The Pittsfield Sun from Pittsfield, Massachusetts (2024)

TIID PITTSyiELD SUN TIIUIISDAY MORNING, APRIL 12, 1888. Buainesa Cards. Railroad. xhb akw the WOKKlN(JJlKN. The Teacher's responsibilities.

Is it not the mother's business to know the BOSTON ALHAKIT HAUBOAD, WALL PAPER -AND JOHif V. VAIf DKI sEN, On and after DEC. 2V 18RT. pasmncer trains From the New York Herald. The Herald is receiving frequent letter SrcTlxS to t.a forest Loran.

wholesale and retail dealer in IMcarn and Tobacco, Smokers skill of itior child's teacher as welt at least as that of the physician who prescribes for will arrive and depart from i'lttaneld station as follows, i Aniva from tha East 2:05. 11:04 am, 1:18 Articles, Ac, IS North fltUQeld. Mas. tI4 WINDOW SHADES. (ei press); 4:10 11 pm.

(e org. of late from workingmen who ask questions ebout the tariff, trusts, combines, anil how these things affect the wage earner. ALFRED PI. FLETCHER, his sore throat or the tailor who measures him for his first jmntsf It is only in desperate cases that we cun bring ourselves to pull the door bell of a strange doctor anil summon him to our house. As a rule, he must ArrlTs rrom tne wesi 4:17 a a m.

11:57 a (express); 4:29 as: ji (express); TEACH ER of riauo, Orvan and luteal Theory. Application can be made at J. B. Uarrisna'a. Residence, East iloosatonlo street, oorner Wa-dell avenue.

tf30 10 5) m. rLOUB, OEAIS, MEAL, PEED, bo Corrected weekly by RENFREW A HATES, HI North Street, Ptttsfield, Mum. ytnnesot Patent Flour por bbL, $3 TS PUlsfoury's Beet 6 75 Winter Wheat Roller Patent, per bbL 005 vat St. Louis, per 5 00a? Michigan 4 7i Graham 4 50 DM 45 Pied and MvU, per cwt, 1 Wat 40 Vheat Middling 1 lOsl SO Ouf 1 1 A Washington Chats About II Letter to the Wyoming, N. Y.

Arcade. Senator Dnwes is one of the nicest o'd men in Congress, lie is now seventy two years of age and bis burden of years has made him slightly stoop shouldered and grayhaired. lie is one of the most vigorous, painstaking and thorough committee workers in the Senate. He goes over every item of legislation coming before him carefully, and always knows how much it is and the reason for it, when afterwards debate in Arrive from tha North 7:10 a 10:50 a 1.10. 8.55.

7:25 m. known and accredited, even U-sted, before Tho Best Goods, he receives our confidence, i et an ignorant ARTIIIH 8. PROCT, leaveirolim Basv a m. (express); wrua, aa m. accommodation to and or vicyous teacher may work immeasurably express east 01 npnriKuttia; uuv mi): 10-J7 fexDress).

TU8TICE OF THE rEACE, and JiOTAKT vrm.m pi Fiim and l.r pi- Lowest Prices. more harm tliau any doctor, if we admit that the soul is worth more than the body. Leave iroing West a (express); 7:25 ft How will the proposed tariff bill affect us workingmen a workman in a woolen mill in the interior of this state asks us. We answer him and other workingmen who are asking themselves this perfectly proper question: The general scheme of the bill is to make the raw materials of our great industries dutyfree, and to give the manufacturer as much protection as they have now, and flehl, Haas. We have dilute instruction to the effect that ner bushel, TOaSO m.

liw am. iex press) (exaress 11:57 'express.) Iave koIuk North a m. 11:15 a m. 1 40 JOHN V. NOXOIV, Oat will man with onla ami :15 m.

we need not fwir those who have no power to kill the souLX An unscrupulous teacher has the jwjwer to deform perhaps to destroy both soul and bodyr-Caroliue B. Le flow samples of Goods and estimate on tho ATTORNEY AT LAW. WITH A. J. WATERMAN.

Bank Row. Plttsfleld. Mas. DETAIL MEAT MARKET. a.

A 1.1.1 A. 8. HANSON. O. P.

A. Gen'l Supt. the Senate calls tht particular item into question. Although he has always been a poor man he is generous to tho last dollar. Decorating and Furnishlns: WILLI A9I TURTLE iu om in.

ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. No. 15 Life Iniuranoe Building. Use tt Elevator. Honses, Hotels, Churches, Halls, Etc.

If yon can, come and see the goods and get prices. Probably no man in the Senate has lived so UOCSATONIO RAILROAD. BOCSiTOXlC Division. April 7, 1888. Corrected by W.

H. KENDALL, Meat Dealer, vorrou iv south Street. PKKV RosMins: pieces. 14 a SO; Steak Sirloin, H- porter House, SO; Hound. Mailt; Corned mbs.

Tongue, pickled, 18. Cheap. I.lTln As I told the secret otSpheap living closely up to his stlarv as Mr. Dswes, and We arry a full line of The olt tins runnlna: Solid trains with TIIO.TIAS P. PIN43REE, Pvaa 14 Sausage, 14 Baited.

