Waning Phase - taylorbean - Twilight Series (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Chapter Text Chapter 2: Why am I still here? Chapter Text Chapter 3: Quest for Cleanliness 🧼 Chapter Text Chapter 4: MOOSE CLOAK! Chapter Text Chapter 5: Look at all these headless chickens Chapter Text Chapter 6: Imp- what?? Chapter Text Chapter 7: Hanging out Chapter Text Chapter 8: Merry Chrysler πŸŽ„ Chapter Text Chapter 9: It's hotter in stories Chapter Text Chapter 10: Expansion ⛏️ Chapter Text Chapter 11: Spring has Sprung 🌺 Chapter Text Chapter 12: The redcoats are coming! Chapter Text Chapter 13: Negotiation's Chapter Text Chapter 14: Volterra Chapter Text Chapter 15: Bimbo's Chapter Text Chapter 16: Donation's and Apologies Chapter Text Chapter 17: Jasper's date πŸ‘ŠπŸ» Chapter Text Chapter 18: Marcus's date 🍫 Chapter Text Chapter 19: The facts 🩸 Chapter Text Chapter 20: 🐾 Ride on the wild side🐾 Chapter Text Chapter 21: Caius' date 🎨 Chapter Text Chapter 22: πŸ”ž A barking good time πŸ‹ Chapter Text Chapter 23: πŸ”žMate DateπŸ‹ Chapter Text Chapter 24: My father will hear about this! 🐍 Chapter Text Chapter 25: We stan Charlie in this house Chapter Text Chapter 26: Yass Queen slay πŸ’…πŸ» Chapter Text Chapter 27: πŸ”ž It's Time~ πŸ‹ Chapter Text Chapter 28: I'm the f*cking Avatar. Chapter Text Chapter 29: πŸ”ž Note to self: don't write when hornyπŸ‹ Chapter Text Chapter 30: One woman army Chapter Text Chapter 31: πŸ”ž Didney land! πŸ‹ Chapter Text Chapter 32: Disneyland is neutral territory! Chapter Text Chapter 33: πŸ”ž So Close~ πŸ‹ Chapter Text Chapter 34: πŸ”žWho's your daddy?πŸ‹ Chapter Text Chapter 35: In the end. (End) Chapter Text

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Rain pours down on me as I walk back to my house in my muck boots. Sloughing through the thick mud, my Carhartt jacket soaked through as I finally get on the dry porch. Running my fingers through my wet hair I sigh loudly, having had to wrangle several of my chickens from underneath different shelters around the property they've used. From my stepdads old boat to a cover used for the bed of a truck. I amcoveredin mud and so f*cking tired.

I spent the last hour and a half chasing after my chickens to make sure all of them got to the coop.Little sh*ts didn't want to get wet..I sigh again as I slide off my boots, turning them to let the water drain out. "I'm gonna need a f*cking hot shower.." I say as I walk inside the house holding my boots.

My stepdad and mother are taking a trip to their honeymoon spot for their wedding anniversary. Leaving me an autistic adult alone to take care of almost 30 birds and a dog.. Im 26 but still, its alot of work... especially when said animals stray from there normal routine! Hell my duck Peppa decided that 6'o clock was the perfect time to go down back and make a nest in the brush.. It took so long finding her.. I didn't want any foxes or weasels to kill her.

My dog Dexter looks up at me from in front of the wood stove. "You're such a lucky lil sh*t Snaggle." I shake my head with a smile, placing my wet boots and jacket in front of the stove to dry.

"Mom and Daddy should be back home tomorrow night okay Snaggle Waggle?" I lean down and scratch above his nub. He snuffs at me happily and gets up off the floor to follow me to the kitchen. Knowing full well what time it is. 8 o'clock, dinner time.

Getting him some dog food I put it in his bowl and set it down for him to eat. I stretch and begin to take my clothes off as I head towards the bathroom, plopping the soaking wet clothes into the hamper. I eagerly turn on the water and wait for it to warm, then I get in and sigh. Feeling the liquid heat up my chilled bones.

Often when I'm in the shower, my brain goes off on adventures while my body does other things.. This happens often when I'm playing games and listening to music.. This time I'm thinking about the Volturi from Twilight, how they would react to me if I appeared before them..Damn, I've been reading too much soulmate fanfiction lately Jesus..


Quickly finishing up I get out and dry off, quickly putting my dry clothes on. Now that I'm all clean I walk to the kitchen to get something to eat. Then I'm going to read some fanfiction and go to bed. Just as in about to get myself some food out of the freezer to warm up, the power goes out plunging me in darkness.

Groaning loudly towards the roof I look into the darkness unimpressed. "Mother nature youf*ckinbitch...justas I was about to get some pizza rolls.."

Sighing once more I grab my phone out of my pocket and turn on the flashlight. I quickly grab some chips from the cupboard and walk to my mom's room for some books to read.. Since I have no service here and therefore no Data I'm stuck entertaining myself with physical literature instead of fanfiction.. I was a moron and didn't charge my switch after I played Pokemon all day.

Looking at my moms shelf I grimace at all the true crime books.Jeez.. She's really morbid..Noticing the Twilight novels my eyebrows raise. "Hmph.. been a while since I've seen the movies.. and I never got a chance to read the books.." Grabbing the first book I turn back around and head to my room with a shrug.Something to keep me occupied.

Flopping onto my bed I open my chips, grabbing some chopsticks I use them to eat the chips while I begin to read. My phone providingjustenough light so I may make out the words.

An hour later I begin to get drowsy, just as the storm kicks up a notch. Nodding to myself I mark my page and set the book down. Turning my phone off I slide my night guard into my mouth, putting my glasses on my nightstand.

Laying back I look into the pure darkness.. Hearing the silence of the house, my inner most thoughts that I keep buried begin to make themselves known.f*ck.. I'm almost 30 and I have nobody.. nobody who loves me.. Nobody who would cherish me.. I'm so alone..Tears begin to brim in my eyes as my heart darkens.I would giveanythingto be loved by someone.. Someone who wont betray me or cheat on me.

My consciousness ebbs away as I fall into sleep. Not knowing that something was listening to my thoughts as my body's heart gives out as I sleep. Experiencing a heart attack whilst alone.. I don't hear my mother's wails of grief when she finds me laying dead in my bed the following night.

- ????? -

You have been assigned your newest charge.

Hundreds of voices resonate through the dark space. Giving the being its newest task. Laying on a thick rock, overlooking a globe. A clawed paw rises and taps on it, it's eyes filled with a star going supernova looks down and spies his newest charge. "Oh you poor girl.. Your life cut short before you could experience true love.. Worry not child, for I am here now." Plucking a glowing blue ball from the globe he holds it in his paw before turning.

A void black Jaguar walks through his workshop, setting down the soul onto his table. His fur shows the starry night sky, stars shooting across his fur into the great beyond. "Show me your greatest desire.." Peering down into the soul he hums as he watches her entire life. "I see.. I have just the place."

Walking over to an empty book shelf, he reaches out and plucks a book from nowhere. Walking back to his station he looks down at the title, his eyes shimmering as he understands the contents. "I can work with this... Worry not, your wish has been granted child.. i hope you enjoy your new reality and mates." Plucking her soul up he places her into the newly formed globe, eyes glinting in the light as he watches her awaken and begin her trials.

- ??? - Alexis POV -

My eyes open sluggishly and I look around, seeing the dense canopy of a forest above me.Huh.. weird.Sitting up with a groan, I look down at my hands and notice how tiny and stubby they are.Even weirder.. curiouser and curiouser.. This is a funky dream..Standing up from the forest floor I look behind me to get my bearings and jump in fright. Finding the body of a dead woman laying there, her stomach torn open.

"Nani the f*ck?!?" Walking closer I inspect her body, pushing her over quite easily which makes my eyes widen.. I shrug it off as I look at her face. "No idea who you are lady,sorry." I rummage through her pockets and find a wallet. "Ooo, money Yoink!" I put the wallet in my pants with a smirk.This is such a weird dream.. Well might as well loot the body. Its not like she's gonna need any of this stuff.. plus im rather nude.

Grabbing her jacket off her with some difficulty I put it on, I quickly grab all the fabric off her and leave her naked on the forest floor. Looking down at her I bite my lip. "Damn conscience.."I can't leave her here like this, even if this is a dream. Sighing loudly I find a rock and begin to use it to dig her a shallow grave which takes meguesstimatedover an hour.

Standing over the grave marked with a stack of rocks, having etched 'Rip' onto it with another rock. "Uh.. Rest in peace Mrs...." I look down at her I.D. "Carlton. No idea why you were in the woods or why you were in my dream... But.. sorry." I nod to the grave awkwardly and turn around grabbing my body loot and trekking off into a random direction.

- Forest - Alex POV - ??? Later -

"WHOOAA, LIVIN ON A PRAYER! TAKE MY HAND, WE'LL MAKE IT I SWEAR.. OHHH LIVIN ON A..PRAYYYYERRRR." I sing loudly off key as I trek through the woods, walking on the edge of a mountains cliff edge. Higher than the valley below filled with trees.

"Oo!" I yell out pointing to a cave I see. "Haha!! My lucky day!" I grin and speed walk quite fast towards the cave. Stopping I look behind me in confusion..hm.. must be dream speed. I shrug and enter my new home-

Only to encounter a grizzley bear the size of a car, walking out of the cave. I gasp and turn to run only to be tackled by the bear. I yell out in surprise, it goes to bite me I close my eyes in fear and-

Nothing happens.

Opening my eyes I see the bear trying to gnaw on my arm but the skin doesn't break. "HAH DREAM INVINCIBILITY BITCH!" I punch the bear on the snoot just expecting to stun it.. only for my tiny fist to go through its skull.

"HOLY MACARONI! DREAM STRENGTH!" Blood pours from the bears body and most of it gets on me but some lands my mouth. I expect the disgusting taste of blood only to find a quite pleasant taste. "Huh.." I look at the bear and shrug slurping up the blood. "Mmm, ain't half bad." I say with a smile as I slurp.

After the blood stops flowing I make a 'ahh' sound. "Refreshing." Pushing the bears body off of me with ease I stand up and look down at it, then my hands and body.

"Maybe.." I grab the skin and tear it off the body. Quickly dragging it to the cave I set it down outside, turning to the body I hum.

"Welp.. guess your lessons in prepping an animal for slaughter are gonna come in handy Derek.. Plus gotta love SurvivallTok." I thank my step dad and tiktok inwardly and walk back to the body, plunging my hand into the gut I grab all the disgusting gunk and proceed to run it as far as I can away. Dropping it, but not before taking the bears bladder and using the urine to smear on the outside of my cave. Making sure other animals don't come close.. it's gross but necessary.

Walking back I quickly grab the lady's shirt and use it as a makeshift bag to hold all my bloodless meat. Leaving only bones left which I bring back to the cave.Maybe I'll make a knife or something later with the bones if this dream keeps going on.

"Great, now fire. I heard a river nearby so I'll wash up once I'm finished making my bed after the fire then bears on the menu boys!" I cheer loudly with a grin, holding my bloody hands in the air.

Rushing around I find a bunch of rocks, using the lady's pants as a makeshift backpack to carry them. I also grab some wood, making a decent pile for myself with some dry grass as a starter.

I also grabbed a bunch of grass to make a bed near the fire pit but nottooclose. Don't want to wake up to a f*cking Salem witch trial.


It's almost sunset and I've washed up at the river and made my fire. Having grabbed a few sticks to skewer my meat on to cook.Gosh I hope it tastes okay.Bears are like big racoons.

Once I see that the meats a good color I grab it, pulling it away from the flames Taking a breath I take a bite and my face scrunches up at the taste.Hmph.. never expected bear meat to taste sweet and nutty..I shrug and continue to eat happily, wiggling in my seat as I look at my pelt that's perched near the fire.I'll have to find a good rock to get the silver skin off.. I don't have any salt to dry it so I'll have to do it ye olden way.. Smokin it. That is if my dream doesn't end.Stretching my arms above my head I crawl over to my bed and lay down, closing my eyes to end this weird dream..

Chapter 2: Why am I still here?

Chapter Text

Slowly opening my eyes I look up expecting my familiar white ceiling.. only to see stone.This.. this can't be happening? How am I still dreaming? Sitting up I look at the fire and see that it's gone out. "Okay.. Ultimate test time.. you can't feel pain in a dream.." I look down at my arm and pinch it with all my strength hissing as I feel pain.

"... f*ck." My heart begins to race. "How is this possible? Did I die and get reincarnated? Did I get isekai'd? No I couldn't have, I didn't get hit by a truck.. plus I may still be in my world.. Gah! f*cking hell!" I yell out in anger. "Well it's got to be something supernatural, I have super strength and indestructible skin for f*ck sakes.. Marvel? No.. DC? No.." i shake my head as I look down in thought. "No, no time for pondering. If this is real, I'm going to have to survive. I'll be damned if I die now.. even if I'm in a smol child body." I scrunch my face up as I look at my tiny toes.

"Alright. First things first, shelter then try to look for people. I'll steal some stuff to survive better.. but first I need to make a door to keep the heat in.. let's test this super strength." I smack my fist onto my flat hand.

Quickly running out of the cave I yelp at how fast I'm going. "Whoa! Im like the flash!Nyooom~!" Zooming through the forest I find a good spot and look at a tall tree. "One, two...DETROIT SMAAAASSHHH!!!" I punch the tree clean through the tree causing it to fall, I jump back quickly and yell out in triumph. "LETS f*ckINGGOOO. IM SUPERMAN BITCH!"

Cheering out I dig my tiny fingies into the tree and break it in half. Quickly snapping off all the branches to be gathered later. I make quick work of heaving the large pine back to my cave.

Once I'm back I karate chop the wood into somedecentplanks molding the wood like playdough I drill holes into it with my finger. Using the Japanese technique of using wood as nails to hold it together.


By the time I'm finished with my fancy new door it's been a couple days. I've nearly exhausted all of the bear meat.. so I'm going to have to go hunting.

"Okay, Minecraft style of exploration time. Pick a direction and go in it, don't move to the left or right and create landmarks.. I can do this." I nod to myself and stretch my muscles before looking to the opposite of my cave. I quickly bolt into the woods full speed.

Zooming through the foliage I keep my straight path for a few minutes until I hear something. Stoping in my tracks I listen.Okay I hear something moving.I quickly grab some rocks and make an arrow pointing back home before bolting towards the sounds.

Finding a small herd of deer I spy the second largest buck and go full speed and tackle it. Something takes over inside of me and I bite into its neck as we roll. I feel my eyes close as I drink. The warm liquid flowing into my mouth as the deer struggles. It soon stops moving and I release as the blood stops.

"Oh sh*t. Am I a vampire?" I shrug not caring much, getting off the deer I quickly sling its body over my shoulders. Running back home to quickly skin it.


Sorting and cutting up the meat into all its different parts, I hum as I look down at it.I'm absolutely full.. I can't eat all this right now.. I'm going to have to find a town. I'll climb the mountain before it becomes dark.Nodding to myself I turn and book it out of my house. "Okay time to test jumping.. Can I jump like superman?" I look up at the mountain cliff and I crouch and jump. Absolutely clearing it making me yell in surprise.

Landing with a loud thud I sigh as I get up. Continuing my jumps I slowly get the hang of it. After a few minutes I'm at the top of the mountain on a tree. Looking around 360 style I spot it in the distance, a town. "Thank f*ck! I see modern houses." I sigh in relief and quickly climb down. Digging my fingers into the tree to mark which way my home is I turn with a smile and run towards the town.


By the time I get there it's dark out.. But I can still see perfectly normal which is weird.. I keep out of the light and look around the area..

Entering what I assume is the town center, I can no longer stay in the darkness of the trees anymore. So I take to the rooftops, making sure to keep out of the light. Assassin's Creed style.

I find an shop that looks like it supplies hikers and stuff. All the lights are off and nobody's there..Hehehe.. i smirk as i run across the buildings to be above the shop i want. Jumping down behind it I find the back door. Karate chopping the handle right off I open it with ease.

Okay Alex, only what you need. Be zoomie quick, it I need to take a break to outside where there's no cameras.I hope myself up and rush inside smashing all the cameras I can see and I grab a couple backpacks. Stuffing them full of all types of outdoor clothing, thermos', knives, water filter bottles, sleeping bags and various pans. I even grab a fire starter keychain before booking it out of there.

On top of the roof I look at my spoils with a smile. Looking towards a grocery store that's closed I quickly write down a list of what I need on a pen and paper I stole before rinsing and repeating.

Grabbing plenty of canned goods for emergency rations and an entire backpack full of salt and different herbs. I also grab a couple things of Tupperware and a pillow. "Alright, this is good enough!" I smile and strap all my bags on before running across the rooftops back towards the forest.

Not realizing that something has caught my scent in town..


Grabbing all my Venison and some Tupperware I fill it with salt before laying strips of the meat down on top and covering it with more salt. Nodding to myself I grab my new knife I got and begin to get all the flesh and silver skin off my pelts before laying them down and covering them in a good layer of salt as well. Smiling at my accomplishment I move over to my bedroom and take off my nasty clothes, throwing them in a pile to be washed when I make a washboard.

I grab my new clothes and slide them on with a smile.Underwear! Finally!!Laying down in my sleeping bag, I zip it up resting my head on my pillow. Having made sure my fire is just hot coals at this point. Closing my eyes I fall asleep.

- Third Person POV -

"Sam!" Someone bolts inside of the cabin making Sam look up. Setting down his fork, giving his pack mate his full attention.

"What is it?"

"I was on patrol and caught the scent of a leech near the border of our territory and Forks. I followed it as far as I could but it crossed over into the Cullens land."

"sh*t.. Okay." Sam nods before grabbing his phone, quickly calling Carlisle to tell him the news.

Chapter 3: Quest for Cleanliness 🧼

Chapter Text

"Voices in my head, keep on telling me to pray. Cause in spinning like a carousel, circling the drain. Hit the bottom of the bottle I don't want to feel the pain, but that is all I got for now. I don't want to talk about-" I sing loudly with a smile as I begin to assemble a washboard from what I remember.

Since I don't have any metal, I had to create a bunch of square-ishrods. Getting a good chunk of wood, I use my knife to help me fit the rods into the holes. It took a long time but I finally did it!

"VOICES IN MY HEAD,TELLINME IM CURSED, IM PARANOID. I DON'T WANT TO MAKE IT ANY WORSE!WE'RE. ALL. GONNA. DIE.FIRST THINGS FIRST, ILL TAKE THE WORLD WITH ME WHEN THEY, PUT ME. IN THE...." Humming along to the rest of the song I look down at the washboard with a smile... Then turns into a frown.

"HOW COULD I FORGET f*ckINGSOAP?!" I growl out as I grip at my hair, falling to the floor with a groan.

"God f*cking dammit.. I'll need special soap too... No chemicals that could hurt the environment.. since I'm a hobbit who bathes in the river." I look down and rub my chin in thought. "I'll have to put on some good clothes and go into town and ask around.."if I cant find anybody who makes it ill just steal the stuff I need to make itmyself.Nodding to myself in agreement I jump up and quickly change clothes before zooming out the door.

- Town -

Arriving at the grocery store I walk inside and look around for someone. Spotting a person I put my game face on.Dumb kid mode activate."Excuse me? Mister?"

The man turns to me and I see his thick mustache, his eyes widen in surprise but he looks around in confusion. "Hey there kiddo.. Where's your parents?" He crouches down onto my level and gives me his full attention. I see that he's wearing a police jacket.

"Oh mommy's shopping.. She asked me to go find out where I can get some organic soap?" I give a cute little head tilt.

"Organic soap ey?" He rubs his chin in thought and nods. "I know someone who hand makes bars of soap, she lives down in La Push."

"Really?!" I give him an enthusiastic smile, he smiles back and nods.La Push sounds familiar..

"Yup, her name is Sue Clearwater. Here I'll give you the address." He reaches into his shirt pocket and pulls out a notepad, quickly writing it down. "Tell her Charlie sent ya." Handing me the slip of paper with a smile.

"Thank you sir!" I smile at him and run away slowly, once I'm out of his sight I book it to another isle.

La Push aye? Now to find someone who knows where the f*ck that is.Looking around I spot a girl with brown hair looking at a bunch of boxes with a guy standing beside her. Nodding I walk over to her. "Excuse me? Do you know where La Push is?" I tilt my head as I look at her.I want soap dammit!

She startled and looks down at me, the guy looks at me with perplexion. "Oh hi.. Yeah.. Just follow the main road north, you'll hit the sign.." She brushes her hair behind her ear.

"Thank you miss!" I nod to her in thanks and look at the guy.Gold eyes..pft, kids these days and there Twilight cosplaying.Shaking my head I turn and walk away, walking out of the store and straight into the woods.

Running through the dense foliage I think. Okay, got the address and the lady. But I don't have any money.. maybe something to trade? I could give her some Venison jerky?


Running through the tree tops cautiously, I follow the main road closely until I reach the La Push sign. I follow the road until I come up on others. I stop in a tree and lean against the trunk as I reach down and grab the note.Hah! Lucky day, I found the road.Smiling I look left and right making sure there's no cars coming and leap across the road into the other trees.

Booking it towards the house I spot it and nod. Landing on the ground with a soft thud I walk out of the woods holding my backpack.

Approaching the house I look up and knock on the door gently. Stepping back to wait a second, rocking back and forth on the balls of my feet.

The door opens a second later and an older lady appears. "Hello, how can I help you..?" She startles as she sees me, her muscles tense.

"Hi, Miss Clearwater right? Mr. Charlie said that you had soap for sale? I don't have any money really.. but I have venison jerky for trade! It's fresh!" I hold up the venison for her to see with a smile.

"U-uh.. Yes I do sell soaps.. Wait here a moment." She closes the door and walks inside, sighing softly I take a look around.

"What a nice property.." I mumble softly as I look at the landscaping, a moment later she returns with a paper bag.

"Here." She hands it to me and my eyes widen.

"Oh! Thank you so much Mrs. Clearwater!" I smile wide up at her.SOAAAP!!!!

"Here as promised!" I hand her the box of jerky, she takes it out of my hands with a look of confusion. "Once I use this all up I'll be back for some more! Is there anything else you might like? I can carve things and make different types of wild meat jerky?"

"Um.. Carvings would be wonderful.." Her eyes flick to from me to the forest.

"Okay, thank you again ma'am!" I smile at her and bow before turning to leave. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up straight.Somethings watching me.. it's not Mrs. Clearwater.

Walking down the road so that I can be out of sight, the sensation doesn't go away..

Okay, somethings hunting me.. my instincts are screaming for me to run-Just as I'm out of sight of the Clearwater home something rushes out of the woods tackling me with a wild snarl.

Screaming in fear as I'm tackled we roll as it tries to snap its jaws at me. Taking advantage of my smol body I use my back legs and kick it off me, it hits a tree and lands with a thud before getting back up with a snarl. A beautiful humongous white wolf snarls at me as I get back up.My kick didn't kill it??Turning I quickly book it, putting my new soap into my backpack as I do and clamping the zip shut.ALL TERRAIN MODE MOTHER f*ckER!

Leaping off the ground I take to the trees, swerving and zigzagging to confuse the animal.

Using my ears I listen for a herd of deer. Once I find them I book it in that direction, reaching into my side pocket on my backpack. I grimace at what I'm about to do, I grab a flask of deer urine I got from my buck.

Landing on the ground I slide in the middle of the herd and cover myself in deer piss before taking off next to a deer. The wolf looks around confused once it loses my scent. I stay low to the ground and run for my life. After a while I jump into a tree and wait for a moment.

Panting softly I listen, hearing the wolf's thundering steps go on the opposite direction. Exhaling I jump down and book it to my house.


Getting inside my cave I shut the door behind me and latch it with two heavy beams. Like how they bar doors in castles exceptdouble. Sitting down I sigh loudly. "Great, I stink like deer piss and I can't even bathe.." I sigh as I decide to stay up until morning. Not wanting the wolf to somehow find my trail.

"I'm going to need to find a way to mask my scent if there's more mutant wolves out there.." Looking down into the flames I contemplate.

I have some antlers and various bones from my kills.. Maybe I can make a cloak? Something I don't clean so it masks my scent? But what animal...I think about various animals that could f*ck up a wolf..

"Moose." I smirk and nod my head.Looks like I'm going moose hunting tomorrow.Cracking my back with a groan, I lay down next to the fire and grab a block of wood and my knife. Choosing to whittle while I wait.

- Leah POV -

"Sam! A leech was just at my house!"I pant loudly as I catch my breath. Having run back to my moms after I lost the leech. Mom called me scared saying there was a tiny leech on her doorstep, I rushed over as fast as I could and I saw it. f*cker was clever when it go away.

"What! Is Sue okay?"Sam's voice comes through our mental connection.

"She's fine! She said the leech wanted to trade some venison for the soap she makes? Here's the scent. I lost it in a herd of deer near the Cullen's."I close my eyes and share the stench across our connection.

"THAT'S THE SAME ONE I SMELT!"Paul's voice booms with a snarl.

"Calm down! We'll have to have the Cullen's scour their land and we need to increase patrols. This leech was brave coming out in the middle of the day.. On our territory no less."

Chapter 4: MOOSE CLOAK!

Chapter Text

- Next Day -

Groggily I open my eyes, slowly blinking as I reach out for my bottle of water I keep next to my bedroll. My hand fumbling until it suddenly hits my hand with force startling me out of my grogginess.

Eyes awake and alert I sit up still in my sleeping bag and look at the bottle. "Didn't I.. I forgot this at the table last night..." My eyes look down at the bottle and I hum, squinting at the object.

"Hm...." Holding my hand out, I think of grabbing my other bottle-

It's flung across the room right into my hand making my eyes widen. "HOLYsh*t, I CAN USE THE FORCE!"This has been my all-timelazynessdream. Holy f*ck, okay I need to start training right away. I want to be able to force push a boulder MILES.

"Okay, addition to plan. Make a deer skin Jedi outfit." I nod once agreeing with myself. "Time for breakfast." I get out of my sleeping bag and grab some jerky and water.

- Forest -

Running through the forest, falling leaves occasionally smacking me in the face. Making me sputter out in disgust, I leap over a fallen log and keep my ears peeled.Okay Samuel Winchester, where are you?

I've been running through woods for a solidguestimatedhour now.f*ck I need a watch.I grumble mentally until I hear the sound of water being sloshed around. Stopping I raise a brow and turn to run towards the sound.

I find a swampy marshland and spot a moose on the other side of the yuckiness. "Hehehe.." I cackle like a gremlin as I hold my hand out. Mentally grabbing the antler and pulling it towards me.

The moose startles and let's out a weird sound as it tugs against the invisible force. I scowl as I keep trying to pull it before giving up. "Fine, you won't come alive I'll just drag your paralyzed body!" I mentally envision myself tearing it's spinal cord just above the shoulders apart, a second later the moose drops limp. Unable to move it's legs, paralyzed from the head down. It bellows out in distress as I just stare at it.

"Holy f*ck nuggets. Never thought I would be a sith....Come to the dark side they said.." I mentally grab the mooses head and pull, it's easy to move now that it's limp. "It would befunthey said...Dew itthey said.. we havecookiesthey said.."


Finally I get the mooses body and sigh loudly. "Sorry fella, nothing will be wasted except your guts.." I lean down and bite down on his neck, drinking it's blood and draining it dry until I feel it's heart stop. Wiping my mouth clean with a scrap piece of cloth, I stand back up. "Thank f*ck I brought the blood bag." Grabbing my nasty backpack I have been using to hold meat when I hunt, I plop it on the ground as I grab my knife. "And so hell begins." I whimper out as my shoulders slouch.At least my zoomie speed will make this easier.

- Two Hours Later -


After two-ish hours of slicing meat and gathering moose pee in a bottle. I finally have all the stuff I need, plus a decent pile of innards for the local wildlife. Though I do need to hold the mooses decapitated and skinned head over my shoulders to bring it back. Using it's antlers over my shoulders to hold it as I run.I'm gonna make it into a trophy mount!My first moose


Running through the forest for another hour I'm minding my own business when something comes into my path startling me. "Gah!"

"Well well..whatdo we have here?" A pale white man with dark red eyes looks at me with a smirk. "A little girl all alone in the woods..? Must be my lucky day."

"What the f*ck.." He sprints to take me by surprise, tackling me to the ground I land on the moose skull smashing it to smithereens. "MY TROPHY!!" I scream out in anger as he pins me to the ground with a grin. Reaching down with one hand to his pants- "ohHELLno!I AM ACHILDSIR." Using the force I push him off my body full strength sending him flying into the air. Taking HIM by surprise, he gasps as he tries to move in the sky, like a cat trying to land on its feet.

"Supernatural 101!DECAPITATE!" I hold my hand out while he's still in the air. "Momma had a baby, but it'sheadpopped off!" I roar out as I hold my hand into a fist I flick my thumb upwards, his head goes flying from his neck. A shocked look on his face.

It lands with a loud thud and I scowl at it, waiting for it to move. I get up off the ground, keeping my eyes locked onto it. "Ah sh*t.. What did Sam and Dean do? Do they burn them? I can't remember its beenYEARS!Best be safe than sorry.. cant come back from the dead when you're ash." I scowl down at the body and set all my sh*t down near a tree. Zipping around the area I make a quick fire, breaking him up into small pieces I toss him in. The fire grows large due to his body. "Whoa.. dudes like gasoline... Of course he would be with histoxicpersonality,f*cking pedofile."If I had thought of it I would if given the bastard a blood eagle, Viking style.

- One Hour Later - Dwarvish Smial -

Finally back at my house.. though every once and a while I got a whiff of something sickly sweet on the way here. Shrugging my shoulders thinking it's just something rotting.

I enter my house and set down my pelt by the fire to dry the fur while I handle the food. Walking over to my ramshackle 'Cuboard' I grab the tubberware filled with salt and begin to deposit my meat inside to cure for a day. "Winter stock is looking good so far." I smile and turn back to the fire. Grabbing the stick I've been using for the larger pieces of meat, I shove a whole moose leg on it and let it cook. Spinning it occasionally with my Jedi skills, to help me train it. So I can use it continuously for longer periods of time.

Sitting down next to the fire on a butt shaped rock, I grab my knife from my sheath and the moose pelt. Beginning to clean the pelt of all the silver skin and meat I missed, tossing the silver skin into a bucket to be made into sinew thread.Saw a guy on TikTok shove some of the dried stuff in his mouth to rehydrate it, then wrap it around something. It apparently shrinks.. Plus I must find some moose poop and pine sad to make a resin to help seal my doorway.

- Next Day - River -

After having gone into town the night before and stealing some more things. I have a big metal bucket to help wash my clothes in using the soap Mrs. Clearwater gave me. Scrubbing the living hell out of the fabric against my new washboard to get it mostly clean.

Once I'm done I grab all the wet clothes and wring them out gently before plopping them in the empty bucket.I'll have to put them on the drying rope I made near the fire. Some lady had a broken clothes line that was in disrepair, so I stole the cable.

Walking into the river myself, I sit in the hole I dug with a rock to sit on inside and shiver. Grabbing the soap I set nearby I begin to lather my hands and spare cloth before scrubbing the sh*t outta my skin. Watching as red begins to fill the water and flow away.Ew, I must have gotten moose blood all over me.


Getting out of the river I wring my hair out before walking buck naked to my house with the bucket and a basket in hand. Entering inside I grab the clothes line and string it up before throwing all my clothes into it.

Sighing loudly I grab a towel I stole and dry my body and hair before putting on some clean clothes. Moving to sit down on my sleeping bag, I grab my moose pelt and drape it over the floor of my cave. Using my body as a measurement I use my knife to slice and trim around the edges making a rounded cloak. But I figured out since I'm growing, I'll fold the cloth up into itself and stitch it so if I need more length in future I'll just extend it. I don't want to waste an entire pelt just because I look ridiculous with a short cape.

I look over to the plank of wood perched against my wall with the marks made in charcoal signaling my growth. I frown in contemplation.What the f*ck am I? Am I just over analyzing everything..? No.."I must be a fast growing alien that drinks blood or something... Maybe I'm a chupacabra?" I shrug as I grab some of the shirts I stole from the outdoor store and use them as a lining for my cloak.

Using some deer leather trimmed to be thin but still strong, I grab my antler needle and begin the process of stitching it together.

Once I'm finished I grab my knife and begin to drill a hole into a small chunk of bone using it as the hole/button for the clasp. I hold it to the cloak with the leather and had the pin portion be a piece of antler attached to a leather strand.

Standing up I grab the cloak and shake it out before wrapping it around my body. Looking down at it I test the length and nod in satisfaction. I grab the clasp and make sure it works. "WOOHOO!!Da da daa daaaa~!Cloak get!" I hold my hands above me and cheer with glee, before turning in a circle and posing .Now to make some deer skin shirts and pants!

- Third Person POV -

"I don't know what the wolves are talking about. I don't smell anything other than wildlife, no hint of anything.." Rosalie crosses her arms with a scowl, angry that she needs to do this all for Bella. All because Edward was stupid and killed someone's mate.

"That's the point, the nomad coated themselves in deer urine and flee'd into a herd to escape. The she-wolf said so." Jasper kneels down to the ground and looks at the ground. Unable to see any clear tracks. "I can't see anymore tracks. They must have used the trees for a while after they lost the wolf. They're smart.."

Chapter 5: Look at all these headless chickens

Chapter Text

- Winter -MonthsLater -

Stocking the flames with my stick, I smile with glee as I tend to my fire cooking my salt baked roast. I stole some aluminum foil and coated the f*cker with herbs.It's going to taste HEAVENLY.I'm drooling already, although I'm interrupted from my tending by the sounds of booming claps my brows furrow in confusion.It's not storming out..what the f*ck was that noise??Squinting I grab my Moose ghillie cloak hung next to my door and run out the door sprinting into the forest towards the noises.Who the f*ck is making this much noise on my turf? They bout to get they ass whooped.I frown at the thought of more of thosethings, like that man who attacked me.

Hearing sounds of wolfish snarling I go alert as I book it faster.The mutant wolves are here??Leaping into the trees I run through the branches like Naruto, having mastered it in my short time being here. Looking down into the clearing my eyes widen.Are you f*cking kidding me??THIS ENTIRE TIMEIVEBEEN IN f*ckING TWILIGHT?!? I COULD OF BEEN WITHJACOBAND JASPER, HELL THE VOLTURI?!!INSTEAD OF THE GODDAMN WOODS?!?!?!?I look down and see an army of newborns fighting the Cullen's and wolves.oh it's the Victoria battle.

"Jesus Christ..." I whisper softly knowing that they can't hear me from all the noise, looking down I see Jasper about to get ambushed from behind. "No, baby boy!" My eyes widen as I act without thinking. I hold my hand out, grabbing the newborn with the force. Using him as a puppet I fling him around and start killing the other newborns nearby. "Nah I don't think you lil bitch. Ain't nobody hurting the bestest boy."Jasper is my favorite character, along with the Volturi and Carlisle. I'll be damned if my southern gentleman daddy is hurt. Not on this smol girls watch! No siree!I snap that newborns head off with a flick of my wrist.They need help, I don't want any of them hurt.I quickly live onto the next. The Cullen's begins to look confused as Newborns heads just begin to fly off and get yeeted into the fire pits as I get increasingly lazy about it. Not bothering to hide anymore.Eh I'll just book it before they can realize I'm here. The moose musk bombs and my cloak I haveshouldbe enough to mask me.

My hands work overtime to slaughter them all. Looking to Jacob I see him about to get ambushed and his ribs broken. "Tsk. Watch your ass puppy." Flicking my wrist I move Jacob out of the way so he cant get hurt, allowing him to kill the newborn with a snarl. before resuming the slaughter.Jacob may be a dingleberry, but he's still a better pick over Edweird.

Carlisle stops fighting and looks around to the trees, for the person helping.. his eyes lock onto my form and they widen.Ah sh*t, the puppeteer has been seen.I give him a wink and return to murder. Humming the lyrics to 'Tiptoe through the tulips'.

The last newborn is yeeted into the fire and I sigh. Dusting my hands off with a smile, standing up to crack my back. I go to move and run just as Carlisle talks out loud and everyone turns to look me.f*ck.

"Ah sh*t.....DISAPPEARING NOJUTSU!" I throw open a bag of ash causing an obstructing cloud to form and open my bottle of musk pouring it over my head and I book it. Leaping through the branches holding my arms back like naruto. I hear them follow me as well as the wolves.

God dammit can't a girl just anonymously help and leave?"OI! LEAVE ME ALONE! DONT YOU FIND IT CREEPY FOLLOWING A LITTLE GIRL HOME! f*ckINGPEDOS!" I bellow out as I continue to run, making sure I lose them before I go to my house.

"WE JUST WANT TO TALK!" Jasper bellows out from below.

"YEAHSURE!DO YOU GOT PUPPY'S AND CANDY TOO?! MAYBE AWHITE VAN PERCHANCE???" I hear the wolves snarling beneath me and I groan rolling my eyes.

Then all of a sudden I'm tackled off the tree, landing with a loud oof on the ground. Feeling something snap in my chest. "OWW!!THAT HURTS LIKE A BUTTCHEEK ON A STICK!" Jasper pins me down as he pants, I'm suddenly surrounded by dogs.

He finally gets a good look at me and his eyes widen, his pupils blacken. "An immortal child?!"

"The f*ck? That's rude! Insulting me after I killed over 25 newborns all by myself-" Flicking my finger I push all the wolves back a few steps startling them all. "Back up pupps, I don't wanna hurt you, but come any closer and I'll start defending myself proper. The only reason y'all ain't like the newborns is because I'mnice." They start to growl except one making me roll my eyes.

Carlisle appears by Jaspers side along with the rest of the Cullen's. "You're seriously pinning down a child b-t-dubbs." I say with a deadpanned face as Jasper holds me, I just lay limp on the ground. Not wanting to irritate my nowbrokenribs.

"What.. How are you here little one?" Carlisle says as he approaches with wide eyes, having never personally seen an immortal child.

"Let me go Blondie I wanna go home. I have abeautifulsalt baked venison roast going on my fire and frankly I need to add more wood. It needs to cook for atLEASTsix hours for peak flavor and juiciness."Seriously after all that work I just want to lay down and relax in mysleepingbag. Maybe carve something to keep the boredom at bay.. maybe I'll make some more cutlery from some bones? I've always wanted a skull goblet.

"Jasper let her up." Jasper looks up at Carlisle who nods at him he exhales through his nose and gets up holding my arm.

I hiss out in pain as I'm moved. "OW OW OW!f*ckin dingleberry broke some ribs.. AND I AINT NO IMMORTAL CHILDDIPsh*t. IM AHALF N HALF. HALFHUMANHALFVAMP."f*ckINGf*ckf*ck THAT HURTS!.I roll my eyes as I use the force to pry his fingers from my arm. The moment I do I buckle and he moves swiftly to grab me. Holding me gently in his arms.

"You're injured?" Carlisle asks as he kneels down with a raised brow.

"No sh*t Sherlock." I say with a saccharine tone and smile.Just because they're my favs doesn't mean I'm gonna take the stupidity. "I got tackled by a living statue!" I roar out. "OF COURSE IM HURT.Captain f*cking obvious.." I hold on ribs and give him a weary look.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I'm a doctor. Why don't you come with me to my home so I can take a better look at that..?" He gestures to my chest.f*ck, I'm not getting outta here. Dumbasses think I'm an immortal kid, so they're under law to kill me. I've put doubt in their mind so they most likely want to assess me.. It's better if I go.

Sighing softly I look up at him. "What about my roast?" I squint at the doctor.I won't let that deers sacrifice to feed me be in vain. I won't allow any food to be ruined or wasted.

"I can take care of it." Emmett volunteers and I sigh mentally.f*ck.. They're gonna find my house sooner or later.."It needs to go for one more hour.. Follow the scent of moose musk to a cave covered in vines.. there's a door." Emmett nods his head sniffs the air before bolting towards my house.

"May I carry you?" Jasper kneels down slightly and offers, I sigh.

"Sure Brokeback mountain whatever floats your boat." Carlisle chuckles softly and Jasper lifts be up bridal style I wince in pain.

"How old are you?" Jasper asks as he looks at me, walking faster than a human but still keeping me steady.

"Dunno." I shrug my shoulders wincing in pain. "Never thought to count.. I woke up next to a dead lady and I've been in the woods ever since.."

-Cullen'sHome -

Jasper lays me down on the table and Carlisle moves to cut my deer hide shirt off. "OI!No!" I slap his hand with an angry scowl. "It took meforeverto make this thing!" I sit up and unclasp my cloak, tossing it on the chair before taking my shirt off seeing the bloodstained undershirt I made from the shirt I fought the bear in. Carlisle's eyes widen and he opens his mouth. "It's old bear blood. f*cker tried to make a meal outta me when I found my home.." I smirk evilly. "I punched his skull in, drunk him dry and ate him for dinner. His pelt is now my rug under my sleeping bag."

Carlisle begins to exam my ribs and quickly binds them, ordering me not to move too much until they can heal. Jasper for some reason is still in the room speaks up. "You can stay with us if you like.. what's your name darlin?"

"Alexis." I shrug my shoulders and wince. "And no thanks."I don't want to deal with Bella and the f*cking Volturi when the kid is born-

"How do you know Bella's name?" Edward barges in with wide eyes a snarl on his lips.Ah sh*t, couldn't have given me immunity to this dipsh*t?Like every other fanfic I've read??Jasper moves quickly to stand in between me and Edward. My brows furrow in confusion at this.The f*ck is Brokeback doing?

"Nunya." I say with a straight face to Edward, thinking of an loading ring.

"What-" He squints at me in confusion trying to read my thoughts that only come out as loading.

"NUNYAf*ckINBUSINESS BITCH." I imagine the desk slapping meme with the wheeze. I laugh loudly at him, pointing with a gleeful grin. "Oldest trick in the book Edweirdo, for an eternal teenager youreallydon't interact with themat all." Carlisle squints at me confusion.Ah sh*t, he didn't introduce himself..

As I'm sitting there and breathing, I catch a tantalizing familiar scent. Since I used my power so much and it's almost dinner time my pupils dilate in hunger.Food. Edwards eyes widen and he goes to grab me but Jasper blocks with a snarl, I zoom past him in the chaos. Taking advantage of my Munchkin like stature, I exit the room, booking it past Bella to Emmett who has my roast still in foil in hand.

I snatch it from him like a football and walk outside to eat on the porch. Sitting on the edge I claps my hands together. "Itadakimasu." Digging in with my hands since I don't have my forks or knives I made from moose antlers with me.I'll make some travel cutlery later.

Edward comes downstairs and looks at me in confusion as I happily eat my roast. Wiggling with stimming glee as I chomp on the pure dopamine.Venison, Yummy yummy, YUMMY YUMMYYUMMYYUMMYVEN-I-SON! I did my time! But I want out-The wiggles fruit salad song plays in my head with replaced words mixed with Slipknots psychosocial.This is some damn good Venison. Thank you Mr. Deer for your sacrifice.

"Would you like a plate dear?"Jesus Christ!A wild Esme appears! Esme holds a plate with a fork, knife and napkin on it.

"Oh.. uh... thank you ma'am." I bow my head to her in thanks and grab it. Setting my roast down on it, cleaning my hands off and resuming eating with a fork.

