greenlee and Martha Allen, was born November 17, 1853 at married 1880 at Wheeling, Ohio Co., West Virginia ; December 21, Colerain, Belmont Co., Ohio, GEORGE A- P. THEAKER, born May 2, 1851 at Mt. Pleas- ant, Jefferson Co., Ohio, son of John Theaker and Agnes Parks. Teacher and

farmer ; Prohibitionist ; Presbyterian ; reside at Colerain, Ohio.


125. I. John G. Theaker, born June 3, 1883. born died 126. II. Parks Allen Theaker, June 23, 1886 ; August 18, 1887.


TTTmiTARinuuriAB a.A WWliljOnET STT 5 (Zutngllus Welsh ' Jane Greenlee * James Greenlee • tKutbCllne Thomas A. Welsh Jane Mltchel > Archibald Greenlee I Glffen J

son of Zuinglius Welsh and Ruth Cline, was born August 29, 1875 at Harrison- married 1897 at ville, Meigs Co., Ohio ; October 12, Syracuse, Meigs Co., Ohio, BERTHA SHAVER, born December 27, 1874 at Syracuse, Ohio. Farmer; resides at Ohio. Republican ; Cumberland Presbyterian ; Welsh,


» Greenlee • James Greenlee9 WILLIAM J. McCANN Margaret { »«£? £-£; Joshua Wi.riej Jane Mltchel ' Archibald Greenlee 1 Glffen / son of Mary J. Worley and Francis McCann, was born November 30, 1871 at Demos, Belmont Co., Ohio; married November 28, 1894 at Belmont, Ohio, OLIVE L. CARLETON, born July 21, 1876 at Belmont, Ohio, daughter of William Carleton and Eliza J. Oglebee. He is a teamster; Democrat; Presby- terian. Resided at St. Clairsville, Ohio, and at Uniontown, Ohio three years.


127. I. Louella McCann, born February 3, 1896. 128. II. Carleton McCann, born January 13, 1897. 129. 1TI. Mildred McCann, born February 17, 1898. 130. IV. Earle McCann, born March 25, 1900. DESCENDANTS OF EDWAED GEEENLEE OF MASON COUNTY, WEST VTEGINIA.

EDWAED GEEENLEE, 1 probably brother of William of West Virginia. and settled in married • He came from Ireland at an early date, Mason County, West Virginia (then Virginia). He was a farmer; in religion, Baptist. CHILDREN:

married Anna 2. I. Edward ; Henry.-|- second 3. II. William, born, 1771; married Hannah Greenlee; married Susan Musselman.-)- 4. in. Eastham ("Esom"). 5. IV. James.

6. V. Robert.

7. VI. Franklin.

8. VIL RacheL

9. Vin. Nathan.

EDWARD GREENLEE, 2 son of Edward Greenlee, was born probably in Ireland; died in Mason County, West Virginia; married ANNA HENRY who died in Mason County, West Virginia. He came from Ireland at an early date and settled in Mason County, West Virginia,


10 Robert, born about 1780; married Margaret Aylshire.+ John, born February 18, 1786; married Susanna Alyshire.+

Samuel, born March 13, 1791; married Hannah Hughes. -j-

Alexander; married Margaret . No children. Henry; died unmarried January 7, 1874 in Mason Co., West Virginia. James; married Deborah CarrelL-|- Rachel married Jesse Van ; Bibber.-(-

Anna; married Joel Cartwright. Had a large family. , .~»*^* Hannah; married Edward Greenlee. [See William of W. Va.]

198 19. 30. EDWARD OF WEST VIRGINIA. . 201


• W11»am Greenlee Edward Greenlee > > JOHN GREENLEEn>— » i } Snsan Mosselman /

son of William Greenlee and Susan Musselman, was born February 5, 1811;

living September, 1898 ; married MARY JANE BROWN who was born at Point Pleasant, Mason Co., West Virginia and is dead. Resided at Point Pleasant, West Virginia and Heyworth, Illinois.


47. I. John D., born December 31, I860; lives at Heyworth. lives 48. H. Charles E., born April 11, 1866 ; at Heyworth.



son of William Greenlee and Susan Musselman, was born February 23, 1816 in at Charleston, Kanawha Co., or Mason Co., West Virginia ; died January 11, 1898 at Summitville, Madison Co., Indiana; married April 15, 1841 at Maiden, Kanawha Co., West Virginia, HARRIET SAYRE, born June 24, 1822 at Pome- roy, Meigs Co., Ohio, living in 1898, daughter of John Sayre and Hannah Jones.


49. Ann Elizabeth, born February 5, 1842 ; married Silas Harris. Mary Frances, born August 23 or 28, 1843; married Joel W. McMahan.

John William, born April 6, 1S46; married Mary M. Keaton.-f- Andrew Taylor, born September 19, 1847; married Prudence A. Ball+ Julia Jane, born June 25, 1849; married Jacob Waymire. Susan Musselman, born July 22, 1851; married Samuel Roberts; William Sutton. Hannah Amanda, born December 13, 1854: married Henry Thomas Ball. Adaline Victoria, born August 14, 1856; married Daniel A. Way- mire. 1859 married Madison Pierce. Lydia Smith, born September 14, ; Edward Lewis, born March 18, 1861; died February 20, 1875. 1863 married Prudence Ellis, born July 1, ; Handy Crowell Herbert, born June 7, 1867; married Minnie Jarrett. Harriet, born June 7, 1867; married William Cain.

WILLL\M GREENLEE received a common school education ; and for some years was manager of the Kanawha salt works. In 1852 he removed to Madi- son County, Indiana and purchased a tract of land near Forestville. The county at that time was sparsely settled, the nearest trading point being twenty 202 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

miles away, and a journey to mill sometimes occupied several days. Being of an ingenious turn of mind, he made the shoes for his own family and also did cobble work for the neighbors during spare hours. Sirs. Greenlee learned spinning and weaving and supplied the family with clothing, blankets, etc. In 1897 he moved to a comfortable home in Summitville to live a retired life. In a man politics he was a Republican. Although a member of no church, he was of sterling worth, upright and honorable and a highly esteemed citizen.


SYLVESTER GREENLEE * {£*£§uS25& fn^e^T'"* ' Edward Greenlee I

son of Robert Greenlee and Margaret Aylshire, was born March 10, 1817 at Point Pleasant, Mason Co., West Virginia; died March 18, 1900 aged 83 years at Promise City, "Wayne Co., Iowa; married January 25, 1838 at Point Pleasant, West Virginia, ESTHER HETTA BARNETT, born March 9, 1820 at Point Pleasant, died December 19, 1894 at Promise City, Iowa, daughter of William or Robert Barnett and Elizabeth Allen.


62. Jemima, born November 27, 1838; died November 19, 1849. Elizabeth Margaret, born May 30, 1840; married John Robinson. -4- 1841 married M. Levi Thompson, born November 3, ; Sophia Everett.+ 65. IV. Adaline, born March 17 or 16, 1843; married Mathew James Ames- bury. -4- Mary, born March 18, 1845; died December 1, 1847. Martha, born March 15, 1846; married nenry Tipton Peck.-j- Virginia, born May 27, 1847; married Nathan Brown; married second Fleteher.-|- 69. VIII. Eliza Susan, born November 20, 1848; married August 15, 1867, William Harris; died in 1880. 70. IX. Ira Albert, born January 3, 1851 or February, 1850; married February 2, 1873, Mary Jane Harris; resides at Lineville, Iowa. 71. X. Evaline, born February 17, 1853; married April 8, 1875, Darius M. Amsberry, editor of Broken Bow Republican, Broken Bow, Nebraska.

Emaline, born February 17, 1853; died August 15, 1855. Rachel, born May 16, 1855; married David Henry Newman. -4- 1858. Robert Lloyd, born October 3, 1857 ; died March 2,

Louis Vinton, born April 21, 1859; married Hattie M. Rankin. -|- Belle, born April 23, 1861; unmarried.

SYLVESTER GREENLEE spent his youth and childhood on his father's farm, ne did not enjoy the privilege of a liberal education, there being no public school system in the country at that time, so he had to depend on the



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opportunities afforded by a limited subscription school. By industrious ap- plication to study at home, with the little help he received in the subscription schools, he acquired a good common school education. After his marriage he settled on a farm and followed farming, boating, and trading on the Ohio River until the spring of 1850, when he removed to Jefferson County, Iowa, and in 1852 moved to Wayne County, Iowa, where he settled on a tract of wild land five miles west of Corydon, the county seat. He immediately went to work to improve his farm, with the intention of making it his permanent home. By industry and strict economy he prospered financially and soon had his farm well improved and well stocked. In 1879 he left the farm and moved to Promise City, Iowa, where he engaged in the grocery business, and where he resided until his death. Mr. Greenlee has always had the confidence and esteem elected of those who knew him ; and, although never aspiring to office, he was Justice of the Peace in Wayne County, and served as such for eight years. He also served one year as a member of the board of Supervisors, and several terms as school director. For several years he was church clerk of Peoria Baptist Church.

ESTHER HETTA (BARNETT) GREENLEE united with the Peoria Baptist church in 1854, and from that time until the day of her death lived a consistent christian life.


• ' WILLIAM" GREENLEE 4 f John Greenlee* Edward Greenlee Edward Greenlee 1 ( Susanna A yl shire Anna Henry /

son of John Greenlee and Susanna Aylshire, was born April 17, 1812 or 1811 at Buffalo or Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; died February 22, 1862 near Point Pleasant, West Virginia; married July 20, 1840 near Point Pleasant, CATHARINE RIFFLE, born July 9, 1818 near Point Pleasant, died August 16, 1860 near Point Pleasant, daughter of Leonard Riffle and Mary Ann Eckard. He was a farmer and shoemaker; Whig; Baptist; resided in Mason Co., West Virginia.


77. born 1842 Beard.4- Hezekiah, January 26, ; married Sophia Catherine Martin, born December 2, 1843; married Mary Ann Beard. 4- Mary Susan, born September 10, 1846; died August 19, 1860. Melvina, born December 16, 1848; died unmarried April 26, 1881. Rachel Gertrude Andrew Eckard, born December 24, 1851 ; married Lewis.


• > 4 John Gre»n lee Edward Greenlee • Edward Greenlee « LUCINDAxww<.^^<> GREENLEE" ,T «—» / l Susanna Aylsnlre Anna Henry J son of John Greenlee and Susanna Alyshire, was born February 2, 1821 at Flat Rock, Mason Co., West Virginia; died July 23, 1900 at Elm Spring, 85. 95. 112. EDWARD OF WEST VIRGINIA. 207

the Civil war broke out. He then engaged in piloting the government boats up the Kanawha River.

WINFIELD SCOTT GREENLEE is a steward on the river.

CHAELES EDWARD GREENLEE was a steward on the Kanawha River, and lost his life in the explosion of the steamer "J. N. Roberts" at Pomeroy, Ohio.


e en,ee * ELIZABETH GREENLEE VAN BIBBER* {55£ v2[Bib£r" I™. Ben?T » Edward Greenlee I

daughter of Rachel Greenlee and Jesse Van Bibber, married SMITH; married second RICHARD TILLIS.


126. L Cassandra Smith ; married Myrtilloe E. Hart.+

127. IL Van Bibber Smith ; married Miss Louisa Hart.

. 128. in. James Smith ; married There was a large family by second marriage.


4 f William Greenlee* William Greenlee »JOHNunfl WILLIAM" "'' ' "m GREENLEEUXlXiiUlliiXiXi j Harriet Sayre Susan Masselman * Edward Greenlee 1 son of William Greenlee and Harriet Sayre, was born April 6, 1846 at Maiden, Kanawha County, West Virginia; died September 20, 1893 at Suromitville, Madison County, Indiana; married August 4, 1868 at Elwood, Madison Co., Indiana, MAEY M. KEATON, born July 23, 1849 at Falmouth, Rush Co., Indiana, daughter of Ambrose R. Keaton and Emily Blew.


129. L Wilb'am Ambrose, born August 1, 1869 at Summitville; unmarried (1898). 130. born 1874 died 1893. H. Mary Agnes, July 6, ; September 8,

JOHN WILLIAM GREENLEE at the age of six years removed with his parents to Madison County, Indiana, where he attended school until he was eighteen. At this time the Civil War was in progress, and being filled with a desire for military service he enlisted as a private in Company I 154th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and served with the regiment until mustered out in August, 1865 at Stevenson Station, Virginia. Returning home he attended Normal College, and for eighteen years taught in the public schools of Indiana. He 208 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

afterward engaged in contracting and building and followed this business until bis death. He was a member of the G. A. R. and Masonic societies. In politics, Republican.


ANDREW TAYLOR GREENLEE * {%*$%$£«"• SmS^' • Edward Greenlea t

son of "William Greenlee and Harriet Sayre, was born September 19, 1847 at Maiden, Kanawha Co., West Virginia; married January 18, 1872 at Summit-

ville, Madison Co., Indiana, PRUDENCE A. BALL, born February 28, 1851 at Connersville, Fayette Co., Indiana, daughter of William Ball and Mary McCrovy. He was a farmer; Republican; Baptist; and resided at Orestes, Indiana.


1872 unmarried. 131. Carl, born December 8, ; 1893 J. M. Jones. Annis. born June 2, 1875 ; married February 3, 1877 died October 1895. Carrie, born September 29, ; 11, Harry, born March 8, 1880. Donald, born August 15, 1882. Mary S., born August 29, 1889. Esther, born August 29, 1894.


ELIZABETH MARGARET GREENLEE » ' {gft'Vff. &?„»£ E&&&8* ' • Edward Greenlee Edward Greenlee 1 Anna Henry J daughter of Sylvester Greenlee and Esther Hetta Barnett, was born May 30, 13 or 1858 1840 at Point Pleasant, Mason Co., West Virginia ; married May 18, JOHN ROBINSON, born September 24, 1837 at Greencastle, Putnam Co., Indiana, son of Adison N. Robinson and Elizabeth Lunsford. He is a farmer; in politics, Republican; in religion, Missionary Baptist; resides at Broken Bow, Nebraska.


138. I. William Francis Robinson, born October 20, 1860; died September 21, 1881. 139. II. George Thompson Robinson, born July 24, 1863; married Orra J. Crawford. 140. in. Robert Lloyd Robinson, born February 22, 1868; married Julia Brisbane; lives at Grand Island, Nebraska. 141. rV. Charley O. Robinson, born March 10, 1882. 142. 210 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

life insurance companies. lie has been a member of the school board four dif- ferent terms, in three of which he was its president. He is now located in the his at Iowa is clerk of the First Church practice of profession Humeston, ; Baptist of that place and has been Superintendent of the Sunday School for six year*. In politics he is a Democrat.


• ' AUAljiniiATI ATTN"?. UftX.r.«liLfifJ'RP.P.NT.F.K 6 / Sylvester Greenlee Robert Greenlee Edward Greenlee j Esther U . Barnett Margaret Aylahlre Anna Henry ' Edward Greenlee 1

daughter of Sylvester Greenlee and Esther Hetta Barnett, was born March 17 or 16, 1843 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; died January 9, 1882 near Iowa married 1864 at Knoxville, Marion Co., ; April 28, Corydon, Wayne Co., Iowa, MATHEW JAMES AMSBERRY, born February 15, 1837 in Mason Co.,

West Virginia, son of William Amsberry and Mollie . He was a farmer; Republican; Baptist.


147. I. Warren Thompson Amsberry, born May 14, 1865; married Florence Waggoner. 148. II. Elbert Sylvester Amsberry, born August 31, 1869; married Mattie lives at Wright ; Eldora, Iowa. 149. III. Edna Hettie Amsberry, born March 18, 1871; married Thomas Fel- lows; died February 11, 1893. 150. IV. Jessie May Amsberry, born November 18, 1872; married Robert Hawkins; died January 9, 1891. 151. V. Ray Vinton Amsberry, born July 29, 1880. 152. VI. Rolla Darius Amsberry, born July 29, 1880.


Greenlee ' Robert Greenlee • Greenlee • HIAltinAMAR.TTTA UMLllLCi,ORF.F.NT.F.'R & i Sylvester Edward 1 Esther II. Barnett Margaret Ajlsblre Anna Henry ' Edward Greenlee \ daughter of Sylvester Greenlee and Esther Hetta Barnett, was born March 15, 1846, at Point Pleasant, Mason Co., West Virginia; married March 22, 1866 at Corydon, Wayne Co., Iowa, HENRY TIPTON PECK, born August 5, 1840 at Greeneastle, Indiana, died August 28, 1892 at Corydon, Iowa, son of Isaac Peck and Nancy Moore. He was a farmer; Baptist; resided at Corydon, Iowa.


153. James Carlton Peck, born December 22, 1866; married Sadie Niday. Sylvester Peck, born November 1, 1871; died August 31, 1873. Lillie Peek, born September 24, 1873; died April 28, 1878. Addie E. Peek, born November 11, 1877. Jessie M. Peck, born March 28, 1882. EDWARD OF WEST VIRGINIA. 211


6 Sylvester Greenlee • Kobert Greenlee • Edward Greenlee VIRGINIA.muiinn GREENLEEuiujuiiu^i ) 11. ) Esther Barnett Margaret Aylsblre Anna llenrj ' Edward Greenlee I

daughter of Sylvester Greenlee and Esther Hetta Barnett, was born May 27, 1847 in Mason Co., West Virginia; married August 30, 1866 at Peoria, Wayne Iowa. NATHAN born 1848 died Co., BROWN, August 2, ; September 22, 1893 in McPherson son of Nathan Brown and Elizabeth Co., Kansas, Shane ; married second Fletcher. Residence, McPherson, Kansas.


158. I. Leila Brown, born December 12, 1867; married February 22, 1891, lives at Indian Add Runo ; Dewey, Territory. 159. II. Myrtle Brown, born November 2, 1870; married May 11, 1892, Jesse Hodge; lives at Galva, Kansas.

160. III. Nettie Grace Brown, born October 1, 1872; married October 1, 189—, Ed Huff. 161. IV. born 1874 married Henry Clyde Brown, April 2, ; February 4, 1894, Amanda Hockett. 162. V. Maude Brown, born February 17, 1881. 163. VI. Charles Henson Brown, born July 24, 1883.


4 * • RAflWET.v uxvijijx^x^jiiORERNT.P.E ' / Sylvester Greenlee I!ol>ert Greenlee Edward Greenlee ^ Esther 11. Harnett Margaret Aylsblre Anna llenry " Edward Greenlee I

daughter of Sylvester Greeulec and Esther Hetta Barnett, was born May 16, 1855 at Corydon, Wayne Co., Iowa; married December 3, 1874 at Corydon, Iowa, DAVID HENRY NEWMAN, born December 12, 1849 at Point Pleasant, Mason Co., West Virginia, son of James Lawrence Newman and Penelope Kimberling. Mechanic; Republican; Methodist.


164. Eva Newman, born October 28, 1875; married Ira E. Hillyer.-|- Oden R. Newman, born March 22, 1877. Frank Newman, born October 23, 1879. David Claud Newman, born November 5, 1884. Orville Hope Newman, born May 29, 1891.

DAVID HENRY NEWMAN came to Grand Island, Nebraska in the spring of 1879. Since that time he has resided in a number of places in Nebraska and Kansas. His daughter Eva graduated from the high school at Hiawatha, Kansas in 1894 ind taught school for five years. One of the sons clerks in a dry goods store . l Hutchinson, Kansas, one is employed in the railroad depot at

Hiawatha, and tl ! other two are still in school. 212 GKEENLEE GENEALOGY.


LOUIS VINTON GREENLEE' {^Sb-bSSS* *££St%iSZ, * Edward Greenlee Edward Greenlee • 1 Anna Uenry /

son of Sylvester Greenlee and Esther Hetta Barnett, was born April 21, 1859 married 1885 at Promise at Corydon, Wayne Co., Iowa ; April 1, City, Wayne Co., Iowa, HATTIE M. RANKIN, born May 10, 18— at Iowa City, Iowa, daughter of John W. Rankin and Malinda Babbitt. He was a Republican; in resided at religion, Campbellite ; Osceola, Iowa.


« / William Greenlee* John Greenlee* Edward Greenlee WF.7.V.KTn r . /.r. rk l AHftXI UKtoZiiXUXtCGREENLEE j Catherine Riffle Susanna Aylsblre Anna Henry ' Edward Greenlee 1

son of William Greenlee and Catherine Riffle, was born January 26, 1842 at Point Pleasant, Mason Co., West Virginia; married April 25, 1872 at Leon,

Mason Co., West Virginia, SOPHIA CATHERINE BEARD, born June 1, 1854 at Silver Run, Meigs Co., Ohio, daughter of Calvin Jones Beard and Sophia Ann Crouch. He is a farmer; Democrat; Baptist; resides at Flat Rock, West Virginia.


169. I. Minnie B., born June 30, 1879. 170. II. Mary M., born September 12, 1880.


• 5 ( William Greenlee* John Greenlee • MARTIN \»xviirj«±OREENT.EEJxiJJ Edward Greenlee t Catherine HIIDe Susanna Aylshlre Anna Henry ' Edward Greenlee 1 son of William Greenlee and Catherine Riffle, was born December 2, 1843 at Point Pleasant, Mason Co., West Virginia; married September 12, 1871 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia, MARY ANN BEARD, born May 4, 1842 in Meigs Co., Ohio, daughter of Calvin Jones Beard and Sophia Ann Crouch. He is a farmer; Democrat; Baptist; resides at Flat Rock, Mason Co., West Vir- ginia.


171. Annie Catharine, born March 5, 1873; died February 3, 1877. Charles Henry, born December 3, 1874. Bertha Frances, born August 27, 1878.

MARTIN GREENLEE enlisted in the Union army February 14, 1865 and served until the end of the war; was never in a hard battle; started for Rich- mond but Lee surrendered before they reached there. — -^- ^ —- — ——-— No. 37. WILLIAM GREENLEE AND No. 21. JANE GltEENLEE NELSON. WIFE.



- •-—-'-- -




182. I. Ulysses E. Hill, born June 5, 1883. 183. II. Maggie M. Hill, born December 20, 1884, 184. ILL Nettie M. Hill, born January 30, 1888.


6 ,1HamQre«Bto*' Samuel Greenlee • MARYuxaxvx JANEtfAXixu GREENLEEuxkXi.cj.Li.LLCi.Ej /F } Sophia Aylshire Hannah Hughe* ' Edward Greenlee Edward Greenlee I

Anna Henry I

daughter of William Greenlee and Sophia Aylshire, was born July 14, 1845 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; married November 19, 1874 at Leon, West Virginia, ADDISON NEWTON BEARD, born May 22, 1846 at Leon, West Virginia; died August 13, 1898 at Leon, West Virginia, son of Calvin Jones Beard and Sophia Ann Crouch. They were farmers; in politics, Democrats; in religion, Primitive Baptists; resided at Waterloo, Mason Co., West Virginia.


185. I. Anna Marinda Beard, born June 18, 1876; died December 9, 1880. 186. II. William Calvin Perry Beard, born February 12, 1878; died March

5, 1878. 187. III. Charles Alva Levinus Beard, born June 29, 1881; lives at Waterloo; unmarried (1901).

188. IV. Edwin Jabez Beard, born October 8, 1887.


' » 1 "' amae < ee Iee ANNA CATHARINE GREENLEE f. L ^ {^"LT^Thli Sophia Ay Ishire Hannah UHughea

Edward Greenlee Edward Greenlee ' J Anna Henrj /

daughter of William Greenlee and Sophia Aylshire, was born January 18, 1847 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; married March 9, 1871 at Leon, West Virginia, JAMES WASHINGTON WOOD, born August 21, 1850 at Point Pleasant, Mason Co., West Virginia. He was a farmer; Democrat; Protestant; resided at Ellsworth, Kansas.


189. I. Whitt- Mary Sophia Wood, born October 16, 1872 ; married H. W. meyere. 190. II. Dora Belle Wood, born February 14, 1875 ; married M. J. Whitt- meyere. 191. III. William Fountain Wood, born July 14, 1877. 192. IV. Charles Newton Wood, born May 14, 1880. 193. V. James Lewis Wood, born February 15, 1884. 194. VI. Rosa A. or Sarah Rosa Wood, born February 23, 1886. 195. VII. Cora Mina Wood, born August 14, 1888. 196. 216 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.


a " JACOB NEWTON GREENLEE* {^'KaMr^' g£Xk iE5S • Edward Greenlee Edward Greenlee 1 Anna II cor j / son of William Greenlee and Sophia Aylshire, was born February 12, 1853 married March 1874 in Mason Co., near Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia ; 25, 1855 in Mason West Virginia, ROSETTA C. AMSBURY, born December 14, and Beard. In Co., West Virginia, daughter of Francis Amsberry Lucy politics in resides at Mason City, Nebraska. he is a Republican ; religion, Baptist ;


208. L Anna Lora, born December 31, 1874; died October 1, 1886. 209. H. Lucy Sophia, born May 14, 1876; married April 12, 1899, O. H. lives at Nebraska. Elison ; Ansley, 210. III. William Francis, born December 7, 1880; lives at Mason City, Nebraska. 1884 died 1886. 211. IV. Fred Roberts, born April 23, ; September 29, 1886 died 1886. 212. V. Lucius M., born January 11, ; January 15,

JACOB NEWTON GREENLEE moved from West Virginia to Iowa in 1879; to Custer County, Nebraska in. 1880; to Wright County, Missouri in 1890, then back to Custer County, Nebraska in 1892 and settled near Madison City where he had taken a homestead in 1881.


" ' HENRY WILLIAM GREENLEE {Eggffigg?* SSSSSh hSSS * J Edward Greenlee Edward Greenlee 1 Anna Hi-nry / son of William Greenlee and Sophia Alyshire, was born March 1, 1857 near Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; married November 2, 1882 SARAH ELIZA- BETH RIFFLE, born February 24, 1864 at Leon, West Virginia, daughter of George Washington Riffle and Harriet Smith. He was a farmer; Democrat; resided at Waterloo, West Virginia.


213. Leroy E., born September 19, 1883. William G., born June 28, 1885. Dora B., born July 6, 1887. Joseph L., born June 18, 1889. Jacob A., born October 6, 1891. Arthur B., born April 3, 1894. Jesse B., born August 18, 1897. Albert V., born August 8, 1899. EDWARD OF WEST VIRGINIA. 217



'*• . ^jfr£ 218 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.


230. Child; died in infancy. Child; died in infancy. Child; died in infancy.

Nancy I., bora Jane 24, 1897; died November 13, 1900. Samuel Oscar, born November 28, 1899.



• 8 r lB C Greenle. f Jame. Greenle* • ""'" , »*»•*«*«*»*« WILLIAM MERCHANT"""'* GREENLEE J J? . J 1 ^ Catherine Rouah \ Deborah Carroll * ' Edward Greenlee Edward Greenlee I Anna Henry I

son of Morris Clark Greenlee and Catharine Roush, was born January 28 or 24, 1848 at Letart Falls, Meigs Co., Ohio; married in 1872 at Middleport, Meigs Co., Ohio, IDOL BEALE, born in 1856 at Hockingport, Athens Co., Ohio, died August 1885, daughter of Richard Beale of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; married second June 22, 1887 at Brownsville, Pennsylvania, MARY B. JACKSON, daughter of Dr. Isaac Jackson and Jane Campbell.

One son:

243. I. Isaac Jackson, born April 18, 1888.

WILLIAM MERCHANT GREENLEE went with his father and learned to be a pilot and has followed the river ever since. He is a pilot and master of steamboats on the Ohio, Kanawha and Monongahela rivers, and makes hi« home in Pittsburg.


« • V/ABBAPIUltftnARRANTlRA OiriijnSMTTTT 5 f Elliabetb G. Van Bibber Rachael Greenlee* Edward Greenlee j SmlUl Jesse Van Bibber Anna Henry ' Edward Greenlee 1 Bibber married daughter of Elizabeth Greenlee Van and Smith ; dead ; MYRTILLOE E. HART, a farmer. Resided in Virginia, Missouri and Iowa.


244. I. Joseph Smith Hart, born October, 1838; married in 1851, Lovisa Cook. M. 245. II. Nathan Greenlee Hart, born December 25, 1840 ; married Emilie Miller.+ 246. III. Nehemiah Ambrose Hart, born, 1842; married Permelia Cox. 247. IV. Henry Clay Hart, born, 1845; married Anna Forest.


CHARLES OSCAR GREENLEE" { &$,£ fi^St". is'tner'n. SEES'

* ' Robert Greenlee * Edward Greenlee Edward Greenlee 1 Margaret Aylshlre Anna Henry / son of Levi Thompson Greenlee and Sophia McCowan Everett, was born Jan- uary 18 or 28, 1872 at Corydon, Wayne Co., Iowa; married May 3, 1896 at Clarinda, Page Co., Iowa. BESSIE GERTRUDE McCUTCHAN, born July 20, 1872 at Mountayr, Ringgold Co., Iowa, daughter of E. G. McCutchan. He is in the Insurance business; a Republican; Presbyterian; resides at Greenville, Mis- sissippi. 220 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.


248. I. Howard Everett, born February 7, 1897; died March 30, 1897. 249. H. Edward Barrington, born September 21, 1898; died May 13, 1899.


4 Greenlee* Greenlee « Greenlee • EVA~ » +*. «•«NEWMAN.. ~.^>_n /Bachel Sylreater Robert ^ David H. Newman Eatber H. Barnett Margaret Ajlshlra Greenlee * > Edward Edward Greenlee { Anna Henry /

daughter of Rachel Greenlee and David Henry Newman, was born October 28, 1875 at Cambria, Wayne Co., Iowa ; married May 24, 1899 at Hiawatha, Brown Co., Kansas, IRA. E. HILLYER, born August 16, 1877 at Sterling, Dlinois, son of John M. Hillyer and Eliza Jane Freeland. He is a farmer; Democrat; Methodist resides at ; Reserve, Kansas.


a8K dn, S tn ' Elizabeth g van Bibber • NATHAN GREENLEE HART* /r. ^ =. 2" —^^—— i Myrtilloe IS. Hart Smltn » » Rachel Greenlee* Edward Greenlee Edward Greenlee 1 Jesse Van Bibber Anna Henry J

son of Cassandra Smith and Myrtilloe E. Hart, was born December 25, 1840 at Missouri married 1868 at Liberty, Clay Co., ; February 23, Cambria, Wayne Co., Iowa, EMILIE M. MILLER, born May 28, 1843 at Washington, Fayette Co., Ohio, daughter of Hiram Miller and Nancy Fancher.


250. I. Olive Blanche Hart, born November 23, 1868; married July 10, 1895, O. L. Frame. 251. n. Hiram born 1870 Myrtilloe Hart, May 8, ; married March 30, 1892, Emma Keller. 252. HL Cassandra Maud born June 1873 Hart, 29, ; married June 20, 1896, J. C. Boyce.

NATHAN GREENLEE HART lived near Liberty, Clay County, Missouri until 1850, when he moved with his parents to Wayne County, Iowa and settled on government lands six miles north of Corydon, where he remained until the death of his father. The next few years he worked during the summer and fall, and in winter attended district school, and thus acquired a fair education. In the spring of 1862 he made a trip to Oregon, driving an ox team. For the next five years he followed teaming, and in 1867 returned to Iowa and purchased land near Cambria, Wayne Couty. Farming and stock raising has been his occu- pation ever since, and he is now located one and one-half miles west of Hume- ston, Iowa. In politics he is a Democrat. 2. 222 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

the home of John Lewis, and then piloted Borden to what has since been known as "Borden's Grant," covering much of Augusta and Rockbridge counties. In consideration of a liberal share of the claim, the McDowells and James Greenlee then undertook to assist in carrying out Borden's contract for him, and before the close of the year moved their own families to the grant, where they per- manently settled, being the first white settlers in that part of the valley. Other settlers were induced to come from Pennsylvania to Borden's tract, among whom were many relatives of the McDowells. The country filled up rapidly. Good houses, schools and churches were built, roadways were constructed and bridges built. Settlers extended themselves over an immense tract of land beyond the limited range of Borden's tract, wherever the country promised unusual advantages of soil, or near the James River and its tributaries. Game abounded and the rivers were full of fish. The country was beautiful, climate pleasant and all localities healthy. Constant intercouse was kept up with the old colonies of Maryland and Pennsylvania, and the capital of Virginia, Williamsburg.

MART E. McDOWELL was a true Scotch woman, though born in the North of Ireland. She emigrated to America with her father, brothers John and James, and sister Margaretta who married Mr. Mitchel in Pennsylvania and settled in South Carolina. Soon after her marriage to James Greenlee the memorable journey was made from Carlisle, Pennsylvania to Virginia. She was brave, loved adventure and was undismayed by the thought of Indians or wild animals with which the country was then infested. In the summer of 1757 James Greenlee left his wife with a young family around her and went to Perm- - sylvania on a business trip. He was taken suddenly ill and died there at the home of Mr. Femme. or Fane. After the death of her husband she brought up her children under the watchful eye of her father, until he died. She then re- moved from Timber Ridge in the lower part of Rockbridge County to James River. James Greenlee had owned immense tracts of land on James River and in North Carolina. She increased her fortune rapidly and was able to set up her sons and daughters handsomely in life when they married, retaining a handsome estate for herself.

She was remarkably handsome in youth and retained her activity, veracity and great wit to the last days of her life. The stories that are told of her son Samuel's wit and recklessness are remarkable. The "witch story" may be traced to his love of the marvellous almost entirely. Mrs. Greenlee told the stories first herself, and once in the hands of her reckless son. from his very boyhood days, they were scattered over the land with many additions. For instance, he told a party of Methodist ministers that his mother had been tried and condemned to be burnt as a "witch," and that she was tied to a stake and wood and straw piled around her, when lo ! she disappeared and a black cat was found in her place. The ministers stared and Samuel ran to his mother and told her how he had frightened off a party of "long faces" and "black coats" who were on their way to be entertained at her house.' The mother only laughed at the reckless boy and said "My son. O. my son ! do you not know that it is a sin to tell a lie*" Mrs. Greenlee told the story of her father having been called a wizard by the ignorant and superstitious, by reason of his strength of JAMES OF VIRGINIA. 223

intellect and great physical endurance, and finally his extreme old age. When she was getting along in years, she concluded she needed glasses and accordingly procured a pair and thought that it improved her sight. The mischievous Samuel took the glasses out of the frame, had his mother put them on, then asked her if she could see better. "Yes," she said, "as well as ever." "Mother!" he cried, "there are no glasses in the frame." "You bad boy" she said, and throwing them aside did not use them for years. She charitable, hospitable and remarkably kind to and considerate of her slaves, whom she held in large numbers. She taught them to read and, in many instances, to write. She lived on James River and in the later years of her life her negro men were famous boatmen from a point on the river called the "Boatyard" to Lynchburg, thence to Richmond. They were proverbial for honesty and uprightness in every sense of the word. They were trusted with valuable cargoes for which they received the money and delivered it to the owners of said cargoes without trouble or question on the part of any who trusted cargoes with them. She lived to be very old, giving to the last an active supervision to business, in which she was thrifty and prosperous, and riding all over the country side on horseback. Her strength of mind rivalled her physical endurance. Long after the early settlers of her generation had passed away, and litigations arose among their descendants over lands claimed, she would ride miles on horseback to appear as a witness to settle the claims. Such was her knowledge of the early settlers and the land they settled on, and such was the accuracy of her memory, that her testimony invariably decided the ease in favor of the rightful owner. She was the first white woman who settled on Borden's Grant.

[From History of Augusta County, Virginia, by J. L. Peyton]

In the Burden case, Mrs. Greenlee underwent, in 1806, a long examination, testing her temper and memory. In the midst of her examination the question was put to her, "How old are you?" She tartly replied, "Ninety-five the 17th of this instant: and why do you ask me my age? Do you think I am in my dotage?" Her deposition which follows, cannot fail to be read with interest. It casts some light upon her early days, supplies valuable information as to the early settlers, their manners and customs, and has not inaptly been styled the corner-stone of our history.


Taken November 10, 1806, in the Suit of Joseph Burden, Plaintiff, vs. Alex.

Cueton and Others, Defendants.

Mrs. Greenlee, being sworn, deposeth and saith : That she, with her husband, James Greenlee, settled on Burden's large grant, • • • as near as she could recollect, in the fall of the year 1737. That shortly before her settlement on said grant, she, together with her husband, her father, Ephraim McDowell, then a very aged man, and her brother John McDowell, were on their way to Beverly Manor, and were advanced as far as Lewis's Creek, intending to stop at South River, having, at that time, never heard of 224 GREENLEE GENEALOQY.

Burden 's tract. That she remembers of her brother, James, having, the spring before, gone into said Manor and raised a crop of corn on South River, about Turks, near what she called Wood's Gap. That about the time they were strik- ing up their camp in the evening, Benj. Burden, the elder, came to their camp and proposed staying all night. In the course of conversation, said Burden informed them that he had about 10,000 acres of land on the waters of the James

River, or the forks, if he could ever find it, and proposed giving 1,000 acres to any one who would conduct him to it. When a light was made he produced two papers, and satisfied the Company of his rights. The deponent's brother, John McDowell, then informed him, said Burden, that he would conduct him to the said his forks of James River for 1,000 acres ; showed Burden surveying instru- ments, etc., and finally it was agreed that said McDowell should conduct him to the grant, and she thinks a memorandum of the house of John Lewis, in Beverly Manor, near where Staunton now stands, who was a relation of Deponent's father. They remained with him a few days, and there, she understood, further writings were entered into, and it was finally agreed that they should all settle in Burden's tract. That said John McDowell was to have 1,000 acres for con- ducting them there, agreeable to the writing entered into, and that the settlers were, moreover, to have 100 acres for very cabin they should build, even if they built forty cabins, and that they might purchase any quantity adjoining at fifty shillings per hundred acres. The deponent understood that said Burden was in- terested in these cabin rights, as they were called, for that any cabin saved him 1,000 acres of land. These cabin rights were afterward counted, as deponent understood, and an account returned to the government, then held at Williams- burg, and she has heard, about that time, many tests of the manner in which one person, by going from cabin to cabin, was counted, and stood for several settlements.

She recollects, particularly, of hearing of a serving girl of one James Bell, named Millholen, who dressed herself in men's clothes and saved several cabin rights, perhaps five or six, calling herself Millhollen, but varying the Christian name. These conversations were current in that day. She knows nothing of the fact but from information. She understood that it was immaterial where the cabins were built that were to entitle the builder to 100 acres as ; they aforesaid,

whenever he chose to lay it off, and that he had a right to purchase, at 50 shillings as aforesaid, any larger quantity. One John Patterson was employed to count cabin rights, as she understood. He was accustomed to mark the letters on his hat with chalk as she had been informed, and afterwards deliver the account to her brother, John McDowell, and remembers to have heard that her brother had expressed his surprise at so many people by the name of Millhollen being settled on the land, but which was afterwards explained by the circum- stance of the servant girl above mentioned, and was a subject of general mirth in the settlement. She does not know whether this plan of saving several cabin rights by one person appearing at different cabins, was suggested by Burden, the elder, or not. She understood that every person saving a cabin right got 160 acres for each right so saved, as he, Burden, was to have a cabin for every 1,000 acres. When the party with which she traveled, as aforesaid, came, as they supposed, into the grant, they stopped at a spring, near where David Steele now lives, and struck their camp, her brother and said Burden having gone JAMES OP VIRGINIA 225

down said branch until they were satisfied it was one of the waters of the James River. The balance of the party remained at that spring until her brother John and Burden, as she understood, went down to the forks formed by the waters of the South and North Rivers, and having taken a course through the country, returned to said camp. They then went on to the place called the Red House, where her brother John built a cabin and settled where James McDowell now lives. The first cabin her husband built was by a spring, near where Andrew

Scott now lives, but when deponent went to see it, she did not like the situation, and they then built and settled at the place called Browns. They sold this after some short time, and purchased the land on which her brother, James, had made an improvement, now called Templetons, and where she resided until about the year 1780, being within sight of her father, .then near a hundred years of age, resided. This was the first party of white people that ever settled on the said grant. The said Burden, the elder, remained on the grant from that time, as well as she can recollect for perhaps two years and more, obtaining settlers, and she believes there were more than a hundred settlers before he left them. She believes he was in the grant the whole time from his first coming up until he left it before his death, but how long before his death he left it, she does not know. He resided sometime with a Mrs. Hunter, whose daughter afterwards married a Greene, and to whom, she understood, he gave the tract whereon they lived. When the said Burden left the grant, she understood he left his papers with John McDowell, to whose house a great many people resorted, as she understood, to see about lands, but what authority her brother had to selL or whether he made sales or not, she does not know. Her brother, John, was killed about Xmas before her son, Samuel, her first son of that name was born. He was born, as appears by the register of his birth in the Bible, about April, 1743. The date of this register is partly obliterated, in the last figure, but from the date of the birth of the preceeding and subsequent child it must have been, as she believes, in 1743, that said Samuel was born. Young Benjamin Burden came into the grant before her brother's death. She recollects this from the circ*mstance of his being then in ordinary plight, and such that he did not seem much respected by her brother's wife, and when she afterwards married him she could not but reflect on the change of circum- stances. She understood that he was altogether illiterate. She said, Benjamin, junior, lived with her brother John, whilst in the grant, but returned to his father '8 before the death of said John, and after his father's death returned, fully empowered by his father's will to complete titles and sell lands, and then married the widow of her said brother, and continued to live at the place where her said brother settled as aforesaid, until his death. This place, now called the Red Place, is about three quarters of a mile from Templeton's, where the deponent resided as above. Joseph Burden (a son of old Ben. Burden, the grantee), had resided at his brother, Benjamin's, some years before his, (Benjamin's) death; had gone to at time of her school and was here at his death ; had the small pox about the brother's death, and some time after (deponent does not recollect precisely, but believes it was not long) he went away, not being very well liked, as she under- stood and not made very welcome; was then but a lad of about 18 or 19, as well as she can recollect from his appearance. This deponent recollects that John 16 226 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

Hart, who had removed to Beverly Manor some short time before the removal of this deponent and her friend, as above stated, but she cannot say whether or not she he surveyed for the said Benjamin ; understood he was a surveyor. The people who first settled and purchased did not always have their lands of as she surveyed at the time purchase ; understood, some had their lands sur- veyed and some had not, but when it was not surveyed they described it by general boundaries. Beatty was the first surveyor that she knows who sur- veyed in the grant. The said Burden had been at Williamsburg, and some one, perhaps the Governor's son-in-law, by name Needier, and his other partners, had in a frolic given him their interest in said grant. She understood that there were four of them, the Governor, Gooch, his said son-in-law, and two others whose names she does not recollect, who were interested in the order of Council for said land, and that Burden got it from them as above; this was his infor- mation. She well recollects that her brother, John, assisted one Wood to make

the survey of said large grant after they removed to it, as aforesaid, it being at the time of their removal, as aforesaid, held by the order of Council, as she understood. The said Woods and her brother made the survey she believes, after the cabin rights were taken in, as above stated. Many people came up, and many cabins and settlements were made immediately after their selling on the tract, as aforesaid.