12a Ham. is In having 'no margin for wastafe Sow, in my system that is the corner stoneb Iu the first place, every economical housekeeper Drawing Room cars through without change, to either direction between FUtsfield and Mew ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, PittsBeld, Mass. Offloa of tha late firm of he has always endeavored by litjerary work and some legal practice to eke out his salary in order to make both ends meet. He gives House and Kitchen Furnishings York. Plngree A Barker.

should learn how to compose her dinneraTs If Leave Plttsfleld 4.00 arrive in New York 00 p.m. rilARLEi E. RCRKK, Leave New York a.oo arrive ntuneia away every year four or five times the entire amount of his own personal one day you have au expensive meat dishy the next day you have a cheap 0110 combined with farinaceous food, such as macaroni or CrochuT, Fancy Glassware, s.ou p. m. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW with T.

P. Plngree, 8 Park Place, Plttsfleld, Mass. IjtJ PASscneaa tkaims i.xats prrrsnsux, 5.45 a. arriving In BridiceDort t.45 a. Hoed, whole, 14 Baoon, Mtn-roii.

Voarter, IS a IS Chops, 16 a SO; Leg, IBs) Loin, i Lams. Chop, Leg, Quarter, 14 a 18. VuL-uarUr, 12altS; Cutlet, SH; Chops, 14al8; Boasting pieces, aOaAJ. "pom-Tar. Turkey, 90; Fowls, 18; Spring Chick "picliied Tripe, 18; Liver, fl; Beef, per 7a 12; Dressed Hota 8.

i PITTSTIELD RETAIL MARKET. Corrected by A. H. HARRISON Grooer, Gam-v weirs block. Railroad Street.

rwovisioits. iCodfish, per 0 Silterpe, Lamps, Wool and This winter for the first time Mr. Dawes beans, so that both dinners will lie equally nourishing and tho on balance the other. New York Evening Bun. New York 11.40 am.

8:10 ar-lvlnK In Bridgeport m. New JOHlfC. CB08BY, fwlth H. L. Dawes.) has been unable to endure the strain of York with thronarh carl 2:15 m.

a mixea, lor uraat Harrington, arriTmi Tut -Ware. Carpet-Sweepers ATTORNET AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. 7 Park Place. Plttsfleld. Mass.

1:45 m. llreaalng Well. Since dressing well stands for daty nothing 12.15 p. mixed, for Bridgeport, travel home to Massachusetts to attend to the few law ciscs in which he retained as counsel. He feels that the time has come when he must spare himself and CHARLES W.

PRETfCII S.45 d. m. 1..10 m. amnn in linage Don o. m.

ew excuses a self respecting person in any walk in life for offending by careless or slovenly Clothes Writers anl Baskets ATTORNEY and COUNSHt.OR AT LAW, 4 North street. West's Block. York 7 .00 n. m. Orahara Flour, per 4 Salmon, pickled.

4.00 D.m.. New Yon Limitea BiDress. sona Oat Meal. Akron train with Throoeh Drawing Room car, arriving attire; and tho employer who allows his help to offend or the mistress who permits her servant to go about in or measure his strength carefully for all the various duties that ca 1 upon him. A very funny story has lately come to my knowledge in regard to Senator Dawes tflS Plttsfleld, Mass.

HENRY J. VAN, (With 8. W. Bowerman.) in Bridireport p. Nec Yora p.

m. 05j mess. No. 10 Herrings, per box, SlUDm lor Fans lllafe. arnvins' m.

R. A7R0CKVELL, per Oit Meal. Irish, shtte Beans pel qt, Qt- Canada Peas, pp. unkempt hair, is himself or herself guilty of 1.20 pm, bunday milk, for Bridgeport, arriving is s.30 m. ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR AT LAW, Bowerman 'a Block.

for 1 and his habits of generosity. A few months ago the door bill of his boarding place on 60 1 Granulated, offense against others' rights aud privileges, for their prerogatives give them'the right to expect and demand clean and orderly habits uam Pnrk. ner is rone a W. II STKVENSON. Vice Pres.

and Gen'l Manager. B. WHOLESALE RETAIL 1.1 for II 13 for $1 14 (or $1 P. II. CASEY, boneless rorx, per a is cxira W.

K. LYON, Superintendent. 15 Brown brooked Hams, of dress. Aimie Jenness Miller. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Northrups Block, Im, Mass.

tf44 '3ii H. D. AVERILL, Gen'l Ticket Agent, bridge port. Conn. DEALER IX ALL GRADES OF Kerosene Oil.

Be sure that the waWr is at boiling point JOHN J. NELLIUAN, 31 street rang late one night, and the bena tor himself responded. On the steps he found a tall, lean, shivering old man clad in a threadbare broadcloth coat, very poorly calculated to shield him from the biting November wind. One Bleeve was empty; his face was pinched aud yellow and the picture of hunger and sorrow. The blue eves of the Massachusetts Sen Smoked Beet, Uacoa, Urd, Cheese, factory, aces, per dot.