"How can you..eat.. that?" Edward looks at me in disgust as he watches me eat.

I stare at him with a scowl.Is he... Retarded?I give him a deadpan stare and imagine that one internet video where the guy tries to shove a glass mason jar up his ass..(if you know you know.)Edward gags and runs away and I smirk returning to my food. "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes Eduardo."

Emmett and Jasper sit down next to me on either side.Must be keeping watch of the inmate..Emmett leans close to my chest and listens to me, his eyes widen. "You got a heart beat!" Jasper just watches me with a weird look.

"Really?I haven't noticed." I say with a deadpan expression, I take another bite staring him in the eyes. He looks away first making me smirk.

"Forgive my crassness.. but.. How are youalive..?" Jasper asks, clearing his throat.

"Oh mysweetestboy." I hold a hand to my heart as I look him in the eyes.Poor boy must be a virgin."When a daddy vampire likes a mommy human they f*ck and the undead sperm fertilizes the egg. Then the baby sucks the life out of the mom like a juice pouch, 3 months later the baby pops out of the mommy's stomach like a chest burster. the end." I pat him on the head with a smile and return to my food. He smiles at the head pat.

"That'shorrible.." Bella appears and looks at me.

"Don't get anywildideas..Trust me..I figured it out that the dead lady I woke up next to was my mom. My hypothesis was she was running from the vamp or something and went into labor in the woods.. and the chest burster(me)ripped through her like a piece of one ply toilet paper.. I didn't know what was going on but I took all the clothes off her back and buried her."

"I saw your house. It's pretty dope." Emmet comments with a smile.

"Why thank you. I worked really hard on it. All of the meat in my cupboard I hunted and cured myself." I say with a proud smile.Being self sufficient is so satisfying. I'm a independentHalf-pire! I don't need no man!

"Why haven't we smelt you nearby if you've been here so long?" Rosalie asks as she looks down at me in pity. Thinking of me as a child most likely.

"I dunno.Probablycause I've been either covered in animal blood or use the musk and pelts of animals to mask my scent to make hunting easier."Those meddling wolves!!Reaching for my satchel to show them my brows furrow when it's not at my hip.

Jasper notices and gets up with lighting speed returning with it in his hand. "Why thank you. You'resucha Southern gentleman." I smile at him and grab my vials of musk, uncorking it I hold it out. Emmett leans forward curious and gags visibly at the scent, they all hold their noses closed.

"Ugh!How can you stand that!" Emmett looks at me with bewildered eyes.

"Easy, you either wear natures perfume or be attacked by rogue vamps and giant dogs. Some f*cker tried to rape me when he found me. He madenicekindling for my fire." I make a sad*stic grin, imagining the rogues head burning in my firepit. Jasper growls deeply, clenching his fists on his lap. I raise a brow at this reaction.

The hairs on the back of my neck stand straight.Wolves.Standing up quickly I look to the woods. "The paw patrol is on its way!"Paw patrol, paw patrol. We'll be there on the double!Edward laughs softly into his hand having come back from being scarred mentally by me. I sit back down with a sigh, keeping my musk bombs handy.They won't attack if I'm in-between the hulk and Major Tom here.

Sam Uley jumps through the foliage butt ass naked approaching in his human form. I gag and use my force to hold a bunch of leaves up to cover his nudity. His eyes widen as he sees the leaves hovering in the air.

Clearing his throat he collects himself from the outburst. "Carlisle, we need to speak." He looks back up to the vampires.

"Certainly Sam, how may I help?" Carlisle comes out from inside the house with a look of concern.

"It.. appears that Jacob has imprinted.. I have ordered him to stay at the pack house until i have spoken to the imprint." His eyes flick to me.

"Gasp!" I say the word audibly and Emmett chuckles softly at me. "Hey..wait a minute.." The kid from Barney plays in my head. I look to Bella and see that she's still human.. and no bump on her tum tum. "But Refrigerator hasn't been born yet!" I point at her belly with a confused look.Who the f*ck has Jake imprinted on? Her f*cking eggs???

"..What?" Sam squints in confusion at me, not understanding what I'm talking about.

"Rengoku!" I imagine Renesme's sh*tty CGI face in my head and Edward gasps, his eyes wide as he sees Bella's dying form in my mind.

"See he gets it. Wrap yoursmeatEdward.Dont be a fool, wrap your tool." I turn to look at him with a raised brow.

"What is she talking about." Bella asks wrapping her arms around herself, leaning against Eduardo who holds her close to him.

"She.. she saw you pregnant with ahybridbaby.. A little girl named Renesme.. itkilledyou.." Edward looks down at his fiancΓ©e.

"Yep, Renesquik." I nod my head sagely.You can still get yo dick wet Eddie boy, just have a gallon of spermicide and make sure she's on the pill plus condoms.

"Why do you keep calling it different words with the letter R?" Emmett asks with a smirk, trying to hold back a chuckle.

"Because it's astupidf*cking name. Anyway Jakey boy got imprintedgasp!With whomst?" I lean forward with a raised brow. Stroking my chin in thought about who it could be.One of the Cullen's?

"You." Sam says looking me in the eyes, Jaspers eyes go black as he snarls softly under his breath.Huh? He can't be serious.. That's scientifically impossible.Renesmeis the imprint.. He HAS to be joking.

After a moment of silence I bust out laughing, kicking my tiny child feet in the air. "That'shilarious! Nice one Sammy." I mimic wiping a tear.

Sam squints at me not understanding why I'm acting like this. "I'mnotlying."

I stop and look at him again, looking at his facial features for any signs of a crack.Damn brain, can't figure out sarcasm... Okay he has a super serious face.. no bullsh*t detected.."Oh sh*t he's telling the truth..

Chapter 6: Imp- what??

Chapter Text

I sit back and look at him, squinting....*Computing*...The windows dial up noise plays in my head. "Hmm.....Yeahnah. I'm done." Getting up off the porch I dust myself off.f*ck this bizz, everything was so much more simple as a hermit. I'm going Home.

"Done? What do you mean?" I ignore his questions and grab my sh*t with my force and zoomie speed.

"Shes going back to her home... injured or not. She says 'everything was so much more simple when she was a hermit'." Edward spills my tea without my consent.

"Oi!" I appear at his side and jump up like Mario before smacking Edward upside the head, he winces and bends away. "DON'T MAKE ME SHOW YOU MORE CURSED sh*tSQUIDWARD!I've seen two girls onecup." I squint at him and growl deeply, pointing at him. His eyes widen as he gets a preview when I think of the words. "Honestly? f*ck y'all. I did something nice, even went out of my way and ya hurt me. I'm outtie 5000." I give them a peace symbol as I walk away, Jasper begins to visibly panic as he looks to Carlisle.

"Alexis-" Carlisle begins to speak, trying to beckon me back.

"I don't care if you're a sexy doctor dilf. Iain'tstaying." I keep walking then zoom off with Vampire speed. Not noticing that Jasper follows me with a look of panic and worry.

- Home -

Walking into my house I look at the state of my home and growl deeply. "Emmett you f*cking uncleanneanderthal!" Looking at the state of my home. My floor covered in charcoal and ash, as if he took handfuls and flung them everywhere.. like he dug into the fire pit like a goddamn dog. "I can't f*cking sleep until this is clean.." I sigh as I walk over and grab my reed broom, just as there's a knock on my door.

"GO AWAY! NO SOLICITORS!" I growl towards my door as I wince, leaning down to scoop up the stuff into my stone dustpan.

The door opens without my consent.I forgot to f*cking bar it.Jasper walks in with a worried look, seeing me bent over and in pain he acts. "Let me." Jasper grabs the broom and dustpan from my hands and begins to clean.

"Thef*ckare you doing here?" I squint at him in utter confusion.I expected the dog to come or something..

"I.. I was worried you would hurt yourself by running.. I wanted to stay and keep an eye on you." Unclasping my cloak, I hang it up before turning to clean out the firepit with the force only for Jasper to beat me to it.

"Would you stop!? I've been surviving for almost a year by myself now. I'm perfectly capable!"Treating me like a goddamn child! I may look like I'm 5 but goddammit I'm 26!

"I don't want you to injure yourself more.. it'smyfault you're like this, let me take care of you until you're better." He gives me the best puppy dog eyes and I cave.

"UGH. If it will make you go away faster, be my guest." I gesture to my home before rolling my eyes, I walk over to my sleeping corner and scowl.I need to make a better bed..

Walking over to a small basket holding charcoal. I grab a piece and walk to my more flat wall. I begin to sketch a design for a bed frame and possible bed.Hmm.. I could make a giant bag made of leather.. but what would I put in it? I don't have access to hay.. Or I could make a hammock..

"Whatcha designing darlin?" Jasper asks as he sets up my fire pit.

"A bed, I'm sick of the sleeping bag."I could grab some birds with the force and pluck them? No..

Jasper smiles as he watches me think. "What's got you stumped?" He raises a brow as he gets the fire started.

"What I'm going to put inside it.. plus the overall size, im growing so its going to need to be big.. I'm running out of space in here.. I'm going to have to start digging to expand my dwarven smial... Ugh, so much to do." Dragging a hand down my face with a groan.Maybe I can dig a bed sized hole in the stone and fill it with dry grasses and pelts, to keep the heat in.. Yeah that sounds good.

"Just say the word and I can get you whatever you need.." he says with a raised brow, watching me think.

I turn to look at Jasper with a scowl. "I don't need anything from you or your family, thank you very much! If I need something and cant make it myself, I steal it or barter." Turning away from him to the wall to continue thinking. Not noticing Jasper text someone.

"I could buy you books?" He raises a brow as he makes the fire nice and strong.

"I could steal em." I shrug my shoulders as I make some adjustments, Jasper sighs softly.

"Please? I feel guilty about hurting you..." I sigh loudly, pinching the bridge of my nose.God dammit.. I can't say no to that sexy f*cking accent. He has no reason being this hot.

"Get me a book on plants, for foraging. We'll call it even." I roll my eyes and begin to get ready for bed. Jasper smiles wide and nods his head.

"Of course Darlin. I'll be here until you wake up okay? I'll make sure nothing happen-"

"NUHUH.Out mister!"I can only deal with a Southern cowboy daddy for so f*cking long!I point to ths door with a scowl, Jaspers eyes widen and he sighs. Nodding his head he gets up off my sitting rock.

"Fine fine.. I'll be visiting you at least.. It was wonderful to meet you." Jasper bows his head before he zooms away. The moment he's gone I use my ability to bar the door, lifting the beams and putting them in place.

- Third Person POV -

"What do you mean she'snothere?!" Jacob yells as he begins to panic, his imprint is hurt and they let her walk away!?

"Jacob calm down." Edward says as he scowls at the wolf.

"Calm down?!HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF BELLA WAS INJURED AND YOU HAD NO IDEA WHERE SHE WAS?!?" Jacob growls out at his wolf begins to pace inside of him begging to change to search for his imprint.

"Emmett knows where she lives. He'll take you there." Emmett comes down the stairs with a sigh, motioning for the wolf to follow just as Jasper appears.

"How is she son?" Carlisle asks as he steps forward.

"Shes grouchy and in little pain but she's fine..." Jasper then smacks Emmett with a snarl. "You made a mess of-" Jasper looks to Jacob. "Her home!"

"Ah jeez! Sorry!" Emmett rubs the spot on his arms that got hit.

"Shes okay?" Jacob asks with wide eyes.

"Yes she's fine, she was just heading to bed when I left.. Did you get my text Alice?" Alice zooms out of the house holding a laptop in her hands, looking to her brother.

"Yup! Just bought enough goose feathers and foam core for a queen sized bed. Plus a few books on plants." Alice says with a smile.

"Thank you." Jasper smiles before side hugging her.

"Anything for you and my soon to be sister." She says with a smile, only confusing Jacob.

"Shes thinking of expanding her cave.. I'm a bit worried it might cave in." Jasper grits his teeth.

"Could we convince her to at least do it with another person there?" Carlisle asks as he crosses his arms.

"I can try.. She'sverystubborn." Jasper says with a smirk.

- Dwarven Smial -Next Day - Afternoon -

Using my fists I punch into the rock, making my knuckles grow bruised but I'm doing a good job punching through the stone. "I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole, diggy diggy-" Punching another time I look at the progress and nod. Turning around to walk outside to grab some logs I open the door and squeak in surprise. Seeing Jacob and Sam in their human forms as well as the rest of the pack in their wolf forms.

"JESUS MARY AND JOSEPH." Holding my hand to my chest to calm my racing heart. "DONTDOTHAT! I COULD HAVE HURT YOU!"f*ck man!

"Sorry for startling you, we thought you heard us approach." Sam bows his head to me and I sigh.

"I was singing and knocking down stone." Sighing loudly I put my tiny hands on my hips. "How can I help you?"

"I came here on pack business and Jake wished to meet you." Sam looks to Jake with a smirk.

"Let's get the business outta the way. Whatcha need?" I raise a brow as I lean on my door casing.

"The elders of our tribe wish to meet you." Sam nods his head and I groan.Ugh meeting new people.

"I assume right now?" I raise a brow.

"Yes, that would be preferred. The sooner the better." Sighing again I walk back inside and grab my Moose cloak and travel satchel. Throwing the cloak around my shoulders I clasp it and walk back out. Closing my door and pinning it shut with a piece of wood. Having made sure the fire was out.

"Let's get this over with already."

Jake walks into the woods and transforms before walking back. Crouching down to allow me to ride him with a pleading gaze. I scrunch my face up at the thought but sigh and hop on.Who knows when I may get the chance to ride a wolf horse again?

- Black Residence -

Walking into the house with a human Jake right behind me. I look around at the decor and nod, we soon come up on the kitchen and I see a bunch of old people-

Gasping softly with a smile I point at the lady sitting at the table. "Mrs. Clearwater!"

"It's you!" She says with an astonished look not expecting me, a small child to be Jakes imprint.

"It's so nice to see you again ma'am, your soap is amazing!" I say with a smile before using my Vamp jump and hopping into a chair, sitting down.

"Well I'm glad you enjoy it." She says with a smile creeping onto her face.

A man wearing a cowboy hat speaks up. "Hello, I am chief of the Quileute tribe Billy Black. Jacob is my son."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Chief Black. My name is Alexis Jones." I bow my head to him slightly in greeting.

"It has come to our attention as Elders that Jacob has imprinted on you. This is the first case of a Wolf shifter imprinting on a cold one-"

"Half cold one, sorry to interrupt." I motion for him to go on.

"Regardless of this, you will be given the rights of all other imprints and will be allowed access to La Push.. But we must ask that you don't hunt our people or any humans for that matter.."

"Oh that's easy peasy." I wave it off with a smile. "Humans smell gross to me. I've been living off of animal blood and meat for almost a year, ever since I've been here really." I say with a thoughtful nod.

"Truly?" He says with a raised brow.

"Mphm." I nod my head with a smile. "I know how serious imprints are.. so I guess Jacob can come over to my home whenever he wants."

"We offer the same, you are welcome in this house." Billy smiles genuinely to me.

"Thank you Mr. Black. Now I'm afraid I need to get going. I'm in the process of expanding my cave." I look down to my bruised knuckles. "It was a pleasure meeting all of you." I hop down onto the floor and they all wish me goodbye.. except Jake who follows me.

"You.. coming too Jake?" I say with a raised brow.

"If.. if that's okay..?" He asks me, a bit unsure.

"Sure! You can help me if you want!" I say with a smile and he smiles back.I could use those bigstrongmuscles.. Plus his ambient body heat will warm up my cave some.

Chapter 7: Hanging out

Chapter Text

- Dwarven Smial -One Hour Later -

Grabbing the beam I made, I bring it inside with the help of Jacob guiding it. Slotting it into place against the other beam, I use them like Lincoln logs. Pushing it so it's now in the archway I step back and smile. Jake looks down at me happy, I rest my hands on my hips with a smirk.Who needs a fancysmancyhouse, I have my Hovel. I made a hole a home, a true Hobbit Smial.

"Alright, section one done! Now back to work."Gotta finish section 2, then I can start my bedroom and guest room.Punching my palm I step back and begin to punch the stone wall. Jacobs eyes widen and he quickly grabs me pulling me away from the wall, making me squeak.

"OI!What's the big idea?" I turn in his arms and squint at the wolf.

"You're hurting yourself doing it like that, don't you have any tools?" He looks down at my bruised knuckles with a frown.

"Does itlooklike I have tool money Jacob? They don't exactlysellpickaxe's in town." I give him a deadpan stare.Who needs tools when I have my fists!

"I can buy you one." He offers with pleading eyes.

"No, I don't particularly like it when people gift me things outside of the assigned holidays. It makes me feel as though I owe them." Crossing my tiny arms, I'm still miffed that I was sent here with my autism still in tact... I'vealwayswondered how the neurotypicals think.. Must benicehaving a clean office cubicle for a brain instead ofmybrain, a hyper active dog in a squirrel sanctuary. I don't have a train of thought, it's a game of pong constantly bouncing and making weird connections and derailing conversations.

"Will you at least come to the pack house for Christmas next week?" Sighing loudly I pinch the bridge of my nose, he gives me puppy dog eyes.

"How many people will be there?" I look at him with a raised brow.Now I gotta make f*cking gifts. This is gonna stall my expansion.Won't even be able to work when he's gone.. for f*ck sakes.

"All twelve of the pack, and three imprints." He looks me in the eyes.

"Forf*cksakes.." I sigh loudly again. "My poor knife.. fine!"I'll do it for the free food!"Come here, sit down." I point to the sitting rock. Jake follows my command easily, with curiosity in his eyes.

Walking over to my wooden basket I made I rummage through the leather scraps and find a decent one. Walking back over to Jake I wrap it around his wrist and nod, marking it with a light slash. "Okay, take your clothes off." Jake blushes a bright red in embarrassment.

"I uh-"

"I need to measure your wolfs wrist." I raise a brow at him and he clears his throat but nods, getting up off the rock to go outside.

A moment later I hear claws gently against the door. Walking out I smile at him. "God you aresocute as a dog." This comment causes Jakes tail to wag happily as I shake my head and walk over to his feet, he holds his paw up for me. Wrapping the leather around his paw I nod and make another slash. Grabbing the leather I try to stretch it before nodding to myself.

"Okay dokie Jake. You can get dressed, thank you." I kiss his the end of his snout and turn back to walk inside.Damn animals make me weak, even if they are people.

Grabbing a block of scrap wood, I plop down on my sleeping bag with my knife. Beginning to carve one of MANY different wolves, making sure to add a tiny loop in the wood so I can string it on the bracelet. Deciding to make necklaces for the imprints, with wolves howling towards a heart.

Jake walks back inside dressed and sits down next to me, watching me work. "So uh.." Jake scratches the back of his head. "..You act a lot different than how you look." He comments as he watches me work.

"Would you rather I go 'goo goo ga ga'? Or scream and yank your tail and hit you with a water bottle?" I raise a brow as I focus, quickly finishing it with my speed. Moving onto another one.I'll have to put them over the fire to char them, to make them water proof. Like how they do them to wooden bark boats.

"N-no I just noticed it.. why is that? Is it because you're a hybrid?" He tilts his head.

"Nope." Popping the p. "It's because I'm from a different reality, went to bed 26 woke up 4." Finishing another wolf charm that's puffed up.That's Sam's done, now to make a snarling one for Paul.

"R-really?" His eyes widen in surprise.

"Yep, I got out of the shower and the power went out. Grabbed a book from my mom's shelf, coincidentally one about Bella's life. Laid down read some of it and fell asleep, woke up in the woods covered in blood like this next to a dead lady." I shrug with indifference.

"Wait, a book aboutBella?" Jacob squints in confusion.

"Yep, this entire reality is based on a book series called Twilight that follows Bella's journey to immortality and 'love'. From the day she leaves for Forks to when she's married and has a kid with Edward, to the fake vision fight with the Volturi... Still f*cking miffed about how they revealed that in the movies. Made me cry like a baby when Leah died." I scowl as I continue to carve

"Leah died?!" He yells loudly making me wince

"No not really, it was Alice's vision that she showed Aro of the future he was set on, the whole coven of the Volturi would of been wiped out. He backed down afterwards after he saw another hybrid from Brazil. They left andboomstory done." Jake sighs with relief. "The wolves were my favorites you know. Why the f*ck would you want to be a vampire when you could turn into awolf. I was #TeamJacob all the way." I make a hashtag with my fingers.

"Team Jacob?" He says with a coy smile.

"Yup, when the movies came out there were teams because of your love triangle with you and Eddy boy going for Bella." I chuckle softly.

"You don't have to worry about Bella anymore.." He says with a small smile, i shrug. Knowing damn well that Bella is a sh*t human being.f*ck I love Bella bashing fanfics.

"If I wasn't here you would have imprinted on her kid she had with Ed. My head cannon, was you liked her so much because your imprint was still an egg." I shrug my shoulders as I plop another wolf charm down. Jacob laughs softly, leaning back as he looks at me. "I'll be damned if Eddie boy impregnates her now. He basically killed her by not wearing a condom,f*cking moron." I shake my head with mirth "Edward is myleastfavorite character from the movies."

"Oh? I agree with you on that front, who was your favorite?" Jake tilts his head at me.

Humming softly I stop carving to think. "Tier list style?" Jacob nods. "Okay. Carlisle, best boy. Jasper 2nd best. Then you then the Volturi. Then Emmett. The rest I could give less of a f*ck about. But Esme and Charlie needs to be protected at all costs, they are too good for this world."

"Why's Carlisle your favorite?" He asks with furrowed brows, scrunching up his face.

"Uh, hello? hot sexy doctor? Whoreekscaring daddy top energy?" I raise a brow at him with a smirk, watching as Jacob gags in disgust.It's probably weird having someone who looks like a 5 year old talk about this sh*t. Hah!"Gotta say thought, there wasn't enough fanfiction with him in it." I sigh softly with a frown.Why can't people be as much as a degenerate as me?

"Fanfiction?" Jacob sits forward with interest.

"sh*t.." I blush slightly as he smirks.

"C'mon spill." He nods towards my direction.His smirk is too hot goddamnit.."What type of stuff have you read about?"

"Gah! fine.. I've read my fair share of you/readers and Jasper/readers.. And the vamp kings/reader.. If Eddie boy looked into my noggin he wouldfaint, his poor virgin Christian heart couldn't take the amount of puredebaucheryI've read." I chuckle evilly at the thought.

Jacob laughs loudly, smacking his thigh. "I wouldpayto see that."

"You and me both Jake." I say with a smile. "Oh! I forgot to tell you. Okay I scarred him when he read my mind one time. Okay so in my world there are videos from thedarkerside of the internet that somehow gained traction. There's even a website where they all congregate.. I sadly was a stupid child with asshole friends who showed me the videos.. anyway I mentally showed him a video of a guy shoving a glass mason jar up his ass that broke. His face!!" I cackle loudly clapping my hands at the memory that I willalwaystreasure.

"God! Why would anybody do that?!" Jake says with a look of horror.

"No f*cking idea.. When you'rethathorny and desperate to be filled, guys will shove anything up there ass.. I've encountered a photo where a guy shoved a buzz lightyear toy up there." I say with a scowl.

"Yuck!" He gags audibly making me giggle.

A knock comes to my door alerting me and Jacob. Jacob gets up before I can and opens it, reveling Jasper holding a Tupperware container. Jaspers jaw clenches when he sees Jake.

"Oh hey Brokeback, how's it hanging?" I tilt my body so I can look around Jake.

"Hey Alexis." He looks to me with a smile that turns into a scowl when he looks to Jake.

"Let him in! I didn't work that hard to heat the f*cking forest!" Jacob clenches his jaw but steps to the side, allowing the vampire in.

"Whatcha got there? An offering to the woodland god,akame?" I say with a smirk.

"Esme made some cake for Bella and told me to bring you some." Jasper says with a smile, setting the Tupperware down.

"Oh that's sweet of her. Thank her for me." I smile at him in thanks.Can't deny free food, it will help me make sure I have enough to last the winter.

"She uh.. also wanted me to ask you if you wanted to spend Christmas with us?" He shrugs his shoulders, putting his hands in his pockets.

"She can't, shes spending it with the pack." Jake says with a scowl, angry that this vampire is taking an interest with his imprint.

"Ah bup bup!" I interrupt Jake holding up my hand. Leaning forward I hold my hands together with a raised brow. "Will there befood?" Acting like I'm negotiating.

"Yeah, Esme is making food for Bella when she comes over." Jasper says with an eager nod.

"Then yes I will come, after I've been with the pack. It would becriminalof me to pass up free food." I shrug my shoulders. I've always been a fat girl. I'm taking advantage of this hyper metabolism.. plus I'm wondering how normal food will taste.. eating only meat and blood for sustenance isn't that healthy....f*cking aye now I need to make more charms.

Chapter 8: Merry Chrysler πŸŽ„

Chapter Text

- Christmas Day -

Grabbing my deer skin messenger bag, I grab the different charms of wolves and bats and put them in different pockets I made. Grabbing different Tupperware containers filled with Venison, Moose and mountain lion jerky I nod and clasp the bag shut with the antler clasp.

Looking down at my shirt I made a month ago I scowl.f*cking thing is getting small again.. I'm growing faster.Id say I'm biologically getting to 6 now..Sighing loudly I side on my deer leather pants and shirt, grabbing my mountain lion fur belt to keep them up.

Hearing a soft scratching at my for i smile. "Coming Jake!" Sliding on my bag I walk to my door and put on my cloak.FOR THE FOOD!!!

Opening my door I walk out and my eyes widen when I see a wolf Sam standing there next to Jake. He bows his head to me in greeting, I bow back before closing my door. Pinning it shut with a wooden nail.

Jakes tail begins to wag when he sees me. "Merry Christmas Jake, Sam." I smile at them as Jake lowers himself to allow me to climb on.

- Pack House -

Jake and Sam slow down as we approach before stopping just outside, Sam walks off behind the house to change while Jake lets me get off his back. I walk over to his face and give him a kiss on the snout. "Thanks for the ride Jake!"

Jake nods and trots off quickly to change. Coming back a moment later with pants on and a smile.

"Emily is eager to meet you." Sam states as he approaches behind Jake.

"I'd love to meet her! I hear she's a great baker." I adjust the strap on my bag with a smile.

- Cullen's -

Jasper looks out the window with as scowl as everyone celebrates behind him in the living room.Why did she have to go with the mutt?He thinks as he watches the driveway for her to arrive.

"Jasper, Alexis is Jacobs imprint he has as much of a right to her time as you." Edward states with a sigh.

"I don't care." Jasper growls as he continues to stare, waiting patiently for her to arrive.

- Pack House -

Walking inside I look up and see all the wolves at the table helping Emily get everything set up.

"Hey guys." Jake says as he walks inside behind me, everyone turns and there eyes lock onto me.Ah f*ck.

"So you're Alexis! Jacob hasn't shut up about you." Paul says with a laugh, taking a sip of his drink.

"Yep that's me. Have y'all done gifts yet?" I ask as I take off my cloak, Jacob grabs it from me and hangs it up.

"Not yet. We were going to eat first." Sam states as he walks to Emily and kisses her on the lips with a smile.

"Oki doki! I'm excited for the food not gonna lie." I mini jump into the chair and sit down on my bag, using it as a booster seat. "All I've eaten is animal meat and blood." I chuckle softly as I look longingly at the food. "The fanciest meal I've had was a slow cooked venison roast."

"Oh sweetheart.." Emily says with a frown. "If you're ever hungry, don't be afraid to come by okay? You're welcome here."

"Thank you Emily." I say with a smile. "The pack is free to use my home as an outpost anytime. I'm in the middle of expanding it currently. I plan on adding guest rooms and a kitchen."

"Your home is impressive considering your size." Sam states as he sets down two whole turkeys on the table.

"Heh, thanks." I smile at him as he begins to cut the turkey up.

Jake stands up and grabs my plate from me. "What do you want?"

"Uhm.. Turkey, Corn, mashed potatoes and stuffing please." Jake nods with a smile and loads my plate up for me, setting it down in front of me to dig in.

Everyone watches my reaction as I take the first bite. I groan happily, closing my eyes in bliss. "Flavor sweet flavor.. how I've missed you.." Jared laughs at my reaction and I go in for more. Jake grabs his plate and sits down beside me.

- Gift Giving -

"Okay, uh.. I've made everyone something." I say once we all sit down in the living room.

"Honey you didn't need to do that-"

"I wanted to Emily." I dig through my bag and stand up. Walking to each member and handing them a bracelet, giving the necklaces to the imprints. "They are waterproof and the leather will stretch when you shift." I say with a smile as I hand Jake his.

He holds it and smiles wide at me, eagerly putting it on.

"Oh.. they're so beautiful! You made these?" Emily say as she looks down to the wolf howling in front of a heart. Sam looks down to his and smiles.

"Yep, hand carved." I smile at them as they enjoy my gifts.I love making people smile and happy.

Jacob quickly gets up and walks out of the room, coming back holding something behind him. "Dad couldn't make it since he's hosting a party at our house. So he sent me this to give to you in his behalf... Before you get mad, he found it in the old shed out back." Jacob holds a pickaxe out in front of him with a smile.

"Oh God!" I giggle softly and smile, grabbing it from him. "I'll have to give your dad a gentle hug when I see him next. Thank you!"

"What's the story behind that?" Sam asks as Emily sits on his lap, gesturing to the pickaxe with his head.

"Well.. when I was expanding, I didn't have any tools to break away the stone.. so I used my fists." Everyone's eyes widen at my statement.

"They were so bruised." Jacob states as he sits down picking me up causing me to squeak and setting me down on his lap... At first I was grumpy then I relaxed into the living space heater.Damn, Bella was right.Jacob smiles as he watches me relax.

"Well, I made you some chocolate chip muffins to take with you when you leave. Jacob said you had to go to the Cullen's."

I sigh loudly and nod. "Yeah.. I don't wanna go but.. as a fat girl at heart it's against the code to say no to free food." I hold my hand to my heart and my statement causes several of them to laugh.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" I dig into my bag and grab the Tupperware. "Here Sam."

"What's this?" He says with a raised brow as Emily grabs it for him.

"I know in your wolf form you guys go hunting often. Plus you have cravings for meat, so I'm giving you some jerky. Venison, Moose and mountain lion to be precise. All hunted by me." I say with a smile he grins at me and opens it, all of the pack eagerly sniff towards it making me chuckle.

"Thanks Alexis. I'll be eating this for snacks." He says with an appreciative smile.

- Cullen's - One Hour Later -

Jake trots up to the house with a scowl, stopping at the stairs he crouches to let me off.

"Don't be so mad Jake." I pet his head making him lean into my touch. "I'll see you tomorrow I promise." I say with a smile giving him a snout kiss.

He huffs in displeasure but nods to me, looking up to the stairs to see Carlisle and Esme. He nods to them and nuzzles into me one last time before leaving.

Sighing softly I walk up the stairs to them with a meek smile. "Welcome, Merry Christmas. We're glad you could make it."

"Thanks for the invite!" I say with a smile, letting them lead me inside. I see Jasper just behind them. He smiles at me.

"Howdy Brokeback." I tip my imaginary hat to him, he chuckles deeply.

"Bella ate before she came so there'splentyof food." Rosalie says with an angry scowl.God it's the first meeting all over again.

"Oh hoh! No need to worry, your hard work willnotbe in vain. I'll be taking it all home to eat in the coming days. I'llneversay no to free food." I wink at her and she smiles at me.

Stepping into the house I see Squidward sitting with Bella.I just don't understand how a woman could only want to exist with male validation.Edward turns and scowls at me and I wink.

Jumping I plop onto the couch next to Emmett who smirks at me. Jasper sits next to me with a smile.

"May I go first?" I say with a smile, everyone looks surprised that I have gifts.

"Sure!" Carlisle says with a beaming smile.

Grabbing the necklaces I begin tossing. A depressed bat sitting crouched for Edward, a bat holding weights above his head for Emmett, a bat with pixie wings for Alice, one with a cowboy hat and assless chaps for Jasper, one with a stethoscope and doctors coat for Carlisle, one with long beautiful hair for Rosalie and a bat surrounded by babies for Esme.. and a bat that's holding a shield for Bella.

"These are amazing!" Esme looks closer and admires the detail with a smile. Jasper looks at me with a smirk and raised brow as Emmett laughs at Jaspers necklace. I shrug my shoulders with a smirk.

"What's the shield for..?" Bella asks me as she looks at her necklace. Happy to be included.

"That's your power, you're a mental shield." I shrug my shoulders and she smiles at me.

Edward looks at me with a frown as he sees his.You are a depressed little bat Squidward. Don't deny it.He rolls his eyes and nods to me.

"Ahhh!I love it!" Alice squeals out as she puts it on with a smile.

"I'm glad you all like them."There now I don't owe them for the food.Edward looks at me confused, I avoid his gaze.

Everyone starts to hand gifts around and I sit there happy. Thinking about he food- until a wrapping paper clad box is shoved into my face by Jasper.

"Huh?" I look at it in confusion.

He smirks down at me and I take it reluctantly, he watches eagerly as I unwrap it.

It's a brand new iPod.. well brand new for 2006. My eyes widen and I look to Jasper. "Wha.."

"I would like to make a deal with you. You can charge it here whenever you want, but for the money to buy the songs.. every full 24 hours you spend here I'll add 10 bucks to your account." I squint at him.This mother f*cker..Edwards eyes widen.Clever bastard..I scowl and cross my arms, Jasper looks at me worried.

"UGH.Fine! You win." I look down at it with a frown.Just a couple days to get a decent playlist.. f*ck I can't wait for Spotify.

Jasper grins at me and nods before pulling out a bigger box. "Oh COME ON!"

"No deal with this one." He hands it to me with a smile. I groan and open it up revealing books on plants.Ooo!! A more balanced diet here I come!

"Thank you Jasper.. May I start those 24 hours now?"

"Sure darlin. You can stay in my room, I don't use the bed."This smooth mother f*cker, sliding into my dm's.

"Nah. You didn't specify." I smirk at him. "You didn't say I couldn't just sleep outside."

His eyes widen. "No-"

"NO TAKESIES BACKSIES BROKEBACK!" I cackle madly at him.Haha! Don't f*ck with an introvert, we getcleverto be alone!

Emmett chuckles along with me, letting me on the back. "You're clever kid."

"Why thank you King Kong. I shall begin construction of my shelter tomorrow. It will be on the property." Jasper deflates with a sad face. "I'll sleep on the couch tonight."

"Before you do.. I need to speak with you.." Jasper says with a look of worry.

I raise a brow to him. "Aight. We can talk."

Chapter 9: It's hotter in stories

Chapter Text

- Jaspers Room -

Plopping my ass on his bed, I look at the nervous looking vampire as he plays with his fingers. Trying his hardest not to look at me.The hells got his knickers in a twist? Did he murder something? He's a veggie vamp.. so.."Did you kill a puppy or something?" I raise a brow at him, his gaze snaps to my eyes. Swallowing the venom in his mouth he sits down next to me and sighs, trying to find the right words. Rubbing his palms against his pants.

"I.. uhm.... All beings have different types of bonds... A sibling, parent or lover.. but there's another.. the mate bond.."Oh you have got to be kitten me right meow.I stare at him with a look of constipation.Please tell me he's not mated to me.. That sh*ts only hot in fanfics! Having a predestined mate, someone I don'tknow personallywho's supposed to be my other half is bunk!f*ck man, this stresses me out.

Jasper stops talking for a moment, listening to the snitch downstairs then he looks at me, his back stiffens as he sits straight. Almost acting like a different person. "A mate bond is your other half of your soul. You're our mate."God.. WHY?! I MEAN IT'S HOT IN BOOKS BUT REAL LIFE?!?Jasper senses my distress and panic and concentrates hard, pushing calming waves over my emotions. I sigh out in relief.

"Thank you.. Uhm.. I thought Alice was your mate..?"That's what they made it seem like in the booksand movies.

"No, we were only fulfilling carnal desires with one another until either one of us found our mate.. No emotional attachments." He states clearly and straight to the point.

"f*ck.. How is this gonna work then?" I look at him in confusion.I'm literally stuck as a toddler for the next coming years. How could Refrigerator grow so fast?

"Obviously, we won't do anything within the sexual nature until your body has reached maturity. Even after that we would want you to initiate the first encounter." He nods his head towards me.

"O-okay.. What about Jake?"He's in protector bro mode right now, there's no doubt in my mind that I'm gonna wanna jump his doggy bones when my body ages. All thehornynessI've been spouting is just my personality, I shiver at how I'm gonna be during puberty. Around 13 is when I first experienced my sexual awakening.. awkwardly enough with a vampire queen from the queen of the damned movie.. Hot diggity she could suck me dry like a Capri sun and I would thank her and ask her to do it again. I was so sad when she died.

"We.." Jasper grits his jaw as he avoids my gaze. "We will respect your decision on the matter. If you wish to view him in a more lover form of gaze, we will not contest."

"Why are you acting different?"I squint at him, taking him in. Something sort of.. switched?

"Due to the trauma Jasper experienced during the southern vampire wars, his mind created another persona. Myself the Major, Jasper was feeling stressed so I took over the explanation... I apologize if this stresses you." He bows his head towards me.Should have noticed with the deeper voice. He screams sex appeal.

"Oh that doesn't bother me at all." Waving him off, The Major sighs with a smile and nods to me.

"That is good. Jasper is going to take over now, it was a pleasure meeting youlittle girl." He growls playfully with a smirk before Jaspers gaze unfocused for a moment, as if he's dissociating and his body relaxes.

"Sweet lord have mercy on my future self.." I touch my head then each of my shoulders in prayer.I'm not religious, but I'll pray to f*ckingCthulhuif I have to.

"It's getting late.. Why don't I set you up on the couch..?"

"Hm.. your bediscomfy.... I'll sleep here, but..NOO CREEPY SLEEP WATCHING LIKE SQUIDWARD DID TO BELLA. THAT sh*t WILLNOTFLY WITH ME!" I point at him, giving him my no nonsense face, he smirks and nods to me in agreement.

"Certainly darlin. Why don't I get you some food for dinner, it's been a while since you ate."

"Fine.. I'll come with." I hop off his bed and follow him to the kitchen.

- Next Morning -

"A cold wind blows as the angels cry~ The living will descend and the dead will rise.From way below, way below, waybelow~da dadadaa da daa da~"

I sing to myself as I dig into the dirt like a dog digging a hole. A good ways away from the house so I won't hit any wires or pipes. Slowly creating a large pile of soil behind me, I hear someone clear their throat. Turning around I see Emmett who's smirking at me. I had a talk with Carlisle and Esme before I started, but I've gotten permission to build an underground room for myself.

"Need some help short stack?" I roll my eyes at him as I continue to dig. Purposely flinging dirt at him. He sputters as he gets some in his mouth, stepping away from me with a frown. "Whatcha singing?"

"Ex Mortis by Ice Nine Kills. From their Silver Scream 2 album. It's about the movie The Evil Dead." I turn to look at him before continuing to dig. Having created a decent hold downwards, I leap up out of it and make my way to the forest to get some wood to build a ladder.

"Never heard of them before." He says as he follows me.You probably wouldn't.. the band was made in 2000. So they've only been around for 7 years here... They released their first album last year here.. The silver scream 1 doesn't come out until 2018.. I'm so f*cking miffed.I'm stuck listening to music I listened to as a young kid, before I had any taste.

"They're new.. just released an album.." Emmett nods and helps me rip some trees up.

Brining them back to process he leaves for a minute but comes back with a toolbox and a tool belt around his waist. "Let me help ya squirt. Woodworking is a hobby of mine." He says with a smile as he walks towards the tree and expertly cuts it into planks that are smoother than I could ever get them.

"Teach me your ways Master." I bow to him and he snorts out a laugh.

"Certainly my young Padawan. In due time. Let's finish your room first, Jasper and Esme are gonna help you connect it to the houses basem*nt." He begins to expertly put the ladder together and even tests it out with his body. "There nice and sturdy. You dig I'll handle the wood stuff." I nod to him with a smile and hop down the hole, digging the hallway to the first room.

- Four Hours Later -

Jasper slows down his run to a trot as he looks around, his mates scent still fresh in the air.. but where is she?

"FOUR!" A big glob of dirt is flung from the hole, forcing Jasper to dodge it. Emmett chuckles as exits from a hole on the ground. Walking over to an area littered in wood shavings and sawdust.

"She's started already?" Jasper asks his brother with a sad look.

"Oh hoh, you haveNOidea bro." Emmett snickers as he grabs a piece of paper form his pocket handing it to Jasper.

Jasper looks at it and his eyes widen. Alexis plans on taking all the dirt she's dig up to make a small mud room up top.. that looks like it came out of a Tolkien novel. Jasper chuckles softly at this. "FOUR!" Jasper watches as another big glob of dirt is flung out of the hole. Adding to the growing pile nearby.

"How is she doing that?" Jasper looks to his brother.

"She's multitasking, throwing dirt and using her gift." Jasper nods as he approaches the hole and drops down, his eyes widen at the amount of room. He sees his mate on all fours digging like a dog.

"Heya Darlin." Turning around she smiles at Jasper, turning back to continue her work.

"Howdy Brokeback."

"You've been busy since I've been hunting." He walks up to her and sees how filthy she's gotten. Dirt all over her tiny body.

"Ain't no rest for the wicked im afraid. Once we got the main supports in, Kong is gonna help me insulate and put in the drywall n stuff. When Esme gets home from the store she's gonna mark where I need to dig in the house."

"Watch your head!" Emmett drops a support down the hole, I move quickly to grab it so he can come down with the other two.

He moves easily through the hall and puts them up. "I think that's good for now squirt." He holds his hand up and I Mario jump to give him a high five.

"Let's a' gooo!" Emmett chuckles at me before returning to the ladder. "Man, I'm pooped.. I'm going to the river to shower-"

"No, you're going into the house." Jasper picks me up against my will, holding me over his shoulder like I'm a sack of potatoes.

"OI! What's with the man handling! This is discrimination!" I bellow out in indignation.

"Discriminationaye?" Jasper says with a chuckle as he jumps out of the hole.

"Discrimination against the vertically challenged!" I cross my arms and pout as he brings me up to the bathroom connecting to his room. We pass Esme who is putting away the groceries, she chuckles at the sight of me.

"I feel like a cat being forced to take a bath.. keep it up Jasper and I'll scratch."

"Darlin.." Jasper growls sexily at me making me squeak.

He enters the bathroom and plops me down in the shower. "Esme grabbed all the essentials.. I didn't know what scents you liked so I let it be up to her to decide.." Looking in the shower I see a bunch of bottles set closer to the floor than Jaspers. "I'll let you be.. Holler if you need anything."

Sighing I strip off my clothes and get in, watching as the brown water flows off me.Ew.

Chapter 10: Expansion ⛏️

Chapter Text

Opening my eyes slowly I groan loudly as I stretch out like a cat. Feeling my bones pop as I stretch, I sigh out in relief before I hop out of bed. Hearing some noises downstairs that doesn't sound like the kitchen, I zoom towards them and find Jasper and Emmett in the basem*nt. Cracking the basem*nt's cement open, revealing a beautiful wooden hallway..

"Holy sh*t.." I say as I look at them.

"Hey darlin." Jasper turns with a smile, wiping his hands free of the dust. "Just finished the basic structure inside, all the walls are put in and insulated."

