Draekon Mate (Dragons In Exile, #1) (2024)

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2,333 reviews2,278 followers

September 28, 2021

Synchronized Sex!

Draekon Mate (Dragons In Exile, #1) (2)

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💋💋💋
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📙📕📗
World building: 🌎🌏🌍
Character development: ☺️🥸😎

The heroine:

Viola - One of the women from Earth that is on a spaceship to a help the Zorahn in exchange for a cure for cancer or some other disease on Earth. She recently lost her father and has nothing on Earth to hold her, so she decided to take her chances on an adventure to a new world.

The Hero(es):

Arax - called the “firstborn” because he is the eldest son of the Zorahn emperor. Exiled to a prison planet because he carried the Draekon gene.
Nyx - low born son of a “Thief”. He is best friends is Arax despite the fact that Arax is a high born and back on Zorahn the high born wouldn’t even speak to a low born. Nyx was also exiled due to his having the Draekon gene.

The story: When Arax and Nyx are hunting and come across Viola in danger, they immediately shift into dragons. This was said to happen when men with the Draekon gene see their mate for the first time.

The story was OK, the sex scenes were super steamy, but I wish there was more story and less sex.


    00-audiobooks-i-own aliens audiobook

Lauren Cline

95 reviews3 followers

May 30, 2017

Decent Plot, Poor Execution

When I started reading this, I obviously wasn't expecting an epic harrowing tale so I didn't have super high expectations for the storyline anyway because, hey...cool jungle planet, two hot mates, damsels in distress...I figured it would be a fun, steamy read. Erotic sci-fi rarely has an intensive plot, but this was just pushing it. The premise was interesting but the plot execution was just a mess. Unlikeable female lead, contradictory statements, continuity discrepancies, contrived sex scenes, etc. Even for a fluff book, there's just too many negatives for me.

Small spoilers. Well, I'm not sure if they're small as not a lot actually happens in this book ....
I was particularly irritated with the supposed leading lady. For someone with a PhD, Viola's not really the brightest crayon in the box and is extremely petulant. I'm also not really sure if she's just selfish, or completely oblivious to others. Even in the beginning when she first meets Nix and Arax , she's on a mission to find water for the injured parties back at the ship (by default). Nix and Arax rescue her from certain death (or course) and treat her with nothing but kindness and respect- yet she intentionally won't tell them that the others are alive and need help?! She obviously can't get back there by herself, her friends are gravely injured and dying of thirst and starvation, and are about to be consumed by the elements- yet she somehow thinks she's protecting them from her rescuers (who she's not afraid of and know they have no ill intent ). Really? They already know where the spaceship is; they saw it land. A sense of urgency on her part would be nice. Yeah lady, distract them with sex so they can't save your friends and make yourself comfortable while you're at it....Then distract them with sex to use them to save your fellow humans, hoping they'd shift for no apparent reason once your plan already failed.

The whole story goes on and on with her misguided notions and a storyline where none of the characters' actions make sense, constantly contradicting themselves and the plot. There's also a lot of continuity and information errors throughout. E.g one person's singular injury at first was a dislocated shoulder, then it was said she had a broken forearm, then it changed to a broken hand.I could list an example for nearly every page, but won't give more spoilers should you decide to pick this up.

The lead male characters and their history of how they were created and the space opera power struggle that begins to play out between the Draekon, the scientific Order of the Crimson Flame and the Zoraht really saved this book for me. The conflict is rife with political intrigue and genetic manipulation. It really provides a solid point of interest in an otherwise forgettable story. Unfortunately though, we learn next to nothing about Viola's relationship with her mates. It just seems unfinished before the book skips to the next couple in the following addition.


481 reviews105 followers

June 4, 2017

I was feeling myself in the sci-fi mood so the cover obviously caught my eye.

See I find most of these books are some sort of an imitation of the Barbarian series..
Nothing extra-ordinary just wash. rinse and repeat.

Not too bad.

    feminist-in-me-says-no goey-sweetness i-don-t-have-patience

AuntieErrica (audiobooks=life)

90 reviews7 followers

June 23, 2024

Mood post-read:
~why did I love this so much? 😂
~It definitely is not a prize-winning plot or writing execution.
~hot, hot spice. 🥵
~I’m not a fan of ⚔️ or MM, so this was perfect!