Butter. Potatoes, Bash. 15! Ti. 12 Oolong, per SO a 99 iri Eng. 00 a Japan, 0 a 90 Si) Gunpowder, 50 a 1.00 Young Uyson, 80 a 90 ani ATTORNEY AT LAW, No.

77 North Street, Plttsfleld, Mass. 1 before putting into it the vegetables to be cooked. If it is cold or lukewarm the freshness and tluvor will soak out into the water. S9 England HuIldlK, MII.LUn C. RPAt'LDING, JIAS1.

we ueucve in some cases even a little more. The result of that arrangement as our correspondent can easily see, is to reduce very materially the cost of manufacturing and to give the manufacturing employer a larger market for his product, because, if he gets his raw materials free, he can sell to advantage in foreign markets and control the home market more completely than sow. But If an American manufacturer can se cure a larger market for his goods he can keep his works more steadily in motion, and that means that his workmen will have steadier employment. If the manufacturer can get his raw material cheaper he can afford to pay his workmen more; at any rate, he can have no excuse for paying them less. The high protection tariff was made to stimulate home manufacturing.

It has done that until, as is universally admitted, we can make in nine months all that the country can consume in a year. Ilence. as every workingman knows, mills and other works shut down periodically, and the highly paid American workman does not, as a rule, get more than 9 months' work out of 12. A high tariff on raw materials disables American manufacturers from selling their products outside of the United States, because in foreign markets they mubt compete with foreign manufacturers who have the advantage of free raw materials. Hut if American manfactureis can have free raw material which the Mills bill to some extent gives them then they can sell their Surplus products abroad.

If they can make enough in nine months to supply the home markets for a year, with free raw material they can sell the other three months' product in foreign countries, and thus keep their mills going the year round. That is certainly an advantage to the workingmen as well as to their employers. We say, therefore, unhesitatingly to our, correspondent and to all other workingmen that the Mills bill means prosperity for them, and they ought to demand its passage. And as our correspondent is employed in a woolen mill, we will add for him that the most important aud beneficent part of the bill is that which 'makes wool dutyfree. No branch of American manufactures ha3 been so depressed as the woolen industry.

Free wool will set it on its feet and give it at once life and vigor. The Ureal Dismal Swamp of Virginia, Is one enormous quagmire of decayed vegetation, a region of gloom and desolation but not more so than the human system when blocked up by decayed animal rurntps, pecs. Onions, per pk. tiewOrleansMolswes A TTORNEY AT LAW, West Stockbrldge, Roasted fc FresbGround ator studied the old man a minute and Mass. lyK4 I'lace the samvaii over the hottest part of your stove, so that it will bod as quickly as possible, and lie careful that the boiling process does not until the content are thoroughly cooked und ready to be dished.

40 then with a sudden start Mr. D.iwea ex 85 claimed so n. WEILL WILSON C. C. 0AMWELL, BERKSHIRE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 91 A KM.

INCORPORATED 1851. per 40 a 70 arlcalbo, Uear MoIWsee per Rlo, S0i Mocha and Java Golden Srrup, 6 a SO Pulverixed, White Drip, 90 French Breakfast ARCHITKCT, Insurance Building, Plttsfleld, Mass. WALTER WATSO. 30 Usnle 1. 85.

S. A. Jara. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In D. II.

C. Co '8 ALL KAIL CIVIL Engineer and Surveyor. Room 16, Cen-J trill block, IMttslield. Pickles, per pal, 50 Pickles, mixed, pr gal, 59 in SWW9UQ li. vi I DR.

JAIrlKS 43 A in WELL, DENTIST 15 Union Street. Ptttafleld. second street north of the American House. FI2TANCIA L. Office hours from 9 a.

m. to 5 p. m. "Why, John, is that you?" "Yes, Henry, I am here, what there is left of me." In a moment the two men i were seated by the blazing hearth, und the stranger rubbi-l his bony knuckles on the arm of his chair and shivered and shrugged his shoulders as the generous heat drove the cold out of his marrows, while the two men exchanged their stories. They had been in college together at Yale; were room mates, friends, chums.

Both had been poor all their lives; but one was successful in public honois and the other was a failure in everything. John had been a soldier, but somehow lacked the stamina to rise from the ranks, and had come out of the war minus an arm and completely broken down in health by a ten months sojourn in Southern prisons. WM. E. PLTJTJKETT, President.

J. M. BAEKEK. Vice-President. J.

W. HULL, Sec'y and Treas. DR. W. W.

LEAV1TT, George's Creek Cumberland, TnYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and lxl Jl. ldenoe 31 South street. SUPERIOR FOR BLACKSMITHS' USE. J.


Vulon Street. 40 Thirty-sixth Annual Statement, J. II. WIIEELEH, It. I.

Wood and Kindling CUT ANT LENGTH AND DELIVERED FROM 8UKD. Being for the year enJIai Dec. 31st, 1837. MM SAVINGS BANK, INCORPORATED 1830, Oldest Bant For Sayings In The City. Corner State and Chapel Streets.