"You guys worked all night?" I say with wide eyes, envying there ability of being permanent night owls.

"Yup, I'm gonna work on making your bed frame today."

"Is there anything I can do..?"If not I'm gonna go back to the Dwarven Smial and continue the expansion..maybe spend some time with Jake the dog HAH.

"Nope, we got it all covered.. I've even charged your iPod and added some money to the account, I bet your gonna want to go to the cave today right?"

"Is Squidward snitching on me?" I squint at Jasper and he chuckles.

"No, I've just gotten a feel for how you act. You dislike sitting still, you like to keep your hands busy."

"Damn, you right." I nod with a smirk. "I'm actually gonna work on the cave today.. I'm actually thinking about making it a place for the pack to chill if they can't go home for whatever reason.. When and if I move out of it."More than likely I'm gonna be a Veggie Vamp.. sigh.

"That's awfully kind of you, going through all that hard work." I shrug my shoulders with indifference.

"Anywhomst. I'm gonna get dressed and go see Jake, I'm gonna kidnap him and make him help me." Jasper snickers softly with a smile.

"Alright.. I'll stop by later with an animal. I only found a bear to drain, since it's already winter it tasted funky.. it lost a lot of body mass so i just left it there."

"Hmph.. I see your logic. If you catch anything bring it my way, I love takeout." I snicker softly before giving him a nod goodbye and zooming up to get dressed.

- Hours Later -

After abducting Jake from his house I am nod standing in my cave with a pickaxe. Clobbering the walls with it, Jake is helping by making room for me.

Having carved out a large circular room with a stone pillar in its center with a stone table molded within it. I begin to dig out my bedroom first.

Wiping the sweat from my brow, I sigh as I use the force to move the debris. "Looking great Lex." Jake comments as he takes in the room I'm working on.

"Thanks Jake. I'm about to carve out a spot for a bed." I heave the pick on my shoulder, just as someone knocks on the door. Jake jogs out of the room and opens it to Jasper holding a dead mountain lion on his back.

Walking out of my new room to the door, pickaxe in hand my eyes widen as I spot Jasper. "Oh hey Jasper! Come on in, leave the body outside." I beckon him inside and he smiles and nods dropping it by the door outside.

"Thank you." He comes inside and looks around with curiosity brimming in his eyes. Seeing what ige done in a few short hours. "What's with the pickaxe?" He nods his head towards me.

"Renovation." I smile at him and beckon him further in, showing off my stone table I meticulously carved. "I'm now making an ACTUAL bedroom with a bed instead of my sleeping bag. Already did the sitting room/dining room."

"Need any help darlin?" He offers with a smile.

"Nah I've got it with my telekinesis bizz and Jake. I just gotta grind the rocks down so they're small and put em in the river later.. Anyways what brings you to these neck of the woods, other than my dinner of course." i say with a smirk.

Jasper chuckles softly and sits down on a my sitting rock. "Can't I just spend the day with my mate?"

"Mate?" Jake finally speaks and scowls at Jasper.

"Yes, Alexis is my mate." He says with a clear tone, nodding his head. Seeing Jake clench his fists I walk up to him and give him a fight hug.

"Calm down Jake, he couldn't control it. Just like you couldn't control imprinting on me."

"But your a kid! Well, in a kids body!"

"Me and Jazz have already talked about that. Nothing sexual at all until my body is of age, plus I have to initiate." I step back and away from him and he relaxes with a sigh.


"I know you're just trying to protect me Jake, i appreciate it." He nods to me with a small smile.

"Anyway, back to what you said. You're more than welcome here Jazz."

Jasper smiles brightly at me. "You got any more stuff to do this winter?"

"Pfft, do I? Yeah. I have to manage to make sure the doors stay sealed with a pinetar moose poop resin, so the heat doesn't get out.. Plus I gotta finish up the construction... Once spring hits I'm f*cked, I have to replenish my food stores."

"Darlin, you don't need to worry about running out of food okay? If you're ever hungry Esme is more than willing to cook. Shes even excited to be able to use the kitchen. And I'm more than able to help you with anything you need. So is Jacob I reckon."

"Mmph, just ask and I'll help."

"All you gotta do is say the word Darlin." I smile up at Jasper gratefully, turning to smile at Jake too.

"Welp, I best get to the lion before I forget. It's a bitch dealing with rigor." Holding my hand out, the door swings open and I walk outside with my knife and a bucket of warm water I keep by the fire.

Quickly slicing open the lion I pull out all the guts and run it far away before coming back. Flicking my wrist the doors open again, I hold my hand up and pick up the Lion with the force. Walking it inside I plop it down on the floor.

Jacob and Jasper watch as I make quick work of skinning the carcass and slicing the beast up. Making different cuts of meat and separating them into different containers. I grab some food chunks and set them down near the fire.

"You getting hungry Jake?" I look up at him as I grab all the bones together. Burying them into the hot coals of the fire to cook the bone marrow.

"Kind of.." he holds a hand to his stomach with a sheepish look.

"Oki doki." I smile and grab a rock I carved to be in a skillet like form. Plopping it down in the coals I turn around and grab a small jar of bear fat from my stores. Waiting for the stone to heat up.

"You don't have any pans?" Jasper says with a questioning look.

"Why would I need pans when I have perfectly good rocks? They add to the flavor." I shrug as I grab a droplet of water and splash it in the rock. It sizzles and evaporates. Nodding I drop of good nob of tallow into the stone.

Moving my hand in weird directions, herbs are flung from my shelves into my hand. I add them to the loin I'm going to cook, smearing them onto the flesh before dropping it in.

Grabbing my moose antler spatula, I make sure it doesn't stick and allow it to cook. Jake sniffs the air eagerly as he stares at the meat.

"Sadly, I don't have any veggies or anything else to give you.." I turn at him and shrug with a frown.

"It's fine Lex, it's smells heavenly. I've never had Mountain lion before. They don't come close to La Push or Forks." I nod to him and continue to cook it as Jasper gets up and takes a look around.

After a few mins I grab the steak off the stone and plop it onto another flat stone. Handing Jake an antler fork and knife to use. He smirks at me and blows on it to cool it before digging in with a groan. "f*ck this is good.." I smile proudly at him.

"I'm glad you like it!" I get back up and move to get back to work.

Chapter 11: Spring has Sprung 🌺

Chapter Text

- Months Later - Spring -

Sprinting through the forest full speed I tackle a big buck to the ground and bite it's throat as we roll. Greedily drinking it's blood with a groan, closing my eyes as I drink Jasper runs up behind me and smiles at me as I finish, wiping my mouth clean with a cloth.

"Damn you're a good hunter darlin." I smile up at him as I hold my hand out, grabbing the bucks body with my gift and hovering it over to my sled I made. Holding all of the Cullen family's kills, two bears from Emmett and two mountain lions from Edward as well asplentyof deer.

"Damn! What a haul!" I smile as I look at the sled with glee.

Carlisle appears and looks at me with a smile, throwing one last deer onto the sled. Jasper quickly secures them with some bungy cord and nods for me that it's ready to go.

"Ready to head back?" Carlisle asks me with a raised brow and I nod to him.

Grabbing my sled, I hitch it around my waist with some cord before closing my eyes and concentrating... making the sled weightless with my gift, it floats off the ground and hovers and I bolt off in the direction of my home, Jasper chuckles as he chases me eagerly.

Bella and Alice decided to stay back and begin decorating for the wedding which isapparentlycoming up this week. I had no idea..anywho, I'm bringing Alice some takeout in the form of two paralyzed deer on my sled.


Getting back to the house I slow down to a trot. Stopping by the Dwarven smial, I unhook my sled. Jasper runs to my side and helps me unload the carcasses, even going as far as helping me skin them and get all the meat off... That's when I figure out that he wantssomething.

"Why're you helping me with this?" I squint at him in suspicion.

"Alice.. wants you to come to the wedding.. she has some dress-" Jasper runs his fingers through his hair.

"No." I state with finality, looking away from him and getting back to work.

"But-" He looks at me with a sad look.

"No dresses. I'll bedamnedto hell if I ever wear a dress again."Seriously, f*ck dresses. I want a tuxedo AT LEAST.Why would you ever wear a dress? It's hard to sit in them and you run the risk of flashing people if there's a strong breeze.

"I'm not sure Alice is willing to budge-" Jaspers phone vibrates in his pocket and he reaches down and grabs it. Looking at the message he chuckles softly, shaking his head. "You were gonna tear up the dress she gave you like a wild animal? Thedayof the wedding?"

"Damn straight." I cross my arms and squint at him.

"She says she agrees to all your demands.. One tuxedo with a bow tie coming right up she says. She just needs your measurements."I've always wanted a bowtie, ever since the 11th doctor on dr. Who.. my uhm.. my grandmother was gonna buy me a red bowtie and a fez before she passed away.. she never got the chance, her minddeterioratedso much in a short time..He nods to me and I sigh and nod back.

"Fine.. I'll come stay at your house tonight. You can cuddle me and keep me cold, my big ole cute ice pack." I smirk at him and he rolls his eyes playfully.

"Deal." He nods to me and gets back to work, quickly breaking down animals.

- Cullen's -

Bella and Alice stand in the room as Alice begins to measure me with great speed. Writing it all down in a little book as she goes.

"So.... why don't you like dresses?" Bella asks as we both watch Alice zip around the room like a dog doing the zoomies.

"They're too breezy.. Having the feeling of fresh air on your coochie while you're still dressed is just.." I shiver in disgust as I imagine it. "Not to mention not having the feeling of pants.. I'd rather wear a tux."

"I get that. I had to get used to that sensation." Bella nods to me with a smile on her face and I smile back.She ain't so bad."Do you know what the plan is? For you going to the wedding? Is someone taking you?" Bella asks me with a raised brow.

Alice speaks up with a smile. "Alexis is going to be acting as Edwards niece."

"Ah, so Renesquik's backstory." I nod my head at her and she nods back. "Why couldn't I be Emmett's niece?" I pout with my arms crossed. Alice chuckles softly and continues to sew together my suit.

- Wedding - Day's Later -

Wearing my tux, the same shade as Bella's bridesmaids outfits with a bright red bowtie. I walk down the aisle with my hand in Edwards. Trying to act like an excited kid, but I'm actually scowling inside. Edward is smirking at my misery as he leads me to stand in the spot behind the maid of honor, the opposite side of Jasper.

He gives me an encouraging smile and I smile back as Bella comes down the isle a moment later. Being introduced with beautiful piano music.One step closer.. I would die, every day waiiiting for you. Darling don't, be afraid, I would love you. For a thousand.. years.. love you for a thousand moore.I sing the wedding song from the movie in my head as she walks down, standing opposite Edward.. He smiles at me before looking to his bride.

I zone out as the vows are said, I only zone in when Edward kisses Bella. I smile and clap happily as they're lead down the isle. I join Jasper when it's my turn, holding his hand in mine with a smile. He leads me down the isle like a gentleman, holding my arm within his own.

- Reception -

After a few minutes of waiting, I spot Jake who's looking around the room. Dressed in a tux as well, he pulls at the tie. He spots me and he relaxes, walking over to me he picks me up so can be the same height as people.

I raise my hand and itch my eyes.Goddamn f*cking contacts.Carlisle thought it was best since the Denali's would be here for the wedding. All the different humans in the room would disguise my scent from them, my only reveal being my yellow tinted eyes.

Jasper fast walks over to me and gives me a hug, burying his head into my hair and breathing deep. "You okay Jazz?" I say concerned, running my hands through his hair.

"Yeah.. I'm good now.. Jake can I take her please?" Jake nods to him and let's me be held by Jazz, he holds onto me tightly keeping his head near my hair.

"What's going on? Are youthirsty?" I raise a brow to him and he nods quickly. "You must beparched." I look around snatch Jakes cup from him, he looks at me with a pout and I down the rest of the drink before reaching into my jacket and pulling out a large flask. Unclasping it I pour the contents into the cup, handing it to Jasper.

"What-" he looks at me in surprise.

"Shh, drink hun. It's deer. Fresh right before the wedding." I whisper to him and he nods in thanks before taking slow sips. Keeping his nose to my head trying to block out all the scents of humans. "Focus on my emotions baby, okay?" I say to him looking him in the eye, he nods with a smile.

"Thank you darlin.." He nuzzles into my head giving it a kiss and I smile at him. I look around and see people giving him odd looks.

"Uncle Jazz!! That tickles!!" I say loudly so everyone doesn't think he's being weird. Pretending to giggle and he gets my queue.

Edward appears with Bella at his side. "How's my niece doing? She giving you trouble?" Edward speaks in code, asking Jasper how his thirst is doing.

"A little feisty." Jasper nods to him, Jasper rubs his throat.

"Why don't you take her upstairs for a nap? She hasn't had one all day, she's been so excited." Edward raises a brow to his brother and he nods in thanks. Thanking his brother for giving him an out. Walking quickly with me in his arms, we arrive to his room and he let's out a sigh of relief.

Walking over to his bed he sets me down. Plopping on his bed I sigh in relief. "f*ck weddings suck." Jasper chuckles at me softly as he walks to his closet and gets me a change of clothes he already has stashed.Cheeky bastard.

"Here you go darlin, get changed in my bathroom then I'll read you a book in the voice you like." He smirks at me and a blush rises to my cheeks.

"F-fine.. only because you were nice.." I quickly walk over to the bathroom and change into some kid clothes Esme, Rosalie and Alice bought me..

Coming back I dive into bed and get all snuggled up against Jasper who's laying down. He wraps his arm around me as I rest my head against his cold chest. He breaths in my scent and calms down underneath me, relaxing his body. He clears his throat before reading in a deep southern accent which makes shivers go up my spine. We rest like this for a few hours, letting Jasper relax from all the stimulus downstairs. Constantly breathing in my soothing scent.

- The Next Day -

Sneaking into Edwards room while he's distracted with Emmett. The pink panther theme playing in my head. I open up his already packed suitcase and place the box of condoms inside with a note on top. As well as a printed copy of different positions from the Karma Sutra that Jazz had on his shelf that I stole, that will allow him to remain in control.. also a note telling him what heshouldandshouldn'tdo during sex.. also ways to make Bella scream his name.I expect an edible arrangement in the mail Bella.I smirk as I zip it back up and escape back into Jaspers room, Just as Edward gets back.

Chapter 12: The redcoats are coming!

Chapter Text

- One Week Later -

Sitting at the Cullen's home in the living room laying against Jake, carving a piece of wood idly. I hear a car approach and smirk.They'reback! How'd it go Eddy boy? Did you make her org*sm?Hopefully you blew her mind,shouldn'tbe that hard since she's a virgin.

I hear Edward groan in embarrassment as he gets out of the car, I snicker. Seeing them come into the house, Jake looks and sighs in relief. Bella hasn't been changed yet.

"Bella, I expectallthe dirty details." I point at her with determination in my eyes. She blushes a bright red and nods. "Did Eddie wrap his tool?"

"Y-yeah.. he wore a condom.." I sigh in relief and nod to him.

"Take a pregnancy test to be sure okay? They're in Edwards room on his bed. Better to be safe than sorry. If you are Preggers, we need to get you bloodasap." She nods in understanding and walks up the stairs with Edward.

Whispering low so she can't hear me. "When is she going to be changed?"

Edward stiffens and responds. "Tonight.." Jake stiffens beside me.

"SHH." I put my hand across his mouth before he can speak. He gives me a look of 'what the f*ck'. "They're not going to be violating the treaty Jake. None of theCullen'sare going to change her." I smirk and his eyes widen in alarm, grabbing my hand he pulls it away.

"You can't! You would be feeding on her!" His eyes widen in panic.

"Dumbass, I'm not gonnabiteher at all. Unlikey'allidiots, I had the Internet that talkednonstopof vampires and theories.. I'm the one that came up with this plan, since I'malsoan animal lover I came up with the idea... In a few minutes Carlisle is gonna make me bite onto something and drain some venom from me. He's going to inject it straight into her veins. Thus causing her to change without a drop of blood being spilt." Jacob sighs and nods his head in understanding.


"I feel like a f*ckin viper being milked." I say as I bite down onto the saran wrap coating a jar. Carlisle watches as venom drips down my teeth, collecting at the bottom. Bella stands watching in awe as I'm being milked.

Ed, translate... You see this sh*t?I look down to the jar with a raised brow towards Bella.

Edward chuckles and nods to me. "She says 'you see this sh*t?'"All For Youbabygworl.I wink at her coyly with a smile. "She said 'all for you baby girl.'" Edward says with a disappointed sigh shaking his head, Bella chuckles softly.

After collecting a good amount of my venom, Carlisle pulls the jar away letting me close my mouth. I lick around my mouth and grimace. "It's like I got cotton mouth from smoking pot." Esme hands me a glass of water and I thank her with a smile.

Carlisle grabs a needle and sucks up all the venom, putting a drop on a slide. He looks at it under the microscope. Comparing it to his own venom he smiles. "She's venomous. Her venom is identical to ours." He turns to Bella with a smile.

"Already ate your last meal, and you're not pregnant.. you ready kid?" She looks to me and nods hesitantly. "Already got the cover story made up. You got an invitation to attend to a college across the pond. You won't be able to see Charlie for a few years, but by then your thirst will die down but you can still keep in contact for a while."

"Thank you.. for that plan.." She smiles at me appreciatively, I wave her off with a smile.

"No problemo. Now get comfy, we gotta dope you up first. Give you some of the good sh*t." Carlisle rolls his eyes playfully as Bella lays down on Edwards bed.Carlisle quickly doses her with some morphine....

After it begins to effect her, he nods to her and she nods back. He then injects my venom into her bloodstream. Right away she groans softly, I hold her hand in mine as Edward holds the other.Damn this girl, making me like her.


We all wait and watch for three days, Jacob even staying over to keep an eye on her as an order from Sam after learning of her turning. The moment her heart stops we all rush to her side. Me being ready to restrain her with my gift if need be.

Her eyes open a bright red and Alice immediately zones out as she gets a vision.Edward looks to her in alarm, his eyes flicking to me. "No.." he says softly.

"What?" I look at him, hating being kept out of the loop.My body's practically eight now!

"The.. Volturi, are coming.. to see if Bella's been changed.. They gave her a week after her wedding.. They're going to be here in three days..... They will discover Alexis.." Alice says with a floaty voice, analyzing her vision.

Jasper goes rigid as he stands behind me, wrapping his arms around me protectively growling gutturally. "We won't let them hurt her." Jasper growls out as he picks me up, causing me to squeak. He rushes out of the room to his, Jake following along. Jasper hands me over to him before beginning to pack me a bag.

"The hells going on!" I yell out.

"Aro will look at our memories, they will see you. We must run, get you to safety." Jasper- no theMajormoves lighting fast, I deadpan at him and hold my hand up. Grabbing him in my gift he startles, looking to me.

"Major, if we leave yourentirefamily will be put to death and we will be hunted and most likely found and killed by Demetri and Felix. If I'm here we can explain ourselves and give very compelling evidence."

"I don't care. You are more important." The Major growls out deeply, his black eyes staring at me.

Jasper is acting irrationally, his instincts forcing him to want to protect me at all costs.. even if it costs him his coven. "Jazz.. Major Tom.. It's going to befine." I set him down and he pants quickly as he looks at me. Rushing to me he kneels down and wraps his arms around me in a loving embrace.

"Wecan'tlose you.." He bury's his head into my neck, venom pricking at the corners of his eyes.Oh my sweet southern boy..

"And you won't, if they tryanythingfunny I'llkill them all."I'll do it to, don't think I won't Aro! Catch me outside, how bout dat! I'm ready to throw hands!I run my fingers through his hair, holding him close to me as he dry heaves a cry.

Jake beckons me to bring Jazz to the bed, I lift the both of us with my gift and lower us onto the bed. Wrapping the both of us in the comforter. Holding him close to me I kiss the top of his head. "It's okay. I'm gonna be fine Jasper, Major.." I whisper into his ear as he breaks down. I smile to Jake and mouth 'ill be okay, go to Bella' he nods to me with a meek smile and exits the room. Returning to his job.


After Jasper calmed down and we both just cuddle in bed, Bella walks in with worry in her red eyes. "Hey Hells Bells, how're you feeling?" I say with a smile, Jasper ignores her. Focusing on holding me close and listening to my fluttering heart beat.

"Thirsty.. But the blood you brought for me helped a lot. Doesn't taste bad at all." She smiles at me with a shrug and I nod at her with a grin.I'm glad it worked good, I stole someneedlesfrom Carlisle and got some blood from a herd of deer without killin them. Mixing it all up into a bloody co*cktail. With this method they don't have to kill animal anymore, literally just draw blood like they do with humans and tag em so they can identify them. Everybody wins, the ecosystem isn't destroyed and they get unlimited food!

- Newborn Battlefield -Three Days Later -

Standing separately from the Cullen's in my full hunter garb, looking like Jon Snow who's also a snowboarder with my goggles. Emmett knew how I hated getting smacked in the face when I run.. so he got me a welding helmet and snowboarder goggles.. Guess which one I picked..

I pull a scarf Alice gave me over my mouth to hide my flushed cheeks and watch as the Volturi approach. My eyes widen when I see who I assume is Marcus since he's so out of place-Holy f*ck nuggets it's Henry f*cking Cavill!! Not the creepy old dude they cast in the movie.. such sh*tty casting.Dude looked 40 not 20.Edward looks over to me with a raised brow. I eagerly look at the eye candy with no shame.Damn he looksfine.

I shake it off and quickly send out pulses of my gift, acting like echo location I feel if any of the guards try to get behind us.. Thankfully not. I got the idea to do that because me and Jake watched a David Attenborough documentary about bats one night.Nosurprise butt sex in the rear Eddy boy, we're all clear.Edward sighs at me and nods, tapping his hand onto Carlisle's arm on morse code.

"Ah! Bella! You lookbellisima(very beautiful) darling, immortality truly becomes you my dear." Aro says with a smile on his face as he looks her up and down. Eyes gazing over the entire coven, he spots me by myself to the side. The closest being Jasper. "Now.. Who is this?" He gestures to me with a look of curiosity. Wondering why the Cullen's brought a short stranger to their meeting.

"Cutting straight to business, I like that. No bullsh*t pleasantries." I say loudly, crossing my arms over my chest in an anxious tic. My skin pokes out of my cloak and Caius' eyes widen and he growls. Seeing the pink hue in my arms.

"YOU BROUGHT A HUMAN GIRL?! ARE YOU TRULYDESPERATETO BE CULLED?" He roars out in anger.Ah sh*t, goddamn brain!

"OI!TWEETIE!PIPE DOWN!" I roar out to him, stomping my foot onto the ground. His snarl grows as he glares at me.

"Alexis-" Carlisle looks at me with wide eyes, worried for my safety after insulting the most aggressive king.

"Ugh, f*ck thismysterioushiding myself sh*t. Let's rip off the band aid, they're gonna find out anyway. Your plan was sh*t Squidward." I roll my eyes behind my goggles and unclasp my cloak. Flinging it behind me I take off the goggles and throw them as well.

Most if notallthe Volturi gasp as they see me. "AN IMMORTAL CHIL-" Caius tries to get out.

"Forf*cksakes, you should join the Olympic games for pole vaulting with how you'rejumpingto conclusions." I look him up and down before rolling my eyes, Edward tries to hold back a snicker. Pinching the bridge of my nose.This is going to be the most embarrassing day of my life.."May I approach King Aro?" I gesture to them all. "My memories will clear up all this jazz." I wave my hand around me and he thinks about it for a moment but nods his head.

I zoom to him and stand in front of him. "Before I give you my hand, Itrulyapologize in advance for the uh..smuttyfanfiction." I say honestly with a blush rising to my cheeks, he raises a brow with intrigue as I hold my hand up. He snatches it eagerly and his expression goes blank as he sifts throughALLof my memories. His hand touching mine sends a pleasant shiver up my spine.Huh, ain't that nifty.Jasper begins to pace as he watches me, worry in his eyes. Eyes that are glued onto my form.

Marcus stares at me for a moment with a look of perplexion that turns to wonder he gasps softly while Caius fumes in rage glaring at me.

Aro finally comes back with a loud gasp that turns into a true gleeful giggle. "Trulyremarkable!" He stares at me in wonder.Almost like Steven universe with the star eyes..I realize he's still holding my hand and blush.

I try to get over my embarrassment.. one of the people I read sexual fanfics about and..masturbat*dto.. found out what I did with a front row seat.. I'mhorrified. So I change the topic. "Souh.. How'd you like your actors appearance in Good Omens?" I raise a brow to him.Aziraphale is the best boy, he needs to be protected at all costs.

"Truly wonderful, seeing another with my face as an Angelic being.." Aro says with his eyes glittering in wonder.

"Not gonna lie, it was favorite appearance for him. My favorite for Caius' is in Stranger Things as Vecna..goddamnhe had no reason being thatho... Yeah..you know." I blush again and looks way from him, rocking back and fourth on the balls of my feet. "And Marcus..." Geralt of Rivia's bathtub scene comes to mind and I blush a bright red. "Heheh." I giggle like a gremlin. "You know." I wink at Aro and he chuckles.

"What does she talk about?!" Caius bellows at his brother, his eyes flicking to me every few seconds.

"It appears brothers that we have a being from another reality amongst us.." He turns to his brother with a smile.

Caius opens his mouth to retort.Not with the questioning like the movie."No Caius, I didn't deceive him. That's not my gift, this is." I turn back towards my cloak and hold my free hand out, pulling it towards me. It floats to me like Dr. Strange's cloak of levitation and wraps around my throat before clasping itself. "Telekinesis."

"Incredible.. To read your mind as you use your gift.. You envision yourself guiding the object in your mind and it obeys your command in reality..."

"Aro.." Marcus calls out to his brother holding his hand aloft his eyes locked on me, his voice forces shivers down my body.Why helloDaddy- I oop-I forgot Aro was watching and he smirks at me playfully before letting go. Grasping his brothers hand he gasps before turning to me.

"Wasn't me I swear!" I hold my hands aloft.

"I was curious about the sensation.. A tugging towards you... Caius, do you not feel it?" Aro squints at his brother.

"I thought it was the Stewardess not agreeing with me." He grumbles out, not understanding what Aro means.

"Don't f*cking tell me.." My eyes widen as I look at him.

"You have readmanya story about thisamore(love)." Aro smirks and I grip my hair.

"FUUUCKKTHAT'SWHY HE'S HOT!!!" I pull my hair as I cry to the sky, turning around to point to Marcus and he smirks at me seductively. I squeak in surprise.

"Alexis Jones is the true mate of us, the three kings! And thetrueQueen of the Volturi." Aro states loudly for all to hear.


"WHAT DID IJUSTSAY GOLDILOCKS?" I point to him with a brow raised.

"She is not an immortal child brothers, she is something entirely new..Halfhuman,halfvampire... Let us take this conversation to somewhere warmer, I do not want mio piccolo tesoro (my little darling) to get cold." Aro states as he takes off his own cloak and wraps me up in it.

"You are more than welcome in our home." Carlisle bows his head to his kings.

"Uh.. before that.." I scratch the back of my head.

"Yes, thewolf shifter. He is safe amore, he is not a child of the moon." Caius looks over to Aro and I sigh with relief.

"Well then...... LAST ONE THERE IS A ROTTEN EGG!" I zoom quickly away towards the Cullen's Jasper rushes after me as well as my three new mates..I'll freak out later.

Chapter 13: Negotiation's

Chapter Text

- Cullen's Home -

Sitting down on the couch, I cross my arms as I look at the three kings across from me. Jasper or rather the Major sitting at my side, holding me close to his body. "So... what's the plan?" I ask the room as I see all the Cullen's have given us the house to talk.. Although I hear guards out in the surrounding woods. I pat my hands onto my legs as I bite my tongue.

Aro looks to both his brothers before he speaks. "We would like you to move to Volterra assoonas possible.Of courseMajor Whitlock and.. Mr. Black are welcome to join you." Aro states as he sits with his legs crossed, holding his knee.

"I.. I can't justgoto Italy." Jacob says as he stands behind me. "I need to talk to the alpha first.. Then my dad." Jacob looks to me in concern.

"We go wherever Alexis goes." The Major states as he stares at the kings, eyeing them up with his black eyes. Watching them for any signs of a threat, his muscles coiled and ready to spring into action.

"Well uh.. I don't want to leave without Jake or Jasper.." I run my fingers through my hair. "But the moving aspect for me won't be hard, I uhm.. don'thavemuch.. But I'm gonna go with Jake to see Sam the alpha and talk with them. In the meantime Jasper can pack all my stuff, if that's okay?"

"That's fine Darlin, I trust Jacob he's a strong fighter." The Major's gravelly voice makes me shiver.

"Guards shall accompany yo-" Caius says before he's interrupted.

"Your kind can't follow, you will be attacked the moment you step onto our land. Alexis is theonlyexception." Jake crosses his arms over his chest.

"Then she will not go, I do not want any of thosemongrels near her!" Caius growls out gutterally, standing up from his seat poised to attack. Jake begins to growl as well, hair beginning to form on his arms as the wolf to the surface.

"OI!!" I bellow out as I stand between them with my arms up, they both stop their assaults and look down at me. Not wanting to harm their mate if they should scuffle. I feel like I'm Chris Pratt trying to tame the velocoraptors.

"Caius, I will beperfectlysafe, some guards can join me till the border. I'm an imprint, it would be against one of their laws to harm me." I look at him on the eyes, asking for understanding.

Caius grits his teeth as he stares at me for a moment waiting for me to back down due to his rage filled gaze. I raise a brow to him not taking his bullsh*t, he relents with a sigh. ".... Felix." The buff vampire appears by his masters side, eyeing up Jacob. "Mine and Aro's phone's." Felix hands his master the phones he asked for. "You will be on the phone with the three of us until you are in our presence again." He calls his own phone before handing it to me.

"Oh..kay? If I lose service I'll call you right back." Caius nods in agreement, crossing his arms as he sits down.

"Please be safemia piccola luce(my little light)." Marcus says as he looks at me, love filling his eyes. I clear my throat at that look.Jesus, whatever brought me here isn't pulling any punches is it?

"We'll be right back." I smile to them as me and Jake walk out of the door. He quickly runs off to change as I'm surrounded by vampires.

"Uh.. Hello." I look at all of them, I see Jane, Alec, Demetri and Felix.

"HelloMia Regina(my queen)." Demetri says with a smirk as Jacob walks back out from the side of the house in his doggo form. His hairs standing on end as he looks at the vampires wearily, I quickly run to his side and jump onto his back. Holding the phone close to my chest.

Jacob huffs before running quickly to the border.. only for a human Sam to meet us there with the rest of the pack in their wolf forms surrounding him. "Hello Alexis." He bows his head to me in greeting.

"Hi Sam, sorry for all this fuss." I grimace slightly and he smiles at me. I hold the phone up so the kings can hear.

"Jacob said that you wish to move to Italy?" He tilts his head towards me.

"Apparently, fate decided that I'm theperfectcandidate for a reverse harem.. I have three more mates on top of Jasper and Jacob." I sigh softly, running my fingers through my hair.

"Fivemates? I've never heard of such a thing.. They're the kings of the leeches then?" I hear growls from behind me, I turn and scowl at the guards. That shuts em up.

"Yep. That makes me a target toeverybodywho hates authority I guess.. plus I'd be a queen sothat'sa plus." I shrug my shoulders in indifference. "Jasper's gonna talk to Carlisle and see if they're following him to Italy.. But im sure they're going to leave soon, people are starting to noice the age thing."

"That's good.. I believe this change will be good for Jacob. You have my approval as Alpha." He bows his head to me and I sigh in relief.

"Good, now come back." Caius talks through the phone, I roll my eyes.

"Sam, all the meat in my home is the packs now. Feel free to use it as a sort of.. outpost. There's plenty of wood to last a fair while and beds to sleep in." I smile to him.

"Thank you Alexis, we will keep it in good condition if you decide to return." He bows his head to me before shifting and running away with the pack behind him.

- Dwarven Smial -

Walking inside with the guards behind me. Jacob having dropped me off reluctantly so he could go home and talk to his dad and pack. Jasper comes out of my room with a suitcase full of my handmade clothes. I hold my hand out and begin to pack up all my treated pelts, putting them in a deer hide satchel. Along with all my tools and carvings.. even some jerky for the plane ride.

I take a look at my house and sigh softly. Looking at how barren and..lifelessit looks now without all my stuff and projects littering the floor.

"It's alright darlin." The Major says, pulling me to his side, he kisses the top of my head. Rubbing my back comfortingly.

"Man.." I sigh deeply, before I can sling my bag over my shoulder Felix grabs it from me with a smile. Putting across his own shoulder. I squint at him and huff before walking outside with everyone. Kneeling down I push wooden pins in to keep the door shut. "There, no critters can get in.. let's head back to the Cullen's then."


When we arrive Caius hangs up the phone and walks over to me, his brothers hot on his heels. "Felix, Demetri when thedogarrives bring all of their things to the jet."

The Major walks over to Carlisle, keeping his eyes on me and talks with him for a minute while I stand in the middle of a king sandwich. Not liking the feeling of being crowded, I move out of the circle and sit down on the couch. Playing with my fingers as my brain begins to go crazy.

Getting antsy with nothing happening and sitting still I grab my small project out of my pocket that I was working on when Edward and Bella got back and begin to carve again.. which garners the kings attention. "What are you doingmi amore(my love)." Marcus asks as he watches me work.Oh sweet heavens hisvoice.

Clearing my throat I look up at him. "Carving.. I don't have any paints or anything to draw with so I get my artisticurgeout by carving." I shrug my shoulders, missing drawing on paper.f*ck man, I would suck a dick for some art supplies..

"You like to paint?" Caius looks at me eagerly, sitting beside me.

"Eh.." I make an iffy hand signal. "I like digital art as my medium, Ihavepainted before with acrylics though, I also like to crochet." I smile at him and he nods.

"Aro said that you enjoyreading?" Marcus says tilting his head at me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. A barley there smirk on his face.

"Aro yousnitch." I gasp and give him an astonished look.

"What? You never said I couldn't tell them. Besides, they heard your apologies about the 'fan fiction'.. and theeroticstories you read of us before I even held your hand." He smirks at me and I grab a pillow and scream into it. Marcus chuckles deeply and I blush a dark red, Caius smirks as well. Enjoying watching me squirm.Oh I feel so bad for future me. My poor puss* is gonna be obliterated in the future.. I can already tell.


After a while we hear a car approaching the Cullen house. "My kings, the dog has returned." Jane states as she waits by the door. I book it outside and smile at him, Jasper right behind me.

Jacob gets out and grabs his bags before slamming the door shut. "I'm ready to go Lex, Embry and Quil will be by to pick up the car. Dad gave his blessing." He says with a smile.

Felix approaches him and grabs his bags before zooming off. I crouch down and begin to stretch my leg muscles. Jacob squints at me in confusion, wondering what I'm doing. Since he planned on shifting and bringing me to the jet.

"Nobody's carrying me. I gotta work my legs, don't want to have limp noodles." He sighs and nods at me. "Actually.. Why don't I carry youhmm?" I smirk at him, a light blush rises to his cheeks.

"I can run by myself-" I move quickly and scoop him up bridal style in my tiny arms. Using my gift to help with the weight, he screams out in surprise. Holding onto me for dear life, I cackle loudly at this. The Major sighs pinching the bridge of his nose, shaking his head.

"Put me down!" He says as he holds onto me, only being a few feet off the ground.

"Nope!" Aro finishes his conversation with Carlisle and exits the house with his brothers. Looking at me in confusion as I carry the wolf.

"Jasper help!" Jacob calls out to my mate who holds his hands up.

"Nothing I can do, whatever she wants, she gets."I giggle and watch as the kings look at me curiously.

"Are you ready darling?" Caius says as he walks up to me, looking at the wolf in my arms with distaste.

"Let's a' go!" He nods and runs off, I quickly follow behind him. Jacob screams out in shock, not used to this speed in his human form.

- Private Airport -

Slowing down I look at the plane, blinking slowly as my brain computes. I set Jake down and we both walk to the jet. Aro looks smug as he enters the plane.

"This waymia piccola luce(my darling light)." Marcus entwines his arm in mine and leads me to the jet.. I can't exactly complain because it'sliterallyHenry Cavill's face.sh*t, is this how humans herd feel when they'remesmerized?Jasper and Jake are hot in my heels.

"Holy f*ck muffins batman!" I startle as I look at the inside, all the kings squint in confusion of my choice of words.

"Is it not to your liking?" Aro asks with a concerned look, wanting everything to be perfect.

I squint at him. "1. I've only ever road a plane once.. and that was ineconomy.. 2. This looks like something Elon Musk or Steve Jobs would own. 3.f*ckman.. it'sfancyI feel like a demon soiling holy ground." I look at the carpet and my bare feet and wince. Quickly dragging my feet to make sure they're clean before entering completely.

Jasper chuckles softly as he looks at me, I walk in further and begin my exploring.The three kings watch me with amused looks.

"YOU HAVE ABAR?!" I bellow out from another room. Marcus smiles at my enthusiasm. "WHY WOULD VAMPIRES NEED ABAR?!" I bellow out and continue to explore, I gasp out in surprise.. all they can here is my quick footfalls as I speed walk back. Poking my head in the room I stare at them in astonishment. "A f*ckINGCALIFORNIA KING?!?"

"I'm glad it's to your liking." Aro says with a smug smile.

"Oh hoh!I'm going swimming in those sheets before days end. No doubt about that." I look at him as if I'm looking over glasses, missing them slightly.

"Are you hungry darling?" Aro asks tilting his head.

"Nah I'm fine, I brought my own snacks." I say with a smile, looking for Felix or my bag.

"Where's the jolly green giant with my bag?" I look around in confusion, I squint with a smirk and decide to try something. "Felix?" I call out and the Vampire enters the room with my satchel in hand.

"My queen." He hands to to me and I smile at him.

"Thank you Felix." I bow my head to him and he smiles at me before exiting. The three kings look at me curiously as I dig through my bag. Moving several pelts out of the way, pulling out my jerky pouch made of Mountain lion leather. Opening it up I dig in and grab some Jerky. Biting into it I tug off a chunk, chewing happily.

"I.." Caius' brows furrow in confusion.

Swallowing I smile at him. "Herb Mountain lion jerky, made it myself." I take another bite, offering some to Jake who sits opposite me at the table. He digs in happily.

Once I finish I grab deer leather from my bag and set it in the table, much to the kings dismay. "What are you doingamore?" Marcus asks sitting forward to watch me as I gather my tools.

"Making myself a proper Jedi robe." I state as I begin to measure and mark the leather with some charcoal.

"How did you learn to do this?" Caius asks with intrigue glinting in his eyes. Resting his hand on his chin as he reclines in his seat.

"TikTok." I shrug and continue to work, grabbing my knife I slice off a section and continue to work. Marcus, Caius, Jasper and Jake look confused.

"Asocial mediaplatform in the year 2020 brother. It is short videos that could be about anything." Aro explains as he watches me work.

"I watched a nomad guy, he had a bunch of horses and a teepee. He made his own pants from deer skins he himself killed or from roadkill. His pair of pants were on its last legs, so he documented himself from start to finish on how to make fully leather pants..." I step out and model the pants I'm currently wearing..Hmph, gonna have to make some new ones. These are already getting too small..

"Most impressive." Marcus says as he looks at the craftsmanship.

"Why thank you." I say with a smile. "I was sick of being naked all the time and having to constantly steal clothes.. and I hadplentyof pelts. So I just decided 'f*ck it' and gave it a whirl." I quickly sew a mock up of the vest and wrap it around my arms. Tugging on it loosely for the feel of it.This should be good for an adult me.. I hope.I nod and take it off, working on the sleeves which I decided to make the lining of the entire chest area bear fur I've washed.

"What is a Jedi? I have never heard of this term." Caius asks with a confused look on his face. This causes me to stop working and look at him in astonishment.

"You... Youheathen." I say with a look of horror. "UNCULTUREDSWINE!HOW COULD YOU NOT KNOW ABOUTSTAR WARS?!?!!" I practically yell at him over the table. "No, this needs to be remedied. The moment we get to that Castle, we are having movie nights with the whole goddamn guard." I say with a firm nod. "I will not let thistravestycontinue for a moment longer."

Jacob laughs softly as he watches the kings looks of confusion, continuing to eat my jerky. Jasper rolls his eyes with a smile.

Chapter 14: Volterra

Chapter Text

- Volterra Italy - Castle -

Since the kings needed to take care of matters they missed during the trip
They left Jane and Alec to lead me, Jake and Jasper to our room in the kings wing. The both of them didn't want to leave me since I'm half human.. so we made a compromise, they can stay in the same room on different beds.Haha idiots. I'm gonna snuggle with my personal space heater and ice pack!The kings weren't entirely too pleased but I made them shut up with a brow raise.

My bare feet pitter patter against the familiar feeling of cold stone.. Although I did make some rugs in my cave, I'm gonna have to make some shoes or slippers.

"Here you areMia Regina." Jane opens a large door and beckons us inside.

"Thank you Jane." I say with a smile, which catches her off guard.

Walking in I stop mid step and look around the room, my jaw on the floor. "Jesus..." Jasper and Jake walk in straight to the bags and begin to unpack my stuff first.

"Dinner will be served to you and your..matesin two hoursMia Regina." Jane says as she rests her hands in front of herself.

"What about Jasper?" I turn to look at Jane in concern.

"I.. can hunt outside the cas-" Jasper says with a hesitant voice, having not thought that far ahead.

"The kings would not approve of this.. If one link in the chain is weak it breaks." She eyes him up and down.

"Jazz.. Are you comfortable drinking human blood?" I turn to look at him.

"I.. the emotions are horrible when I drink.." He clenches his fists.

"Hm.." I stroke my chin in thought. "How long until you're hungry again?"

"A few days at least.. I ate before we got on the plane.." I nod my head.

"One small meal and a large meal will be good for now. I will talk with the kings to figure out a good diet plan for Jasper." She bows her head to me and takes her leave.

I walk over to the bed and sit down next to Jasper, taking his hand in my own. He looks up to me. "I'm sorry I'm making this so difficult Darlin.." He says with a frown.

"It's okay Jazz, we'll figure it out. There's more than one way to drink human blood."Stephanie Myer didn't think it through.. The Volturi could of owned their own blood donation organization, or they could have strictly hunted criminals or for those who are sensitive to the thoughts and emotions of their prey... bled them like livestock in a separate area. I stare down at the carpet and zone out as I think. Stroking my chin with my free hand.

I know it's possible for me to bleed, I got bruises. Therefore blood rose to the surface because of damage. The problem, is it human blood? Or the blood from my kills in my veins? I could possibly get a hold of a blood drawing kit and help Jasper snack on me until a better solution comes to light.. "Amore?"Then again I would run the risk of weakness from blood loss. He is a big vampire with a big appetite, I'm only a tiny thing right now."Mio piccolo luce?"f*ck why can't I grow faster so I can help-A hand touches my face and makes me yelp out in surprise.

"Oh, she's hypothesizing ways to feed Mr. Whitlock." Aro says as he holds my cheek in his hand.

"Wha?" I look around the room and see the three kings, a table set up with food on it in the corner. Jasper looks at me in concern.