Being interrogated as to the value of the lands remaining unsold by Ben. Burden, she stated that one Harden, who, she understood, was an executor, and who was in this country after the death of young Ben. Burden (which occurred from small-pox in 1753), and after John Bowyer had married the widow, and. who, she understood, was settling Burden's business—but she does not know by what authority—she recollects that said Burden offered to her brother, James, the unsold land for a bottle of wine, if he would clear him of the quit rents. She also recollects that her brother consulted with her father about the

proposition, who advised him to have nothing to do with it, for it would prob- ably run him into fail. This she thinks was shortly after Bowyer's marriage. She does not know whether Ben. Burden, Jr., was distressed on account of the quit rents or not, but recollects that shortly before his death, CoL Patton was at her house a of said ; horse Burden broke out and came there, which said Patten wished to have caught, that he might take him for some claim against Burden, but she did not hear what. She had, however, said horse sent home, fearing that, as there had been some misunderstanding between deponent's husband and said Burden about this land, he might think they had aided in said seizure. The deponent further states that her husband purchased 1,000 acres of land of old Burden, at an early day for fifty shillings per hundred, which she understood he had located on the Turkey Hill, as it was called. After the death of old Burden, his son, Benjamin, disputed giving a deed for the whole quantity there, alleging it was all valuable land, and afterwards for the sake of peace, it was agreed that a part should be taken there, a part adjoining Robert Cutton, which was sold to one Buchanan, and a part near John Davidson. This arrangement was made at the time Harden was present, as aforesaid, who seemed willing to give the land, and advised his deponent, whose husband was then abroad, to agree to take it at those places, which she did. All the land purchased by her husband was purchased from old Burden; indeed, he had purchased this 1,000 JAMES OF VIRGINIA. 227

acres before they came to the tract; at Lewis', as before stated, provided he

liked the land when he saw it, which he did. The deponent being asked what she knew of the persons named in a muti- lated paper purporting to be an account of entries and sales, beginning at "No. 1—McDowell, Jno., to No. 22—Moore, Andrew," on the first side, where the paper appears to be torn off; beginning on the other side at "No. 42—Martin, Robert, and ending at No. 62, at Brown, Robt.," and whether those persons were settled in the grant at an early day or owned lands in itt Answered—That she knew a number of persons therein named, many of them lived in Beverly Manor, and others in the calf pasture and elsewhere, but she did not know many of them to have lands in Burden's tract. The Mc- Dowells and her husband she had before spoken of. She also knew John Moore

who settled at an early date where Chas. Campbell now lives ; Andrew Moore who settled where his grandson, Wm. Moore now lives. Wm. McCausland also lived in the grant, as did Wm. Sawyers and Robert Campbell, Sam'l Woods, John Mathews, Richard Woods, John Hays, Chas. Hays, his son, Sam'l Walker, etc. all of whom settled in the grant at an early day. The deponent being interrogated if she knew Alex. Miller, and if he was an early settler t

Answered—that she did not know said Miller. He was the first blacksmith that settled on the tract. She recollects of his shoeing old Burden's horse, and she understood he purchased land of said Burden. He lived on land adjoining one John McCroskey's land, who also purchased his land from old Burden. He also joined the plantation now Stewart's mill place, as she believes, whereon one Taylor, who, she believes, married Elizabeth Paxton, formerly lived. She recollects being at the burial of said Taylor, who was killed by the falling of a tree not long after his marriage. Said Miller's land, she understood, has been in possession of people by the name of Teeford since the said Miller removed. The deponent recollects one McMullen, who resided some distance above the place where Robt. Stewart's mill now stands, but up the same branch and near a spring. Said McMullen was living on said land and had a daughter married there when this deponent's daughter, Mary, was a sucking babe. She recollects this from having gone to the wedding when a daughter of said McMullen was married and having left her child at home. Her daughter, Mary, was born, as appears from the register of her birth, in May, 1745. Humphrey's cabins, as they were called, were over the hill, at another spring not far from where said McMullen lived. She knows not from whom McMullen purchased, but rather thinks her brother, James McDowell, gave him a piece of land there for teaching school. There was no mill where Stewart's mill now is in the lifetime of Ben. Burden, Jr. John Hay's mill was the first mill in the grant, and built very early after the settlement.

The deponent says the people paid no quit rents for two years from the time the grant was first settled. She understood this exemption was granted by the Governor at the instance of one Anderson, a preacher. When they had to pay quit rents, they raised money by sending butter to New Castle, to Williams- burg, and other markets below, and got also in return their salt, iron, etc. Being asked whether Joseph Burden was frequently in this country after the death of young Ben. Burden, she answered that he was frequently in this 228 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

country some time after the death of said Benjamin. He called at her house inquiring for a horse, and she thought she knew his name, and afterwards heard that he lodged in the neighborhood at one William Campbell's. She saw him again at her house about twelve or fifteen years ago. He made some inquiries of her about her husband 's estate or something of that kind. She does not recol- lect the particulars, but she had very little conversation with him. She also heard of his being through the country some time before this, but does not recollect how long, nor did she see him. Question by the defendant's agent—Did not many persons, from time to time, in the lifetime of old Burden, settle in the grant, under the expectation of getting the lands at their usual price, and without first contradicting with said Burden t Answer—I believe they did. I think many settled before they had an oppor- tunity of seeing Burden, and Burden would frequently direct them to deponent*! husband, to show them the land, as they said. Do you not believe that the first deeds were made for cabin rightst Answer—I suppose the cabin right, with such land as the settler purchased, would be deeded together, and perhaps these were the first made. Did Ben. Burden, Jr., appear, when he first entered on the affairs of the estate, to be disposed to do justice to the devisees! Answer—I thought he did. He appeared to be a good man. She understood he was heir-at-law and did not hear of the sister's claims, except to five thous- and acres, which she understood had been assigned to them on Catawba, where the land was good. Did he ever leave his country and go to Jersey, after he came up and got married t Answer—No, I believe he did not. I am pretty confident he did not. Did you know of Archibald Alexander and Magdalen Bowyer selling lands T Answer—I did not know they were executors, and had a right to selL I understood John Bowyer sold a great deal and gave away a great deaL Alex- ander was as respectable a man as any I knew. Bowyer, she understood, claim that Ben. Burden claimed, though she had no conversation with him about this claim. Being asked whether Alexander paid Burden any money on account of the estate T Answered—She never heard that he had, and from her intimacy with the wife of said Bowyer, she believes she would have heard of it, had it taken place. Question by same—When Burden produced his right to the land, as you have stated, were you not satisfied, and did not the Company appear satisfied that the right was completely— in himf Answer Yes, the papers appeared perfectly satisfactory. Did you not understand that your brother, James McDowell, built a cabin and the land where Thos. above purchased— Taylor, mentioned residesf Answer My brother, James, purchased a considerable tract, perhaps four or five hundred acres, either at or where Stewart's mill now stands. It run, as she understood, on a large hill, but whether in one or two tracts she does not know. This tract, she understood, he sold to some person, but does not know who to. She does not know whether he had it surveyed or not, but suppose it was merely JAMES OF VIRGINIA 229

designated by general boundaries. She thinks if she was on the land, she could point out the tree whereon his name was cut, if it is yet standing. It stood near a deep hole in the creek. Knows not how he acquired and saved a cabin right, but never saw the cabin, nor does she know where it stood, but the land was called his very shortly after they went to the grant, and in the lifetime of old Burden. Sworn before us, 10th November, 1806. JOSEPH WALKER, J. GRIBSBY

JOHN .GREENLEE,* son of James Greenlee and Mary E. McDowell, was in died born October^(T783; Rockbridge Co., Virginia ; near Morganton, North Carolina, at the home of his brother James; married in 1767 or 1768 at the "old house" on Cedar Creek, above Natural Bridge, HANNAH McCLANAHAN who was born at Salem, Roanoke Co., Virginia, died in Abbeville, South Carolina and was buried there, daughter of Colonel Elijah McClanahan and Ann Ewing.


10. James, born January 29, 1769; married Mary Paxton.-j-

Elijah, born in 1772; married ; died at his residence in Millidgeville, Georgia, leaving no children. He was a surgeon in the United States army in the war of 1812. John, born January 25, 1774; died unmarried in Kentucky.

Mary, born September 12, 1776; married John Mitchell Greenlee. -}- William, born July 17, 1779; drowned when a child in James River at Greenlee's Ferry. David, born February 12, 1782; married Hannah Ingram Grigsby.-f- Samuel, born September 17, 1785; died unmarried April 23, 1823 at his estate "White Bluff" in Georgia. He was a physician of high standing.

JOHN GREENLEE was the first white child born on Borden's Grant, and from early youth received all the advantages of education to be had in the early days, including a classical school taught by Robert Alexander. After his marriage he resided at "Clover Hill" one of the handsome estates which he had inherited from his father, and upon which he continued to reside for many years. The deed or grant of this estate was signed by King George and the land had never been transferred until the sale of the farm for division among the heirs of his son James. He was the high sheriff of Rockbridge Comity under the Colonial government in the reign of King George III, and had to ride one hundred and eighty miles to Richmond, Virginia to make his report and pay the taxes he had collected. He espoused the cause of the Colonies and aided in establishing the new government.

HANNAH McCLANAHAN, when a little girl, escaped during an Indian massacre, in which her father's family were the victims. She hid under a foot 230 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

several times log across a creek nearby which the savages passed and repassed looking for her. When they were very old she and her husband undertook a visit on horse- back to one of their sons who lived in southern Georgia. On their return she took sick and died. He pursued his lonely way toward home, but when in North Carolina he too sickened and died.


JAMES GREENLEE, 2 son of James Greenlee and Mary E. McDowell, wa» died November 1813 born October 19, 1740 in Rockbridge County, Virginia ; 8, North married June [Bible Records] at Morganton, Burke Co., Carolina; 10, 1770 at the ten-mile house, a tavern ten miles north of Charleston, South Caro- born at South lina, MARY MITCHELL, a cousin, who was Charleston, Carolina, in North Carolina son David W. was six died July ( T) 1787 Burke Co., (when McDowell days old), daughter of James Mitchell and Margaret [See Appendix married second WIDOW RUTH HOWARD [Bible who died Janu- B.] ; Record] ary 22, 1812 [Bible Record].

all near : CHILDREN ; born Morganton

1771 married Poleet married 17. I. James M., born March 29, ; Mary ( T) ; second Sarah (Hunter) Hoard. Lived in Buncombe Co., North Carolina. No children. 1773 died the same 18. Daughter, born September 11, ; day. John Mitchell, born June 25 or 23, 1775; married Mary E. Greenlee.-)- Margaret, born January 14, 1778. 1779 died William M., born May 19, ; young. 1782 married Minerva Keziah Sackett.-f- Samuel, born January 26, ; Ephraim M., born February 22, 1784; married Sarah Carr Howard; married second Sarah Hollinsworth Brown.+ 24. VIII. David Washington, born January 28, 1787; married Mary Howard Mclntire.-}-

JAMES GREENLEE came to Surrey County, North Carolina from Virginia, before the Revolutionary war. He bought a fine farm on the Dan River but sold best lands it again and went to Morganton, Burke County. He owned all the about Morganton. His possessions are now divided into more than half a dozen fine farms. Besides this he owned lands in Yancey, Mitchell and Ruther- ford counties, and two fine farms in Turkey Cove; also land on the Catawba River where his son David Washington settled, is now divided into five good farms. He also owned fine lands near Memphis, Tennessee. He was a cattle raiser and the Catawba bottoms were green with cane and the hollows were knee-deep in wild pea vines. He drove his fat cattle to Philadelphia and to Charleston, South Carolina, for sale. He owned a great many slaves. While he was absent from home during the Revolutionary war the tories robbed him of stock and grain, and took off a female servant, which was all the help Mrs. JAMES OF VIRGINIA. 231

Greenlee had on the place. While he was in camp, the Tories killed his stock, wasted his grain, and feasted on beef, mutton and honey. They heard that Colonel Campbell was coming and hurried off uncermoniously. The servant was secreted by a kind neighbor while the Tories were travelling several miles away, and was sent back. James Greenlee was a business man, public and private. He said he could never write a deed to convey land from him, but could write one to himself. He never sold land, but bought all the good land that he could. He settled his six sons on good farms, all of them within a day's ride from home. His six sons settled their own matters without any lawsuits. He was Land Inspector in

North Carolina and Tennessee ; member of North Carolina Convention in 1788. in In politics, he was a Whig ; religion, Presbyterian.


2 GRACE (or GRIZEL) GREENLEE, daughter of James Greenlee and Mary E. McDowell, was born June 23, 1750 in Rockbridge Co., Virginia; died in North Carolina; married GENERAL JOHN BOWMAN, who fell at the battle of Ransom's Mill, June 20, 1780; married second GENERAL CHARLES Mc- DOWELL, a cousin, who was born in 1743, died March 31, 1815, son of John McDowell and Margaret O'Neal who was the widow of Greenlee.


married William Allison Tate. -4- 25. Mary Bowman ;

Charles McDowell; married Annie McDowell. -|- A. married Ann Goodson. Athan McDowell ;

James R. McDowell ; died unmarried at the old homestead. Sarah McDowell; married Colonel William Paxton. Eliza Grace McDowell; married Stanhope Erwin. married William. Margaret McDowell ; Colonel

Sallie McDowell ; married Christian.

GRACE GREENLEE was distinguished among the "women of the Revolu- tion." She was a woman of remarkable energy and character.

GENERAL CHARLES McDOWELL, at the beginning of our Revolutionary troubles, was commander of an extensive district in this section of the country. He and his brother, General Joseph McDowell, were called the "heroes of Kings Mountain." Both distinguished themsleves in times that tried men's souls. They were residents of Burke County and rendered important service to their country. Their father settled in Virginia, where Winchester now stands, but removed to Burke County, North Carolina about the time of their birth. In June, 1780 Colonel, afterward General, Charles McDowell was joined by

L. Shelby, John Lewis ( 1) of Tennessee and Colonel Clark of Georgia. This the beginning of the fight of Kings Mountain, which memorable spot is on the border of North and South Carolina, Cleveland County. It extends from east to west and its summit is five hundred yards long and fifty wide. On this summit 232 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

Fer&uson was posted, Major Joseph McDowell, Colonel Lewis and Major "Winston formed the right wing, Campbell and Shelby the centre, and Colonel Cleveland and Colonel Williams on the left The officers were all of equal rank, but as they were in Charles McDowell's district he was entitled to command- He was a. brave and patriotic man and a good soldier. He was a member of the Senate and State Legislature, 1786-1788; Senator from Bnrke, 1782-88; also in 1778; Member of the House, 1809, 1810, 181L

DAVID GEEENLEE, 2 son of James Greenlee and Mary E. McDowell, wu in died born November 1, 1752 Rockbridge Co., Virginia ; December 5, 1820 near and was buried on his married Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Virginia farm ; October 11, 1781 JANE WHITE who died August 1, 1800 in Rockbridge Co., of White and Jane married Virginia, daughter ; second HUNTER, a widow with daughter Sarah who married first Hoard, sec- ond, James M. Greenlee. Resided in Rockbridge Co., Virginia, two miles from Natural Bridge and fourteen miles from Lexington.


33. 1782 L James, born October 10, ; married Sarah Caskie.-f- 34. IL born 1784 married William Mary, February 29, ; Bailey. + 35. nL born 1786 died unmarried in John, May 8, ; March 8, 1817 Garrett Co., Kentucky. 36. IV. born December 1787 died unmarried Margaret, 19, ; January 3, 1809 in Rockbridge Co., Virginia. 37. Grace, born November 16, 1789; married John Caskey.-)- Jane, born April 4, 1792; married Thomas Caskey.-)- David, born April 22, 1794; married Sarah Hays; married second Mary (Purnell) HalL+ 40. VHI. Ephraim, born August 6, 1796; married Malinda Beckleheimer.-f-


3 John Greenlee' James » ) JAMES GREENLEEv"ftnJ31"UJn J Greenlee , Hannah McClanaban Marj E. McDowell J 6on of John Greenlee and Hannah McClanahan, was born January 27, 1768 or 1769 in Rockbridge Co., Virginia ; drowned April 20, 1840 in James River at Greenlee's Ferry, Rockbridge Co., Virginia and buried in Falling Springs Church cemetery; married January, 1812 in Rockbridge Co., Virginia, MARY PAXTON who was born about 1790 or 1791 in Rockbridge Co., Virginia, died July 12, 1859 aged 69 years, at Greenlees Ferry, buried in Falling Springs Church cemetery, daughter of William Paxton and Mary Jane Grigsby.


41. L Hannah McClanahan, born December 14, 1812; married James Dor- man Davidson.-)- 45. 234' GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

1828 died unmarried in Arkansas. 53. VI. Elisha Grigsby, born January 11, ;

. He was a physician. 54. VII. David Robert Barton, born December 8, 1829; married Mary Amanda (Boone) Gifford.-|- 55. VIII. Henrietta Jane Lewis, born May 18, 1832; married Horace B. died at Burnley ; Charlottesville, Virginia. 56. IX. James Samuel, born May 30, 1834; married Sarah Elizabeth Har- M. lan ; married second Louisa Marshall. -|-

57. X. Virginia C., born July 19, 1836; married James C. Walton; died in 1880 at Lynchburg, Virginia. 58. XI. born 1839 died in 1884 at Josepha, May 16, ; Lexington, Virginia. 59. XII. William Woodville, born December 7, 1841; married Mrs. Pannell; lives at Webb City, Missouri. 60. XIII. John Marshall, born November 11, 1845; unmarried (1875) and was living in Kansas.

DAVID GREENLEE had little opportunity for gaining an education; yet through the use of his library and periodicals he was unusually well posted in history, geography, science and current events. He was noted /or his familarity with the sacred scriptures, being a veritable walking concordance. He was a Presbyterian; in politics, a Whig; resided at Clover Hill farm, Rockbridge County, Virginia.

HANNAH GRIGSBY GREENLEE had just finished her education at Ann Smith Academy, Lexington, Virginia, when she was married. She knew little or nothing about household duties but applied herself with such energy thereto that she was soon mistress of every detail, and was a reference for all her neighbors. The sons inherited her love of adventure.

ELISHA GRIGSBY GREENLEE, soon after he left home, joined a filibuster- ing expedition under Lopez, and went to Cuba to accomplish what the United States has recently done. He escaped to Tampa, Florida, on a little steamer, closely chased by a Spanish man-of-war. He had lost all his wardrobe. He worked his way by driving a wood wagon, then as a hand on the railroad, then as conductor, and in this way made enough money to get back to Rockbridge. After this he took a college and medical course, followed his profession a while, then merchandised in Lynchburg, Virginia. Then he went on board the Viseal to London, his mother thinking him in Lynchburg till she got a letter from him dated London. When the Rebellion broke out all of the boys hastened to the front. He joined the Second Kentucky regiment as surgeon, the other four joined the First Virginia Cavalry under Colonel J. E. B. Stuart. There was not a raid, however dangerous, nor a battle in which Stuart's cavalry was in which engaged, most of them did not participate. Elisha was captured at Fort Donaldson, and for two years was a prisoner at Fort Douglas, when he was After exchanged. the war he went to Mississippi. He was of bright and cheerful disposition and had fine conversational powers. WILLIAM WOODVILLE GREENLEE was captured in Virginia, by a



Pennsylvania regiment in which there were four Greenlees. He was confined in Fort Delaware until the close of the war.

HENRIETTA JANE LEWIS (GREENLEE) BURNLEY was a native of Rockbridge County. She was possessed of excellent sense and uncommon reso- lution and self-reliance, very decided convictions of religious truth, positive and uncompromising opposition to all that was unseemly in its professors, and to the utmost of her opportunity and means liberal in her contributions toward the propagation of the truth as it is in Christ. Her married life was a happy one. She and her husband lived in singular unity of counsel and harmony of action for thirty-eight years until his death about six month previous to hen. It can truthfully be said that but few have lived in Albermarle County for better purpose, or have left more wholesome impress for good than this couple.


* am

son of James Greenlee and Mary Mitchell, was born June 23, or 25, 1775 at Morganton, Burke Co., North Carolina; died November 20, 1842 at Turkey

Cove, McDowell Co., North Carolina ; married September 4, 1810 near Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Virginia, MARY E. GREENLEE [No. 13], born Sep, tember 12, 1776, 1777 or 1778 at Natural Bridge, Virginia, died November 14, 1840 at Turkey Cove, North Carolina, daughter of John Greenlee and Hannah McClanahan. He was a farmer. In politics, a Whig, then Democrat. He was a member of the Legislature. In religion, they were Presbyterians. Resided at Turkey Cove.


61. I. James Hervey, born August 23, 1811; married Mary Jane Greenlee; married second Frances B. Morrison.-)- 62. II. Hannah Ann Eliza, born January 26, 1815; married Samuel Flem- ming.-f-


• Jaroea Greenlee Jamea Greenlee 1 OAlSLVCiUSAT/TTrRT. UXVri£.111^E>£iORF.ENT.'RE ' J> { MarJ Mltchel , Mary t McDowell /

son of James Greenlee and Mary Mitchell, was born January 26, 1782, or Jan- uary 17, 1783, near Morganton, Burke Co., North Carolina; died May 5, 1848 at Morganton, North Carolina; married June 4, 1822 at Morganton, or Ruther- fordton, North Carolina, MINERVA KEZIAH SACKETT, born in 1804 at Sacketts Harbor, New York, died in 1849 or 1851 at Morganton, North Caro- lina, daughter of Judge Augustus Sackett and Minerva Camp, or Ealy; planter;

Democrat; Persbyterian ; resided at Morganton, North Carolina.


63. I. Mary Minerva, born June 20, 1824 or 1823; married Dr. William Lucius McRee; dead; no children. 236 GKEENLEE GENEALOGY.

1825 married Minerva 64. IL James, born March 26, ; Augusta Denison.-r- or died unmarried 65. HI, Samuel Blair, born December 31, 1827 1826 ; July 17, 1865. 66. TV, Emily Amelia, born January 11, 1829; married Christopher Hap- poldt.+ 67. V, Ephraim Edward, born November 16, 1830; married Sarah Louisa Butler. -f 68. VI. Elizabeth Sackett, born September 10, 1832; married John Augustus Dickson, a lawyer and physician; four children; son, John A. Dickson, lives at Morganton. 69. "VTL Alexander Sackett, born January, or November 11, 1834; married Elizabeth C. Glass. + 70. VEIL George Elisha, born January 12, 1837; married Jane Elizabeth McKinney.+ 1839 died 184L 71. IX. Adelia Augusta, born May 18, ; November 4,


EPHRAIM M. GREENLEE' ' j U^^ST %2?£%5&Zn } 1784 died son of James Greenlee and Mary Mitchell, was born February 22, ;

March 5, 1863; married SARAH CARR HOWARD who was born September 15, 1791 and died July 17, 1718; married second SARAH HOLLINSWORTH BROWN who died May 26, 1876.


72. I. John Howard, born September 25, 1815; married Martha Matilda Greenlee. + 73. II. Mary M., born September 24, 1817 died October 4, 1817. Note.—conflicting dates and names have been given on this family. The above items are all from bible records.


DAVID WASHINGTON GREENLEE » ' { &™u ££if« #Z?£&£u } son of James Greenlee and Mary Mitchell, was born January 28, 1787 at Morganton, Burke Co., North Carolina; died September 1, 1865 at Marion, North married at North McDowell Co., Carolina ; Oldfort, McDowell Co., Caro- line, MARY HOWARD McENTIRE, born June 14, 1795 at Oldfort, died October 20, 1880 at Greenlee, North Carolina, daughter of Thomas McEntire, or Mclntire, and Martha Hemphill.


74. I. James McEntire, born October 26, 1816; married Eliza Ann Morris; married second Harriet Rice.-}- JAMES OF VIRGINIA 237

75. 11. Thomas Young, born January 8, 1818; married Margaret Ruth

Logan, -f- 76. ILL Martha Matilda, born Jane 17, 1820; married John Howard Green- lee.+ 77. IV. Mary Jane, born July 8, 1822; married James Hervey Greenlee.-|-

DAVID WASHINGTON GREENLEE was the owner of a large plantation along the Catawba river in McDowell and adjoining counties of North Carolina, beautifully situated and beautifully kept by a troop of stalwart slaves. He came to Greenlee, North Carolina about 1814 or 1815. Though fine timbers were on every side there were few sawmills. He hauled some of the lumber for his house twenty miles. Travel at that time was by stage and private carriage, and those who lived on public roads had to keep travellers. His house always had guests coming or going. The nearest markets were Charleston and Augusta, and twice a year wagons were sent to one place or the other for supplies. It was a three weeks trip. Indians were not troublesome then though they often came through in large numbers. Wild game was in abundance—deer, bear, turkey and squirrels—and it was easy to keep supplied with fresh meat. Mr. Greenlee was a Whig; in religion, Presbyterian. He is remembered by older people through the region as presenting the best type of the generous, chivalric, court- eous, olden time southern gentleman.


• AUIAXftTATJV DUWJUanRnVVTfANS ( Grace Greenlee James Greenlee 1 tJohnBowmao Marj E. McDowell J daughter of Grace Greenlee and Captain John Bowman, was married in Burke Co., North Carolina to WILLIAM ALLISON TATE.


78. Samuel Tate; married Ann Eliza Tate; dead. Robert McDowell Tate married Sarah Butler. ; John Tate; married Mary Webster. William unmarried. Jefferson Tate ; died Louisa Tate; married Espey; had one child that lived to marry—Harriet Newell Espey, who married Zebulon Baird Vance (afterward governor of North Carolina) and left four children.

Adeline Tate ; married McGimpsy.

Eliza G. Tate ; married Sydney Erwin. Margaret Allison Tate; married William Claiborne Butler. +


CAPTAIN CHAELES McDOWELL* { g^^we,, SS^SSSUn } son of Grace Greenlee and General Charles McDowell, was born at Morganton, Burke Co., North Carolina; died October, 1859 at Quaker Meadows, near 86. JAMES OP VIRGINIA. 233


* , J avl, ,,ee ame Gl e IIAEY* ' GREENLEE*w ? yi^? {, V 5 ?^* „ \ I Jane White Mary E. McDowell /

daughter of David Greenlee and Jane White, was born February 29, 1784 near Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Virginia; died in Rockbridge Co., Virginia;

married WIIJJAM BAILEY ; resided in Rockbridge Co., Virginia.


102. L David Bailey. 103. n. William Bailey.


David Greenlee » James Greenlee • UttA^AGRACE ViiUWiniililiGREENLEE « i \ t Jane White Mary B. McDowell J

daughter of David Greenlee and Jane White, was born November 16, 1789 near Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Virginia; died February 11, or 20, 1843 in Rockbridge Co., Virginia; married November 28, 1811 in Rockbridge Co., Vir- ginia, JOHN CASKET who was born in 1798 at Lexington, Rockbridge Co., Virginia, died June 13, 1836 at Lexington, Virginia, son of James Caskey. He was a farmer; Democrat; Baptist; resided in Rockbridge Co., Virginia.


104. I. James J. Caskey, born March 18, 1817, or 1815; died unmarried about 1860.

105. II. David Greenlee Caskey, born July 3, 1821 ; married Eliza Hite.-f-

106. HI. Samuel Harvey Caskey, born May 10, 1824 ; married Lucinda Hite ; married second Nancy Butler.-f- 107. rv. Mary Jane Elizabeth Caskey, born September 23, 1829; married

George D. Glass. -f-


' • JAUiSTATJT? l»lt£.Ji«lJ.iSflWVHT PT? S» (David Greenlee James Greenlee 1 1 Jane White Mary E. McDowell J daughter of David Greenlee and Jane White, was born April 4, 1792 near Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Virginia; died in Rockbridge Co., Virginia; married THOMAS CASKEY, son of James Caskey; resided in Rockbridge Co., Virginia.




DAVID GREENLEE » ' {SMiu^ H^ucv^lu } son of David Greenlee and Jane White, was born April 22, 1794 at Lexington, Bockbridge Co., Virginia; died in 1842 at Stanford, Lincoln Co., Kentucky; married SARAH HAYS, daughter of Hays; married second in 1826 at Stanford, Kentucky, MARY (PURNELL) HALL who was born June 20, 1793, or 1787, at Snow Hill, Maryland, died December 16, 1869 at Warrensburg, Missouri, daughter of William Purnell, or Pernell, and Susan Barbee; farmer; resided in Whig ; Presbyterian ; Lincoln Co., Kentucky.


113. I. James, born in 1818; killed in the Mexican war in 1847. 114. II. Eliza Jane ; died unmarried about 1880 in Johnson Co., Missouri. By second marriage: 115. in. Daughter; died in infancy in Kentucky. 116. IV. William Purnell, born November 28, 1828; married Barbara Wilson Enlow.+ 117. V. David McDowell, born in 1832; killed during the Civil war, 1862, in Johnson Co., Missouri; was unmarried.

118. VL Mary Elizabeth, born February 8, 1834; married William Clark Blakey.+ 119. VII. John White, born September 23, 1840; married Mary Clark Divers. +


' » G I *en,ee n,e G e ee EPHRAIH GREENLEE 1 ?»"'«' McDOWELL h ff V B ?l ! .. \ l Jane W hlte Mary EX McDowell / son of David Greenlee and Jane White, was born August 6, 1796 [Bible record] at Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Virginia; died in Virginia; married MALINDA BECKLEHEIMER, born in 1808 or 1809 in Virginia, died Decern- ber 17, 1897 at Chillicothe, Livingston Co., Virginia; resided in Virginia, then removed to Kentucky. She married second Davis.


120. I. Jane ; married James Chapman.

121. II. Mary Frances, born May 6, 1828; married Cyrus Gray.-f- 122. HI. born Miller. Ephraim McDowell, June 12, 1830 ; married Malvina -f


* l ' hn G r< n HANNAH McCLANAHAN GREENLEE M iSf {&£ I g5£> £ n h ?, .'. h .„ 1 Mary mum Hannah McClanahan * James Greenlee \ Mary B. McDowell / daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Paxton, was born December 14, 1812 at Greenlees died 1889 at Ferry, Rockbridge Co., Virginia ; July 7, Lexington, 123. 242 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

zeal and Colonel of Cavalry, the duties of which office he discharged with that it was his ability, until February, 1862. Conscientiously impressed duty fall of 1861 and the winter of raised and to go to the field, he, during the 1862, which he was elected In equipped the "Letcher Light Artillery" of Captain. February, 1862, his resignation as Aide-de-Camp was reluctantly accepted by soldier life. Ilis the governor, and he entered upon his career of active battery was assigned to A. P. Hill's Division, Stonewall Jackson's Corps, and was first brought into action on Wednesday evening, the 26th of June, 1862, at Mechanicsville. This was the beginning of that great seven days' fight which culminated in Malvern Hill on the 2nd of July. From day to day he was en- gaged during that terrible conflict. It was, however, at Malvern Hill that hi» battery acted the most conspicuous part. His company was engaged at Cedar Mountain, Warrenton Springs, the second Manassas; participated in the en- suing Maryland campaign; was greatly distinguished at the capture of Harper's Ferry; under A. P. Hill was conspicuous in the contest at Boteter's Mill during the re-crossing of the Potomac; and on the 23rd of December, 1862, closed the service of that eventful year at the great battle of Fredericksburg. "With the exception of skirmishing along the lines, the Army of Northern Virginia had no serious engagement from the 23rd of December, 1862, until the 2nd of May, 1863. The campaign opened with Chancellorsville, a name deeply engraved upon the memory of the people of the Valley, and especially of the citizens of Rockbridge. On the 2nd of May the Letcher Artillery was conspicuously en- gaged. The battle was renewed on the 3rd, and victory was virtually won. The artillery was ordered to the rear to re-supply its expended ammunition, and an infantry charge was ordered to complete the rout of the enemy. Captain Davidson, under the inspiration of a soldier's pride and forgetful of personal danger, leaving his wearied company resting in the rear, returned with the infantry charge to the fighting line, nis death wound was the result.

FREDERICK DAVIDSON was educated at Washington College, and from there marched with the first contingent of troops that afterward formed the Stonewall Brigade. He fell at the first battle of Manassas.

COLONEL CHARLES ANDREW DAVIDSON was educated at the Vir- ginia Military Institute, a graduate of the class of 1860. The beginning of hostilities found him pursuing his study of law at the University of Virginia, from which place he proceeded directly to the army. This prompt action was characteristic of the man as his after-life testified. He was commissioned by Governor Letcher a Lieutenant in the regular forces of Virginia, and assigned to the First Battalion, a command famed for bravery and hard fighting. He, with his troops were in the struggle from Manassas to Appomattox. As com- mander of the Irish Batallion in the Army of Northern Virginia, he was one of the immortal band that surrendered with Lee at Appomattox. He became eminent in his profession, and a leading citizen of Lexington. He was a member of the town council, a bank director, president of the old and^^ historic Franklin Society, a literary association second to none in membership and scholarly attainments in the Commonwealth, an honored member of the Masonic a fraternity, leader in the Alumni of the Virginia Military Institute, a JAMES OF VIRGINIA. 243

foremost representative of the community in public and social hospitality and withal liberal in charity and benevolence.

WILLIAM WEAVER DAVIDSON volunteered in the Letcher Artillery when he was a mere lad. A severe attack of camp fever unfitted him for active service. At the close of the war he entered the Virginia Military Institute, but had to leave before he had completed his course, on account of ill health.


132. 136. JAMES OF VIRGINIA 245

cotton then valued at one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The Union troops camped on the premises and destroyed everything they could not carry away. The family was left in destitute circ*mstances, with nothing but the farm, and most of the fencing destroyed. Mr. Davis lived only a few years after the war. After his death the family had a difficult struggle as the children were small and could not be of much assistance for several years. In politics he was a Democrat; in religion, Presbyterian, then Methodist.


WILLIAM PAXTON GREENLEE' \%S?£S£r' gS&SgS&te • James Greenlee 1 Mary E. McDoweU / son of James Greenlee and Mary Paxton, was born May 16, 1825 near Lexing- ton, Rockbridge Co., Virginia; died October 22, 1900 aged 75 years, at Marshall,

Missouri; married November 6, 1850 at Lexington, Virginia, ELIZA HIZER FORSTER or FOSTER or Falling Spring, Virginia, who was born January 25, 1831 at New York City, died January 7, 1889 at Fayetteville, Johnson Co., Missouri, daughter of Joseph Forster and Eliza Gorson. He was a merchant and farmer; in politics, Democrat, in religion, Cumberland Presbyterian.


149. I. Mary Morgan, born August 11, 1851; married Dr. Elijah H. Miller.-f 150. James Russell, born April 14, 1853; married Jessie E. Wilkins.-)-

Clarence Forster, born December 6, 1854; married Augusta Davis Johnson.-f-

Kate Paxton, born November 6, 1856; married Francis Divers. -j- John born 1859 in Missouri unmarried. Franklin, April 15, ; William Davis, born April 5, 1861 in Missouri; unmarried. Sarah Blanche, born April 23, 1863; married James William See.-|-

WILLIAM PAXTON GREENLEE lived on the old homestead after his marriage until 1857. He then moved to Johnson County, Missouri, and located on a farm ten miles from Warrensburg, the county seat. This continued his residence until 1891, when he rented his farm and moved to Marshall, Missouri.


RACHEL FRANCES PINKNEY GREENLEE * ' \ jJEfl&gj? ' * John Greenlee James Greenlee ) Hannah McClanaban Mary C McDowell I daughter of James Greenlee and Mary Paxton, was born August 7, 1829; mar- ried January 28, 1852 PRESTON T. LINK who was born in Augusta Co., Virginia; religion. Presbyterian. 156.


.• ; * » «?** VI -

' "- V -V-



• * avld ree ° 1 ohn Greenlee I JAMES SAMUEL GBE2NLEE E 9 , ?* I f, 1 James Greenlee I Mary E. McDowell I

son of David Greenlee and Hannah Ingram Grigsby, was born May 30, 1834 near Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Virginia; died October 1, 1900 at Caldwell, Burleson Co., Texas and is buried in the Masonic cemetery at that place; mar- ried September 19, 1865 at Martinsburg, Berkely Co., West Virginia, SARAH ELIZABETH HARLAN, born February 15, 1843 near Martinsburg, West Virginia, died May 9, 1877 at Breckenridge, Stephenson Co., Texas, daughter of Jehu Harlan and Nancy ETans; married second October 16, 1879 at Trenton, Tennessee LOUISA M. MARSHALL born January 23, 1840 at Fayetteville, Lincoln Co., Tennessee, died January 2, 1900 at Alvin, Texas, daughter of Rev. M. M. Marshall.


167. I. Robert Harlan, born July 20, 1866; married Lillie Lee; married second Lillian Ansley Hobbs.-f- 168. II. Hannah MeClanahan, born December 6, 1868; married Hugh Mont- rose Craig.-r- 169. III. born March 1871 married John Nancy Belle, 4, ; McCarthy.+ 170. born 1874 married Martin Uvea IV. Mary McDowell, January 4, ; John ; at PurcelL L T. V. born 1877 died 1883. 171. David, January 5, j March 29, No children by second marriage living.

JAMES SAMUEL GREENLEE'S earliest recollection was of a fight he had with his teacher who whipped him for not studying his A B C's. He did not want to go to school, but wanted to learn a trade as his taste was for mechanics. However his mother was ambitious that the boys should become professional men, and designed James for a preacher, and her will was law. So he went to school under protest until about seventeen years of age, when he realized the error of his position and began to desire an education with a view to the minis- try. In 1858 he graduated from Washington College (now Washington Uni- versity), Lexington, Virginia. After teaching school for one year he entered the Theological Seminary at Prince Edward. In 1861, before the close of the session, he left the Seminary to enter the army, and served almost constantly until the surrender. Twiee his horse was shot from under him, and once a bul- let passed through his clothes. After the close of the war he returned to the Theological Seminary to complete his interrupted studies; but soon his depleted finances forced him to again leave the Seminary and engage in teaching, which occupation he followed in Virginia and Maryland until 1870, when he emigrated to Kansas, taking up a homestead in Marion County. In 1876 he removed to Stephens County, Texas, where he received an appointment as Deputy County Surveyor of Stephens County, which he held until October, 1S79, then removed to Trenton, Tennessee, ne afterward returned to Texas and settled in New Lebanon County. In 1SS3 he was licensed to preach by the presbytery in 248 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

Temple, Texas, and until within the last few years has been teaching and has lived near preaching in different localities in Texas. He since on a farm Alvin, Texas. In politics, he was a Whig, then Democrat.


* HEEVEY GREENLEE * ' JAMES { jg£% g^£ SS'i&SSir * J&mes Greenle# I Mary E. McDowen f son of John Mitchell Greenlee and Mary E. Greenlee, was born August 23, 1811 at Turkey Cove, Burke (now McDowell) Co., North Carolina; died May 28, married 1844 in McDowell North Caro- 1905 at Turkey Cove ; January 31, Co., lina MARY JANE GREENLEE [No. 77] who was born July 8, or 7, 1822 near Marion, McDowell Co., North Carolina, died June 7, 1857 at Turkey Cove, daughter of David Washington Greenlee and Mary McEntire; married second December 21, 1871 FRANCES B. MORRISON, born July 20, 1839 in Lincoln Co., North Carolina, daughter of Rev. William Newton Morrison and Sarah Varick Cozzens.


172. born 23 or 1845 died 1866. Mary Eliza, January 25, ; July 10, John Mitchel, born February 2, 1847; married Mary Tate.-f- Martha Ann, born Jenuary 26, or 25, 1849; died December 8, 1887. born Dec. 1850 married Ella David William, 27, ; Finley.+ James Thomas, born November, 1852; died aged one and a half years. 177. VI. born 1854 died Ephraim Addison, October, ; aged eight years. 178. VII. 1857 or 1856 died in Jane, born April 2, ; infancy.

JAMES HERVEY GREENLEE spent his youthful days on his father's farm, with the exception of the time he was in school which was very irregular. His parents had a place near Morganton, then the county seat of Burke County, where they spent a portion of their time, and then he attended schooL When his parents went to their Turkey Cove farm he was left alone with the servants in order to pursue his studies. Thus he spent many weeks with not another white person around him, but he was always carefully watched over by the servants. It was finally concluded that he was too young to be left alone, so from then on his schooling suffered many interruptions. He afterward attended Washington College at Lexington, Virginia, where he remained fifteen months, then returned to his father's farm, which he managed for a share of the pro- ducts. After two years spent in this capacity, he was given a farm by his father, but continued to make his home with his parents as long as they lived. Having been reared in a grand old southern home noted for kindness and hos- pitality, where not only friends and relatives but also strangers received a welcome, he grew up with those ideas and principles, and when he established a home of his own the latch string was always out. In 1861 Mr. Greenlee was a delegate to the state convention that took North Carolina out of the Union. While he did not approve of this act, thinking that No. 61. Ml! ANI> MRS. JAMES IIEKVEY C.HEENI.EE-



there might be a better plan, still when his state went that way he went with her and did his part to help prepare for the conflict. Of slaves and slavery ha

had the following to say : "I had over thirty slaves—all good and faithfuL I would often leave things in their charge and they took good care. Some could read and write a tolerably legible hand, and keep ordinary accounts. Some were members of the church, and I would gather them together on a Sabbath, read to them and instruct them about the future and their responsibility to their Maker. Some were impressed, others seemed unmoved. In this part of the country slaves were well treated, fed, and clothed. There was probably some rigid treatment where there were large numbers on a plantation, and where it required rigid treatment to keep all straight and in their places. I do not think emancipation has been such a boon for the colored race in this land. What would they have been in their native land—Africa? I never was a great advocate of slavery, but I believe that the question of slavery, if justice and righteousness had ruled, could have been more satisfactorily adjusted, without the loss of the thousands of precious lives and the millions of money." The following is a copy of a letter written to Mr. Greenlee while absent from home, by his chief slave:

"Turkey Cove, March 24, 1865.

Master—Sir : I will write you a few lines to let you know that we are all well at present, except George; he is complaining some since he came home. I started the wagon the 14th of this month with a load to you what I thought they could haul, but they broke down before they got to the river and then was water- bound, for several days and had to come home and started again last Monday from home and met George there. He went to Muddy Creek and came back and said that he was not well enough to take the wagon on and John went in his place, and Tag is working in John's place. I do not know what they hauled. I sent 53 pieces of bacon to Miss Sallie, weighed 900 lbs., 22 hams, 12 shoulders, 13 midlings. I reckon John and Madison took what they thought they could get along with. Last Wednesday, the 22nd, the Tories came and

paid us another visit, but as Providence would have it, they got nothing. They came at noon day. Jiff and Isaac were hauling some wood with the black mare and Jinny and I had borrowed Milford Huskins mule to haul with that day and had hauled a few loads; when they came we were loosing out to feed and they run to the stable and made Isaac take out the mare and mule and they mounted them with the gears on and took Isaac with them. Threw down the fence and went up through the new ground up Pinks Branch, but Captain Gilliam hap- pened to be at the old store with a few men when the alarm was made and they followed them and fired on them in the Tobacco patch. The Tories jumped off their horses let them and Isaac all go and cleared themselves. The same even- ing the same scamps went to Hallefield and took his mare out of the plough, then went to his father's and took his saddle and his boy's hat and went on. I did not see them at all. I was at the mill and saw the men run up from the store and I ran up to the house to see what was on foot. But the Tories were gone. They came in on the blind side of us. This time they came down the ridge to the shops. Liander and Carson were there at work at their wagon 250 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

wheels and the first thing they knew were at the shops. Elijah Wacaster was in the crowd as guide for them through the mountains; some of them were there before. I do not know what we will do. We can't do nothing here for the Tories. If our horses had been at home they would have taken them all if those men had not been there. Capt. Carson has come back with some of his men, but they are in the North Cove and there is no man guarding in the Turkey Cove at all. I would be very glad if you would come home and see about things. K. C. Burgess was here some time ago and wanted to know the amount of pork we killed. Some person ought to come and take the tallig off the bacon before the Tories steal it. I do not know what we will do. I must close saying that you must do the best you can and we will do the same. All the black people send "howdy" at you and the children Charles, Emeline, Alvin and Mariah. Farewell, in haste, I remain as ever. WARWICK GREENLEE." Addressed to Mr. James H. Greenlee, Davidson College, N. C."