ALBANY, N. Y. ASSETS JAN. 1. 1888, NEARLY ELEVEN MILLION1 DOLLARS, Surplus $1,914,798 81 InSKr" 230,513 39 OFFICE.

Rooms IS and 16 (England's block), 00 North street. Office hours il to 10 a. I to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. Sundays 10 a.

m. and after 5 evenings. Residence No. 1 Beaver street, tf 14 Income, The twenty odd years since the close of the great struggle had been spent in a des W. II.

WENTWOBTII, PI. D. BLACK Dinon perale battle from day to day to keep body DISBURsem*nTS. and soul together. OFFICE BOWERMAN'S BLOCK.

Honrs from 10 to 11 a. (generally to 4) and 7 to p. fmrrvEO av STEVENS, 464 Broadway Boston. Finally, like a wreck on the tea, he had Paid Policy holders 81 AU other payments including Taxes and he insurance .194,838 46 m. Residence 33 South street.

4s drifted to the door of his old friend and college mate. DK. XV. P. WENT WORTH, FOR FIREPLACES.

BALEI A3.D LOOSE HAY AND STRAW Lowest Cash Prices. 8J3.C01 45 1st ToTin.r 1st "Henry," said the one-armed veteran at matter, whieh poisons the blood and brings Liabilities including re insurance lnieresi. vlu JulT. Interest allowed on deposits from the Brst m. 1 g-i.

Kd mai(a Vr OCCTJLIST AND ACRIST, England's New Block. Room 11. Office hours from a. m. length, his voice trembling, "can you give fund.

Massachusetts Standard, $3, 43H.0M 89 gloom to an otherwise happy houfiebola. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets re the best Washing Compcuhd ok earth each package savcna contains a DIFFERENT PRESENT cruLAPRscHt.y solo sr all oocrns me a place to sleep tonight? It you don aay or every moniu. iiia registered letter, money order or express, and Surplus 408.S18 71 to 12. to 4 and 7 to 9 p.

Saturday evenings xoepted. I shall have to eo to the station." move all waste matter, and give Natuie a paSS DOOSS WUl Um as OFFICEHSl Total Assets $3,902,871 CO No. 14 RAILROAD STREET. PITTSFIELD "Of course, John," said the Senator, and in a few minutes Mrs. Dawes bad been O.

8. ROBERTS, fa. chance to build up. One of the original tendencies of the PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 124 North Whelden's block.

Olios boars, to 4 ana 7 to 8 p. nt. human mind, fundamental and universal, is the love of other people's private affairs INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM DR. W. Id.

MKRCF.H, The results of the business of 1887 show A cralsi la Income, A Kill si I Assrla, A Kai 1st Narplus, summoned and a bright tire was burning in a spare room read)- for the old man's occupancy. From that night 6n for over three months John was an inmate of the Senator's family; every taing was done for him that could" be done; his raom was warmed at night, his pott-prandial ciirar This is a good world to sin in. but, so REMOVAL. D. ROSENHEIN HAS REMOVED HIS For nearly ft jemr I bad to fd and PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON.

Officeend of Melville, on First streeu iar as men are concerned, it is a very nam J. HOWARDS KING ATTH8W HALS First Vice-Pbisidsxt Alters HUN 8SCOND Vics-Pbesidsnt THEODORE TOWNSKND W1LUAM KIDD Kicbstart BEN J. W. JOHNSON Assistant Tebasukeb TBI ITF.E8 I Howard King, Grange Sard. Charles B.

Lansing. Rufu. K. Townsend. HenrvT Martin.

Jacob U. Ten Ty ok, fistlhew Hale. Wm. Van Rensselaer William Kldd, Luther H. Tucker, Un, J.

Wilbur Tlllinghast Van Antwerp, Led yard Cogswell, James D. Wasson. tamed In bd. I could find nm relict world to repent in. K.

riXLKV Itl. D. My itomach wu ruined md cot to pica with powerful mediciot taken was furnished him; Mrs. Dawes tied his A est In 1st IHvIilrxla paid Dltm to effect a eur I was comix-lltd to PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Special attentloa given to diseases of Women and Children necktie, brushed up the-dingy oldcoat.and Hra 011 bread and water.

I anffered over twenty -fiva to this wy. I waa Induced (o try lr. Kenneitv Favorite Remedy, of Itoudout, and Miss Anna knit him new socks and sewed on his shirt buttons. The poor old fellow Grocery and Provision Store From Waconah street to ana au cnronio aiseases. L-anoers ana tumors cured without the use of the knife, or so pay.

Office at 81 Fenn St, Plttsfleld, Offloa open all day and evening 4Htf A stain In Insurance written. rvWv at are fretful, peevish, vxv' VT crosSj or troubled with Windy Colic, Teething Pains, or Stomach Disorders, can be relieved at once by using Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no Opium or Morphine, hence is safe. Price 25 cents. Bold by never bad so much attention shown him in I am Now Well.