"You were so in your own head darlin, me and Jacob tried to get your attention.." He strokes his thumb on the back of my hand.

"Aro, you saw into my noggin you got the ideas?" I look at him and he nods with a smile.

"I believe we will do the.. blood letting method. I shall have an area created post haste to collect blood for your dear Major. Animal blood would only weaken him, making him unfit to protect you." Aro states this fact as Marcus uncovers a massive plate with cooked spaghetti noodles and a bowl full of sauce and meatballs. A plate full of garlic bread on the side, with a chunk of Parmesan cheese with a grater. I drool at the sight.

"I.. suppose that's for the best. I want to be strong for Alexis." Jasper says as he looks at me.

"Only criminals please?" I look Aro in the eyes as he gets me up and guides me to a table to eat. Making me let go of Jaspers hand, Jacob following behind me. "I don't want Jasper to feel guilty about killing innocents." I sit down at the table and Aro pushes me in, Jake sits across from me. Letting me get my first plate before he even touches it. Wanting to make sure I'm fed.

"You can easily find them via the sexual offenders registry. Have someone track them down and bring them back. Blood or alive." I say with a shrug, Caius smirks at me as he sits down on the bed.

"tuaspietatezzaÈattraente, mio pocaguerriera..(Your ruthlessness is attractive, my little warrior.)" Caius whispers huskily as he watches me begin to eat. Aro and Marcus nod along in agreement.

I squint at him. "I understood aboutthree wordsin that sentence.. one I approve of." I say as I grab some garlic bread putting some meat sauce on it with cheese and I take a bite out of it.

"Oh really?" He tilts his head as he smirks.

Swallowing the mouthful of food in my mouth. "You said 'something somethingattractive, my little warrior'.. I know a lot of flirtatious Italian I'll have you know." I squint at him and wag my finger as he chuckles deeply, I takes another bite.

Jake swallows before he speaks. "I don't like the killing of people.. But, I agree with that plan. Better rapists and child predators than an innocent mother." Jake takes another bite of his spaghetti.

"It is settled then, I shall have Demetri begin the hunt and bring us a stockpile of these criminals. We shall keep them in the dungeons until they are needed." Aro says with finality, Caius nods before getting up to go give the orders.

"This is delicious by the way." I say as I cover my mouth, pointing down at the food with my fork.

"I'm glad you like itamore." Marcus says with a smile. "I made it all myself.."

"Bro.." I look at him wide eyed. "A vampire with no tastes buds makes better spaghetti than my grandmother..wow. I was expecting Gordon Ramsay or something ridiculous." I say with a chuckle, eating some more.

"We could hire him to cook a meal for you if you wish?" Aro says tilting his head.

"Eh.. Nah, maybe in future." I wave him off as I finish off my plate, completely stuffed. Jacob still eats across from me, looking at the food on my plate. I smirk and push it over to him. "I'd swear you're a garbage disposal." I say with a giggle, he winks at me and keeps eating.

"Well.. since you have very few things and the weather is supposed to be sunny..." Aro pulls out a black card from his pocket. "Why don't you and Mr. Black go shopping tomorrow while we're in court? Get yourself some more clothes and shoes? Maybe some things to customize your room?" He tilts his head with a smile.

"I.. uh.." I begin to fiddle with my fingers. "What's the spending limit?"

"There is no limit." Marcus says with a smirk I sputter out in shock, staring at the card like it ate a baby.

"No no no.I couldn't possibly-" Jacob rolls his eyes, getting up from the table he walks over to Aro and snatches it from him.

"Just take it Lex, you need more stuff and by the look of their clothes they'reloaded."

".. my God." My eyes widen. "You're literally my sugar daddies." Jasper snorts out a laugh as Aro smirks, having seen the term in my memories.

"I cannevergive you enough sugar." He winks at me and I squeak. "Well, I suppose it would be best if we let you get settled and sleep.. Mr. Whitlock you are more than welcome to anything in the castle." Aro says and Jasper nods his head as the kings exit the room.

"Sleep wellamore.." Marcus says with a smile before they shut the door and leave.

"Well.. that went well. Which side of the bed do you want Mr. Personal heater? All three of us can fit." I gesture to the massive f*ckin bed.

"I'll sit wherever and read a few books that are on the shelf while you two sleep. I'll make sure nothing happens." Jasper says as he walks over to the bookshelf, looking at the titles.

Jacob walks over to the bed and opens it up so I can just slide in when ready. Reaching down he takes off his shirt, tossing it to a corner before removing his shorts. "Christ.. are you trying to kill me?" I say as I stare at his body, shaking my head I walk over to the closet and find some clothes I don't recognize.

"Uh.. Jazz?" He whooshes to my side with a brow raised.

"Yes darlin?" He leans against the frame of the door.

"What are these clothes?" I point to the rack with a furrowed brow.

Jasper sighs with a smile. "Alice bought them for you and snuck them in your bags while I was heading to your cave-"

"Dwarven Smial." I interrupt him with a pointed look, he chuckles and nods.

"YesDwarven Smial. I guess she got your sizes and went crazy on a shopping spree. There was a note on top that said they slowly get bigger the more you go to the right. Its to help with your rapidly growing body." He says with a raised brow, looking at all the clothes.

"Well sh*t." I rest my hands on my hips, wanting to thank Alice somehow.. what could I- HOLY sh*t IM A f*ckING MORON!I gasp deeply as my eyes widen in horror.

"IM A f*ckINGIDIOT!" I drop to the floor onto my knees dramatically, tugging my hair. "JASPER! CALL ALICE!" I point to him and he raises a brow, just as he goes to reach for his phone it rings. Jasper rolls his eyes at his former lovers speed and answers it. Putting it on speaker for me.

"I got a vision, Alexis called me. Then the next thing I know I'm in Mississippi??" I knee walk over to the phone.

"I'm a f*cking moron for forgetting. Alice! I know what your real name is and where you're from! And why your hairs so short!" I say rapidly into the phone.God how could I forget?

"W-what? Really?" Her voice gets heavy as I hear voices in the background.

"Your name is Mary Alice Brandon and you're from Biloxi Mississippi. Your hairs short because you were in a mental hospital.You've always had your gift even in humanity. You saw the death of your mother and tried to stop it.. But you couldn't help in time, you figured out it was your dad who did it.. Nobody would believe you, so he put you in the hospital to keep you quiet. You befriended a vamp doctor in there that worked there. James, the one Eddie killed. Found your scent, you were his blood singer so he tried to kill you. Doc vamp changed you before that could happen and got killed by James."

"I...Oh my God.." Alice says with a heavy voice. I bet she has tears in her eyes. "Thank you..so much.. I.. I have to go.. I need to go.." she hangs up the phone and I sigh softly.

"Wish I was here when James was.. I'd blood eagle his assViking style." I grumble as I get off the floor and grab some pajamas.

"That was so kind of you to do darlin.." Jasper says with a soft smile before he exits the closet, closing the door behind him to give me some privacy.

I sigh as I get naked, quickly sliding on some clothes. "I just wish I could do more.."

Chapter 15: Bimbo's

Chapter Text

- Next Day - Afternoon -

Walking down the streets in some clothes Alice bought me with some cute shoes. Jacob by my side holding my hand as we look at various shops. I sigh softly as we enjoy our day.

"What's with the sigh Lex?" Jacob asks as he looks down to me.

"I miss video games.." I sigh again with a wistful expression, Jacob snorts a laugh. "What?" I look up at him with furrowed brows.

"Out ofallthe things, you miss video games?" He smirks at me.

"Jacob, I'm from 2023. Video games nowpalein comparison to mine...f*ckman I wanna play Skyrim in VR." I kick a stone on the street with a frown. "The next elder scrolls game was in development when I was sent here.. not to mention iPhones and the Internet..oh high speed internet, how I miss you my beloved.." I hold a hand to my heart, my lip quivers. Jacob shakes his head at my shenanigans and walks to a crepe cart, buying us some to enjoy as we continue to window shop.

"The castle NEEDS wifi and I need a television.f*ck man, I'll have to make a list.. there's no real point in me buying any new clothes Jake, I'll outgrow them by tomorrow anyways. Plus Alice got me enough to last until I get an adult body." I huff out a sigh, biting into my crepe.

"Why don't you buy stuff for me then? I'll be your personal Ken doll." He smiles down to me.

"Jacob.. them's are fighting words."Oh he's gonna regret that."TO VICTORIA SECRET!" Jacobs eyes wide in alarm as I pull him towards the store.

I walk inside with my hands on my hips, a sales lady looks at the both of us in confusion. "Oh, I'm getting something for my.. wife." Jacob shoved his hands into his pockets as I b-line to the lingerie and sexy underwear.

Walking around to Jacob I pull the back of his pants back making him jolt. I look at the label and nod, going back to the underwear. Grabbing a couple pairs I hand them to him with a smirk. "Try em on bub. If you rip em well just buy the scraps." I shrug with a smirk, he looks at me horrified but complies.

We thankfully get a closed fitting room, where it's only me and him. "Lex..? I don't think I can show you this.. its.. uhm..see through.." Jacob looks at himself in the mirror, blushing a bright red.

"Does it fit?" I ask from behind the curtain, smirking.

"I uhm..yes..?" I nod sagely and grab several other pairs, tossing them in a bag. Getting the largest sizes they have of full sets as well.Future me is gonna be so f*cking happy. Men in lacy lingerie is *chef kiss*

Jacob comes back out fully clothed, blushing a bright red. Putting the lingerie he tried on in the bag to buy. "To checkout." I say with a smile.


Buying myself the best laptop for this time period and more sexy tight clothes for Jake.. even some for Jasper. I sit in the car Aro gave us with the laptop, a smirk on my face as I order a dog ears headband in the color of Jake's wolf and a dog collar.. I even spend a lot onsexywebsites for different toys for use in future.Your welcome future me.I tell my future self as I keep buying sh*t. But I do what Aro asked and buy some furniture and junk.

Jacob pulls into the underground garage and parks, getting out he grabs the bags and blushes at the blatant Victoria secret logo. Holding my bags in his hand he opens the door for me with a smile. "Let me carry some junk." I flick my finger and all the bags lift off his arms and float behind us.

Jacob and me walk through the castle and he stops a ways before our door. Holding a hand to my shoulder to stop me. "I don't recognize the scents in our room.." He pushes me behind him before he walks to the door and opens it, two woman sit on our bed locking eyes with me.

A blonde and a black haired woman that looks like Morticia Addams.These are the wives aye?I thought they would divorce them today."Hello? The f*ck you doing in my room." I stare with a glare.

"So you're the littleharlotthat stole our husband's from us." The black haired one sneers at me, looking me up and down with distain.

"First of alllady, you were just bed warmers until their mate came along.. and you did a sh*t job at it so get ya head out ya ass." She gasps at me. "Second of all, how could I be aharlot? I'mliterallya child." I gesture to my body.

She snarls at me and moves to get up, the blonde stops her with wide eyes. "We can't-"

"I don'tCAREAthenadora! I will not be thrown out into the street with only the clothes on my back! They are giving usnothing! Nothing for years of being by their sides!! All because of thisBitch!" She gestures to me and Athenadora looks at me with a frown. "SHE WILL NOT STEALMYCROWN!!" Sulpicia roars and rushes me, just as I widen my stance to take her on. Jacob grabs me by the back of my shirt and tosses me backwards before he shifts abruptly.

Tearing off all his clothes as I hit the wall with a loud "OOF-" The stone cracks under the hit, I land on the floor and look up. Wincing in slight pain, knowing it's gonna bruise.

Jacob snarls and uses his body to block the doorway, keeping her from me. Turning he tries to snap at her head, she evades back into the room. He follows with a growl and they begin to fight, tumbling around as she tries to snap his spine. He bites her arm and thrashes, destroying various pieces of antique furniture.

Athenadora growls at me and runs forward, my eyes widen and my instincts scream at me. I get on all fours and hiss at her. She sprints forward, I roll to the side and evade her swipes.

"A LITTLE HELP HERE!!!" I roar out to the guards as she manages to hit me in the neck making me hiss as blood drips onto the floor.WHERE ARE THE f*ckING GUARDS?! DID THESE BITCHES ORDER THEM AWAY??I hold my hand to the wound and snarl deeply as blood slowly seeps through my fingers.HOW DARE SHE MAKE ME BLEED!!!

She smirks as she goes for another hit aiming for my jugular this time, just as Jasper appears with a roar having heard my cry. Leaping through the air he tackles her down the hall. They roll for a bit before he manages to grip her head, with a roll he rips it off with a snarl. His eyes black as he pants, turning quickly he rushes to my side. Ripping his shirt off to press to my wound, blood leaking onto his fingers.

Jacob finally gets his jaws around the Sulpicia's head and rips it off. Throwing it across the room with a deep growl. Biting her arms he thrashes until he rips them off. He keeps going until she's in piece's, he pants softly as he looks down at her body. He turns and looks to me, quickly running over he nuzzles his head into me. Whimpering softly as he sees the bloody shirt.

"Jake I'm okay, I swear. You didn't throw me that hard, I know why you did it.." He still whimpers and looks to the bleeding wound. "Oh this?Tis but a scratch." I say with a smirk.

"What happened? Who were they." The Majors husky voice comes out as he looks at my neck, keeping a firm pressure on my wound.Huh, I wonder why he's not sucking on me like a juice box right now.. weird.

"Those bimbos were the former queens." I state as I sit up, the Major growls and lifts me up bridal style. Holding me securely in his arms. "Major, the wound is fine, it's already healing. You don't have to carry me.."

"I want to." He growls out in finality. I sigh softly and smile up at him before turning and petting Jake with my un-blood covered hand. He whimpers at me, licking my hand.

"Let's go give the kings their wives back, hm?" I hold my hand out, gathering the pieces of the bitches. They float in the air and follow us as Jasper walks down the hallway.


Many vampires look at us with wide eyes staring at the wound on my neck as Jasper walks down the hall with me in his arms. A wolfed out Jake snarls at them, unimpressed at how they could get to my room.

As we approach the door the guards look at me with surprise. I flick my wrist and the door is nearly swung off it's hinges. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS INTERRU-" Caius stops his tirade and gasps as he sees me, eyes locked onto the bloody shirt the Major insisted be kept on my wound. Marcus rushes to my side but I stop him with a clench of my fist, holding him in place. He looks at me with wide pleading eyes.

Throwing my arm in front of me the bodies are flung to the ground in a pile. I turn to glare at the kings. "The f*ck isthis?" I gesture to the two queens bodies.

"Mi amore-" Aro tries to approach with a worried look and I halt him as well.

"Answer, the question." I snarl out, barely containing my rage, my hand shaking in rage. "I come back from shopping with Jake.. to find these two bimbos inMYroom. OnMYbed. They called me aharlotand accused me of stealing theirhusbands.THEN THEYf*ckINGATTACK ME!! IF IT WASN'T FOR JASPER AND JAKE-" I close my eyes and grit my teeth.I have no experience fighting other vampires hand to hand. I'm more of a ranged attacker.."Felix." Felix appears beside me with wide eyes. "Get a fire started please." He looks to the kings before returning his eyes to me, he nods once and quickly begins to build a pire. I turn my attention to the three idiots. "Now.. Iknewyou were married. But I figured you would try to talk to me about it.. ya know,explainthat you had two lovers.Hellkick them out before I came back from shopping?Did you even divorce them yet?" I raise a brow to them.

"No, they were going to. They were dragging their feet... Those.." Marcus glares at the bodies. "Most likely heard about you through the guards.. They shouldn't have been able to get to you..." he states as he looks to me. I sigh deeply as Jacob nuzzles his head against me. I rub my hand through his fur.

"The fire is ready MiaRegina." Felix states as he stands beside me.

"Thank you Felix." I smile to him and he relaxes some. "Well, this is your official divorce." I flick my wrist and the bodies of flying into the fire. I stare at the flames and watch them burn, once they are ash I look to the kings.

"Don't bother coming to see me. Marcus you're fine, but you two? Nah you're in the dog house, no offense Jake." Jacob rolls his eyes and snorts. I turn and exit the room with my mates by my sides.


Pinching the bridge of my nose as I get back to the room. A clothed Jake steps around shards of broken wood and glass as he adjusts his pants. "Could you have been a little cleaner in your scuffle?" I say as the Major quickly cleans off the bed and sets me down.

"I'm sorry Lex.. I didn't mean to destroy so much." I sigh softly turning to look at Demetri and Felix who werejust now assigned to be my permanent guard. "Demetri, I'm gonna start throwing broken sh*t in the hallway. You feel like running it out?" I turn to the vampire and he smirks and nods to me. "Felix you wanna steal some furniture from Aro and Caius' rooms to replace the broken sh*t?"

Felix chuckles softly and nods his head. "CertainlyMia Regina." He zooms off to do his task, I sigh and flick my wrist. Moving Jasper and Jacob out of the way before I begin moving all the busted sh*t out to the hallway in halls.

"Demetri, it's gonna stay in ball form and weightless while you run. Tap it twice and it will go back to normal." I give him the first ball and he looks at it curiously before nodding and zooming off with it in his hands behind him.

- Third Person POV -

Caius hears noise coming from his room so he opens the door. Spotting Felix clearing off a table, before lifting it up. "What do you think you're doing?" He growls out at the buff vampire.

Felix smirks at him. "Mia Reginahas ordered me to replace her broken furniture with yours and Master Aro's."

"What?" Caius squints in confusion as Felix walks out the door with the table in hand.

"I'm sorry Master, she is really pissed off. I am only following her orders." He says with a shrug. "She is fierce, I do not want to get on her bad side." He says before he zooms off.

Chapter 16: Donation's and Apologies

Chapter Text

- Two Days Later - Third Person POV -6 Am -

Laying in bed fast asleep, snuggled close to Jasper and Jake. My unconscious body nuzzles itself into the warmth of the wolf man, he smiles down at my sleeping form. Jasper runs his fingers through my hair, smiling as well. Both men having had a talk a few days ago while she was asleep.. Now they are cordial and evenfriendswith each other.

A knock comes at the door startling the two from their calm respite, Jasper looks to Jacob and gets up quickly. Opening the door to reveal a well dressed Marcus, his hands folded in front of him.

"Yes?" Jasper drawls out as he looks at the man, dark circles forming under Jaspers eyes from not feeding.

"Your meal has been prepared for you Mr. Whitlock. A criminal just asmia cara luce(my darling light) requested.. A jug of blood is in the other room so you may feed in peace." Marcus states and Jasper nods quickly exiting the room to go feed, so he can return to Alexis's side as soon as possible.

Marcus stands in the doorway and looks to Alexis being held in Jacobs arms. "How has she been..?" He asks the wolf in an unsure voice.

"Depressed, she's hardly left the bed... She put up a strong front in the presence of others.. But when it's just me and Jasper.." Jacob sighs and kisses the top of her head, holding her tiny form close to his body.

"Aro and Caius can feel the strain on their bond.. They aren't feeding until they regain her trust." Marcus states as he looks at his mate longingly. Wishing to hold her in his arms.

"That's probably gonna take a while and a lot of groveling.. Alexis isn't like 'normal' people I've noticed." Jake says as Jasper re-enters the room with the dark circles gone and a slight red tint to his amber eyes.

"Thank you for the meal." He says before he rejoins her side, sliding back into bed.

"You are most welcome.. I believe Caius and Aro will be around at some point soon to speak with her.. I just wished to give you a warning beforehand." Marcus bows his head looking at Alexis longingly before he takes his leave, closing the door behind him.

- Three Hours Later - Alexis POV -

Laying in bed, my carving resting on my lap as I work the chunk of wood down to the shape of a Wolf howling. Occasionally using my gift to hover the chunks of shavings into the nearby trashcan. My hands working on auto pilot as I watch Demetri and Felix haul a television into my room and set it up for me with the help of Jacob who fiddles with the wires.

"Thank you boys so much." I say with a smile, they turn to me and smile back.

"Anything for youMia Regina." Demetri says with a smirk as he plugs the television in.Apparently the f*ckersdidhave wifi and power outlets.They had a vampire who could control stone to help with the upgrades of the castle.. Cheeky sh*ts, not giving me the wifi password. That's just criminal.

"I boughteverygame that's been released andeveryconsole in retaliation for Aro and Caius' stupidity.. So tell the guards if they want to playanything, just ask." I wink at them and they grin at me. "All I ask is don't scratch the discs."

"We will certainly be taking advantage of thatMiaRegina." Felix says with a smirk as they finish setting up the TV.

Grabbing my laptop from across the room with my gift, I quickly look up bookshelves.. Finding an artist who makes custom ones forreallyexpensive. I smirk and submit multiple orders of what I want and how they look. A Mario and Pokemon themed one, a Sly cooper themed one and a Master chief one. For each consoles' games.

Jasper walks into the room with a silver tray holding my food and sees my evil smirk. "What's got you all evil?" He says as he walks in, setting the tray down on Caius'-wellmy new table.

"Oh nothing. Taking full advantage of my sugar daddies." I say with a smirk and shrug. "Hitting them where ittrulyhurts... their wallet."

"What did you do?" A small smirk grows on his face as he looks at me.

"Oh nothing much.." I say with a shrug. "Just personally funded a no kill animal shelter for twenty years and an animal conservation effort for endangered species... no biggie." I smirk up at him.

"Darlin.. how much did you spend?" He smirks wide now and I grin at him like the cheshire cat.

"Oh.. a couplemillion." I shrug and Jasper cackles loudly at me, Felix and Demetri look at me in shock. Seeing how bold I am to go against the kings.

"This is what happens when im pissed off with access to a lot of money." I shrug again and go back to my computer.I also took a big chunk for myself and made my own bank account. Buying stock in Netflix, Disney, Amazon, Walmart and Apple. I'm gonna be f*cking rich later.. Aro, I'll pay you back when I feel like it.

Jasper walks over with a plate, handing me a slice of pizza. My eyes widen and I take it instantly, snatching it from his hand like a beast. I eagerly take a bite and moan softly, sinking into the sheets. Having not had it inso long. "It that good baby girl?" He drawls out as he watches me eat and I sputter, coughing as I hit my chest. A blush rising to my cheeks. Jasper smirks as he senses my embarrassment and lust growing.

"Are youtryingto kill me?" I stare up at him in shock. "Jasper, your accent makes pantiesdrop. But withthosewords." I shiver as I stare at him. He chuckles softly at me.

"All ya gotta do is ask baby girl and I'll saywhateveryou want." I grab the pillow next to me and scream into it like a banshee, that makes him chuckle louder. He plucks the pillow away from me and looks me in the eye. "Eat your lunch."

I nod to him and keep eating as Jacob sets up the dvd player. Getting up off the ground, he dusts himself off and turns to me with a smile. "All set up Lex. Whatcha wanna watch?" Demetri and Felix are knelt nearby going through boxes of games I've purchased. Setting them down in piles next to the console until I can get my bookshelves.

"What have you guys not seen?" I say covering my mouth to now show the nasty food.

"I ain't never got the chance to see the Lord of the rings-" Jasper says and I gasp loudly at him in horror. Holding my hand out frantically I pluck the first movie out of the pile and the hovering disk is shoved into Jakes chest.

"This is atravestythat needs to be fixedpost haste. You need to see thebeautifulcreature that is Legolas, one of my first crushes at a young age I'll have you know..well that and the queen from the queen of the damned." I mutter softly and they raise a brow to me, before sitting down next to me.

"The guard can come and watch too if they aren't busy." I say to Felix and Demetri, they turn to look at me with wide eyes.

"I... shall go and invite Jane and Alec.. They have never seen the films.." Demetri says to me and zooms off quickly.

Jasper cuddles me close to him as I eat my pizza, Jacob sits down next to me on the bed with the dvd player remote. Resting his arm behind me on the wooden headrest as he eats too. Jane and Alec arrive in the room and look at me, they bow in greeting.

"Bah." I wave them off. "None of that royalty sh*t please. When we're in this room feel free to call me Alex. Take a seat, the movie has just started!" Alec smiles at me and sits down on a couch that's near the television, Jane slides down next to him.

"Mmm.. Elrond has no right being that hot." I shake my head as I bite into my pizza.

"I do not find him attractive." Jane says shaking her head.

"Galadriel on the other hand.." Alec says with a smirk, I chuckle and nod in agreement much to his surprise.


After the first movie finishes, Jane and Alec had to return to their duties. Felix and Demetri stayed inside of the room with me and my boys.. Until a knock came at the door. I sigh and get up out of bed much to Jacobs and Jaspers chagrin.Probably Aro or Caius.

Felix and Demetri quickly got up and acted posh against the walls, I flick my wrist and the door opens. "Yes?"

Caius stands at the door with a nervous look about him.. Well, under all the anger anyway. Dark circles are under his dim eyes. He turns to Felix and Demetri, nudging his head. They nod and quickly leave the room. He steps inside and closes the door behind him. "mio caro guerriero(my darling warrior).. I have come to beg for your forgiveness.."

I cross my arms over my chest and raise a brow to him. "C'mon then, beg." I look to the floor and he stiffens before dropping to his knees like a sack of potatoes.Holy sh*t, didn't think he'd do it.He reeks dom energy... Guess I'll be the dom in this situation.

"My lack of action resulted in you becoming injured.." He looks down away from me. I grab his chin and make him look at me. "Please..amore mio(my love). Forgive thisfoolfor his stupidity.."

I glare at him before grabbing ahold of his hair tightly in my fist, he grits his teeth and moans softly under his breath. I pull him close to my face and his eyes widen. Jasper and Jacob look on in awe, Jacob blushing at the sight. "You're right, you are af*ckingmoron." He looks up at me with puppy dog eyes. I sigh deeply pinching the bridge of my nose. "God f*cking dammit.. Jasper?" I turn to look at the hootin tootin Vampire.

"Uhm.." Jasper adjusts himself in his seat. "Yes darlin?" He raises a brow.

"What's he feeling?" I tug on his hair some more, he closes his eyes and pants out a breath.

"Uh.." Jasper rubs the back of his neck. "Remorse.. Embarrassment.. and a mixture of arousal and lust." He says frankly and my eyes widen slightly.

I raise a brow and look down to Caius. "Hmph.. You're being genuine...." I kiss him on the lips quickly catching him off guard. "I forgive you." He smiles up at me in utter glee. "Now go eat! You have dark spots under your eyes." I use my gift to lift him back up onto his feet.

"Yesmio caro guerriero.." he turns to the door about to walk out but stops. "Will I see you again..? Soon?" He tilts his head at me.

"Well, Jasper gets next dibs on a date.. Then Marcus then you n' Aro's last cause he still hasn't apologized." I say with a shrug.

"What about me?" Jacob says with a sad look on his face.

"We had a date when we went shopping.." I give him a sinful smirk, eyeing him up and down.f*ckI can't wait to see him in that lingerie.His eyes widen and he blushes. Jasper looks at him in confusion, wondering what went on during said date.

Caius sighs softly in disappointment. "Alright.. I shall see you thenMi amore." He grabs my hand and kisses it before taking his leave.

"ONWARD GENTS! THEY'RE TAKING THE HOBBITS TO ISENGARD!!" I sprint over to the bed and leap in as everybody chuckles, Demetri is kind enough to slide in the next movie.

Chapter 17: Jasper's date πŸ‘ŠπŸ»

Chapter Text

- Next Day -

Laying in bed with my knife in my lap, I turn the carving I made around in my hands. Looking at it with a critical eye, Jasper having gone down to the kitchens to get both mine and Jacobs breakfast for the morning.

"You almost done with that one? You've been working on it for so long." Jacob says as he lays next to me, watching me work with fascination.

"Yeah.. something feels off about it though... What do you think?" I hand it to him and he grabs it, taking a good look at it. Having carved wood before.

"Ah I see, you mind if I..?" He gestures to my knife and I hand it to him with my gift. He plucks it from the air and begins to delicately shave down the wolf's snout.

"f*ckin a'that's what it was." I grumble angrily as he smirks, finishing getting it perfect. I flick my wrist and the shavings zoom over to a bucket next to the fireplace. "Ah.. that's ones done.. and I'm out of wood."

"You want me to ask for some more?" Jacob asks with a tilt of his head.

"Nah.. The moment I stop having a constant supply, or if I miss a day of doing it repetitively my hyper fixation ends."God only knows how many times that has happened.. One day I'm eating an entire bag of Doritos for breakfast watching Jacksepticeye play Deaths stranding.. the next I'm done with Doritos and moved on to something else.

"Well, whatcha feel like doing?" Jacob asks as he gets up, setting the wolf on a shelf above the bed.

"The problem is, I don't know. My brain is asassy lil baka." Jacob squints at me in confusion, not understanding the term in the slightest. "Rightyou don't know future lingo.. A sassy idiot."

"What's it like in 2023?" Jacob asks, curiosity glimmering in his eyes. He gets back down and lays next to me, listening intently.

"Better than it was in 2020that'sfor damn sure.. We had a global pandemic, hundreds of thousands of people died."

"Holy sh*t." Jacob says with wide eyes.

"I was lucky to have caught it on the ass end.. If I caught it during the beginning I have no doubt I would of been dead. Its a form of flu virus I think? It affected the lungs.. and I had asthma which would of been deadly." I sigh softly.thank God I don't have f*cking asthma anymore."All I had for lingering symptoms was I was more sensitive to particles in the air, like dust or cat hair." Jacob nods just as Jasper enters the room holding a tray again.

"Mornin darlin, you sleep well?" Jasper asks as he prepares a plate for me.These boys spoil me rotten..

"Yeah, slept fine.f*ckI'm grateful I can still sleep.." I say with a smile on my face.Gotta love wet dreams.. Hmph, seems like I'm hitting puberty. I started at age 11 in my original world.

Jasper chuckles as he walks over with a plate of French toast with powdered sugar on top. A small jug of maple syrup on the side. I take it with a smile and dig in. "You busy today?" He asks as he hands Jake a considerably larger plate of food.

"Nope, I'm gonna be bored out of my mind. Why?" I say as I take a bite of the scrambled eggs. Silently stimming at the flavors and texture of fresh chicken eggs, wiggling in my seat. Store bought just does not compare.

"You want to have our date?" He asks as he leans against the wall, raising a brow.

"Sure! Sounds like fun! What did you have in mind?" I say with a smile, nibbling on my French toast.

"I was thinking we couldspar?" He raises a brow to me and I smile.

"f*ck YESSS." I bellow out in an excited voice, Jasper chuckles at my enthusiasm. "I've been wanting to fight you since I saw the scene where you trained with the pack!! It was so f*ckinghot." Jasper smirks at me giving me a wink.

"Finish your breakfast and get into some flexible clothes. Jake can come along too if he wants." Jacob nods with his mouth full.

- Training Room -

Walking into the large training room that's located underneath the castle. I see various guards wrestling each other. Felix and Demetri follow the three of us and stay at the door.

The moment I enter all of the guards turn to look at me with wide eyes. I shrink under their gaze. "Uh.. Continue on gentleman and gentleladys!" I wave them off and they return back to their brawls.

Jasper leads us over to a large free area that just opened up. He takes off his shirt and I hiss a breath out. Staring at hisbeautifulbody for a second.f*ck I just wanna lick chocolate off his abs.... Damn hormones are hitting hard.

"Why did you do that? May I ask?" I squint at him, trying my hardest not to oogle.Goddamnbody, goddamn puberty.I'vegrown two inches in only a day. The growth is speeding up considerably. I'm almost 10-12 years old now."You didn't need to be topless when you trained the Paw Patrol." Jacob rolls his eyes at the name I gave the pack.

"Baby girl that's just for your benefit." Jasper says with a smirk as he tosses his shirt aside onto the bench.

"I swear, you're trying to distract me Major." I look at him and smirk back.

He holds a hand to his chest in mock offense. "Me?Noo." I roll my eyes and walk up to the circle carved into the floor. Jacob sits on a bench lining the walls and watches.

"I'll start off easy, you're slower than a normal vampire." He crouches down and we circle one another. An instinct urges me to fight low.. so I drop down to all fours as my bare feet touch the stone.

"Gifts or no?" I ask as I crawl slowly in a circle.

"Let's start with none." He says right before he bolts to me, I go low and roll out of the way shocking him.

Staying on all fours I keep my eyes locked on him as he turns to go for another strike. Just as he swings a swipe at me, I attack his legs. Doing a move I see often in breakdancing I twirl around on my hands, kicking his legs out from underneath him.

Using the momentum I throw myself in the air my pushing off the ground with my hands, hovering over Jasper for a second. I copy a move I see in anime and fighting games, an axel kick. He manages to roll out of the way just in time, the force of my kick cracks the stone floor. His eyes widen and his face hardens, my eyes stay locked on him.

The hairs on the back of my neck stand straight and I lean backwards just as he swipes faster than before. Grabbing onto his arm with my arms and legs I tug with a roar, making him fall to the ground. Using my tiny frame I manage to climb around him like a squirrel as he tries to grab me to pull me off. I wrap my legs around his throat as I hold his arms with my hands. Squeezing hard small cracks grow from his neck, he gasps out as I snarl.

He taps the floor in defeat and I release him. Using my gift to help me stand straight. I pant softly as I help Jasper stand with my gift. My eyes wide when I see the cracks on his neck. "Jazz- sh*t! I'm sorry-"

"I'm alright darlin, it's healing already.. How did you learn to fight so well so soon?" He squints at me in confusion.

I shrug my shoulders. "I dunno, it's like my brain went super speed and went through sh*t I've seen on the internet.. and my body just knew what to do."

"Darlin.. I was going full force during that second half.." he says with a straight face, my eyes widen.

"WHERE WAS THIS TALENT WHEN I WAS BEING ATTACKED? GOD DAMMIT." I groan out deeply as I scream into my hands. "This is such B.S."

"Why don't we take a break from fighting and focus on honing your gift. I saw how you lifted yourself up when we were done, have you thought of flying?"

I stand there in silence for a moment before pinching the bridge of my nose, a long sigh leaving my mouth. "..... I have the brain of a f*ckin goldfish I swear to God...." I say with a frown. "I never thought of that until now.. I could have been iron man thisentiretime." I sigh and shake my head in disappointment at myself.Too busy focusing on mates to hone my gift.

"Try it out now darlin, I'll catch you if you fall." Jasper says as he steps closer.

"We all will." Demetri states as he comes closer to us. I nod to them and stand back a bit.

Okay, my gift sort of works like mage hand from DND.. so why don't I grab my arms, legs and chest?Closing my eyes I envision a climbers harness around my body.. lifting me upwards.

"Magnifico(magnificent)" A voice comes from the doorway and I open my eyes seeing that I'm floating in the air. I turn and see the three kings staring at me.

Aro is standing in the middle with dark circles under his eyes. I float over to them and hover in front of them like Vision from Marvel. "Yes?"

"We heard from a guard that the Major was sparring with you.. we came to see the fight." Caius says as he smiles at me, the dark circles are gone and his eyes are a vibrant red again.Thank God he ate.

"Oh, did you see?" I raise a brow and they nod, I rub the back of my head. "I think I may have cheated somehow.. there's no way I could beat Jasper in a fight.." I frown in thought, having never had true fight experience before.. The worst I've ever done combat wise is hold a guy against a wall.

"We all saw itamore, you won fair and square." Marcus says with a smile.

"You are focusing on your gift now yes?" Aro asks me and I nod to him once.

"She's focusing on learning how to fly herself. Than maybe others once she masters it." I nod to Jazz with a smile.

"I already know how to kill a vamp one handed with my gift and how to control others movement.." I run my fingers through my hair.

Holding my hand out to Jasper, I lift him as well with my mental harness. He gasps as he's lifted off the ground. I do a 'come here' motion with my hand and he floats over to me.

"This is so weird.." he says as he looks down to the ground.

"Pfft, think how I feel. I feel like a pupper master." Jasper raises a brow with a smirk.Oh great, he's got another idea.


I look at Felix anxiously as he stands before me. Holding my hands out in front of me, Felix stands still as I mentally grab his body.I feel like a f*cking Pokemon trainer."Whoa.." he says as I make him walk over to Jasper..

"You ready Felix?" I ask him he turns his head and nods to me.

"I'm readyMia Regina, give me all you got. I don't break easily." He says with a proud smirk, I nod to him.

Jasper sprints forward and I focus on the fight completely. Holding my hands out I pull Felix out of the way and into the air like a puppet on strings. Jaspers eyes widen as I force Felix to drop like a meteor and punch at him with quick strikes.Ora ora ora ora ora!!! ORAA.Jasper manages to dodge all of them with a look of full concentration.

I curse under my breath.Dammit, this ain't working.. time for a new approach. I pull Felix away, pulling him backwards, making the vampire yell in surprise. Jasper chuckles at me and rushes again. I smirk and just as Jasper swipes his hand at Felix's head I make Felix drop backwards like he's doing limbo. He grunts out as his legs strain, I hold his body weight and force him to kick at Jaspers legs. Making Jazz drop to one knee in pain.

Quickly moving Felix through the air, I move his body like as snake through he air. Wanting to win I forget myself and my mind goes away from me.. I force Felix's arms to wrap around Jaspers throat in an unnatural way. Making the strong stone like flesh snap and shatter in several places. Felix yells out in pain, he closes his eyes and grits his teeth.

"I yield!" Jasper bellows and I let go of control from Felix and he drops into a pile, groaning in pain as he holds is arm. I rush over to him with a look of worry.

"Felix!! Oh f*ck!" Putting a hand on his cheek, I look down at his arm. Crouching down I look at him worriedly. Holding my arm out I imagine his arm in its original position. He bellows out in agony as the stone arm is reset back into its original position. "God are you gonna be okay? I put it back to normal, it should heal right?"

"Y-yes..Mia Regina.." He nods his head as he grimaces. I push his hair out of his face, his eyes widen slightly at this. Jacob rushes over and looks me over.

"Go get some fresh blood okay? It should help. You're off duty until you're healed." He looks up at me with wide eyes. I lift him up off the ground with my gift and help him stand with my body. "Go get some rest." He bows his head to me before zooming away, holding his arm close to his chest.

Jasper comes to my side and pulls me close to him. Jacob right behind him, looking at me with worry. "He'll be fine darlin."

"I feel so bad.. I-I didn't mean too.." I mumble into Jaspers bare chest. Jacob runs his fingers through my hair.

"Looks like every guard in the room is impressed with your gift." Jacob says with a smirk as he looks around at the gawking guards and I frown. The kings having had to return to court.

"Why don't we go back to our room and get you some ice cream? We can watch that show you're so crazy about making us watch?" Jasper says kissing the side of my head.

"Supernatural..?" I mumble into his chest as he scoops me up into his arms bridal style.

"Yeah baby girl, supernatural." I nod my head and he zooms off to our room. Jake not to far behind.

Chapter 18: Marcus's date 🍫

Chapter Text

Laying in bed with my DS held in my hands, my eyes locked onto the screen as I play Digimon world championship. My absolutefavoritegame on the DS. I swirl my stylus around with vampire speed and instant catch the Digimon. Cackling in glee at the ultimate power I have.

I'm alone in my room aforoncewhich issonice, although Demetri and Felix are outside the door.. But the relative silence is making my brain itch. So me being, wellmeI need to fill it. I smirk at the song that comes into my head. Ice nine kills 'Meat and Greet'. It released a month before my death and Iobsessedover it, listening to it on repeat for over an hour. The chorus making me stim so much.. It is the end did that as well.

"The silence is circling~ Likelambsto a slaughter~ this dance never ends~~Defiled, starved then skinned~ likemanybeforeher~ it's happened again~We've all found a flavor we can't resist.The starling spreads her wings!While the evil threads the needle so it seems.The moth is pulling her strings!Forced to dwell within his hell to stop the screams!One final flight forvanity...I'd f*ck me." I head bang my head as I mentally play the riff.f*ck I can't wait till 2023 in this timeline.I mentally cry having to wait so long to hear my favorite band. At least I can catch up on One Piece and stay up to date with it. I only ever got the chance to watch the Netflix adaptation.... Mihawk was SO hot.. oddly enough so was the clown guy.. and im scared to death of clowns.

Taking a deep breath before I metal scream/growl like I've practiced in my previous life. "PUT THE LOTION IN THE BASKET, BID FAREWELLTHEN CLOSE THECASKEEEETTTT....." Doing the 'fava bean and a nice ciante' thing Hannibal does. Then my brain repeats the chorus, I then hear a knock at the door. Raising a brow I open the door with my gift, Aro stands at the door with wide black eyes. Dark circles under them showing he hasn't fed.

"HelloMi Amore.." He bows his head in greeting, I scowl at him but beckon him inside.Here we go..I sigh mentally.Goddamn conscience.. making me listen.

"How can I help you Aro?" Saving my game and turning my DS off, I give him all my attention.Goddamn brain, making me pause sh*t. Making me have to pause the television whenever I need to hear someone... Stupid brain.

He reaches behind the wall just outside the door and pulls out amassivebasket with a pink bow on top. Filled with myfavoritechocolates, crochet and art supplies. My eyes widen at this and he gives me a meek smile. "Demetri told me that you were growing bored without your hand crafts.. I know this will not mend the wound that I have made.. but I just hope it makes you happy."

Lifting myself out of the bed with my gift I hover over to the floor before allowing myself to walk over to him. Looking in the basket I smile slightly. "Well.. it's not anapologybut it's nice.." I look back up to him.Aro using hacks with his damn mind reading... He knows just how to make me happy.. cheater.

"I was getting to thatamore.." Aro says with a smile, he takes a breath before closing the door behind him and getting on his knees in front of me. "I was an idiotic arse who took his time, believing you were safe here.. I..truthfullyI forgot about Sulpicia.. I haven't seen her in over a century.. Our marriage wasjustin name.. I will not lie, seeing her and Athenadora burn after what she tried to do filled me with joy." I sigh softly as I look at him, seeing the remorse in his eyes.

"I forgive you." I put my hands on his face and he gasps as he updates my memory that he knows of. Kissing him on the lips he closes his eyes and sighs softly enjoying as out lips move together. He reaches up and runs his fingers through my hair as I pull away. He looks up at me in bliss.

"I'm glad.." He smiles at me meaningfully.

"Go eat,please?Seeing you like this makes my heart ache.." I look into his eyes with a frown, he nods his head. Kissing me on the forehead before standing up.

"I shall go feed the moment I leave.. I cannot wait for our date. I have everything planned toperfection." Aro says with a smile. "I shall see you soon my love." He smiles again before kissing my hand and leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

Sighing softly I take a look at the basket and smile at the thoughtfulness.Gotta admit, it rocks having someone who can read your mind when you have trouble asking for what you want..

Walking over to the TV I kneel down and put in one of my favorite horror movies on. The Descent.

Running back over to my bed, I sit down as it begins to play. Grabbing some yarn and a crochet hook, I start my slip stitch and begin a hat for myself. Looking up every time I wrap the yarn around the hook.

Grabbing a KitKat bar with my gift, I break it up while it's still in the package. As to prevent chocolate crumbs from getting on the bed, I shake it to make all of them fall to one side. Opening the package I move one of them towards my mouth before munching down with a smile. Slurping it up like a noodle.God bless chocolate.How I missed you when I was a hermit.

The door to my room opens and Jake walks in. Wearing a tight shirt and Jeans, he spots me and smiles.Probably coming back from calling his dad and the pack."Hey Lex." He says as he walks over, sitting down next to me looking at the basket and my hands curiously. "What's with the..?"