The slaves were all very much attached to Mr. Greenlee and after they were free would always visit him when they came near. Mr. Greenlee was an elder in the Presbyterian church for sixty years, from August 30, 1845. He was one of the principal contributors in building and sup- porting Turkey Cove Church, organized May 30, 1886. He gave liberally of his means to all religious causes, both home and foreign. The furnishing of a room in the new Seminary at Richmond dedicated to his mother was among the last of his benefactions. Physically robust, he was more so mentally and when in congenial company was interesting and instructive in his conversation. He retained all his facul- ties and was only troubled during his last years by dulness of the sense of hearing, ne was blessed with wonderful eyesight and memory, was very studious and spent the greater part of his later life in reading. In the summer of 1904, he with his son and family took quite an extensive mountain trip, very tedious and rough, but he was in remarkable spirits and pronounced the affair one of the most enjoyable of all his life. He had plan- ned another for the following year and had engaged his drivers and cook. Although well read, interested and in touch with public matters he did not participate therein, other than in the capacity of a sturdy citizen. He was a very active man and always transacted his business in person. It was while he was on a trip to Johnson City to buy horses that he was stricken with paralysis, but he retained his mental faculties unclouded until a few hours before the end. He died in his 94th year at his Turkey Cove farm, within sight of the place where he first saw the light. There are two striking things to mark his character. First his determination to do right. If a thing seemed right in his mind it was marked for accomplish- ment and the whole force of his indomitable will and wonderful vitality was brought to bear upon it. The other was his deep reverence for God, for his house, his worship, his service. When he was too ill to make himself under- stood by those who watched him, he could be heard to utter one continual ? '' " ' -' ' " -—



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So. 01. JAMES IIEHVEY r.KEEXI.EE. FANNY MORK1SON finEENI.EE. (At the age of 97.) Second wife of James llervey Greenlee.

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prayer. He lived the "simple life" in its truest sense and left an impress and example which appeals to all good men even in the rush and turmoil of modern progress.

MARY JANE GREENLEE was received into the Presbyterian Church of Seloan, of which her parents were members, in September, 1846, and from that time until the day of her death she adorned the profession of the Gospel by her life.


HANNAH ANN ELIZA GREENLEE « » {&*- : g^SlS" %S?&!£2£" James Greenlee ' J' E. Mary McDowell .1

daughter of John Mitchell Greenlee and Mary E. Greenlee, was born January 26, 1815 at Turkey Cove, Burke Co., North Carolina; died January 5, 1849 at Burnsville, Yancey Co., North Carolina; married October 13, 1835 at Turkey Cove, North Carolina SAMUEL FLEMMTNG, born September 27, 1810 or 1813 at Frederick, Maryland, or Canton, Ohio. He was a farmer, merchant and of the Democrat resided at member Legislature ; ; Presbyterian ; Turkey Cove and in Yancey County.


179. I. John Alexander Flcmming, born August 22, 1836; died unmarried July, or June 30, 1864. He was a colonel in the Confederate army, 49th North Carolina Regiment and was killed at the battle of Petersburg. 180. n. Mary W. Flemming, born September 25, 1838; married John G. Yancey. 4- 181. in. James Greenlee Flemming, born September 20, 1843; died unmar- ried September 17, 1862. He was a lieutenant in the Confederate killed at army, Co. A, 49th North Carolina Regiment ; Sharpsburg, Virginia. 182. IV. "William "Woodville Flemming, born April 1, 1846; married Ella Mary Ralston. 4- 183. V. Samuel Hannah Flemming, born January 5, 1849; married Mary Louise Mockbridge.+


JAMES AUGUSTUS GREENLEE * ' t ' { SSSSAHSSSS l!2?&'2S25 • James Greenlee 1 Mary E. McDowell /

son of Samuel Mitchell Greenlee and Minerva Keziah Saekett, was born March 26, 1825, married December 21, 1847 AUGUSTA MINERVA DENISON, who was born December 13, 1825, daughter of Leonard Denison and Phebe Augusta Ely. Resided in Linville, North Carolina. She married second, March 2, 1859, Samuel Ellis. 252 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.


184. I. Amelia Denison, born December 24, 1848; married October, 1865, Enoch Floyd Barnnm; living (1881) at Sauk Rapida, Minnesota. 1850 married 185. II. Elizabeth Denison, born September 22, ; September 22, 1869, Charles Gideon Wood; living (1881) at Sank Rapids.



No. 06. DK. rillllSTOl'UKB HAI'- No. 214. LEONoltA (iltKKNLKE. 1'OI.DT. the NEM-vobk Pue ^c USf, 4„y] ( JAMES OF VIRGINIA 253

lina SARAH LOUISA BUTLER, born October 7, 1833 in Burke Co., North Caro- lina, daughter of William Claiborne Butler and Margaret Allison Tate. Had daughter.

190. L Minerva Allison, born June 20, 1853 who married Colonel Thomas Spraggins Gallaway.-f-

EPHRAIM EDWARD GREENLEE served in the civil war in Company D, Ballentine's Regiment, Cosby 's Brigade, Jackson's Division Cavalry of the Department of Mississippi and Louisiana. He lived in or near Morganton, North Carolina until Janaury, 1S61, when he removed to Tennessee and settled about twenty-five miles from Memphis, on land that was part of a grant to James Greenlee. He was a planter and merchant; in politics, Democrat; in religion, Presbyterian. Mrs. Greenlee resides at Somerville, Tennessee.


• AljJlAAULIijttAT.'RTTATJTl'R'R BAl/JXClSACTCETTX UXUUhnUbAGRSENT.EH * » Samuel Greenlee James Greenlee » ^ Minerv. K. Sackett Marj Mitchell • James Greenlee I Mary E. McDowell i son of Samul Mitchell Greenlee and Minerva Keziah Sackett, was born Janu- ary or November 11, 1834 at Morganton, Burke Co.. North Carolina; married May 8, or 5, 1857 ELIZABETH C. GLASS, born January 8, 1837 at Morgan- ton, North Carolina, died August 4, 1897 or 1S96 at Mason, Tennessee, daughter of Frank Patton Glass and Margret Dysart. Planter; Democrat; Presbyterian; resided in Mason, Tennessee.


19L L Frank Patton, born August 9, 1S58; married Miss Lizzie L Shelton. 192. Samuel Mitchell, born July 20, 1S60; married Mary Happoldt-)- Minerva Sackett, born June 29, 1S65 or October 11, 1863; married before February 27, 1S99, Jeff Glass. Alexander Sackett, born June 20, 1865. Ephraim Edward, born June 29, 1S6S; unmarried (1899). Fred Allen, born April 15, 1871; unmarried (1899). James Lafayette, born October 7, 1S74, or 1878; died August 7, 1898. 198. VIIL David Glass, born October 13, 1877 at Morganton; unmarried; merchant; Democrat; Presbyterian; resided in Texas, Tennessee and Arkansas. 199. LX. Margaret E., born September 13, or 23, 1880; unmarried (1899).


GEORGE ELISHA GREENLEE « ' J g^S^SS^ U^T^m James Greenlee l X Mary E. McDowell J son of Samuel Mitchell Greenlee and Minerva Keziah Sackett, was born January 1873 at 12, 1837 at Morganton, Burke Co., North Carolina ; married January 1, 200. 207 256 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

THADDEUS D. BRYSON was a colonel in the civil war, and for twenty years a legislative member from Swain County. It was largely through his in- fluence and efforts that the Southern railway was finally built from Asheville on through western North Carolina.



Jamffl Greenlee \ Mary K.. McDowell /

son of David Washington Greenlee and Mary McEntire, was born January 8, 1818 near Marion Co., (part of Burke Co. until 1844) North Carolina; married December 31, 1839 near Marion, North Carolina, MARGARET RUTH LOGAN, born December 21, or 27, 1821 near Marion, North Carolina, died June 13, 1885 near Marion, daughter of John Logan and Rebecca Patton.


215. I. James Logan, born October 24, 1840; died, unmarried, September 30, 1862 near Upperville, Virginia. 216. John Patton, born December 18, 1842; unmarried. Margaret Rebecca, born March 26, 1846; married Robert A Tate* Mary Matilda, born October 9, 1855; married Edward Jones Burgin.-)- 219. V. William Harvey, born August 15, 1860; married Kate Young Hemphill. 220. VI. Robert Lee, born December 3, 1863 at Marion; unmarried. He is a civil engineer and lives at Marion. 221. VII. Lillian born 1865 married A. Tate. Logan, September 12, ; Hugh

THOMAS YOUNG GKEENLEE was a great hunter in his boyhood days. He often went upon the mountains with his dogs at daylight, drove a big buck into the river, killed him and was home with him in time for breakfast. He would tramp the woods all day shooting squirrels and kill as many as half a dozen little negroes could carry home. In 1844 McDowell County was separated from Burke and made a new county. Since that time he has had more or less to do with the county government and has held almost every office at one time or another. He served as county surveyor for thirty-three years and has surveyed the whole county, mountains and all. He has also surveyed a good deal of Burke, Yancey, Mitchell and Rutherford counties. He owned about seventy slaves—good and faithful servants all of them. Several have lived with him as renters for years. When the civil war broke out his oldest son came home from Davidson College and, with hie brother, who was only seventeen years old, joined the Confederate army. The second son was wounded at the battle of Seven Pines and was sent home for a while, then taken prisoner at Petersburg and lay in prison six months at Point Look- out. The eldest son, James Logan Greenlee, was wounded at the second battle JAMES OF VIRGINIA 257

of Manassas. We give below some interesting letters written by him while in camp: Camp near Yorktown, Va.,

April 24, 1862,

Dear Father :—

I suppose that you begin to think that I have been very long about writing home. I know that you are all anxious to hear from us. John wrote to you by Merit Burgin from Richmond. Since I parted from you at the head of the road, I have seen much, traveled far and learned much. We did not reach our regi- ment till Monday, two weeks precisely from leaving Marion. We were detained in Salisbury until Saturday morning and would not have gotten away then but for an extra train going to Raleigh. There are at present about 1800 Yankee prisoners in Salisbury. It was very amusing to hear the remarks of some of our boys about them, such as "Why they are just like our men," "They are as big men as we" and such like. It took us three days to get from Salisbury to Raleigh. The cars run off the track on Sunday but providentially no one was killed, though the cars were full of troops, and a good many were bruised up over the rocks and cross ties. Luckily for us, we were about midway the train and our car did not run off although all before it did. When I jumped out of the cars the men were scrambling over each other, and such a babel of cursing, groaning and laughing I never heard before. We staid one night in Raleigh sleeping in box cars on planks. I thought then that it was a very hard disagreeable bed, but I have since learned that it was quite a comfortable place. We left Flemming's Company in Raleigh. John has a first rate Company and will make a good Captain. We came from Raleigh to Richmond in one day, landing in Richmond in the night. We were inarched off to the quarters pre- pared for the Accommodation of Soldiers, the St. Charles Hotel, a large and for filth and here capacious house (a perfect hog pen dirt) ; we had excellent fare, prepaid for us, consisting of bacon, seemingly ten years old, and as strong as Sampson, bakers bread as porous as a sponge and peas scarcely fit to be given to swine, all these cooked by the ton and without washing. Those of us who had money boarded at the hotels and restaurants, while we staid in Rich- mond, which was three days and nights. Richmond is a very large city. It seems as if all the people in the Southern Confederacy had collected in this place. One may see thousands on the streets in a few hours. Nearly every man here is a soldier or pretends to be. For all there is so much to be seen in the Capital of our new-born confederacy; yet I never was so tired of any place in my life. Richmond is much larger than I had any idea of. It is the dirtiest place (with the exception of Petersburg), that I have ever been in; it is a perfect den of extortion. The citizens seem to think of nothing, nothing, and care for the soldiers out of their with nothing but cheating poor wages ; few exceptions they are worse enemies to their country than the Yankees. The authorities would not permit us to go on to our regiments, although several trains left Rich- :m r " - *^ mond daily for Fredericksburg empty. We thought strange of it then, but have since learned the cause of our detention. The troops were at the time falling back from the Rapahannock. The cause of this move I do not know but suppose IT 258 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

have been that it seemed necessary in the wisdom of our Generals or it would not made. We left Richmond in the cars on Sunday and went to A sh land, 18 miles from Richmond. They halted us here and we staid all night in the stables. Our regiment landed about midnight and we joined them the next morning. Wo received marching orders that same evening and to prepare three days rations, but we did not march till Wednesday about one o'clock. We were not allowed to take anything but what we could carry on our backs. We all shouldered our muskets (leaving a guard and the sick in camp), and marched off for Richmond. We marched that night till about nine o'clock, then halted, rolled up in our to blankets, lay down and slept soundly until 2y2 o 'clock, when they roused us continue our march. We struck out for Richmond through the mud. We got to Richmond at three o'clock, having left a good many of our men on the road. I was extremely tired when we arrived but not quite gave out. We met with our Capt. Neal and his recruits and Bratcher Hemphill. The next morning regi- ment was put on board a boat on the James River and struck down the river. I like steamboat traveling first rate, although I suppose it is not so pleasant rid- ing on the deck of a flat boat crowded with men and baggage, as it is in a good cabin. The scenery on James River is beautiful. The river is from two to three and four miles wide. We landed about 120 miles from Richmond, as soon as the stragglers could be collected, we struck out for Yorktown. This march headed everything I ever saw. We could get no water except out of ponds and puddles. We were tired out with fatigue and want of sleep. Men were falling out all along the road and lying down to sleep. Before we halted (which we did about an hour by sun in the Peninsular about two miles from Yorktown), more than 200 men were missing out of our regiment. I never was so tired and sleepy . in my life. When we halted to rest at daylight, I sat down on a log beside the road, placed my face in my hands and went to sleep, and slept so soundly that the noise of another regiment passing failed to wake me, and I did not know that it had passed until the next day. John stood the march first rate, better than I had expected, and slept all day. Sunday we were ordered to the in- trenchment two or three miles from our camp. This was the most miserable place I ever saw. It is in a swamp naturally wet, but at this time flooded with water. At night we had to keep two-thirds of the men up all the time. Sunday night an alarm was given and we all pitched into the ditches musket in hand. It was dark as Egypt; several volleys were fired into the darkness but the enemy did not advance. I did not fire as I had nothing to shoot at. Tuesday we returned to camps. We have not had any tents (except one night), since we left Ashland. Firing is constantly going on between our pickets and those of our enemy. A man or two is killed almost every day on each side. Our pickets are in sight of the ditches and the enemy are in sight of them. The boom of cannon is to be heard every few minutes of almost every day. It has become so common that the discharge of musketry, or the roar of the cannon is not noticed. I have run on writing until my paper has almost given out. John and I are both well at present and getting along first rate. We are getting used to camp life left several of at but those come to us ; we our boys Ashland sick, who have since say that they are all getting well. Dave Gibbs is in our mess; tell his folks that he and Charles are well.

You must all write to us. Direct your letters to Richmond, in the care of JAMES OF VIRGINIA. 259

CapL A. Burgin, Co. R, 22 Reg. N. C. T. My love to all at home & give my best to all friends tell all to write to us. are a respect my ; Camps bad place to write ; I have no place to write except my knee. You must write to me immediately. Farewell I will write again as soon as I can. Your son, J. L. G.

Camp near James River, 2 miles below Richmond,

July 7, 1862. Dear Sister:— I received your letter some time since while the battles were going on. I have had very little time for writing before now. I wrote you a short letter from Richmond by David Gibbs. Since that time I saw the hardest times that I ever saw in my life. The most terrible fighting of the war has taken place since that time. I have been through every bit of it. I do not know how I have stood up to all the fatigue of this campaign, whilst the stoutest men have given way beneath it. I was determined to see it out as long as I could crawl, and the resolution kept me up. I suppose I have been in every battle and have come out unhurt. Providence must have watched over me and protected me whilst my friends were falling thick around. "We have whipped the Yankees, but our loss is heavy. Many of our best and bravest men are killed or wounded. We left our camp below Richmond on Wednesday the 28th of June and have been marching and fighting ever since until last Saturday night, when we arrived at the camp worn out and over-tired with fatigue and over-exertion. We are within range of the enemy's gunboats on James River, if they had a mind to shell us, but I suppose that they have work enough to do now in carry- ing their men and baggage out of danger. It has been a glorious victory for our country. MeClellan has been completely routed and his vast and fine army driven like sheep before us, with immense loss of baggage, provisions, arms, men and all the other munitions of war. Some say that they have 7000 Yankee pris- oners now in Richmond, with two Major Generals and four Brigadier Generals. The loss in our company is very heavy, and they are our best and bravest. I do not see, however, how in the world it is as small as it is. We did not have more than 25 men in our Company when we went into the first fight. The rest were either sick or detailed off on various duties. There is a list of the killed and in the none wounded various fights. On Thursday, June 6th, killed, ; wounded, George W. Lackey, leg broke by a shell below the knee, he will probably recover. B. broke a shell I think he must die. Dick in A. Copeland, thigh by ; McFarland, the hand and leg, not severely. Frank Condey, in the head, not severely. Rob- ert Right, in the shoulder, severe but not dangerous. On June 27th, killed, William Burgin Corp. Mortally wounded, George W. Burgin. Wounded: Robert McCoy, in the hip; not dangerous. Monday, June 20th, killed: Lark in

A. Morris, Robert Duncan and David Lavender. Wounded : John Wood, in leg very slightly. Missing, supposed to be killed; Steven McKinney. Nearly half of the men that were with us were either killed or wounded. I could write a volume to you but have not time nor paper now. I wrote to David on Friday after the first two battles; tell him to write to me immediately and to keep that letter, as I may want to see it again, as it was written under fire of Yankees. 2G0 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

and a I have escaped very well. One ball passed through my haversack, spent more than if I had been struck ball struck my leg, but did not hurt me any into from tree* by a small rock. The bark frequently spattered my face I Joe struck by balls. The men say I am too little to be hurt. have seen Neal and Marion Higgins, but have not seen John or Greenlee Fleming yet. They were in the battle on Tuesday. John was slightly wounded. Steve is well the I heard by Joe Burgin. He came to me Sunday but cut out when fight began Monday. Tell Uncle Jim to write to me. I am very anxious to hear from John. and This is Yankee paper and a Yankee envelope. I enclose you an envelope 's him to paper which I found in a Yankee letter that some man wife had sent write back on. Write at once to your brother. J. L. Greenlee.

Camp near Richmond, July 19, 1862.

Dear Father :—

I promised in my letter to Becky to write you a full account of the late battles around here, so far as I was a participant in them. But first I will say that my health has been very bad since the battles, although I have not been off duty at any time. I have got the Yellow Jaundice now. It is the meanest, siek- enest disease I ever had in my life. It is impossible to describe one's feelings a when they have it. Steve has been very sick for several days; he is getting little better. On Tuesday, June 25th, we received orders to march at 5 o'clock P. M. The enemy seem to have determined to hurry us a little, so about the time we were shell burst in the air over ready to fall in, they commenced shelling. The would us and scatter the pieces everywhere; one struck a tree in our camp low down, and another bursted into the 16th Regt., which was camped just behind us, but happily did no harm. After 5 o'clock our Brigade took up the line of march. Our Brigade consists of 16th, 22nd, 34th and 38th Regts., N. C. troops, under command of General Pender. We marched that night until about nine o'clock, then encamped and remained there till 3 o'clock next evening, ready to fall in at any moment. Thursday about 3 o'clock in the evening we started, and crossed the Chickahomig on the Meadow bridge. The enemy had been driven away from this bridge on the evening before by a party of our men. As soon as we had crossed the creek we began to see evidences of the presence of the Yankees in the shape of cabins, tents, breastworks, blankets, &c. We crossed the bottom and when we reached the uplands, filed to the right through the fields. After we had gone near a half a mile the Yankees opened a battery on us with shell and round shot. We advanced under this fire to Mechanicsville without losing a man although many of the shell passed very close to us and kept the men dodging all the time. When we came to Mechanicsville we passed through by the right flank, then about faced and marched back through. Here were the first dead and wounded men that I saw. They had been killed by shell and belonged to another regiment. The houses were badly torn up and they were fixing them up as hospitals. Just after passing Mechanicsville a shell exploded in the Company just before ours and wounded four men. We had to step over them as we went on. The Yankees gradually withdrew their battery as we ad- vanced and added new guns, our artillery replied to them. We advanced until JAMES OF VIRGINIA 261

hollow in this there was whole we came to a deep wooded ; a brigade lying own to shelter themselves from the cannon. We halted and lay down also, and now was redoubled the shell and flew over us in a the cannonading ; balls, grapeshot hurry, striking the trees and cutting off the limbs, but I did not see any men struck while we lay there. As we came out of this woods and were passing first in it through a eorn field, the man was wounded our company ; was George Lackey. He was my left hand man. A piece of shell struck his' leg and broke it in two. George is a good soldier and brave. There was no time for dodging shot was too thick. "When we came to the end of the woods we found now ; the at the of the in a line of battle a Virginia Begiment drawn up edge woods ; we formed just behind them. They then advanced into the woods and commenced firing. Presently here they came out in considerable confusion and began to called to let form before us ; our Colonel out to them form behind us and us go in. We advanced into a thicket, and a thicket it was; when we had gone a short distance (it was uphill and pretty steep), Copeland was wounded, he was struck by grapeshot and his thigh shattered all to pieces. I turned my head when I heard him cry out with pain and saw Lieut. Burgin catch him in his arms as he felL Lieut. Burgin was at this time in command of the Company. The Cap- tain was taken very sick that morning and we left him. Charlie ordered some one to take Copeland out. John Burgin and George immediately took hold of him. Copeland was directly behind me, and I do not see how the shot struck him and missed me. There was a Virginia Regiment in here ahead of us; they were firing to the front but the smoke was so thick that it was impossible to see anything. The balls and grape were coming in thick, shaving the leaves and striking the trees. But I think the enemy were a long way off, for the rifle balls were all nearly spent before reaching us. Frank Condry was struck hard enough in the month to make it bleed a little. The stragglers from the regiment ahead of us broke our line so in passing through that we had to fall back to the field and form again and then advance again—passed the Virginia Regiment and on down the hill through the thicket until we came to the edge of a meadow covered with tall here we halted for time. a tall grape ; some Presently young officer came up behind us and asked what regiment it was; severaL of us said "22 N. C." "Forward then in the name of God" said he, "The General says forward." Some of the men started, but the officers stopped them. He then rushed to the front, dashed into the swampy grape, waved his sword and shouted "Forward." Some of the men asked for the ColoneL Colonel Connor then came to the front and walked up to the stranger and said, "I command this regiment, Sir." The stranger bowed and said, "Very well, Sir, the Yankees are just over there in the woods, if I can be of any service to you I will do any- thing I can." The Colonel then drew his sword, turned to us and said "Come on, men." The meadow was about 75 yards wide; we plunged into the meadow in some places nearly knee-deep in mud and water; in a few steps we fell in a ditch the front ; men scrambled out and those behind jumped over, and on we went. When we got to the edge of the woods on the other side, we found a wide ditch full of water in front of us. The stranger crossed the ditch by a small pole and shouted, "Come on, here are the Yankees, right here," pointing into the woods with his sword Some of the men plunged in and found it almost waist deep in mud and water. I was just about to plunge in when I heard some 262 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

one say, "halt." We marched by the left flank down the ditch for some dis- then we were ordered to lie down. the commenced on tance ; Immediately hring the left. Sone one on the left said, "Don't fire, our men are in front of us." Glancing into the woods I saw the shadowy forms of men through the smoke and bushes. I then shouted, "Fire men, it is the Yankees," and leveled my gun and fired. Looking along the line I saw that most of the men were firing too high. I shouted "Shoot low," as loud as I could. There was no time now to think of anything but loading and firing. We had an excellent position behind the bank of the ditch, and as we were lying down, they could not hit us any- where but in the head and shoulders. I was in front of our Company, loading and firing on my knees, and could hear the balls cut through the bushes and whistle past my head. I suppose we fired for five minutes. I fired eight times and could have fired more if my gun had not got so dirty that it was very hard to load; it had gotten so hot that I could hardly hold it. The Colonel, now seeing that our men had given way on the left and the Yankees were about to flank us, ordered us to cease firing and fall back. I had not thought of being hit before, but now I began to fear being shot in the back, but I soon found that the Yankees had ceased firing almost entirely. If they could have fired on us as we passed the meadow, they might have ruined us, but they were too badly cut up. We fell back into the old field where we had first gone in and formed. As we came through the woods there was the Virginia Regiment still huddled behind the trees and old logs. The Yankees balls, which passed over us, struck among them and they fired back over our heads. As we came out they came out with us and formed a good distance behind us. We now learned for the first time that Colonel Connor had his leg broken in the fight. The way of it was this: Colonel Connor went down the ditch till he came to a bridge, here he met two men who asked him which regiment that was. He replied "22 N. C." fired They instantly at him and broke to run, one of the balls broke his leg. Our men now saw the Yankee line about 50 feet from them and fired. It was now after dark Colonel told us to lie down on our ; Gray arms and hold our posi- tion until morning. We had to send out pickets into the woods. This was one of the hardest things that I have had to do, to name the men who should go out, when I knew they were all worn out with fatigue. We were obliged to remain here until two o'clock, when we received orders from General Pender to join the rest of our Brigade, from which we had become separated that evening and which was still in front of Mechanicsville. We marched back about a mile before we reached our Brigade. We passed thousands of men on our way all lyinp on their arms, many of them sleeping their last sleep and dreaming then- last dream of Peace and home. We reached our regiment after three o'clock in the morning and threw ourselves down to sleep within a few hundred yards of the enemy. We were wet to our waists from lying in the water in the meadow, but we scarcely struck the ground before we were asleep. I had thrown off my blanket as we went into the battle and had none for a week or more. After a short we rest, were waked up the next morning before day. The condition of our regiment was extremely bad. This morning there not 100 men in the and regiment, another company was thrown in with our, and as neither com- had a pany commissioned officer, I had to take command of both companies. Our numbered company only 18 men and the company attached only 6. We JAMES OF VIKGINIA. 263

were marched out and made to lie down behind the crest of a hilL The battle was renewed at daylight on the right and pretty soon the balls came whistling over our heads and we knew we were iu for another fight. I have taken up more space in writing this than I had any idea of when I began. I must stop this time for want of space. I know this letter must be tedious to you now. I will write a description of the other fights another time. You must answer this letter as soon as you get it. I have not received a letter from you since I left Yorktown. I got & letter from Becky and one from a were a time and Uncle Jim few days ago ; they long coming. Major Bynum Dr. Higgins were here last week. They staid with us for two or three days. From them we learnt the news from McDowell and all about the candi- dates. We are going to run W. F. Craig for the commons against Morris and he will beat him too. Morris is very unpopular in Camp. Our company and Neal's will go almost unanimously for Craig. Craig has been over to Black- wells and Lytle's companies, and I think he will beat Morris badly in both of them. I believe Craig is a far more suitable man than Morris. I sent you $28 by Major Bynum and spent the greater part of the money. I saw they were not going to pay us soon so I kept, and I needed it too, on the march. I will seDd you the rest of the $80 (which I consider I owe you), when we draw. "Write immediately and let me know how John is getting on. Do not let him come back until he is entirely well again. Steve has got well again and sends "howdy" to all. I answered John's letter; tell him to write to me. Your affectionate son, J. L. Greenlee.

He died from fever as the following letter shows :

Loudon County, Va., near Upperville, October 4, 1862.

John Greenlee, Esq.. Dear Sir: I very much regret to have to communicate to you the sad tidings of your brother's death. Your brother Logan died at my house on five o'clock on Tuesday, Sept. 30th of typhoid fever and was buried on Thursday, Oct. 2nd, in the neighborhood cemetery near the village of Upperville. He was buried in a neat and respectable manner with a view to his remains being removed to his home, if his friends may desire to do so. He was attended in his last illness by Dr. Gunnell, one of the prominent and able doctors of the county, and received every attention both medical and otherwise needful for his relief and well being. His servant Stephen was faithful in his attention to him both night and day as one could be, and he (Stephen) can inform you what attentions he re- ceived from myself and family, as also Mr. Huntley, who came to my house the same day your brother came, and expects to accompany Stephen to the army. Your brother came to my house on Monday and expired on the next Tuesday week. He was at Upperville indisposed, at the time of the Yankee raid into this neighborhood, he left there and came to my house as a place of safety, about two miles, which caused a relapse, from which he sank rapidly until he died. Such are the melancholy facts and circ*mstances of your brother's death. Very respectfully your friend, William Fleming. 264 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.


MARGARET ALLISON TATE < ' { %Si£Y!£' ?S3g£Sl? 1 James Greenlee \ Marj E. McDowell J

daughter of Mary Bowman and William Allison Tate, was born July 15, 1837 at Hickory Grove, near Morganton, North Carolina; married May 26, 1831, WILLIAM CLAIBORNE BUTLER who was born December 25, 1808 in Halifax Co., Virginia, died April 10, 1841 at Morganton, North Carolina, son of Richard Butler (who emigrated from Kilkenny County, Ireland to Halifax Co., Virginia) and Sarah Throgmorton. He was a planter; Democrat; Methodist.


born 1832 died 222. Mary Adeline Butler, June 18, ; October 17, 1832. Sarah Louisa Butler, born October 7, 1833; married January 13, 1852, Ephraim E. Greenlee. + born 1836 died John Alexander Butler, February 8, ; May 20, 1836. born 1837 died Elizabeth Ann Butler, April 16, ; November 28, 1848.



in 229. L Child ; died infancy. 230. IL Child; died in infancy. By second marriage: born lives at 23L HL William Franklin, September 14, 1851 ; Kansas City, Kansas. born 1854 232. IV. Irene Amanda, September 10, ; married Charles M. Ayers ;

lives at Pineville, Colorado ; three children.

233. V. Ida Katherine, born November 23, 1856; unmarried (1899) ; lives at Springfield, Massachusetts. 234. VI. Mary Alice, born January 27, 1859; married Dr. Rogers; lives at Chicago. She was a teacher in the city schools of Omaha, Nebraska.

235. VIL Louisa Frances, born September 28, 1862 ; died aged three months.

DAVID GREENLEE attended school in Rockbridge County, Virginia until ne was in his fifteenth year, when his father moved with his family to Ohio. There he was put to work on a farm until he was twenty-two years of age when, at the earnest solicitation of neighbors, he assumed the role of school teacher, which calling he followed for ten years. During six years of that time ho spent all of his leisure time preparing himself for the practice of medicine. He did not graduate in his profession until he had practiced seven years. He was In he a in a very skillful and successful practitioner. politics was Republican ; religion, Protestant; resided at Sheldon, Illinois.

IDA KATHERLNE GREENLEE was a teacher in the high schools of Indianapolis, Indiana, and was eminent as an instructor in science.


EPHRAIM ALLEN GREENLEE « J ' ' { ^S^T SlSJ whiS?" l James Greenlee I Mary E. McDowell I

son of James Greenlee and Sarah Caskey, was born August 23, 1815 in Rock- bridge Co., Virginia; married May 21, 1850 at Defiance, Ohio, DIADAMIA DAME, born November 7, 1831 at Wheeling, West Virginia, died December 2, 1877 at Lafayette, Indiana, daughter of Timothy Dame and Rebecca. He was a lawyer; in politics, Prohibitionist; in religion, Methodist Episcopal; resided at Lafayette, Indiana.

CHILDREN, all died unmarried:

236. L Virginia, born March 31, 1851. 237. II. Anna, born January 9, 1854. 238. HL Mary, born October 31, 1858. 239. IV. Frank, born March 21, 1868. 266 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.


GREENLEE * SAMUEL HABVEY {*£%> gJSgJ"' *j!£!?mS£**'

Jamea Greenlee I Marj E. McDowell )

son of James Greenlee and Sarah Caskey, was born October 15, 1817 in Bock- bridge Co., Virginia; died February 23, 1852 near Ayersville, Defiance Co., Ohio; married in 1840 or 1841 at Millgrove, Warren Co., Ohio, ELIZABETH STITES, born June 13, 1820 near Lebanon, Warren Co., Ohio, daughter of Henry Stites and Elizabeth Stout.


240. I. born June 1842 Margaret Ann, 15, ; died January 26, 1864. 241. II. Henry Clay, born January 17, 1845; married Louisa A. NewelL-f- 242. III. Sadie L., born May 20, 1847; married John Clinton Garvey.-J- 243. IV. Amanda, born November 15, 1849; married George W. Killey.-|-

SAMUEL HABVEY GREENLEE was a self made man, having had neither the advantage of a good education, nor pecuniary means to give him a start in the world. When only a boy, he and his brother Ephraim carried their booka to the field when they went to work and employed every spare moment in study. In the evenings they studied by the light of the fire. By improving the leisure moments afforded him during his daily avocations, he succeeded in ob- taining a good education, and admission to the bar. He obtained a reputable standing in the legal profession. He held an enviable position among the most prominent citizens of Defiance, Ohio, and was an esteemed member of the Defi-

ance County Bar. He was noted for his public spirit, his liberality, and hia unflinching devotion to his principles, which he deemed promotive to the public good. He was also distinguished for the exactitude of his business habits, and above all for the probity of his character. It has been the fortune of few men to have their word, in matters of business, more implicity confided in than his. In politics, he was a Whig; in religion, Presbyterian.

MARGARET ANN GREENLEE began teaching school near her home at Ayersville, Ohio, when fourteen years of age, and afterward taught in the public schools at Napoleon, Ohio.


* Jame8 Greenlee • • THOMAS FRANKLIN QREENLEE i David Greenlee I Sarah . _ , , Jane White ' Caskey Jamea Greenlee 1 Marj E McDowell ( son of James Greenlee and Sarah Caskey, was born January 16, 1820 near Lex- ington, Rockbridge Co.. Virginia; accidentally killed June 10, 1868 in New York married City; November 4, or 24, 1841 at Ilillsboro, Highland Co., Ohio ELIZA ANN PEARCE who was born December 23, 1822 at New Petersburg, Highland Co., Ohio, daughter of Benjamin Pearce and Katherine White. No. CO. ALEXANDER SACKETT No. 90. El'llRAlM ALLEN GREENLEE. GREENLEE.



Texas for winter work, but spent the summers in Denver. While in Galveston he wa3 superintendent of the trains which took on the merchandise from the of the Brotherhood of Bail- ships unloading in the harbor. He was a member road Men, and of the Knights of Pythias. JAMES EDWARD GREENLEE attended school and worked on the farm until he reached the age of nineteen. He spent one year with his uncle, James Greenlee, near Geneseo, Illinois, then returned home and entered the employ of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad as brakeman. He was promoted to yard master and remained with the company for six years. After traveling over most of the United States he located at Price, Emery County, Utah, where he has been fairly successful.


DAVID GREENLEE CASKET* ' { SENSES** JEMS?*' ' Jamea Greenlee 1 Mar; E. McDowell /

son of Grace Greenlee and John Caskey, was born July 3, 1821 at Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Virginia; married May 26, 1846 at Rushville, Rush Indiana born 1828 at or Rush- Co., ; ELIZA HITE, September 11, Clarksville, ville, Indiana, died March 27, 1901, daughter of Jacob Hite and Elizabeth Lowry; farmer; Democrat; Baptist; resided at Haven, Kansas.


256. I. John Harvey Caskey, born February 19, 1847; married Eliza Scott; married second Mattie Adkins.-f- 257. n. Melissa Jane Caskey, born 1848 or 1849; married Charles M. Leach; lives at Fairmount, Indiana. 258. III. in Elizabeth Caskey, born 1851 ; married Edmund C. Leach, 259. IV. William J. Caskey, born in 1853; married Etta Charles; deceased. 260. V. James B. Caskey, barn in 1855 or 1856; married Lena Scott; lives at Newton, Kansas. 26L VI. Mary Jane Caskey, born in 1865; married L. A. Danton; lives at Haven, Kansas.


SAMUEL HARVEY CASKEY* Grace Greenlee- David Greenlee • j(JohnCaBkej Jane White ' James Greenlee 1 Mary E. McDowell / son of Grace Greenlee and John Caskey, was born May 10, 1824 at Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Virginia; married December 11, 1850 at Richland, Rush HITE was born Co., Indiana, LUCINDA who July 18, 1831 at Richland ; died July 20, 1857 at Richland, daughter of Jacob Hite and Elizabeth Lowry; married second January 10, 1861 at Richland, NANCY BUTLER, born Sep- tember, 24, 1835 at Richland, died May 6, 1888 at Greensburg, Decatur Co., Indiana, daughter of Thomas Butler; trader in stock and grain; resided at Greensburg, Indiana. JAMES OF VIRGINIA 269


Lucretia 262. L Virginia Caakey, born September 25, 1851 ; married Wil- liam BL Miller.-(- 263. H James Edward Caskey, born May 12, 1853; married Mabel Ger- trude Kercheval+ Belle born 1854 married Israel 264. HL Eapbemia Caakey, October 16, ; P. Warriner; one son, Charles, and three daughters, Louisa, Lucy and Hazel Warriner.

265. Marietta Caskey, born December 8, 1856; died in infancy. Henry Ellsworth Caskey, born March 11, 1863; died unmarried August 2, 1880. Charles Parks Caskey, born August 19, 1864; unmarried (1900). Annetta born 1866 1866. Mary Caskey, May 16, ; died October 30, George Caskey, born September 3, 1868; unmarried.


struggle to keep the wolf from the door. He accompanied his son, Charles, to Texas where they engaged in cotton raising. In politics, he was a Whig; in religion, Baptist; residence, Lacy, Texas.


* DavW Greenlee* David » JUHHJOHN VVH1T15vrniJJl. uJUUiflUUGSEENLE3 i Greenlea } Mary (Puraell) Hall lue Wnltt James Greenlee • 1 Mar; E. McDowell J

son of David Greenlee and Mary (Purnell) Hall, was horn September 23, 1840 or 1839 at Stanford, Lincoln Co., Kentucky ; died January 25, 1901 at Warrens- burg, Johnson Co., Missouri; married November 24, 1870 at Warrensburg, MARY CLARK DIVERS, born April 3, 1844 at Warrensburg, Missouri, daugh- ter of Francis Divers of Virginia and Amelia Ann Bouldin of Kentucky.


292. I. Elmo Murray, horn March 17, 1876 at Warrensburg, Missouri; un- married (1901 J. 293. II. Frank Divers, born February 18, 1878; unmarried (1901). 294. in. Mary Amelia, born February 5, 1881; unmarried (1901).

JOHN WHITE GREENLEE lived in Lincoln County, Kentucky until about three or four years of age, when his mother—his father being dead—went west and settled in Platte County, Missouri. Some time afterward they located on a farm southeast of Warrensburg, being among the earliest settlers. He was educated at Elder George Johnson's Male School at Warrensburg. Before his education was completed the civil war broke out, and he enlisted April 15, 1861 in the Confederate service, joining Company F, Gordon's Regiment, Shelby's Brigade. He was engaged in most of the important battles and cam paigns of Missouri, Arkansas, and other western states He received two severe wounds from which he recovered. He was commissioned Lieutenant, and after- ward Captain, in which capacity he acted for a long time. With his brave comrades he surrendered at Shreveport, Louisiana. On his return home he found nothing save his land, his house having been burned during the perilous strife. He replaced his home and lived there with his mother until her death. In 1887 he removed to the City of Warrensburg, and several years later in company with Mr. T. J. Caldwell, engaged in the lumber business. In 1S98 he was forced to retire from business on account of ill health, and his son Francis conducted the business until the dissolution of partnership in 1900. For many years he was a faithful worker in the First Baptist Church of Warrensburg and for a long time had charge of a Bible class, being especially devoted to the Sunday school. In politics he was a Democrat. His children were all educated at the State Normal School at Warrensburg.

ELMO MURRAY GREENLEE graduated at the State Normal School at Warrensburg in July, 1893, and the following October he went to work on a ranch at Midland Texas, which was owned by his uncle, Francis Divers. He 272 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

stayed there until 1897, then decided to go to Mexico. He invested some money in Sonora and is now dealing in mines. He is a mining engineer and lives at Tepehuaz, Sonora, Mexico.


MARY FRANCES GREENLEE* ' { £&!&&&• j^o™'" James Greenlee • 1 Marj E. McDowell I daughter of Ephraim McDowell Greenlee and Malinda Beckleheimer, was born at married 1850 in May 6, 1828 Maiden, Virginia ; August 15, Jackson Co., Ohio, CYRUS GRAY, born February 16, 1827, died August 12, 1867. Resided at Chillicothe, Missouri.


4 ephraim Mcdowell greenlee* m « G r e , {^^ ck I /h e l m1r' Fa^r*" * James Greenlee \ Mary E. McDowell / son of Ephraim McDowell Greenlee and Malinda Beckleheimer, was born June in Missouri died 1877 at Liv- 12, 1830 Rockbridge Co., ; March 4, Chillicothe, ingston Co., Missouri; married April 25, 1855 in Ohio, MALVIXA MILLER, born March 16, 1840 at Gallipolis, Gallia Co., Ohio, died December 1, 1879 at St. Louis, or Chillicothe, Missouri, daughter of George Miller and Annie Carr; blacksmith; Republican; Methodist; resided in Ohio, Missouri and Illinois.


295. I. Annie Celinda, born June 22, 1856; married William Kavanaugh Woods Walden.-f- 296. II. Louis Albert, born December 17, 1858; married Carrie Jane Deaver.-4- 297. III. Effie Jane, born August 27, 1861; married Robert Casper MitchelL-f 298. Maryetta, born March 25, 1864; died October 6, 1865. Alice May, born September 8, 1866; died September 15, 1867. Inez Beatrice, born June 26, 1872 at Chillicothe; lives at Dahlgren, Illinois.

301. VII. George Ephraim, born June 9, 1875. He was in the Kootenai mining district of British Columbia.

EPHRAIM McDOWELL GREENLEE resented the harsh treatment of his stepfather and ran away from home when a boy of only nine or ten years, and never returned. He worked on farms fcr small wages and the privilege of at- tending school in the winters. In the fall of 1856 he moved to Missouri, locat- ing in the little village of Middleburg, Mercer County, where he conducted a country store. He removed from there to St. Joseph but subsequently returned to Middleburg. [This town is not in existence now—relegated to its original wilderness when the Rock Island road refused to come any nearer than four JAMES OF VIRGINIA 273

miles]. Abont 1860 he removed to Princeton in the same county, and kept a store there, removing later to Chillicothe, where he kept a store until his death. He was a captain in the civil war in one of the Missouri companies of the Union army.


M. « • • ALBERT DAVIDSON**""*>" / Hannah Greenlee James Greenlee John Greenlee \ Jaou « D. Daildson Mary Paxton it.nn.h iirClxni • James Greenlee 1 Mary EL McDowell son of Hannah McClanahan Greenlee and James Dorman Davidson, died May 5, 1865 at Pearisburg, Giles Co., Virginia; married February 25, 1864 MRS. HENRIETTA "WITHERS, daughter of Jaben Alexander of Newbern, Virginia.

Their only child:

302. L Alberta Davidson was bom April 22, 1865.

ALBERT DAVIDSON graduated at Washington College at the age of eighteen and was pursuing a course at the University of Virginia, having the Presbyterian ministry in view, when the Civil war called upon him to take hia part in maintaining the rights of his state and people. He received his death wound April 9, 1865, after the cause had been lost, but before the sad intelli- gence had reached the borders of the army, and died on the 6th of May.


• • • I/XjAAAfit ADA UO.TJAVmROTJV xuaui* 6 ( nannah M Greenlee James Greenlee John Greenlee J James D. Davidson Mary Paxton Hannah McClanmhan l James Greenlee \ Mary H McDoweU J daughter of Hannah McClanahan Greenlee and James Dorman Davidson, was born July 29, 1851 at Lexington, Rockbridge Co., Virginia; married September 26, 1883 at Lexington, Virginia, ANDREW DAVIDSON ESTILL, a cousin, who was born at Jeffersonville, Tazewell Co., Virginia, son of Dr. John M. Estill and Mary Lavalette Davidson. He was a physician; Democrat; Presby- terian; resided at Lexington, Virginia.