Again In Membership, and yVT(rr ihh nrdk-fne at hand I am en- all his days; but, like old men of his stamp who have drifted up and down the world CHARLES BAILEY, HI. D. Abraham Lansing. Edward Bowdltch. Bank open dally from 10 o'clock a.

m. to o'clock p.m.. and from p. m. on Mondays.

MM 137 TVoi-tli Street, ttafood uch a meat and paltry, which I A ffalnla Insurance In tinre been denrivrd of for venn. If mnw without the self reliance or resolution to better their condition, he was tesentially a OFFICE and Residence, corner of South and Taconlc streets. Office open at all hours. Special office hours from 2 to 8 p. m.

A 8. Waite, Druggist, 65 North street. APttL aoutl 111 iiiwDMoi, i wiu tesa uia formerly occupied by undertaker Kelly. Dauber. The greatest event in a ben's life is mad II AM Ell STONE.

Specialty Diseases of Rectum, without knife ligature or caustic. Please notice change of He had lost all ambition, all sense of up of an rgg and a cackle. But angels lAFPINVESTMENTS 14 1 Capital. S7SO.OOO Residence and onlce Hours. Entrance to omoe manly independence and his only desire prtx.r at me.

UAKKETT SLANSINQ, Troy, Iff. T. at Swxtrr, Albany, S. mt It la my absolute duty toward thru wrm are trupvlirtff for life against tba deadly diBe of the kidney, to add my testimony to Um air eady weighty eTidene of THE MARVELOUS EFFICACY OF never cackle. on Taconio ttreet.

IS General Agent for If'exfern Mas A FULL LINE OF CHOICE GROCERIES AT REASONABLE PRICES. was to toast nis loes ni lue graie, eujoy uia sachusetts, Pittsfteld and Xorth That cannot be a healthy condition in segar. eet a cushioned seat in the gallery in oar Si.vinara Dsoanmsnt. hi wbi at GEORGE BEDAHD, HI. Adams, Mass.

which few prosper and the great mass are So to uu. raisins OFFICE and Residence over England store. Office open all dav and night to drudees. of the (senate, have a pleasant after-dinner chat with the Senator and at night lie down in a soft warm bed. In time it gradually tVrt rtcf Pr.

KennMr's Farorite Kemv. My wife was abandoned by the phvi-1r. lr. Kennedy's Favorite Kerned of Koi'diHJt wm rtw.ricd to: not be sua eny b'p plrei tn ft, bu bfM-an noiliing tla rmnrd. Toe etTe-t liiiie hort of e.

miratle. At the cond bottle tuenttond If you are rich invest in something, em hanbl- f. tironti bet'w. n1 m--o parti" il nrt also attend to patients who may wish to consult him. Diseases of the Urinary and Respiratory organs.

Heart and Kidneys. Dr. Bedard gives iu i. began to dawn on the Massachusetts Sena JSfAn Inspection of mv stock is invited, D. IIOSENIIEIX.

ivis BERKSHIRE MUTUAL ploy somebody. im a iK.unTcice DEPtniMtiiT hd mrftiucl r-tT-rntrUi, aud couuutucff toe treatment. tor'B mind that, however worthy his old comrade might be, and however willing he special attention to all oDstetrio cases. Ai kinds diseases of women and all kinds of fever. The Russian Iiaant Women.

i iMi.v Dr. D. KeieSy's Favorite Bemefly. himself might be to support him, there must sometime come an end to his charity, Don't Experiment with mt'SIC LESSONS. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.

RS. J. A. LINGLOIH will Klve mnsio lenons Uondout, N. Y.

All Uruesiets. I for Jo. both inlustice to himself aud family and on Pisno or Oriran at her residence. No in.tii-onl S30O and upwards. eQ inl 're-I pTbl h1f rri.

In Ihe is JJO iv. AU.1&S4M. and raad PUK'iiul was returned promptly to Investors. Vif ipl n.J in! 4 foil u.r.ntl t.y Uamlsl snrt tMw.uW. in ollw departments, up to 1'n Lia--iri.

Mnretlian a Million Dollar fliJiC nave tlrna lm mtl. retirrnunn wnicQ nvervn iargelr fion" Ten Ier cent. B. WA TK1KS LAND MORTGAGE CO. LAWRENCE, KANSAS, raw Terk Xil'l, BtI DICEWSOa.

13 Broadway. Union Street. Terms reasinable. 5tf to the object of his kindness at well, so one duv when he and John were alone he ireDt- PITTSFIELD. Incorporated In lr(3.

lv broached the subject of a change of BKTAN O'LOl'GIILIN, quarteis. Goughlin Cullen Cough Mixtures, HUT BUY THE HKST WILLiRU'S ELIXIR -OF HOREHOUND, HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, and dealer In PAINTERS SUPPLIES. Hard The women in Russia lo two-thirds of the work in the country. There are immense wheat, oat and hay; liehls everywhere, and in August tliere is great activity in the country. The large majority of persons at work are women.