"Aro's apology." I say as I finish another line of my hat, watching the movie.

"Mind if I..?" He gestures to the basket and I nod.

"Just don't eat my mini Reese'splease. I need to hide them under the bed so they get chilled on the stone floor." Grabbing another kitkat with my gift I munch on it, Jake looks at me in confusion. I hold up a finger and the bags of said chocolate hover in the air before flying under the bed to sit in a cold dark place.I'll protect them with my life from those f*cking mice. I swear I'll get you Jerry, you lil sh*t.

"Why?" His brows furrow in confusion.

"The texture changes when it's cold." I shrug with indifference. "If it's notslightlychilled than I won't eat it. Same with Hershey's, it's gotta be in the fridge before I'll touch it."

"How's the texture change?" He asks as he bites into a room temp Crunch bar, laying across my bed. I scrunch my nose up at that.Chilled chocolate is best chocolate, I will DIE on that hill.

"The chocolate snaps in my mouth and-" I shiver at the memory with a smile. "The sensation and texture makes my brain happy." I say with a smile.

"You're real funky." He says with a smile.

"Autism does that to a person." I shrug and watch the movie some more.

"You have autism?" Jacob asks with a raised brow, not knowing this information. Just having figured I was an eccentric person.

"Yup. I'm on the spectrum, got diagnosed in elementary school. Mom had to fight for it.. They had trouble because girls mask better than boys." He nods his head to me just as the door opens and Jasper walks in.Coming back from feeding no doubt.

"Hey darlin, whatcha watching?" He looks at the TV with confusion.

"My second favorite horror movie. The descent. Ican't waittill 2011, my favorite comes out. I willforceAro to his knees to make him make the studio fund a second movie. It's-" I hold my pointer finger middle and thumb together and kiss it. "Chef kiss."

"What's it about?" Jasper asks with curiosity in his eyes, wanting to know why I would go through such lengths.

"Nuh Uh! No spoilers." I wag my finger at him with a smirk, he rolls his eyes. Sitting down next to me to watch the vampiric movie.


Another knock comes to the door just as the protagonist begins to silent crawl through the caves to try and escape. Falling into the poo blood water. I scowl at that in disgust. "Come in!" I say and the door opens to Marcus.

"Hello Darling." He wears a loose cotton shirt and tight pants that make him look like a mixture between Fabio and a brown haired Geralt. I oogle him without shame. Heat rushes to my cheeks.Oh sweet baby Jesus, curse this baby body. I want to climb him like a TREE.

"Aro thatf*ckinsnitch."He read my mind and made Marcus dress up like Geralt! The hairs the same style!

"Is my attire not to your liking? I dressed like this for you." He looks down at himself then to me.

"Its..morethan okay." I say with a firm nod, getting up and out of bed. "Let me change out of my comfy clothes." I tell him as I rush over to the closet and quickly change.

Walking back out with a smile I look to Marcus who smirks at me. "So what's the plan Marky Marc?" I skip over to him and he offers me his arm, I slide mine in gladly.

"A lunch date my dear." He says before bowing his head to Jasper and Jake, leading me out of the room with vampire speed.


We arrive in a beautiful garden, my eyes widen at it and I smile. Looking up to Marcus I see his skin sparkle in the sunlight. I hold back a laugh at the disco ball in front of me. He guides me over to a large blanket covered in pillows and a picnic basket.

Sitting down on the blanket, he lays down next to me. "This garden is beautiful." I say as I look around at all the natural plants.. Just howwildit is. Reminds me of my original home..

"This is the Queen's garden.. No one, not even Sulpicia or Athenadora have come here since my past wife Didme died..." Marcus admits, keeping his eyes locked onto me for my reaction.

"I know about her, I'm so sorry you had to go through that Marcus." I lay down next to him moving the basket out of the way. Scooting close so I could hold him, he eagerly accepts. Running my fingers through his hair I look into his eyes. "So many years you've suffered.. I'm so sorry I didn't arrive sooner.."Marcus deserves better.

"There's no need to feel guiltymia cara luce. I am just glad you are here now to shine a brilliant light to guide me from the darkness that consumes my soul." I sigh and rest my head against his chest, looking up at him. "This garden." He gestures all around him. "Is yours now to do what you will."

"Really..?" I ask, surprised he's giving it to me.Oh he's going to regret that.

"Yes darling, it is thequeensgarden after all.. When your body reaches maturity we will officially crown you as queen.."

"I'm nervous.. I'm afraid I'm not going to do well.." I look down away from him, he grabs my chin and bring smy gaze back to him.

"There is no need to fear, as your mates we shall help you through any troubles that ails you." I smile up at him my stomach growls loudly ruining the moment. He chuckles softly and sits up, grabbing the basket. "I believe we should get you fed."

Opening it he pulls out a choclate cake with chocolate frosting and I drool at the sight. He smirks and hands me a slice, I grab it and mush it all together. He raises a brow at this. Ignoring him I mix it until its all humongous, taking a bite I smile at the taste.

"Don't tell Jasper I'm having Cake for lunch, he'll throw a hissy fit." I say as I go for another bite."

Marcus chuckles softly. "My lips are sealedamore."

Chapter 19: The facts 🩸

Chapter Text

Laying in bed snoozing away in Dreamland.. minding my own business fighting dragons n sh*t.. when I'm awoken to.. "Mia Regina?" A voice pulls me out of sleep making me scowl. I turn to the voice with a frown.


"I was sent to inform you that the Cullen's will be arriving in Italy today."That's all the warning I get?!I glare at Demetri, he pales at me.

"WHY WASN'T I TOLD SOONER?! THEIR DIETARY NEEDS NEED TO BE MET!" I growl out in anger, feeling something broil under my skin. Shaking off the sensation as I get out of bed quickly, not caring that I'm in my jammies. Jasper and Jacob look at me in concern as I storm out of my room with a snarl on my face.

Zooming to the throne room I throw the doors open with my gift and walk in. The three kings look at me in concern as a Vampire kneels in the middle of the room. Felix standing behind him.

"Darling? What seems to be the matter?" Aro asks as he looks at me.

"Why wasn't I told the Cullen clan was coming?" I put my hands on my hips with a frown, glaring at Aro. "They have specific dietary standards that they wish to keep. There's not enough wildlife in Italy to keep them sated. They could very well be an ecological disaster-"

The vampire on the floor rushes me, Felix tries to stop him but misses. As if times slows down I growl at him widening my stance. My anger and rage fuel me.. something feels like its scratching at the doors of my mind, I shake it off with a frown. The moment he gets close I dodge his swipe with surprising speed and grab his throat before roaring out animalisticly. Using incredible strength I throw him down into the ground, shattering the stone beneath him.. as well as the vampires body. Felix appears by my side holding down the vampire looking at me in awe at the strength I just showed.. Only he has been able to do such damage to the castle.. I created a large crater in the stone.. bigger than the one I made with my axel kick.

I pant out before standing back up straight, dusting myself off. "Felix kill the f*cker would you please?"

"YesMia Regina." He quickly beheads the stunned vampire, allowing me to continue talking. I take a deep breath and calm myself down, closing my eyes for a moment.. the scratching in my mind subsides allowing me to think.

"I have a new method of blood gathering for the Cullen's to consider." I rest my hands in front of me, feeling refreshed by releasing some rage.

"A-and what would that be?" Caius stutters as he looks at me with black eyes.Welp, he ain't hungry so he must be horny.. damn all three of them are.

"Capturing animals that they like to eat, alive. Keeping them in captivity and using blood collection methods mostly used on humans. Collecting their blood as frequently as is safe for the animal. Thus an unlimited blood supply and no ecological disasters that science can't explain...Plussince they don't sleep, they can easily care for the animals."f*ckers should have done this in the long run. I meancome on,Carlisle's a doctor for f*ck sakes. He's also an ecological terrorist!

"You are a geniusAmore!" Aro says with a grin.

"Demetri, please gather some healthy young deer alive for the Cullens. When they arrive use the proper tools and collect their blood." Caius says with a smirk.

"Yes my king." Demetri bows before zooming off to complete his task.

Just then a secretary walks in, bowing to the kings. Shaking like a leaf. "My kings, the Cullen's have arrived." Aro scowls at her for the interruption.

"Thank you, let them in please." I tell her with a smile, she smiles back in relief and turns around. Letting the clan into the room.

Newborn Bella looks around as she stays close to Edward. Her eyes widen when she spots me in my jammies. "I would have dressed better but I had an urgent matter." I say with a firm nod.

Carlisle smiles at me. "Alexis, it's good to see you." I nod to the Cullen patriarch.

"Back at ya Daddy o'." I say with a coy smirk, he rolls his eyes at me.

"Ah, Carlisle. I hope your trip wasn't too difficult?" Aro asks as he approaches the man with a smile.

"No we had no problems, thank you for letting us use your private jet." Aro waves him off with a smile.

"No harm no foul, we'repracticallyfamily now..." I hear Demetri come towards the door. "It seems Demetri is back with your refreshments-" The Cullens stiffen as they look at Aro.

"Animal blood." I interject with a smile. "Humanelygathered, the animal is still alive.. just a bit weak."

Demetri enters the room holding a jug with a silver tray that holds glasses. "I apologizeMia Regina, I could not find any wild deer.. But I found an elk farm and purchased some of their livestock under the guise of scientific research of animal blood. I drained them of their blood on the farm, they will be brought here tomorrow."That boy needs a raise!I hold my hand up and lift the jug and glasses from his hands with my gift.

"Feel free to drink." Carlisle steps up and I fill a glass for him. He smiles at me and drinks it with a smile.

Jasper enters the throne room with Jake just behind him. Wide eyes looking for me he sighs once he spots me.Demetri must have snitched.All eyes move to him and the Cullen's eyes widen at the sight of Jaspers red eyes. "Jasper.. you.." Edward looks at Jasper in disgust.

"Fed in a way that benefits societySquidward!" I interject once again with a smirk, glaring at the vampire.

"How? He killed-" Edward gestures to Jasper.

"A registered sex offender who kidnapped and raped a three year old girl. He was recently released from jail." Demetri adds looking at the mind reader with a scowl.

"All the blood that comes to Volterra now is provided by theendlesssupply of hardened criminals and gang members." I say with a smile. "Bettering society, while keeping the population down.. Even then Jasper didn't kill him, a guard who has a non mental gift bled him dry. Like they do with chickens before they're plucked, he was knocked unconscious with a light chop to the neck and string upside down, then bled dry with a slice to his jugular. So Jasper or any other guard with a mental ability doesn't need to feel the victims emotions or thoughts... I've thought this sh*t through foryears." Caius smirks as he watches me tear into them.

Carlisle looks at me with surprise. "Plus it helps not being an ecological terrorist." I say with an indifferent shrug, glaring at them all.

"What do you mean Alexis?" Carlisle asks with a head tilt, I grin at him.

"Why, I'm glad you asked!" I grin like the cheshire cat, leaning forward with my hands on my hips.

"Uh oh.." Jacob says with a smirk, watching me go. Having heard this entire speal already.

I puff my chest out. "By killing,saytwo deer on average a week...? For one year that's104 deer, thus causing the flora to grow out of control. And the natural predators to be unable to feed themselves with big game.. You throw thewholesystem out of whack, and since you guys don't move from a location for ten years.. that's over a thousand deer.. forOneof you. 7280 deer for your entire stay in forks for your family... That's justdeer."

"I.. I didn't think of that.." Carlisle runs his chin as he tries to grasp the amount of damage he did.

"Ah! I almost forgot!" I say with a chuckle, smacking the side of my head lightly. "There's aboutguestimated300,000 deer in the state of Washington.. and over 6,461,587 humans in Washingtonalone. The currentglobalhuman population being 6,725,948,544.... You do the math." I say with a shrug and smile. (Authors note: Took me forever to look up all the facts for 2007)

Carlisle drops his hand from his face and gasps, all of them look at me wide eyed. "I'm notsayingyou need to eat people.. I'm justsayingbe smart about how you drink animal blood...sh*tman, invest your money into a blood bank! Make a private company that pays for blood! Take what you need than give the excess to hospitals! Humans will sell anything they can make themselves aka sem*n and blood as long as the money's right. Even the black market man!!"

Jake nods his head. "Shes right, I donated blood just to get a cookie." He says with a shrug.

"You make very good points Alexis.. I.. I need to speak to my family about this and we need to discuss.. Thank you genuinely for bringing me this information." He smiles at me and I nod.

"All I ask is spread the word to the Denali's." I shrug with indifference, Carlisle nods his head with a smile.

"Will do."

"Great!Now that that's over. Emmett! Come to my room dude! I goteveryconsole and game on the earth!!!" I say and I book it to my room, Jasper rolls his eyes with a smile as his brother zooms off after me with a gleeful grin.

"I better go.. before they break something." Jasper bows to the kings and nods to his family before running after his mate. Jacob sighs deeply and simply jogs after me.

Chapter 20: 🐾 Ride on the wild side🐾

Chapter Text

- That Night -

Laying in bed finally falling peacefully asleep in the arms of Jacob. Having played Halo 3 versus Emmett the whole night.... I'm pulled into anodddream.

Opening my eyes I'm by the pack house near the woods, but everything's in ahazeof blue.. Like a wispy blue mist.. Almost like the other side in stranger things.. Hearing a stick break behind me I turn, crouching down ready for a fight. An incredibly tall native man covered in wolf tattoos towers over me, a large headdress sitting proudly on his head. He smiles at me kindly.Jesus Christ this guy's like 7ft tall!

"Who are you?" I ask cautiously, not wanting to hurt him without cause.

"I am Taha Aki child.." My eyes widen in surprise, I stand back up and bow to him.

"It is an honor to meet you sir."He'sthe first shifter!He waves me off as he looks at me with curiosity.

"I must say.. it is quiteoddfor a cold one to enter the spirit realm.." He walks around me in a circle, almost as if he's inspecting me.

"This isn't a dream then..? How can I be here? I'm not Quileute."What the f*ck is happening?

"No, you are not.." He says as he looks down at me, bending down to come eye to eye with me. "But you child have anincrediblegift.. I have watched you for some time, and by the strength you have shown just today confirms it.By having flesh on flesh contact you are able to copy a gift or trait from the person you touched.. By touching my descendant for so long you have gained the abilities of a spirit warrior."

"Wha.. so I don't have telekinesis as my gift?" I ask with confusion on my face.Who the f*ck did I get telekinesis from? Maybe my vamp dad? Or my mother's human trait before she died?But if Taha Aki is right I need skin on skin...?

"No child. You copy others via touch." He states plainly. "What you experienced today during youranger.. that scratching within your mind? That was you inner animal begging to be let out. To tear into your foe."

"Holy sh*t..so I can turn into an animal?? What animal??" I ask with confusion.I sure as sh*t can't be a wolf. I'm not Quileute.He smiles and looks behind me to the forest, I turn around and gasp. Seeing an eastern bobcat the size of a f*ckincar.That's the type of bobcat that would be native where I lived.. in my original world..you saw them frequently in my town..It walks towards me with confidence, looking down to me.

Something inside me urges me to hold my hand out, so I do. It begins to purr as it looks down to me. "I give you my blessing child.. Use the gifts of a spirit warrior with pride." Taha Aki says just as the bobcat pushes it's head into my hand. I gasp loudly as everything goes white just as a falling sensation begins.

- Third Person POV -

Jacob holds Alexis in his arms with a smile, closing his eyes to go to sleep.. letting out a sigh of content.. Only for the two heartbeats in the room.. becomeone. Jacobs eyes open, alert he sits up and looks at Alexis. Jasper having been reading a book in the corner looks at Alexis in fright, rushing to her side. His eyes growing black as the Major rises to control.

"What happened?" The Major growls as he looks down at Alexis.

"I don't know!HELP! SOMEONE GET A DOCTOR!" Jacob yells out before climbing on top of her only in his boxers, beginning CPR and chest compressions. Her body lays there limp, her eyes closed. He pinches her nose and breaths into her mouth before doing compressions again.

All three kings appear in the room with wide eyes, rushing to her side. "COME ON!" Jacob yells as he pushes harder and harder. "BREATH DAMMIT! COME ON!!!"

Alexis' body heats up drastically under his hands taking him off guard, making everyone in the room look at her in confusion. Her body begins to squirm underneath Jacob almost like a seizure, he quickly gets off as she falls off the bed. Just as she lands her heart begins to beat- A feline hiss comes from her throat as she thrashes around, tearing her clothes off her body as she shifts. Laying on the floor she pants in confusion, her tongue hanging out of her mouth. She looks around in confusion. Spotting all her mates surrounding her large form, slightly smaller than Jacobs wolf.

-AlexisPOV -

What the f*ck!! WHAT'S GOING ON? JACOB? JASPER? CAIUS? ARO!! MARCUS?!A desperate yawl comes from her cat form as she looks at her mates, panicking her heart racing in her chest.

Jacob looks at her in shock but understands instantly, quickly taking his boxers off. Not caring if he's nude in front of his mate or others, he tosses them away. All the vampires move as he shifts into a wolf quickly.

Alexis?Jacobs voice calls from my head, walking close to me as he calls out.

Jacob??? Thank God!I say mentally in relief, standing up on all fours with shaky legs. Caius moves and helps me stand, holding me up as I get used to my new legs. I lick his hand in thanks, I receive a worried look from him.

How.. what on earth? How are you a bobcat?Jake asks in confusion as he rubs his head against me lovingly.

I guess I have a copycat gift, not telekinesis like I thought..I.. I dreamt of Taha Aki.. hespoketo me Jake.I turn to look at Jacob with wide eyes, Jasper comes closer and kneels down. I look at him and give a sad meow. He smiles at me with venom brimming in his eyes, he pets my head slowly. Sending calming waves. Glad that I'm not dead like he thought.

What did he say?Jacob asks as he walks over to Aro, leaving me with Jasper.Better let everyone know what's going on.. since we don't have Edward right now..Aro looks at the wolf with wide eyes, Jacob shoved his head into Aro's hands before the vampire could back away.

"Oh!I see... thank you Jacob, Jane!" Aro turns and Jane appears in the doorway looking at the two animals in surprise.

"Yes master?"

"Collect Edward Cullen, tell him it's an emergency." Jane nods and zooms off.

I take a deep breath and focus on my human form, remaining completely calm....... Opening my eyes I see my fluffy paws.What..? Why aren't I human..? This is how it works in twilight AND Harry Potter!Jake I can't turn back!I yawl out pitifully.Jaspers calming isn't helping! Im envisioning myself as human and it's not working!Edward appears in the doorway and his eyes widen at the sight of me.

"How thehell.." Edward mutters, knowing it's me by my thoughts. I turn and repeat everything I told Jake.I have a copycat gift that works off of touch. I copied Jakes ability to shift I guess, Taha Aki came to me in a dream and blessed me. Granting me power to use it.Edward nods and repeats everything I said. (From now on Edward repeats everything that's thought mentally.)

"My word.. How.." Aro says as he looks down to me.

She should have turned back by now.Jake looks at me in concern, Aro clutches his hand to his chest.

"Why did her heart stop?" Jasper asks as he continues to pet me, I nuzzle into him. Finding his scent of leather and hay.. It's nice. I bury my snoot into his neck and sniff him like he's a line of cocaine. Edward chuckles at my thoughts.Mmm mate smell good..

My father told me that a spirit warrior must exit their human forms to enter the spirit realm.. leaving them visually dead..I'venever experienced it before in person.. Taha Aki must have brought her to the spirit realm to speak.. I can just guess that since shes not Quileute, her body needs to get used to her animal form..

"How long will that take wolf?" Caius asks as he stays close to his mate, Marcus right behind him. I turn and sniff him.Ooo he smells like metal and sandalwood.I sniff Caius eagerly making him look down at me with a smile. Turning to Marcus I give him a big ole sniff too.Hmmm that's nice Books, ink and roses.I sniff him again, Aro approaches and I sniff him as well.Rain, Cologne and parchment.

I'm not sure, nothing like this has ever happened in my tribe. We're flying blind.Jacob looks to the three kings, then to me watching me sniff my mates like crazy.

"Well.. I believe it would be best if she rest for now." Aro says as he looks down at her tired form. "She still has yet to go to bed.. Jacob, may you stay in your wolf form to keep her company..?"

"If anything happens Jacob, bark or howl and I'll come and translate." Edward adds with a strained smile to the wolf.

Thank you Edward.Jacob nods his head to him.

Mm' sleepy..I yawn out showing off my sharp teeth, nuzzling close to Caius and Jasper.

Why don't we lay down? Edward can you..?

"Sure thing, he wants to make a bed on the floor for them." Aro nods and quickly collects more pillows and blankets for a makeshift nest.

Im laying against Jasper almost asleep, Jacob nuzzles his head against mine getting my attention.C'mon love.. let's go to bed hm?I yawn out again and get up on shaky legs, Jacob let's me lean on him as we walk over to the pile of blankets.

Jake lays down in the mass of blankets, leaving a space for me to curl up next to him.Lay down Alexis, it seems you're not changing back anytime soon.. Sleep next to me okay?

I.. okay..I slowly walk over to him and lay down in the small crevice in his legs. Nuzzling deeply into his fur, a soft purr coming from my chest. The scent of the forest, moss andhomefills my nose. I slowly fall asleep next to him.

Chapter 21: Caius' date 🎨

Chapter Text

Slowly my eyes open and I stretch my arms above my head. Yawning loudly as I do, I snuggle back into the comfy fur.. then I feel a breeze. Grumbling I reach out for a blanket, one is put in my hand, I cover myself.

"Darlin..?" Jasper says softly I look over to him then down.I'm naked.Jasper grabs the blanket and makes sure I'm covered.

"That.. wassoweird.." Hearing my voice, Jacob slowly wakes up. Looking down to me he notices I'm back to normal and licks my face eagerly. I giggle softly and fall back as he gets up still licking my face.. slowly turning human the licks turn into a passionate kiss. I moan softly against his lips, he pulls away looking down at me.Thank f*ck I'm 14 body wise... I wonder why I'm growing faster than Rengoku?

"I'm so glad you're okay." I look down at Jakes face and blush a bright red when my eyes land on his hard co*ck hanging between his legs.

Jasper clears his throat and tosses a blanket over Jacob covering him. Jacob blushes when he realizes that I saw and quickly gets up. Rushing over to the bathroom, I look at him in confusion...He's jacking off in the bathroom isn't he..?Or a cold shower.

"I'm glad you'reyouagain darlin.. We're gonna have to have Jacob teach you how to shift into your other form easily and fight as a cat." I nod slowly as the blanket falls from my shoulders my eyes widen and I try to correct but Jaspers seen my smol boobs.

He clears his throat again, avoiding looking at me. "There's ah.. clothes for you on the bed.. Since Jacobs in the bathroom... I'll guard you while you change." I nod slowly and get up off the floor, he grabs another blanket and holds it up. Looking down to the floor so I can change into something comfortable.


Eating my breakfast with Jacob, he's been blushing non stop the entire time. "Why're you so blushy Jake?" I bite into my pancakes.

"Uhm... A thing with wolves.. we share all our memories with our pack if it involves ourselves. I uh.. saw one.. of you in your past life..masturbatingwith my name on your lips.." He takes another bite of his food, avoiding looking at me. His blush not leaving his face, only intensifying.

"f*ck mee.." I whine out putting my face into my hands. "First Aro now you?!" I groan out in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry- I had no control-" Jacob says with a sad frown.

"It's fine Jake." I look up at him with a blush of my own. Jasper sits at the table sipping on a goblet filled with a serial killers blood, his eyes watching us like a tennis match. "I give you permission to submit it to the spank bank archives." I nod to him, he chokes on his pancakes taken by surprise.

"What?!" He looks at me with wide eyes.

"Well, until I'm biologically older I don't feel comfortable with sex. Until then feel free to Jack off- actually.." I get up from the table and scurry over to my closet. Finding the large box of stuff I hid, I rummage inside and yell "AHA!" Running back out I hold a fleshlight and a bottle of lube in hand.

"Until I'm of age,youmy good man may have this." I hand them over and he sputters out.

"Alexis- I can't-" He holds the toy in his hand cautiously.

"Jake." I look him in the eyes. "All I ask is to be able to watch while you do it. I'm 28 mentally and I'm sof*ckingmentally horny it's driving meinsane. I haven't gone almost two years without masturbating before. The longest was af*ckingmonth.Please." I beg him Jasper smirks at this, watching Jacobs reaction.

"I uhm.. okay.. next time.. I'll tell you.." Jacob looks at me with a beautiful blush.

"You can watch me too darlin, if ya want." Jasper says with a husky voice that sends shivers down my spine.

"Sweet baby Jesus save me now.." I mutter softly.At this rate im going to f*ck one of them before my body's of age.. That's creepy! No, I won't touch them sexually.. but I can watch and coax."Okay.. I'll take you up on that offer soon. But I have to get ready, I have a date with Caius today." I get up and scurry to the bathroom to take a cold shower before I get dressed.


Leading me down the kings wing's corridor. We stand in front of a beautifully gilded door. Caius walks up behind me, pulling me close he covers my eyes. "What's this for?" I chuckle softly, he smirks down at me.

"A surprise darling." He kisses the side of my head, I hear a door open and he leads me inside.

"Can I look now?" I ask him and he chuckles softly before pulling his hands away.

I stare in awe, my jaw hitting the floor.Painting'sgorgeous paintings cover the walls. I see two easels sat next to each other, one with a chair.

"C-Caius.." I look to him and he smiles at me.

"This is myprivategallery and art studio.. I painted everything in this room." He looks around the room for a moment before his gaze turns to me.

"My God.. you're better than Bob Ross... And he's anational treasure." I walk further into the room and gawk at the beautiful artwork.This stuff makes my art look like stick figures..

"I thought we might paint together..?" He gestures to the easels already set up with paint pallets. I nod eagerly and quickly run over, sitting in the chair.

"What are we painting?" I ask as I tilt my head at him.

"Anything you want darling." He smiles at me as he begins going straight for paint.

I grab a pencil and sketch onto the canvas. Looking over at Caius I see he's immersed in his work, painting with grace and skill. I shrug and wing it, deciding to do a my bobcat for the hell of it.

Sketching everything out I sit back and look at it, thanking my superior eyesight. I nod and begin to paint, laying down a layer of dark grey before working on the lights of the fur.


Finishing my painting I smile and put my brush in the paint thinner.. thensmackingthe devil out of it. Caius chuckles at me as he finishes his.

"Do you wish to reveal?" He asks me picking up his painting. I nod with a smirk and hover mine in the air..

3...2...1... Turning at the same time I gasp as I see his.. a painting ofmepainting with a smile on my face. "Damn I look hot.." I lean forward and look at it in closer detail.

"I enjoy how you blended the browns and blacks together.. is this..?" He looks with a look of confusion.

"Well.. it's just something that came forward." I say with a shrug as I admire his painting

"I shall hang these up in my room once they dry properly." He says with a smile on his face and I nod at him. Getting up from the stool I walk over to the couch and sit. Resting for a moment, he walks over to me and sits down with a goblet of blood.

"I had a lot of fun Caius." I lean into him with a smile.

"I'm glad you had fun." He takes a sip from his goblet, I look at it curiously.

"Can.. I try?" I point at the goblet he looks at me in slight shock.

"Certainly darling." He offers me the goblet and I sniff, looking down at it in confusion at the sweet taste. Taking a sip of it my face scrunches up as I fan my mouth. Putting the glass down, looking for a place frantically to spit it out.WHY AREN'T THERE TRASH CANS??? I CANT JUST SPIT IT BACK IN THE CUP!!THAT'S UNHYGIENIC!!

Caius sees my panic and pulls me close to his chest. "Into my mouth darling." He opens his mouth for me and I spit the blood out into his mouth, a frown on my face as I scratch my tongue. He swallows the blood in his mouth, his eyes growing black. "What's wrong with it darling?" He asks me in a slight husky voice.

"Waytoo f*cking sweet! Yuck! That needs to be diluted withsomething." I scowl at the glass in disgust.

"Truly?I taste no sweetness." He swirls the blood in his goblet, looking down at it in contemplation.

"It tastes like pure sugar to me.. It might be good on ice cream... Or adonut. f*ck that sounds good." I moan at the thought. Caius chuckles and pulls me to him, we continue to cuddle and talk about ourselves for the rest of the day.

Chapter 22: πŸ”ž A barking good time πŸ‹

Chapter Text

- Next Day -

After having been watched like a hawk the entire day yesterday. By Jasper and Jacob, Then with Caius watching me while we had our date.. To see if id 'let the cat out of the bag' as Emmett solovinglyput it.. Jasper felt that I should go stretch my legs some around the castle, and Ihumblyagreed. Having wanted to go see the Elk that Demetri bought before the Cullen's take the herd with them to their new property.. We will however be buying a smaller herd for when Vegetarians visit.Last time I saw an Elk- er.. something elk-ish was during a trip to Santa's village in New Hampshire when I was 13.. They hadactualReindeer you could pet... never got all the Alphabet elves, im still pissed off at that.

Walking through the castle with Demetri leading the way. "I am unsure if you will be able to touch themMia Regina,they are very skittish around vampires." Demetri leads me to a stable that used to be usedlongago. Having been cleaned out recently for the Elk to inhabit, the stable being connected to a large field behind the castle.

I spot an elk with a massive rack eating some hay from its feeder, it spots Demetri and steps away. Going to run back out to the paddock, I frown at it wishing it wasn't so scared.. that it was..Calm.

Like a 180Β° the elk calms down visibly, going back to grazing. Keeping it's eyes on me as it eats, although not scared it's weary. My eyes widen at this.Holy sh*t, is this Jaspers gift?.. but I didn't sense emotions? Maybe I have to toggle it on? Like in a video game?

Walking closer to the elk, it looks at me and I keep wanting it to be calm. I reach out and pet it's snout, it sniffs me and licks my hand making me giggle.Holy f*ck, Jaspers gift is awesome for petting animals..I'm so going to abuse this to pet wildlife.

Demetri stands there dumbfounded, having had to physically restrain the elk beforehand to drain them of some of their blood... They now have a permanent line to draw blood when the elk are refreshed. Felix stands by the door chuckling into his hand.

"How.." Demetri asks as he watches me pet the elk, squinting in confusion.

"Guess I got Jaspers gift." I say with an indifferent shrug.

"Would you like to add mine to your arsenal?" Demetri asks with a raised brow, I turn to him and nod. Wanting his queen to have as big as an arsenal of gifts to use. If the guard should never be able to protect her.. better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

He steps forward and offers me his hand, I grab hold of it and something inside meclicks... "Holy sh*t it's like..like.." Demetri raises a brow as I look around the room. "It'sliterally a compass in my head... Or.. or a mini map with dots that show people.. I can see all my mates.. Even the Cullen's." I say as I look upwards into the castle, seeing their aura's.

"That's..incredible. Almost as if you have enhanced my gift." Demetri says with a smirk.

"This issof*cking cool." I say with a gleeful smile. "Maybe Jane and Alec can give me theirs?" I ask with a tilt of my head they nod and guide me to where they are stationed


Spotting them both Felix jogs up and tells them the plan. Alec and Jane look up with eager eyes. "Hi guys.. May I copy your gifts?"

"It would be an honor my queen." Jane says with a rare smile, offering me her hand. Taking it in my own I nod and take Alec's hand as well.

"May I.. try them out?" I turn to Demetri and Felix who nod with grimaces. Knowing that they're going to be my guinea pigs.


Standing in front of Felix who volunteered to be my lab rat, I try out Jane's first. Looking at Felix I take a deep breath then speak. "Pain." He drops to his knees and lets out a wail of agony that shocks me, I quickly stop it and he pants loudly.

Holding out my hands a black mist swirls to him from my palms, taking him in it's embrace it dulls his pain. Allowing him to sigh, he stands up and cracks his neck. I retract the smoke and he smiles at me. "Wonderful! It's more powerful than Janes.."

"Itshouldn'tbe though.. I haven't experienced any sort of great pain." I look at Felix with a frown.Jane was burned at the stake.. nothing I've felt can even compare.

"No need to feel bad my lady. I am glad our gifts could be of use in your protection." Jane says with an eager smile.

"Thanks Jane.. I think I'm gonna try to let the cat out of the bag." They nod to me and I quickly go over to the locker room to change.

Coming back out as my bobcat form I trot over to them. Getting used to walking in this form quickly. "Would you like to start by fighting one of usMia Regina?" Demetri says and I nod my head.

Felix steps forward opposite me. "Meow at me when you wish to stop." I nod my head and he rushes forward. I hiss at him my ears pinned back, I swipe at him with my claws catching his shirt. Slicing it to ribbons, I use my gift and fly towards him with a yawl. Swinging my paws at him quickly, he only manages to dodge me. He goes for a swing and I fly straight up to avoid him. He frowns and I smirk at him, dropping down with a hiss he ready's his stance and takes me head on.

One I land we wrestle each other, I get my claws into him piercing his stone flesh. He hisses out in pain as I manage to get my mouth around his throat. Meowing out softly he stays still until I pull away. Licking my lips I lift myself off him, helping him up with my gift.

"You have certainly gotten better." Felix says with a smile. I smile up at him purring softly.

"My turn!! My turn!!" Demetri says with an eager grin, jogging to come up opposite me.. I spend the rest of the day training with guards, mastering combat in my feline form.

πŸ”ž- Few Days Later -πŸ”ž

It'sfinallytime, Jacob came up to me and said that he's ready.f*ck am I excited.I get on the bed, laying comfortably as he grabs the toy setting it on the bed.

Jacob looks at me meekly as I watch him, he exhales and takes off his boxers. Letting them drop to the floor. "f*ckJake.." His co*ck twitches and he swallows the spit in his mouth, looking over to me with an anxious expression. Having gotten hard thinking about doing this in front of me.

He lays down on the bed next to me looking over to me with a blush. I cuddle close to him he gasps out a breath. "f*ck.." he mutters softly. I hand him the fleshlight with my gift. "Can... Can you.. uhm.." Jake stutters as he avoids looking at me, taking the toy in his hands

"What puppy?" He turns to me quickly with wide eyes, blushing even darker. My eyes widen slightly. "Do you not like the name? I'm-"

"No, I like it.. I just..." He grabs the bottle of lube and I snatch it from him with my gift.

"What is it then puppy?" He whines softly as he looks at me.God he's such a bottom.

"Can.. can you move the toy.. with your gift..?"He asks meekly and I blush a deep red nodding my head, his breath hitches.

Looking to the floating bottle, a stream of lube pours from it. Floating in the air it moves to his co*ck wrapping around it like a snake slicking him up. He bites his lip as he grips the sheets. Feeling the liquid squeeze him slightly as it slicks him up.

I reach up and pull his head towards me, he looks me in the eyes and pants in anticipation. I pull him close and kiss him, he moans softly into the kiss. Closing his eyes to focus on my lips, moving to cup my face in his hand. I lift the toy up in the air, holding his co*ck up straight with the lube.

Plunging my tongue into his mouth I thrust the toy down onto him. He moans out deeply, his hips thrusting up into the toy.. Only they can't move, I've held them down. He grunts out a whine at this.

Our tongues swirl together as he moans, I move the toy up and down his co*ckslowly, teasingly. He groans out as he kisses me, pulling back for breath he pants as he looks me in the eyes. "f*ck.. Lex..please." He begs me sweetly.

"What is it Puppy? Tell me what you want." I sit up lifting myself with my gift, sitting on him just above his co*ck on his abs. The toy still thrusting away slowly. He whimpers pitifully as he looks at me, imagining in his mind that its me that he's f*cking.

He holds my hips as he tries to buck again, he groans deeply again in disappointment when he can't move. "PLEASE, more. I-I-Ineedmore."

"Hmm?" I tilt my head, cradling his chin in my hand as he whimpers and pants. "You want me to go fast hm?"

"Please." He nods eagerly as he looks at me with reverence. I smirk and nod, moving the toyfast. Only I don't stop, it moves up and down non-stop.

He grabs the sheets, not wanting to hurt me as he moans out loudly. Tears brimming his eyes as he squirms underneath me. "f*ckJake.. you look exquisite.. I'm so f*cking wet right now." I grind myself against him and whine as he growls out. "I cant wait to suck your co*ck.." I whisper into his ear, biting the lobe lightly.

"I'm gonna cum-f*ckI'm gonna cum! So good-so good-" Just as he's reaching the edge I kiss him again, he wraps his arms around me and moans as our tongues wrestle. He c*ms with a roar his co*ck twitching inside the toy.

After he reaches his end and calms down I pull away panting slightly. Pulling the toy off him, making sure the cum doesn't make a mess. It floats over to the toilet in the other room. Jake pulls me down as he lays flat beneath me, panting hard, he nuzzles his head in the crook of my neck. "f*ck.. that was so fun.." Jake says with a soft chuckle. "Did you.. like it..?" He asks meekly.

"Yes, Jake I loved it. Making you cum..f*ck, turned me on to no end." I run my fingers through his hair making him smile.

"I just wish I could help you.." He frowns as he looks up at me.

"Not yet baby." I kiss him on the lips. "I promise, when I'm ready you'll be the first one. I can't wait to take your virginity." I smirk grabbing his chin and he blushes nodding his head to me.

Chapter 23: πŸ”žMate DateπŸ‹

Chapter Text

- One Month Later -

Slashing my claws at Jacob he dodges with practiced ease I growl mentally. Hissing at him my ears pinned back, he simply laughs at me, his tail wagging behind him as he splashes around.

It's not funny!I hiss at him once more.

It totally is! You look like a wet rat!Jake cackles at my misfortune, I shake my body trying to get all the water out of my fur.

Aro decided that instead of a date with just himself, he wanted us all to have a 'mate date'. Aro got everything together through the month and flew us to an private island the Volturi owns for us to stay for a week.

Jasper, Aro, Caius and Marcus sit under the shade of a nearby tree watching with smiles as I walk up the beach towards them with a feline scowl. Jasper chuckles at me as Marcus grabs a towel with a smile on his face. Caius simply shakes his head with a smirk.

I hiss at Jasper for laughing as Marcus wraps the towel around me, making sure I'm covered before letting me change back into a human. "It's not funny!" I frown out, pushing the wet hair out of my face. "He cheated! How was I supposed to know my body would do that!" Jacob and me decided to wrestle as our shifted forms near the water.. he bit the back of my neck playfully and my body went limp. A response for a kitten to it's mother when they pick it up. He did pick me up.. and threw me into thef*ckingocean. Watersucksas a cat.

My body has aged quickly in only a month.. I'm nowguestimated16/17 biologically.. I still have no clue why I'm aging so fast, my mates are scared but I told them its fine. I'll stop aging when I hit 18.

"The ocean is a disgusting cesspool Jacob!" I turn back at the wet wolf as he walks up the beach naked. "It'sfilledwith millions of gallons of whale cum and fish sh*t!" I scowl deeper as my brain goes into overdrive.The amount of germs alone-

Jasper stands up sensing my rising panic and wraps his arms around me, holding me tightly to his chest to ground me. "Shhhbaby girl, it's fine. You didn't drink any of it so it's only on your skin, let's just go take a shower hm? Get you cleaned off?" I nod to him and he scoops me up, making sure I'm covered with the towel.

"We'll join you in the house in a little while. I'll prepare a movie." Aro says with a smile, I nod to him with a meek smile as Jasper zooms off.

- πŸ”ž -

Arriving in the bathroom he sets me down on the seat in the shower and quickly gets the water ready and up to temp. I scratch at my skin and sigh in relief as the hot water hits me, killing and washing away the bacteria.For being a perfect vampire, is sure sucks having a human like brain..Jasper goes to leave and I stop him, he looks back with wide eyes.Noo! Stay!

"You're covered in it too.." I look at his soaked through shirt.

"I'll take a shower after-"

"No, take one with me." I pout at him and he sighs softly with a smirk. "It's more ethical.. to save water.." Blushing slightly.f*ck I wanna see him nakedsobad.

"I can sense your growing lust baby girl." Jasper takes off his shirt and tosses it in the hamper. Moving onto his pants I blush, causing him to smirk. "What have you got planned hm?" He raises a brow as drops his pants, kicking them towards the hamper, he stands there naked.There is a god, he's standing before me with a magnificent co*ck and southern drawl..

Stepping inside he rinses his body off under the spray. Grabbing some soap to wash himself before he touches me, I stand up and grab the soap from him. He raises a brow and I step forward naked as well, leaving the soaked towel behind. He looks over my bare body eagerly.

"You don't have to do anything baby girl." Jasper says as I rub soap on his chest, making his co*ck harden between his legs. Pressing my breasts against him. Lathering us both up to kill off the germs..

"I want to.. I'm feeling more comfortable in this body.. Not forgenitalpenetration.. but..." I reach down with a sudsy hand and grab his co*ck. He hisses as closing his eyes, grunting softly as I slowly stroke him. Clenching his fists at his sides, holding himself back from pinning me to the wall and f*cking me till the tiles break.

"f*ck.. you have no idea how long I've waited for you to do that.." He pants out slowly rocking his hips into my hand.Me and my goddamn morals, all I want is to drop to my knees and choke on his co*ck.. f*cking oral fixation..

"You.. you can touch me.." I look up at him and he moves quickly, grabbing my breasts in each hand. Playing with them he growls as he holds the large globes in his palms, fondling them softly making me bite my lip with a moan.

"Your tit* aresof*ckingbeautiful.." His eyes begin to unfocus as he leans down and sucks a nipple into his mouth, rolling it around on his tongue. Giving it little nips as he teases me. I moan softly as his other hand moves south, he looks at me through his wet hair and I nod. He glides his hand over my puss* lips, sliding one finger against my slit. "You're sowet for me.." His voice gets deeper as he rubs against my cl*t, making me buck my hips.

I squeeze his co*ck in my hand, he growls softly. Slowly pushing one of his fingers inside of me, I bite my lip. Using his thumb he rubs my cl*t as he thrusts the finger in and out slowly.

"Jasper.." I mewl out softly rocking my hips against his hand. Jasper growls and pins me against the wall with his body, pushing his co*ck against my stomach. Grabbing both of my wrists in hand he pins them above my head.

"No." He says huskily with a smirk, shaking his head no.

"Major..?" I ask and he nods his head, rocking his hips against my tummy, using the soap as lube. Leaning down he kisses and sucks gently at my neck making me moan.

"You moan so prettily for us.." Pushing in another finger I moan loudly at the stretch, the Major's rhythm increases.f*ck this virgin body is so sensitive.His soap slick co*ck f*cking between my stomach and his. "I'm close." He growls next to my ear as he f*cks against me.

The Major adds another finger and hits my gspot with every thrust of his hand. Curling his fingers inside of me. "f*ck-Major.." I clench my hands above me into fists as I moan, the hot band in my stomach snaps and I arch off the shower wall. Cumming hard with a gasp, he growls and cum's as well. Feeding off the emotions im emitting, his cum sprays all over my stomach. Painting me with his cum, making me a beautiful canvas.

Panting for a moment he pulls his fingers out of me, bringing them to his mouth he sucks on them eagerly. Looking me in the eyes as he does, his eyes slowly gain color as Jasper takes control back. He moans softly at the taste as well, closing his eyes in bliss.Jesus Mary and Joseph.. I've never cum that hard from just fingering before..

Shaking his head he comes back from his dissociating. "sh*t.. I'm sorry.. he wanted to touch you.. " he says with a frown, he let's go of my hands. Still supporting my body as my knees are weak.