J. Greenlee * James Greenlee" John Greenlee » UJ5UAUJSnVnTyfJl?. J.T JTUMUiXT?nvn"RV» / Mary IjohnT Finley Mary l'axtoo Hannah McClanahan * James Greenlee 1 Mary E. McDoweU / son of Mary Jane Greenlee and John Tate Finley, was born December 28, 1834 at Natural Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Virginia; married March 5, 1868 in Marshall Co., Mississippi, NANNIE R. DUNLOP, born January 7, 1840 in South Carolina, daughter of Dr. Thomas L Dunlop and Mary E. Stinsoa. is 303. JAMES OF VIRGINIA. 275

was in the Ohio raid but escaped capture. He never deserted a comrade in war, and there are those living who owe their lives to his dauntless courage, and unflinching devotion. When he passed away the whole town turned out to do him honor, and it was said that there was not a dry eye amongst the men who followed him to his last resting place. He was a merchant; Democrat; resided at Presbyterian ; and Holly Springs.


6 Sarah *• Greenlee * James Greenle* • UXt^ttiT.T ARY XilxLtEil!ELLEN WATSONvvaxov/u i £ I James L. Watson Mary Paxton * * John Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Hannah McClanahan Mar; E. McDowell J daughter of Sarah Ann Eliza Greenlee and James L. Watson, married THOMAS E. GILMORE. Resided at Roanoke, Virginia.




aa— MABY ELIZABETH DAVIS* {%S2%.l£E m^TpS"*" • John Greenlee » James Greenlee 1 Uannah McClananan Mary E. McDowell / daughter of Martha Trimble Greenlee and Eben Nelras Davis, was born July 28, 1853; married CHARLES C. MOSELEY.

One child:

326. L Martha Virginia Moseley, born October 31, 1894.


ANN WINIFRED DAVIS « * ' { %S£*.l£F*« lEg'&ES* John Greenlee* James Greenlee • I Hannah McClanahan Mary E. McDowell J danghter of Martha Trimble Greenlee and Eben Nelras Davis, was born 1855 married PRESSLEY STANBOCK. August 20, ; April 15, 1875,


327. I. Rodger Stanbock; died October, 1877. 328. II. married Augusta May Stanbock, born December, 1877 ; September 27, 1898, W. D. Fitts. 329. III. Emma Frances Stanbock, born July 9, 1879; died January 14, 1893.

330. Erie Davis Stanbock, born January 8, 1881. Martha Elizabeth Stanbock, born June 18, 1883; died October, 1885. Maud Lester Stanbock, born September, 1885. Laura Stanbock, born June, 1887. Nannie Stanbock, born November, 1890. William Stanbock, born March 5, 1893. Thomas Stanbock, born September, 1895; died February, 1900. Ernest Stanbock, born May, 1899.



338. L Ferdinand Rodger Brittenour, born July 9, 1879.

No children by second or third marriage.

CLARENCE FORSTER GREENLEE was educated at the Normal school at "Warrensburg, Missouri, and for two years taught school at Fayetteville, Missouri He spent the time from March, 1879 until September, 1883 in Colorado, following up mining and town site booms. After a law course at the University of Michigan, he began the practice of his profession at Jacksonport, Arkansas, in 1887. He served one term as Mayor of Jacksonport. In 1891, he removed to Brinkley, Arkansas, where he now makes his home. He is attorney for five corporations of that place, and president of the Monroe County Bank. His record in Supreme Court practice has been one long series of successes.


» G'«nl» • James Greenle. • MARY MORGAN GREENLEE I J™""? £ ( Eliza H. Forster Paxton ' Mar; John Grwule* James Greenlee * \ Hannah McOanahan Mar; u. McDowell J

daughter of "William Paxton Greenlee and Eliza Hizer Forster, was born August 11, 1851 in Rockbridge Co., Virginia; married July 27, 1874 near Fayetteville, Johnson Co., Missouri, ELIJAH H. MILLER. He was a phy- sician; resided at Fayetteville, Missouri.

One child:

339. L Lena K. Miller, born September, 1875; died July 27, 1876.


' h,i JAMES RUSSELL GREENLEE {gg»S5ifi2F JSwVSS" * John Greenlee James Greenlee \ Hannah McOanahan Mar; K McDowell / son of "William Paxton Greenlee and Eliza Hizer Forster, was born April 14, 1853 at Lexington, Rockbridge Co., Virginia; married December 26, 1894 at Marshall. Salem Co., Missouri, JESSIE E. WILKIN'S, born November 24, 1865 at Wyoolmb, County Buckingham, England, daughter of William Wilkins and Mary Elizabeth Ann Wilson. She came to this country with her parents when she was fifteen years old.

One child:

340. L Edith Annabel, born January 20, 1896. 278 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

JAMES RUSSELL GREENLEE, in the spring of 1895, moved back to hi* father's farm where he continued to reside. In July, 1898, a cyclone passed over that vicinity, which totally destroyed every building on the premises besides the total except the dwelling, which was unroofed ; destruction of nine acres of flax and thirty-five acres of corn and three large racks of hay, also orchard, shade trees and fencing. He was a Cumberland Presbyterian; resi- dence, Fayetteville, Missouri.


4 KATE PAXTON GREENLEE » {EMSiSS? 1 " SS&SSSf Jobo Greenlee * James Greenlee ' Hannah McClanaban Mary E. McDowell }

daughter of William Paxton Greenlee and Eliza Hizer Forster, was born November 6, 1856 near Lexington, Rockbridge Co., Virginia; married July 19, 1885 FRANCIS DIVERS, born December 5, 1852 at Warrensbnrg, Johnson Co., Missouri, son of Francis Divers and Amelia Ann Bouldin. No children.

KATE PAXTON GREENLEE removed with her parents to Johnson County, Missouri, when only three months of age, and lived on her father's farm near Fayetteville until her marriage, when she went to the "staked plains" of New Mexico, where her husband owned a ranch stocked with fourteen hundred head of cattle. This was a very isolated home, situated one hundred miles distant from Midland, Texas, where all freight was hauled from. No neighbor lived nearer than thirty-five miles, and just six months elapsed after their arrival at the ranch before the face of another woman was seen. They lived here three years and a half, then removed to Midland, her husband still con- tinuing the stock business. Both she and her husband are enthusiastic workers in the Baptist church,


SARAH BLANCHE GREENLEE 5 I William P. Greenlee* Jame. Greenlee • I Ellis H. Forster Mary Paxton John Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Hannah McClanabao Mary E. McDowell J daughter of William Paxton Greenlee and Eliza Hizer Forster, was born April

23, 1863 near Fayetteville, Johnson Co., Missouri; married October 7, 1897 at Marshall, Saline Co., Missouri, JAMES WILLL\M SEE who was born Decem- ber 25, 1855 at Mt. Sterling, Montgomery Co., Kentucky, son of William See and Eliza Ann . He is a lumberman; Democrat; Cumberland Presbyter- ian ; resides at Marshall, Missouri. No children.


' m"* aTld r < e , ROBERT HARLAN GREENLEE* \l' «'«;»'<*• n 9 , J? T* V _ I Sarah E. Harlan Ilannab I. * Grlgsby John Greenlee James Greenlee ' 1 Ilannab McClanabao Mary B. McDowell / son of James Samuel Greenlee and Sarah Eliza narlan, was born July 20, 1866 at Martinsburg, Berkeley Co., West Virginia; married February 22, 1891 at Ft. No. 131. CLARENCE FORSTER GREENLEE. Third hashaDd of No. 148.


' khitt


Valley, Houston Co., Georgia, LILLIE LEE who was born in 1872 near Ft. died in Valley, Georgia, June 20, 1891 co*ke Co., Texas, daughter of J. S. Lee ; married second June 26, or 27, 1895 at Alvin, Texas, LILLIAN ANSLEY HOBBS, born October 6, 1874 at Matagorda, Texas, daughter of Judge Jesse Hobbs and Celia Ann Lee.


341. I. Iris, born July 3, 1896 at Alvin, Texas. 342. H. Lillian, born October 16, 1897 at Angleton, Texas.

ROBERT HARLAN GREENLEE, after the death of his mother, was ap- prenticed to the proprietor of a newspaper in Stephens County, Texas, for whom he worked about two years, then ran away from him on account of mistreatment. 'For about three years he wandered about, working at his trade in Parker County, Texas, cooking in a raftman's camp on Little River, Arkansas, and line-riding on a large cattle ranch in the Panhandle of Texas. While at the latter employment a wild horse fell on him inflicting as was supposed fatal injuries. He was removed to the settlement and his father sum- moned to see him die; but contrary to predictions he was convalescent when his father reached him, and returned with him to Stephens County. He re- mained at home, attending school and working at his trade, until 1885, after which he visited and worked in all the important cities of the East and West, as journeyman printer and member of the International Typographical Union.

After two years' absence he returned home for a short visit, then left for New Orleans, where he spent the winter. The next summer he visited Virginia and West Virginia. After spending some time there with relatives and friends, he returned to Texas and finished the preliminary course of reading law, and was admitted to the bar in Coleman County, Texas, March 14, 1889. The following May he was elected State's Attorney for co*ke County, Texas, and served in that capacity until the fall of 1890. After his marriage he returned to co*ke County with his bride, but had scarcely taken up the thread of business before she contracted typhoid fever and died in a few weeks. Immediately after her death he sold all his property, and, after paying his father a short visit, left for Galveston, thence via Malory R. R. to Key West, from there to Havana, thence via schooner to Rio Janeiro, Brazil. En route off Cape St. Roque the schooner came near foundering in a terrific gale. He did not remain long in Rio Janeiro, and returning to the United States followed his trade, working on the Times-Union of Jacksonville, Florida until the spring of 1893, when he re- turned to Texas and settled down to the practice of law in Alvin. In 1898. his health failing, he removed to the mountains of Arkansas, where he prospered greatly and is a leading member of the bar in his section of the state.


HANNAH McCLANAHAN GREENLEE" {SI^SiT gE'Afflif&r * * John Greenlee James Greenlee \ Hannah McClananan Mar; E. McDowell I daughter of James Samuel Greenlee and Sarah Eliza Harlan, was born Decem- ber 1868 in married 3, 1892 at Brazoria 6, Maryland ; August Alvin, Co., Texas, 280 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

HUGH MONTROSE CRAIG who was born November 30, 1842 at St Johns, Nova Scotia, son of William Craig and Jean Ross. They resided in Ballinger, Texas; Anadarko, Oklahoma Territory (1902). No children.

HUGH MONTROSE CRAIG has always followed railroading as an oc- cupation. At the time of his marriage he was Stock Claim Agent for the Gulf, Colorado & Sante Fe Railroad, and is now tie and timber inspector for the same company.


NANCY BELLE GBEENLEE» ' { SSST £ SSSiT 8E1M&, John Greenlee* James Greenlee • 1 Hannah McClanahan Mary EL McDowell J

daughter of James Samuel Greenlee and Sarah Eliza Harlan, was born March 4, 1871 at Florence, Marion Co., Kansas; married April 5, 1893 at Alvin, Bra- zoria Co., Texas, JOHN McCARTHY who was born September 3, 1840 at

Coberg, Canada, died November 6, 1898 at Alvin, Texas, son of John McCarthy and Mary Scnlley.


343. I. Sarah McCarthy, born March 5, 1894. 344. II. James Greenlee McCarthy, born March 14, 1898.

JOHN McCARTHY was a Union soldier and served all through the Civil war. He was a farmer; Republican; Catholic; resided at Ballinger, Texas.


B J«mes H G lee < John M. • JOHN MITCHELL GREENLEE ! Greenlee ( Mary J. Greenlee Mary EL Greenlee * * James Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Mary MltcbeU Mary EL McDowell / of son James nervey Greenlee and Mary Jane Greenlee, was born February 2, 1847 at Turkey Cove, McDowell Co., North Carolina; married May 1, 1883, MARY TATE who was born March 11, 1863 at Wisbech, Cambridge Co., Eng- land, daughter of George Jakins Tate and Elizabeth Waddingham; minister;

Democrat; Presbyterian ; resided at Marion, ten miles from Turkey Cove, North Carolina.


345. Maud May E., born February 2, 1884. Annie Tate, born January 31, 1886. Mabel Ella, born July 1, 1888. Georgena Mitchell, born August 11, 1890. Jamie Florence, born July 3, 1892. William Tate, born November 20, 1894. ' I •,



No inn. nancy DELT,E (OttEEN- LEE) McCAIITllY.


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DAVID WILLIAM GREEHLEE* JfiSEftfiEi"' S^tSSSS' James Greenlee * Jamea Greenlee * I Mary Mitchell Mary E. McDoweU f

son of James Hervey Greenlee and Mary Jane Greenlee, was born December 27, 1850 at Marion, McDowell Co., North Carolina; died May 2, 1897 at Marion,

North Carolina ; married May 18, 1881, ELLA FINLEY who was born February

6, 1852 at Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co., North Carolina, daughter of John Tate Fin- ley and Sarah Ann Gordon.


351. L John Hervey, born June 18, 1885. 352. IL Mary Gordon, born March 7, 1888.

DAVID WDLLIAM GREENLEE was a man of sterling integrity, an un- daunted advocate of the truth. He knew not the meaning of the word fear and never hesitated to perform a duty, when sure it was a duty. The consequences he did not consider. He was a Democrat; Presbyterian; and resided at Turkey Cove, then Marion where his widow now resides.


4 • 1 MARVUmfiI WW. r-ljXtlunLLWUFT.F.TiTM'TNf! 8 / nanDah A.E. Greenlee John M. Green'ec James Greenlee { samo el Flemmlng Mary E Greenlee Mary Mitchell » James Greenlee I Mary E. McDoweU / daughter of Hannah Ann Eliza Greenlee and Samuel Flemming, was born Sep- tember 25, 1838 at Turkey Cove, McDowell Co., North Carolina; married November 3, 1858 at Woodlawn, McDowell Co., North Carolina, JOHN G. YANCY who was born August 21, 1833 at Jonesboro, Washington Co., Tennes- see, son of Dr. John Yancy and Jane W. Maxwell; physician; Democrat; Presbyterian.



' WOODVILLE FLEMMINO • b * Dl " ' b n 1 WILLIAM { »X?, F e£°ff & r7 % gjJS,- • James Greenlee' James Greenlee I Mar/ Mitchell Mary a McDowell I

son of Hannah Ann Eliza Greenlee and Samuel Flemming, was born April 1, North Carolina married December 1873 at 1846 at Burnsville, Yancey Co., ; 30, Norristown, Montgomery Co., Pennsylvania; ELLA MARY RALSTON, born June 29, 1847 at Norristown, daughter of James Grier Ralston, D. D. and Mary Ann Laramore, or Larimore, One child.

362. I. James Ralston Flemming, born September 11, 1874; married Misa Bertha Frances Bryan. 4-

WILLIAM WOODVILLE FLEMMING received his education at Hillsboro Military Academy, and the University of North Carolina. He was appointed Lieutenant of Company D, 6th North Carolina Regiment of the Confederate army, attached to the Army of North Virginia, and was promoted to Major March 25, 1865, for leading the attack on Fort Steadman. He was the only sur- viving field officer of his regiment who was present at Appomattox when Gen- eral Lee surrendered to General Grant. In 1870 he was elected to the North Carolina Senate from the 40th Senatorial District; and was re-elected in 1872 from the 36th District, the state having been re-districted during his first term. He was a member of the High Court of Impeachment, before which the Gover- nor of North Carolina was tried and impeached in 1872. After the expiration of his second term in the Senate, he devoted himself exclusively to the practice of law. He was a Democrat; Presbyterian; resides in New York City.


SAMUEL HANNAH FLEMMINO » '" ' { gSMeSmftr £«" a 8S£iS' James Greenlee ' James Greenlee > J Mary Mitchell Mary E. McDowell J son of Hannah Ann Eliza Greenlee and Samuel Flemming, was born January 5, 1849 at Burnsville Yancey Co., North Carolina; died June 13, 1887 in Mary- land; married September, 1876 at Norristown, Pennsylvania, MARY LOUISE MOCKBRIDGE, daughter of Mockbridge; minister; Baptist. Two chil- dren, both died in infancy. 190.

4 • 5 1 1 " MINERVA ALLISON GREENLEE \ Si*"?!? E f^™ If™* Orewtaj ( Sarah L. Butler Minerva K. Sackett James Greenlee James GreeDlee * > Mary Mitchell Mary E. McDowell I daughter of Ephraim Edward Greenlee and Sarah Louisa Butler, was born June 20, 1853 at Morganton, Burke Co., North Carolina; died April 8, 1892 at Somer- ville, Fayette Co., Tennessee; married January 23, 1872 at their country resi- dence in Fayette Co., Tennesseee, COLONEL THOMAS SPRAGGINS GALLA- WAY, born June 18, 1840 at "Mon Vue," Rockingham Co., North Carolina, son of Thomas S. Gallaway and Lucimla V. Chalmers, ne was a lawyer; Demo- crat; Episcopalian: resided at Somerville, Tennessee. • r~ —.-


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363. L Lucinda Louisa Gallaway, bora January 20, 1873. 364. EL Greenlee Gallaway, bora August 31, 1874. He is an agent on L C. R.R- died 365. ILL Ephraim Edward Gallaway, born January 19, 1876 ; January 20, 1876. 366. IV. Thomas Spraggins Gallaway, bora December 2, 1876. He is an agent of L. & N. R. R. 367. V. Sallie Chalmers Gallaway, bora July 3, 1878; died July 4, 1878. 368. VL Sarah Butler Gallaway, born June 6, 1879. 369. VTL Minerva Lee Gallaway, bora September 6, 1880; died March 3, 1883. 370. V11L Alexander Broadwax Gallaway, born December 26, 1884. 371. IX. John Marion Gallaway, bora November 22, 1886; died April 15, 1887. 372. X. Mary Laura Gallaway, bora November 18, 1889; died August, 1890. 1891 died 1891. 373. XL James Gallaway, bora June 21, ; October 3,

THOMAS SPRAGGLNS GALLAWAY was colonel of the 22nd North Caro- lina Regiment, Scales Brigade, Wilcox's Division, Third Corps, Army of North- ern Virginia, C. S. A.


SAMUEL MITCHELL GREENLEE » * { IJfX* coasT'^ SBSlMSSSt * ' Jamea Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Mar; Mitchell Mar/ E. McDowell J

son of Alexander Sackett Greenlee and Elizabeth C. Glass, was born July 20, 1860 at Morganton, Burke Co., North Carolina; married November 3, 1885 at Morganton, MARY HAPPOLDT who was born December 4, 1864 at Morgan- ton, daughter of Dr. Christopher Happoldt and Emily Amelia Greenlee [No. 66].


374. I. Gertrude Neuffer, bora August 28, 1887. 375. II. Henry Christopher, born December 19, 1890. 376. in. Bessie Lillian, bora June 5, 1893. 377. IV. Mary Lucille, bora March 16, 1896.

SAMUEL MITCHELL GREENLEE left his father's farm when quite young and went on the railroad. He contracted to build roads until 1888 when he went to Atlanta, where he was still living in 1899. He is a Democrat; Presby- terian. 284 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.


EPHRATM LELAND GREENLEE » * { gSSfitSZ™*" James Greenlee • JamesJ^reenle* 1 1

378. JAMES OF VIRGINIA. 285 few weeks before his death. During the pastorate of the Eev. E. C. Murray he was chosen Elder of the Marion Church and superintendent of the Sabbath schooL His interest and pleasure in this work were most earnest and sincere. With the New Year he had gone to Asheville, to find wider scope for his talent in the realm of law. His first case in the city courts had just been gained when the sudden illness came on which caused his death.




39L L Henry Clay, born April 14, 1874 at St. Paul, Minnesota. 392. IL Emily Louise, born September 12, 1879.

HENRY CLAY GREENLEE passed his first years at Defiance, Ohio, and from his eighth to fifteenth year, on a farm about five miles from Ayersville, Ohio, meanwhile attending school in the village. When fifteen he obtained his mother's consent to accompany her cousin to St. Paul, Minnesota, doing what- ever he could find to do until he secured a position with a dealer in furs. He remained in this position until he was seventeen years of age, when he enlisted on July 28, 1862 in Company A, 6th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, first to be sent to quell the Indian outbreak, and later sent with his regiment to the south to assist in quelling the rebellion. He saw much active service, and was mus- tered out at Fort Snelling, Minnesota, August 19, 1865. He was fond of study and carried books with him all his army life, improving every opportunity. After his discharge from the army he visited his mother and sister in Ohio, and attended school there for a time, then returned to St. Paul and engaged in the fur business. He was considered the best judge of fur in the city. He made many trips to the northern and western parts of the state to purchase fur, often with large sums of money on his person, and when beyond the pale of civiliza- tion would lie down at night with none but Indians for company, and without fear of molestation. Upon being asked if he were not afraid, he answered, "I feel safer with them than with white perosns. The Indians would die for me." He learned to speak their language, which pleased them very much. "When they came down to St. Paul in the spring to dispose of their winter's work in hunting and trapping, they would deposit their money with him, considering it safer than in a bank. He vas a Republican; Baptist. His widow and daughter reside at St. PauL

HENRY CLAY GREENLEE, JR., enlisted June 11, 1S98 at St. Paul, as recruit in Company D, 13th Regiment Minnesota Volunteers, for service in the Spanish-American war. He was at Camp Merritt from June 20 until July 29, 1898, when he sailed on the steamer "St. Paul" from San Francisco, and ar- rived at Manila. Philippine Islands, August 31, 1S98. He was a dental student at the time of his enlistment.

B I Bsmoel n. ' .lumps Oreenlee* Pavld BJUALBRAnrF \jB.CjC*VrifJT?FP.NT.P.'R Greenlee Greenlee* i Elizabeth Stltea Sarah OiBkey Jaoe White * Jampa Oreenlee \ Mary B McDowell I daughter of Samuel Harvey Greenlee and Elizabeth Stites. was born May 20, 1847 at Defiance, Defiance Co., Ohio; married October 10. 1867 near Ayersville, Defiance Co., Ohio, JOHN CLINTON GARVEY who was born November 19, 1842 at Piqua, Miami Co., Ohio, son of Thomas Garvey and Elinor Clinton. Baptists. Reside at Defianec JAMES OF VIRGINIA. 287


Lincoln born 393. L Gertrude Garvey, August 23, 1869 ; married Joseph R Copper.+ 394. IL Clinton Greenlee Garrey, born March 25, 1880 at Ayersville. He graduated from the public school at Defiance, in 1897. He entered the office of the General Auditor of the United States Express Company in New York City, at the age of seventeen and has since been promoted to the office of cashier for the company at Utica, or Ithaca, New York.


* Samuel EL Greenlee • James Greenlee • David • ii^iaiiuaA MA NT)A Uiumui^ioGREENLEE / Greenlee 1 Elizabeth SUtea Sarah Caakey Jane WhlU * James Greenlee 1 lJir j EL McDowell /

daughter of Samuel Harvey Greenlee and Eli2abeth Stites, was born November 15, 1849 at Defiance, Ohio; died August 8, 1875; married 187— GEORGE W. KTLLEY.

One son :

Daniel died on 395. L Harry Killey ; Thanksgiving day, 1874 aged seventeen months.

AMANDA GREENLEE received her education in the village schools, and a private school at Ayersville, Ohio, and became a school teacher.


MINERVA ELLEN GREENLEE » nlt° ' ' { l*^ rJ2£ sar." oKe," * l David Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Jane White Marj E. McDowell J

daughter of Thomas Franklin Greenlee and Eliza Ann Pearce, was born March 16. 1S43 at Bourneville, Ross Co., Ohio; married GEORGE PIERCE; married second July 31, 1S79, THOMAS CLEMENS MEANS (his third wife), born September 15. 18-35 at Plattsburg, Clinton Co., Missouri, died January 6, 1898 at Villisca, Iowa, son of Thomas Means and Elizabeth Livingston. He was a

farmer : Democrat : Cumberland Presbyterian. No Children. Mr. Means had six children by former marriage.

MINERVA ELLEN GREENLEE attended public schooL In her fifteenth year she united with the Methodist Episcopal Church, and soon became an active worker in the church. She was especially interested in the Sabbath school work, and for eight years was teacher of the boys Bible class, and Li- brarian and Secretary for a number of years. In September, 1867 she com- menced teaching in the primary department of the public school at New Peters- burg. Highland County, Ohio, and continued there four years. Afterward she taught in Highland County until the fall of 1875, when she went to the home 288 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

of her uncle, James Greenlee, near Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois. After visiting with relatives in that vicinity until April, 1876, she went to Villisca, Iowa, where her mother and the other members of the family were located. She again taught school for three years, then was married to Thomas Clemens Means. He was one of the pioneers of Montgomery County, coming there with his mother in 1851. For many years he was an active member of the Cumber- land Presbyterian Church, organized in that neighborhood, and holding its meetings at the Means schoolhouse. For thirty years he was a ruling elder of the church, and for many years Sabbath school superintendent. At various times he served as president and treasurer of the township school board, and always performed his official duties with fidelity. Mrs. Means united with her husband in his church work. She was secretary and a teacher in the Sunday school and, after her husband's death, became its superintendent, and also teacher of the old ladies Bible class. She has always been greatly interested in missions, and was for two years Presbyterial Secretary of the Women's Mis- sionary organization of the "West Iowa Presbytery" of the Cumberland Pres- byterian church. She has also served as Secretary and President of the Auxil- iary Society of her church. She has brought up her sister Mary's child, Grace Greenlee Wilson, taking her when only seventeen months old, and is educating her for a teacher.


» Greenlee • • 5 i oma James Greenlee MARY LOUISE GREENLEE ™,hi iza A. £ I I'earce Sarah Caskej • David Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Jane White Mar; E. McDowell J

daughter of Thomas Franklin Greenlee and Eliza Ann Pearce, was born Octo- ber 27, 1844 at Bainbridge, Ross Co., Ohio; died June 5, or 4, 1884 at Hillsboro, Ohio married ; April 30, 1867, THOMAS WILSON who died May 6, 1884, son of Thomas Wilson and Elizabeth —— —. Tie was a farmer and stockman.


396. Nelson Barren Wilson, born March 7, 1868. Fannie Marie Wilson, born September 22, 1870. Thomas Clinton Wilson, born March 5, 1873. Chester Arthur Wilson, born April 5, 1876. Francis Oakey Wilson, born August 14, 1878; died August, 1884. Scott Holmes Wilson, born September 22, 1880. Grace Greenlee Wilson, born January 12, 1883.


« • 5 • Greenlee FRANCIS PEARCE GREENLEE i J*"™** f James Greenlee i tllia A. I'earce Sarah Caskej * • David Greenlee .lames Greenlee 1 Jane White Mary K. McDowell > son of Thomas Franklin Greenlee and Eliza Ann Pearce, was born October 5, 1846 at Bainbridge, Ross Co., Ohio; married ALICE STEWART who was born at Washington, Pennsylvania, daughter of William Stewart; married second

*"" J — . .- . ,-


October 24, 1878 at Villisca, Montgomery Co., Iowa, CORA MANN, born June 1858 at 26, Niles, Michigan, daughter of Joseph Mann and Emily ,


403. I. George F., born September 9, 1879. II. 1881 404. Gertrude, born September 13, ; died August 20, 1883. 405. III. Harry L., born January 14, 1883. 406. IV. Marie, born January 18, 1884,

FRANCIS PEARCE GREENLEE was educated in the public schools and academy of Hillsboro, graduating from the latter in 1866. He taught school in Hillsboro for three years, then went to Indianapolis, where he read law with his uncle, Ephraim A. Greenlee, and was admitted to the bar in the spring of 1872. The same year he went to Villisca, Montgomery Co., Iowa, where he taught school for one year, and at the end of that time was admitted to the bar in that state and began the practice of law at Villisca. He represented Mont- gomery County in the twenty-first General Assembly, and was prominent in much of the legislation of that session. Being a member of the Judiciary Com- mittee, he took a leading part in the reorganization and putting into successful operation the present judical system of the state, and permanently locating the supreme court at the state capital. He was a member of several of the most important committees, being chairman of two. One of the most able and effective debaters upon the floor, he was recognized as one of the leaders of the House. He was not a candidate for re-elcetion. Mr. Greenlee was closely identified with the growth and development of the city of Villisca and that part of the country; and, being imbued with the public spirit commendable in all men, he took an active part in all public questions, and upheld those which to him appeared to be for the best interest of the whole people. He was three times elected mayor of Villisca. His last term expired in April, 1898, when he declined re-election, but was retained as solicitor by the city. Taking charge of the city with a depleted treasury, he so managed the finances that, without increasing taxation, he paid off the city bonds as they matured and the cost of all needed improvements and extensions, and retired at the close of his last official term with the endorsem*nt and good will of the people, and a large cash balance in the treasury. In 1898 he removed to Red Oak to enter upon the discharge of his duties as County Attorney, to which office he had been elected that fall. By his careful and painstaking methods with all business entrusted to him, and strict fidelity to his clients, he has won the confidence and esteem of the people. He is an able lawyer and successful practitioner, filling the office of County Attorney with marked ability to the entire satisfaction of his fellow citizens. *-• ^ $ Mr. Greenlee is a teacher in the Presbyterian Sunday school, and has been prominent in that work for years. He is a member of the orders of Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias and Masons, it 290 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.


CATHERINE HOLMES GREENLEE * ' " { Ilu?" reaVc?""* £iE5>" SS^" * * David Greenlee James Greenlee f

Jul White Marv 11 McDowell (

daughter of Thomas Franklin Greenlee and Eliza Ann Pearce, was born Janu- 1851 ary 8, ; married WILLIAM DAVIS; married second DR. DILLARD PITT- MAN who died in 1894; residence, Villisca, Iowa; five children; two are dead,

f one is in Manila and three ( ) are at home.


ANNIE ADELIA GREENLEE » r«nle* 4 * { If™^ £e£ ££?Sto" * David Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Jane White Mar; E. McDowell J

daughter of Thomas Franklin Greenlee and Eliza Ann Pearce, was born August 23, 1853 at Hillsboro, Highland Co., Ohio; married May 23, 1880, BENJAMIN HARRIS who was born September 9, 1840 at Norfolk, England, died May 21, 1885. He was a druggist; Democrat; Episcopalian; resided at Creston, Iowa. She owns and operates Boyds Theatre Drug store at Omaha, Nebraska. No children.


T,,,r » Thomas F. Greenlee 4 Jamea Greenlee • Da rid Greenlee ELIZA , ' 'OR WMUIUMGRF.NT.F.E / t Eliza A. Tearce Sarah Caskej Jane Whit* • James Greenlee 1 Mary E. McDowell /

daughter of Thomas Franklin Greenlee and Eliza Ann Pearce, was born March 1858 at Ohio married 16, Hillsboro, Highland Co., ; March 16, 1876 at Villisca, Montgomery Co., Iowa, EDGAR JOSEPH MANN, born June 28, 1852 at Nilea, Berrien Co.. Michigan, son of Joseph Mann and Emaline McNilte; merchant, school teacher; Democrat; Presbyterian; residence, Villisca, Iowa.


407. I. Nina E. Mann, born November 30, 1876; married December 23, 1897 or 1896 at Villisca, John Bingenheimer of Lemars, Iowa. *08. Nellie Greenlee Mann, born December 27, 1884. Joseph Edgar Mann, born August 8, 1887.

Raymond Ney Mann, born October 8, 1889. Hazel Lucille Mann, born November 25, 1891 or 1892.


& Thomas P. Greenlee Jamea Greenlee • ANNEKA JANS BOGARDUS GREENLEE / _ , . _ | kllza A. I'earce Sarah Casker • DaTld Greenlee James Greenlee ) Jane White Mary E. McDowell /

daughter of Thomas Franklin Greenlee and Eliza Ann Pearce, was born August at 7, 1865 Hillsboro, Highland Co., Ohio; married November 2, 1882, CHARLES JAMES OF VIRGINIA. 291

CYRUS WATERMAN, born April 21, 1863 at Atalissa, Muscatine Co., Iowa, son of Francis Granger Waterman and Sarah Catherine Lundy.


412. L Fay Marie Waterman, born October 15, 1885 at Villisca, Iowa. 413. IL Jessie Frances Waterman, born May 31, 1890 at Villisca.

CHARLES CYRUS WATERMAN was a partner with his father in the hardware business at Villisca, Iowa. In May, 1891 he sold his interest in the business and moved to Fresno, California, where he bought a raisin vineyard. In April, 1893 he sold the vineyard and returned to Villisca, where he again engaged in the hardware business. He is a Democrat. Mrs. Waterman is an active worker in the Christian Church. Their two daughters are attending high school


« • • JVJ3.ilJOHN XLH.UV.&SHARVEY I/Aoj^LiXCASKEY » f David G. Caskey Grace Greenlee David Greenlee J EUza Hite John Caskey Jane White * James Greenlee 1 Mary E. McDowell /

son of David Greenlee Caskey and Eliza Hite, was born February 19, 1847 at Richland. Rush Co., Indiana; married ELIZA SCOTT; married second MATTIE ADKLNS who was born September 9, 1860 at Huntsville, Carrol Co., Mississippi, daughter of Jerome Adkins and Virginia Curtis.


414. Lew Caskey, born December 3, 188L William Caskey, born November 16, 1883. Clyde Caskey, born September 28, 1886. Florence Caskey, born December 11, 1889. John Caskey, born February 29, 1892. Nettie Caskey, born July 21, 1895, or 1894. Minnie Caskey, born August 28, 1897.

JOHN HARVEY CASKEY was educated in the common schools and Rich- land Academy. He obtained a scientific education and taught school for fifteen years. He acted in the capacity of Deputy Sheriff four years. He is now en- in Christian resides gaged in farming. In politics he is a Democrat ; religion, ; at Fail-mount, Indiana.


II. Decatur Co., Indiana, WILLIAM MILLER who was born September 5, 1847 at Vevey, Switzerland Co., Indiana, son of Thomas Miller and Elizabeth Peters. He is a farmer; Republican; Methodist; resides at New Salem, Indiana.


421. I. Minnie O. born Miller, August 20, 1873 ; unmarried. 422. II. James H. Miller, born November 30, 1878.


« JAMES EDWARD CASKEY B f Samuel H Caskey Grace Greenlee* _ ( Lnclnda Hit* John * Caskey Dark] Greenlee James Greenlee » 1 Jane Whit* Mary B. McDowell j son of Samuel Harvey Caskey and Lucinda Hite, was born May 12, 1853 at Rush Indiana married 1895 at Richland, Co., ; August 6, Greensburg, Decatur Co., Indiana, MABEL GERTRUDE KERCHEVAL who was born August 3, 1872 at St. Omer, Decatur Co., Indiana, daughter of William V. Kercheval, or and Sarah Kurtcheville, Enos. Mr. Caskey is postmaster; in politics, a Republi- can; in religion, Methodist; resides at Greensburg, Indiana.


423. I. Marian Caskey, born June 18, 1896. 424. II. James Fairbanks Caskey, born September 7, 1898.


5 r. Greenlee David • ALEXANDER W. GREENLEE I J™llam Greenlee I Barbara W. Enlow (l'urnell) 13Hall * » Mary David Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Jane White Mary eT McDowell son of William Purnell Greenlee and Barbara Wilson Enlow, was born April 1854 at 5, Warrensburg, Johnson Co., Missouri; married September 25, 1880, FRANCES ABIGAIL CROUCH who was born .March 15, 1861 at Troy, Lincoln Co., Missouri, daughter of Henry Crouch and Virginia.


425. Minnie, born May 22, 1883; unmarried. Maud, born July 3, 1888. Myrtle, born June 5, 1892. Mabel, born March 14, 1894. Alva Henry, born February 10, 189!;.

ALEXANDER W. GREENLEE left home at the age of seventeen. He spent a year in Nevada, then a short time in Colorado, after which he went to Cali- fornia. From there he went to Oregon and stayed a few months, then returned to California where he remained another year, then went to Colorado and re- mained two years. Having been roving around for five years he decided to re- JAMES OF VIRGINIA 293

turn to his home. He remained only a short time, then went to Texas, and has since lived in this state and Oklahoma. He is a farmer; Democrat; Methodist. Resides at Moore, Oklahoma.

E « • CHARLES BRADSHAW BLAKEY* i ""ft -Greenlee David Greenlee I ft 111 Lam C. Ulakey Hall * Mary (I'urnell) David Greenlee James Greenlee • 1 Jane White Mar; E. McDowell /

son of Mary Elizabeth Greenlee and William Clark Blakey, was born March 15, 1854 at Cole Benton Missouri married 1887 at Camp, Co., ; April, Farmer, Young Co., Texas, IDA CALLEN who was born January 15, 1861 in Arkansas, died 1888 at of February 6, Walsenburg, Colorado, daughter A. V. Callen ; married second February 1, 1894 at Graham, Young Co., Texas, ADELIA FRANCES (CADDEL) COLLINS, born October 22, 1870 at Denton, Denton Co., Texas, daughter of A. B. Caddel and Sarah F. ColwelL


430. I. Daughter, born January 26, 1888 at Walsenburg, Colorado; died September 23, 1888. 431. H. Yelverton C. Blakey, born January 8, 1896. 432. ni. Charles D. Blakey, born December 4, 1897.

CHARLES BRADSHAW BLAKEY after several years of farming, attend- ing school during the winter months, became disgusted with farm life. His father agreed to accompany him to Texas, since he was determined to try a new country. In 1875 they went to Denison, Texas, where for three years they raised cotton and made a good living, but saved little. He then determined to try something else, so engaged in cattle raising in Young County, Texas. In a few years he had gathered a large amount of experience, whole some one else got the herd. He then began the life of a cowboy, which he followed pretty reg- ularly in Texas and Indian Territory until the spring of 1887. In the fall of that year he located at Walsenburg, Colorado. After his wife's death he wandered back to Texas and again took up the life of a cow-boy, and during five years employment as such he accumulated quite a number of cattle, and kept his herd three years longer in Young County, then in order to secure better range for his stock he removed to King County, Texas, where he now owns a ranch of four thousand acres stocked with a good herd of improved is in Christian resides at cattle. In politics, he a Democrat; religion, ; Benjamin, Knox County, Texas.


* • • iJtLl^bD-pTTp MAYTVTAV JSliAJUSXRTATTTPV8° < Mary E. Greenlee David Greenlee David Greenlee { W illlam C. Blakey Mary (I'urnell) Hall Jane White James Greenlee J 1 Mary E. McDowell J daughter of Mary Elizabeth Greenlee and William Clark Blakey, was born February 27, 1856 at Colecamp, Missouri; married February 15, 1881 at 433. JAMES OF VIRGINIA. 295


449. I. John Louis, born February 16, 1887. 450. II. George Albert, born November 13, 1888. " 451. III. Walter Robert, born July 3, 1890. • 452. IV. James Thomas, born July 2, 1894.

LOUIS ALBERT GREENLEE learned the printer's trade, and after the death of his mother went to the Rocky Mountains. He worked at his trade in Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho and Montana, and finally located at Dubuque, Iowa. In 1887 he removed to St. Paul, Minnesota, where he re- mained until October, 1896. On account of a strike that year he removed to Chicago, where he was employed by the Times-Herald for about a year. Since that time he has been connected with the Western Newspaper Publishing Com- pany in Chicago. In politics Mr. Greenlee is an Independent.


s M. Greenlee • M. Greenle«» juiiujEFFES umiaJANE GREENLEEujujijniijjn I Epbralm Ephralm t Malvlna Miller Mallnda Becklebelmer • * David Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Jane White Mar; E. McDowell J daughter of Ephraim McDowell Greenlee and Malvina Miller was born August 27, 1861 at Princeton, Missouri; died October 24, 1895 at Italy, Ellis Co., Texas; married February 27, 1884 at Bedford, Livingston Co., Missouri, ROBERT CASPER MITCHELL who was born February 20, 1861 at Bedford, Missouri. He is a lumber dealer; Democrat; Methodist; resides at Italy, Texas.


453. Harry E. Mitchell, born March 27, 1885 at Brunswick, Missouri. Leta Mitchell, born August 16, 1887 at Kansas City, Missouri.

Daryl C. Mitchell, born December 5, 1889 at Omaha, Nebraska. Fannie Mitchell, born July 16, 1892 at Italy, Texas.

EFFIE JANE (GREENLEE) MITCHELL was a bright and well educated woman; graduated at Chillicothe, Missouri; was a fine musician. She was a lovable wife and a very tender mother.


1 W. Hannah A. E Greenlee * John M. Greenlee • JUX111TOWN VAWnVtI /ill L/ I ( Mary necDmlng' | John G. Taney Samuel Flemmlng Mary E. Greenlee

• 1 , James Greenlee James Greenlee Mitchell E. McDowell J ^} Mary Mary son of Mary W. Flemming and John C. Yancy, was born January 31, 1862 North Carolina married 1897 at at Asheville, Madison Co., ; May 5, Lincolnton, Lincoln Co., North Carolina, CARRIE MOTZ who was born May 14, 1870 at 296 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

Lincolnton, and was a daughter of Caleb Motz and Emeline Carson. He is a in resides at merchant; in politics, a Populist; religion, Presbyterian; Marion, North Carolina.

One child:

457. I. John G. Yancy, born April 30, 1898..


• « • • W. Hannah A. E. Greenlee John M. illilAXIWATJV r.1? VANCTlx Alive Mary Flemming Greenlee fjohnG. lancy Samuel Flemming Mary E. Greenlee

» • James Greenlee James Greenlee \ Mary Mitchell Mary B. McDoweU /

daughter of Mary W. Flemming and John G. Yancy, was born July 11, 1866 at Marion, McDowell Co., North Carolina; married December 24, 1890 at Salem, Forsyth Co., North Carolina CHARLES MACON CORPENING who

was born March 9, 1864 at Marion, North Carolina, son of C. L. CorpeniDg and Martha Micheaux. He is a merchant and resides near Marion, North Carolina; is in at Woodlawn in 1901. In politics, he a Republican ; religion, Episcopalian.


458. I. Charles M. Corpening, born October 13, 1891. 459. II. John Y. Corpening, born February 11, 1894. 460. III. Grayson M. Corpening, born June 30, 1896. 461. IV. Mary Flemming Corpening, born September 5, 1900.


n"nlnf ' Hannah A. E. Greenlee SAMUEL HANNAH YANCEY* \^l7^I^G. ( John lancy Samuel Flemming

* * • John M. Greenlee James Greenlee James Greenlee > Mary E. Greenlee Mary Mitchell Mary E. McDowell /

son of Mary W. Flemming and John G. Yancy, was born August 16, 1868 at Marion, McDowell Co., North Carolina; married May 20, 1897 at Marion, ELIZABETH R. NEAL, born November 19, 1875 at Marion, daughter of Joseph G. Neal and Rowena E. Weaver. He is a furniture dealer; in politics, a Populist; in Religion, Protestant; resides at Marion, North Carolina.


462. I. Samuel H. Yancey, born April 5, 1898; died August 28, 1899. 463. II. Mary R. Yancey, born March 11, 1900. JAMES OF VIRGINIA 297


M » Hannah A. E. « • HESTERUiioiun, Li. YANCY1.U.1.UI • ! "J w Flemming Greenlee John M. Greenlee }jobnY. Yancy Samuel Flemmln£ Mary K. Greenlee ' James Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Mary Mitchell Mary E. McDowell J daughter of Mary W. Flemming and John G. Yancy, was born September 12, 1871 at Woodlawn, McDowell Co., North Carolina; married June 20, 1894 at Woodlawn, DAVID N. LONON, born March 7, 1862 at North Cove, McDowell Co., North Carolina, son of O. N. Lonon and Emeline M. Martin. He is a farmer; Republican; Methodist; resides at Marion, North Carolina.