They wear short dresses, plain and straight, ami a long piece of cloth over their heads like Arabs. The wheat is sown broadcast, aud if not cut by tlus women ith sickles is harvested with the old-fashioned DIRECTORS "I will do all I can for you, John, up to the limit of mv means, which, as jou Wood Finishing a Specialty. No 21 North street, over Cooley's grocery store, Plttsfleld, Mass. Tobn-C. 'West.

Plttsficld J. V. Barker. Pitts- know, are not very great. I will gladly field O.

Hobbins, Mttsfleld It. W. Adam. IX ADD 4k Plttstleid; J. Pet-It, Plttsfleld: T.

U. Karasdeli, niusatontc w. B. Plunkett. Aaams P.

A. Kus- give you the monev to pay your board at some modest boarding house until' spring BEKKSiIIKK SAVINGS BANK OtSea Lira Insurance BaUilag. BILLIARD Parlors, Goodrich block. North Bt. The best furnished rooms in the oountv.

Will relieve Coughs. Colds, Hoarseness, Irri sell. Great Birrington 8. V. H.

Daniels, Plttsfleld: Julius RockweH, Lenox: 8. W. Brayton, MATS'0P ALITKINDS, Choice Wines, Liquors, Ales, Cigars Ac. comes then, if possible, I will try and gel you employment. You know it is not so tation of the throat.

It is excelled by no cough medicines in the market. At Nortn Adams: wm. u. iiaoaus. tnttsneld Sidney Barnes.

Becket P. C. Balrd. Lee Thad-deus Clapp, PituBeld F. W.

Hinsdale. Pltts scythe, which is a two-pound snead and a broad short blade. From the snead T. DA HIS, easy for me toget a government position as it once was. I doubt if you can get a place PITTSFIELD.

MASS. WILLARDS, W7iish to announce to their customers and the fleld Z. Crane, Dalton J. B. Dean, Cheshire HORSE SHOEING and general Blackstnlthlng.

Recently removed from Fenn Street us a. M. Kuseeu, nttsneia j. it. arriner, nttsneia.

under the government anyway. will Public in general, that they hare up to tliet handle there is a wooden bow, something like in appearance. PITTSFIELD and GREAT BARRINGTON. JULIUS ROCKWJLL PaasroMwr, McKay Street. AU work promptly and well dona.

try something else." A pained look passed over John's fac Vf.TvMmn Cash Assets. 90,248.7, half of a heavy barrel hoop. This bow keens the wheat, from falling amis D. C. BEDELL, Wm.

T. Fillev. Geo. N. Tratton, but he said nothing, except to bow his head Chaa.

W. KeUoes-. r. W. Hiusoaie.

GROCERIES in assent. A few days later a young lieu back over the scythe handle and scat-terinr. I have never Vet seen a man GONTRACTOR, Carpenter and Builder. Sstt- mates and Plans furnished? All work at tenant in the army.a friend of the Senator, Liabilities, tended to promptly, at reasonable prices. Hard was at the house and without any appear Trustees.

John B. Merrm. 8. V. R.

Daniels. Joslah Carter Byroa Weston, WlUlam H. Sloan, John C. West wood FiMsn a specialtr. Mantles, dto.

tor dwell From Iheir old quarters on Dunham street and have leased the store formerly occupied by William l'eirce, dealer in pianos, and have on band ance of pre arrangement suggested a very modest little boarding-place for John, and Robert Mailt Jr, ings. Store Fittings to give satisfaction. Residence. No. lis Daniels Avenne.

Shop tn Old Meth Surplus, 51,3:15.82 H. M. Pelrson, as. Francis, J. Brewster, Frank the upshot of the call was that It was ar odist Church Fenn St.

Plttsfleld. Made. 84. ranged that the next day the Lieutenant A FI LL LINE OF should escort the old man to his new home Dividends paid 30, 40 and JOHN F. YAMEUSEN.

60 per cent. First-Class Goods. see him installed there and explain to the iandlaly tha' Mr. Dawes would pay the board bill. Promptly to his agreement the Lieutenant came and John went away with him.

The new boarding place was kept REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENCY. Lega papers executed for all the states and ter 126 North IS THE PLACE TO BUY Fine Groceries required ln'housekeeplDg. Light expenses and personal attention to w. uuuon, 4. m.

DieTousuia- Board of Investment, B. V. Daniels, Jabes L. Peck, Wm. G.

Backus. Kobt. W. Adam. William H.

Sloan. Secretary. JOf R. WARSINKR. Treasurer, KOBT.

W. ADAM. Assistant Treasurer. WILLIAM L. ADAM.

OFFICE IN WEST'S BLOCK. rltories. Notary Publlo and Commissioner to the State of New York. Justice of the Peace by a very excellent old Irish lady upon 15 North Plttsfleld, Masi- Prices Low as the -Lowest. Sixth btreet.

pretty well out of town, in who would deign to gather up, bind and stack the wheat or oats when once it was felled. The woman must do this while the men do the "gentlemanly'" work, although I have seen nianywomeu cutting grain with the -scythe. The neighbors club together in harvest and 'help one another. A Russian harvesting rendezvous is quite lively, and is the scene of a motley crowd. The old men anil young, boys and girls, with their mothers, grandmothers and aged women assemble at daybreak.