"Don't be." I say with a blissful smile. "Why don't we finish the shower?" He nods with a chuckle and helps me clean my body with soap. Paying extra attention to my breasts and stomach, washing away his cum.


Walking out of the bathroom in a fresh change of clothes, I see the three kings and Jacob sitting in the room. Aro looks at me with a smirk, his eyes dark. "That wasquitethe show.." He looks me up and down, then to Jasper who smirks.

"I can't wait for aprivateperformance." Caius says with a smirk, his eyes black as he looks at me.

"I agree brother.." Marcus sits with his legs spread wide, looking at me.. a noticeable bulge in all of their pants. Haha. I'm in danger!Jacob just smirks at me, shaking his head before returning his attention to my laptop.

"No pressure darlin. On your time okay?" Jasper says, running his fingers through my wet hair.

"I understand." I look up at him with a smile. "With the rate I'm growing it shouldn't be long now." Caius bites onto his knuckle as he looks at me, groaning softly. Marcus adjusts himself in his seat with a soft hiss.

"Hm.." Jacob says as he looks down at his phone with a frown, stopping from looking at my laptop.

"What is it Jake?" I ask sitting across from him at the table. Aro looks at the wolf with a raised brow.

"Looks like a leech-no offense." He looks to the kings before continuing. "Is poking around Forks.. No matter how many times the pack chases him off he comes back.."

"I wonder why.." I say with a frown on my face.

"Sam has no idea.. but he's been seen in town, talking to people. Thankfully he hasn't gone to La Push because of the pack..." Jake rubs his hand over his chin as he thinks.

"Maybe he's looking for the Cullens?" I ask with a tilt of my head.

"It's possible.." Marcus says from across the room.

"Make sure Sam keeps you posted. If worse comes to worse I'll confront the bastard myself. He'll have a hard time running when he's floating in the air with no senses." I cross my arms over my chest with a frown.

Jacob chuckles softly but nods. "I'll text him and let him know." I nod to him.

My brain begins to play a game of ping pong, going from thought to thought until it sets on somethingcompletelyrandom and off topic. "I was wondering if we could invite some Vampire with gifts to the castle? Specifically Benjamin one of Amun's."I wanna be the f*cking Avatar!Plus Benjamin is such a dork, I love him.

"That's a wonderful idea darling, we can do it when we crown you as queen. We'll have a ball." Aro says clapping his hands in excitement. Acting like Stolas from Helluva Boss when he claps in excitement in the Loo Loo land episode..

"Ohgreat.. here we go." Caius grumbles as he pours himself another goblet full of blood. Marcus is down on his knees by the television, readying our movie for the night.

"What?" Jacob asks in confusion.

"He goescrazyplanning balls.." Marcus states with a smirk, Aro holds a hand to his chest in mock hurt.

"Howdareyou! You two have always had fun at my balls!" He says as he crosses his arms with a pout.

"As long as there's Veggie Vamp options I'm game." I say with a shrug as Jacob shows me a cat video on YouTube. Telling me that 'it reminds me of you'.. it's a kitten being picked up... Cheeky sh*t.

"The movie is ready love." Marcus says as he scoops me up. Plopping me in the middle of the bed between him and Caius.. sitting me on Aro's lap.

"Uh.. Okay, now for you to bare witness to the cinematic masterpiece that is.. IT." I say with a smirk as it plays.

Chapter 24: My father will hear about this! 🐍

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- Two Weeks Later -

Sitting in the middle of the room, various sewing and craft supplies littered around me. Some even hovering in he air, occasionally floating to my hands. I quickly stitch up two pieces of fabric together with my hands. Going faster than a sewing machine. Holding it up in the air I humm to myself. Standing up I quickly put on the skirt and look at myself on the mirror. Swishing it around and looking at it with different angles. "That should do it.." I nod with a smile, taking it off and putting it away.

There all the cloth portions for my costume is done! I just need to wait for the artisan I hired to finish the headdress and bra and I'm done!

Aro has set the date that I'm to become Queen. I insisted the date.. Halloween because I'm an extra bitch. My ball is going to be a costume ball. I'm making my own costume right now.. and since Ihavethe body for it now.. I'm going as Akasha from the Queen of the damned. I'm not letting any of my mates see the costume, I want their jaws todrop. Demetri is only delivering me the box with the pieces I need. Snickering to myself at what there reactions will be like as I put away all my supplies.

Jacob bursts into the room with a worried look on his face. Sighing loudly, shaking my head side to side. "Whatdid I say?" I raise a brow as I box up all the needles and thread.

"Only to disrupt you if it's an emergency. Itis. The leech still hasn't left, the pack can't catch it.. We need the Volturi, it's starting to kill people in Forks." I turn to him with a raised brow. I sighs softly and lift myself up with my gift so I can stand.

"Let's go to Aro then. I want to get this f*cker myself." I say with a scowl as I walk out the door slightly faster than a normal human but Jacob can keep up.

"It's too dangerous-" Jacob says as he jogs along slide me.

"Ahbub bub!" I hold a hand up shushing his nonsense. He sighs as we reach the throne room, this time I open the doors gently.This mother f*cker has inconvenienced me, he's dead.I'm gonna be a queen now bitch, nobody f*cks with my town.

Looking around confused as I don't see the kings. "They are in their officeMia Regina." The guard at the door says and I nod to him with a smile. Quickly turning to walk towards their offices.Could have sworn they had court.. oh well.


Opening the door to their and letting myself in, Jacob following behind all of their eyes look up to me from their paperwork. "I'm going to Forks to hunt down a vamp." I say plainly, with my arms crossed.

"Whywhatever for? We can send some of the guard." Aro says with a perplexed look.

"This f*cker has been hunting inmyterf. He's a dead vamp walking." I growl out, my lip quivering into a snarl. "I don't want Charlie Swan to get hurt or have more work forced on him, he is a precious cinnamon roll who needs to be protected atallcosts."I'll rip someone apart limb from limb if they hurt that sweet man.

"Ah yes, I remember. You viewed him as a father figure in your previous world.. He was a 'comfort character' I believe you called it? Same with the Major."Damn him and his observations.. I never had a dad, here or my original world.. When I read fanfiction and watched the movies.. something just resonated.. I loved Charlie Swan as a character, Bella doesn't deserve a dad like him.. ungrateful bitch.

"Yep." I say with a nod, Jacob looks at me with a raised brow. Not knowing this information.

"We cannot dissuade you?" Caius asks with a frown on his face, knowing damn well I do what I want. I'll fly to Forks myself with my gift if I have to.I'm a independent woman who don't need no man, andthat'sthe tea sis.

"Nope. I'm going with or without any of you." I say with an indifferent shrug, knowing they're going to send someone along with me.

Marcus sighs softly as he looks to me. "Can we atleastpersuade you to take the guard? As well as Jacob?" Marcus looks to Jacob.

"Why not Jasper?" Jacob asks with a confused look, turning to look at me.

"He's spending time with the Cullen's at their new house. Making sure the elk are cared for because I asked.. Plus finallygetting all of his things moved here." I say to Jacob and he nods.

"It's settled, Jacob, Felix and Demetri will join you on this mission. If anythingshouldgo wrong, you call us immediately." Aro says as he looks me in the eye.

"I will Aro." I smile at him and he nods with a sigh.

"I'll go get us packed." I look to Jacob and he nods to me, I turn to the kings blowing them a kiss before rushing out of the room.

- Forks Washington - Field -

Stepping off the jet I take a deep breath of air, sighing as I release it. A smile on my face as I look up to the sky. "Oh how I have missed this weather.." Felix looks at me like I've grown another head, Demetri just shakes his head.

"Oki Doki boys, me and Jakey will go to the packs land to talk to them about the shifter. You two head to my Dwarven Smial and get everything settled. Jakes already let them know we're staying there." Demetri and Felix nod their heads to me and grab our things.

Jacob takes off his pants and shifts into his wolf form. He picks up his pants with his mouth and hands them to me. "What? I can't let the cat outta the bag?" Jacob shakes his head no and I sigh. "Lemme guess, you want me to ride you?" Jacob nods his tail wagging behind him.

I shake my head with a smile, floating up into the air so I can sit on him easier. "Alright..ONWARD MY NOBLE STEED!!! FORNARNIA! FOR ASLAN!" Jacob rolls his eyes but howls none the less and bolts off like a rocket to the pack house.

- Woods - Pack Territory -

Jake runs through the trees, zigzagging to avoid running into them. I hold onto him tight so I don't get flung off, keeping myself close to his body so I don't get smacked in the face with branches and leaves..

While we're running I'm suddenly flung from Jacob into a tree, making me cry out in pain. The wood splintering due to the strength of the throw. He turns stops in his tracks and turns towards the threat with a snarl only to be held in the air and pinned to a tree. Jacob thrashes around his jaws snapping as I get onto my hands and knees.

"Ah ah.. No sudden movements.. wouldn't want your dog to die would you?" A man steps out from behind a tree, a thick beard on his face. Holding his hand in the air in a claw shape.. "One wrong move and I'll snap his neck."Telekinesis.. is this..?

"Who are you, what do you want?" I ask with a growl, staying still on the ground. Jacob looks over to me, we make eye contact. Nodding to me I understand.The packs on its way.

"Now, that's no way to talk to yourfatheryoung lady." He shakes his head in mock disappointment.

"You're not my father, you're just a glorified sperm donor." He glares at me.

"It's not wise to anger the one who has your friends life in his hands.." he squeezes his hand making Jake whimper out in pain.GOD DAMMIT.f*ck I can't do anything, by the time I say pain he'll kill him. By the time the smoke gets to him, he'll kill him. By the time I can move my HAND he'll kill him. f*ck f*ck f*ck!

"OKAYOKAYSTOP." I look at him wide eyed, he smirks at me.

"Now, here's what's going to happen.. If you come with mewillingly, I won't kill the mutt... If you don't I'll kill him and anybody who tries to follow. Understand?" He tilts his head as he looks at me.f*ck, I'm powerless in this situation. All he has to do is think and he can kill Jake.. Goddamnit!!

"Fine, just don't hurt him." He smirks at me and nods, holding his hand out to me he flicks his wrist and everything goes black. My body slumps to the ground limp.


What... What's going on... Where am I...?My eyes open sluggishly and all I can see is darkness, feeling something soft covering my eyes. I let out a soft grunt in pain, my back on fire because of the throw into the tree.

"Good you're awake!" The man says and I try to turn my head towards him only to not be able to move my head. I tug my arms and legs and notice they're being strapped down too.. Something strong, I can't even break it.. My head feels funky too.. did he drug me somehow..?

"What the f*ck do you want with me?" I snap out with a snarl, clenching my fists as I try and tug at the restraints.

"To fulfill the only purpose you were made fordear. Knowledge. ForcenturiesI have been creating Hybrids. Adjusting the amount of venom that's added to my sem*n, I then impregnate my sow and wait for the experiment to grow. If they are not to my standards, or amaleI let them go or kill them. They are useless to me."He views human woman as f*cking livestock for his experiments. Sick f*ck.

"Ihavehad a few daughters.." He sighs softly in disappointment. "Theyalwaysfailed me, they were infertile so I killed them... But your mother..clever little bitch." He chuckles out with a growl filled with mirth and anger. "Waited until I had to leave to feed... Then she broke her own thumb and dislocated her shoulders to escape.. She was already dead the minute she got pregnant with you.. She fled and was smart about it.. I think she had training... She covered herself in mud so I lost the scent. I've hunted you all over America.. but Ifinallyfound my prize."

A hand touches me and I shrink away from it in disgust. "You are a f*cking monster. What are you even going todowith me?"

"I'm going to impregnate you for my next round of experiments." I scowl at him in utter disgust and disbelief.His own daughter??"I want to see what happens.. I want to create theperfectVampire that can blend in with society... But first I need a baby." I hear the sound of pants unzipping and my eyes widen in shock. I struggle against the restraints causing him to laugh at me.

My stalling and making him villain monologue saved me enough time for Sam to burst through the wall of the house and tackle the man to the ground. Catching him by surprise, he bites and rips at him tearing his head off.

Demetri rushes to me and pulls the blindfold off. "Mia Regina." He says with a sigh of relief, quickly undoing my restraints.

I sit up and look at the man's body laying limp on the floor. Glaring at it.. it begins to break apart into small pieces, turning into a fine sand. Twitching my head towards the fireplace the powder is flung into it. The flame grows large the moment it hits but dies down.

I rub my wrists as I sway back and fourth.Yep definitely drugged."Felix..? Take all of the books." I gesture to the bookshelves of what appear to be leather journals. "We'll go through them.. when we get back.." Felix nods his head and zooms off to complete his task.

Feeling the chill air blown into the room I shiver slightly. Sam walks up to me and looks me over with a critical eye. "I'm fine Sam.. He didn't hurt me too bad.. Jake okay?"

"Jacob has a broken leg, he is currently mending in the Smial my lady." Demetri says as he steps forward, standing by Sam's side.

"I don't think I can walk.. I'm getting woozy again.. Carry me to the Smial please.." Demetri nods and scoops me up bridal style.

"RestMia Regina, we will arrive to your abode in no time." I nod to him and fall back into unconsciousness.

- Smial -

Opening my eyes once again, I see the stone ceiling I'm so familiar with. Having lived here for over a year.. my beloved Smial. I sit up and hold my head with a grunt. Looking around my eyes widen in surprise.Hmph, the pack have made themselves at home. That's good.I see various shirts and clothes sitting around as well as a stockpile of emergency food.

Hearing noises I look to the doorway and see Jacob limping in, hopping on one leg. My eyes widen and I hold my hand out, lifting him up so he doesn't further harm his leg.

"Jake, thank God.." Getting out of bed I walk over to him and hug him close.

"f*ck.. I was so scared when he took you Lex." Jacob holds me close to his body, burying his head in my hair. "Bastard knocked you out then broke my leg so I couldn't run after him.. I'm so sorry.."

"I'm fine Jacob, everything's okay. He's done and dead.. Once you're all healed, we'll spend some time with Billy then head back to Volterra okay?" Jacob nods his head with a smile.

Chapter 25: We stan Charlie in this house

Chapter Text

Once Jacob's leg was all healed up by morning, he left to talk to the council about letting Felix and Demetri come onto the reservation.. The kings were told what happened to me by my guards and nearly had panic attacks if it wasn't for Jasper who came back a day early to surprise me.. They wanted to come straight to Forks but I told them to stay, knowing that they can't justdropeverything.. they'rekingsfor god's sakes.. plus we're not staying that long..

I'm sitting in my old room in my Smial laying in my dug out bed I made with grass and furs. A bowl of goldfish sitting in my lap. Having made Demetri go out to the nearby store and get me some. Hovering the occasional cracker into my awaiting maw, using my gift to help with drawing what I want with a sketchbook and pencil.. Drawing freehand I justcan'tget it right, but with my gift I can literally transfer an image from my mind onto a canvas. This helps so much with me feeling like my art is sh*t.

Felix is sitting outside in the cold guarding the door while Demetri is inside with me. The two of us talking about anything and everything to pass the time. Me and the two of them becoming fast friends.

Demetri sits up straight and listens. Felix is alerting him of incoming wolves. "Your wolf is back withothers." He states, I pick myself up with my gift and trot outside with a hand full of goldfish. He opens the door for me like a gentleman.


Stepping out the door I see the whole pack standing at attention behind a furry Sam. Jacob in his human form walks up to stand in front of me. "How'd it go?" I say munching on my snack.

"Theuhm.. Council approved of entry for your guards into La Push for this visitonly.. as long as the pack is nearby to guard them.. Dad said that we'll need to tell them everytime we come to Forks with additional..guards." Jacobs scratches the back of his head.Billy probably felt scared of the Volturi.. If they didn't allow my guards to follow me that's practically a war declaration in Caius' eyes..

"Oh okay. Sweet." I say with a happy smile, turning to my guards Tweedle Dum and Dee. "Okay boys you know the drill. Standard coven hospitality. No hunting in La Push oranysurrounding City's. Besides we brought blood with us so food is fine. Stay close to me and don't fight the wolves.Thatgoes for you guys too Paw Patrol.The moment a fight breaks out foranyreason I'm breaking it up." I eye them all up, specifically eyeing up Paul. He growls at me, eyeing up my guards.

Sam snaps his jaws at Paul with a growl, making him back down with a whine. Turning to me he nods his head, I smile at him. "Oakily dokily. Lets get a move on-"

"Wait Lex,uh.. Charlie Swan is currently at my dads.. watching a game.." My eyes widen at this information.Papa Swan? The best fictional dad ever?

"Mayhaps.. could I.. meet him..?" I say twiddling my fingers as I look up at Jake. Pulling off my best puppy dog eyes.

"As long as things one and two stay outside and out of sight guarding, I don't see a problem." I cheer out in glee flying up into the air with my excitement. Jacob smiles up at me.

"THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!" I bellow out into the woods. Sam looks at me confused, wondering why I'm so excited to see him.


Jacob and I are driving down the road in the car he fixed up. Demetri, Felix and the pack following along in the woods.Could have flown here in half the time... Sigh..

We ride up to the Black residence and I see the police cruiser. I bounce up and down in my seat with excitement, shaking my hands in the air as I squeal. Jacob turns to watch me with a smile, parking the car in the driveway and turning it off.

"Okay, sooo what's the story?" I turn to Jake with a straight face. "Am I your girlfriend, Fiancee? Cause we can'texactlysay imprint."

"Uh y-yeah.. girlfriend's okay.." Jacob blushes slightly and I nod to him.

Stepping out of the car I look and see Demetri and Felix hidden from human eyes in the trees. The pack guarding from the ground. I take deep breath before following Jake up the ramp.

He opens the door letting me in first. He calls out to his father as I step inside. "Dad? I'm home."

"In the living room!" We hear him yell out, Jacob leads me through the house and we enter the living room.

Charlie Swan is sitting on the couch with Billy right next to him. Billy looks at me with a smile, Charlie's eyes widening at the sight of the both of us. "Hey! Alexis good to see you, Jake said you were coming too." Billy says with a happy smile.

"Hey Billy, looking good as always." I smirk at him and he chuckles softly.

"Where are my manners, this is Charlie Swan a close friend of mine. Charlie this is Alexis, Jake'sgirlfriend." Billy nudges Charlie with a smirk, Charlie rolls his eyes. Jacob sighs and looks away with a blush.

"Pleasure to meet you Alexis." Charlie says with a welcoming smile.AHHHHHE SAID MY NAME.

"P-Pleased to meet you as well Mr. Swan." I say with a giddy smile as Jake leads me to sit down on his lap. Because there's not many chairs in this house.. I lean against his chest and get comfy.

"Oh please, call me Charlie." He says waving it off. "So uh, how did you and Jake meet?"

Okay, sprinkle some truth with the lies."Oh uh.. I'm a kind of an off the grid survivalist type like my parent's. It's a hobby." I say with a smile. "My parents have a little shack hidden up here in La Push that I used to live in. I'm in college currently in Italy. My parents left all of their properties to me, when they passed... But um, one day I was taking a hike through the woods to forage for any plants in season and I saw Jacob hiking as well with Sam and his friends. We got to talking and became fast friends."f*ck I hope that was convincing.

"Oh.. May I ask how you lost your parents..? You don't have to-" Charlie's natural investigative instinct comes in.

"No it's fine.. Uhm.. They died while foraging far from where they were used to.. a rabid bear killed them towards Canada.. Some hunters found them and reported it... then they got the bear in the end."Eh, not my best work but it will do.

"Oh jeez I'm so sorry.. Forks and Washington has been having ahellof a lot of animals attacks in recent years... I'm so sorry you had to go through that.." Charlie gives me a look full of sympathy that crushes my soul.Gah! I hate lying to the best dad!

"I've grieved and shed plenty of tears.. I've accepted what happened, all I can do is move forward."f*ck lying sucks. I want to tell Charlie.. but he wouldn't take it very well.. since I stopped Radiator from being born, Jacob never had the chance to reveal he's a wolf... Plus mt handy cover story I made for Bella of her going to school in Italy was a good thing.. They can see each other until she stops passing as aging.. Then she can pull away with physical contact, still calling him.. Then we'll say she had an accident and hold a funeral..

"So you said you used to live off grid? What was that like if I may ask?" Billy asks with a genuine curious look. Having known of my physical growth.

"ALOTof work." I say with a chuckle. "You have to manage so many different things. Making sure you have enough wood to stay warm, food for the winter. That your home is well insulated.. Lots of work, but very rewarding." I say with a bright smile.

"I'll stick to my house with my flat screen and beer thank you." Charlie says with a chuckle taking a sip of his beer. I snort out a laugh and nod with him.

We stay at Billy's till it starts to get dark and Charlie goes home.. Jacob talks with his dad privately while I wait outside.. Once he's done we head back to Volterra, my coronation as queen is coming soon..

Chapter 26: Yass Queen slay πŸ’…πŸ»

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- Halloween - Alexis POV -

Standing in my room alone I use my gift to help with putting on my costume. Having done my hair around the headdress, I adjust the cups of my copper bra. Nodding to myself in agreement that it's in place, I move onto doing my makeup. Following along with my memory to make myself look just like Akasha.

Standing back I look at myself and smile, turning around so I get a good look. "Damn I look like asnack." I say with a smirk, staring at my ass biting my lip.Hope you like what you see Aro.A knock comes to the door, alerting me that it's time for my grand entrance.

Grabbing the Volturi cloak I stole from Aro's closet, I wrap it around my body to hide my costume. Walking to the door I open it to see Jane dressed as Alice from Alice in wonderland. Alec standing beside her as the white rabbit. "Jane! Lovely costume, this dress looks amazing."

Jane smiles at me and twirls so I can get a look. "Thank you my queen, it is time for your entrance." She says and I nod my head.

"Make sure nobody's near the doors okay?" She nods her head and zooms off.

- Third Person POV -

Aro sits in his throne, overlooking the party. Dressed in his finest Victorian clothing with fake vampire teeth in his mouth. He looks to his brother Caius who's dressed in a shredded yellow rain jacket covered in faux blood. His arm painted to be red and bloody. He's Georgie from the IT series.

Marcus sits in his throne with his legs spread wide, wearing tight leather pants and a loose white tunic. His hair painted white with 'Manic Panic' as Jane called it. Even wearing yellow feline contacts. Two of Caius' swords are perched near his throne to complete his look. Aro insisted on the costume, saying it would please their mate greatly.

Jasper is talking with his family in full Cowboy regalia, wearing a ten gallon hat. Leather assless chaps and a pair of jeans show off his ass. A leather vest wrapped around his shoulders.. His boots even have the jangling spurrs.

Jacob is standing nearby talking to Bella dressed as a Sally, and Edward as Jack.. Jacob is dressed as a werewolf, with fake fur glued to his skin and a prosthetic dog nose on his face... Alexis even made him get fake wolf claws be put onto his nails.

Jane enters the room and makes sure everyone is away from the large door. "She is ready master, awaiting your announcement." Jane says from across the room.

Aro nods his head to her and stands from his throne, everyone in the room quiets down looking to him. "Friends, Subjects andbelovedcoven members.. It is anhonorto have you all here for thismomentousday... Today is agloriousday for the Volturi coven-NayVampire kind.. Myself and my brothers have found our true mate." Everyone in the room whispers to one another in shock. "Today she shall be revealed to the world and crownedQueen.. May I introduce to you.. Queen Alexis Volturi!" Aro gestures to the large door, everyone turns and looks.

The large wooden doors slam open smacking against the stone walls startling some of the more skittish vampires. A cloaked figure stands in the entry way, fog from a machine pouring through the floor.. She glides just above the fog to the dais, floating above the three kings.Grabbing the cloak she flings it off, throwing it to Felix and Demetri who catch it. Both dressed as Tweedle Dum and Dee.

All of her mates pupils dilate at the sight of her. Caius groans out a fierce growl and bites his fist hard, nearly shattering it as he stares at her body. Marcus growls softly as he looks at her. Aro gasps softly at her form, eyes greedily taking her in. Jacob swallows the spit in his mouth.. Jasper.. well Jasper isn'thereright now, The Major watches her intently. Licking his lips, remembering her taste on his tongue.

Holding her hands aloft with a kind smile and greets her new subjects. "Hello everyone.. it is anhonorto meet you all." Looking over the crowd who looks at her with reverence. "For those who do not know whom I'm dressed as.." I smirk at all of them, floating towards the ground slightly. "I am dressed as Akasha, Queen of vampires from the Queen of the Damned film... I thought it was fitting no?" I say with a shrug, grinning to show off my fake sharp teeth I glued to my own, Jacob chuckles softly.

- Alexis POV -

Alexis lands next to Aro who takes her hand in his. Kissing the back of it, she smiles at him. His breath hitches when he sees her toy with Jacob on her bed and get finger f*cked by Jasper in the shower. Nearly losing his composure from the sounds of herexquisitemoans.. He let's out thick pants as he watches her memories.

"Enjoy the party everyone! Happy Halloween!" Holding her free hand in the air. Everyone goes back to mingling as I'm swarmed by my mates.

Caius pulls me towards his body, pushing his hard co*ck against my ass with a deep resonating growl. Sniffing the side of my neck eagerly, letting his teeth graze my skin. "You thought it wise to tempt us with the sight of yourdeliciousbody?" Caius says with venom pooling in his mouth. Marcus stands in front with Aro, both of them eagerly touching my skin. I bite my lip to conceal a moan. "I shouldf*ckyou right here on my throne.. Let everyone watch as you cum on my co*ck..." Caius whispers into my ear, biting the lobe. Purring quite loudly as he teases his mate.

"Now nowbrother.. we wouldn't want her first time to be sopublic.. Maybe a later date hm?" Aro says with a smirk as he grabs ahold of my chin. Looking at me with hooded eyes. "You look trulyravishingdarling.."

"I can hardly hold myself back from f*cking you with my fingers.." Marcus says with a coy smirk, i look at him getting a good look at his costume. A blush rises to my cheeks instantly.Aro you demon!!Aro chuckles softly as he sees how aroused Marcus's costume makes her.

"Your demondarling.." I'm a blushing red mess as they surround me, speaking such dirty words. Jacob walks up to the thrones, Jasper hot on his heels his spurrs clinking with every step.

"Alright guys, you're turning her into a tomato." Jacob says with a chuckle, the kings look to him.

"Jazz..Major.. can you calm them down a little....?" I look to Jasper who's eyes are a dark black. Licking his hips he looks me up and down, truly drinking in my costume.

"Gonna be hard darlin, I'm as hard as a rock like they are." The Major drawls out as he looks at me, I whimper slightly with a frown. He sighs softly and focuses, putting a quenching water of calm on the kings growing flame of lust.

"Later.." Caius growls in my ear and I moan softly.

I clear my throat and take a step away. "I want to go meet some people!" I say with a grin clapping my hands.


Walking around the party, Carlisle who's dressed as Frankenstein spots me. "Alexis!" He waves me over and I walk to him seeing Esme dressed as the bride of Frankenstein.

"Hey Carlisle, what's up?" I say with a smile.

"I would like to introduce you to our cousins if that's alright?" He gestures to a group of people by the elk blood table. I nod to him and he leads me over, they turn once they see him approach.

"Queen Alexis, these are Eleazar, Tanya, Kate, Irina and Carmen." Carlisle gestures to each one so I may know their names.

Eleazar steps forward with a kind smile. "Hello My Queen, congratulations on finding your mates." He goes for my hand but I step back, his eyes widen thinking he's done something wrong.

"Apologies but my gift.. copy's others, I wouldn't want to copy any of yours without consent."I'm big on consent.. Apparently I'm the library of Alexandria for gifts. I can still use my 'fathers' even though he's ashes..

"Oh! I completely understand.. I would be honored if you added my gift to your arsenal. I hope it will help you in future." He offers me his hand again and I smile before taking it. Feeling like another book was added to the shelf.. or another tool in the toolbox. "Ah!I see, your gift isveryinteresting my queen."

"You may add mine as well my queen." Kate says with a kind smile, offering me her hand.

"Oh thank you! I promise, your abilities will protect our kind." I give them a look of sincerity as I take her hand. Shivering at the sensation that tickled up my spine. "Ooo~ Tingly." I say with a smirk causing her to chuckle. "As thanks.. A possible hint to the identity of your mate..." I say with a smile, her eyes light up. "His name is Garrett, Carlisle knows him."

"I.. thank you my Queen." She bows her head to me and I smile back at her. She takes her leave and goes to speak with Carlisle.

"So.. You are the new queen.." A heavy Egyptian accent speaks from behind me, I turn around and see Amun with a woman by his side. Both of them sipping human blood.

"You must be Amun, a pleasure to meet you. This is..?" I look to the woman with a brow raised.

"My mate Kebi-"

"And I'm Benjamin!" I jump at the voice behind me and chuckle at the man dressed as a mummy.

"Pleasure to meet all of you, thank you for coming. I've heard that your gift is.. well to be frankf*ckingawesome." I look to Benjamin with a smirk and he chuckles.

"Thank you, yours is awesome as well. I have never seen a Vampire fly before."

"Pfft, you could fly too if you had the correct equipment." I say with a smirk. "A parachute and a wing suit and you're airborne." I move my hand like it's a plane going off into the sky.

"I have never thought of that.." Benjamin says with an eager smile.

"My gift.. is.. well I'm a copycat to put it in simple terms. If I touch someone I can add their gift to my library, even if they die it remains with me.. I found this out after my..fatherperished. He had the telekinesis that I possess." I make Benjamins glass of blood float in the air for a moment before returning it to his hand.

"That.. is an amazing gift." Amun says looking at me with worry.

"Thank you, I plan on using it to protect our secret. Humanity is going to only get more and more advanced.. Cameras at every corner, in every humans hand. I'm already going to speak with the kings to create a division that searches the internet for any possible leaks and deletes them"

"That is smart." Kebi says with a smile.

"Well, if you plan on using it for good." Benjamin takes my hand abruptly and my eyes widen. Amun looks like he's been punched in the gut. His prized possession has just given his enemy his powers.

"WHOA!That isweird. It's so raw and primal.." I look to Benjamin who nods in agreement. I look at him and hold my hand up. Focusing I use my element manipulation, drawing the water molecules in the air to form an orb.

"How.. how did you..?" Benjamin asks in wonder, thinking I just created water from nothing.

"Basic science. I pulled the water molecules from the air. I havemanyideas for element manipulation my dear Benjamin." I smirk at him and his eyes glitter.

"May I be your friend?" He asks point blank and I chuckle, Amun looks displeased at this. Not wanting him to try and leave to join the Volturi.

I look to Amun and give him a reassuring smile. "Sure Benjamin. Felix!" I say loudly the vampire appears by my side.

"YesMia Regina?" He holds his hands in front of himself.

"May I have my cellphone please?" He smiles to me and hands me my phone. "I swear I should have sewn pockets in the skirt.." I say with a sigh. "What's your number, I'll text you." Benjamin grins and spouts off his number to me. "And.. sent. There you should have my number now. I'll be giving you all sorts of ideas Benjamin."

"I cannot wait!" He says with a grin.

"I have to be going now." I sigh with a disappointed look. "Mingling.. one of my least favorite experiences. But alas." I say with a shrug. "It was a pleasure to meet you Amun." I bow to them at the head and walk away to talk to some different covens.. Eager to talk to the Japanese coven the 'Yokai'.. Apparently some of the yokai from the book were based of of Japanese vampires.. One of them can extend her neck!

Chapter 27: πŸ”ž It's Time~ πŸ‹

Chapter Text

- Throne Room -Next Day -

Like Mariah Carrey coming out of hibernation, busting free from the ice...It's time.The day is upon us, my body has reached maturity...Jake's not gonna know what hit him.I smirk at my inner plans as I sit on my own throne Aro had custom made. Aro looks to me with a raised brow.

"What onearthhas you smirkingmio poco colomba? (My little dove)" I reach over and hold his hand, he gasps softly as he sees what I have planned for Jake. "Oh.. oh my.. And you callmea demon?"

"What? What is it?" Caius asks with a furrowed brow as we wait for our next case.

Aro looks to me for permission to share, I nod. "Alexis is going toravagedearinnocentJacob tonight, taking both of their virginitys.. thatpoorboy.." Caius growls deeply, clenching his fists on his throne. Not happy about this in the slightest.. wanting to f*ck his mate first.

"OI!No getting pissy Mr. Pacman,mybodymychoice. I'm doing it in order of who told me they were my mate first. It's Jacob, Jasper then..wellwe're going to have to pick straws for you three." I say with a shrug.

"I call first." Caius says with a menacing growl to his brothers, Marcus rolls his eyes at his brother.

"I'm a patient man.." Aro says with a shrug. "I wish to wait for the right moment."

"I agree with Aro, the right moment.. Order does not matter when it comes to this." Marcus nods in agreement I nod to them.f*ck.. being in a Poly reverse harem relationship is hard.. I wonder how theprotagsin animes do it..

- πŸ”ž -
- That Night -

Laying in bed nude, I wait for Jacob to arrive. Having ordered Demetri to fetch him while I was in a robe. I bite my lip anxiously.Well.. here goes nothing.. I may have been a connoisseur of the 18+ arts back in my world.. but I twas a virgin.. Never feeling comfortable enough with a person to takethatstep.. Now I feel more comfortable..

Jacob opens the door coming into the room, he looks up at me and his jaw drops. I smirk at him and close the door behind him. "Hello Puppy.. Wanna play?" I ask him trying to appear confident.sh*t man, I was so Dom before.. now that I'm outta my zone I have no idea what to do..I can order a man around, call hik a mutt and spit on him while he masterb*tes.. but penetrative sex?? I'm such a sub in that regard.

"I.. Iuhm.." Jacob swallows the spit in his mouth, his co*ck hardening in his shorts at the sight of me. I raise a brow to him and he nods his head eagerly. "Yes.." I nod to him and beckon him forward.

"Tonight Puppy, we're going to take each other virginity's.. If you're okay with that...?" A blush rises to his cheeks and he nods eagerly.

"YES!- I mean yes.." He stands at the edge of the bed, playing with his fingers. I gesture to his clothes and he nods quickly stripping. He slides into bed beside me looking just as out of depth as I am. "So.. How do you want to do this..?"

"Uh.." I remember back when I had a naughty dream about him in my past life... "I want to cuddle you.. while you f*ck me.." I say with a blush, he swallows his spit and nods okay.f*ck those muscles wrapped tight around me while I'm getting plowed.. JESUS.

Jacob moves and lays down in front of me, wrapping his arms around me. Pulling me close to his hot chest, I look up at him and kiss him on the lips. He smiles and kisses me back running his fingers through my hair. My breasts smush against him.

Reaching down I grab his co*ck and stroke it gently, he closes his eyes and sighs out. Jacob reaches down to make sure I'm wet enough.. I am, having been ruminating with p*rnographic thoughts while I waited... His eyes widen in surprise at how wet I am. "W-wow.."

"Heh.. Yeah..." I look down, he grabs my chin focusing the attention on him.

"Are you ready..?" He asks a bit unsure, giving me an out if I want to take it.

"More than ready baby." I say with a smile he nods and grabs his co*ck. I lift my leg up giving him room, he scoots closer and slowly pushes inside, he kisses my shoulder and neck. Slowly pushing his co*ck inside me I grunt a bit as he breaks my hymen.Thankfully I'm adequately lubed up so I don't feel as much pain. It's like a f*ckin slip n slide down there."You okay..?" He pants out as he holds me close, leaning back to look in my eyes.

"Yeah.. I'm good Jake." I nod and he leans down and kisses me with passion, I lick the bottom of his lip and he opens his mouth eagerly. Accepting my tongue as it slides in, making itself at home in his mouth. He moans out as our tongues swirl around each other's, his hips twitch wanting to start thrusting.

Wrapping my leg around him I tug him closer urging him to move. He grunts and begins to rock his hips, closing his eyes as a broken moan comes from his throat. I pull away from our kiss so we can breath, a line of spit connecting us. He pants as he slowly f*cks me, bottoming out each time. "f*ck.. Lex.. you're sotight.." I nuzzle into his neck with a whimper.

Dragging my nails down his back he hisses slightly. Bottoming out inside of me, he groans. "Jesus f*cking Christ.." he mutters as he tries to regain his composure. Not wanting to cum so soon. I bite my lip and whimper as the pleasure stops, rocking my hips against him.

"Jakeplease, Ineedmore." I buck my hips against him and he understands exactly what I need.

Wrapping his arms around me tightly in his embrace, kissing up my neck. He begins to piston his hips inside of me, I gasp out a moan. Clinging onto him as he hits my gspot every time. "F-f*ck..." Jacob curses as he keeps thrusting, never having felt so close to the edge before.. but he grits his teeth and controls himself. Holding back his org*sm to make his mate cum. Wanting- noneedingto feel her walls clench down on him.

Obscene noises fill the room as Jacobs ball smack against Alexis. She bites into his shoulder gently while whining drawing blood, Jacob moans out in ecstasy. Alexis begins to drink from him with a moan, enjoying how he tastes on he tongue. Jacobs eyes roll into the back of his head, he shakes it off and reaches a hand down. Having watched plenty of p*rn before as research he begins to rub her cl*t in quick fast circles.

"S-sh*t!!" Alexis moans out loudly pulling away from the bite, bucking against Jake as she c*ms abruptly. Jacob closes his eyes and fights his instincts, pulling out of her last second he grabs his co*ck and jerks it quickly with a groan until he c*ms with a deep growl. White cum spraying all over Alexis's stomach and chest. Marking her with his scent, his wolf happily yipping inside of him.

Jacob and Alexis lay there for a moment, catching their breath. Looking up to him with a goofy smile he chuckles softly. Pushing the sweaty hair out of her eyes. "So? How did I do?" Jacob asks a bit insecure. I chuckle softly burying my head in his chest. "Oh god I did terrible didn't I?" His eyes widen in panic.

"Jake, you did good. You made me cum, f*ckinghard." He sighs in relief.

"Oh thank god.. I've been researching non stop techniques n' stuff.. I wanted to make it good for you.." Jacob caresses my cheek making me smile.

"Well, you did. So no need to worry ya big goof." Jacob looks at me and smirks before sliding down my body.

"I've always wanted to try this.." He looks up at me from between my legs. Licking his lips as he looks at my puss*.

"J-jake you don't have to-"

"Iwantto.." Since the room quieted down, Jacob can hear everything.. Even the person outside the door. "But it seems we have a voyeur outside." Jacob covers my body with a blanket, turning to the face door.

Knowing they were caught, the door cracks open and Jasper steps in, pupils blown wide. "I'm.. I'm sorry it's just.."

"Jazz.... Jake.. can.. can he stay? And watch?" I blush a bright red, Jacob does as well.

"Well uhm.. If you want him too I have no problems.." Jacob says, wiping a hand down his face. Jasper smiles and grabs a chair, pulling it up close to get a good look.

Grabbing the comforter I push it away and reveal my body to them both again. Jasper begins to purr as he looks down to me. Jacob slides back into position, looking up at me from in-between my legs. "You ready?"

I nod my head and Jacob dives right in, licking a long stripe up my c*nt. I gasp out at the sensation, he wraps his arms around my hips and holds them down. Using one hand to move everything out of the way, he licks at my cl*t. A small mewl like moan comes from my throat. I grip at the sheets as he swaps.Diving right in to my c*nt, thrusting his tongue inside. Groaning in delight at my taste, thrusting his own hips against the bed. Slurping and sucking at my hole as he rubs and plays with my cl*t.

Jasper sits in his seat, watching as I write on the bed. Grunting softly he adjusts his position, looking at me rubbing his co*ck through his pants. Eyes locked onto my expression, clenching his jaw he stands and quickly takes off his pants. Taking co*ck in hand he jacks it off slowly with a soft hiss.

Jacob shoved his face as close as he can, f*cking me with his tongue. "J-Jacob.." I moan out his name as the band inside me snaps and my back arches as I cum. He growls in approval, slurping up the sweet nectar that's pouring from my flower.

"f*ckbaby girl.. Keep going Jacob." Jasper says I moan out a whimper, trying to squirm out of Jacobs iron clad grip. He moves his head and begins to suck and flick his tongue against my cl*t making me squeal.

"sh*t.." Jasper growls, f*cking his fist eagerly as he watches my facial expressions. "Cum." He says and pours emotions into me making me gasp out as a sudden org*sm crashes down onto me. I scream out tugging hard onto the sheets.

Jacob moans in approval slurping up everything I give him like a zombie. His eyes hooded and dazed as he feasts on my c*nt. Jasper kneels onto the bed, looking at me in the eyes panting softly.

I whine out and grab his co*ck, pulling him towards me. Angry at the angle I pick him up with my gift. Making him gasp out on surprise. Moving him so he's perched above my head I wrap my arms around him and begins to suck on his co*ck.

"Jesus f*ck.." Jasper gasps out, digging his hands into the stone wall. I swallow his co*ck as deep as I can down my throat with hooded eyes. "G-god.. Alexis.." Swallowing around his co*ck he chokes out and c*ms down my throat in surprise. "Baby girl-" His eyes roll back into his head as he unconsciously pours emotions into both me and Jacob. We whine out, moaning as we both cum abruptly. Jacobs cum shoots all over the bed making a puddle underneath him.

Jacob whimpers and simply slurps up the cum I produce, not leaving a single drop to touch the sheets. Jasper gasps to catch his non existent breath. Pulling away from my mouth he sits back, I lift him up with a thought and set him down. Jacob stops pleasuring me and simply nuzzles my legs like a puppy. A dazed look in his eyes.

I lay in the middle of the bed in a daze, wetting my lips, I'm the first to speak. "Now...Thatis what I call losing your virginity instyle.." Jasper chuckles softly looking at me in fondness.Jacob sits up and scowls at the state of his lower body.. a huge puddle of his cum on the sheets.

"sh*t.." he curses as he looks at himself.

"I would offer to lick it off you Jacob but my body is a limp noodle." I wave him off, he smiles at me and shakes his head. Jasper zips off the bed and puts his pants back on, zooming off he comes back with some wet washcloths for the both of us.

Jasper takes great care in cleaning up my sensitive puss* as Jacob cleans his co*ck and stomach. "You look ethereal.." Jasper says with a smile, as he wipes Jacobs cum off my stomach.

"Heh.. thanks." I say with a blush as Jasper gives me a quick peck on the lips.

"Take a nap sugar. You look like you're ready to pass out. You can shower when you get up hm?" I nod to Jasper sleepily and get comfy.

Chapter 28: I'm the f*cking Avatar.

Chapter Text

- ???????? - Castle -

Two men sit on their thrones within the ruins of their destroyed castle, sighing deeply in boredom as they wait for their mole to arrive to deliver his report.

The doors open with a bang and a man wearing a lower guard Volturi robes rushes in. "My Lord's!" He kneels in front of them, they sit up in their seats. Eager to hear the news, knowing only knowing that the Volturi held a ball to announce something.

"What do you have to report?"

"M-my kings.. The Volturi leaders have found their mate!" The guard says in a panicked voice.

"Threewoman at the same time?" The blonde one looks to his 'brother' in confusion.

The man kneeling shakes his head no, a sick smile on his face. "Nomy kings..Onewoman, forallthree."

"This is amazing! We kill her and we bring the Volturi to it'sknees, then we can reclaim our true thrones!" The one with dark hair says with a grin.