464. I. David N. Lonon, born March 13, 1895. 465. II. John G. Lonon, born January 21, 1897. 466. HI. William Delmar Lonon, born June 24, 1899.

HESTER I. (YANCY) LONON graduated at Salem Female College in 1892—the same school that her mother and gradmother had attended.


John M. Greenlee a James Greenlee * James Greenlee l 1 Mary E. Greenlee Mary Mitchell Mary E. McDoweU J son of William Woodville Flemming and Ella Mary Ralston, was born Septem- ber 11, 1874 at Norristown, Montgomery Co., Pennsylvania; married June 30, 1897 at New York City, BERTHA FRANCES BRYAN, born October 25, 1875 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, daughter of John Bryan and Anna Gross.

One son.

467. I. Bryan Flemming, born November 7, 1898.

JAMES RALSTON FLEMMING was educated at Rittenhouse Academy, Washington, D. C, Princeton University and New York Law SchooL He is a lawyer and resides in New York City.


GERTRUDE LINCOLN GARVEY- {^^arl?/ I&nSfur£D,ee '

• * James Greenlee David Greenlee James Greenlee 1

Sarah L'askey Jane White Mary E. McDowell I daughter of Sadie Greenlee and John Clinton Garvey, was born August 23, 1869 at Defiance, Ohio; married JOSEPH R. COPPER; resides at Newark, Ohio. 298 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.


468. L Harry Garvey Copper. 469. H Carrie Sadie Copper. 470. IH. May Copper. 471. IV. Clarence Rogers Copper.


INEZ BELLE WALDEN« eenU* {^S^Jf^ EttJ£i£ • Eptaralm M. Greenlee DaTld Greenlee • James Greenlee 1 Malinda Becklebelmer Jane White Mary E. McDowell J daughter of Annie Celinda Greenlee and William Kavanaugb. Woods Walden, 1898 was born October 12, 1875 at Chillicothe, Missouri ; married February 28, at Chillicothe, Missouri, SAMUEL LEVI KREISER, born July 23, 1875 at Mendota, Lasalle Co., Illinois, son of Amos Kreiser and Mattie . He ia a farmer; Republican; Methodist; resides at Hale, Missouri.

One child:


JAMES GREENLEE, 1 said to have been the son of Alexander Greenlee, in was born about 1718 the north of Ireland ; died between March 18, 1772 and October, 1778 in Hanover Township, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania; married who died after March 18, 1772.


married 2. L William (eldest son) ; Mary Thompson. -f- 3. IL Son (t). -£ 4. HL James. 5. IV. Alexander; left home and never returned. 6. V. Robert. 7. VI. Mary; married Thompson.

JAMES GREENLEE'S name appears on nanover Township tax list as early as 1738.


March the 18th day 1772. In the name of God amen Amen. I James Greenlee of Hanover Township and County of Lancaster and Province of Pennsylvania being very weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto god therefore Calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and Testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my Soul into the hands of almighty god that Gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in decent Christian Burial at the discreation of my Executors, nothing Doubting but at the general Resur- rection I shall receive the same again by the Almighty power of God and as touching Souch Worldly Estate wherewith it hath Pleased God to bless me with in this life, I Give demise and Dispose of the same in the following manner and Form. Item. I Give and bequath to my Eldest son William Greenlee Twenty pounds of good and lawfull money of Pennsylvania to be paid him out of my Estate. Item. I give to my son Alexander Greenlee the sum of Twenty Pounds. Item. I give to my son James Greenlee twenty Pounds.



Item. I give to my Daughter Mary Greenlee fourty Pounds. I give to my son Williams oldest son James Green— ten pounds all which sum or sums are to be raised and Leved out of my Estate. Item. I Give to my dear and Loving wife Seven pounds to be paid Yearly to her out of my estate and a good horse for her at her own Command this to be her own induring her life time she has her Labor by— to live on the said Estate or any where else where she shall think best. Item. I give and bequeath to my son Robert Greenlee whom I likewise Con- stitute make aDd Ordain my Sole and Whole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament all my Plantation or improvements Together with all my Household goods Debt and Stock & moveable effects by him Freely to be possessed and enjoyed I also allow my son Robert to pay all Debts dues or Demands that shall Lawfully be laid against said Estate, I also allow him two full years to make and pay the Sums above Written after my Descess and I Do hereby utterly disallow revoke and Disannull all and every other Former Testament Wills Legacies and bequests and executors by me in any ways before named Willed and bequeathed. Ratifying and Conforming this and no other to be my Last Will & Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day & year above Written. his

Signed sealed published declared James X Greenlee (L. S.) by the said James Greenlee as his mark last will & Testament in the pre- sence of us the subscribers. Alexander Sloan Jno. Moore.


A true Inventory of the real & personal estate of James Greenlee of Han- over Township in Lancaster County lately dec'd. Appraised by us whose names are hereafter writen the Octobr., 1778. £ The Improvements & wood lands apraised @ 15 Acres of Fall grain @ £7-0-0 @ 2 Do Do @ £2-10-0 @ Grain in the sheaf @ Hay @ 1 Black mare @ 1 Do Do @ 1 Waggon @ 1 Red Cow @ 1 Brocked Do a--@ 1 Brandled Do X-v-ft\. .f. . .@ 1 Red Bull @ 1 Black heifer @ 1 Do Do Whitefaced @ JAiLES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 301

Brindled Stier @ 3 Black Do @ Red Calf @ Cow hide .....' @ Sow & five piggs @ Plow & Irons @ Sb'de & Doubletree @ Ax & Grubinghoe @ Shovel and Hayfork @ Dungfork & spade @ Foote edge & Drawingknife @ Log Chain @ Waggon Cover @ Poplar chist & Do table @ Chairs @ Dough chist @ Churn & washing tub @ Bucket & Two pails @ Pots @ Iron Crook @ Big Wheel @ Spining Do @ Mans Saddle @ Woman 's Do @ Open ended vessels @ Double Barrel @ Single Do @ Caggs @ Casks @ Riddles @ Small Box @ Feather Bed @ Pair Double Blankets @ Single Do Do @ Coverlid @ Bed Quilts @ Bolster @ Grindstone @ Axes @ Auger @ Hilling hoes @ Botle @ Candlestick & Lamp @ Cutting knife @ Pair of horse giers @ Half Bushel @ Box & old Irons @ Pair of wool shears @


lee who was born at died in ; married ANN PATTEBSON, Utica, Pennsylvania, 1839 near Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of Peter Patterson. in in He was a miller and farmer ; politics, a Democrat ; religion, Presbyterian ; resided in French Creek Township, near Franklin, Pennsylvania.


17. L William, born January 5, 1785, or 1786; married Jane McClel- land.-f married Patterson married 18. H. John, born August 30, 1798 ; Margaret ;

second Mary McKay. -|- 19. HL Sarah, born August, 1803; married David Barr.-(- 20. IV. James Patterson, born October 13, 1805; married Elizabeth Green- lee; married second Margaret McGinnis.-)- 21. V. Margaret; married Samuel Barr.-f- 22. VI. Elizabeth. 23. VH. Samuel, born about 1812; died unmarried aged 21 years.

JAMES GREENLEE purchased June 13, 1808, of the heirs of James Scott, deceased, seventy acres of land in Lackawannock Township, Mercer County, Pennsylvania.


1 » wvxxxiJOHN GREENLEEuAtiiuiiiiuu 3 ( William Greenlee Jamei Greenlee 1 (Marj Thompson / son of William Greenlee and Mary Thompson, was born in 1758 in Pennsyl- vania; died May 22, 1837 aged 79 years at Woodco*ck, Crawford Co., Pennsyl- vania who was born in 1771 in died ; married SARAH BRADY, Pennsylvania, May 16, 1850 aged 79 years, in Pennsylvania, daughter of Captain John Brady and Mary Quigley.


24. William, born June 6, 1797; married Margaret Townley.-f-

James, born, 1799; married Hannah Bracken. -f- Mary ("Polly"), born May 6, 1802; married John Meredith Tay- lor Dunn.+

Elizabeth, born April 25, or 27, 1805; married John M. Humes. -\- V. John, born, 1808; killed by a train in Meadville, Pennsylvania, September 15, 1865. He was unmarried. 29. VL Samuel, born, 1810; died unmarried April 16, 1826, aged 15 years, 6 months. 1816 died 1841. 30. VH David, born, ; unmarried, May 14,

JOHN GREENLEE removed from Susquehanna County to Woodco*ckboro, Pennsylvania, in 1796. He often received visits from the Indians who were 304 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

quite numerous at that time. He was a soldier in the war of 1812; Elder in resided in the Presbyterian Church; a Democrat ; Woodco*ck Township, Craw- ford County, Pennsylvania.


* Jttme' Gr<*nl< *• tom.T.TATVT GREENLEE* * { m "r'*Tbom toT }

son of William Greenlee and Mary Thompson, was born November 15, 1771 at died in 1854 82 at Pottsville, Pennsylvania ; aged years 3^ months, McZena, Ashland Co., Ohio; married March 13, 1798 in Pennsylvania, REBECCA died at HUGHES ; married second SMITH, who McZena, Ohio, daugh- ter of William Smith.


31. I. Nancy, born December 15, 1799. 32. II. Mary ("Polly"), born April 4, 1802; married Musgrave. 33. III. born 1804 married Susan Warnes.-4- John, February 17, ; Mary 34. IV. Ellen, born January 11, 1806. 35. V. Elizabeth, born January 11, 1S06; died young. 36. VI. Elizabeth, born March 11, 1808., 37. VII. Jane, born February 20, 1810; married William Bell. 38. VIII. Sarah, born December 7, 1812; married Ephraim Chidester

Marks. -f- By second marriage: 39. IX. William, born October 7, 1818; living in Sumner, Illinois (1901). 40. X. James, born September 17, 1820. 41. XI. Wesley, born October 22, 1822; lived in Michigan. 42. XII. L. Matilda, or Martha, born June 7, 1825; married John Burwell.-f- 43. XIII. George Washington, born October 23, 1827.

WILLIAM GREENLEE removed from Susquehanna County to Woodco*ck- boro, Pennsylvania, in 1796. He removed from Pennsylvania to Ohio about 1810 and located a farm of 160 acres on the south side of the Big Mohican River in Wayne (now Ashland) County. He exchanged his farm for the S. W. Quarter of Section 14, Range 15, Township 20, Wayne County, (now known as Lake Township, Ashland County), three miles further along the same river. He returned to Pennsylvania and arranged for moving his family to Ohio. October 22, 1811, he commenced his journey through the forest with one two- horse and one four-horse covered wagon, loaded with household goods, provis- ions, grain, and his family. He crossed the Ohio river and followed the trail through Canton, Massillon, and Wooster—then all mere villages. There were but few cabins along the trail and he was compelled to camp by the wayside nearly the entire distance. When he arrived at the village of Wooster he found no open path to the cabin of James L. Priest, who had been a neighbor in Crawford County, Pennsylvania and had located in 1809 near what is now known as Priests' Prairie, so he preceded his teams with an ax, cutting the undergrowth and preparing a wagon road. In this way his progress was slow -


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and it took nearly a month to perform the journey. Arrived safely at his des- tination, his old neighbor and several Indians assisted hi™ in putting up a cabin. As he was of mild and religious nature he fared well with the Indians, and he often said that he had never had anything stolen by them. As deer and wild geese were plentiful, they would often hunt together and were fast friends. For a long time there were but five families in this vicinity. The cabins were near the old Huron trail, and great numbers of Delawares passed on their way to and from the old Indian settlement on the Tuscarawas, during the fall of 1811 and the spring of 1812, but all kept quiet and friendly until after Hull's surrender at Detroit. This was followed by the removal of the Green and Jerometown Delawares, and the assasination of Ruffner, the Zim- mers and James Capus by the hostile Indians from Sandusky. The pioneers in the Priest neighborhood converted Mr. Priest's double cabin into a block house and enclosed with pickets about one-fourth of an acre of ground around it. The settlers near Odells Lake joined those of the Priest settlement in the erec- tion of the stockade and came there for safety. They remained in the fort but a short time, though the fort remained the headquarters of the little colony during the continuance of the war. About the first stranger who came to the lone cabin was Johnny Appleseed.* as he was called. He planted an orchard for Mr. Greenlee, some of the trees of which are still bearing. Mr. Greenlee cleared some land for farming, and later built a flour mill, which was the first one in that section of the country. Previously they had to go into Knox County—a distance of thirty miles— for their flour. A part of this old mill is still standing. In a short time his troubles began, and he lost his wife and several children, all being buried in the orchard. Some years later he sold his farm and mill and purchased the homestead which, at his decease, came into the possession of his son John.


ROBERT GREENLEE » '""" Gr~nl<« ' {™l*TboL7£?' }

son of William Greenlee and Mary Thompson, was born May 30, 1773 at Penns Creek, near Swishers Run, Juniata Co., Pennsylvania; died March 8, or 18, 1857, or 1856 near Franklin, French Creek Township, Venango Co., Pennsyl- vania; married April 30, or 17, 1804 near Franklin, .MARGARET PORTER, who was born in 1786 or 1787 in Venango Co., Pennsylvania, died March 30, 1840 at Franklin, daughter of Robert Porter and Rebecca Stewart.


44. I. William, born August 12, 1805 ; married Mary Jane Vogan.4-

•Jonatban Chapman, or "Johnny Appleseed" as he wan called, was born In 17T5 at Boston, Massachusetts. He was a very eccentric old man. He was flrst seen In that part of the country about 1S06. He Lad two canoes lasbed together and was taking a load of apple seed down the river. All along, up and down both the Ohio :>nd Muskingum rivers and their wild tributaries he glided, stopping here and there to plant an orchard. Hundreds of orchards in that section were planted by this joor old man. He died in 1S48 at Fort Wayne, Indiana.



• ' > / James Greenlee William Greenlee James Greenlee » vJOHN*'"-" GREENLEE**" r ' "*""** \ Ann Patterson Mary Thompson J

son of James Greenlee and Ann Patterson, was born August 30, 1798 at Frank- died lin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania ; June 26, 1884 at Mercer, Mercer Co., Penn- sylvania; married August 19, 1824 in French Creek Township, Venango Co., Pennsylvania, MARGARET PATTERSON, born May 2, 1804 at Franklin, Pennsylvania, died January 28, 1849 in Jackson Township, Mercer Co., Penn- sylvania, daughter of Peter Patterson and Elizabeth Donley; married second October 10, 1855 in Jackson Township, MARY McKAY, daughter of Enoa McKay. He was a blacksmith and farmer; Republican; United Presbyterian; resided in Jackson Township, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania.


66. Peter Patterson, born June 6, 1825; married Mary Jane Guiler.-J-

Anna, born October 28, 1826 ; died March 18, 1849. Elizabeth, born November 5, 1828; married Thomas G. Barnes.4- James, born December 10, 1830; married Maria L. McColgan.-J- John, born March 25, 1833; married Mary Vight, or Dight.-)- William, born February 27, 1835; married June 22, 1871, Jane lived in Jackson died Dodds; CeDtre, Pennsylvania ; October 12, 1900.

Samuel S., born March 15, 1837; married Amanda T. Tinker.-f- Margaret Jane, born June 3, 1839; married Ellis Wainwright Tinker. + born 1841 died 1845. Mary E., August 1, ; November 26, Martha, born January 18, 1844; married Robert Allen. 4- Sarah E., born June 19, 1S47; died August 14, 1861. He has a grandson, Lester Greenlee, a school teacher at Utica, Pennsyl- vania.


• • • f James Greenlee William Greenlee James Greenlee ) aafiflflHAT? ATI Vi-tVEiXinrtCEifJTJFP'NT V.V. * | A nn Patterson Marj Thompson /

daughter of James Greenlee and Ann Patterson, was born August, 1803, or died at 1802, at Utica, or North Sandy, Pennsylvania ; March 4, 1S79 Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married in 1827 near Utica, Pennsylvania, DAVID BARR, born August, 1805 at Utica, or North Sandy, died February 21, 1882 at Franklin, Pennsylvania. He was a farmer; in politics. Prohibitionist; religion, United Presbyterian; resided near Franklin, Pennsylvania.


born 1822 married Elizabeth Duffield both are dead. 77. L Silas Barr, ; ;

78. II. Jane Barr, born March 22, 1829 ; married John Bole. 79. HI. Annie Barr, born November 11, 1830; married David Runninger.4- 80. 105. 310 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

serving in his father's place, and was stationed at Erie. He owned two hun- dred acres of land, half of it timber, and in connection with his farming he built a saw mill not far from his house on Gravel Run, and sawed thousands of feet of lumber which was sent to the Pittsburg market. It was loaded on flat boats which went down French Creek to Franklin, then on the Allegheny river to Pittsburg. The mill was kept in good repair, and he continued to ope- rate it as long as his health permitted. He was a very industrious man, noted for his honesty and uprightness, and was held in high esteem by all his neigh-

bors .He was a Democrat ; Presbyterian.


JAMES GREENU5E*"~^"-"-* * /John Greenlee • William Greenlee • Jamei Greenlee » > | Sargn Bra(ly Mary Thompson / son of John Greenlee and Sarah Brady, was born in 1799 at Woodco*ck, Craw- ford Co., Pennsylvania; died September 15, 1868 aged 70; married HANNAH BRACKEN of Columbus, Pennsylvania, who was born August 23, 1808 at died December 1898 Woodco*ck, 30, ; Democrat ; Presbyterian.


119. I. George Bracken; married Sarah Rabel.-f- 120. n. Sarah.

121. III. Irene K, died April 15, 1852 aged 7 years.


* > LIARY GREENLEE * /John Greenlee* William Greenlee Jamea Greenlee ) ( Sarah Brady Mary Thompson ——— f daughter of John Greenlee and Sarah Brady, was born May 6, 1802 at Wood- co*ck, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; died July 21, 1873 at Erie, Pennsylvania; married February 24, 1820 at Woodco*ck, Pennsylvania, JOHN MEREDITH

TAYLOR DUNN, born May 4, 1796 at Londonderry, Ireland, died May 2, 1860 at Erie, or McKean, Erie Co., Pennsylvania, son of Oliver Dunn and Rachel Taylor.


122. Sarah Ann born 1820 died 1854. Dunn, December 25, ; October 20, Rachel Dunn, born February 11, 1822; married Joseph A.

French, -f- Oliver Brady Dunn, born June 10, 1824; married Harriet Dunn.-f- Mary Esther Dunn, born July 18, 1826; died April 14, 1857. Elizabeth Dunn, born April 12, 1829; married John Robinson Dumars.-|- born 1832 died March 1855. Emily Dunn, September 15, ; 2,

Martha Jane Dunn, born June 2, 1834; married Samuel Leroy

Glover, -f- -

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129. VIIL Lafayette Dunn, born September 4, 1836; Master's Mate on U. S. Steamer Tawak; died October 10, 1863 in the civil war. 130. EL John Greenlee Dunn, born April 27, 1838; married Caroline Ma- tilda Luce ; lives at Ashtabula, Ohio ; no children.

JOHN MEREDITH TAYLOR DUNN insisted on taking his father's place when the militia was called out in the war of 1812. He was a great reader, and interested in having good schools. Through him his district was the first in that part of the country to introduce the study of Philosophy and Physiology. He was also a strong temperance man, and drew up and circulated the first pledge in the county. He raised the first building that was raised anywhere in the vicinity without whiskey, but it took the second lot of men to start it. The building was raised the second day without accident or quarrel, while at the next two men fought and another man had his leg broken. After this the next one adopted Mr. Dunn's plan and had no trouble, so that ended whiskey for such occasions. He was a farmer; Republican; United Presbyterian; re- sided at McKean, Pennsylvania.


« ohD G e le' * William Greenlee* ELIZABETHuuiDii-jiiiu B.u. GREENLEEuuuui.uuii H K ^ 5 1 Sarah Bradj Marj Thompson * Jamea Greenlee 1 daughter of John Greenlee and Sarah Brady, was born April 27, or 25, 1805 at Gravel Run, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; died May 29, 1884; married JOHN M. HUMES (his second wife), who was born April 13, 1790 at Lockhaven, Penn- sylvania, died December 2, 1790, son of Archibald Humes and Mary .


1846 niarriod 131. L Jasper Newton Brady Humes, born June 7, ; Amanda Bole. 132. LL Porter C. Humes, born February 20, 1849; married Julia Dedrick; married second Kate Fisher; married third Jennette C. Manin.-f- 133. IIL Dickson Humes, born August 10, 185L Two other children died in infancy.

JOHN M. HUMES, at his father's death inherited the saw and grist mill on Gravel Run, which was one of the first erected in the northern part of the county. He conducted it and in connection carried on his farm. He built fifty boats for shipping produce and lumber down French Creek to Pittsburg, Penn- sylvania, where he received money and goods in exchange. He was an ambiti- ous man and an enterprising, public-spirited citizen. When the Atlantic and Great Western railroad was built, he gave the right away through his farm. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church and an elder in it for more than fifteen years, and leader in the choir in Gravel Run church for many years. In of 1812. politics, he was a Democrat. He was a solidier in the war 312 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.


* * » William Greenlee William Greenlee James Greenlee 1 JOilWTnuu fSDUirHTUKhJl.iNiJl.JS'VP 4 f | Rebecca Hugnes Mary Thompson /

son of William Greenlee and Rebecca Hughes, was born February 17, 1804 [bible record] in Pennsylvania; died June 13, 1877 [bible record] at McZena, Ashland Co., Ohio; married May 18, 1837 at Lakeville, Wayne Co., Ohio, SUSAN MARY WARNES of Lake Township, born September 18, 1815 [bible record] at McZena, Ohio, died August 31, 1885 at McZena, daughter of Henry Warnes and Mary Muchler, or Elizabeth Balsley.

CHILDREN: [Dates of birth and death from family bible.]

134. Sophronia, born March 3, 1838; married Isaac N. Bonnett.+ 1839 unmarried. Nancy Ann, born September 1, ; 1841 died 1842. Luserbia Livonia, born August 30, ; August 27, John Slone, born March 2, 1843; married Sarah WachteL-J- died 1846. William, born November 4, 1844 ; March 8, Daniel born 1846 married Melissa Ann Warnes, April 11, ; Plank.-f- James Lewis, born February 22, 1848; died December 7, 1875. Mary Elizabeth, born January 5, 1849; married John Wesley Easterday.-(-

Curtis, born March 1, 1851; married Mina Marks. -)- born 1852 died 1857. Bell, February 13, ; February 10, Xenis, born June 2, 1S54; died September 10, 1854.

Edwin Stewart, born June 2, 1855; married Filora Bell Emerick.-(- Susan Otello, born September 30, 1857; died May 14, 1881. Elza born 1860 married Rolland, March 4, ; Mary Long.-[- Martha Jane, born August 10, 1S61; died the same day.

JOHN GREENLEE was born in the western part of Pennsylvania where he lived until he was three years old, when his parents removed to Wayne (now Ashland) County, Ohio. When he was eighteen years old he returned to Penn- sylvania and learned the carpenter's trade. He helped to build the first large grist mill near Mocchunk, also the locks in the canal. He continued to work at his trade as carpenter and contractor until within a few weeks of his death. In politics he was a Democrat; in religion, Presbyterian; resided in Lake Town- ship, near McZena, Ohio.


* Greenlee* William Greenlee • Greenlee » GARAH GREENLEE /William James \ I Rebecca Hughes Mary Thompson J

daughter of William Greenlee and Rebecca Hughes, was born December 7, 1812 at Loudonville, Ashland Co., Ohio; died November 1, 1899 at Loudonville, Ohio; married January 2, 1837, EPHRAIM CHIDISTER MARKS, born October 7, 1813 at Mohican, Ashland Co., Ohio, died May 26, 1864 at Loudonville, Ohio. He was a merchant and lawyer; Democrat; Presbyterian; resided at Loudon- ville, Ohio. Xo. 33. JOHN GKEEXLEE. SUSAN WAKXES OKEEXLEE, • Wife of No. :i:i.




149. I. Jane Bell Marks, born October 1, 1838; died unmarried December 1, 1896. 150. II. Lusarba Marks, born September 26, 1839. 151. III. George Washington Marks, born July 1, 1841; married in 1864 in Indiana; no children. 152. r7. William Miner Marks, born July 5, 1850; married Effie May Wal- lace^ 153. V. Budd Frank Marks, born December 27, 1852.


• William • L. MATILDA GREENLEE 4 f William Greenlee Greenlee James Greenlee J ( Smith Mary Thompson /

daughter of William Greenlee and Smith, was born June 7, 1825; died

about 1871 ; married JOHN BURWELL.


154. I. Herbert BurwelL


• Robert Greenlee William Greenlee Jamea Greenlee » » WTT.T.TATVTVYllililiUTl UftliliHljIiriRPP.P.NT.'RP. 4 f } Margaret Porter Mary Thompson / son of Robert Greenlee and Margaret Porter, was born August 12, 1805 at Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; died in 1866 at Franklin; married in 1827 at Franklin, MARY JANE VOGAN, who was born in 1807 at Sandy Lake, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, died in 1879 at Clay Centre, Clay Co., Kansas, daughter of William Vogan and Jane nassan. He was a farmer; Democrat; United Presbyterian; resided at Franklin, Pennsylvania.


155. I. Robert Thompson, born June 15, 1828; married Rachel Beggs; married second Amanda J. Porter.-j- 156. Jane H, born in 1830; married David Glenn. Margaret P., born in 1832; married John Lynch. William W., born in 1835; married Margaret Johnson. Hugh Hassen, born November 5, 1837; married Amanda Hedglin; married second Ella Lee.-|- Joseph, born in 1841. Mathew B., born in 1843; married Sarah Furst. James V., born in 1847.

Samuel S., born in 1853. 314 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.


» * Robert Greenlee William Greenlee » 1 i-La^ilTTAHV fi'R'R'RNT.'R'EUJA^jjII l^i-iU « / James Greenlee 1 Margaret Porter Mary Thompson J

daughter of Robert Greenlee and Margaret Porter, was born in 1809, or 1813,

at Waterloo, Venango Co., Pennsylvania ; died May 7, 1855, or 1856, at Water- loo; married DAVID IRWIN NICHOLSON who was born at Waterloo, Penn- sylvania, died June 11, 1863 at Newtown. He was a farmer; Democrat; Meth-

odist ; resided at Waterloo.


164. I. Mary Nicholson, born January 4, 1836; married Josiah Stanford; lives at Dunlap, Kansas; no children. 165. n. Margaret Nicholson, born October 12, 1840; married Abraham Doubt; married second C. G. McCracken; lives at Franklin, Pennsylvania. 166. III. James Nicholson, born June 10, 1842; married Molly Thompson. 167. TV. Robert Greenlee Nicholson, born March 4, 1844; married Mary Anne married second Thompson ; .-(- 168. V. Nicholson married Huddleson. She is now a widow Nancy ; John ; one son living. 169. VI. William Nicholson, born September 12, 1847; married Anns Pierce.-f-

170. VII. Jennie Nicholson, born April 15, 1849 ; married Michael Hayes.-}- , 171. VIII. Andrew Nicholson, born June 12, 1852.


* bert G r >n ' e* William Greenlee* ROBERTv PORTERv GREENLEE*«•"'*'"••'»*"•" \ IV . K J Margaret Porter Mary Thompson * James Greenlee \

son of Robert Greenlee and Margaret Porter, was born April 12, 1815 in Venango Co., Pennsylvania; died April 2, 1884 at New Lebanon, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania; married August 20, 1844 at Jackson Centre, Pennsylvania, ELIZABETH BAINBRIDGE JOHNSTON, born June 20, 1S20 at Evansburgh, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, died May 12, 18S9 at New Lebanon, Pennsylvania, daughter of Ephraim Johnston and Maria Ann Peart; farmer; Democrat; United Presbyterian; resided at New Lebanon.


172. I. Abner Bainbridge, born April 23, 1S46; married Mary Smith Stevens. + 173. II. Robert William, born June 6, 1848; married Clara Josephine Firster.-f-

174. III. Son, born April 8, 1852; died April 11, 1852. 3S

X... AHA 1 1 MAItKS. <;l!KEXLEE EI'MIMIM < IIILISTKH MAICKS, Eusljmd ..f Xo. 38.


-" ^"J ' -^*

..I--- — ,-. . —I



JANE GREENLEE* ' J Gr l { £***•*.•_ g^MSST J^L J^!l J

daughter of Robert Greenlee and Margaret Porter, was born March 7, 1819 near Raymilton, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married in the fall of 1847 at Polk, Venango Co., Pennsylvania, ANDREW McGINNIS, born February, 1821 near Raymilton, Pennsylvania, died April 3, 1878 near Raymilton, son of "Wil-

liam McGinnis and Margaret Douceman. He was a farmer ; Republican ; Meth- odist. She was living (1899) at Parkers Landing, Pennsylvania.


175. I. "William C. McGinnis, born, 1848, in Venango County; married Josephine White; lives at Leota, Butler Co., Pennsylvania. 176. H. Robert McGinnis, born March 7, 1850; married Minnie Down- ing.+ 177. in. Isaac Newton McGinnis, born December 14, 1852 at Waterloo, Pennsylvania; lives at Sturgeon, Pennsylvania; unmarried. 178. IV. Margaret Beulina McGinnis, born May 6, 1856; married Robert Snow.+ 179. V. Peter Jasper McGinnis, born in 1857 in Venango County; mar- ried Sarah Cousins; lives at Sturgeon. 180. VI. Sarah Elizabeth McGinnis, born July 17, 1859; married Joseph Carey. + 181. VII. Francis Stewart McGinnis, born, 1863; married Nannie Cousins; lives at Sturgeon.


• » f Robert Greenlee' William Greenlee James Greenlee 1 DlijWAillRTRWAPT \3SXJUriVlL.£j£j(TR'F'E'NT V.V. * J Margaret Forter Mary Thompson J son of Robert Greenlee and Margaret Porter, was born April 30, 1821, or April 29, 1820 at Sandy Lake, or Waterloo, Pennsylvania; died May 30, 1899, or 1898, in his 79th year at Hartstown, or Stony Point, Crawford Co., Penn- sylvania; married May 27, 1841, or 1839, at Sandy Lake, or Waterloo, SARAH ANN McGINNIS, born December 24, 1817 at Sandy Lake, died June 12, 1896 at Hartstown, Pennsylvania, daughter of William McGinnis and Margaret Douceman; married second April 30, 1898, SUSAN E. (WOOD) WILLIAMS of Greenwood Township (widow of George W. Williams), born March 27, 1834, daughter of John M. Wood and Catharine Ilarkins. He was a farmer and blacksmith; Justice of the Peace for ten years at Hartstown; Democrat; Methodist; resided in Mercer and Venango counties until 1865, when he re- moved to Crawford County, Pennsylvania.


182. I. born March 1842 killed in battle at Bermuda Jeremiah Porter, 26, ; Hundred, May, 1864. 186. - - _—. : „ THE 1/ NEW N'ORK I LIBRARY ,' PUBLIC



4 MAEGAEET ("PEGGY") GREENLEE* {J™^^? ?£S$S££?' • William Greenlee* James Greenlee 1 Mary Thompson i daughter of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland, was born February 1,1821; married JOHN PATTERSON.


201. L John Albert Patterson; lives at Raymilton, Pennsylvania. 1844 married 202. H. Peter M. Patterson, born May 14, ; Mary A. Cornelius. -+-


William Greenlee 4 James Greenlee • William Greenlee • jaiiijOTATTPS uiviL,miiiiO'R'E'F'.NT V.V. B ( | Jane McClelland Ann Patterson Marj Thompson ' James Greenlee 1

son of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland, was born May 27, 1824 at Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; died March 29, 1S56; married about 1853, MARY STUART, who was born April 1, 1820 in Ireland, daughter of

John Stuart and Martha -.

One son :

203. I. James, born November 13, 1856; married Mary A. Croyier.-f-

JAMES GREENLEE was a farmer; Democrat; Presbyterian. Will dated March 24, 1856 bequeaths chattel property and real estate to wife Mary and unborn child; executors John Stewart and William Greenlee. On file and of record in Register of Probate, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania.


JOHN McCLELLAND GREENLEE • ' { ^M^e^n? ISS&ST' * ' William Greenlee James Greenlee I Marj Thompson / son of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland, was born October 10, 1826 at married 1849 at Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania ; January 4, Franklin, MARY MILLS who was born June 18, 1830 at New Castle, Mercer Co., Penn- sylvania, daughter of Robert Mills and Jane Moak; farmer; Republican; Methodist Episcopal; residence, Gray, Iowa (1900).


204. I. Jane Mary, born November 7, 1849; married William Allen Clark.+

205. H. Mills Erwin, born April 24, 1852; married Auryldah Sinclair. -|- 206. III. Oliver F., born February 9, 1854; married Catharine L. Plum- mer.-f- 318 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

207. James Walter, born October 27, 1856; married Luella Greenlee. -f- William Harvey, born December 25, 1858; married Frances Woodle. John Wesley, born April 12, 1861; married Elenor Steere.-f- Eobert, born May 11, 1863; died September 21, 1864. Rachel L., born November 18, 1865; died September 30, 1866. married Aikman. Charles Elmer, born January 28, 1867 ; Clara

JOHN McCLELLAND GREENLEE was 1st Lieutenant in Home Guards during the Civil war.


ELIZABETH GREENLEE* * * ' { XS&fEi? %£$?£££ Si^SSSST James Greenlee * JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 319


« • » attJMARY" JiulJANT3* UXkrucirHiCEiGREENLEE 6 f William Greenlee James Greenlee William Greenlee } Jane McClelland Ann Patterson Mary Thompson ' James Greenlee 1

daughter of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland, was born Jane 22, 1832 at Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married December 22, 1851 in Venango Co., Pennsylvania, JOHN SHARP McCHESNEY, bom July 6, 1831 at New- castle, or Mount Jackson, Lawrence Co., Pennsylvania. He was a farmer; in politics, Prohibitionist; in religion, Presbyterian; resides at Fidioute, Warren Co., Pennsylvania.


223. I. Laura Euphema McChesney, born July 10, 1853; died unmarried, September 25, 1873.

224. H. Vincent McChesney, born March 6, 1855; married Vista McCor- mick; lives at Fidioute. 225. IH. Eugene McChesney, born Januarj 18, 1857; married Jenny Bowls; lives at Fidioute. 226. IV. Willis McChesney, born January 13, 1859; married Vinnie Nickles; lives at Grand Valley, Pennsylvania. 227. V. Francis McChesney, born February 14, 1862; married Addie Wells; lives at Ridgeway, Pennsylvania. 228. VI. Eva Jane McChesney, born April 16, 1864; married John Wil- liams lives at ; Titusville, Pennsylvania. 229. VH. Effie Violet McChesney, born April 21, 1866; died unmarried July 4, 1888. 230. VIII. Gertrude McChesney, born April 10, 1868; died December 17, 1880.

231. IX. Cora McChesney, born March 4, 1870; married Edward Campbell. 232. X. Joseph McChesney, born July 27, 1873; married Edna Anderson; lives at Ridgeway, Pennsylvania.


• • JJUHWIOTlORflAS UltCCMJ-iJ^CfJREV.NT.EE & f William Greenlee* James Greenlee William Greenlee j Jane McClelland Ann Patterson Mary Thompson James Greenlee ' 1 daughter of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland, was born April 17, or 1, 1834 at Raymilton, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; died January 21, 1869 at Mercer, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania; married March 30, 1854 at Raymilton,

Pennsylvania, DAVID HOSACK, who was born June 1, 1828 in Adams Co., Pennsylvania, died September 4, 1888 at Mercer. He was a blacksmith; in resided at politics, Republican ; Mercer, Pennsylvania.


233. I. Wirt Quincy Hosack, born March 1, 1855; married Mary Jane Glenn.-)- 234. JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 321


247. L Marion A. Rose, bora April 4, 1860; married Nettie Wallace.-f- 248. A born November 1863 died 1874. H Charley Rose, 19, ; February 21, 249. IIL Frederick W. Rose, born January 20, 1867; married Nettie Humphrey. J. 250. IV. Margaret Rose, born February 22, 1876 ; married John F. Wil- liams.

251. V. W. F. Rose ; lives at Raymilton.


B William Greenlee* James Greenlee • William Greenlee * WUO.uuj_m.EiOA'R.OT.'riTP'. l*xu_..Li-.l.L_-_ajOTfR^TIT.'P'.'R / J jane McClelland Ann Patterson Mary Thompson James Greenlee » 1

daughter of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland, was born February 13, 1841 at Raymilton, Pennsylvania; married September 14, 1863, HENRY WATERS, born March 15, 1840 at Ashtabula, Ohio, son of Fisher Waters and Margaret Wood; religion, Presbyterian; resides at Ionia, Michigan.


252. I. Sidney E. Waters, born September 2, 1S65; married in 1888 and lives at Ionia. in died in 1871. 253. H Charles Waters, bora 1867 ; 254. IH. Jessie M. Waters, bora February 17, 1S71; married Charles B. Mc- Cormick.-f- 255. rV. Fred C. Waters, bora November 23, 1873; married in 18S9; lives at Ionia.

256. V. John Jay Waters, born January 8, 1S78; lives at Ionia; unmarried.


CLINTON DEWITT GREENLEE » ' { X'""^^? *E$SSSSS? * » William Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Mary Thompson / grandson of William Greenlee and Jane McClelland, was born October 22, 1852 at Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married October 3, 1877 at Butler, Butler Co., Pennsylvania, CLARA MAY RUSSELL, born December 31, 1858 at Butler, daughter of Johu Ebenezer Russell and Maria McCallen.


257. I. Warren Russell, bora March 5, 1883. 258. H. Paul Manwaring, bora August 15, 1886.

CLINTON DEWITT GREENLEE was adopted by his grandparents. He was educated in the public schools and graduated from the high school. After his graduation he entered the employ of George C. Anderson, at Schamburg, 322 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

Venango County, Pennsylvania, at that time one of the foremost oil operators in the state. In the service of Mr. Anderson he learned much about the oil operations, and in 1873 he became associated with others in operations in several of the most important oil districts of the state. He went to Butler County in 1883, and has since developed a business that gives him rank among the largest producers in the country. Success in most instances claimed him for its own; but this was no doubt largely due to his pluck, industry, per- severance, and excellent business qualifications. The firm of Greenlee and Forst, organized in 1891, of which he is senior member, have been large opera- tors in this field, and still have a number of productive wells in the district known as Glad Run and Renfrew. They have also operations in "Washington County, Pennsylvania, where a number of fine wells are now producing. Mr. Greenlee organized the United States Oil Company, composed principally of Boston capitalists, which has very large interests in Marion, "Wood, and Wetzel counties, West Virginia, where they operate on a very large scale, having had as many as three hundred wells at one time in which they were interested. Mr. Greenlee is Vice-President and General Manager of this company. He is also a director of the Alliquippa Steel Works located at Alliquippa, Beaver County, Pennsylvania. He is also connected with the Trade Dollar Mining Company of Idaho, whose mines are considered among the best paying ones in the state; and with the Pure Oil Company of Oil City, Pennsylvania. Mr. Greenlee has offices in Pittsburg; but he is devoted to his family and all his spare time is spent at his beautiful home, located on one of the finest residence streets of Bntler.

MRS. GREENLEE is one of the most active workers in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and is also active and influential in the cause of temperance, and in all other causes having for their object the betterment of the world.


PETER PATTERSON GREENLEE { fggSSggg^ 'AVtStSS?' William Greenlee * Jcmes Greenlee Mar j Thompson }

son of John Greenlee and Margaret Patterson, was born June 6, 1825 at Mercer, Mercer County, Pennsylvania; died October 23, or 24, 1864 at Toledo, Tama Co., Iowa; married February 19, 1856 at Washington, Washington Co., Iowa, MARY JANE GUILER, bora May 12, 1832, or 1831 at Irvin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of John Guiler, or Guiles, and Margaret Aiken. She married second, about two years after the death of her husband, Edy.


259. L born 1857 died 1863. Margaret E., January 7, ; August 27, 260. IL born October 1858 died June 1890. Mary Emmeline, 8, j 6, 26L IIL Martha Jane, born September 18, 1860; married George Hale Cot- ton. + 262. rV. Anna, born September 29, 1862; married Charles Clinton Wallace.-(- MRS. CLINTON DeWITT GREENLEE. No. 0.'.. CLINTON lleWITT (JHEENLEB.

\ v*\









PETER PATTERSON GREENLEE and his brother James went from Pennsylvania to Iowa in the fall of 1855 and entered government land in Tama County. Mary Jane Guiler went to Iowa the following year, and after their marriage they went to their little cabin home on the prairie where Traer now stands. They cheerfully bore the trials and hardships of a frontier life together until 1863, when in answer to his country's call, he enlisted in the Ninth Iowa Cavalry. The day after his eldest child, Margaret, was buried, he bade goodby to his wife and remaining children, and went with his company to guard the railroad running into Little Rock, Arkansas. In September, 1864, he was given a furlough and went home, where he died six weeks later. He was a Republi- can; Presbyterian; resided at Toledo, Iowa.

MARY EMMELLXE GREENLEE graduated with high honors in the classi- cal course at Western College, Toledo, in 1888. She was gifted as a speaker and writer. Her graduating oration was said to have surpassed anything that had ever been delivered in the of the but the of her history college ; hopes friends were never realized, she having died the year following her graduation.

« James • 1 X.lil^>AC£ii.£LFT T7A'R'RTTI \3&£.r.£iU£ilUfJ'R'R'RTtfT V.T?. 8 ( John Greenlee Greenlee William Greenlee j Margaret Patterson Ann Patterson Marj Thompson James Greenlee » I

daughter of John Greenlee and Margaret Patterson, was born November 5,

1828 at Pardoe, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania; died September 1, 1890 in Pennsyl- vania; married September 20, 1855, THOMAS G. BARNES, born January 21, 1832 at Pardoe. He was a farmer; Republican; United Presbyterian; resides near Jackson Centre, Pennsylvania.


263. I. Charity Jane Barnes, born August 10, 1856. 264. II. Margaret Florella Barnes, born June 16, 1858. 265. III. John Quincy Barnes, born February 5, 1860; married Anna Louvena Patterson.-)- 266. IV. Anna Maria Barnes, born April 26, 1862; married Austin W. Gilder- sleeve. 267. V. James Elmer Barnes, born April 15, 1866; married Mary Martha Johnston.-)- 268. VI. Edward Gibson Barnes, born June 30, 1868; married Anna Mc- Elree.

• » ( • William rfaiuaoTAM'PQ UllliliilljrJifVOWtTT 'P'E 5 John Greenlee James Greenlee Greenlee j Margaret Patterson Ann Patterson Mary Thompson James Greenlee • I son of John Greenlee and Margaret Patterson, was born December 10, 1831, or 1830 at Mercer, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania; died October 22, 1891 or 1900 at 324 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

Creek Colorado married March 1866 at Bald Idaho Springs, Clear Co., ; 1, Mt, in Gilpin Co., Colorado, MARIA L. McCOLGAN, who was born Pennsylvania, died January 10, 1875 at Central City, Gilpin Co., Colorado, daughter of Thomas McColgan; blacksmith and miner; in politics, Republican; in religion, Presbyterian; resided in Pennsylvania, Iowa and Colorado.


1869 married E. 269. I. Viola, born August 8, ; Howard Galton.-f 270. H. Rosabel, born July 18, 1871; died in infancy. 271. m. John Thomas, born September 2, 1873 at Central City, Colorado. He received his education principally in Toledo, Iowa and Idaho Springs, Colorado, supplemented by one year at the University of Colorado at Boulder; unmarried (1901).