Yep, I’m reading all of the sequels now. It was a short, strange, spicey read that took me on a space adventure and gave me instant attraction, forced proximity for safety, and tandem ‘furniture moving. ‘

Anecdote: I have no clue what words are a nope/ban offense on Goodreads. I got banned from reviewing things on Amazon for briefly mentioning a bodily function ‘💛💦’ when reviewing a water-proof pillow protector. 😵‍💫🙄

Anyway, I loved and immensely enjoyed this quirky book. Something about these draekons hit me where it matters. 👀
Five stars ⭐️ and five spicey spices 🌶️!


242 reviews10 followers

April 24, 2018

I knew what I was getting into before I read this story.


Oh my Fracking Lord! Why would the heroine have sex with two aliens she just met? I don't mean one at a time sex...all together sex. With no build up of feelings or trust or knowledge...just go with these hormones...Wow! Stupid! Not hot, not sexy, just stupid.

There is a story here...an interesting one that the author will build on...I hope. They are on a 'prison planet' so we get to find out how and why. There is genetic manipulation of humans w/aliens... lies, murder, extermination... that's what happens when you mess with nature. So the bones for a good story is here... along with a lot of sex and instant love.

Sigh... maybe next time I will chose wisely...

Draekon Mate (Dragons In Exile, #1) (7)

    alien-hero alpha fiction


643 reviews

June 26, 2021

3 stars ⭐️

If you’re looking for something simple to read to unwind your mind this might just do it. It has a decent storyline, action and drama, but I just found it abit out there.

May 17, 2017

All hail Lee Savino and Lili Zander! Ladies, you rock!

Draekon Mate was amazeballs! It took me just 4 hours to finish this book and it was worth every minute! The triad of Viola, Nyx, and Arax was sheer perfection! The attraction and the heat made each word succulent! Zero spoilers!! You will have to read this brilliant book to experince its excellence for yourself. I am ready for the next one, please.

10 out of 5 stars!


1,178 reviews260 followers

June 29, 2021

I’ve read Draekon Warrior and the rest of the books. I honestly feel they need to be read to understand the Draekon mutation and how it affects the men who were sent to die *cough cough* I mean exiled to this planet. If I hadn’t read those books I would have been so disappointed. It’s a quick read and there’s lots, I mean lots, of sexy times with two men. Eh.

    adult aliens free-on-kindle


128 reviews12 followers

July 19, 2018

This is similar to the "Ice Planet Barbarians" series by Ruby Dixon, so if you liked that you can enjoy this one as well.
Comparing the two of them though, for the first installment, I prefer that one. From the get go it gives you a bit more insight into everything and this one is still surrounded in a veil of mystery after you finish it. Also it's a bit more dark and touches upon more serious topics like abuse and rape. This one is much lighter in comparison. I'll continue with volume two and see what's next.


851 reviews14 followers

August 20, 2020

I want more story, less sex. This author writes a 50/50 mix. The editing is well done. The plot is interesting. It just doesn't meet my expectations. It's weird that a space fairing species is still ruled by a monarchy.



1,404 reviews9 followers

July 16, 2017

This book was a good evening read. 1000 years ago the Zorahn increased their fighting force by creating the Draekons. Men who could shift into dragons. At the end of the wars the Draekons turned on their creators. The Zorahn went to great lengths to exterminate the Draekons. Problem was the genetic material was in their population. In an effort to control the Draekon gene all males that have it are exiled to a hostile prison planet.

The Zorahn have come to earth with technology and medical cures. They want some women to test because they believe the women may have the cure to the Draekon gene. Viola volunteers. On the way to the Zorahn planet the transport crash lands on the prison planet. After that it's a fairly typical lust at first sight menage story.

3.5 - 4.0 *****

    2017 aliens paranormal

🦉Maggie Whitworth

3,042 reviews101 followers

February 28, 2019

Not a bad read , lacked depth in characters, but enjoyable , may read more .

Chrissy Loves Books

510 reviews6 followers

September 16, 2022



401 reviews2 followers

August 7, 2017

Draekon Mate is book #1 in a new erotic paranormal shapeshifter series by authors Lee Savino and Lili Zander (sci-fi alter-ego of author Tara Crescent). This is another book that I absolutely adored and couldn't put down. It was a delight to read, and I'm sure if you like paranormal and/or shapeshifter novels, you'll enjoy it just as much as I did!