"Oneproblem brother." The blonde says with a sigh. "She is going to be the most guarded woman on this planet.. Such a vulnerability to their rulemustbe protected." Grumbling deeply as he rubs the bottom of his face.

"True.. We must simply wait until an opportunity presents itself.. Wearepatient." The dark haired one says with a smirk.

"Good idea.You, keep an eye on her. Find the weaknesses in the defenses surrounding her. Once one is present, tell us and we will gather our forces to mount an attack." He points down to their mole.

"Yes my kings, I shall return once the weakness has been identified." The man kneeling says before standing up, zooming off to return to the Volturi castle.

"Not long now brother.." The dark haired one says with a smile.

"Yes.. not long.." The blonde grins.

- Volturi Castle Gardens - Next Day -

"No no noBenjamin. Likethis." I stomp my foot onto the ground causing a chunk of earth to be flung up. I then punch it forward causing it to hit the target with extreme force.

Benjamin who's on the other side of the video call steps back from his computer and attempts it. Stomping his foot down the chunk of earth is flung up, he punches it and it goes flying.

"Good sh*t!" I say with a smile as I watch the screen clapping my hands, Benjamin turns back with a smile.

"Anything more?? I've never even thought of these things! How did you come up with it?" Benjamin asks as he sits down on a rock.

"Well... I saw it on a TV show called Avatar the last air bender. You kind of remind me of the main character Aang." I say as I stand back up. "What element do you want to work on next Benny Boy?"

"Well.. I've been having the most trouble with fire.." he admits with a grimace.

"Understandably so, we light up like diesel once a flame touches us. Have you tried.." I step back letting him see me in full view. Adjusting my stance to a punch boxers, I focus on the firey rage within me. Feeling the heat well up inside of me I punch the air. Large balls of flame burst from my fists, being flung at the stone wall across the courtyard. Hitting it with an explosion of heat that scorches the stone. Spinning around on one foot I kick the air, fire trailing my heel as I spin.

"Holy sh*t!!!" Benjamin bellows from my computer. I turn to look at him with a smirk.

"Also, don't be afraid to get creative. Inside metal istinymicroscopic rocks small imperfections within the metal, try to bend them. You can also bend blood by controlling the water or iron in someone's blood, effectively controlling them like a puppet master."

"This Avatar show is incredible!" Benjamin says with wide eyes, getting up to immediately try to metal bend on a pole nearby.

Concentration with a scrunch in his face, the pole gives way slightly.. then we hear Amun. "Benjamin! You better not be destroying the training room again!" Benjamin stops his bending with wide eyes, turning to look at me he chuckles. I laugh along with him, sitting down on a stool.

"I better go before Amunreallygets angry, thank you Alexis." Benjamin says with a smile.

"No problem Benny boy! Text me later." He nods and ends the call. Sitting up straight I stretch with a groan, standing back up I walk to the center and hold my hands in front of me.

Time to tryAang'sair ball trick.Focusing on the air around me I move the currents focusing them to create a tight sphere of air. Opening my eyes I see the cyclone between my palms.

Moving carefully I set it on the ground and jump into the air, landing like how Aang does. I hold my arms out to steady myself as the sphere keeps its tight shape. Once I've got my balance I move my hands, clenching them into fists in front of my chest.Taking a deep breath I lean forward, the ball begins to move underneath me. "Oh, it's like a hoverboard.." I say leaning back..

Getting the hang of it, I begin to zoom around the garden with a smirk on my face. My eyes squinting in concentration.. I don't notice Caius leaning against the door way leading out to the garden. He stares at me in awe, astonished how I've mastered the gift I just received a day before yesterday.

"Darling?" Caius says snapping me out of my concentration, making me lose my focus. The ball of air underneath me disappears making me fall, rolling around as I lose momentum.

Caius rushes over to me, holding me tightly in his arms. Worry etched onto his face, he looks me over. "Ahh,f*ckthat hurt like a buttcheek on a stick.." I curse as a dull pain throbs through my body.

"Darling? God's above are you okay? I didn't mean to-"

"I'm fine Caius, just bruised." I say with a smile, looking up at him.

"I heard odd noises and came to investigate.. Youtrulyhave mastered this new ability." He helps me stand up, continuing to look me over.

"Pff, I f*cking should have. With how many times I've watched Avatar the last air benderandthe legend of Korra?" Caius stares at me in confusion, not understanding what I'm talking about. "They're television shows from my world about a society of humans who possess elemental abilities."

"Oh.. Alright. What else have you done today?" Caius asks with a curious glint in his eye.

"Well.. I can shoot fireballs from my fists and launch a boulder? I'm currently working on flying withjustthe elemental ability so I can teach Benjamin." I say with a nod, thinking of doing something like iron man. Using the fire as propulsion and wind to be able to control direction.

"You two have become fast friends.." Caius says with a scrunch of his face.

"Benjamin was always one of my favored characters in the movies back in my original world.. Meeting him was amazing.. I just wish he could get away from Amun so he can live free.." I grumble slightly, crossing my arms. Caius raises a brow at this. "From what I remember, Benjamin has been wanting to leave Amun.. Because he's stifling.. almost smothering.. Then again I could be wrong.. But I let Ben know that he'smorethan welcome to darken my doorstep should anything happen."

"Ah, I see.. Sire's are usually rather protective of those they turn." Caius says with a nod of his head.

"Hmph.. I don't see it." I say with a scowl, Caius chuckles softly as he leads me back inside.

"So.. I heard you and Jacob last night.." Caius says as he looks at me, a blush rises to my cheeks.

"Damn vampire hearing..We really need soundproof walls.." We finally get to my bedroom door. I cross my arms across my chest with a pout.

"I also heard the Major join in on the tail end.. Was it pleasurable? Did they satisfy you?" Caius leans against me, holding my chin in his hands to make me look at him.

"I.. uhm.. yes.." I say with a nod.Good God.. this reminds me of sh*t I've seen on BookTok

"Good." He says with a smirk. "Whenever you wish darling, I will drop everything and pleasure you in ways that you can't evenimagine." Caius says with a deep rumble like purr in his chest, his eyes growing dark at the thought

"U-uh..soon.. I just.." I avoid looking at him, he re-adjusts my attention back onto him.

"Hm? What is itgattina(kitten)?"Oh sweet baby Jesus.I whine out as my brain tries to get it across that I wanthimto take the step. Caius looks at my facial expressions and nods. "You want me to choose for yougattina?" I whine again with a nod. "Alright dearest.. I will choose for you.." Caius pulls me close by my chin and kisses me deeply. Teasing me by licking a stripe across my lips, just as I open my mouth to let him in he pulls away with a smirk.

"I'll see you latergattina. Sweet dreams." He kisses me on the end of my nose before zooming off. I nearly crumple to my knees, barely holding myself up with my force powers.Welp, looks like I've got a Dom now.. always wanted one of those..

Taking a deep breath I collect myself before entering my room. Seeing Jake laying on the bed watching TV while Jasper reads a book in his chair. "You have a good talk with Blondie?" Jacob says turning to look at me with a coy smirk. Having heard the entire exchange.

I clear my throat and nod. "Yes,veryenlightening.."

"C'mon Lex, newest episode is about to start... I'm kinda liking this show not gonna lie." I dive into bed like Scrooge McDuck using my telekinesis and snuggle up next to Jacob.

"Oh I love this episode. I can't wait till Castiel joins the show, f*ck he's sex appeal on a stick." Jacob chuckles next to me, Jasper looks at me and rolls his eyes fondly.

Chapter 29: πŸ”ž Note to self: don't write when hornyπŸ‹

Chapter Text

Standing in the middle of the training room in my Bobcat form I decided to name Cheshire.. I stare at at the target before me, bursting off into a sprint I focus on my rage. Pouring fire from my coat of fur, I'm covered in flames as I run. Looking like a ball of flames I jump in the air with a hiss, I focus the fire onto my claws and slash the target clean in two. Leaving a large burning gash in the cloth.

Felix claps his hands with a grin, staring at me in awe. Demetri just stares at me with his jaw dropped.

I trot over to them with a feline smirk, wiggling my eyebrows playfully. "I..how.. you..." Demetri stutters out as I sit down on my back legs.

"You just thought of this today?" Felix says with an impressed look on his face. I nod my head to him, he nods back stroking his chin. "I believe if you were trained correctly.. you could be a one woman army that could rival an army of newborns." He says honestly as he looks me over. "Especially since Aro ordered all of the gifted guard to give you their powers.."

I nod to him and grab my robe from Demetri's hands using my force. Wrapping it around my feline body, I shift back into my human form. Cracking my neck with a satisfied grunt. "Having a physical shield is nice.. But I don't feel comfortable using the bond adjuster one.. it feelswrong.."

Felix nods his head with a grimace. "Yes, I can understand why you would feel that way.. You need not worry about our allegiances should the gift stop working. We were loyal to the Volturi even before she used her gift.. Aro being paranoid, thought it would be best, giving him an assurance that we wouldn't rebel." I nod to him and sigh softly, tightening the string around my robe.

"Where too now my queen?" Demetri says as he looks to me, noticing that I'm done training for the day.

"Hmm.. what are the kings doing?" I ask with a tilt of my head.

"Aro is busy with a search for a vampire with a specific gift.. Marcus is doing paperwork and Caius is relaxing today." Demetri states as I begin to exit the training room. I nod my head to him.

"Okay, can you take me to Caius?" I ask with an eyebrow raise, Demetri simply bows his head and we zoom off to the kings wing.


Caius is sitting in his leather armchair with a goblet of blood watching as the fireplace burns. Wearing only leather pants he hears approaching footsteps, looking away from the fire he watches as his mate walks in. His eyes lighting up when he sees she's wearing her robe.

"Hellogattina(kitten).." Caius says with a smirk, hearing my heart rate increase at the sight of his state of undress.

"H-hi.." I play with my fingers as I stand near the closed door.Haha.. I'm in danger!

"Why don't you come sit down darling, get comfortable.." I nod to him and walk over, moving to sit across from him. "Nodarling.." He pats his vacant lap with an eyebrow raise. I blush lightly and move to sit on his lap, he wraps his arm around my waist pulling me close to him. Nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck, inhaling in my scent greedily. "You smelldelicious... May I..?" Caius plays with the rope holding my robe closed, I nod to him allowing him to pull it loose.

The sides of the robe fall away revealing my bare body to him, he purrs deeply in satisfaction. "You lookravishing.." Caius nips at my neck as he stares down at my body. "May I touch youGattina?" I nod my head, he sets down his goblet and moves his arms to play with my breasts.

I bite my lip as he tweaks and plays with my nipples, smirking as I wiggle in his arms. Rubbing my bare puss* against his thigh, he looks down an sees this. "Do you wish to continueGattina? Truth be told, I'm not the mostgentlelover. But I have always left my partnersmorethan satisfied.. Do you have a safe word?" He reaches up and grabs my chin, forcing me to look at him.

"Iuhm.. yes and.. yes.. My safe word is B-Balenciaga.." Caius raises a brow to this. My brain goes to the American horror story: Coven episode where the redhead witch is being burned at the stake...Balenciaga!!

Caius nods his head, wrapping his hand around my throat giving it a gentle squeeze. I gasp softly, my hands going to his. He smirks. "Keep your arms at your sides or I will have to punish you." He growls into my ear, I whimper and nod. Putting my hands onto the arms of his chair. Gripping the leather tight as he holds onto my throat.

"So well behaved.. Such agood girlfor mehm?" Dragging his free hands fingers down my body slowly, he moves to cup my puss*. Dragging his fingers through my folds, feeling how slick I am already. He grins in delight, slipping a finger inside. Curling it inside of me, my breath hitches. Slowly he begins to f*ck me with his fingers, enjoying how slick I am.

Whimpering slightly in impatience, I buck up into his hands. Wanting him to stuff me full and f*ck me till I'm dumb. "Hm?You want something? Tell your Master what you wantGattina." He licks up the side of my neck, his hand squeezing my pulse point.

"M-more..." I manage to get out as I become dizzy, he relents his hold on my jugular making me gasp slightly as blood rushes to my head.

"More?More what?" Lazily f*cking his fingers into me, adding a third to the mix. I groan in impatience at the slow pace. "You need to be more specific to get what you want." He whispers into my ear.

"co*ck..please." I moan out softly as he nods his head.

"You want my co*ckhm?" I nod my head eagerly, he chuckles softly. Sliding his fingers out of my puss* I groan in anger he chuckles, lifting me up into the air. Holding me close to his body he walks over to his bed, setting me down before zooming off to grab a large cord of bright red rope.

"You're going to be a good girl, and take what I give you. After thatdisplayat your coronation, you need to bedisciplined.." I nod my head to him, knowing he wants to tie me up.Must have asked Aro what my kinks are.. Aro you traitor! I know your watching!

"Yes master, I'll take my punishment." I nod my head up to him with a pout.

He smiles down at me, stepping forward he easily begins to maneuver my body. Wrapping the rope around me in such a way that my arms are held tightly behind my back. My legs spread wide to give him room, rope wrapped around my breasts to extenuate them. He steps back and bites his finger as he takes me in. Creating a mental picture to share with his brother and to paint for hisprivatecollection.

Nodding to himself he jump up towards the ceiling, grabbing a thick chain connected to the ceiling. Landing back down he grabs a large loop he made of rope and attaches it. Grabbing a pulley, he pulls and I'm lifted into the air my eyes widen in surprise.

"There we go.Perfect.. My little doll to be used.. myf*cktoy." Caius unzips his pants in front of me, pulling them off they slide to his feet revealing his 9 inch co*ck. My eyes widen in alarm.Jesus Christ, I'm going to die. He's going to destroy me. The most I've taken is eight inches and eventhattouched my cervix.I'm so f*cked!"Oh don't look soscaredGattina.." Caius chuckles as he walks towards me, grabbing the rope holding me up. He pulls me close towards his co*ck.. that I'm a perfect height for.

He grabs his co*ck and slaps my face with it, grinning slightly as I hold my tongue out. He rubs the tip of his co*ck against my hot tongue hissing slightly at the temperature difference. Exhaling shakily he kneels down to face me, his expression changes into concern. "Color darling?"

"Green Master." He nods his head and stands back up, zooming away for a moment he comes back.

Holding something out of sight he turns me around and pushes something inside of me. Making me moan softly at the item filling me. Clenching my fists as I close my eyes. Grabbing some rope that was positioned around my puss*, he uses it to keep the object inside. Turning me back around he holds a remote in his hand. "I'm going to f*ck your throat now pet, you're going to take what I give you." Grabbing the rope once more he pulls me close, shoving his co*ck down my throat before I could reply.

Choking on his co*ck he groans loudly, his member twitching inside my throat. Holding the remote up he clicks it, a vibration right on my cl*t and movement inside me begins and I moan deeply around his co*ck. Bucking my hips in the air, Caius chuckles breathily. Using a rope on my back to move me, he pulls me back away from him and then thrusts. Using my momentum to f*ck my throat with a hiss. "Fanculo(f*ck).."

Moaning loudly I choke on his co*ck as he moves my body quickly. Pulling away so I can gasp out a breath, drool and spit dripping from my face onto the floor. Once I catch my breath he clicks the remote again and the movement and vibrations increase making me whimper out. He thrusts back into my throat. Chuckling at my misery as I wiggle in the ropes, my own cum oozing from my puss*.

Pulling me close he keeps his co*ck pushed down my throat, I choke on it causing another wave of drool. Caius groans with closed eyes, pulling away so I can gasp another breath. A large puddle of spit forming below me. Caius gives me a moment before diving back in, f*cking my throat at a slow pace.

He's panting himself as he f*cks my throat, his balls already tightening wanting to fill his mate full of his cum.. But he waits, wanting to fill her wombfull. Caius thinks to himselfI'moverthree thousand years old and I'm about to cum so soon like a teenager.."sh*t.. I can't anymore." Caius growls to himself, pulling out of me hastily I gasp out a breath with hooded eyes. Twirling me around, he pulls the toy out dropping it to the floor.

Grabbing ahold of two ropes on my hips, he pulls me back onto his co*ck making me yell out arching my back. Feeling his huge co*ck stretch me out so abruptly and press firmly against my womb, I arch my back.

Caius growls animalisticly f*cking me fast, his balls slapping my cl*t as I moan and squeal loudly in the room. No doubt letting everyone in the castle know what's happening. "God can't you justfeelhowwetandtightyou are?" He thrusts into her fast panting slightly as her c*nt constricts around his co*ck. "f*ck it's like you're puss* wasmadefor my co*ck.. I'm going to fill yourf*ckinghole with my cum. f*ck you until you arefullandleaking.. Maybe I'll even keep a plug inside you so not a drop is spilled? Would you like that?Mio Poca Puttana(my little whor*)?" Caius growls out as he f*cks me hard and fast, practically lifting me himself to press me against his body.

"Nnngh~Yes~ Yes~f*ck master~" I squeal out causing him to growl in approval, leaning down he bites onto my neck hard. Breaking the skin, causing my blood to rush into his mouth. The sensation makes me gasp, cumming suddenly out of nowhere. Caius snarls and forces me down onto his co*ck as he drinks from me. The tip of his co*ck breaching my cervix to pump his cum into my womb, his hips twitching upwards as he c*ms, snarling the entire time. Sounding almost like a crocodile.

Thick blobs of cum dribble out of my puss* as he continues to make small thrusts. He's stopped drinking from me, but he's still keeping his fangs buried deep in my neck.. And its starting to hurt a bit.. "C-Caius..?"Did I break him?I whimper out in pain, Like a switch is flipped his eyes return back to normal and he lets go of my neck, slicing the rope with his hands that holds me to the ceiling he rushes over to the bed with me in his arms.

Setting me down he lets his co*ck flop out of my puss*, tearing away the rope he looks at me with worried eyes. My blood dribbling down his chin. A stream of his cum pouring from my puss*. "Fanculo, io fatto nonintenderea..(f*ck, I did not mean to..)" Caius holds my head in his hands. "God's above.. are you okay? I don't know what came over me.."

"I'mfineCaius, I swear.." I say to him with a small smile. "Just.. cuddle with me please..?"Time to come down from the scene.. aftercare.Caius nods eagerly and slides into bed, pulling me close to his body.

"I'm so sorrymio delicata poca fiore(my delicate little flower)." Caius runs his fingers through my hair as he looks at me.

"Caius.." I kiss him on the lips, pulling him from his guilt filled ramblings. "I feelfineI swear.. It.. actually felt pretty good.. Look, it's already healed." Caius looks at where he bit me.. and sees a scar. He brings his hand up and drags his fingers across the mark.

"I've marked you.." he says softly. "It's only fair if you mark me." He smirks down at me.

"Are.. are you sure?" I ask, a bit unsure. He nods his head, tilting it to give me ample space.

I inch closer, looking at him with an unsure look he gives me a nod and smirk. I open my mouth and bite down onto his neck. Caius moans out softly, I feel his venom flood into my mouth. My eyes widen at how good it tastes.It's.. savory. I like it.I take two gulps before pulling away.

Caius looks at me with black eyes, slightly startled. "You.. you drank from me?"

"You taste good.." I say with a chuckle, he smirks and kisses me on the lips pulling me close to him. The wound having already healed.. leaving a bite mark on his neck, my claim on him.

Chapter 30: One woman army

Chapter Text

- Next Day -

Sitting in my throne I sigh out of boredom as we wait for an urgent appointment to arrive.

Our secretary opens the door and leads in a man who has wide red eyes. He stands before us, kneeling down with his head held low. "I apologize my kings and queen for the sudden meeting, I have grave news I must share." Aro rises from his seat and walks over to the man who offers his hand.

Taking it in hand he reads his mind, gasping at what he sees. "Thank you for bringing this to our attention." Aro says to the man, turning to look at us. "We shall take it from here, you are dismissed." The man nods his head, leaving just as fast as he came.

"What is it brother?" Marcus asks with a raised brow, not liking the grim look on Aro's face.

"It seems.. an army's of over fifty newborns on both sides are going to war.." Aro looks to me with a grimace. "They are focused on the north eastern portion of America.. fighting deep within the green mountains.."

I growl deeply at this, rising from my throne. Caius looks at me with a brow raised. "Oh hoh.. How f*ckingdarethey." I clench my fist, feeling Cheshire hiss and claw at my mental walls. I offer Aro my hand and he gladly accepts.I'm gonna gather the troops and decimate these f*ckers. Nobody f*cks with my home state. This body may have been born in Washington, but I am agoddamnVermonsterat heart.

He looks at me in alarm. "No, no no no! I donotwant you anywherenearVermont. Let us handle this!"

"No! You are not going!" Caius stands from his throne a look of worry on his face. Marcus joins his brother nodding in agreement.Jasper and Jacob who are guarding by my throne step forward and nod.

"No way in hell Darlin. You are staying right here where it's safe." Jasper growls out.

"ENOUGH!" My voice booms out snapping all of their attention on me. "I am going, you can either come with me or not. Nothinganyof you can do will stop me. I have been training extensively with Felix and the guard, I am prepared for this. Let me be your one woman army."

I hold Aro's hand again, he concentrates and sees all the times I've trained. Slowly mastering harmonizing my Spirit warrior form and my vampiric gifts. "I.. Isee.. If you are so set on going.. Than we shall accompany you." I nod my head to him. Caius and Jasper try to object, I glare at the both of them. Fire flickering in my eyes.. they relent. Jacob looks at me with wide eyes.

"Whipped.." he whispers softly with a smirk.

"Alright then... Jane, be a dear and get the queen and her Wolf packed? I shall handle the transportation." Jane nods her head and quickly leaves the room.

"I'll handle which of the guards we are taking, the Major can help me." Caius says as he looks to Jasper, who nods in agreement. Both of them having experience with newborns and warfare.

-Northern Vermont-Mount Mansfield-

Demetri hasfinallytracked where the battle is currently being waged, we stand on a mountain top overlooking the battlefield watching as newborns clash with booms. "I sense a few down there with gifts." I say feeling Eleazar's gift tingle in the back of my head.Weather manipulation, compulsion and fear projection.. Interesting.. it explains why it's so overcast.. The people living nearby willthinkits a thunderstorm.

"Alright. I'm going in." I say abruptly, taking off my cloak and handing it to Jane who looks at me with wide eyes, turning to look at her masters.

"Alexis-" Aro tries to stop me but I glare at him. He closes his mouth and sighs.

"I'll beperfectlyfine honey. If something's wrong I shoot a fireball into the sky. Okay?" Aro reluctantly nods in agreement, I nod back and sprint towards the battlefield. Transforming with an explosion of cloth as I shred through my clothes.

- Third Person POV -

"Why did you let her go alone?! She's going to get herself killed! I'm going after her-" Caius snarls at Aro, turning to run down the mountain to his mate.

"I willnotlose my mate.. not again.." Marcus says with a voice filled with despair.

Aro grabs the both of his brothers shoulders. "Calm yourselves.. I have sent a protection detail to accompany her.. They shall remain in the shadows unless she seems to be failing. Iswearto you all, I would never allow her to come to any harm. she is perfectly capable I've seen it."

"We worry." The Major says as he watches the battlefield, watching as his mate gets closer and closer to the hoard.

"I agree with Major- wait what..?" Jacob says with a sigh before turning to look at the fight.. everyone looks down at the battlefield and gulps at what they see.

- Alexis POV -

Leaping into the air with a hissing yawl, smoke billowing off my fur. Landing all the newborns turn to me, hearing my heartbeat they attack like piranhas sensing struggling prey. Hissing out in rage my fur ignites into hot blue flames. Making me look like a druid of the flame's cat form from world of Warcraft. Several newborns around me are set alight the moment my fur ignites.

Digging my paws into the soil, using Eleazar's gift along with Demetri's I locate the gifted ones. Wrapping thick roots and earth around their legs I drag them to me through the ground.

All the newborns around me stay back with weary looks. Three newborns are pulled from the group. I hold out a flaming paw and touch each of them, adding their gift to my library and setting them alight. They hiss out and cry in pain as they are torched.

Roaring out like a lion I stand up on my back legs as some of the more starving newborns rush to me. Using my telekinesis to steady myself, I swipe my paws at them. Sending firey slashes through the air that cleave them in two. They land with only their torso's and attempt to crawl to me. Growling I slash again and cut off their heads.

The clouds above the battlefield grow darker and darker each passing second. Looking around the battlefield, I see some newborns attempt to escape in the chaos.That will not do.

Holding out my paws, I combine Alec's gift with my newly added fear projection.. It makes you see your worst fear. I make a giant ring around the battlefield, any newborn who tries to run is scared back into the kill circle.. that's slowly constricting around to me.Literally f*ckingfortniteright now.. Jesus Christ..

Yawling out I hold a paw to the sky, swiping down a bolt of lighting strikes several newborns. Many rush towards me, I simply push them back with my telekinesis.I'll deal with you later.

- Third Person POV -

My mates stare in awe, watching as I flawlessly execute newborns left and right. Caius simply turns to look at Felix like 'you seeing this??', who simply grins at his master. Knowing he did a damn good job in his training sessions..well.. more like lab experiments.. him being the poor little lab mouse.

"She's incredible.." Marcus says as he watches her rip a newborns head off with her flaming teeth. All the while whipping newborns with her flaming tail, setting them alight.

"She's turning the battlefield into a goddamn bullet hell.." Jacob says watching his mate with a smirk, so proud of his girlfriend.

"Bullet hell..?" Marcus asks in confusion, not understanding this term.

"A constant barrage of bullets rain down on you, you have to dodge them all the while shooting the enemy. Bullet hell." He gestures to the battlefield, watching as the newborns are easily burnt to a crisp.. all the while she makes sure the forest doesn't burn down. Utilizing the weather's manipulation to make it rain outside of the fear circle.

- Alexis POV -

Roaring into the air just as thunder booms, piles of newborn bodies surround me.

My ears flick and I turn lighting fast. Snatching the people attempting to flee with my force. Hissing out in anger I rise into the air slowly. The flames having died down into a billowing of black menacing smoke. My eyes glowing bright red with fire as I pull the perpetrators of these army's to me with a flick of my paw.

Launching a fireball into the air with my other paw, my mates soon arrive. Avoiding the flaming piles of newborn flesh as they burn down. "These ones did this." I growl out deeply as I barely contain a snarl. Using fire to write in the sky above me. An older man holding a frightened yearling newborn woman clutches onto her, using his body to shield her from the other vampire. Turning to look at the other, he snarls and snaps his jaws as he tries to get to the woman.

Aro snatches their hands into his grip growling when he releases them. "All ofthisdeath for awoman?" Aro asks with an astonished look, thinking this was a fight for territory.

"She's my mate! He stole her from me!" The black haired one snarls with a crazed glint in his eyes. Digging into the dirt, trying to drag himself closer to the woman.. only digging a bigger and bigger hole as I hold him still with my mind.

"NO, YOU CRAZY BASTARD!!" The older male going the woman snarls deeply. "YOU TRIED TO KIDNAP HER AGAINST HER WILL. SHE IS NOT YOUR MATE YOU FOOL! YOUR MATE HAS BEEN DEAD FORCENTURY'S!" The woman hides her head in the man's neck.

"Aro?" I growl to him, wanting to know who to kill.

"This man is telling the truth.." Marcus says stepping forward, focusing his sight on the bonds. I squint and look as well, seeing a dead frayed bond near the black haired crazy man. "The woman this man is holding is his mate.. notthismans." Marcus gestures to the black haired man.

"I turned my mate just after a month of getting to know her.. We were in my home when my..old friendcame for a surprise visit.. He began spouting nonsense once he saw her... how I stole his darling mate from him, and demanded me to give her back.. We managed to fight him off after he became violent.. but he wouldn't relent.. We saw in the local news that there was an increase of deaths and disappearances.. We knew what that meant. We built an army as self defense my kings." The man holding the woman states, she shakes in his grip terrified.

"I see and understand.. He tells the truth brothers.. what is the ruling?"

"Execution." Caius says with a snarl - "I second." - "I third." - "I fourth." The crazy man begins to beg and call out to the woman who scowls at him and simply holds onto her mate.

"It is decided then. Darling would you like to..?" Aro gestures to the crazy man, I snarl deeply and bite his head ripping it off and tossing it into a nearby fire pit.

"Although you did break the rules.. It was for self defense.. so I believe we may pardon this." Aro says as I land on the ground, nodding my head. Letting the both of them go from my telekinesis hold, also removing the fear fog from the battlefield.

They run off once Aro is done speaking. He turns to look at the rest of us and smiles. "Well, I thought that went rather well!"

Chapter 31: πŸ”ž Didney land! πŸ‹

Chapter Text

Daddy Aro's time to shine 😀

- Volterra Italy - One Week Later -

Aro is hard at work as he plans a surprise for his mate. Having been keeping a keen eye on the weather forecast for the region the park is located. Wanting to surprise his mate with a trip to Disneyland, knowing she has always wanted to go.. But her family never had the funds.

Aro plans on spoiling her rotten once they get there. Buying her everything she wants, letting her ride as many rides as she craves.Anythingfor his darling Alexis..

Now it is the perfect time, the weather in Florida is going to beperfectlyovercast. He has had Jane prepare her suitcases for travel while his mate trains with Benjamin on her computer.

Everything is set, the jet is ready to go. His brothers will handle any problems while he's away.. He has told all of them his plan over a week ago. They all agreed that she would love it, letting Aro have some time alone with her considering he is always busy.. Jasper and Jacob getting the most time with her.

Aro begins to fiddle with his fingers as he hears his mate approach her bedroom.Now or never Aro.

- Alexis POV -

Walking to my room, with a spring in my step. My laptop being held under my arm, having just finished another training day with Benjamin.

Opening my door expecting to see Jake or Jasper.. I'm greeted to Aro? "Oh, hey Aro." I say with a smile as I walk into my room.

His eyes glint with glee as he sees me. "Hellomio tesoro una(my darling one)." Aro says with a smile. "I have a surprise for you." Aro says with a smirk growing on his face.

"What? Aro you didn't have to get me anything." I say with a smile as I set down my laptop.

He waves me off. "Oh pish posh, you are my love. I will spoil you how I see fit..Now, come along we have a jet waiting for us." Aro offers me his arm, his smirk turning mischievous.

"Aro.. you know I hate surprises." I squint at him as I take his arm, he leads me quickly to the underground garage.

Aro opens the backseat door for me allowing me to slide in first. I look forward and see Felix driving the car, smirking at me. Aro soon joins me on the other side. "Yes, I know.. I just couldn't help myself darling.. forgive me?" He gives me puppy dog eyes and I relent.

"Fine.." I say with a huff, he smiles wide at me as Felix begins to drive us to the private air strip.

- Florida -

Stepping out of the jet I'm hit by a muggy heat, making my nose scrunch up. I look up and notice that it's overcast, I sigh. Thankful that it is.. But I still use my new ability to keep it that way.Don't want good weather to ruin the trip.. whatever and wherever it is.

"Come along dear, put this on please." Aro guides me to a new car, I sit inside and he hands me a blindfold. Rolling my eyes playfully I slide it on.

"Didn't know you were kinky Aro." Aro chuckles deeply, leaning close.

"You havenoidea." His voice sends shivers down my spine.-

Felix begins to drive the car, making me cross my arms as I get bored. "Jane and Alec are bringing your things to the hotel room I purchased for us. When you grow tired we shall retire there for the night... Ah we're here!" Aro claps his hands in excitement. "Take off your blindfold love."

Reaching up I pull it off and my eyes widen in shock. "Is.. is that..?"

"Yes it is darling." Aro says with a beaming smile.

I squeal out in glee, jumping onto Aro with a big hug. Nearly clinging onto him like a Koala. "Ahhh!!!Aro!!!" Aro chuckles softly as he holds me in his arms. Basking in my happiness. "This is the best day ever!!"

"Not just today darling. We'll leave when you have seeneverything." Aro says kissing the tip of my nose.

"I..ohAro.." I grab him by the face and pull him close, kissing him on the lips. Aro's eyes widen slightly but he closes them, sighing softly as he kisses me softly. Pulling away as Felix gets us a parking spot.

"Come now Darling. Let us explore. Felix and Demetri will be nearby in case anything happens." Aro gets out of the car, offering me his hand to take. I smile at him and take it. Nearly jumping in excitement as my brain screams'DISNEY LAND!!!'.

"Oh my god I'm sof*ckingexcited!" I jump up and down in place, squealing as Aro smiles at me. Taking my hand in his, he guides me to the ticket counter. Buying an unlimited fast pass for the both of us. Letting us skip lines for all the rides.

First thing I do when I get inside is get some food, me and Aro walk around and look in the stores. Whenever I look at something that I want, Aro knows because he hasn't let go of my hand. He gestures to it and Demetri snatches it up to buy it for me without my knowledge.

- Hotel - Outside Disneyland -

Exiting the elevator with Aro by my side, a happy smile on my face. He leads me down the hallway to a door, sliding the key card into the lock. Opening the door for me I look inside, expecting a standard hotel room.. My eyes widen in surprise. I turn and look at Aro with a playful scowl.

"Only the best for you." He says with a smirk, closing the door behind me. Aro got me a luxury suite, the type of sh*t celebrities use.

Sighing with fondness I shake my head, feeling how icky my skin feels.Damn Florida weather...I wanna go de-stress in the shower.. maybe..?"I uhm.. wanna take a shower.. do you.. wanna join me..?" I ask him with a blush on my cheeks. Aro's eyes immediately turn black, he clears his throat and nods to me.

Walking to the bathroom, I begin to take my clothes off as I do. Holding them in the air with my gift, Aro follows along looking at my body growing increasingly nude.

He grabs his tie and undoes it, quickly unbuttoning his shirt as he follows.

Standing in the bathroom naked, a bright blush on my cheeks. I turn on the nob, getting the temperature just right.

Hearing Aro step into the room behind me.Oh Lord.. he's naked..I step into the shower, Aro following me with an unseen smirk.

Standing under the hot water I sigh softly. Aro steps up behind me, wrapping his arms around me. Kissing my neck softly, making my heart skip a beat. "You look divineMi Amore(my love).."


"Shh, let's get you clean my love." Aro wraps his arms around me, grabbing some shampoo. Pushing his body close to mine, my breath hitches when I feel his hard co*ck pressing against me.Oh god it's f*cking huge.Aro smirks as he begins to lather up my head with the shampoo.

I begin to rub my thighs together at the thought of him f*cking me. Aro growls softly next to my ear as he rinses the shampoo from my hair.

Quickly doing conditioner, he rinses it then moves to body wash..

With soap covered hands, he grabs my breasts and fondles them in his hands. Kissing my neck while he tweaks my nipples. I bite my lip and whimper softly. "Shh.." he whispers as he moves his hand down to my body. Lathering me up slowly, teasing me with his touch.If he doesn't hurry up I swear to God."You cannot rush pleasure darling." Aro says with a chuckle. "Tonight I'm going toravishyou." He bites onto my earlobe with a deep growl.

"Aroplease." I whimper to him, wantingsomeform of genital stimulus. Aro chuckles again and rinses me off.

Turning around on a dime I push him to the wall, causing his eyes to widen. Grabbing his co*ck in my soap covered hand, I stroke it up and down. Aro gasps softly. "Darling.. tonight is all about you.." Aro says with a breathy tone.

"Aro.." I imagine myself choking on his co*ck with glazed eyes, him sitting on his throne. Slowly f*cking my throat while he orders Felix to kill someone.

Aro hisses softly, bucking his hips into my hand. "You littletease.." I press my lips into his, kissing him hungrily. Aro growls as he pushes his tongue into my mouth. Twirling it around mine in a sensual dance.

Humming as he kisses me, he trails his hand down to my folds and slowly strokes my cl*t in small circles. I moan softly as I kiss him, my eyes slowly becoming hooded as I'm lost in pleasure.

Aro pulls away with a pant, turning off the shower head not bothering to clean himself. He scoops up my body, walking out into the bathroom he dries me off with speed before zooming over to the bed.

Throwing me down lightly amongst the pillows, I look at him in surprise. He gets onto the bed and stalks me like a lion.

He crawls until he perched above me, looking down into my eyes. "I'm going to pleasure you until all you can say is my name.." I nod my head to him in agreement.

Aro smirks as he slides back down the bed, putting his face next to my flower. I spread my legs so he can get close, pulling me so we're flush.

"I'm going to spell words, I want you to guess what they are.Hm?"

"O-okay.." I nod my head, he smiles up to me before diving in. Licking up the length of my puss*, zeroing in on my cl*t. Giving it a delicate suck I whine softly. He then begins to spell.

"L... O... V... E.. Love!" I say with a breathy tone, squirming under his grip. Aro hums happily onto my cl*t making me moan.

"Uh.." he starts another word, I have trouble making our the first letter. "G-G?" Aro hums and moves on. "O.. D.. D.. E... S.. S-" I arch up and cum suddenly causing me to gasp.

Aro slurps up the cum that pours from my hole before sitting up straight. Wiping his face with the back of his hand, he looks down to me. "You taste of Ambrosia."

I look up at him with a blush, he smirks and crawls up my body. "Are you readymi amore? To take my co*ck?" Aro moves his co*ck in between my folds, f*cking up against me.

"Yes.." I nod my head to him he smiles as he pushes it in. Groaning at the tight heat that envelopes his co*ck.

Rocking his hips against mine, I moan out softly as he holds me close. Looking at his neck, something takes over. Leaning close to him I kiss it gently.. Before I bite down hard onto his neck, slurping up his venom. He moans above me, his hips stuttering in his rhythm. "Fanculo, Cara Mia.. (f*ck, my darling)"

Pulling away I lick at his wound for a moment.. it scars instantly. "Oh..nowyou've done it, naughty girl." Aro pins me under his body, holding my hands above my head. Thrusting his hips at an inhuman speed, I squeal in surprise as I cum abruptly due to the speed. Squirting all over his co*ck, he groans in approval. Kissing my neck sloppily, f*cking into me like a beast. I hold on for dear life as another org*sm begins to coil. Aro bites down into my shoulder with a deep groan, hips bucking as he tastes my blood. Taking two big mouthfuls before pulling away. I hiss at the pain.

"Aro.. p-p-please.." I manage to get out as he f*cks me, staring down at me like I hung the sun. Love and admiration mixed with purelust.'

Aro let's out a shuddering groan as he c*ms inside me, his back arching down towards me. Continuing to f*ck me through his own org*sm, not stopping when it finishes. I whine in defeat as he f*cks me, hoping that he was done.. he'sfarfrom being done.

"I'm not.. going to stop.. until this bed issoakedin your cum..." Aro growls so deeply that it takes me off guard.

He leans down to my neck, licking and sucking the wound he made. My walls clamp down onto him again and I moan out weakly, another wave of pleasure joining the churning sea inside of me. Having never came so close together before.. usually it takes me 20 mins to cum again after I've done it the first time..

"You are agoddess.." Aro says as he looks me in the eyes. "Aphrodite would weep.. if she were to be compared to your beauty.." Aro let's out another shuddering groan as he c*ms again inside of me. At this point his sticky white cum is being f*cked into me, forming a pool on the bed of what cannot fit.

"A-Aro.." I whimper out as I cum again, this org*sm becoming slightly painful.. not in the good way. "No.. no more.. Ba.."safe word? What's it again?.. can't.. think..

Aro's eyes widen as he looks down at me, stopping his thrusting. He pulls out making me whimper at the oversensitivity. "Oh darling..shh, its alright.."

Aro pulls me into his chest. I sigh in relief, letting my body slump limp in his arms. Taking a moment to get my barings I look up at him. "That.. was fun.." I say with a small chuckle, my eyes dropping from exhaustion.

Aro sighs in relief, thinking it was too much. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." He says with a smile. "Looks like we're going to have to shower again darling." Aro smirks down at me and I sigh shaking my head.

"Later, I wanna cuddle." Nuzzling into his chest, I enjoy his cold body against my hot skin.

Chapter 32: Disneyland is neutral territory!

Chapter Text

- Next Day - Disneyland -

Walking wonkily through the park with a smile, holding a churro in my hand that I occasionally nibble on. Aro left me in the care of Demetri and Felix today. Something came up and he had to call his brothers, something about another coven on the move? he'll join me when he's finished.

I spot a stitch plushie that dressed up to look like Loki and my eyes sparkle. I turn to Demetri and give him my best puppy dog eyes. He rolls his eyes with a smirk and grabs it to buy it for me, I smile in glee. He walks over to the cash register waiting in line so he can pay for it.

As I'm kneeling down to look at some cute lunch boxes I feel a presence behind me.. "You will come with me willingly or I will kill everyone in this park." A deep voice whispers softly, my back stiffens. "I have others waiting for my queue to begin the carnage."Seriously? Atf*ckingDisneyland?

I sigh softly as I stand back up, turning to look at the man. My eyes widen softly when I see it's one of the Romanian leaders. The blonde one. He wraps his arm around me and smiles, leading me out of the shop straight to the exit.

"You think you're clever huh?" I say as I cross my arms.This f*cker is going to get his asshole ripped anew.

"Oh yes, I'mveryclever." We walk out of the park, he leads me somewhere so that we're out of sight.

C'mon Demetri, what's the f*cking hold up??Cheshire is growling inside my mind, wanting to rip this guy apart.. Just as we get out of view, the guy is tackled by a snarling Demetri.

I jump back away from him as they wrestle, snarling at each other. Punching him the Romanians face cracks, he roars and punches at Demetri who dodges. Felix who's coming back from putting things in the car spots the other trying to sneak up behind me. He launches himself at him with a snarl, the bearded ones eyes widen as he's tackled to the ground.

Somehow the Romanian kicks Demetri off him, straight into me. We land with a grunt as he throws Felix off his brother before booking it.

Demetri gets back up off the ground with a snarl, his eyes black in rage. "Stay with the Queen!" He says to Felix before running after them.

Felix rushes over to me and helps me up with a worried look on his face. "Those f*ckers aresodead. Who attacks someone at f*ckING Disneyland?? It's practically neutral ground!" I bellow with a scowl, gesturing my hands around.

"ComeMia Regina, we must get you somewhere safe. I have no doubt they will not stop until they either kill you or kidnap you." Felix ushers me towards the car, making sure I'm all set before hopping in and driving off. Going well over the speed limit.

Grabbing his phone out of his pocket, he calls his master to alert him of the situation. "Master Aro? There has been a situation. An attempt to kidnap the queen was just made- yes sir we thwarted the attempt. She is safe, we are en route to the hotel now-... yes sir, I shall head straight to the jet.. yes sir.. Okay sir, goodbye." He hangs up the phone, setting it down on the console.

"So..?" I ask him with a raised brow.

"We are to bring you back to the safety of the castle. Master Aro is worried we have a mole, he is going to scan all of the guards and staffs minds until they're caught." He flicks his eyes to me.

I sigh deeply sinking into my seat. "f*ckers ruined my trip to Disneyland.." I cross my arms.

Felix chuckles softly at me as he turns onto a different road. "You are more worried about your trip than being kidnapped?"

"Felix, I'vedreamtof going to Disneyland since I was 5. My family got promotional VCR tapes in the mail.. I watched those f*ckerssomany times.." I say with a smile, remembering watching the kids on the screen.

"Once this is all over, Master Aro will make it up to you." Felix says this fact, looking over to me.