John Greenlee • James Greenlee • William Greenlee * JTnTTTJVilli UXVJ^XilliiXiJJfi'RPTI'MTPli'J I | Margaret 1'atterson \nn Tatterson Marj- Thompson 1 James Greenlee \

son of John Greenlee and Margaret Patterson, was born March 25, 1833; mar- or DIGIIT resided at Utica and ried August 11, 18— MARY VIGHT ; Polk, Pennsylvania.


" 272. I. minister of the United resided at Louis ; a Presbyterian Church ; Sligo and Lumber City, Pennsylvania.


* " > 5 ( John Greenlee James Greenlee William Greenlee OHAI1.VUURAMTTF.T. o.S \j,n.riL,vtL.£("J'R'E'R'NT.'F.'E1 JU t Margaret Tatterson Ann Tatterson Mary Thompson

James GreeDlee 1 son of John Greenlee and Margaret Patterson, was born March 15, 1837 at Mercer, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania; married September 29, 1868 at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, AMANDA T. TINKER, born October 27, 1841 at Mercer, Penn- sylvania, daughter of William J. Tinker and Jane Cook.


273. I. Florence E., born July 11, 1S70; married Frank W. Tinker. + 274. II. Vinton L., born April 22, 1874. 275. III. Mabel L., born January 28, 1884.

SAMUEL S. GREENLEE enlisted in the war of the Rebellion, August 11, 1862, in Company A, 139th Regt., Pennsylvania; served in the Army of the Potomac till July 3, 1S63; being wounded in the battle of Gettysburg soon after was transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps; discharged July 3, 1865. JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 325

He was a farmer; in polities, Republican; Ruling Elder in United Presbyterian Church for twenty years; residence, Worth, Mercer County, Pennsylvania.


MARGARET JANE GREENLEE » Jame" GreenIee ' { ^r^eTpLuerson Ann Patterson William Greenlee'e a James Greenlee *» I> Mar; Thompson

daughter of John Greenlee and Margaret Patterson, was born June 3, 1839 near Mercer, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania; married March 17, 1864 at Mercer, ELLIS WAIXWRIGHT TINKER, born January 26. 1836 at Newcastle, Law- rence Co., Pennsylvania, son of William J. Tinker and Jane Cook. He was a blacksmith; in politics, Republican; in religion, United Presbyterian; resides at Hill City, Kansas. CHILDREN:

276. I. John Francis Tinker, born January 19, 1865; lives at Denver, Colo- rado. 277. II. Estella Jane Tinker, born April 19, 1869; married Fred Rowe. 278. HI. Adella May Tinker, born December 16, 1871; married Benjamin S. Smith.

279. IV. William Ellis Tinker, born February 7, 1875; died July 5, 1876. 1879 died 280. V. Daughter, born March 28, ; March 30, 1879.


, • 5 < John Greenlee* Jamea Greenlee William Greenlee* JLUJMXIAVTAR.TTTA U14£i^«1jXiXifJT?.T.'RN^T.F.^< . j Margam Patterson Ann Patterson Mar* Thompson * Jamea Greenlee I daughter of John Greenlee and Margaret Patterson, was born January 18, 1844 at married ROBERT born Mercer, Pennsylvania ; May 20, 1867, ALLEN,

October 2, 1837 at Slippery Rock, Lawrence Co., Pennsylvania, son of Robert Allen and Jane Wilson. He is a farmer; Reformed Presbyterian; resides at Denver, Colorado CHILDREN:

281. Margaret Jane Allen, born July 6, 1868; married John Carson. -4- Lizzie Allen married Robert W. Gilchrist lives at May ; ; Superior, Nebraska.

Minnie Alice Allen ; married Robert G. Martin. Robert Alva Allen; married in California. Vena Allen married William A. lives at Mary ; Bryson ; Denver, Colorado. Mattie Permelia Allen, born about 1880. Sarah Augusta Allen, born about 1883. ^- $ Nannie Berdella Allen, born about 1885. John Calvin Allen, born about 1887. James Greenlee Allen, born about 1889. 326 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.


Sarah * James Greenlee Wlllla,- Jrecnlee • James Greenlee Alini-EjAtrKTV D±LO.nDARRt I Greenlee \ |L> aT ldBarr Ann I'atteraon Mary ". -lompson J

daughter of Sarah Greenlee and David Barr, was born November 11, 1830 at Utica, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania; married January 12, 1860 near Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania, DAVID RUNNINGER, born February 23, 1831 in Venango Co., Pennsylvania, died May 19, 1897 at Franklin, Pennsylvania. He was a farmer; Democrat; Methodist; resided in French Creek Township, near Franklin, Pennsylvania.


291. I. Child, born December 12, I860; died the same day. 292. H. Katie Jane Runninger, born December 26, 1862; married Fred- erick Mclntyre; lives at Emlenton, Pennsylvania. 293. III. Jacob Silas Runninger, born October 24, 1864; died January 25, 1867. 294. IV. James Edwin Runninger, born August 24, 1867; married Mollie lives St. Ferguson ; at Marys, West Virginia.

295. V. Flora Runninger, born June 1, 1869; died July 11, 1869. 296. VI. Joseph Runninger, born August 24, 1870; died September 28, 1870.

297. VII. Clinton Runninger, born December 29, 1871; married Berthene Temple. 298. VIII. Mary Runninger, born November 9, 1874; married James Foster Welton.

299. IX. Susan Runninger, born April 22, 1876; unmarried.


4 • ISABELLA BARR 6 / Sarah Greenlee James Greenlee William Greenlee j.un.±JX>xjmx unftiw . J DaT , d Ba(T Aqq 1 attergoB Marj. Tbomp80II ' James Greenlee I

of Sarah Greenlee and David was born 1833 married daughter Barr, January 9, ; CONRAD RUNNINGER.


300. I. John S. Runninger; High sheriff of Venango County, Pennsylvania; lives at Franklin (1901).


HETTDZ BARR 8 (Sarah Greenlee* James Greenlee » William Greenlee » (DaridBarr Ann Patterson Mary Thompson James Greenlee 1

of Sarah daughter Greenlee and David Barr, was born August 6, 1837 or 1838 at North Sandy, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania; married October 21, 1858 at Sheak- JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 327

leyville, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, ELIAS CLAYTON, born December 2, 1827 at Huntingdon, Huntingdon Co., Pennsylvania; resides at North Sandy, Penn- sylvania.


301. born 1861 L John M. Clayton, A ugust 6, ; married Maria Beagle.


' « 8 < eeal , amc Greenlee William Greenlee' w>u>uuuu>MARGABET GSESNLEEw 'uu''°-"' / 1"*™ *i. X F I S \ Elizabeth Greenlee Ann Patterson Mary Thompson * James Greenlee 1

daughter of James Patterson Greenlee and Elizabeth Greenlee, was born August

20, 1831 in French Creek Township, Venango Co., Pennsylvania ; married April 16, 1851 near Raymilton, Pennsylvania, JAMES JEWELL, born December 18, 1830 near Polk, Venango Co., Pennsylvania, son of Jonathan Jewell and Har- in in riet McGinnis. He is a farmer ; politics, Democrat ; religion, United Pres- byterian; resides at Raymilton.


302. Milo J. Jewell. Samuel C. JewelL Frank Jewell. Newell JewelL Robert Jewell. Walter JewelL Chester L. Jewell; unmarried. Hattie JewelL


« • * ( James P. Greenlee James Greenlee William Greenlee AJNiNAA MIST A UiU-iJ^NliJ^EiCQirVKT VV 6 { Elizabeth Greenlee Ann Patterson Mary Thompson James Greenlee » ) daughter of James Patterson Greenlee and Elizabeth Greenlee, was born March married 4, 1839 near Raymilton, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; July 7, 1864, GEORGE WALTER NOEL, born October 5, 1839 near Wallaceville, Venango Noel and Sarah ne is a Co., Pennsylvania, son of Thomas Jerome Seely. farmer; Democrat; in religion, Adventist; resides at Wallaceville.


« Greenlee • William Greenlee' 6" f James P. Greenlee Jamos BAmUXilMOAlunTPT \Jti.£iJ!jSilAXi£iCnVVKJ W { Elizabeth Greenlee Ann Patterson Mary Thompson James Greenlee 1 1

Greenlee married HARRIET son of James Patterson Greenlee and Elizabeth ; BURCH; resides at Raymilton, Venango Co., Pennsylvania. 328 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.


310. L George. 311. II. Elmer, born March 7, 1870; married Cora Frances Vogan.4- 312. III. Fred; married Jennie Richard. 313. IV. Ida.


MARY ELLEN GREENLEE > 4 { M^etMc^.. i^u^f' * William Greenlee JameB Greenlee ) Marj Thompson / daughter of James Patterson Greenlee and Margaret McGinnis, was born December 3, 1850 at Raymilton, or Mineral Township, Venango Co., Pennsyl- vania; married ALVIN C. MAY, who was born March 5, 1849 at Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania, son of John C. May and Elizabeth Singleton He i» a gas engineer; in politics, a Democrat; in religion, Baptist; resides at Franklin, Pennsylvania.


314. Alvin Plumer May, born May 30, 1878. Bertha L. May, born December 15, 1879. John F. May, born October 11, 188L William C. May, born October 3, 1883. James LeRoy May, born March 14, 1886. Lewis Edwin May, born October 11, 1888.


• ( William Greenlee* John Greenlee William Greenlee B.\JB£jtil.PO'R'R'R.T UIfcrj.dnijXj.EiftPV.'RNT.P.K 8 I Margaret Townlej Sarah Brady Mary Thompson l James Greenlee I son of William Greenlee and Margaret Townley, was born May 18, 1830 at died at Woodco*ck, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; July 23, 1893 Bloomington, McLean Co., Illinois; married March 27, 1858 at Bloomington, SARAH COR- MAN, who was born January 1, 1829 at Nieholasville, Jessamine Co., Kentucky, daughter of Abraham Corman and Elizabeth Grow.


Frances Amelia, born August 28, 1859; married A. A. Hoffman. Ella Louvena, born October 6, 1862. Theodore Tyler, born November 4, 1864. John Wesley, born April 23, 1866. Ulysses Logan, born September 8, 1867; married September 16, 1897, Nellie Irene Sanders. 325. VI. Cora Estelle, born December 14, 1872. No. PETER PATTERSOX UKEEXLEE.

1 5 --, -'^^^gp


M»r, !""" ,nd *"*

four •:' ''"PI i9ua JAMES OP PENNSYLVANIA. 329

ROBERT GREENLEE obtained his early education at the little country school located near Woodco*ck, Pennsylvania. His father operated a saw mill and shipped the lumber down French Creek to Franklin, thence into the Alle- gheny river to Pittsburg, and Robert 's early life was spent as a creek and river pilot for his father. In 1855 he determined to try his fortune in the west and lived in southern Illinois for six months, then located at Bloomington, where he commenced the building and contracting business in which he continued until his death. The first sixteen years he was in partnership with Mr. H. A. Miner, but after that carried on the business alone. He had little to start with, hav- ing but one hundred dollars and a few articles which his wife brought from her home to commence housekeeping, but with energy and good business quali- ties, he soon became prosperous and one of the leading contractors and build- ers in the city. Some of the finest residences and public buildings were erected by him, among them the Court House and McKean County Jail. In 1887 he went to California, being attracted by the building boom there at that time, and remained eighteen months. His last contract, on which he was engaged at the time of his death, was the building of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Shirley, niinois. He was a plain man, but one of those kindly and pleasant persons whom everybody liked. In politics, he was a Republican; in religion, Presbyterian.


Greenlee* John Greenlee • William » BAJUU1SARAH .TAN"EJl\L1£j VjR.Xi£*Eil*£,£iOREENLEE 6 /William Greenlee } Margaret Townley Sarah Brady Mary Thompson James Greenlee ' 1

daughter of William Greenlee and Margaret Townley, was born April 18, 1832 in in Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; married 1857, JOHN SMITH, who was born about 1825 and died October 8, 1889 aged 64 years, at Akron, Ohio. He was a tailor; resided at Canton, Ohio.

One child :

326. I. Anna, born November 22, I860; married Park Fields. He owns and controls the "Repository" at Canton. During the campaign in 1896, be was secretary to President McKinley. They have a son, A. Fields.


William Greenlee 4 John Greenlee* William Greenlee v*i\.vaCYRUS vxxixj.uii.LiXj.cjRREENT.EE » / j Margaret Townley Sarah Brady Mary Thompson James Greenlee ' 1

/; son of William Greenlee and Margaret Townley, was born September 2, 1834 at 1900 at Woodco*ckboro, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania ; died October 21, Spring- field, Missouri; married MISS RANDOLF; married second March, 1874 at Springfield, Missouri, HARRIET E. DAVIS a widow, born October, 1833 or 330 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

February 20, 1835, at Sedalia, Pettis Co., Missouri, daughter of William H. McFarland.

One son :

327. Charles, born August 17, 1875 at Springfield, Missouri, where he resides; unmarried.

CYRUS GREENLEE removed to Springfield, Missouri in 1859. During the civil war he served his country with distinction as private and sergeant major of the 8th Missouri Volunteer Cavalry. On returning to civil life he pursued hia former business—that of Contractor and builder. In 1887 he went to California and engaged in business, but the following year returned to Springfield, where he continued to reside until his death. He was a staunch Republican but took no active part in politics. He was a member of the Calvary Presbyterian church.


William Greenlee John Greenlee » William Greenlee 1 AiUUOATiTfW UJWjXjilljijJCjCR'E''P''NT V.V. 6 | j Margaret Townlej Sarah Brady Mary Thompson * James Greenlee I

son of William Greenlee and Margaret Townley, was born January 10, 1837 at Woodco*ck, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; died January 25, 1887 at Woodco*ck; married January 1, 1866 at Cambridge Springs, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, ADELAIDE H. CHAMBERLAIN, who was born December 24, 1848 at Cam- bridge Springs, daughter of Emerson Chamberlain and Elvira Aiken.


328. I. Myrtle, born May 31, 1868 at Cambridge Springs; lives at Buffalo, New York; unmarried, 1899. 329. II. Mortimer R., born March 17, 1870 at Cambridge Springs; lives at Woodco*ckboro, Pennsylvania; unmarried in 1899. 330. III. Albert A., born October 27, 1876; unmarried, 1899.

AMOS GREENLEE worked at the carpenter trade at Meadville, Pennsyl- vania, before his marriage, and during the civil war followed his trade in Nash- ville, Tennessee and Louisville, Kentucky. He returned home in 1864 and there joined the Home Guards, which went as far as Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, but was not called into action. He purchased a farm in Richmond Township, seven miles from Cambridge Springs and lived on it until the death of his father, when he moved to the old homestead in Woodco*ck Township, ten miles north of Meadville, where his family still live. He was a Republican; in religion, Methodist.

MYRTLE GREENLEE attended district school until fifteen years of age, then went to high school. She also attended Edinboro Normal School, and spent one year at the Erie (Pennsylvania) Business College. In 1886 she com- JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 331

menced teaching in the common schools of Pennsylvania, and continued until 1898, with the exception of one year spent in Crawford County, Michigan. In June, 1898 she went to Buffalo, New York where she secured a position as stenographer, in which capacity she was still employed.


WTT.T.TAP.T HARRISON GEEENLE3 5 l°^Z??i™ * {J55H»SSKS!![ Margaret Townley Sarah" Brady' * » William Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Mar; Thompson

son of William Greenlee and Margaret Townley, was born February 3, 1839 at Woodco*ck, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; died April 9, 1892 at Woodco*ck; married June 17, 1869, MARY ELIZABETH QUAY, born February 8, 1827 at Cambridge, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, died June 4, aged 62 years, at Wood- co*ck, Pennsylvania and was buried in Gravel Run Cemetery, daughter of Archie Quay and Jane Clark. He was a farmer; in politics, Democrat; in religion, Presbyterian; resided at Woodco*ck.


331. I. Adriel Laduff, born June 12, 1872 at Woodco*ck ; lives at Woodco*ck. 332. II. William Albert, born August 10, 1874.


MARY ADELINE GREENLEE » {^"'fJZZX gSSSEf l William Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Mary Thompson J daughter of William Greenlee and Margaret Townley, was born August 22, 1844 at Woodco*ck, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; died May 23, 1870, or 1869 at Wood- at co*ck ; married December 25, 1864 Woodco*ck, ALBERT LOGAN, born June 4, 1831 at Hartstown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, died July 17, 1885 at Wood- son of David Jr. was a resided at co*ck, Logan, He physician ; Democrat ; Wood- co*ck CHILDREN:

333. I. James Albert Logan, born December 25, 1866; married Ida May Swift; lives at Cambridge Springs, Pennsylvania. 334. II. Mary Adelaide Logan, born March 24, 1869; married William Clen- denin.-)- 118.

FRANCES AMELIA GREENLEE * : G ' { ^^e?^X £$? • ' A William Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Mary Thompson —. / daughter of William Greenlee and Margaret Townley, was born March 15, 1848 at Crawford died at Woodco*ck, Co., Pennsylvania ; April 1, 1895 Springfield, Green Co., Missouri; married November 1, 1878 at Springfield, Missouri, JOHN or JOSEPH M. JARRETT of Springfield, born November 3, 1824, or 1844, in 332 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

McMinn Co., Tennessee, died September 28, 1890 at Springfield, Missouri, son of Aaron Jarrett and Mary Moore. He was a commission merchant; in poli-

tics, Democrat; in religion, Christian; resided at Springfield.


335. I. Lyman Hampton Jarrett, born August 11, 1880. He is a telegraph lives at operator ; Springfield. 336. II. Effie Glenn Jarrett, born August 11, 1880; dead. dead. 337. HI. Alfred Logan Jarrett, born February 24, 1883 ;

119. GEORGE BRACKEN GREENLEE' {2ESM& A3 G£Sg" • • William Greenlee Jame» Greenlee 1 Mary Thompson J son of James Greenlee and Hannah Bracken, died in 1866; married SARAH RABEL of Woodco*ckboro, Pennsylvania. She married second A. E. Gibson.


338. I. Clayton; lives in Brooklyn, New York. 339. IL Gc rge; lives with his mother near Woodco*ckboro.


Greenlee * John Greenlee • William Greenlee » iWAUXU-iifPAHTTP'T UV1MXr>TTTtfTJ5 ( Mary } John M. T. Dunn Sarah Brady Mary Thompao* 1 James Greenlee 1

daughter of Mary Greenlee and John Meredith Taylor Dunn, was born Feb- ruary 11, 1822; married JOSEPH A. FRENCH.


340. I. George D. French; lives at Cincinnati, Ohio. 341. II. Joseph S. French; lives at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. 342. III. French; died.


' Greenlee • William Greenlee* UUVliBf>T TWR BttEUI'RWATW i»uni1TITTNTJ 5 ( Mary Greenlee John { John M. T. Dudo Sarah Brady Mary Thompson ' Jamei Greenlee I

son of Mary Greenlee and John Meredith Taylor Dunn, was born June 10, 1824; married HARRIET DUNN; resided at Monmouth, Illinois.


343. I. Nannie V. Dunn, born December 4, 1852 at Erie, Pennsylvania; lives at Long Pine, Nebraska. 344. II. Emmet Thomas Dunn; lives at Seattle, Washington. r


$ ?







345. III. Kobert Monroe Dunn. Lenoir G. Dunn lives at Seattle. 346. IV. ; 347. V. Clyde Gilson Dunn; lives at Kent, Washington.


, • • f Greenlee John Greenlee Will lam Greenlee' P.T.T7A'R'Er.lil/. rt O^xjx.TR uuiiliT»T]"N"N S Mary j John M. T. Dunn Sarah Brad* Majy Thompson James Greenlee » \

daughter of Mary Greenlee and John Meredith Taylor Dunn, was born April 29, 1829 at Woodco*ck, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married February 24, 1870 at Erie, Pennsylvania, JOHN ROBINSON DUMARS, born December 1, 1807 at Erie, Pennsylvania, died April 10, 1895 at Erie, son of James Dumar» and Margaret Robinson. He was a farmer; in politics, a Democrat; in re- resided at Erie. Children. ligion, Presbyterian ; No


John • lYlAttinAMARTHA JTAN"P!AMU JJUiNiNT)TT'MN 6 f Mary Greenlee' Greenlee' William Greenlee | John M. T. Dunn Sarah Brady Mary Thompson * James Greenlee 1

daughter of Mary Greenlee and John Meredith Taylor Dunn, was born June 2, 1834 at McKean, Erie Co., Pennsylvania; married October 18, 1854 at Mc- Kean, SAMUEL LEROT GLOVER, who was born July 4, 1832 at Morris, Otsego Co., New York, son of Ezra Jarvis Glover and Hannah Mudge. He was a shoemaker; in politics, a Democrat; in religion, Episcopalian; resides at Wescott, Nebraska. CHILDREN:

348. I. Deett Glover, born April 22, 1856; married Joseph Warren McRae; lives at Weissert, Nebraska.

349. II. Mary Emily Glover, born August 4, 1S5S; married Elvie T. Potter; lives at Wilson, Illinois. 350. III. Grace Glover, born December 12, 1859; married Eugene V. Sparks; lives at Jaqua, Kansas. 351. IV. Henry Bion Glover, born September 24, 1861; lives at Wescott, Nebraska.

352. V. Percy Dunn Glover, born April 27, 1863; married Augusta Lower; lives at Wescott, Nebraska. 353. VI. Sidney Lynn Glover, born December 29, 1864; lives at Francis- ville, Indiana.


B. Greenlee* John Greenlee' William Greenlee' x-uaxj^aPORTER, xj.fl nui,UjOTTTnyrFRB /Elizabeth \ JohnM. Ilumei Sarah Brady Mary Thompson * James Greenlee 1 son of Elizabeth B. Greenlee and John M. Humes, was born February 20, 1849 at Woodco*ck, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married October 20, 1869 334 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

at Woodco*ck, JULIA DEDRICK who was born November 15, 1848 at Friend- ship, New York, died May 10, 1880 at Woodco*ck, Pennsylvania, daughter of Peter Elizabeth Dedrick and ; married second January 8, 1885 at Cambridge Springs, Pennsylvania, KATE FISHER, born March 5, 1865 in Woodco*ck Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, died April 21, 1895 in of Woodco*ck, daughter Frederick Fisher and Lenna ; married third March 17, 1897 at Cambridge Springs, JENNETTE C. MANLN, born October 30 in Wayne Township, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, died June 26, 1898 at

Woodco*ck, daughter of Joseph Manin and Sarah .

One son:

254. Ransom P. Humes, born February 10, 1888.

PORTER C. HUMES is a dealer in Agricultural Implements. He has served as Supervisor and Assessor of his township, and was Justice of the Peace in Woodco*ck for a term of five years. He has been a Director of the Gravel Run Cemetery Association since its organization and was its secretary for many years; was elected president in 1882 and re-elected in 1884. He is a Presbyterian ; Democrat ; resides at Woodco*ck,


80PHRONIA GREENLEE 5 (John Greenlee* William Greenlee • William Greenlee • I Susan M Warnes Rebecca llugbes Mar; Thompson • James Greenlee >

daughter of John Greenlee and Susan Mary Warnes, was born March 3, 1838" died 1S79 married 1865 [bible record] ; February 16, [bible record] ; June 15, [bible record] ISAAC N. BONNETT. She taught school fourteen terms and was a fine singer.


355. I. Harry Bonnett (eldest son); graduated at Wooster, Wayne Co., Ohio; died at Perrysville, Ohio. He was a druggist. 356. II. Ida Nettie Bonnett; graduated in stenography at Cincinnati; mar- ried Pearl Showalter of Kentucky, Superintendent of Prudential Insurance Company; lived at Denver, Colorado. 357. III. Isaac Dean Bonnett; graduated at Lafayette, Indiana. He is a druggist at Shreve, Wayne Co., Indiana. Two children died in infancy.


JOHN SLONE GREENLEE 6 /J°hn Greenlee* William Greenlee • William Greenlee • \ Susan M. Wnrnea Rebecca Hughes Mary Thompson » James Creenlee 1 son of John Greenlee and Susan Mary Warnes, was born March 2, 1843; died March 26. 1866; married April 21, 1864 [bible record] SARAH WACHTEL, daughter of Waehtel. _ No. 2. .4. RANSOM P. HUMES.

I HUMES. Ill MES. MItS. KATE No. 13i rOKTEB C. Swoud Hlfp "f Tarter 0. llumM . V*s




4, I





Daughter :

358. Hetta, born in 1865; died in 1875.

JOHN SLONE GREENLEE was a volunteer in the civil war, Company H, 82nd Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry; was sent home on a sick furlough in 1862 and was never able to return to the army.


* * w m ,r ,Ue'• DANIEL WARNES GREENLEE ii !E" !l \ Susan^^^M. warnes Rebecca HughesS William Greenlee ' James Greenlee • 1 Mary Thompson —— J

son of John Greenlee and Susan Mary Warnes, was born April 11, 1846 [bible record] died August or September 13, 1897 at Davis, Indian Territory; mar- ried March 2, 1867 [bible record] MELISSA ANN PLANK, daughter of Plank. He visited nearly every state in the Union.


359. I. Daughter; died in infancy. 360. II. Zella; married; lives at Cleveland, Ohio.


* " MARY ELIZABETH GREENLEE {i^^^e. £"= g^SST * * William Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Marj Thompson /

daughter of John Greenlee and Susan Mary Warnes, was born January 5, 1850 at McZena, Ashland Co., Ohio; married December 27, 1870 at McZena, JOHN WESLEY EASTERDAY born February 27, 1849 at Sparta, Morrow Co., Ohio, son of Conrad Easterday and Hannah Green. He is a farmer; Demo- crat; Protestant; resides at Overton, Wayne Co., Ohio.


I. Callie 361. John Conrad Easterday, born September 22, 1871 ; married nempertz; lived at Mansfield, Ohio. 362. H. Elva Gertie Easterday, born April 3, 1874; married William Eu- gene Hawk.4- 363. in. Susan nannah Easterday, born January 22, 1879. 364. IV. Bernice Luella Easterday, born September 29, 1882.


* • • wuniianrTRTTS uonLm^M.ITRF.VWT 1?!?. B (John Greenlee William Greenlee William Greenlee } Susan M. Warnea Rebecca Uughea Marj Thompson James Greenlee ' ) son of John Greenlee and Susan Mary Warnes, was born March 1, 1851 [bible record] at McZena, Ashland Co., Ohio; married December 4, 1872 [bible 336 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

record] at Haysville, Ashland Co., Ohio, MINA MARKS, born October 6, 1857 at McZena, daughter of Robert Marks and Mary Ann Pierce; painter; Demo- crat; Lutheran; resides at Columbus, Ohio.


365. I. Alice May, born May 23, 1875. 366. II. Curtis Earl, born April 6, 1877; soldier in the Spanish- American War.

367. m. Harmon Victor, born June 16, 1878. 368. IV. Cloyd Steward, born August 25, 1879 at McZena.


EDWIN STEWART GREENLEE » ' { l^i^e. £S ffiJT * • William Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Mary Thompson /

son of John Greenlee and Susan Mary Warnes, was born June 2, 1855 at Mc- Zena, Ashland Co., Ohio; married December 31, 1885 at Mohican, Ashland Co., Ohio, FILORA BELL EMERICK, born April 14, 1866 at McZena, or Mohican, Ohio, daughter of George Washington Emerick and Caroline Crumlick.


369. Arden Deane, born October 29, or 31, 1886.

Zodie Vern, born January 6, 1889. Vulah Constance, born October 1, 1891. Eolis Erma, born March 24, 1893. Zelda Zula, born January 22, 1896.

EDWIN STEWART GREENLEE was a graduate of Adrian, Michigan Commercial College. He served eleven terms as clerk of Lake Township, Ash- land County, Ohio, in succession; taught school two years in the same town. He invested in land in 1SS5, met with the panic in 1893 and lost; served five years as Secretary of Holmes Co., Mutual Insurance Company; removed to Mansfield in 1897 and is now a boilerraaker and mechanic. In politics, he is a Democrat; in religion, German Reform.


' (John Greenlee • William Greenlee • X1UI.AELZA Ii.vuljn.JMJROLT.AND \jK.£jCVilRRF.F.NI.F.EJrJ £* { Susan M Warnes Rebecca Hughes William Greenlee * l James Greenlee \ Mary Thompson i son of John Greenlee and Susan Mary Warnes, was born March 4, 1860 at McZena, Ashland Co., Ohio; married January 14, 1886 at Mohican, Ashland Co., Ohio, MARY LONG, born December 30, 1S60 at Mohican, died November 3, 1896 at McZena, daughter of Peter B. Long and Saloma Kantjer; painter; Democrat; resides at McZena, Ohio. l r I - \ \ " ' ~* «.

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No r.K.t. RAI.l'll i;i»KImiX MARKS







S74. L Herbert Clarence, born November 11, 1886. 375. IL George GlelL born June 3, 1890. 376. IIL Grace Bell, born August 15, 1893. * 152.

5 h Gr William Greenlee » William Greenlee • WILLIAM„ MINEE"""" MAEKS** i l^™ . ^f** \ Epbralm C Mark* Rebecca Hngbes Mary Thompson James Greenlee l \

son of Sarah Greenlee and Ephraim Chidister Harks, was born June 5, 1850 in Ashland Co., Ohio; married in 1880 in Ashland Co., Ohio, EFFLE MAY WALLACE, born April 3, 1859 at Loudonville, Ohio, daughter of Robert P. Wallace and Electa Jane McGuier; merchant; Democrat; Methodist; resided at Loudonville, Ohio. CHILDREN:

377. I. Robert Wallace Marks, bom January 2, 1881. 378. II. C. Y. Marks, born August 27, 1882. 379. III. Beulah Marks, born in 1887. 380. IV. Mable Irene Marks, born December 31, 1888. 3S1. V. Irma Fay Marks, born January 16, 1891. 382. VI Florence Alline Marks, born November 29, 1893. 383. VIL Ralph Gordon Marks, born June 2, 1896.


ROBERT THOMPSON GREENLEE » ' { Ma'^vogaT'"" Mar^To'Sex* William Greenlee * James Greenlee • ) Marj Tbompson / son of William Greenlee and Mary Vogan, was born June 15, 1828 at Frank- lin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married January 11, 1S55 at Sandy Lake, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, RACHEL BEGGS who was born in 1830 in County Tyrone, Ireland, died January 13, 1861 at Channahon, Will Co., Illinois, daugh- ter of William Beggs and Martha Wilson; married second November 20, 1866 in Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, AMANDA J. PORTER, who was born in 1840 near Sandy Lake, Pennsylvania, daughter of David Porter and Anna White; farmer; Presbyterian; residence, Idana, Clay Co., Kansas.


3S4. Mary J., born December 28, 1857; married James A. Mann. Martha E., born March 10, 1859; married Robert J. Rea. David Howard, born October 12, 1S67; died October 17, 1872. Anne E.. born August 17, 1869; married J. E. Hamilton. Matthew Wilkin, born December 10, 1870.

Robert Allen, born January 7, 1873; died August 2, 1878. 22 338 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

1878. 390. VII. Jesse Forrest, born September 7, 1874 ; died July 30,

391. VIII. Nannie B., born December 18, 1877. .

392. IX John K., born June 8, 1880.

ROBERT THOMPSON GREENLEE served in the war of the rebellion; enlisted in Company G, 100th Illinois Volunteers in 1862; discharged in 1865.


HUGH HASSEN GREENLEE {,,. g2£S3g& William Greenlee * James Greenlee * Marj Toompson }

son of "William Greenlee and Mary Vogan, was born November 5, 1837 at Polk, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; died January 2, 1900 at Derrick City, Mc- Kean Co., Pennsylvania; married December 15, 1859 at Polk, AMANDA M. HEDGLIN, born June 10, 1845 at Polk, died May 7, 1886 at Derrick City, daughter of Stephen Decatur Hedglin and Hannah W. Lane; married second July 4, 1887, ELLA LEE, who was born May 3, 1861. He was a carpenter; Methodist resided at Derrick Democrat ; ; City, Pennsylvania.


393. I. Aramanda Araminta, born January 22, 1861; married Walter E. Brown.-f- 394. George W., born January 20, 1863.

Ira R., born April 9, 1885; died March 14, 1899.

Thomas S., born November 5, 1889.

Charles H., born November 5, 1889. Clyde, born January 22, 1892. Lucy M., born January 26, 1897. Harold, born August 12, 1897. JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 339

ROBERT GREENLEE NICHOLSON served in Company G, 100th Pennsyl- vania Volunteers and Company I, 10th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers in

the Civil war. He was a Republican ; resided at Butler, Pennsylvania.


WILLIAM NICHOLSON » {g&MSi.. ££££!£&' ES^SSSS" • James Greenlee 1

son of Mary Greenlee and David Irvin Nicholson, was born September 12, 1847 at Raymilton, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married July, 1867 at Utica, Venango Co., Pennsylvania, ANNA PIERCE, born November 3, 1846 at Coch- ranton, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of William Pierce and Cin- resides at derella ; carpenter; Democrat; Methodist; Sheakleyville, Pennsylvania.


405. I. Clinton Nicholson, born October 14, 1867. 406. Cora Nicholson, born March 26, 1868. Maud Nicholson, born February 13, 1870. Nellie Nicholson, born Nevember 26, 1872; married Lewis Heas- ley. Minnie Nicholson, born June 13, 1874. James Nicholson, born September 14, 1876. Claude Nicholson, born December 2, 1878. Charles Nicholson, born September 4, 1S80. Pearl Nicholson, born September 25, 1884. Walter Nicholson, born October 24, 1886. Mary Nicholson, born August 26, 1890.


* • J^uiiuTV.1TNTR KitiiULCUiiNTfJTTOT.SON 5 f Mary Greenlee Robert Greenlee William Greenlee* 1 David I. Nicholson Margaret Porter Mary Thompson l James Greenlee I daughter of Mary Greenlee and David Irvin Nicholson, was born April 15, 1849 at Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married March 1, 1870 MICH- AEL HAYES, born November 20, 1844 at Innis, County Clare, Ireland, died June, 1896, son of Thomas nayes. He was a railroader; Protestant; resided at Bradford, Pennsylvania


416. I. John G. Hayes, born January 21, 1S71; married Ada Meyer; lives at has two sons and one Eldred, Pennsylvania ; daughter. 417. H. Edmond I. Hayes, born February 5. 1873; married Mary Keating; died March 19, 1900: had one daughter. 418. in. Dot Hayes, born April 25, 1875. 340 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

419. IV. William M. Hayes, born June 2, 1877. 420. V. Joe Hayes, born November 20, 1879. 421. VL Jennie A. Hayes, born March 1, 1881.


« • H-LSHAjitARNER BAINBRIDGEtil\±llui.\.LU\jU GREENLEEvjuxixixiiauxi 5 f Robert P. Greenlee Robert Greenlee \ Eilrabeth B. Johnston Margaret Porter * ' William Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Mary Thompson / son of Robert Porter Greenlee and Elizabeth Bainbridge Johnston, was born April 23, 1846 in French Creek Township, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married November 27, 1870 at Carlton, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, MARY SMITH STEVENS, born June 3, 1848 in French Creek Township, daughter of Peter Case Stevens and Margaret Robb. ne was a farmer; Republican; member of the United Presbyterian church; resided at Carlton and New Lebanon, Penn- sylvania.


422. I. Laura Bell, born March 15, 1872, or 1873; married John Frank Wiser.

423. II. William Charles, born November 11, 1874; married Emma Cul- low.

424. III. Susan Peart, born July 18, 1876; married November 15, 1896, David IIenr3' McWilliams.

425 IV. Carrie Olive, born October 31, 1878; married October 1, 1896 Oscar Ived Firster.

426. Peter Case, or Care, born June 30, 1880. Robert Porter, born January 20, 1882. Hattie Ellen, born October 12, 1883. Henry Pratt, born March 30, 1886. Mary Ann, born September 25, 1888. Joseph Presley, born October 25, 1889.


5 1"5 lee ' Robert Gr nl ' ROBERT WILLIAM GREENLEE i " « « hllz.ibethgS £ 2T1B. „.,,,, _ . I Johnston Margaret Porter * ' >\ llllnm Greenlee James Greenlee t

Mary Thompson . J son of Robert Porter Greenlee and Elizabeth Bainbridge Johnston, was born June 6, 1848 at Polk, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married April 10, 1873 at Sandy Lake, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, CLARA JOSEPHINE FIRSTER, born July 22, 1853 at New Lebanon, Pennsylvania, daughter of John Firster and Barbara Grove. Resided at New Lebanon, Pennsylvania.


432. I. Addison, born December 9, 1874. 433. II. Lilly, born April 13, 1876; married December 33, 1896 James Viek Hollibaugh. 434. 447. • . f ->:.^ —


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MRS. HOT GREENLEE. No 4.')9. n«>v




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WILLIAM HARRISON GREENLEE* GjS&; ' {|£K1 $£&%?&%' William Greenlee James Greenlee » ) Mary Thompson I

son of Stewart Greenlee and Sarah Ann McGinnis, was born June 28, 1849

at "Waterloo, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married February 1, 1877 at Lines- ville, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, MARY A SHTLLITO, born June 5, 1858 at Hartstown, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of William Shillito and Har- riet E. McDowelL


I. 465. Frederick Harrison, born March 28, 1878 ; married Elizabeth Bent- ley; spent two years in Allegheny College but had to leave on account of his eyes failing; is a member of Company K, 15th Regt., P. N. G. 466. n. Robert Clyde, born November 20, 1883. 467. HI. Mabel Harriet, bora September 10, 1891.

WILLIAM HARRISON GREENLEE has been a farmer with the exception of in the oil field resides on a of hundred two years spent Bradford ; farm one and fifteen acres one mile east of Hartstown, Pennsylvania; Republican; Meth- odist.


& Greenlee* Robert Greenlee * William GreenJe*' \xa.a.\j£iOTfACR 1VJ.M \xJMiSUixuxiO(TR'RF.'NT.F.'R /Stewart (saran A. McGlnnU Margaret Porter Mary Thompson James Greenlee > }

daughter of Stewart Greenlee and Sarah Ann McGinnis, was born October 26, 1853; married December, 1879 at Hartstown, or Meadville, Pennsylvania, G. WASHINGTON MASON. He is a tinner; resides at Greenville, Pennsylvania.


468. I. Eddy Mason, born in 188L 469. II. Charles Mason, born in 1884. 470. III. Sadie Mason, born in 1894.


Stewart Greenlee • Robert Greenlee • BftwlflSARAH JiJjJ-aACXilIlELIZABETH Vrrv£iAnij£.£iGREENLEE* / } Sarah A. McGlnnla Margaret Porter ' William Greenlee* James Greenlee 1 Mary Thompson i daughter of Stewart Greenlee and Sarah Ann McGinnis, was born January 24, 1856 at Milledgeville, Pennsylvania; married May 5, 1879 at Hartstown, Craw- ford Co., Pennsylvania, EDWARD N. HALL, born August 12, 1854 at Geneva, 344 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

Crawford Co., Pennsylvania, son of John Hall and Cylinda Newton. He is a at farmer; in politics, Free silver; in religion; Methodist Episcopal; resides Geneva, Pennsylvania.


471. I. Ira Stewart Hall, horn February 17, 1882. 472. II. Ida Hall, born February 18, 1884. 473. m. Thomas Hall, born May 19, 189L 474. IV. Robert Harrison Hall, born July 7, 1895.


HARRIET ANN GREENLEE * ISl.^,^.' M^tTvSS' William Greenlee 1 James Greenlee » » Mar/ Thompson /

daughter of Stewart Greenlee and Sarah Ann McGinnis, was born July 1, 1858, or 1862; married February, 18S0 at Hartstown, Pennsylvania, JOSEPH E. ELLIS, born February, 1857 at Hartstown. He is a harness maker; resides at Crestline, Ohio.


475. I. Harry E. Ellis, born in 1883. 476. II. Rosie Ellis, born in 1885.

477. III. Grace Ellis, born in 1887.


' CURTIS or LICURDIS GREENLEE > { f^.et^.ve'.T 5«£?tT&«' William Greenlee' James Greenlee » I Marj Thompson i son of Joseph Greenlee and Harriet McXeal, was born March 20, 1S45 at Waterloo. Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married November 9, 1865, MARIA MeGINNIS, born February 12, 1S50 at Waterloo; farmer; resides at Bertrand, Nebraska.


SUSAN REBECCA GREENLEE > {^tifxSX' KreVf&'eV > William Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Mar/ Thompson I daughter of Joseph Greenlee and Harriet McNeal, was born April 11, 1846 near Waterloo. Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married May 6, 1872 in Pennsylvania, GEORGE WASHINGTON MYERS, born February 23, 1S36 at New Middle- town, Mahoning Co., Ohio, son of George W. Myers and Saloma Raub. He Ohio. is a carpenter; in politics, a Republican; resides near New Middletown, •



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MAHALA BABE • /Anna Greenlee* William Greenlee • James Greenlee • I Feter Barr Jane McClelland Anna Patterson

* • William Greenlee Jamea Greenlee 1 Mary Thompson — J of daughter Anna Greenlee and Peter Barr, was born April 13, 1849 at Ray- inilton, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married March 16, 1869, EUSEBIUS CHATLEY, who was born near Milledgeville, Pennsylvania, son of Andrew Chatley and Ruth Robbing. He is a farmer; in politics, a Democrat; in religion, Disciple; resides near Milledgeville.


494. I. Bertie Milton Chatley, born May 19, 1870; unmarried (1900). 495. II. Otis Asa Chatley, born December 22, 1877; unmarried (1900).


PETER M PATTERSON 8 /Margaret Greenlee • William Greenlee * James Greenlee • I John PattersoD Jane McClelland Ann Patterson * J William Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Mary Thompson /

son of Margaret Greenlee and John Patterson, was born May 14, 1844 at Ray- milton, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married February 2, 1871 at Sandy Lake, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, MARY A. CORNELUS, born March 10, 1850 at Leesburg, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, died January 2, 1894 at Raymilton, Penn-' sylvania, daughter of Isaac Cornelus and Nancy Cook; Democrat; Presby- terian; residence, Raymilton.


496. Harry Patterson, born November 29, 1872; married Adah Snider. George Patterson, born May 16, 1874. Cora born 1877 married Patterson, May 21, ; Walter JewelL Brit Patterson, born November 10, 1880.

Nannie Patterson, born April 6, 1883.

Pearl Patterson, born August 6, 1887. JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 347


JANE MARY GREENLEE • /John M. Greenlee • William Greenlee • Jamei Greenlee • I Mill* Jane _ , , , , Mary McClelland Asa-Patterson _.,,„ • , „ • William Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Mary Thompson J

daughter of John McClelland Greenlee and Mary Mills, was born November 7, 1849 in Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married December 25, 1870 at Victor, Poweshiek Co., Iowa, WILLIAM ALLEN CLARK, born January 20, 1842 at Jersey City, New Jersey, daughter of John Clark and Mary Allen. CHILDREN:

502. I. Laura born May Clark, December 23, 1871 ; married Austin Linn ; lives at Gray, Iowa. 503. II. Wilbur Arthur Clark, born February 28, 1872; married Clara Belle Friese.+ 504. Robert Clark, born October 10, 1874. Charles Erwin Clark, born November 27, 1876. Mary Ella Clark, born May 5, 1882. Jennie Bell Clark, born September 11, 1887. John Wesley Clark, born February 29, 1888. Nellie Pearl Clark, born December 5, 1890. Louis Clark, born September 9, 1892. Sarah Matilda Clark, born August 15, 1894.