There are a number of horses on which are carried water, food and extra implements. The horses the boys aud men ride, while the old women walk. They always carry the scythes, forks aud rakes back'and forth every day, and work as loii as there is daylight; and since it is day break at 4 a. and not dark until p. the hours of labor are long.

Moscow J. L. PECK, President. J. M.

STEVENSON. Secretarr. locality inhabited by poor but respectable neoole of all sorts The houses were not business enables him to sell as low if not lower than any house in town. to be compared, of course, with that in Trial order solicited. which Senator Dawes boards, nor were thev Quite so promising of good cigars and 50 cents, 'gas 50 cents.

"WO UN TABLE WARE. irE-PIATED WITH SILVER AT MORSE Successors to Geo T. Clark A Co. well set tables. Mrs.

O'Brien came to the A specialty of Allen Blanciard Coffees. door herself, the introduction was made. Extracting witliout gas, lioc. and. for the tirBt time, John opened his Gold filling $1.00 and upwards.

SILVER NICKLE PLATERS, lips to express his own views of the change "Lieutenant," he said, "I really, don't J. MCKERS0N, S0CCSSO8TO F. XlCKERSOa. SOX, -will continue the business at the old stand on Iexiia Street. FRESH FRUIT3 and VEGETABLES, FISII, CLAMS, OYSTERS, and all the supplies First-Class Market.

JV'O CnAJiOE! NO CHARGE! For extracting teeth, when artificial teeth are COUCSHLIX CULIK'. IF.LEIMIONE COXSECriON. 13-36 think I had better remain here with Mrs, S3 West Street, Plttsfleld. Mass. Over Robbius A Gamwells.

13t25 All kinds of farmers' produce taken in exchange. to be Inserted. TF.ETII e.OO, 7. SO. O'Brien.

Between you and me there are many reasons why I am very well pleased at the Senator's, lie and I are old friends and you know I am rather helpless with mv one hand and Mrs. Dawes and Miss Do Yob Wait a farm House, Full gum sets, guaranteed to stand the test of flea Wonders exist in thousands but arti surpassed by the time, leeth refiaired while you wait. All Give mvention. i'hose who are II I of forms, hi II I IT marve's of a I need of pr work warranted first clans. DAY AND NIGHT Anna are very kind to me.

For instance, roniable work that can be me a rail as I am here to please. PEARL TOOTH POWDER sent by mail to who on earth will tie my necktie? The objection nearly paralyzed the Lteu any address price, lc. Kcmctntwr the 7. place. tenant and put his ingenuity to a severe Best Goods and Reasonable Prices.

J. C. NICKERSON. Of5) a done whlie litiriff at home should at oace send theirsr.drssto Haliett I-'ortlsnd, Maine, anl receive free, lull information how either sex, of ail sues, can earn from $5 la $25 per day and upwards wherever they live. You are started free.

Capital not required. Some have made over $50 iu a tingle day at this work. All moceed. strain. It was some moments before he IY1ALLERY DEXTIST, 00 could even recover his speech.

And then rrff? No. 31, North Plttsfleld. in a very firm and military tone he advised (Over Feeier'i Store.) 43tf the old veteran to slay witn Jirs. uriei GABBLER DENTISTS. until he could get time to consult with the Senator and see what other arrangements can be made.

So with resigned air John went ud to his room. Early the next day 7 PATENTS, Caveats, and' Trade Marks ohtainsd, and all Patent business conducted for Moderate Pees. our office is opposite IT. 8. Patent Office.

We have no sub-agencies, all business direct, hence can transact patent patent business in less time snd at LEHtt COST than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing, or photo, with description, We advise if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due tilt patent is secured, A book, "How to Obtain Patents," with references to actual clients tn your State, county, or town, sent free. Address Hit C. A.

SNOW Opposite Patent Offire, Washington, C. he anoearcd at the Senator's bouse 'and Id made his plea for a change of quarters. He has done so several times since but he is still a member of Mrs, O'Brien's household and his board bills are promptly paid by UNDERTAKING. To an responsible Dartv wishing: a steam the Senator. rsouD.

beating apparatus, 1 will put np free on AO days Cfii-pet Iu a Lunatic Asylum What Mr W. B. Welton the superintendent, says about It: "Last spring we used De Graffs Carpet Bng Destroyer, and found it was effective as a protector from these pests. Ishaliu-te It this season when patting down each c. i and our experience of last year assuro 'ne, shall not need to hunt bugs all ernrnoe have full confidence In it.

NORTH VMPTOX LUNATIC HOSPITAL March 8, 1SS8. M34 trial one of my rurman Heaters, witn the un- Country t.lrls in the City, ISTEW FIRM. Three country girls found out the other has revolutionized the and accepted, if It meets apiiroval, according: to following guarantee: I guarantee the Furman Bller to be noteless In operation, simple to manage, and having lasting qualities. I further guarantee that, the Furman Boiler will more heat for the same amount of fuel LL AN JE 4TII ETICS administered, by which Teeili are Eitractei Without Fain. rr-LADY IN ATTENDANCK.