"He better take me to Tokyo Disney.." j say with a pout. "I'll be damned if I don't try those toy story alien mochi." Felix chuckles again, shaking his head. He leans down and slides in a CD his master ordered for the queen.. Having gotten a copy of the album befote the general public does.

The radio begins to play, instantly I recognize the album and band. "AHHH RAMMSTIEN!!" I squeal out in glee. Clapping my hands like crazy, this causes Felix to smile at my excitement. I quickly turn it to my favorite song on the album.

"Too big, too small, Size does matter,after all~" Felix's brow raises at this, looking at me side eye while he drives. "Zu groß,zu klein.Er kânnte etwasgrâßersein-Mercedes-Benz- und Autobahn- Alleine indasAusland fahren.Reise, Reise, Fahrvergnügen Ich will nurSpaß, mich nichtverlieben!!Just a little bit~ Just a littlebitch~~You've got a puss*!! I have a dick, ah So what's the problem? Let's do it quick!!" Felix sputters out as we go down the highway.. one of many raunchy songs.

- Volterra Italy -Next Day -

Felix parks the car in the underground garage taking a breath as the nonstop German musicfinallyceases.. I step out of the car and stretch my back with a grunt. Enjoying the popping feeling as I relax.

I'm greeted to Jane and Alec who are waiting at the entrance to the castle for me.Aro.. this is just overkill.Walking over to them with Felix by my side, I sigh softly as they fall into step with me. "Lemme guess, you guys have to guard me now too?"

"YesMia Regina, Master Aro has ordered it." Alec says as we walk towards my room at a leisurely pace.

I sigh softly again and shake my head. "I pity the fool who tries to attack me now.." Alec and Jane smirk as we reach my door. I open it, looking up I stop.

Alexis.exe has stopped working.

The windows dial up tone begins to play in my head as I stare at all the Disneyland bags now sitting in my room. "I... Aro thatsneakyson of a.." Sighing loudly I just walk over to my bed and Scrooge dive into it. Groaning into a pillow.

"Hey! She's back?" I hear Jacobs voice call out.

"Yes Master Wolf. Just now." Felix says as he guards by the door.

Jacob steps in and looks around. "Why did Walt Disney throw up in our room?" He takes a look at the massive amount of bags and boxes.

"Blame Aro, anything that I evenremotelywanted he f*cking bought.. and withmyimpulsive ass?" I raise a brow to Jacob and he just nods in understanding. Knowing that I once bought a plushie dick just because I could.. it's called a ding ding. He now lives on my bed.

"Yeah, I see what you mean.." He steps around the bags, coming to sit on the bed next to me. "Are you okay Lex?" He asks with worry in his tone.

"I'mperfectlyfine, more pissed off than anything. I was making sure I was out of sight before I kicked their asses. But Demetri jumped into the fray so I just let him handle it.. those f*ckers ruined my dream trip that I've wanted since I was a kid." I sit up in bed and cross my arms with a huff.

"Dont worry baby, you'll be able to go again." Jacob rubs my back as Jasper enters the room. He stops when he sees all the bags, then noticing me on the bed he understands.

"Oh, hey Darlin, you just get back?" He comes over to me and kisses me on the lips, which I accept gratefully. Running his fingers through my hair, making me sigh softly at the stimulation.


"I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to steal Jacob for a moment. Aro's doing the uh..interviewsnow." Jasper says as his eyes flick to me.

"Not being atallsubtle Brokeback." I say with a smirk on my face.

"Sorry Darlin, we'll find the f*cker who told them you would be out of the castle." He says with a slight growl in his voice.

"Rip their dick or tit* off for me would you?" I give him puppy dog eyes, he sighs rolling his eyes.

"Will do darlin." He kisses me on the side of the head before zooming off, Jacob in tow. Jane and Alec staying behind to guard me as Felix joins the two men.

- Third Person POV - Throne Room -

"Thank youallfor coming.. I have some rather alarming news." Jacob and Jasper close the doors as everyone enters the throne room. "An attempt to kidnap and or kill the queen was made today." Gasps ring out in the room.

Caius snarls deeply in rage as Marcus looks concerned for his mate. "The Romanian's are the ones responsible.. Demetri is already working hard on hunting them down.. But.. It's curious how they knew about my trip with my mate.. Considering only the coven was told.. I believe we have amole!" Aro says with a sad*stic smirk.

"Cut the theatrics and find thef*ckerAro." Caius snarls gripping onto his throne. "I want to rip his goddamn head off!"

Aro rolls his eyes with a sigh. "Yesyes.. Everyone form a single file line, each of you will hold my hand for me to review. If you back out.. well, you die." Aro shrugs in indifference.

Everyone hurry's to a single file, Aro quickly goes through the Upper guard and royal guard. Flushing them out as clean, moving onto the lower guard.. Jasper notices one of them becoming anxious, he grabs onto Aro's hand and shares with him.

Aro's eyes lock onto the guard, who freezes.. Then tries to make a run for it.

Jacob changes instantly and bites the bastards leg, ripping it off. Making it so he cannot escape even if he wanted to. The guard screams out in pain. "Ah.. now that was foolish." Aro says shaking his head in disappointment.

He touches the man's face as Jacob pins him down with a snarl. Aro growls deeply at what he sees. "He's the mole."

Caius rushes to kill him but Jasper holds a hand up. "Hold yer horses, Alexis wanted me to do somethin first." Jaspers eyes flick down to the mole. "You ruined a trip that she has wanted for all her life.." Jasper says as he motions for Jake to let him go.. before stepping on his chest to pin him down himself.

"Please! God no!" Jasper reaches down and grabs the man's groin ripping it off. The man screams out in agony as Jasper throws the chunk into a fire Heidi prepared.

"Now you may." Jasper steps back so Caius can have his fun. The man leaps onto the prone vampire and begins to rip him apart bit my bit.. chunk by chunk is thrown into the fire.. the screams can be heard across the castle.. well except Alexis' room, where shes listening to the Tarzan soundtrack.

"Son of man, look to the sky~ Lift your spirit, set it free~ Some day you'll walk tall with pride~ Son of man, a man, in timeyou'll be~" She sings out as she unboxes all her new stuffed toys and..wellregular toys. f*ck anybody who says an adult can't own toys.

Chapter 33: πŸ”ž So Close~ πŸ‹

Chapter Text

- Later That Day - Third Person POV -

Whilst their mate is in her room, sorting through Aro's gifts.. All of her mates stand inside the kings office. Circled around the main desk where Aro sits.

"She isnotleaving this castle again." Caius says with a fierce protective snarl, smacking his hands down onto the desk. Nearly cracking it in half.

"Sheneedsto have her freedom Caius, shemaybe an introvert but there's onlysolong she can stay inside." Jasper says, crossing his arms while shaking his head.

"If you want to keep her insideandsafe.. Than we will need a way to keep her busy until we find these bastards." Jacob speaks out, leaning against another desk with his arms crossed.

"How would we do this?" Marcus asks tilting his head, having not really gotten time to spend with their mate.

"Keep one of us with her at all times.. We keep her busy, redirect her when she begins to think of going outside." Aro says with a glimmer in his eye.

"Thatcouldwork..." Jasper says nodding his head, stroking his chin. Thinking of how his mate acts.. and how..wellerratic her train of thought is.. "Her ADHD makes it so she'sverysusceptible to persuasion.. Simply mention something and her brain will leave its current train of thought to follow the new one.." Jasper shrugs his shoulders.

"Alright, then it's settled." Aro stands up from his seat. "One of us shall be with her atalltimes.. In the meantime, Jasper, Jacob I want you two to begin training. You both spend the most time with her, so you should strengthen yourselves." Jasper and Jacob nods their heads in agreement.

"Hopefully Demetri will bring us good news.." Marcus says. "I shall spend the rest of the day with her since I haven't had a chance too. Come visit once you two are free from work." Aro and Caius nod as Marcus leaves the room to go spend time with his mate.

- Alexis POV -

Kneeling down onto the floor, listening to music as I rocking back and fourth as a stim. Looking at the instructions I lean down and grab the correct packet. Ripping it open I assemble the pieces, moving onto the next. My brain floating away into a story within my mind as my hands are busied with work.

Aro bought me a Lego set of thef*ckingdeath star. So I'm sitting here putting it together so I can put it on my shelves that got delivered while I was away. All of my games perched on each respective consoles shelves.. it's a beautiful sight.

Alec is sitting on a chair that I gave him by the door, watching me with confusion. "Why.. why do you findthatfun?" He gestures to my Legos, I snap out of my mind story and turn to him.

I gasp out on blasphemy and look to him. "Have youneverplayed with Lego??"

"No." He shakes his head.

"This.. this needs to be rectified.. this simply cannot do.. how could such a travesty come to place?? Get over here, you're helping me build this." I point next to me Alec sighs and zooms over, kneeling down on the floor. Anything for his queen.

"What do I do..?" He holds his hands up, unsure where to start and how to 'play' with this toy.

"Follow the instructions and just..zoneout. It's calming I find." I smile at him handing him the instructions, pointing to where I'm at.

Alec opens a bag and begins to assemble..andassemble.. until he has a small smile on his face. "This.. thisisenjoyable."

"There'sendlesspossibilities with Lego bricks. All you need is your imagination... I'll have you know, I once build a guillotine with them as a child.. I made it so I could behead one of my toys that tried to arrange ancoupof my Littlest pet shop empire." I say with an indifferent shrug. Remembering the memory fondly.. oh the many gruesome battles that were fought on my little sliding table..

Jane chuckles softly at this, giving me a small smile. "You had small toys arrange acoup de grΓ’ce?" She raises a brow in amusem*nt.

"Yup, I was a f*cked up kid. Hadmassivewar torn battles with thegirliesttoys. My grandparents in the beginning would only buy mef*ckingBarbies and sh*t like that. I destroyed them by covering them in sharpie and cutting off their hair.. trying to make it look like Batman.. They got the hint in the end." I smirk at the memory. Remembering I got a whole tote full of dinosaur toys and a batman action figure..

They both chuckle softly as the door opens to Marcus. He looks at me and smiles, seeing I'm enjoying myself. "I'm not interrupting anything am I?"

"Not at all, Come on in Marcus!" He walks inside waving his hand to Jane and Alec. Alec looks longingly at the Legos. "Don't worry Alec, we can put this together..welltogether." I shrug with a smile, he smiles back and nods before zooming out of the room to guard me at the entrance of the wing.. Knowing his king would want privacy.

"You are assembling a toy?" He looks down at the Legos with curious eyes.

"Yep. It's part of the fun." I say with a smile.. "Wanna uhm.. lay down and cuddle? I uh.. need some contact.." I begin to play with my fingers as i stand up.

Marcus smiles and lays down on the bed, taking his shoes off first. I slide in next to him and sigh happily as he holds me tight to him. My brain calming down with the firm constant pressure.. anchoring me into a state of calm......... That is until my squirrel on cocaine ass brain gets horny..f*ckinBrian the brain at it again...

* Batman symbol spins on screen *
- πŸ”ž -

Authors note:I got too f*cking lazy, it's 2am and im too tired to write the in between scene of him taking of her clothes and whatever.. Just enjoy the debauchery myfellowdegenerates. *Bows*

Marcus holds me as close to his body as he can. Biting onto my neck as he thrusts up into me, his co*ckbarelyleaving my puss*. Delivering powerful thrusts that make me quiver and pant. My cum dripping onto the bed making a large puddle.

I hold onto his arms as my legs hook around his. Moaning as I writhe on his co*ck. "M-Marcus.."f*ck he's sodeep, his co*ck is kissing my goddamn womb.Why are they all so f*cking hung???

Marcus licks up the side of my neck, breathing out cold pants that chill the venom saliva on my skin. "Yes my love?" Whispering into my ear softly before kissing the side of my neck.

"M-may I cum?" I claw at his arms as I try to hold back.

"Yes darling, cum for me.Tale una bellisima la puttana per me,contorcersisu mioilcazzo.. come una gatta nella calore..(Such a beautiful slu*t for me, squirming on my co*ck.. Like a cat in heat..) Marcus groans into my neck, I moan out loudly as my back tries to arch off him. He holds me down as my walls twitch and spasm on his co*ck, holding him firmly inside me like a vice.

Marcus hisses out as he continues to f*ck into me. "So tight for meAngioletta(little angel)." I continue to twitch and moan as he pleasures me into overstimulation. Marcus stops his thrusting and pushes as deep inside as he can, growling deeply as he cum's.f*ck.. do they have breeding kinks as well?

Taking a deep breath he reaches a hand down and begins to rub my cl*t, making me gasp out. "M-Marcus! W-what-" Thinking we were done.God no! He's like Aro! I won't be able to f*cking walk!!

"I want to feel you cum around me againprincipessa(princess). Your puss* fits my co*cksoperfectly.." Reaching his other arm up, he shoves his pointer finger and middle finger into my mouth. Forcing me to suck on them, which I do happily. His fingers play with my tongue for a moment before he leans in close to my ear he whispers. "I just may let you sleep with me inside of you.. so I can continue to feel your warm tight heat throughout the night.. Would you like that kitten?"Oh f*ck, that's hot. I'm in danger.

"Y-yes.." I manage to say around his fingers, blushing a bright red. Having always thought co*ck warming was f*cking hot as hell...Maybe I can do it with the kings on their thrones..?

"Hmm.. Let's tire you out then shall we? Make you cum till you pass out?" He says with a smile, kissing my neck again. I whimper out a moan.f*ck they are seriously trying to kill me.. Aro, you seeing this sh*t? Marcus chuckles softly at my whimper, thrusting his hips again I moan out. "Such a good little kitten for me hm?"

Marcus moves his fingers around my cl*t as he begins to thrust in a consistent rhythm. His co*ck barely leaving my puss* still.. But he continues to thrust hard..

My eyes slowly go hooded as I begin to zone out. Only focusing on the pleasure, sucking on Marcus's fingers.. Moaning out deeply as I cum again, my hips matching Marcus's thrusts. He groans happily. "Such a good girl.. Cumming on my co*ck so well.. I just may come again." He says with a smirk, chuckling softly.

"Mas.. master.." I moan out around his fingers.

"Hm? What's this?Nodarling, I'm no master.." he kisses my cheek as he bottoms out, giving me a moments reprieve. "If youmust, you may call me Sir." He thrusts into me hard making me gasp out a moan.

"Y-yes sir.."

"There's agoodgirl.." He smirks against me, enjoying how co*ck drunk I've become.

"God's Marcus, what did you do to her? It took me a while to even bring her tothisstate." Caius' voice rings out, making me open my eyes to see him and Aro watching Marcus f*ck me.Oh.... f*ck..

"Just agoodf*cking brother." Marcus chuckles softly as he continues to f*ck me.Please? I want all of them.. so f*cking bad..

Aro touches my ankle and he giggles at my thoughts, his eyes going hooded as he sees me think about co*ck warming and the thrones. "She's so aroused that she wantsallof us." He states to his brothers.

Caius chuckles deeply as he watches me twitch and writhe on his brother.. Stepping forward he begins to undo his belt. "Do you want my co*ck to stuff your mouth full slu*t?" I moan weakly and nod my head.f*ck, I want them all. I want them all inside! Need them all! f*ck me in my ass if you need too but all inside!

Aro is continuing to touch me, reading my thoughts. "Ah.. But darling, you've never done anal.... But I suppose if I must.." he shrugs his shoulders as if he's put out about f*cking me.

Marcus slides his fingers out of my mouth, allowing me to gulp in a breath before Caius grabs my head by my hair. Shoving his co*ck down my throat with a groan, doing slow thrusts at first to get me used to the sensation again.

"Marcus can you?" Aro asks his brother, Marcus sighs and kisses my neck.

"I'll be back kitten." He slides his co*ck out of me making me whimper as I feel empty.

Caius smirks as he jumps up onto the bed, kneeling so he's in the perfect position for both himself and his brothers. Marcus slides underneath me, pushing his co*ck back inside.

Just as Aro kneels down behind me, having taken off his clothes. With slicked up fingers he rubs them around my asshole. Pushing a finger inside I moan around Caius' co*ck making him moan out softly.

"Isn't she perfect?" Marcus says with a smile as he pushes my hair out of my face.

Caius pulls away so I can take a big gulps of air. "I cannot get enough of f*cking her face till all that's in her head is co*ck." Caius grins holding onto my hair tightly in his fist.

Aro pushes in another finger, making a scissoring motion to stretch me out. I whimper and whine at the sensation. Pain wrapped up in pleasure as Marcus f*cks me. Marcus bottoms out and groans, cumming deep inside of me once more.

Aro pulls his hand away, grabbing his co*ck. "Readymi amore?" I nod my head with a smile on my face. Aro pushes inside of me slowly as Caius does as well. I moan loudly around his co*ck making him curse in another language.

"So tight.." Aro whispers out as Marcus begins to thrust underneath him. Hissing as he feels his brother move, trying his hardest not to move to give me a moment to adjust.

Grabbing at the sheets I moan out, wiggling my hips againstAro. Please Aro, I need you. Fill me full.Aro growls as he grabs my hips with a bruising grip in his hands. Thrusting into me at a quicker pace than Marcus I groan out as my eyes roll into the back of my head.

"f*ck.. I'm close." Caius says as he continues to f*ck my face. Pushing all the way down my throat he roars deeply, filling my stomach with his cum. He takes a moment still bottomed out before pulling away to give me a moment to breath.

Feeling the coil inside me snaps I moan against the sheets as I cum once more. Squirting all over Marcus who just grins underneath me. "You're doingsowell.." Marcus kisses me on the lips.

Caius growls as he looks at his brother. "Move, I want to f*ck her you've had her long enough."

Marcus rolls his eyes but they switch with vampire speed. Caius grabs my hair pulling me close so he can kiss me.. before shoving his co*ck deep inside and starting a quick pace.

"C-Caius!" Caius bites in my neck where he bit the last time. Drinking from me as he f*cks his brothers cum out of me.

Marcus kneels before me, holding my face in his hands. "You're doing so wellprincipessa.." Aro growls as he c*ms deep inside, snapping his hips. Continuing his pace well into overstimulation on his part. He moans out happily as he continues to f*ck my ass. Closing his eyes to focus on my pleasure radiating within his mind. Marcus smirks at his brother shaking his head. "Aro? How is she faring?"

"I.. believe.. we should.. stop.. soon.." Aro pants out as he continues to f*ck into me, Caius snarls underneath me. Smacking my ass I moan out softly.

Aro moans as he bottoms out, just as Caius does. They both cum deep inside. Their org*sms triggering my last one, I moan into Caius' shoulder weakly squirting out more cum.

They both pull out of me, letting me flop down onto Caius limp. He simply wraps his arms around me with a smile, kissing the side of my head. Aro lays down beside him smiling as well, holding my hand in his.So good.. so.. tired..My eyes slowly drift closed, as I fall asleep. My body exhausted from cumming so much.

Marcus smirks at his brothers, helping Caius move her so she's laying down comfortably against his chest. "Looks like you're her pillow for tonight." Marcus whispers out.

"I don't care." Caius says with a soft smile, running his fingers through my hair.

"I will help you clean her up Marcus." Aro says before zooming into the bathroom to get a cloth and some water.

"Well, this is certainly one way to keep her busy.." Caius says with a soft chuckle.

Chapter 34: πŸ”žWho's your daddy?πŸ‹

Chapter Text

- Third Person POV - Next Day -

Demetri sprints through the dense forests of Michigan as the Romanian's head east. A permanent scowl etched on his face, his Louis Vuitton shoes filled with mud and water. As rain pours down onto him.

He's been chasing these f*ckers all over the US fordays. Having to stop and feed every once and a while to keep his strength up.These f*ckers.He thinks to himself, growing more and more irritated each minute passes by. Soon passing into Ohio.

- Alexis POV - Volterra -

Jasper lays next to me on the bed, reading a book as i sit beside him. Happily crocheting a blanket for myself as I watch supernatural.Damn I would kill for that f*cking car..I think mentally, finishing off a row.

Jasper side eyes me, watching my hands work. I look at him with a smile, he smiles back. Kissing the side of my head, returning to his book. I giggle softly shaking my head.

"You're so damn cute." Jasper says with a smirk.

"Pfft. I ain't cute." I say with a pout.

"You are as cute as a kitten to me darlin." I roll my eyes returning to my crochet with a pout.

"Aww, what's with the pout baby girl?" I choke on air when he says that, casing him to burst out in a chuckle.

"That's not fair! Technical foul! Red card! o-other sports terms!!" My mind plays a clip of Whitey from eight crazy nights saying 'that's a technical foul!'.

Jasper leans back raising a brow to me. I shake my head. "Why do you have to be sof*ckinghot. It's not fair.. my poor ovaries can only takesomuch Jaz." I say with a pout. Jasper chuckles again, grabbing ahold of me he lifts me up making me squeak out in surprise. Setting me down on his lap, he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Why don't you do something about it darlin? I mean... Wearealone." He says with a co*cky smirk.

"I dare say that those are fighting words Mr. Whitlock." Wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Ohreallynow.." He leans closer, still smirking playfully. "You really wanna fight me baby girl..?" Jasper senses a spike in my lust and he smirks. "Don't you want to be a good girl for daddy?" He takes a wild leap, guessing if I'm into it... He shoots and f*cking scores like a goddamn trickshot YouTuber.

I blush a deep red, my eyes widening.. and the f*cker grins, knowing he hit the nail on the head. "Hm?" He raises a brow and I nod my head.

"Yes daddy.. I-I wanna be a good girl.." He picks me up and turns me around in his hold, so my back is on his chest.

"Alright babygirl.." Jasper kisses my neck. "I wanna make you cum.. can daddy take off your panties?" I nod my head and lift my hips so he can slide my pants and panties off. I throw them across the room with my gift.

Jasper lazily glides his fingers across my puss* lips, I bite my lip as I watch him. "Such abeautifullittle puss*.." He whispers into my ear, nibbling on the lobe. His finger finds my cl*t and begins to slowly rub it in circles. I wiggle under his grasp as I feel tingles of pleasure drip down my spine.

"Getting wet already? Wejuststarted you naughty girl." Jasper says with a smirk, sliding his fingers down to my hole to collect some of the wetness oozing out. Using it to lubricate my cl*t.

"M-mmm.." I moan out softly as I wiggle against him. Feeling his co*ck hardening behind me, pressing against my ass.

"f*ck, just look at you.. all ready for my fingers.." Jasper pushes in his fingers slowly, pulling out every so often so he can assure that they are coated with my moisture. Once he coats them evenly he speeds up his thrusts, his other hand circling my cl*t.

"D-Daddy..." I moan out softly, bucking my hips. Every second that passes gets me closer and closer to release..

"You're such a good girl for daddy." Jasper says as he f*cks me with his fingers, mewling out clutching I onto daddy's arm. He curls his fingers inside of me, and that's the last straw.

Digging my nails into him I squirts all over the bed. "Looks like you made quite a mess." Jasper says with a smirk, kissing her on the cheek.

"D-Daddy..." I say meekly, Jasper raises a brow letting me know he has my attention. "Can.. can I ride your co*ck...?"

"Hmm.. Can you handle it?" He teased me playfully, I pout and he chuckles kissing the side of my head. "Of course kitten, do you wanna help daddy take his pants off?" I nod my head and he leans back. Holding out my hand I lift him up and take off his pants, throwing them across the room.

Jasper lays before me stroking his co*ck with the hand he f*cked into me. Letting out sighs of pleasure as he looks at me. I crawl forward and sit on his thighs, looking down at him blushing a bright red.

"C'mon pretty girl.." Running his fingers through my hair with a smile with his clean hand. "Ride daddy's co*ck." Biting her lip I whimper softly, crawling forward I get above him. Using my gift to lift his co*ck straight up, I rest my hands on his chest. Slowly sitting down I bites my lip as it pushes inside of me.

Bottoming out I lets out a breath, taking a moment before I begin to bounce. A bright red blush having never left cheeks. Jasper groans deeply letting his head fall back. Looking up at me in reverence.

"Such a good girl for me.. look at how well you take Daddy's co*ck sugar." He grabs my head and turns it towards the mirror. Kissing the side of my neck as I bounce, grasping both of my breasts in his hands. Squeezing them gently over my shirt.

"D-Daddy.." Moaning out softly, feeling the familiar coil of an org*sm brewing already. I sit down on him fully and make a circle with my hips. Jasper bites his lip.

"W-What is it sweet pea?" He pulls away and looks into her eyes.

"M'close.." She says softly, looking into her daddy's eyes.

"Cum on my co*ck then sugar.. I wanna feel you quivering around me.." Jasper says with a smirk before pulling me down kissing me forcefully, pushing his tongue into my mouth. Wrapping his tongue around mine in a dance that he leads.

Clutching onto him I buck my hips as I cum, Jasper growls deeply in approval holding me close to him cumming along with me.. He looks at me with a smile that turns weird.. he begins to dissociate, his pupils flickering around. He shakes his head and looks at me with hesitance.. "Hun.. The uh.. Major wants to play.. Can he? You can say no-"

"Yes daddy, it's okay." Jasper nods his head to his mate, leaning back he zones out for a moment.. his eyes turning pitch black, he sits back up. Pulling me close to his chest he growls deeply, smelling my neck eagerly.

"Howdy darlin.." The Major says in a deep voice, kissing the side of my neck. Sucking on my skin to form massive hickeys.

"H-Hello Major.." I say meekly.

"f*ck my name sounds so pretty comin outta your mouth.. "The Major begins to thrust into me, making my breath hitch. I hold onto him and moan softly.Should have expected this.."C'mon darl.. I wanna f*ck you full of my cum before he gets back." The Major says with a smirk. "Gonna f*ck a baby into your pretty pink lil puss*..."Okay, didn't expect him to have a breeding kink as well.. I ain't complaining.. no pregnant, only breed!He snarls into my ear before biting into my neck with a growl slurping up my blood, moaning out he slides his co*ck out before he lifts me up and throws me down. Climbing over me with speed he shoves his co*ck back inside and begins f*cking me with force.

"N-ngh.." He growls out, slapping my ass I moan out in pain. "Damn, you are tight.. f*ck, I don't wanna stop." He says with a chuckle grabbing my wrists he pins them above me smirking down at me. "Bet your daddy don't do this, does he suga?" When I don't answer what he said he slaps the side of my face. My eyes widen in shock. "Speak when spoken too, now answer my question darl."

"N-No sir.. daddy doesn't do this.." I say with a shaky voice, biting my lip to hold back a moan.Okay. sad*st got it.

Major grabs my throat and squeezes slightly, making me have to gasp to breath. "No hidin your sounds suga, let me hear you." He releases my throat and continues to f*ck me.

I moan out as he lifts me up, f*cking up into me hitting my gspot with every thrust. I try to wiggle in his iron grip but he just laughs me off... He shakes his head with a growl. "Not nowJasper,this ismytime with our mate."

The Major growls in anger and let's go of my wrists, standing up on the bed still holding me to him.. he begins to f*ck me with agoddamnmating press. I moan out loudly nearly screaming as I cum.

The Major snarls as he bottoms out inside of me, then he begins to purr as he fills me full of cum. "f*ck... Yes...-sh*tno-" His eyes begin to blink rapidly until he lets go, his eyes red again. "f*ck darlin!" Jasper slides out of me, coming to my side looking at me with worry. I moan out softly as he pulls out.

"God damn are you okay? I didn't know he would hit you-" I cut him off with a giggle.

"I'm okay Jazz, pinky promise. I trust the Major not to really hurt me." I smile up at him and he sighs out, letting his shoulders deflate.

"Okay.. Let's get you cleaned up yeah?" He raises a brow before lifting me up off the bed. Making me squeal out as he zooms off to the bathroom, wanting to wash me himself.

Chapter 35: In the end. (End)

Chapter Text

Aro bursts into the room, ordering around his guards in Italian. I open my eyes sleepily, sitting up from Jakes chest. He sits up with alertness, pulling me close so he's practically above me, holding me so his body is shielding me.

"What's... What's going on?" I say sleepily, rubbing the gunk from my eyes.

"Jacob get her to the jetnow. No time to explain." Aro says as he looks at me longingly before zooming out of the room.

"What?Fee what's going on?" I look to Felix who is packing up a bag for me, he grimaces before turning on the tv to a news station. Quickly returning to packing me a bag, I turn to the screen and watch.

- News Broadcast - Live -

"Hi Adam, I'm here in Times Square where-" A man with white hair jumps onto the reporter biting into her neck making her scream in pain as he rips out her throat onlivetelevision, his skin sparkling in the sun. Blood covering his face and chin.

"What the f*ck!" The camera man tries to run holding the camera but the other vampire with him grabs him with a growl. Biting and draining him in the now fallen cameras view.

The white haired vampire grabs the camera and hands it to his brother who's finished his meal. Grabbing the mic off the ground he dusts it off before looking into the lens.

"Hello, people of the world." The man's heavy accent shines through, people around him flee from the scene as the body of the reporter is seen in the background. "My name is Vladimir and I'm a Vampire.Yeswe do exist, as you can see from-" he rips the head off the reporter and holds it up with a smile. "This woman right here. This isn'tfakeor ahoax. Our species 'government' has been hiding our existence for well over a millennia.. but no more. Our currentleadersare located within Volterra Italy, they are called the Volturi-" A police officer shoots the man in the back of the head making him scowl.

Zooming over to him he rips his head off, blood splattering all over his face and clothes. He zooms back with a grin. "We areeverywhere, and none of your modern weapons can kill us.." He smirks as he winks at the lens. "Hello Aro, I can't wait till they bomb your castle.. Back to youAdam!" He says with a chipper smile.

The screen turns to a man who looks distraught with tears in his eyes. He straightens up and looks at the camera. "l-ladies and gentleman.. what you have just seen was..real..my godvampires are real.." he holds a hand over his mouth in horror, the camera cuts out abruptly just as he vomits.

- Alexis POV -

"Ohf*ck.."Oh sh*t. Oh f*ck nuggets. It's time for operation flasher.I stand from the bed and ignore Jacob and Felix who try to bring me to the jet. Jacob going as far as to lift me up, I easily loosen his grip with my gift.

"BOYS IMNOTLEAVING. I'M A GODDAMN QUEEN, SHUT UP." I snarl at them and zoom off to the throne room, not seeing the kings I zoom to their office and see them talking animatedly with each other and Jasper.

"Aro there is no hiding this! It waslive! We have been exposed and they know where we are!" Caius says with a growl, he stops when he notices me.

"Boysboysyou'reallpretty." I say as I walk into the room wearing my pajamas. Aro looks distraught when he sees that I haven't left. "Here's what's gonna happen.."

"Darlin-" Jasper tries to speak up just as Jacob arrives.

"Shut upeverybody and let me speakgoddammit! We need to get on top of thisNOW. All they see currently are blood thirsty monsters because that is whatyourgoddamn smear campaigns in the past wanted them to think, we need to flip the script. We need to get ahead of this and reveal ourselves fully as a functioning government. Felix, grab my camera Aro bought me and my laptop. We're gonna live stream. Aro, Caius, Marcus you three get into kingly outfits.We're gonna record on the thrones. Jane, Alec I want you at the doors keeping an eye out foranyhostiles or messengers. We need to follow international law now, so no killing the messengers okay?" They both nod and zoom off towards the front gate.

Aro Caius and Marcus stare at me wide eyed surprised I thought this through so fast. "I've been prepping for something like this since I started writing f*ckin twilight Fanfiction." I say with a indifferent shrug.

Felix returns with my camera and laptop, I grab them. "Get me theemergencydress. We're gonna need it.." I say with a grimace. He chuckles and nods zooming off again.

I zoom towards the throne room and get everything set up.. making an official Volturi account on twitch. Going live I let people gather, sharing the link to the stream on all of the Volturi members social media accounts, only needing to press a button to show the camera and audio to the people watching.. I now get into thegoddamndress.

- Five Minutes Later -

Aro, Caius, Marcus and I sit on our respective thrones. Jacob and Jasper stand behind me as I press go live with my gift.

I look at the camera and smile kindly, Aro letting me take point on this since it was my plan. "Greetingspeople of the world. My name is Alexis Volturi, and I am the Queen of Vampires.. These are my mates and fellow rulers, Caius Volturi, Marcus Volturi and Aro Volturi.." All three of them bow their heads to the camera. "Behind me are my mates and protectors, this isMajorJasper Whitlock." He bows his head to the camera as he stands in a military stance. "And Jacob Black." Jacob waves to the camera.

"We have seen what was shown on live television today and we are.. to befrankpissed off." I say with a shrug Jacob chuckles softly shaking his head. "Our species has been living with a rule ofsecrecyto keepbothhumans and vampires content for thousands of years.. If humans knew of our existence like they did in the past.. They wouldfoolishlyattempt to hunt us, only resulting in their death because werightfullydefended ourselves... Since Stephan and Vladmir have broken our mostprotectedlaw.. we are now being shown to the entire world.. To the leaders of the worlds government, we aremorethan willing to peacefully communicate with you all. We want this matter solved and for humans to feel safe once more... Now I believe we should answer some questions from the chat. Jazz?"

Jasper zooms over, holding up his phone to read them. He waves to the camera with a smile. "Charmanza says:Holy sh*t is that the same Major Whitlock from the civil war?' to answer your question sir or ma'am.. yes. And I was forced to enter the Confederate army against my will because my father was too sick to be conscripted and I was the only young man in the house. I have atoned for my sins and have spent the last portion of my life donating to various black owned charities....... Okay.. Beetlebub says:How old are all of you?"

Aro speaks up with a smile. "I guess we shall go first.. Myself and my brothers are three thousand years old give or take a few years." The chat goes wild after that information drop.

Jacob speaks up. "I'm eighteen years old.. not that fancy I guess." He says with a chuckle "I'm human."

Jasper steps into frame. "I'm 163 years old."

I grimace when it comes to my turn.. "Well... I'm twenty eight...? Next question."Best not let them know about half vampires.The humans may try to experiment to create a weapon.. f*cking Americans.

"Odlidtogaf says:Do you really drink human blood and how do you get it?" Jasper grits his teeth.

I speak up with a frown. "Well.. to be completely truthful, most of our kind hunt humans in a nomadic lifestyle. Never staying in one place for too long.. there are few of us that integrate within human society and drink the blood of animals, although that harms the eco system.. But the Volturi, before I arrived would have a vampire with a gift of attraction to gather humans. Tourists. They would weed out the mother's and children leading them on a regular tour while the rest are lead to the throne room to be..eaten... But this practice has stopped, because it claims too many innocent human life's." I look over to my mates.

"We have now since implemented a system of hunting downconfirmedhardened criminals.. Such as rapists, murderers and pedophile's. We bring them back to our castle and hold them down in our dungeon. Using modern medicine techniques to drain them of their blood, keeping themaliveto be drained again... Living blood banks if you will.. They get three meals a day and rest to regain their strength to be drained again.. the perfect punishment for theirdisgustingcrimes." I say with a snarl.

"Pigni-" the doors to the room swing open and Jane comes in.

"Apologies my queen, we have avisitor." Jane says raising a brow.Ah the messenger is here. Good.

"Ah, good timing. I'm afraid this live stream will have to end. Fear not we will most likely begin another to answer more questions. Thank you all for coming." I say with a kind smile before shutting it off.

"That went.. well..?" Caius says with a look of confusion.

"It did.. but we're going to getmajorbacklash from you all killing those tourists.. Jane bring the messenger in to the kings office." Jane nods and zooms out of the room.

"Jacob, I don't think it would be wise to alert the world of Shifters existence just yet.. I fear they would attempt to use the Quileute as a weapon against vampires.. more than likely against their will..." Jacob nods in understanding as we walk to the kings office.


I enter the room and see a man dressed in a suit shaking in his boots. The stink of fear emanating from him in waves.At least he's not stupid.."Hello sir, it is a pleasure to meet you." Aro says putting on his kindest face.

"Hello your majesty.. I uhm.. bring an invitation to an emergency hearing in the United nations.." He pulls out an envelope and hands it to Aro, his hands shaking.

"Jasper can you..?" I ask gesturing to the man who's eyes widen thinking the worst. Jasper nods and concentrates, the man visibly calms down with a look of confusion.

"Jasper has the gift of pathokinesis, he can sense and manipulate emotions. I thought I would be best for your health to remain calm. He will remove it when you are safely out of the castle.. Unless you want it removed now?" I raise a brow, wanting this man to feel safe in the dragons den.

"N-no your majesty I'm fine with it. Thank you Major Whitlock sir." He bows his head to the vampire.

"No problem." He says with a smile.

"Ah.. I see.." Aro looks the man with a smile. "We shall be there, although wewillneed to bring some of our guards. I hope that's alright?" Aro says with a brow raise. Daring the man to say no.

"I uhm.. that should be fine sir... As long as we have guards also." He nods and Jane escorts him out of the room and castle.

"So?" I ask him.

"We shall be leaving for the United nations tonight. They have agreed to not attack us until we speak with them." Aro says and Caius huffs out, having been some time since he's been in a war.. he grows bored with peace.

"Thank f*ck.. Quite smart on their part, if they hurt any of you I would have brought nations to theirknees." I say with a scowl. Marcus smirks and kisses the side of my head.

- United Nations -

(Authors note: I know nothing of how the United nations works.. so I'm winging it πŸ‘πŸ»)

Walking into the room with my mates by my sides, all eyes turn to us in fear. Several human guards surround the room holding military grade assault rifles. Armed in full tactical gear, our guards just smirk at this and stay close to us. All of the worlds leaders sit in the room.It would be so easy to kill them alland save us the f*cking hassle... But sadly, if we ruled the world most of my favorite bands wouldn't exist..

A kind secretary leads us over to a table they have prepared. I smile to her and thank her as she all but runs away. Sitting down in the seat, my mates join me. Jasper, Jacob, Demetri, Jane, Alec and Felix stand close by. Their eyes flicking around the room watching the human guards.

The main spokes person sits up in his seat and looks down to us. "Hello Mrs. Volturi and Mr. Volturi's.. thank you for coming on such short notice." The man says as he adjusts his glasses, I sense anxiety billowing off him.

"Thank you all for allowing us to come here and speak as acivilizedpeople instead of attacking us first." Aro says with a kind smile.

"We should f*ckingbombyou all to hell." A man in an American army uniform growls at us.Aww whittle man tinks he's invincible wit his whittle guns..

"I assure you sir.. that would not bewise." I say with an overly happy smile, leaning forward onto the desk. "Now.. Technically speaking, we are not human any longer. Therefore we do not need to obey by your laws. All of our humans tissues have been replaced by venom.. We are anentirelydifferent sentient species completely and we deserve the proper rights."

"What do you want?" The main man says as he looks at us wearily.

"Volterra Italy belongs to the Volturi and has forthousandsof years. We simply let you live on it... also of course we need to feed, so we believe it would be in human kindsbestinterest to either give us prey to hunt.. Or humans to become blood bags. Of coursenoinnocents." I say with a raised brow.

"You want us to hand over our citizens?!" The American general stands up looking at us in disgust.Bet this f*cker is a racist.

"Rapist's, pedophile's, murderers, serial killers to be exact. Thescumof the earth that are sitting on death row but yourefuseto kill them to milk as much of tax payers money as you can... We shall take them free of charge. Your tax payers no longer need to pay for their comfortable stay in hotel la prison." I say with a coy chuckle. "Or would you rather we kill citizens indiscriminately? Innocent mother's, teenagers....or the scum that doesn't serve society.. it's a win win. You clean up your land of filth and we get food."

"We shall converse about this at a later date Miss Volturi. You would of course need to buildfacilitiesto drain them of their blood... And suitable housing."

"Oh that's simple." I say with a shrug, the man nods his head.

"Anything else..?" He says meekly.

"Yes. Vampires often become bored of their lives.. Having nothing to do. We believe that some of our kind would want to join the work force. Our speed, strength and senses are enhanced which would only benefit you.. of course more than likely they would need the correct documentation.."We need to document who's vampire and how old they are. I seriously have no idea why Aro never thought of this..

"Would the humans they work along side be safe?" A dignitary from Mexico asks.

"As long as the vampire is consuming human blood on a regular basis. Normal humans will beperfectlysafe.."They don't need to know about blood singers..

"I believe we can agree to these terms.. It will take time to return to you the..wellownership of Volterra.." he looks at his monitor, showing him the chat of what people are saying privately. "If you would begin the process of documenting your people's.. we can outfit them with identification cards.. Any excess blood from blood banks will be given to any of your kind that requests it."

"Thank you all for this kindness. The doors of Volterra are open to any and all people's. Humans are safe within our city, no hunting is allowed and any who do are culled." Aro says as he stands with a smile.

A guard puts his hand on his gun as Aro stands. Demetri simply looks at him and he lets go. I stand up and adjust my dress. "We shall take our leave and allow you to discuss... However.. shouldanyattacks happen toanyof our species or our leaders.. we will nothesitateto fight back with stronger blows.." I bow my heads to them, Caius smirking at the looks of fear on their faces. We all zoom out of the room taking them by surprise.

"That went rather well." I say with a smile stepping out into the public. Proudly showing off my skin.

"You did wonderfulmi amore.. if you weren't here we would have slaughtered them all." Caius says with a smirk.

"I'm a damn good diplomat." I smirk back as we leisurely walk on the sidewalk, humans looking at us in fear and awe.

"DEATH TO THE MONSTERS!!" A man screams and throws a live grenade towards us. My eyes widen and I grab it with my gift. Flinging it into the air, it explodes and the windows of the surrounding buildings shatter. I quickly grab off of the fractals and throw them to the soil. Sniffing the air to see if any humans are injured I sigh in relief that none are.

Demetri zooms over and grabs the man by the back of his neck. "Master?" Aro zooms over and grabs the man's hand.

Aro scoffs shaking his head in disappointment. "Orchestrated my the American government, before we began our talks. This man is a soldier." He says looking back to me.

I sigh softly as I look at the man who's shivering in fear. "Take him back to Volterra. We have a new blood farm it seems." The man begins to scream before he's knocked out by Demetri.

I sigh deeply cracking my neck. "f*ck man.. this queen sh*t just got a hell of a lot harder.." I smile looking at Aro. He sighs and nods in understanding, wrapping his arms around my waist. The rest of my mates surround me and hold me tight. Time to play f*cking political simulator that is life.. yuck..

- Void of Space -

"Hmm.. Well done child.. you have overcome the many trials within your time here and provided me with great entertainment..... You have succeeded where many I have sent in the past have failed.. You have earned your happiness here.. and yournewtitle of Queen.. It is only fitting that I allow you to write the rest of your story on your own.." A large feline shape grabs the globe in his paws with a smile. Walking over to a special tube, he slides the globe inside. "Rule your world withgraceQueen Volturi."

He pushes it and it is sucked away.. to join the True Ones shelves of success.. Not many have survived his trials and gained control over the world in which they were sent....Godhoodone might say... but Alexis has done what most have failed.....Nowfor the next client.

The big cat turns around and looks at the newest soul that graces his workbench, sent by the True One's scouts. A Cheshire grin coming onto his face. "Now.. where to put you?"


✨(The End) ✨


Authors note: I may add on some p*rnoneshotsat later dates. Stuff that I couldn't fit into the story as a whole.Anyways, I hope you liked it! I felt it would be better to end it now rather than lose interest and writing and not finish it like myotherstories..

Waning Phase - taylorbean - Twilight Series (2024)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.