Viola Lewis is alone in the world. And things have become very strange on Earth. Aliens from the planet Zoraht recently came to Earth, bringing gifts to solve just a few of Earth's many problems. One was a cure for leukemia. Unfortunately for Viola's beloved father, the aliens arrived too late to save him. But the Zorahns want something in return for their gifts, volunteers to go to Zoraht for a six-month period. It's all very mysterious. Very few details are given. Viola, who has a Ph.D. in botany, feels there's nothing left for her on Earth. The exorbitant amount of money being offered is certainly a bonus, but she just wants a fresh start in life. So she volunteers, with nine other women, and soon they're on they're way to Zoraht.

But things are never as they seem. There are hidden agendas, circles within circles within circles. The Zorahns have been cryptic and unclear about their purposes for very specific reasons. When a totally unforeseen event occurs, the spaceship crashes on a planet where danger abounds. Chaos ensues. It seems the Zorahns have more than one secret, and this planet, full of threats, pitfalls, and total uncertainty, is one of them. As Viola and her friends seek provisions and shelter, they encounter jeopardy around every corner. When one of Viola's friends is put in a life-threatening situation, Viola sends them all back to the spaceship and continues on her own. Little does she know what's in store for her. She meets Arax and Nyx, two exiled Zorahns, and her journey is suddenly changed in ways she could never have anticipated. Who are these men? Are they alone? What do they want with her? Can they help her with her friends? There are so many questions, and so few answers. But if Viola and her friends are to survive in this strange and hostile world until they're rescued, she's going to have to trust someone. She needs help. But are Arax and Nyx reliable? She's not sure, especially when they reveal a secret to her that's both terrifying and awesome beyond belief! Nothing is clear. All Viola knows is they have to survive until they're rescued. Can she trust Arax and Nyx to not only save her but her friends as well?

Both Lee Savino and Lili Zander (Tara Crescent) are unbelievable storytellers. I've been a fan of both authors for quite some time, and love every book I've read by either author. Draekon Mate is a totally enthralling erotic paranormal shapeshifter romance, and the beginning of an enchanting new series. I loved this book, and couldn't put it down. I was riveted from the moment I started reading. It's every bit as amazing as all the other books I've read by either author. I give Draekon Mate my very best recommendation without reservation. Thank you, Lee and Lili (Tara), for giving us such a wonderful book that demonstrates just how impressive you both are as authors!

One final note. Please be an informed reader and consumer! This is an ADULT book. It contains explicit language and sexual scenes. If you don't enjoy this genre, think hard before buying any book you know you won't enjoy. There are book synopses and reviews available on Goodreads and all booksellers' websites. USE THESE RESOURCES. DON'T LEAVE A NEGATIVE REVIEW WHEN YOU KNOW YOU WON'T ENJOY THE BOOK. IT'S NOT FAIR TO THE AUTHORS! They work extremely hard to provide a quality work product. If you know you'll object to the book's subject matter before you buy it, you're doing yourself and the authors an extreme disservice.

Thanks for reading my review and happy reading!

    crescent-tara-and-zander-lili savino-lee


71 reviews12 followers

April 15, 2020

Really enjoyed this mfm hea shifter alien romance series. This series starts off a little rough on the details, but picks up well by book 3. We get to read of every earth woman’s mate experiences. Loads of good man sandwiched sex. GINORMOUS penis’s everywhere. 8 packs for days. Man candy galore. You know the good stuff :) Surprisingly, I thought the author’s would focus heavily on the hea and we’d just go from each lady to their mates with very little story building, but they didn’t skip on the story arc. I avoid books like these unless they are loaded with sex, thinking this series was just going to be a bucket full of book p*rn but they got me with world building and likable side characters. Solid 3.5 stars. The half star is clearly for the big penises.


3,379 reviews65 followers

May 23, 2017

What a wonderful start to a new series!! I mean, who doesn't love Dragon shifters and ménage. Arax, Nyx and Viola are meant to be together. They go through a lot but I feel this is going to become a favorite series of mine. I'm really picky about sci-fi so it has to be good................this is good!!! Grab your copy and start reading!!!

Nadine Bookaholic

3,650 reviews472 followers

March 30, 2019

Review to follow

    body-art body-modifications-piercings content-menage-or-multi-partner


50k reviews30 followers

Want to read

August 2, 2023

🎁 FREE on Amazon today (3/5/2020)! 🎁

    freebie menage paranormal

grace | reads for love

780 reviews6 followers

January 10, 2024

**Got it FREE from Kindle 1/6/2024**

Enjoyable menage alien romance!

This is a great example of a book that does not have a very unique plot but still well written enough to be an enjoyable read. It reminded me a lot of IPB by Ruby Dixon in the beginning because of the similarities.