WILLIAM ALLEN CLARK served in the Civil war enlisted in 1861 and ; remained in the army three years. He is a farmer; in politics, a Republican;

in religion, Christian ; resides at Audubon, Iowa.


* MILLS ERWIN GREENLEE • M.Gre»ie. • { Job. ^.'KcM?

• • ' James Greenlee William Greenlee James Greenlee ) Ann Patterson Marj Thompson J son of John McClelland Greenlee and Mary Mills, was born April 24, 1852 at Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married December 25, 1875 at Avoca, Iowa, AURILDAH SINCLAIR, born March 29, 1857 at Avoca, Iowa, daughter of Robert Sinclair and Mary Hogan. He is a wagon maker; in politics, a in United Brethren resides at Iowa. Republican ; religion, ; Templeton,


Biol, born April 8, 1877; unmarried. Edna, born December 12, 1879; married May 16, 1900, Arthur Billick; lives at Templeton, Iowa. Ernest, born March 18, 1882. Robert, born February 20, 1884. Viola, born October 11, 1889. Coquella, born October 5, 1897. 348 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.


• « • vuixmOLIVER i.V uttmuiiiiu,OR'EF.'NT.'EE • f John M. Greenle* William Greenlee Jamea Greenlee } Matj Mill* Jane McClelland Ann Patteraou * ' William Greenlee JameB Greenlee I Marj Thompson J

son of John McClelland Greenlee and Mary Mills, was born February 9, 1854 at Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania; married March 6, 1877 at Avoca, Pot- tawatomie Co., Iowa, CATHARINE L. PLUMMER, born April 14, 1859 at Brooklyn, Poweshiek Co., Iowa, daughter of Caleb Plummer and Rebecca Pit- tenger; farmer; Republican; Methodist Episcopal; residence, Anthon, Iowa.


518. I. Rebecca I., born July 22, 1878. 519. IL Charles Elmer T., born December 16, 1889.


JAMES WALTER GREENLEE « ™.n m. Greenlee * ' { SK^SSr

» > James Greenlee* William Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Ann I'atterson Marj Thompson J

son of John McClelland Greenlee and Mary Mills, was born October 27, 1856 Wisconsin married March 1887 at at Juda, Green Co., ; 17, College Springs, Page Co., Iowa, LUELLA GREENLEE [No. 239] born August 24, 1861 at Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of Samuel McLaine Greenlee Burch resides at Iowa. and Mary Ann ; farmer; Republican; Methodist; Gray,


520. I. Leroy, born June 28, 1888. 521. n. May, born October 22, 1892. ' 522. ni. Earl, born April 1, 1894. 523. IV. Byran, born April 4, 1899.

' ' JOHN WESLEY GREENLEE « ™. m. cre«... 1 { ESffiSSS

• * James Greenlee William Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Ann I'atterson Marj Thompson J

son of John McClelland Greenlee and Mary Mills, was born April 12, 1861 at Winterset. Madison Co., Iowa; married March 13, 1891, ELENOR STEERE, born April 25, 1SG5 at Ionia, Ionia Co., Michigan, daughter of Amos Steere and Alice King; farmer; Republican; Methodist; resides at Ross, Iowa. JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA- 349

233. .

* * • WTRTv*x_vi OTTTTJfJV a.\jva.\ja.TTOSAfHt • f Dorcas Greenlee William Greenlee James Greenlee \£uw\j* \ Darld Hosack Jane McClelland Ann Parteraon * l William Greenlee James Greenlee > Mar; Thompson / son of Dorcas Greenlee and David Hosack, was born March 1, 1S55 at Mercer, Mercer married October 18S2 at Sioux MARY Co., Pennsylvania ; 23, City, Iowa, JANE GLENN, born November 4, 1865 at Lemars, Plymouth Co., Iowa, di- vorced, 1893, daughter of Michael Glenn and BoyL He is a brick layer; in politics, a Republican; in religion, Presbyterian; resides at New York City.


524. L Dorcas Bell Hosack. born December 21, 18S3; died March 2, 1884. 525. H. Charles Hosack, born November 21, 1884; died May 5, 1886. 526. m. Wirt Edward Hosack, born March 31, 1887.


• • « < « Greenlee William AARON BURTON GREENLEE *?<*<"l Grej-nlee i Mary A. Burch Jane McClelland

• f l James Greenlee William Greenlee James Greenlee } — Ann Patterson Mary Thompson — i son of Samuel MeLaine Greenlee and Mary Ann Burch, was born May 23, 1867 in married at McDonald Warren Co.. Pennsylvania ; Goodman. Co., Missouri, SARAH ELIZABETH GAROUTTE, daughter of James Lake Garoutte and Lou Ann Pogue. He is a farmer; in politics, Republican; in religion, Christian; re- sides at Avilla, Iowa.


527. I. Ethel Armenia, born December 11, 1S93; died September 13, 1896. 528. II. Roy Edmond, born March 7, 1896. 529. III. liable Mildred, born November 5, 1897.


• • < Rrallv Greenlee' William Greenlee James Greenlee ULAJUVnMAPTOTJ ±%~A HU-3UPOSTIe ^ Harvey Eose Jane McClelland Ann Patterson William Greenlee * James Greenlee l Mary Thompson } son of Emily Greenlee and Harvey Rose, was born April 4. 1860 at Sandy Lake, December 1880 at Mercer Co., Pennsylvania ; married 28, Franklin, Venango Co., Pennsylvania, NETTIE WALLACE, born April 15. 1861 near Mercer, Mer- cer Co.. Pennsylvania, daughter of Hugh Wallace and Sarah Dight; farmer Republican; Methodist; resides near Dempseytown, Pennsylvania.


530. I. Harvey Delbert Rose, born July 9, 1882. 531. II. Hugh Wadsworth Rose, born December 3. 1883. 350 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

532. Ill Olive Agnes Rose, born April 9, 1885. 533. IV. Wallace William Rose, born September 8, 1886. 534. V. George Dewitt Rose, born May 2, 1889. 535. VI. Ethel Sarah Emma Rose, born March 18, 1893. 536. VTL Elma Jeanette Rose, born January 16, 1900.


• * • VtlTTf TJt • J Caroline Greenlee William Greenlee Jamei Greenlee JxiBBlXiTV ill. \XTATV1tHWaiJVllO t Uenry Watera Jane McClelland Ann Patteraon

William Greenlee • Jame* Greenlee > 1 Marj Thompson / daughter of Caroline Greenlee and Henry Waters, was born February 17, 1871 at Fidioute, Warren Co., Pennsylvania; married January 18, 1899 at Ionia, Michigan, CHARLES B. McCORMICK, born February 18, 1863 at Fidioute. Pennsylvania, son of John D. McCormick and Charlotte C. Broughton. He is resides at a farmer; in politics, Republican; in religion, United Brethren; Ionia, Michigan.


' JANE GREENLEE • MARTHA { £ft; £gE?" IggSftS*™ James Greenlee • William Greenlee • James Greenlee > » Ann l'atterson Mary Thompson I daughter of Peter Patterson Greenlee and Mary Jane Guiler, was born Septem- at ber 18, 1860 at Buckingham, Tama Co., Iowa; married June 30, 1884 Toledo, at - Tama Co., Iowa, GEORGE HALE COTTON, born October 12, 1857 South Bend, St. Joseph Co., Indiana, son of Joseph Cotton and Susan Ford; minister; in resided at in politics, Prohibitionist; in religion, Reformed Church America; Traer and Des Moines, Iowa; Salem, South Dakota; New Brunswick and Du- mont, New Jersey; New York City.


537. I. Mary Jane Cotton, born June 25, 1887. 1S90 died 1890. 538. II. George Cotton, born September 21, j September 30, 539. III. Anna Alvira Cotton, born February 28, 1894.

MARTHA (GREENLEE) COTTON wrote short stories and other articles for publication, and not without encouragement. The Christian Intelligencer offered to print and pay for anything she might contribute.


P. Greenlee* John Greenlee • James Greenlee AnnANNAA UXUiXiXl.UXj.CifJPP.P.NT.'P.P. 8 (Peter iMaryJ. Guile* Margaret Patterson Ann Patterson

* William Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Mary Thompson J daughter of Peter Patterson Greenlee and Mary Jane Guiler, was born Septem- ber 29, 1862 at Toledo, Tama Co., Iowa; married November 19, 1885 at Toledo, JAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA. 351

Iowa, CHARLES CLINTON WALLACE, born June 27, 1859 at Chariton, Lucas Co., Iowa, died May 10, 1898 at Des Moines, Iowa, son of Thomas D. Wallace and Sarah Nickols; occupation, religious work; politics, Republican; religion,

Presbyterian ; residence, Des Moines, Iowa.


540. I. Laurence Greenlee Wallace, born August 19, 1886. 541. H. Martha Lueile Wallace, born November 28, 1893.


JOHN OUI1ICYv *»~»m.umBAE.NE3 • /Elizabeth Greenlee* John Greenlee ' James Greenlee *"" 1 Thomas G. Barnes Margaret Patterson Ann Patterson

William Greenlee* James Greenlee > 1 Mar; Thompson / son of Elizabeth Greenlee and Thomas G. Barnes, was born February 5, 1860 at Pardoe, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania; married September 20, 1892, ANNA LOUVENA PATTERSON, born March 28, 1869 at Jackson Centre, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of Thompson Patterson and Mary Jane Williams. He is a farmer; in politics, Prohibitionist; in religion, United Presbyterian; resides at Grove City, Pennsylvania.


542. I. Mary Edna Barnes, born March 19, 1896. 543. n. Charlie Reid Barnes, born November 10, 1900.


JMltSTAMRS JiLlTiriK'RT.1VTRR DflKHtS'RAR.NT'.SS (Elizabeth Greenlee • John Greenlee * James Greenlee • < Thomas G. Barnes Margaret Patterson Ann Patterson * ' William Greenlee James Greenlee I Mary Thompson (

son of Elizabeth Greenlee and Thomas G. Barnes, was born April 15, 18G6 at married 1899 at Pardoe, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania ; August 24, Pardoe, Pennsyl- vania, MARY MARTHA JOHNSTON, born June 13, 1869 at Pardoe, Pennsyl- vania, daughter of Gilbert Johnston and Margaret Paden. He is a florist; in politics, a Prohibitionist; in religion, United Presbyterian; resides at Grove City, Pennsylvania.


8 (James Greenlee • John Greenlee * James Greenlee " VTfiTViv-UrlA vr.rv.Cj.uii.Li.Ei.LiiTR'R'R'MT V.V. } Maria L. McColgan Margaret Patterson Ann Patterson

William Greenlee ' James Greenlee ' ) Mary Thompson = /

daughter of James Greenlee and Maria L. McColgan, was born August 8, 1869 at Central City, Gilpin Co., Colorado; married January 15, 1896 at Nevadaville, Gilpin Co., Colorado, HOWARD E. GALTON, born January 22, 1868 at Foo- Chow, China, son of W. P. Galton of China and Georgiana Parker. He is a far- 352 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

mer; in politics, Republican; in religion, Episcopalian; resides at Otis, Eddy Co., New Mexico.


544. I. John Howard Galton, born October 29, 1896. 545. II. Ruth Galton, born February 19, 1898. 546. IU. Harold Parker Galton, born June 18, 1899.


• • • 1H tfJ'R'R'P'.NT * S Samuel S Greenlee John Greenlee James Greenlee rL.\JB.£VT n'RVNTil?.J S*\j£i X*. UH-D-Cnu^E.VW. l Ama ndaJ. Tinker Margaret Patterson Ann i-atteraon * * William Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Mary Thompson i

daughter of Samuel S. Greenlee and Amanda J. Tinker, was born July 11, 1870 at Mercer, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania; married October 12, 1892 at Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, FRANK W. TINKER, born February 27, 1869 at Butler, Penn- sylvania, son of Charles Tinker and Elizabeth Morrison. He is a driller; in poli- tics, Republican; in religion, Protestant; resides at Butler.


547. I. Mildred Frances Tinker, born August 1, 1895. 548. II. Helen Elizabeth Tinker, born November 19, 1899.


(Martha Greenlee* John Greenlee * James Greenlee • IViAltUAltililTVTAT?n AT?"RT JTANF,AM J!i AlU^HAT.T.TlNfl ^ Robert AJIen Margaret Patterson Ann Patterson William Greenlee * James Greenlee * Mary Thompson } daughter of Martha Greenlee and Robert Allen, was born July 6, 1S68 at Pardoe, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania; married April 30, 1891, JOHN CARSON, born July 19, 1857 at Ballymoney, County Antrim, Ireland, son of John Carson and Jane Long. He is a hardware merchant; in polities, Republican, in religion, Re- formed resides at Colorado. Presbyterian ; Denver,


549. Martha Jane Carson, born October 18, 1892. Robert John Carson, born April 14, 1895. Janus Alexander Carson, born January 16, 1897; died August 16, 1898.

Harold William, born May 15, 1899. Jan. 1901 one died 1901. Twin sons, born 30, ; February 8, JAMES OP PENNSYLVANIA. 353


ELUER"" "*GREENLEE • fSamnel Greenlee* James J. Greenlee * James Greenlee • \ Harriet Burch Elizabeth Greenlee Ann Patterson

William Greenlee * James Greenlee • 1 Mar; Thompson J

son of Samuel Greenlee and Harriet Burch, was born March 7, 1870 at Ray-

milton, Venango Co., Pennsylvania ; married November 14, 1S99 at Sandy Lake, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania, CORA FRANCES VOGAN, born August 17, 1878 at Sandy Lake, daughter of Simeon -Vogan and Rebecca Waid. He is a farmer;

in politics, Democrat ; in religion, United Presbyterian ; resides at Sandy Lake, Pennsylvania.


554. L Herman Bruce, born November 14, 1900.


MARY ADELAIDE LOGAN • M«y -A Greenlee • William Greenlee « {(Albert Logan Margaret Townley

• * John Greenlee William Greenlee* James Greenlee \ Sarah Brady Marj Thompson I

daughter of Mary Adeline Greenlee and Albert Logan, was born March 24, 1869 at Woodco*ck, Crawford Co., Pennsylvania; married April 10, 1S92, WILLIAM CLENDENIN, born March 12, 1S68 at Cincinnati, Ohio, son of Dr. William Clendenin and Sabra Birchard; physician; Republican; Presbyterian; resides at Madisonville, Ohio.


555. I. Mary Elizabeth Clendenin, born March 10, 1S94.


ELVA GERTIE EASTERDAY • oh t£S&&E2S!L(Jonn W. Ea&teraaj Susanl JfSrg£LM Wanies

* * * William Greenlee William Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Rebecca llughes Mary Thompson 1 daughter of Mary Elizabeth Greenlee and John Wesley Easterday, was born April 3, 1874 at Big Prairie, Wayne Co., Ohio; married January 30, 1890 at Wooster, Wayne Co., Ohio, WILLIAM EUGENE HAWK, born November 22. 1870 at Wooster, Ohio. Residence, Wooster.


556. L Frankie Luella Hawk, born March 24, 189L 557. n. Mary Arminta Hawk, born May 3, 1S93. 558. III. Charles Glen Hawk, bom July 8, 1895. M 354 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.





16. IX. George, born in 1814; married Mary Hilton. -f- in moved with 17. X. William, born in 1815 ; married 1841 Nancy Smith ; his family to Missouri about 1869 or 1870.

JOHN GREENLEE emigrated from North Carolina to Kentucky, thence to Tennessee about 1790, and settled in Grainger County, where he purchased several hundred acres of land. His life-long occupation was farming and stock raising. He was a Whig; in religion, Missionary Baptist; a soldier in the war of 1812 and a brave and fearless man. He resided near Rutledge, Tennessee.

2 married JAILE3 GREENLEE, son of James Greenlee and Nancy ; RUTH SUNDERLAND; resided in Jefferson County, Tennessee.


18. I. James. 19. H. Andrew. The sons went West about 1850, after the father's death.


WTLLIAM 2 son of James Greenlee and GREENLEE, Nancy ; married


20. I. • Willis L. ; married ; married second Widow Perryman.-f-

LOUIS 2 son of James Greenlee GREENLEE, and Nancy , was born De- cember 1791 killed 28, ; during the Civil war, December, 1862, or 1863 at Car- Carroll Arkansas married October rollton, Co., ; 4, 1815, ELIZABETH HUNT, born November 2, 1799 in Tennessee, died August 3, 1872, or 1871, at Carroll- ton, Arkansas, daughter of James Hunt and Margaret Box. He was a farmer; Democrat; Baptist; resided near Cooksons Creek in eastern Tennessee; re- moved to Carroll County, Arkansas three or four years before the Civil war.


21. James Monroe, born March 27, 1819; married Sarah Weldon.-f- born 1821 married Amanda, February 17, ; Madison, or Matthew, Bedingfield.-(- born 1823 married William, August 18, ; Emily Jackson.-f Margaret, born August 8, 1826; married John Richard Copeland.-f- 25. 358 GKEBNLEE GENEALOGY.

JAMES GREENLEE came with hi3 parents to Tennessee when he was very young. He was ordained to preach the Gospel when he was forty-four years old, and while he did not have a thorough education and had never taken a theological course he was amongst the most famous Baptist preachers of his day. He traveled and preached through Virginia, Tennessee and North Caro- lina. He was a devout Christian, a kind and indulgent father, generous and charitable, a power in the church and honored and esteemed by all who knew him. He held many offices of trust during his life. In politics, he was a Whig, then Republican. He owned a farm near Rutledge where he lived at the time of his death.


JOHN hn J»mM Oteeultt • 1 GREENLEE* R° J?™*""** , „ I Elizabeth Sunderland /

son of John Greenlee and Elizabeth Sunderland, was born April 8, 1802, or 1803, near Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee; died in 1888 aged 86 years at Rutledge; married in 1820 at Rutledge, MARY MAYES, born in 1806 near Rutledge, died in 1869, daughter of Ligon Mayes and Esther Daniel. He was a farmer; in politics, Republican; in religion, Baptist; resided six miles from Rutledge, Tennessee.


40. I. Esther, born in 1822; married Josiah Kidwell. 41. H. James Sterling, born August 17, 1824; married Sarah Collison;

married second Mallicoat; married third .-f- III. 42. John Calvin, born July 8, 1826; married Amanda Collison. -f- 43. IV. Caroline, born in 1828; married Henderson Kidwell; dead; their son, Orlando Kidwell lives at Mayspring. 44. V. Elizabeth, born in 1830; married William West; had son Arthur West who lives at Mossy Creek, Tennessee. 45. VI. Pleasant L., born in 1832; married Mary Douglas; lives in Grainger Co., Tennessee. 46. VII. Jane, born in 1833; married Robert Hammer; their daughter Jane Hammer lives at Blackwell, Tennessee. 47. VIII. William A., born in 1835; married Martha Dalton; lives in Grain- ger Co., Tennessee. 48. IX. George A., born in 1837; married Eliza (or Louisa) James; lived in Grainger Co., Tennessee; had son, James. 49. X. Victoria; married Colby Dalton; lives at Mayspring.


ELI GREENLEE* < in le Jr«me»G«oitot» i (i ;! , ^5 *; , A 1 KllzaiM'lh Sunderland Nanc/ J son of John Greenlee and Elizabeth Sunderland, was born about 1806 [in a letter writter in 1893 or he his as 83 in 1894, gives age years] ; married 1825, JAMES OF TENNESSEE. 359

MAEY DANIEL. He was a farmer; in politics, Democrat; in/reHgion, Bap- tist; residence, Thurman, Fremont Co., Iowa (1892).


50. Pleasant; married Caroline KidwelL-}- Elizabeth; dead. John Knight; married McDanieL James. * Mary Ann; married James Bivins.

George ; married Woodrmn. Eli ; married Boyd. Jasper; married Martha McKimsey. Mary; married James Ballard.

ELI GREENLEE was a captain in the Confederate army.


in G e lw ames GreenIe« * MARY GREENLEE* I {i?! > ^t S ^ , „ i l Elizabeth Sunderland Nancj f daughter of John Greenlee and Elizabeth Sunderland, was born about 1807; married in 1823, HENRY MAYES.


63. HL Eli Leroy, born October 22, 1848; married Josephine Boyd.4- 64. IV. Emaline, born September, 1852; married William McCauly.-f- 1857 married 65. V. Nancy L., born Jnly 5, ; Henry Peak. 66. VL Marion.


GREENLEE* GEORGE { gS£WJd' tiS?, !^* } son of John Greenlee and Elizabeth Sunderland, was born in 1812 or 1814; mar- ried in 1833, MARY HATTON, or HILTON.

They had a son:

lives in Tennessee. 67. L Samuel ; Rutledge,

GEORGE GREENLEE was a recruiting officer, going back and forth from Tennessee to Kentucky. He was captured and put in prison in North Carolina and there he died.


' ' £ L. GREENLEE' William Greenlee JaroeB Greenlet 1 WILLIS {

son of William Greenlee, died about 1878. His first wife died in Missouri He married second, in Texas, WIDOW FERRYMAN who died about 1878. He left his family in northern Missouri and went to Lamar Co., Texas.


68. I. Son.

69. II. Rebecca Jane; married John F. Martin.

No children by second marriage.


» JAMES MONROE GREENLEE 8 / Louis Greenlee James Greenlee > I I Elizabeth Hunt Nancy /

son of Louis Greenlee and Elizabeth Hunt, was born March 27, 1819; died in Illinois: married MISS SARAH WELDON.

They had several children, one of whom was:

70. John Louis.

JAMES MONROE GREENLEE removed from Tennessee to Illinois when his family were small. Some of his chidren still reside there. His oldest and youngest sons reside at Redlands, California.

L tr\«. a e Co . /„ l?SC /».r<,4- J JAMES OF TENNESSEE. 361


AMANDA GEEENLEE 3 {{^S^' gMM;.- } daughter of Louis Greenlee and Elizabeth Hunt, was born February 17, 1821; died several years ago in Arkansas; married MATTHEW, or MADISON, BEDINGFIELD. They resided in Arkansas.


7L L Thomas Jefferson Bedingfield; lives in Dallas, Texas.


WILLIAM GREENLEE • C {^i^t* i%£ ^?' }

son of Louis Greenlee and Elizabeth Hunt, was born August 18, 1823 at Madi- son, Tennessee; married in 1844, in Polk Co., Tennessee, EMILY JACKSON, born March 15, 1826 at Madison, Tennessee, daughter of Archibald S. Jackson and Yicia StobalL


72. L Francis Marion, born October 20, 1845; married Viannah Eliza- beth Cole; married second Sarah A Perryman.-f- 73. Vicy Jane, born in 1S47; married James E. P. Skinner. -4- James Newton, born March 18, 1849; married Mary Jane Fite; married second Sina S. (Fort) McClendon.-)- Sarah born 1S51 married "William J. Holder. Ann, January 2, ; + Emeline, born in 1853; married Dr. M. S. McNatt; both dead. Amanda Elizabeth, born in 1855; married Louis E. Secrest; lives in Arkansas.

78. VH. Lewis Archibald, born November 20, 1857; married Fannie F. Tucker. + 79. VIIL Thomas Jefferson, born in 1860, or 1861; lost at sea, October 16, 1895. (T) 80. IX. Marietta Sarepta, born in 1S63; married Samuel Seward; died two months later. 81. X "William Marshall, born in 1865; married Ollie Wright. He was an engineer on M. K. & T. R. R. was struck by a switch engine in

Greenville. Texas and died January 7, 1895. No children. 82. XI. Willis born married Alice Burnett works Alvin, September, 1867 ; ; for the R. R. Company at Fort Worth, Texas. 83. XLL Virgil Leander, born in 1869; died June, 1894.

WILLIAM GREENLEE was born and brought up on the farm, but he nas been a Baptist preacher since he was a young man. He removed to south- western Arkansas when he had but two children. In politics, he is a Demo- crat. He and his wife were both living (1900) at National Spring, Arkansas. 362 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

THOMAS JEFFERSON GREENLEE went to Central America. After h* had been there about two years, and making good money, he sent for his young- est brother, Virgd, to come thinking they could soon make a fortune. Virgil went in the fall of 1893, and the following June died a victim of yellow fever. This was such a blow to the elder brother that he sold out and started back to North America. The ship in which he took passage was wrecked, and he, with many others, was drowned.


» n r Q"*»"» ' MARGARET GREENLEE J #, '^. re£ni.. {»?!! \

daughter of Louis Greenlee and Elizabeth Hunt, was born August 8, 1826; married JOHN RICHARD COPELAND.

They had five children:

84. L Sarah Copeland (eldest child); married Lucky; lived near Bentonville, Arkansas. 85. II. Columbus Copeland (eldest son).

JOHN RICHARD COPELAND removed to Arkansas; just before the war he went to Texas and located near the town of Tyler; resided at Lindale, Smith County, Texas.


EMELINE GREENLEE « * {^t«t i\Tc'j2l^r' } daughter of Louis Greenlee and Elizabeth Hunt, was born June 24, 1828; died in Missouri, fifteen miles south of Pierce City and eight miles from Newtonia; married Secrest to afterward to lived near Wylie ; removed Arkansas, Missouri; San Francisco, California.


86. I. James Hilyard Secrest (oldest son). 87. II. married dealer in Secrest (oldest daughter) ; John Dyer, a mining property. 88. III. Leander Secrest; a lawyer by profession.


Jamei Greenlee ' I WILLIS GREENLEE « {&,»'» G^**' ( tllzabtuh Hunt Nancy J son of Louis Greenlee and Elizabeth Hunt, was born November 21, 1830; died at the close of the Civil War near Tyler, Texas; married just before the war at Fort Smith, Arkansas, MELVIXA CLARK, daughter of Clark. JAMES OF TENNESSEE. 363

They had one son:

89. L Alvin; married and lives at Fort Smith, Arkansas.

WILLIS GREENLEE served in the Civil War as First Lieutenant under Colonel Shaler of the Confederate army. He attended Batcreek College, Ten- nessee.

27. *

» ulS G le Jamei Greenlee » I BENJAMIN FBANKLIN GREENLEE i k?, K .T° *.* I Elizabeth Hunt Nancj /

son of Louis Greenlee and Elizabeth Hunt, was born February 11, 1833 at Madkonville, Monroe Co., Tennessee; died September 14, 1883; married July 29, 1858 at Benton, Polk Co., Tennessee, ANN ELIZA HENDERSON, born December 30, 1837 at Columbus, McMinn Co., Tennessee, daughter of John Sinclair Henderson and Aley Van Meter White. He was a carpenter; in poli- tics, Democrat; resided at Charleston, Tennessee.


90. I. George Hunt, born June 16, 1859; died November 23, 1862. 91. n. born 1861 killed Benjamin Henderson, February 14, ; by a falling tree in Washington Co., Arkansas, March 13, 1888. 92. IH. Willis Sinclair, born January 21, 1864 at Oldfort, Polk Co., Ten- nessee; stock grower; lives at Drewsey, Oregon; unmarried (1900). 93. 1869 lives at Lee, born March 10, ; Ellis, Idaho. . Eliza, born August 23, 1870. Charles Vanmeter, born July 21, 1873; is a Railway Mail agent; lives at Charleston, Tennessee. 96. VII. Nora Ann, born July 14, 1876 ; unmarried.

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN GREENLEE was a man of sterling qualities, of great kindness and remarkable honesty. He served as a private in the Con- federate army and was wounded at Dalton, Georgia, August 15, 1864. He was taken prisoner and carried to Camp Douglass in November, where he lay until February 21, 1865, in the hospital all the time except one week. Below is the account written by himself on the blank leaves of a Testament presented to him by the chaplain: "Wounded and captured at Dalton, Ga., August 15, 1S64. Lay in hospital at Dalton till 25th Oct. Was taken to Chattanooga Oct. 25th. Started to Nashville Nov. 11th, reached it Nov. 12. Left Nashville Nov. 16th, arrived at Louisville the Nth. Left Louisville, 24th and entered Camp Nov. 26th. in from 26th 1864 till 20th * Douglas Stayed Camp Douglass Nov., Feb., 1865. All the time but one week in hospital. Left Camp Douglass Feb. 20th at dark, was carried by rail through Indiana and Ohio; reached Pittsburgh, Penn. at dark Feb. 21st. Passed Harrisburg the night of Feb. 22nd. Arrived at Baltimore about 3 o'clock P. M. Feb. 23rd, 3G4 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

1865. Shipped on board of steamer Charlotte Vanderbilt at dark Feb. 23rd. Sailed down Chesapeake bay and np James River to Aikens landing above City Point and 12 mi. below Richmond. Stopped at 12 A. M. Saturday Feb. 25th. Remained on the boat till 10 A. M. Tuesday, Feb. 28th. Those able to walk started on foot for Richmond, leaving the sick and cripples on the boat There were about 400 of these, I being one. of Rich- March 3, '65. Today I left the Yankee fleet and reached the city mond at dark."


THOMAS JEFFERSON GREENLEE » ' Green"* ' {%E&££g£t j:'°g }

son of Louis Greenlee and Elizabeth Hunt, was born October 23, 1836 in Ten- the of a nessee; killed June 3, 1864 at Little Rock, Arkansas by wall-plate building falling on him; married May 28, 1862 in Carroll Co., Arkansas, JOSEPHINE BONAPARTE "WRIGHT, born September 13, 1841 at Maryville (or Little River), Tennessee, daughter of Dr. Wiley Blunt Wright and Elizabeth Henry. Resided in Carroll Co., Arkansas. She married second, George J. Crump.


97. I. Lulu Blount, born February 16, 1863; married Asbury John Vance.+

THOMAS JEFFERSON GREENLEE was studying medicine, but when the Civil War broke out he was among the first to follow the fortunes, or mis-" fortunes, of the South. He was taken prisoner when Price surrendered at Little Roek, and was kept there in prison all winter, being in wretched health. Rather than have him go north as a prisoner, his wife persuaded him to take the oath and come out. He was a lieutenant in the Confederate army.


G e, JULIA ANN GREENLEE' -ff^f {g&bMSft' S } daughter of Louis Greenlee and Elizabeth Hunt, was born October 2, 1839 at Benton, Polk Co., Tennessee; divorced from first husband; married second March 24, 1860, MORGAN JEFFERSON MAGNESS (a widower), born April

4, 1829 at Batesville, Arkansas, died December 31, 1887 at Riverside, California, eon of James Magness and Narcissa Barnet; farmer; Republican; Methodist; removed to California about 1888; she returned to Arkansas and resided near Paris, Logan Co., Arkansas. She was living (1900) at Wister, Indian Terri- tory.


1861 married Robert Wilbourn. 98. Mary Magness, born October 30, ; Charles Magness; died January 20, 1867. Hansford Magness, born November 2, 1867; married Katie Mc- Cluney. 10L 366 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.


115. L Margaret Lavina West, bora May 26, 1847; died March 12, 1891. 116. IL Marshall Newton West, bora March 7, 1849; married Mary P. White. 117. HL Phoebe Jane West, bora February 15, 1851; married James Sat- terfield.

118. IV. Mary E. West, born October 30, 1852; died July 9, 1853. 119. V. Ann Eliza West, born May 14, 1854.


• * f James • ' HABY GEH3NLEE Greenlee John Greenlee James Greenlee 1 I I'hebe Mares Elizabeth Sunderland Nancj / daughter of James Greenlee and Phebe Mayes, was bora October 19, 1824; died in I860; married in 1849 (T) WESLEY HAMILTON GALYON. He was a farmer; Republican; Baptist; resided at Rutledge, Tennessee.

Children, three living:

120. L Pershia Galyon, born October 25, 1848; married Nelson Roach.-f- 121. H. lives Jasper Galyon (eldest son) ; at Sweetwater, Tennessee. 122. III. Scott Galyon; married Amanda R. Greenlee.


» 4 James Greenlee* John Greenlee* James Greenlee 1 JOHN WITT GREENLEE { ( l'hebe Majes Elizabeth Sunderland Nancj J son of James Greenlee and Phebe Mayes, was born April 29, 1827 at Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee; died May 14, 1874 near Rutledge; married January 17, 1847 at Rutledge, NARCISSUS FRANCES DOUGLAS, bora April 15, 1829 at Rutledge, daughter of John Douglass and Rachel Adaline West. He was a farmer; in politics, Republican; in religion Missionary Baptist; resided near Rutledge, Tennessee.


123. James born 1849 died Pryes, April 29, ; February 29, 1861. William Samuel, bora April 20, 1851; married Ida Elizabeth Ammons.+ Sarah Catharine, born February 2, 1853; died January 16, 1872. Rachel Adaline, born January 27, 1855; died September 28, 1872. John Archibald, born February 22, 1857; lives at Daisy Dell, Tennessee re- ; unmarried. He was brought up on a farm and ceived only a common school education. After his father's death he took up carpentering as his chosen occupation. He is an earnest worker in the church and Sunday school. 128. VI. Elizabeth, born February 20, 1859; married Julius W. Bretske. JAMES OF TENNESSEE. 367

129. VIL George Sterling, born April 12, 1861 ; married Kate Sheperd.+ 130. VIII. Son, born May 15, 1865; died June 4, 1865. 131. IX. Narcissus Jane, born July 20, 1868; unmarried.

35. WILLIAM AUDEBSON GREENLEE* {ft^^"' ^^l^erUni ' James Greenlee 1 tiaacj J

«on of James Greenlee and Phebe Mayes, was born September 28, 1829 at Rut- ledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee; died June 4, 1878 at Newmarket, Jefferson Co., Tennessee; married October 22, 1848 at Rutledge, Tennessee, MARY Mc- DANIEL, born October 22, 1834 at Rutledge, died March 15, 1900 at New- market, daughter of Eli McDaniel and Elvira Roach; teacher; Republican;

Baptist ; resided at Newmarket.


132. L Susan Alice, born September 22, 1849; married Thomas Judson Cooper. + 133. II. Frances Elvira, born August 2, 1851; married June 14, 1876, William Hammond; died April 15, 1886. 1874 134. HI. Sarah Jane, born November 21, 1854 ; married December 24, at Newmarket, Robert Brannan. 135. Fv". James Lafayette, born December 20, 1S56; married Margaret C.

Gideon. -)- 136. V. Mary Louise, born January 28, 1858; married October 21, 1888, Calvin Trueblood of Salem, Indiana; died February 18, 1899. He died October 20, 1891. 137. VI. Charles Anderson, born August 22, 1861; married May 5, 1889 at Anniston, Alabama, Margaret Danlin. 138. VII. William McCowan, born January 25, 1863; married Alice M. Bird.+ 139. Vin. Kate Ernest Belle, born May 25, 1865 ; married February 19, 1896, F. Culpepper of Griffin, Georgia; lives at Griffin. 140. EX. George Arthur, born May 26, 1868; married September 25, 1889, Edith Trueblood from whom he separated in 1890. He served three terms in the United States Regulars. His time expired at Fort McPherson, Georgia, April 18, 1898; re-enlisted in May in the service of the Spanish-American war. He is now in the Philippines. 141. X. Edna, born August 5, 1S70; married July 16, 1890, John Carman; died November 12, 1891 at Newmarket.


< GEORGE MOODY GREENLEE {J^grecjie.. ^fiSflSi-tai James Greenlee 1 Nancy I son of James Greenlee and Phebe Mayes, was born June 11, 1832, or 1834, at Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee; died July 22, 1895 at Rutledge; married 368 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

February 25, 1855 at Rutledge, MARY (COLLISON) DUTSON, or DODSON, born May 11, 1829 at Rutledge, died June 7, 1885 at Tampico, Granger Co., Ten- nessee, daughter of Samuel Collison and Ellen Morgan; farmer; Republican; Missionary Baptist; resided near Doyle, Tennessee.


142. I. Ellen, born March 27, 1856; married Samuel A. Morgan.-f- 143. IL Martha, born October 12, 1857; married October 12, 1876, Warren Hammer.


JAIIE3 LACY GREENLEE«""" * (James Greenlee' John Greenlee > \PhebeMajes Elizabeth Sunderland James Greenlee > 1 Nancy I

son of James Greenlee and Phebe Mayes, was born April 16, 1837 near Rut- ledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee; died Decembr 6, or 9, 1900 at Knoxvill, Ten- nessee; married March 25, 1856 near Rutledge, SUSAN HAMMER, born January 1, 1837 at Rutledge, daughter of Enos Hammer aud Eliza Coffman. He was a farmer but for the last twenty-five years has been teaching music and selling pianos and organs; in politics, a Republican; in religion, Baptist; resided (1899) at Knoxville, Tennessee.

Children, born near Rutledge:

144. I. James Luther Anderson, born February 4, 1857; died unmarried

March 2, 1900. 145. II. Eliza Caroline Cornelia, born September 12, 1858; died December 20, 1860. 146. III. David Enos Orlando, born November 27, 1850; died unmarried November 20, 1893 at Knoxville, Tennessee. 147. IV. Calvin Rogers Jerome, born October 16, 1861; married Martha Ellen Flora.+ 148. V. Napoleon Cato Cicero, born December 16, 1862; married Lucy Wheeler.-f- 149. VI. Cora Emma nester, born January 23, 1870; married Rev. James Eliphaz Watson. + 150. VII. Eunice Felicia Ona, born November 14, 1874; married John Moul-

den Burkhart, Jr.-}-

JAMES LACY GREENLEE was a solider in the civil war.

JAMES LUTHER ANDERSON GREENLEE received his education at Carson College (now Carson and Newman College), Mossy Creek, Jefferson County, Tennessee. He subsequently k-arned the carpenter's trade at which he worked about seventeen years and became a fine workman and architect, serving in the capacity of foreman on buildings. His health failing, he gave up his trade and engaged in photography as a local and traveling artist. - c

C2 Kg


V Y.

- £ . c v<<

fc ^ 19 j- JAMES OF TENNESSEE. 369

DAVID ENOS ORLANDO GREENLEE graduated from Carson College in 1878, and afterward spent about one year on his father's farm. He was of a literary turn of mind, and at the age of thirteen years commenced writing for newspapers. After leaving the farm he was connected for some time with a paper in Henderson ville, North Carolina, and later was connected with other papers spending the greater portion of his time at EJioxville, Tennessee.


' , ALEXAllDJSn IIALHLTON GREENLEE * m < reenlee < 1 Gr e le !it ^vJ i. ?! '^ t S ^ , l Phebe Majes Elizabeth Sunderland l James Greenlee I Nancy /

eon of James Greenlee and Phebe Mayes, was born July 14, 1839, or 1840, near

Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee; married October, or November 5, 1865, AMANDA CATHERINE KLDWELL, born November 23, 1844, or 1841 at Tampico, Grainger Co., Tennessee, daughter of Josiah Kidwell and Esther Greenlee. CHILDREN:

151. L Robert Omri, born August 26, 1866; married Nannie Collins. -j- 152. n. James Dougan, born September 5, 1868; married September 22, 1896, Laura Gosnell; lives at Terre Haute, Indiana. 153. HL Nettie Esther, born April 25, 1870; married October 15, 1893, H. Lee Gilmore.

154. Carrie Geneva, born August 17, 1873. Horace Pierce, born October 7, 1875; died July 11, 1876. Edgar Prosser, born August 23, 1877. Glenn Garfield, born July 24, 1880. Blanche Omri, born March 31, 1885. Arnold Milburn, born June 28, 1889.

ALEXANDER HAMILTON GREENLEE attended the high school of Rut- ledge until the breaking out of the civil war, when all schools were suspended. The Rebellion authorities were forcing Union men to enlist in the Rebel army, and he made an attempt to cross the mountains and join the Federal army, but was captured and held as a prisoner at Madison, Georgia. He was released and returned home, but had to leave or join the Rebellion, so he made another attempt to cross the mountains and succeeded in reaching London, Kentucky, where he enlisted in the Federal army in Company G, second Tennessee Cavalry, Army of the Cumberland, and served for nearly three years. On July 6, 1865 he was mustered out at Nashville, Tennessee, after having been en- gaged in many battles, and receiving a wound in the battle of Stone River, Tennessee. He returned to his old home and continued to reside there for some years after his marriage, then purchased a farm near Tampico, and has since been engaged in farming and carpenter work. In politics, he is a Republican; in religion, Baptist. 24 370 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

JAMES DOUGAN GREENLEE served in the United States army for five years, holding office of first sergeant.


JAIXE3 STERLING GREENLEE « {Jg&Klf' £ta£*SSiri«i James Greenlee ' I Nanc/ / son of John Greenlee and Mary Mayes, was horn August 17, 1824 at Eatledge, married March 1843 at Rut- Grainger Co., Tennessee; died June 9, 1898; 3, born in 1821 at daughter of ledge, SARAH COLLISON, who was Rutledge, mar- Samuel Collison and Ellen Morgan; married second MALLICOAT; in ried third . He was a minister and farmer; politics, Republi- miles south of can; in religion, Baptist; resided three Rutledge CHILDREN:

1844 married Melissa Allan. He 160. I. Samuel Preston, born March 10, ; was elected sheriff of Grainger County; served several years and was shot by some men he was trying to arrest. He was a soldier in the civil war. No children. His widow married second, Thomas Shaver. 161. IL John Marshall, born January 27, 1847; married Mary Elizabeth Collins. 4-

162. in. Sarah Jane, born December 5, 1850; married S. nandco*ck. 163. IV. James Noah, born April 29, 1852; married Sallie Hodges; live« at Rutledge. 164. V. Margaret Elizabeth, born September 9, 1859; married Robert Hodges.

42. JOHN CALVIN GREENLEE « {iff'K.— htZgZfSLto*

James Greenlee \ Nancy / son of John Calvin Greenlee and Mary Mayes, was born July 8, 1826 near Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee; married June, 1851 at Rutledge, AMANDA Collison COLLISON, born January 2, 1831 at Rutledge, daughter of Samuel and Ellen Morgan. He is a farmer; in politics, Democrat; in religion, Baptist then Latter Day Saints; resides near Rutledge. CHILDREN:

165. Amanda R., born December 8, 1852; married Scott Galyon. Samuel Filmore, born December 31, 1852 (T); died aged 9 years. Reuben XL, born August 3, 1856; married O. Callie West; is a school teacher.

Comfort E., born June 15, 1865; married Luke Hammer. 4- John Gilbert, born January 4, or 11, 1867; married Florence Eliza- beth Jones. 4- I J.


Lrrf< j^j H>;«r, XWittlj 170. 372 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.


FRANCIS MARION GREENLEE * ' ' { S^.K'" ffiSES£t l James Greenlee t Nancj I

son of "William Greenlee and Emily Jackson, was born October 20, 1845 in married 1865 at Paraclif Savier Polk Co., Tennessee ; July 27, ta, Co., Arkansas, VIANNAH ELIZABETH COLE, born February 18, 1849 in Harden Co., Ten- nessee, daughter of William or Richmond Cole and Emily Brown; married second SARAH A. PERRYMAN (a step-daughter of Willis L. Greenlee), who his first wife from whom he had been divorced. died about 1875 ; married third, She was living in 1900. He has been a preacher, farmer, blacksmith and wood workman; in politics, Democrat; in religion, Cumberland Presbyterian, Mis- to Arkansas resides at sionary Baptist. Removed from Tennessee ; Cowlington, Indian Territory. CHILDREN: By first marriage:

187. I. Emily Jane, born June 23, 1866; married Singleton G. Trickett; lives in Arkansas. 188. II. Willis Monroe, born March 25, 1868; married Martha E. War- ford, or Walker; lives at Cowlington. 189. III. Lona; married Will Dod; died five weeks later. By second marriage: 190. IV. Alice Emeline, born January 16, 1873; married Thomas M. Burd.+

By third marriage:

191. V. Leorah Belle, born January 24, 1879; married Walter W. Fol- som.-|- 192. VI. Alethea Valentine, born February 14, 1881; married Samuel E. Meeks.+ 193. Ethel H., born August 13, 1884; lives at Cowlington; unmarried. Balis Eldredge, born July, 1888; unmarried. Vester Victor, born October 3, 1890.