Cciitrnl Uloolf. PITTSFIELD, MASS. IHVEHTIOH It Wasn't the Judge. Judge Ohipman and Judge Shipinan are both Michigan men, and the similarity of their names' has given tlieui of trouble. The former is the new Congressman from the First Michigan District; the latter was the candidate, not long ago, tor a seat on the bench of the Michigan Supreme Court.

Recently Mrs. Shipnian was assisting the wifu of Seuator Stockbridge to receive and entertain callers, when a well-known Congressman entered the house. lie was introduced to "Mrs. Judge Shipnian" it would be blasphemy to omit the august title in such rtkos but thought be heard "Mrs. Judge Chipman." "Where the inquired he.

"I know him very well. We had quite a o-ood time over in New York "Indeed!" responded the lady, appalled to hear that her Judge had been having -a good time" in Now York. "I thiuk you are mistaken, for the Judge has not been in New York latelyat least, not that I know of." "Rut, madam, I was with him there. He was at the Elk reunion." What! My husband an Elk? "Yes, horns and all." It is hard to say what might have been the result had not the. Judge-that is.

Judge Shipnian appeared upon the scene at this moment. "Rut this is not my old friend, Judge Chipman," gurgled the Congressman. "No, sir," replied the Judge with much dignity, "it is not; my name la Shipman S-h-i-p, Ship, m-a-n, man Shipnian. world during the last half century. Nut leant among the wonders of inventive ZI1TITEY BEHA1T.

day that there are other differences between New York and the country than appear on tho surface. They were on the Bowery behaving precisely as they do in the main street of their native village, laughing, heaving a sly glance on this sido and that, and gener-aliv let tin 2 lap tho exuberance of rather used than any oih.r cat or wrought iron bilMr known to the trad Send for catalogue. Estimates made free of expeuse. Address RESPECTFULLY adnonnee that they have ptin-haned the nndertakttig bosl-ness of Mr P. Uatirahan, and are prepared to fill all orders in this line with the progress is a method and system of work that on be performed all over the country ithout separating the workers from their homes.

Pay liberal; auy one can 'do the work: either sex, young or old: no special ability required. Capital not needed: ou are started free. I nt this out and return to us aud we will send you free, something of great value and importance to you, that will start rou in basine, which will bring K. li. CAN FIELD, 1ES3E CONTHAC10R FOR STEAM AND DOT WATER most prompt and careful attention and at reasonable charges.

Every care required for funeral occasions and ail necessities will be A SELECT FLAVORS HEATING AND SANITABY PLUMBING. 13t30 Lenox, furnished on you in more money right awsv. ttian anything else in the world. Gruiiii oullit free. Address rev OFCHOICtST FRUITS AND giddy, but innocent girlish spirits.

The upshot of it ail was that they were followed by a crowd of men. They fled into a candy store nnd the nil 11 the door and formed a wall against the windows. The girls were thiouhiy. frifchtcuod, and did not stir from the tune till ttiey had tiiwd the crowd out- prRFFCTLY PURE AND DCUCIOUS Tui's A Augusta, Maine. UNE0UAUD IN STRENGTH AND fco*kCsHv NO WiNG IVER U1EU We shall keep on hand a full supply of all styles sad sites of Caskets and Collins, with Shrouds, Habits, and all furnishings necessary for the care and burial of the dead.

FOU SALE CHEAP. frkxds EvmrvwcHf; the Brsr )t AL i. Sj I Hi Hit SAU New York Suii. ONE very nice Cherry Library Table, only been nsed a few months. Call and see it at E31XJL.IIIVCaV BROCK'S Rooms, over New York Store, in av1" mtt sou rtia street.

r- the Children. They are VV, VTV pocially liable to snddeu -t 1. cwnn AVhnnDimr Cough. By the most approved process carefully done when desired. Hearse and carriages furnished VMM I TATTn? snos'Tfom1 frteat Beev A AAAO Ak ttoweU A C'.

Unnpuvf ArtwrttstaK Biuviaa H) Spruce wtwrs ailvm-t 1 I rrsr iMUoitt mar iusUo WUIS JkJkVV VVK mnd Beautiful SUBSCRIBE rOR THE PITTSFIELD SUM EX3HT PAQE3 6fl COLCMN8 TISH8 noriB TXAS iWOmilaieHlT to order. ifctnMiv was. WEAK MEN- re Halttv. Lss flailed FHtt U01OB. r- etc We guarantee Acker's English medy positive care.

It syes anxious watching. Sold by Rooms under Borbank Hall West Street, TKUSTEK WKIIK, ksa trvm fixUtil wielly HMk All li-vt IM.easrs seas fr, (nM.) Jern-eslv reliable. MO rears apert- OBTNTKD and for sala at tha offio of bt rittsneta, jnass. uia STNlght call At Bnrbank HoteL a. nuts eia bob.

rruw ni per ow. A. Waite, Druggist, 65 North street. Blfl BroiSway. ALBANY, H.Y..

The Pittsfield Sun from Pittsfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.