A group of Earth women were transported (they volunteered) to a different planet (to be studied) but the spaceship crashes on another planet where they meet more human-like aliens who can actually be their fated mates.

The planet they crash on is primitive though the aliens there are civilized - they were exiled by the same alien race who brought the humans because they shift into dragons.

The male leads have such different personalities - Arax is more serious because he's used to handling great responsibilities while Nyx is more the lighter type - but they're both gooey when it comes to their mate. Also, they're supersized 👀 iykwim.

The female lead, Viola, is okay enough. She tends to sound less smart than she should be being a botanist with PhD but it's not a big deal.

What made this story likeable for me is the smooth flow - it's not info dump, the plot and convo were kept simple, and for me there were no unnecessary dialogues/scenes.

Do I recommend? Yes.
Will I read next books in the series? Probably yes. This ends in HFN only and I'm curious about the other characters and the world so I would love to know more.

    fantasy-aliens-space free-on-kindle its-smutty


1,414 reviews307 followers

January 3, 2021

I picked this up after finishing a Very Bad science fiction romance, and this is what I was looking for from the get go. If you've read Ice Planet Barbarians you'll find a bunch of similarities - ship full of mostly women crash lands on a planet, they meet the locals, and mates are fated.

There are some differences, though. The overall tone of this book is lighter, and we're on a jungle planet instead of a frozen one. Judging by the covers each book features a mfm triad. And maybe most importantly, the writing lacks the propulsiveness and stellar plotting of IPB.

I'm not knocking it, though. A fine start to a series, and I'm curious to see where things go from here.

    m-f-m sci-fi-romance trope-fated-mates


939 reviews17 followers

August 6, 2017

Good read - with dragon shifters!

The plot is moderately predictable but the characterization and setting are both very well done. I mean, if you're going to crash land on an alien planet where everything wants to kill you, having two large and attractive aliens announce that you're their mate is a good thing. Of course you're rocking their world too - they haven't seen a woman in 60 years [longer life span, no graybeards here] AND because their mate is present they can suddenly transform into dragons...

Obviously going to be a series but there are two entries as of now:
Draekon Mate
Draekon Fire

If the whole menage thing doesn't work for you, this is not the series for you.

Laz the Sailor

1,620 reviews82 followers

February 22, 2020

This was an intriguing mash-up of several SFR tropes, mixing Ice Planet Barbarians with Mars-needs-women, add in insta-lust and dragons! Overall this was well written, but there was a bit too much going on for the novella length. Lots of seeds for the future installments, and this one leaves a few loose ends, call it HFN.

One big oops early on: .

I'll read the next one in hopes that the set-up builds into a well though-out world of menage, sex, and dragons!

    scifi smut

Ola Adamska

2,882 reviews24 followers

July 29, 2018

This is a story of Viola, Nyx, and Arax.
She was on the spaceship that was supposed to take her on the alien planet. Now betrayal made them crash on the Prison Planet. Where worst of the worst were exiled to lead their own life there.
Draekons are men that that can become dragons after finding their mate.
This book set up a place and characters for other books. I hope that this series will get better and better as the premise is really good.


Autumn Miller ~ autumnbookreads

1,195 reviews298 followers

June 1, 2020

3.5 Stars
I liked this book. It was a great start to the series and really got me intrigued in the world and its system. I highly enjoyed the romance and I thought that the ménage-dragon set up was unique. I’m super excited to continue the series and see how this world progresses.

What I Didn’t Like- There were just certain times where I felt like Viola made stupid decisions. It got super annoying because she was constantly being idiotic.


Imee Benzon

439 reviews17 followers

March 29, 2021


I love this book so much, it's easy read and fast paced and hot hot hot. Ok I didn't like Viola going back to the lowlands looking for her mates omg how stupid can she be. Anyway all is well an epilogue would have been nice.

Kathy Heare Watts

6,318 reviews175 followers

May 19, 2017


What an amazing start to a new series, with sexy alien men that have been banished to a prison planet because they carry a mutated gene where they are Draekon, in other words, they can shift to dragons. The Zorahn are wanting Earth women to aid in their secret experimentation but convince Earth’s government that it is a temporary six-moth stent, and ten women will be on the first shuttle. “You represent the first step in an alliance that we hope will span generations.” “We’re glorified lab rats.”

Viola Lewis has nothing on earth except memories and heartache. She has no family, and with the illness and death of her father, she has used all her mother for medical bills. The trip to Zorahn is an adventure, a chance to get away from her pain and memories for six months. In truth, all ten ladies have no family left, so they are really expendable.