* (William Greenlee I.onls Greenlee James Greenlee • 1 VTPVV1WX JiinriTATJT? lxn.Ei.Eil.luxi.CiRP'R'RNT.F.'R ^ Emily Jackson Elizabeth Uunt Nancy J daughter of William Greenlee and Emily Jackson, was born in 1847; died in Benton Co., Arkansas; married JAMES E. P. SKINNER, who died in Benton Co., Arkansas. Resided at Van Winkles Mill, Benton Co., Arkansas.


NEWTON GREENLEE < ™ ' r JAMES { JacTson" SS "n!5t' * James Greenlee t Nancy > son of William Greenlee and Emily Jackson, was born March 18, 1849 at Para- 1872 at ilifta, now Loeksburg, Sevier Co., Arkansas; married September 15, 197. 374 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.

and was compelled to enlist in the army at the age of seventeen, thus serving four years. Shortly after his marriage he moved to Charleston, Franklin County, Arkansas, where he lived until 1883, when he disposed of his farm and stock with the intention of traveling through Texas in the hope of regaining his health But being persuaded by his father and other relatives, he bought a farm near Chismville, Logan County, Arkansas, where he remained until his death. His widow resides (1900) at Whitefield, Indian Territory, where a son and daughter attended college. In politics, he was a Democrat; in religion, Baptist.


* William Greenle. • Greenlee LEWIS ARCHIBALD GREENLEE j r^nl. t Em'ly Jackson Elizabeth Bunt 1 James Greenlee I Nancy J

son of William Greenlee and Emily Jackson, was born November 30, 1857 at Lockesburg, Sevier Co., Arkansas; married March 25, 1889 at Fort Smith, Sebastian Co., Arkansas, FANNIE F. TUCKER, born October 26, 1867 at Marietta, Georgia, died October 10, 1898 at Jenson, Sebastian Co., Arkansas, daughter of David Tucker and Mary Watson. He is a druggist; in politic*, Democrat; in religion, Baptist; resides at Spiro, Indian Territory.


210. I. Willis Ray, born April 3, 1890. 211. II. Lancelot Herbert, born July 3, 1896.


' * I hom J T u, re lee LULU BLOUNT GREENLEE T ?f S SSs} J??, \? k 1? I B. W Elizabeth ' Josephine right Hunt James Greenlee l Nancy }

daughter of Thomas Jefferson Greenlee and Josephine Bonaparte Wright, was born February 16, 18G3 at Carrollton, Carroll Co., Arkansas; married March 25, 1883, ASBURY JOHN VANCE, born May 1, 1856 at Rally Hill, Boone Co., Arkansas, son of John Vance and Emily Asbury Austin. He is a physician; in politics, a Democrat; in religion, Methodist; resides at Harrison, Arkansas. No Children.


8 Greenlee* • • AMANDA GALYON / Nancy James Greenlee Jcbn Greenle* ( Jesse Galyon 1'hebe Mayea Elizabeth Sunderland ' James Greenlee 1 Naucy — / daughter of Nancy Greenlee and Jesse Galyon, was born August 5, 1843 at Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee; married October 15, 1864 at Rutledge,

WESLEY SMITH, born March 26, 1843 at Rutledge, died December 6, 1896 at Rutledge, son of William Smith and Harriet Leffew. He is a farmer; Re- publican; Missionary Baptist; resides near Rutledge. 215. 376 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.


* James Greenlee • John Greenlee • UUUlinAMATJTTTA UiUjIWlfJAT.VDMB I Nancy Greenlee { Jesse Galyon Phebe Mayea Elizabeth 8underlAna ' Jamea Greenlee I Nancy /

daughter of Nancy Greenlee and Jesse Galyon, was born January 24, 1858 at Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee; married February 9, 1879 in Grainger Co., Tennessee, HENRY HODGE, born March 12, 1860 at Rutledge, son of Edward McDaniel. He is a farmer resides in Hodge and Orlena ; Republican ; Baptist ; Grainger Co., Tennessee.


227 I. Sophia Emison Hodge, born January 14, 1880; died February 25, 1880. 228. II. Jerome Herbert Hodge, born February 26, 1882; married Josie Cameron.

229. in. Nancy Orlena Kate Hodge, born March 1, 1886. 230. IV. Jesse Edward Roy Hodge, born December 17, 1889. 231. V. Clarence Wallace Hodge, born October 3, 1895.


, T • • * f Greenlee James Greenlee John Greenlee iunuuinujiiijunPT . ?nTTTA fJAT.VOTJo Mary t Wesley H. Galyon Phebe Mayea Elizabeth Sunderland i James Greenlee \ Nancy / daughter of Mary Greenlee and Wesley Hamilton Galyon, was born October 25, 1848 near Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee; married August 21, 1865 near Rutledge, NELSON ROACH, born July 12, 1846 at Tampico, Grainger Co., Tennessee, died September 21, 1885 at New River, Scott Co., Tennessee, son of Green Roach. He was a wagon maker; in politics, Republican; religion, Bap- tist; resided at Daisy Dell, Tennessee.


232. born 1869 married P. Mary Eva Roach, May 1, ; Charles Galyon. 1871 Sarah Jane Roach, born July 17, ; married James Cameron. Abbie Catherine Roach, born August 5, 1873; married Walter Morgan. 235. IV. Margaret Lavenia Roach, born January 14, 1876; died August 16, 1892.

236. V. William Hamilton Roach, born April 14, 1878; unmarried. 237. VI. Nellie born 1883 married Frank Satterfield. May Roach, July 3, ;


WILLIAM SAMUEL GREENLEE • { ^^r^ia.. USSSSSS*' * John Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Elizabeth Sunderland Nancj i son of John Dewitt Greenlee and Narissus Frances Douglass, was born April 20, 1851 at Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee; married March 15, 1891 at Knox. JAMES OP TENNESSEE. 377 ville, IDA ELIZABETH AMNIONS, born July 29, 1872 at Maryville, Blount Co., Tennessee, daughter of Nathan Amnions and Catharine Hood. He is a farmer; in politics, Populist; in religion, Missionary Baptist; resides near Butledge.


238. Flora Narcissus Catherine, born June 30, 1892; died June 22, 1893. Rodney George, born November 15, 1893. Evangeline Sarah, born April 27, 1895.

William Jenning, born October 5, 1897. Esther Elizabeth, born June 21, 1899. Ralph Archie, born January 21, 1901.


Tennessee, MARGARET C. GIDEON who died September 13, 1885 at Newmarket.

One child :

245. I. Otto, born September 13, 1876 (I). He served in the regular army at Fort McPherson, Georgia, three years, being mustered out April 18, 1897. In May he re-enlisted in Company H, 7th Infantry and fought against the Spaniards, participating in all the battles before Santiago. After the war he remained home for one year, then joined the Signal Corps at Fort Wayne, Virginia.


* » 1 Gr™ 1 <* WILLIAM MacCOWAN GREENLEE / J™ ""? fc t Mary McDanlel I'tTZS^"'I bebe Majet * JohD Greenlee Jam. s Greenlee 1 Elizabeth Sunderland Nancy f

son of William Anderson Greenlee and Mary McDaniel, was born January 25, 1863 at Newmarket, Jefferson Co., Tennessee; married November 6, 1884 at Abeih, Mt. Lebanon, Syria, Asia, ALICE M. BIRD, born May 15, 1865 at Abeih, Asia, daughter of Rev. William Bird and Sarah Gordon.


246. Ethel, born October 16, 1885. Bertha, born January 12, 1887. William McCowan, born November 6, 1889. Gordon Bird, born June 25, 1891. Chalmers Edwards, born February 13, 1893. Harold Romine, born November 22, 1896. Wendell William, born January 4, 1899.

WILLIAM MacCOWAN GREENLEE took the degree of B. A. at Marys- ville College in 1880, and then went to Lane Theological Seminary at Cincin- nati, completing his three years course in 1883. He immediately sailed for Europe, where he spent some time in study at the University of Leipsic, Ger- many. He afterward visited Greece, Asia Minor, and Palestine, spending four years in the latter place engaged in the study of Semitic languages. While he is a regularly ordained Presbyterian minister, most of his time has been spent in teaching. He has held the positions of Vice President and Professor of Greek and Latin in his college work, and is at present at the head of the De- partment of Languages in the Boys High School of Atlanta, Georgia. He has met with success as an author, and has prepared several text-books. In politics, he is a Prohibitionist. Mrs. Greenlee, who is the daughter of a Presbyterian missionary, spent five years in school in this country, chiefly at Abbott Academy, Andover, Massa- chusetts, returning to Palestine the year before her marriage. JAMES OF TENNESSEE. 379


8 M. Greeenlee « • » ELLEN GREENLEE~ Tr ""**"*• / George James Greenlee John Greenlee t Mary Calllson Phebe Elizabeth SonderUnd „ J Mayea Jamea Greenlee ) Nancy /

daughter of George Moody Greenlee and Mary Callison, was born March 27, 1856 at Tennessee married Rutledge, Grainger Co., ; June 14, 1892 at Rutledge, SAMUEL A, MORGAN, born January 9, 1855 at Rutledge, son of Allen Mor- gan and Martha Hammer. He is a merchant; in politics, Republican; in rebgion, Missionary Baptist; resides at Red House, Tennessee.


253. I. Maud Morgan, born September 5.

254. H. Raymond Morgan, born July 1, 1893. 255. ni. Selma Morgan, born January 14, 1900.


CALVIN ROGERS JEROME GREENLEE 8 /James L.Greenlee' James Greenlee • ( Susan Hammer Pbebe Mayea * John Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Elizabeth Sunderland Nancy J

son of James Lacy Greenlee and Susan Hammer, was born October 16, 1861

near Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee; died April 9, 1890 at Knoxville, Ten- nessee; married January 1, 1888 near Rogersville, Hawkins Co.,. Tennessee, MARTHA ELLEN FLORA, born March 26, 1866 near Rogersville, daughter of Daniel Flora and Ellenda Bishop.


256. I. Elsie Estella, born December 2, 1888. 257. II. Callie Jerome, born November 24, 1890.

CALVIN ROGERS JEROME GREENLEE was educated at Carson College, Mossy Creek, Tennessee. He afterward learned the trade of carpenter, and engaged in business as contractor in which he met with success. After his marriage he removed to Knoxville, Tennessee, which continued to be his home until his death. He was a Republican; in religion, Baptist.


9 Greenlee « Greenlee • 5 I J"™" James NAPOLEON CATO CICERO GREENLEE }t 1 Susan Hammer Phebe Mayea * ' John Greenlee James Greenlee \ Elizabeth Sunderland Nancy J son of James Lacy Greenlee and Susan Hammer, was born December 16, 1862 at Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee; married August 17, 1885 at Morristown, Tennessee, LUCY WHEELER born June 18, 1868 at Morristown, daughter of William Wheeler and Nancy C. Baker. 380 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.


258. L Chassie Ono, born July 5, 1886.

259. IL India Aurelia, born August 1, 1889. October 1891 died 1894. 260. IIL Ralph Wheeler, born 19, ; July 16, 261. IV. Aria Napoleon, born May 21, 1894; died October 18, 1896.

NAPOLEON CATO CICERO GREENLEE attended Carson and Newman College, Mossy Creek, Tennessee, until 1878, when he removed with his parents back to the farm in Grainger County, where he resided until 1882. He then went to Morristown where he learned his trade, and in 1884 went to Knoxville where for eight years he was employed by Messrs. Beardon and Ferguson. In September, 1892 he accepted a position as foreman in the wood working factory at Maryville, Blount County, Tennessee, where they made a specialty of hard wood interior finish. In 1895 he returned to Knoxville where he was employed in the capacity of mantle maker by the Knoxville Furniture Company. In is a in politics he Republican ; religion, Baptist.


CORA EMMA HESTER GREENLEE " ' ' { j£™» fi. ™/" ftSS? &«£."* * 1 John Greenlee James Greenlee ) Elizabeth Sunderland Nancy J

daughter of James Lacy Greenlee and Susan Hammer, was born January 23, 1870 at Mossy Creek, Jefferson Co., Tennessee; married September 3, 1895 at Knoxville, Tennessee, JAMES ELIPIIAZ WATSON, born January 29, 1865 at Birmingham, Alabama, son of Rev. James L. Watson and Sarah Jane Hilton.


262. I. Clarence Pickard Watson, born January 4, 1897, 263. H. Olive May Watson, born February 8, 1898.

CORA EMMA HESTER GREENLEE moved her family to Grainger County, Tennessee to a farm inherited by her mother. After staying there five years she returned to Mossy Creek to attend Carson and Newman College, where she spent seven years, in the meantime taking a vacation one fall to teach a music- class in Hanco*ck County. In 1890 her family removed to Knoxville. She greatly desired to return to Carson and Newman College for her senior year, as her grandfather Greenlee was one of the founders of that institution, and her immediate family had all been educated there, but she was offered induce- ments which led her to decide in favor of Holbrook College, Fountain City, Tennessee, of which her cousin, Dr. W. M. Greenlee was vice-president. In April, 1894 she took a diploma in stenography, and on August 4, 1895 received the degree of B. S. from Holbrook College. She was a tutor while at this col- lege. Her work as a pupil was always satisfactory, and she enjoyed the high regard of her instructors. After her marriage, she and her husband went to St. Louis, Missouri, where they spent the winter. During her stay there she - •• : ' ^-»-- , — i --.--—






was superintendent of the primary department of the Sunday school of the Grand Avenue Baptist Church, and also served the church as organist. In March, 1896, Mr. "Watson accepted a call to the pastorate of the church in Bour- bon, Missouri, where they spent about two years doing missionary work among the Ozark Mountains. In September, 1898, an opportunity to attend the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary at Louisville, Kentucky presenting itself, he resigned the care of the church and in October entered the seminary. In September, 1899 he was sent to Corbin, Kentucky by the Home and State Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Church. In her girlhood Mrs. Watson was determined to go as a foreign missionary, but her husband's poor health forced her to abandon her cherished desire. w


• EUNICE FELICIA ONA GREENLEE 5 f James L. Greenlee* James Greenlee ( Susan Hammer Phebe Mayes ' • John Greenlee James Greenlee 1 Elizabeth Sunderland Nancy J daughter of James Lacy Greenlee and Susan Hammer, was born November 14, 1874 at Mossy Creek, Jefferson County, Tennessee; married October 18, 1893 at

Knoxville, Tennessee, JOHN MOULDEN BURKHART, born August 5, 1873 at Asbury, Knox Co., Tennessee, son of James Hamilton Burkhart and Orlena Moulden. He is a bookkeeper; in politics, Republican; in religion, Baptist,

afterward Methodist ; resides at Knoxville.


264. I. Earl Keith Burkhart, born September 15, 1894. 265. II. Roy Estesses Burkhart, born August 23, 1896.

EUNICE FELICH ONO GREENLEE was educated at Carson and New- man College, Mossy Creek, Tennessee. She joined the Baptist Church at the age of twelve, but in later years joined the Methodist Church with her hus- band. She was a member of the choir and a zealous Sunday school worker.


ROBERT OMRI GREENLEE » ' ' { S^da'c/KiSwen'^ ft" *'" John Greenlee * James Greenlee 1 > Elizabeth Sunderland Nancy / son of Alexander Hamilton Greenlee and Amanda Catherine Kidwell, was born August 26, 1866 at Rutledge, Grainger Co., Tennessee; married March 5, 1893, NANNIE COLLINS, born November 9, 1864 at Tampico, Grainger Co., Tennessee, daughter of George Collins and Elizabeth Noe; farmer; Republican; Baptist; resides near Tampico, Tennessee. CHILDREN:

266. I. Jesse David, born March 25, 1896. 267. II. Betsv Kate, born May 10, 1899. 382 GREENLEE GENEALOGY.



One child:

279. I. Gilbert Clyde, born July 29, 1886 at Rutledge; lives at Daisy Dell, Tennessee.



• Greenlee • T-cn-DATT Tll?TT UKEiXiHUiefBWtrt T?P.» ( Francis M. Greenlee William LEORAH BELL \ vianah E. Col. Emilj Jackson • Louis Greenlee • James Greenlee t Elliabeth Hunt Xancj J Vianah Elizabeth was born daughter of Francis Marion Greenlee and Cole, married March 1S98 January 24, 1879 at Lavaca, Sebastian Co., Arkansas; 20, born at Cowlington, Choctaw Co., Indian Territory, WALTER W. FOLSOM, Indian son of Walker Fol- April 22, 1S77 at Oaklodge, Choctaw Co., Territory, soin and Hettie Pickens. He is a farmer and stock raiser; resides at Cowlington,

One child:

293. I. Lloyd Ray Folsom, born October 28, 1898.


ALETHEA VALENTINE GREENLEE » ' \{ VSS&ltSS^'Vianah E. Cole SEmily JackieJackson •' Louis Greenlee • James GreenleeGreenlee I1 Elizabeth Hunt Xancj born daughter of Francis Marion Greenlee and Vianah Elizabeth Cole, was February 14, 1881 at Lavaca, Sebastian Co., Arkansas; married May 30, at was born Cowlington, Indian Territory, SAMUEL E. MEEKS, a Cherokee, who son of Meeks and Ellen January 4, at Tahlequah, Indian Territory, George resides at . He is a farmer; Democrat; Baptist; Cowlington.

One child:

294. I. Altha Meeks, born January 25.


* • 5 I James X. Greenlee William Greenlee MTTJinV. 1TLAXMAY U.rvrOTf.'RF.TiT.F.F.J .EjrtJJXirj AUUmi }sinaS. (Fort) MoClendou Emllj Jackson l Louis Greenlee * James Greenlee 1 Elizabeth Hunt Xancj / daughter of James Newton Greenlee and Sina S. (Fort) McClendon, was bora April 4. 1880 at Lavaca, Sebastian Co., Arkansas; married July 3. 1899 at Fort Smith, Sebastian Co., Arkansas, NATHAN FRIZZELL, born in 1862 at Benton, Marshall Co., Kentucky, son of Gideon Frizzell and Brasilia Ramey. He is a farmer; Baptist; resides at Rich Mountain, Arkansas.


' • ' 8 » John m. (.rvenle* Jan h n r OSCAR T. GREENLEE & SlfXS!** J«m«_s._cre»niee i;'. . .^, r:^« {\ Maryg*» E. Col Mm Marj Maye» »S iL ^' John * * - (.roenloe Jnnu's CIrtvnIee'M\ '**^> EtlzatH'th Sunderland Nancy ) son of John Marshall Greenlee and Mary Elizabeth Collins, was bora August 27, 1869 at Rutledge. Grainger Co., Tennessee; married September 21, 1890, MART JAMES OF TENNESSEE. 385

ORLENA HAMMER, born May 19, 1867 at Rutledge, daughter of William

. is Hammer and Emeline He a farmer ; Republican ; Baptist ; resides at Hammer, Tennessee.


295. I. Everett Clyde, born November 18, 1891. 296. II. Carl John, born February 5, 1895. 297. IH. Grace May, born September 17, 1897.


• ™™ on Greenlee • rieasant Greenlee Ell Greenlee • UTICA OHIAS»»•"*"»» GRSBNLEE^""~u^"' I £ 1 Melissa L. Sandj Caroline Kldwell Mar; Daniel * John Greenlee * James Greenlee \ Elizabeth Sunderland Nancy I son of Tilmon Colvin Greenlee and Melissa Lasell Sandy, was born October 1, 1875 at Sidney. Fremont Co.. Iowa; married February 17, 1S97, MINNIE ROSENBAUGH, born December 15, 1S7S at Saunemin, Livingston Co., Illinois, daughter of Samuel Rosenbaugh and Laura Hodgson. He is a printer; in poli- resides at Iowa, tics, Republican ; Dunlap,


298. L Esther Estella, born September 5, 1897. 299. II. Chester Adair, born May 3, 1S99.


BOBERT GBEENLEE, 1 son of Greenlee who came from Scotland, was buried in Mr. Robert Hood's graveyard at Clinton, Allegheny Co., Pennsyl- vania; married JEAN WALLACE; married second PINKERTON; farmer; in politics, Republican; in religion, a Covenanter; resided in Pennsylvania.


2. I. Thomas Wallace; born in 1777; married Mary Quinn.-r- II. 3. Robert ; married Bessie Wright.

4. III. Alexander ; died in his teens.

ROBERT GREENLEE, SR., of the County of Allegheny, State of Pennsyl- vania, on December 20, 1805, for and in consideration of the natural love and affection he bears unto his son Thomas Greenlee, and for the furtherance of him the said Thomas, in his farming business; also in consideration of the sum of one dollar deeds 100 acres and 40 perches of land, it being a part of a tract of 302% acres called "Cromertie" in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, granted to said Robert Greenlee June 6, 1792.

THOMAS WALLACE GREENLEE 2 son of Robert Greenlee and Jean Wallace, was born in 1777 in Allegheny Co., Pennsyvania, or Scotland; killed December, 1811 by a falling log at a barn raising at his home near Clinton, Pennsylvania; married in 1796 at Clinton, MARY QUINN, born February 28, 1773, or 1780, at Clinton, died November 14, 1857 at Clinton, daughter of Quinn and McCoy; farmer; in politics, Republican; in religion, Presbyterian; re- sided in Moon Township, near Clinton, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania.


5. Jane, born June 12, 1797; married Alexander Gibb.-|-

Elizabeth, born in 1799; married Robert, or Peter, Morton. -f- 1801 married Isaac Onstott.-4- Margaret, born October 22, ; Robert, born June 30, 1803; married Hadassa Patton.-f- Charles, born in 1805; married Elizabeth Onstott.-)-


10. VI. Nancy, born June 7, 1808; married Joseph Shane. + 11. born 1809 VIL Thomas Wallace, October 8, ; married Susanna Onstott+ 1811 12. VIIL Alexander, born September 11, ; died in 1813.

JA2IE IiraiS GBEENLEE » {figg™'"*"' f^SES*** }

daughter of Thomas Wallace Greenlee and Mary Quinn, was born June 12, 1797 at Moon Township, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania; died May 11, 1869 at Harshaville, Beaver Co., Pennsylvania; married December 11, 1817 at Clinton, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania, ALEXANDER GIBB, born February 24, 1797 at Seventysix, Beaver Co., Pennsylvania, died February 24, 1878 at Candor, Wash- ington Co., Pennsylvania, son of Alexander Gibb and Jane Innis. He was a farmer; Democrat; Presbyterian; resided in Findlay Township, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania.


13. Mary Gibb, born June 29, 1818; married Samuel Osborne. Jane I. Gibb, born May 13, 1S20; married Peter Springer.-)- Alexander Greenlee Gibb, born June 4, 1822; married Martha Jane Elder.+ Susanna Gibb, born May 29, 1824; married Robert Martin. Eliza Ann Gibb, born May 29, 1824; married Wallace Hunter; lives at Black Hawk, Pennsylvania Margaret Gibb, born November 13, 1826; died September 3, 1847. Nancy Gibb, born September 24, 1828; married Joseph Eaton. Thomas G. Gibb, born September 25, 1830; married Martha L. Stronss; lives at Oakland, California. 21. IX. John C. Gibb, born July 27, 1835; died at battle of Gettysburg. He was wounded July 3, 1863 and died August 3, 1863. 22. X. Elizabeth Gibb, born August 4, 1839; married William Morris. 1841 died 23. XL Charles Gibb, born July 2, ; October, 184L

ELIZABETH GREENLEE 3 W.,.«, Green.e. • Hob.* • {Thom« Gr^e* J daughter of Thomas Wallace Greenlee and Mary Quinn, was born in 1799; died October 24, 1876; married ROBERT (or PETER) MORTON. He was a mer- chant in Pittsburg for a number of years, then sold out and moved to Allegheny City, where he died. His widow remained there until her age compelled her to give up housekeeping, after which she fourid a welcome home with her niece, Elizabeth M. Onstott Purdy, living on a farm near Shoustown. Mr. and Mrs. Morton had but one child, a son, who died in infancy. GREENLEE GENEALOGY.


' >


died 6 months. 24. L Peter Onstott, born in 1829 ; aged 25. EL Thomas Onstott, born in 1S31 at Shoustown, Pennsylvania; died aged 6 years. 26. HL Mary Ann Onstott, born September 30, 1834, or 1833, at Shous- town. Pennsylvania; married William J. Porter; no children. 27. rV. Isaac Hessan Onstott, born December 22, 1S36 or 1835; married Caroline Cole. 4- 28. V. Robert Greenlee Onstott, born October 15, 1S37; married Eliza- beth Markey.+ 29. VI. Elizabeth Morton Onstott, born February 19, 1840; married William Purdy.-f 30. VII. Chares G. Onstott. born December 28, 1842; died March 17, 1849. 31. VLTL Andrew J. P. Onstott, born May 22, 1S45; married Jane Wilson. 4-

' ROBERT GREENLEE « Gre* D,e*' ,e* CAPTAIN •;^^n ^ w^T« } son of Thomas Wallace Greenlee and Mary Quinn, was born June 30, 1803 at died 1S73 at Pennsyl- Clinton, Allegheny Co.. Pennsylvania ; July 13, Allegheny, Au- vania; married near Clinton. Pennsylvania, HADDASSA PATTON, born of David gust 27, 1805 at Clinton, died March 3, 1892 at Allegheny, daughter Patton and Mary Schooler.


32. L Thomas Robert, born June 30, 1826; died u n married December 15, 1S69. 33. Matilda, born February 10, 1828; died unmarried June 3, 1845.

Lewis S., born December 20, 1530; died unmarried September 24, 1S75 near Delhi, Louisiana. Amanda, born April 22, 1832; married John Algeo.4- 1S34 married Robert A. Elvira, born December 17, ; Craighead + Charles W.. born January 5, 1S36; married Josephine Carter; died February 14, 1898; no children. Ross. 33. VII. Missoura. born March 8. 183S ; married John + -



CAPTAXN' ROBERT GREENLEE was one of the pioneers among river men. He commenced as a keelboatrnan, and then became a skillful pilot, in which capacity he served between Allegheny City, Pennsylvania and St. Louis and New Orleans, and was also thoroughly acquainted with the devious ways of the Red and Yazoo rivers. He subsequently became Master, and during his long and active career had command of many steamers, among them the "Union," "Messenger" and "South America," He was an accomplished officer, and held in high esteem by all who knew him, for hi3 genial disposition and honorable, upright dealing. On the day of his funeral, all the passenger steamers and tow boats at the wharf, including the "Messenger"—the last boat he com- manded —had their flags at half-mast as a mark of respect to his memory.

LEWIS S. GREENLEE was captain of the steamboat "Homer," running from New Orleans up Bayou Macon. He was a whole-souled gentleman, kind and true in all his relations of life.

CHARLES GREENLEE * /raomj*1«\ Greenlee' Robert Grealee' 1

son of Charles Wallace Greenlee and Mary Quinn, was born in 1805; died in 1881 married ELIZABETH who died in of Peter ; ONSTOTT 1891, daughter Onstott and Mary KintnT. He was a pilot on the large steamers running on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers from Pittsburg to New Orleans; resided at Louisville, Kentucky.


39. L Sarah Jane; dead. 40. IL Emeline; dead. 41. Ill- Pan] Jones; lives at Louisville, Kentucky. 42. IV. Walter; dead. A grandson, Charles Greenlee Penney, was a druggist at St. Louis, Missouri in 1899.


NANCY GREENLEE » {^-^Gre-ie.. EZtfSEf } daughter of Thomas Wallace Greenlee and Mary Quinn, was born June 7, 1808 in Moon Township, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania; died November 19, or 26, 1851 at St. Cloud, Stearns Co., Minnesota; married June 3, 1830 in Moon Town- ship, JOSEPH SHANE who was born November 9, or 5, 1807 in Pennsylvania, died June 23, 1854 at St. Louis, Missouri. He was a farmer; in politics, Repub- lican; in religion, Episcopalian; resided at Industry, Bridgewater and Alle- gheny, Pennsylvania. 300 GREENLEE GENEALOOY.


43. I. Mary Charlotte Shane, born May 3, 1838; married Rev. Elgy Van-

voorhies Campbell. -f- 44. II. Margaret Elizabeth Shane, born July 16, 1842; married William

Graydon Henderson. -f- 45. III. Jane Eliza Shane, born October 17, 1848; married Walter Allen

Daniels. -|- IV. born 1851 died in 46. Matilda Anna Shane, May 8, ; infancy.

NANCY GREENLEE SHANE was left a widow with three daughters to care for. Her brothers were well to do and tried to persuade her to divide up the family and live with them, but this she refused to do. She also refused to have them help her, telling them that if she needed assistance she would ask

for it; but she was able to bring up her children and keep them neatly and comfortably clothed without assistance. She was proud, quick witted and very self reliant. When she attempted anything she would allow nothing to inter- fere with its acomplishment. In 1898 she left Allegheny City, Pennsylvania and went to St. Cloud, Minnesota, where she made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Campbell, until her death. 1L

' THOMAS WALLACE GREENLEE 3 "" w Gre '' n,e'' G r ,ee {M«°r u m f,S w i u

47. Nancy, born May 10, 1829; married John R. Large.-f- Mary Jane, born March 13, 1831; died in 1833, or 1835. Robert Wallace, born May 26, 1833; married Frances H. Johnston. She died October, 18— aged 58 years. Lucinda, born March 2, 1835; married James Mitchell.

Anna Helena, born September 20, 1837; married Henry Large. -f- Virginia E., born November, or January 23, 1840; married George W. Johnston. in the 53. VII. Alvin Leandcr, born May 1, 1842; enlisted August 6, 18C2 140th Regt., Company F, Colonel R. P. Roberts commanding; was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg June 3, 1863 and died August 3, 1863. M. Cornelius. 54. VIII. Arininda Vensenga, born May 1, 1842; married James 55. IX. Estella Janetta, born March 12, 1846; married John Power Ross; resides at Vanport. Their daughter married and had a son, Jack. " in


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THOMAS WALLACE GREENLEE was reared in Allegheny Co., Pennsyl- vania, and attended the common schools and an academy in that county. He went on the river when quite young and has followed it most of his business life. He was well and favorably known along the Ohio and Mississippi rivers as one of the oldest and most trusted and honored captains and skillful pilots. He followed steamboating up to about five years before his death, the infirmities of old age compelling him to give it up and pass his declining years in the re- tirement of his home. During the last twenty-five years of his steamboating life he was in the employ of Gray's Iron Line, and possessed the confidence and highest esteem of the firm. Possessed of a kind and genial nature, he made many friends, and visitors to his home in his declining years would leave im- pressed with having been greeted and honored by that olden time courtesy and hospitality so seldom met with in these modern times. He was a Republican; Presbyterian; removed in 1851 to Vanport, Pennsylvania where he owned a splendid residence property.

SUSANNA (ONSTOTT) GREENLEE after the death of her husband, made her home with her daughter, Mrs. J. P. Ross, and her granddaughter, Mrs. W. J. East. She was a devout Christian, a consistent member of the Presby- terian church at Vanport since its erection, having at that time withdrawn her card of membership from the church at Bridgewater. Her whole life was a beacon light guiding those about her to a higher and better life. The love and esteem in which she was held was attested by the lar^e gathering of neighbors, friends and relatives who came from far and near. The services were in charge of Rev. T. P. Potts, of the Vanport Presbyterian church, pastor of the de- ceased, and were in keeping with her life and character. Assisting him were Rev. B. F. Doyle, D. D., of Salem, and Rev. John F. Dravo of Beaver. The interment took place in Beaver cemetery. The pallbearers were the grandsons

of the deceased : Alvin L. Large and Charles Large, of Allegheny, W. H. Ste- venson, of Pittsburg, Albert McMullen, of Allegheny, Stewart Fowler and W. J. East of Vanport.

ROBERT "WALLACE GREENLEE and William .Merchant Greenlee were employed by Grays Iron Line three years and were together with his father on the same steamer, Robert had a cousin Charles who was a popular clerk at one time on the boats running from Pittsburg to St. Louis.


T Jane Greenlee • Thomas W. Greenlee * Robert Greenlee • I UftiinTATJT? I. uibd(1TRTH I 1 Alexander Glbb Mary Qulnn Jean Wallace / daughter of Jane Innis Greenlee and Alexander Gibb, was born May 13, 1820 at Harshaville, Beaver Co., Pennsylvania; married April 1, 1847, PETER SPRINGER, born August 17, 1S03 at Clinton, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania, died March 12. 1885, son of Michael Springer and Susanna . He was a farmer; in politics, Democrat; in religion, United Presbyterian; resided in Findley Township, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania. 56.

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3 -

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PACING (PIIIO RIVKR. 28. (Received from Mrs. Robert Grwnle* ODRtott, No. J ROBERT OF PENNSYLVANIA- 393


BOBEBT GREENLEE ONSTOTT* / Margaret Greenlee' riiomae W. Greenlee • (Isaac Onstott Mary Qalnn Robert Greenlee "1 Jean Wallace J son of and Margaret Greenlee, Isaac Onstott, was born October 15, 1837 at Shoustown, Pennsylvania; married January 27, 1870 at Phillipsburg (now Monaca), Pennsylvania, ELIZABETH MARKEY, born at Phillipsburgh, daugh- ter of Peter and Markey Nancy Stewart; carpenter and builder; in politics, Democrat; in religion, Presbyterian.

Children, born in Monaca:

68. L Jennie Onstott, born July 17, 1870; married Adolph Langer of Aus- tria, 1888. 69. IL Hessan born 1874 Onstott, August 19, ; married September, 1898, Kate Kelly of Wheeling, West Virginia.


ELIZABETH UORTON ONSTOTT * /Margaret Greenlee* Tbomaa W. Greenlee • I Isaac _ , Onstott Mary Qalnn Robert Greenlee » 1 Jean Wallace / of daughter Margaret Greenlee and Isaac Onstott, was born February 19, 1840 at Clinton, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania; married November 20, 1862 at Clinton, WILLIAM PURDY, born February 2, 1835 at Clinton, died April 17, 1897 at Shoustown, Pennsylvania, son of John Purdy and Jane Cavitt He was a farmer; in politics, Republican; in religion, United Presbyterian; resided near Shoustown.


70. I. Jean Amelia born 1864 died Purdy, February 21, ; September 8, 1870, or 1871.

71. IL Margaret Estella Pnrdy, born October 24, 1865; married Rev. Sam- uel Willson Pringle.-J- 72. Wilbur Greenlee Purdy, born December 20, 1867; unmarried (1899). Mary Alvah Purdy, born February 24, 1871; unmarried (1899). Lee Burdette Purdy, born August 6, 1874; unmarried (1899).



75. I. Robbalena Onstott, born April 30, 1867; married Foreman B.

Golden. -f- 76. II. Elizabeth Hamilton Onstott, born April 18, 1869; live* at Fallston, Pennsylvania. 77. IIL Margaret E. Onstott, born April 23, 1871; married James P. Mow- rey; lives at Fallston.


' ' AMANDA GREENLEE < 1 " { ^JL°dT^ RTq*™™ fSftfiZS* } daughter of Captain Robert Greenlee and Haddassa Patton, was born April 22, 1832 at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; married December 28, 1849 at Allegheny, Pennsylvania, JOHN ALGEO, born February 3, 1827 at Pittsburg, died August

5, 1856, son of John Algeo and Anabel McCagne. He was a coal and ice merchant; in politics, a Republican; in religion, Presbyterian; resided at Pitts- burg.


78. I. Anabel Algeo, born January 3, 1850; married James A. Steele; lives at Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania. 79. II. Robert Jefferson Algeo, born November 9, 1852; married Fredrica Bendon; lives at Chicago. 80. III. Kate Ella Algeo, born October 20, 1854; died July 2, 1876. 81. IV. John Algeo, born November 30, 1856; married Martha Seymour. -+-


» • ThoroaB W. Greenlee Robert Greenlee 1 tiTmoA PRPVNTri?< ( Itol-ort Greenlee tiljVlKA IrKii^JMlutit. Wallace I Haddaaaa ration Mary (Julon Jean /

daughter of Robert Greenlee and Haddassa Patton, was born December 17, 1834 at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; married October 15, 1872 at Pittsburg, ROBERT A. CRAIGHEAD, born June 8, 1832 at Elizabeth, Allegheny Co., is a Pennsylvania, daughter of James Craighead and Margaret Lytle. He resided at Beaver druggist; in politics, Republican; in religion, Methodist; Falls, Pennsylvania. No children.


' ' • Thomas W. Greenlee Robert Grrrnle* I MTCQ/irroT nWVHl W t I Robert Greenlee lOIBSUUKI lTKttJNL.£.JS Wallace J j naddasaa ration Mary (Julnn Jean 1838 daughter of Robert Greenlee and Haddassa Patton, was bom March 8, at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; died January 6, 1871 at Allegheny, Pennsylvania; married in 1861 at Pittsburg, JOHN ROSS, who died January 14. 1875 at Bell. lie was a clerk in Allegheny, son of Jonathan P. Ross and ; poli- resided at Allegheny tics, Republican; in religion, Presbyterian; Mansfield, Co., Pennsylvania. ROBERT OF PENNSYLVANIA.


82. L Lewis S. G. Ross; died July 1, 1SS7 in his 23rd year. S3. II Charles G. Ross died October 1S90 in his 23rd ; 11, year.


, * aa ':7 < €al '* rhon« w. Gr«m« » MARY CHARLOTTE SHANE (? ^ i? l Joseph Shin* Mary Qoioa Robert G :**::« « 1 ' < .' ; ; . . i :« /

daughter of Nancy Greenlee and Joseph Shane, •was born Hay 3, 1838 at Bridge- water, Beaver Co., Pennsylvania; married April 7, 1864 at Allegheny, Pennsyl- vania, ELGY VAN VOORHIS CAMPBELL, born March 25, 1S36 at Claysville, Ohio, son of VTilliam Campbell and tsancy Mcllvaine.


84. L Jane Estella Campbell born January 6, 1865. 85. H Fida Courtney Campbell, born March 8, 1S66; died August 18, 1866 in Allegheny. 85. in. Paxton Greenlee Campbell, born November 17, 1868; married Nellie Justin. 87. IV. Hgy Ferrton Campbell, bom December 26, 1876.

ELGY VAN VOORHIS CAMPBELL, soon after his marriage, removed to

St. Clc . '. Minnesota, where he organized a Presbyterian church of which he became pastor. In 1875 on account of his health failing, he resigned and went to Butler, Missouri, taking charge of the Presbyterian church there and aho starting an academy which has grown into a large institution. He remained there one year and a half, when he was called back to the church of St. Cloud of whi':h he still continues pastor. Of their children, Jane Estella has been r-A in the botanical department of the State University for several years; Paxton Greenlee is a printer at Cairo, Illinois; and Elgy Fenton is preparing elf for an electrician.

MARGARET ELIZAEETH SHANE * ^i^^ie.- Tv,m« w. Gre«ie. • I Jo*»pB Shine Marj Quioa ' R>- >" G r - — : - .'»-.•'• /

v.ter of Nancy Greenlee and Joseph Shane, was born July 16, 1842 at Bridgewater, Beaver Co.. Pennsylvania; married Noyember 19, 1868 at Alle- gheny or Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. WILLIAM GRAYDON HENDERSON, born

Apr.l IS. 1838 at Pittsburg, son of James K. Henderson and Eliza . He was a commission merchant in Pittsburg for some years, then moved to a farm in Kansas, and went from there to California; in politics, Democrat; in religion, -.palian; resides at San Francisco. 396 GBEENLEB GENEALOGY.


88. L Nancy Greenlee Henderson, born May 16, 1870. 89. IL Helen G. Henderson, bora April 19, 1873.


daughter of Nancy Greenlee and Joseph Shane, was born October 17, 1848 at Industry, Beaver Co., Pennsylvania; married February 18, 1878 at Chicago, Illinois, "WALTER ALLEN DANIELS, born June 28, 1848 at Milford, cester Co., Massachusetts, son of Newell Daniels and Isabella 0. Stone. He it manager of the United States Printing Company in Chicago; in politic*, ii a Republican; in religion; Episcopalian; resides at Chicago.

JANE ELIZA SHANE was a quick student and always stood at the tu ad of all her classes. She was a great mimic and would go through the greatest number of performances, at the same time appearing entirely innocent


daughter of Thomas "Wallace Greenlee and Susanna Onstott, was b'.rrj May - at 10, 1829 at Pittsburg, Pe.\ h 20, 1851 AUegl ' Pennsylvania, JOHN R. LARGE, born March 12, lol9 at . Jonathan Large and Esther Finney. In religion they wa 1 Presby- terian; resided at Allegheny, Pennsylvania.


SO. John F. Large, born December 13, L85L Laura Large, born October 13, 1853. Susanna L Large, bora October 12, 1855. * Alvin L. born Septeml i 57; married Isabella C. Dyer '- Charles Large, bora March 21, 1859; married


ANNA HELENA GREENLEE < TuZv+m*"^'' - G r>-eiJ« » 1 Je*Ji fftlltn / daughter of Thomas "Wallace Greenlee and Suaanna 0:

'J ** tember 20, 1837 at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; Vanport Beaver Co.. HENRT LARGE, bom "West Elizabeth, Allegheny Co.. Per.- I **«. at "West Elizabeth, son of Jonathan Large anc -"inney.

- - L. 1 1


No. 43. MARY C (SIlANEl CAMP- No. ».->. JANE ELIZA (SHANE) BELL. DANIELS. NEW // VOHK ' puplk i ie unv

A»t»r , ( lenoi iT c | ROBERT OF PENNSYLVANIA. 397


I. 18— married William Stevenson. 95. Fannie L. Large, born July 13, ; H

96. IL Kate Estella Large, born December 24, 1862 ; died January 25, 1862.

HENRY LARGE was born and brought up at the family homestead where he spent almost his entire life. By trade he was a machinist, but he followed the business of a distiller, being senior member of the firm of Large & Com- pany, Distillers. He was once a candidate for sheriff on the Democratic ticket. His father moved to this part of the state in 1833, settling at Peters Creek; his grandfather, John Large, was a native of New Jersey and served two years in the Revolutionary war.


H. Greenlee * l/lliUSXi£iOOJTAT?LES A.A U11B1U11ONSTOTT 6 (Isaac Onstott Margaret 1 Caroline Cole Isaac On«tott Thomas W. Greenlee * Robert Greenlee l 1 Mary Qulnn Jean Wallace I

son of Isaac Hessan Onstott and Caroline Cole, was born November 10, 1869 at Neville Island, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania-, married October 30, 1890 at Beaver Falls, Beaver Co., Pennsylvania, CLARA KELLY, born March 6, 1869 at North Sewickley, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania, daughter of A. M. Kelly and Isabel Mitchell. He is a manufacturer of shoes; in polities, R-epublican; in religion, Protestant; resides at San Francisco, California.


97. L George H. Onstott, born January 28, 1894.


' MARGARET ESTELLA PURDY » l °™t°« ' 01" { ™^\* r ^o^SS* * ' Thomas W. Greenlee Robert Greenlee 1 Mary Qulnn Jean Wallace / daughter of Elizabeth Morton Onstott and William Purdy, was born October 24, 1865 at Shoustown, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania, married June 15, 1893 at Shoustown, SAMUEL WILLSON PRINGLE, born at New Concord, Musk- is a ingum Co., Ohio, son of Dr. G. W. Pringle and Margaret E. Willson. He minister resides at Colorado. Presbyterian ; Pueblo,


98. L Samuel Willson Pringle, born March 18, 1894. 99. II. Paul Victor Pringle, born July 20, 1895. 100. HI. David Purdy Pringle, born July 9, 1898. 101.

FEB 1 6 1977

Genealogy of the Greenlee Families (2024)
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Name: Margart Wisoky

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