The plot will have one of the three aliens on board that will take the shuttle hostage and crashes them on the planet where the men from Zorahn found with the Draekon gene are exiled. “This isn’t the space vacation I thought it would be.” As Viola and three others leave the shuttle to explore, one will become ill, and Viola will continue without the other Earth women. She will face life and death situations and rescued by Arax and Nyx who also change into dragons and claim her as their mate. “Draekon, powerful beings who could draw on the energy around them to morph into dragons, creatures with impenetrable armor that could fly among the stars and rain fire down on their enemies.”

The exiled Draekons lives are simple. “Hunt and gather food in the lowlands during the dry season. Retreat to the high cliffs when the rains come. Survive.” When Arax and Nyx see Viola, they know she is their mate. “She is ours. We must take her. We must complete the bond.” “The gene mutated. Each mutation gave the Draekon race more power, and finally the ability to mate. For some reason—maybe because compatible females were few and far between—instead of a pair bond, Draekons form a triad.”

“You are the fire of my heart.” “It only took a trip through space and surviving a coup, a crash, poison fruit, a kidnap attempt and alien predators, but I’ve found my soulmates—both of them.”

I look forward to the next book in this series, Draekon Fire. There is an interesting cast of characters, plenty of angst, danger, and passion. The chemistry between Nyx, Arax, and Viola sizzles on the pages with explicit scenes.

Merged review:


What an amazing start to a new series, with sexy alien men that have been banished to a prison planet because they carry a mutated gene where they are Draekon, in other words, they can shift to dragons. The Zorahn are wanting Earth women to aid in their secret experimentation but convince Earth’s government that it is a temporary six-moth stent, and ten women will be on the first shuttle. “You represent the first step in an alliance that we hope will span generations.” “We’re glorified lab rats.”

Viola Lewis has nothing on earth except memories and heartache. She has no family, and with the illness and death of her father, she has used all her mother for medical bills. The trip to Zorahn is an adventure, a chance to get away from her pain and memories for six months. In truth, all ten ladies have no family left, so they are really expendable.

The plot will have one of the three aliens on board that will take the shuttle hostage and crashes them on the planet where the men from Zorahn found with the Draekon gene are exiled. “This isn’t the space vacation I thought it would be.” As Viola and three others leave the shuttle to explore, one will become ill, and Viola will continue without the other Earth women. She will face life and death situations and rescued by Arax and Nyx who also change into dragons and claim her as their mate. “Draekon, powerful beings who could draw on the energy around them to morph into dragons, creatures with impenetrable armor that could fly among the stars and rain fire down on their enemies.”

The exiled Draekons lives are simple. “Hunt and gather food in the lowlands during the dry season. Retreat to the high cliffs when the rains come. Survive.” When Arax and Nyx see Viola, they know she is their mate. “She is ours. We must take her. We must complete the bond.” “The gene mutated. Each mutation gave the Draekon race more power, and finally the ability to mate. For some reason—maybe because compatible females were few and far between—instead of a pair bond, Draekons form a triad.”

“You are the fire of my heart.” “It only took a trip through space and surviving a coup, a crash, poison fruit, a kidnap attempt and alien predators, but I’ve found my soulmates—both of them.”

I look forward to the next book in this series, Draekon Fire. There is an interesting cast of characters, plenty of angst, danger, and passion. The chemistry between Nyx, Arax, and Viola sizzles on the pages with explicit scenes.

    adventure authority-figure conspiracy

~*Michelle R*~

672 reviews26 followers

March 8, 2018

A fun and sexy read! Dragon shifters and ménage, what's not to love!

    1-my-kindle-library erotica fantasy

Mandy Sawyer

4,377 reviews40 followers

January 14, 2021

This is a fantastic storyline. It’s got so much tension and chemistry. These are well written characters with strength. I’m looking forward to seeing what happens next!


767 reviews192 followers

March 30, 2023

Ménage anyone?

Good writing and imaginative idea. However, it felt a bit fast and hurried. The story would have benefited from a few more chapters.

    kindle-unlimited kinky


1,125 reviews159 followers

December 27, 2023

Great start to the series! Can’t wait to see what happens with the other women and the Draeken’s.

I’m so excited for Olivia’s story!

    mates menage monster-alien-sci-fi
Draekon Mate (Dragons In Exile, #1) (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Views: 5882

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (49 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.