Kuva Lich/Rewards (2024)


  • 1 Progenitor
  • 2 Kuva Weapons
  • 3 Mechanics
  • 4 Valence Fusion
  • 5 Ephemera
  • 6 Ally
  • 7 Railjack Crew
  • 8 Regalia
  • 9 References


This section is transcluded from Lich System/Progenitor . To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

ElementProgenitor Warframe*
Kuva Lich/Rewards (1)ImpactKuva Lich/Rewards (2)BaruukKuva Lich/Rewards (3)DanteKuva Lich/Rewards (4)GaussKuva Lich/Rewards (5)GrendelKuva Lich/Rewards (6)RhinoKuva Lich/Rewards (7)SevagothKuva Lich/Rewards (8)WukongKuva Lich/Rewards (9)Zephyr
Kuva Lich/Rewards (10)HeatKuva Lich/Rewards (11)ChromaKuva Lich/Rewards (12)EmberKuva Lich/Rewards (13)InarosKuva Lich/Rewards (14)KullervoKuva Lich/Rewards (15)NezhaKuva Lich/Rewards (16)ProteaKuva Lich/Rewards (17)VaubanKuva Lich/Rewards (18)Wisp
Kuva Lich/Rewards (19)ColdKuva Lich/Rewards (20)FrostKuva Lich/Rewards (21)GaraKuva Lich/Rewards (22)HildrynKuva Lich/Rewards (23)RevenantKuva Lich/Rewards (24)StyanaxKuva Lich/Rewards (25)TitaniaKuva Lich/Rewards (26)Trinity
Kuva Lich/Rewards (27)ElectricityKuva Lich/Rewards (28)BansheeKuva Lich/Rewards (29)CalibanKuva Lich/Rewards (30)ExcaliburKuva Lich/Rewards (31)GyreKuva Lich/Rewards (32)LimboKuva Lich/Rewards (33)NovaKuva Lich/Rewards (34)ValkyrKuva Lich/Rewards (35)Volt
Kuva Lich/Rewards (36)ToxinKuva Lich/Rewards (37)AtlasKuva Lich/Rewards (38)DagathKuva Lich/Rewards (39)IvaraKuva Lich/Rewards (40)KhoraKuva Lich/Rewards (41)NekrosKuva Lich/Rewards (42)NidusKuva Lich/Rewards (43)OberonKuva Lich/Rewards (44)Saryn
Kuva Lich/Rewards (45)MagneticKuva Lich/Rewards (46)CitrineKuva Lich/Rewards (47)HarrowKuva Lich/Rewards (48)HydroidKuva Lich/Rewards (49)LavosKuva Lich/Rewards (50)MagKuva Lich/Rewards (51)MesaKuva Lich/Rewards (52)XakuKuva Lich/Rewards (53)Yareli
Kuva Lich/Rewards (54)RadiationKuva Lich/Rewards (55)AshKuva Lich/Rewards (56)EquinoxKuva Lich/Rewards (57)GarudaKuva Lich/Rewards (58)LokiKuva Lich/Rewards (59)MirageKuva Lich/Rewards (60)NyxKuva Lich/Rewards (61)OctaviaKuva Lich/Rewards (62)QorvexKuva Lich/Rewards (63)Voruna

*Note that the Primed or Umbra version of a Warframe share the same element

Kuva Weapons[]

Main article: Kuva (Variant)

Kuva weapons are a special variant of existing weapons carried by a player's Lich and can be acquired once the Lich is Vanquished. If the player has enough weapon slots, they can claim these weapons from their Foundry, bypassing the supposed Mastery Rank requirement on these weapons. The weapons vary in attributes, dependent on the Lich the player has slain. The Energy Color on the weapon is depicted by what elemental bonus was augmented on the weapon during Lich creation and the progenitor Warframe. All weapons have an equal chance of spawning from a Kuva Lich.[1]

Kuva Lich/Rewards (64)

Kuva Lich/Rewards (65)KuvaDrakgoon - Shrapnel projectiles do not slow down after ricocheting; bigger magazine and shorter reload time.

Kuva Lich/Rewards (66)

Kuva Lich/Rewards (67)KuvaHek - Alternate Fire fires all four barrels simultaneously.

Kuva Lich/Rewards (68)

Kuva Lich/Rewards (69)KuvaHind - Overall improved stats but longer reload time; additional firing mode in automatic fire.

Kuva Lich/Rewards (70)

Kuva Lich/Rewards (71)KuvaKarak - Shorter reload time, lower recoil, and greater accuracy.

Kuva Lich/Rewards (72)

Kuva Lich/Rewards (73)KuvaKohm - Higher rate of fire.

Kuva Lich/Rewards (74)

Kuva Lich/Rewards (75)KuvaOgris - Fires semi-automatically (instead of the charging trigger); smaller magazine, but greater damage.

Kuva Lich/Rewards (76)

Kuva Lich/Rewards (77)KuvaQuartakk - Fires single shots in full-auto when fired from the hip; semi-auto fires four shots simultaneously while aiming; shorter reload time.

Kuva Lich/Rewards (78)

Kuva Lich/Rewards (79)KuvaSobek - Shorter reload time, higher critical and status chance, higher base damage, longer range before damage falloff occurs.

Kuva Lich/Rewards (80)

Kuva Lich/Rewards (81)KuvaTonkor - Shorter reload time, higher critical and status chance, higher base damage.

Kuva Lich/Rewards (82)

Kuva Lich/Rewards (83)KuvaZarr - Drastically stronger cannon and longer-ranged flak shots.

Kuva Lich/Rewards (84)

Kuva Lich/Rewards (85)KuvaBrakk - Higher rate of fire, magazine capacity, and shorter reload time.

Kuva Lich/Rewards (86)

Kuva Lich/Rewards (87)KuvaKraken - Fires in three-shot (instead of two-shot) bursts; Alternate Fire shoots all remaining ammunition in the magazine in a quick burst; higher rate of fire, magazine capacity and shorter reload time.

Kuva Lich/Rewards (88)

Kuva Lich/Rewards (89)KuvaNukor - Improvements to its already great critical multiplier and status chance; beam chains between multiple enemies.

See Also

Kuva Lich/Rewards (90)

Kuva Lich/Rewards (91)KuvaSeer - Projectiles have a small Kuva Lich/Rewards (92)Corrosive burst. Higher rate of fire, magazine capacity, and zoom factor.

Kuva Lich/Rewards (93)

Kuva Lich/Rewards (94)KuvaTwinStubbas - Akimbo variant; higher rate of fire and magazine capacity.

Kuva Lich/Rewards (95)

Kuva Lich/Rewards (96)KuvaGrattler - No longer auto-spool and reaches peak fire rate instantly; doubled magazine size.

Certain Kuva weapons are unique to Kuva liches, and are not based on existing Grineer weapons:

Kuva Lich/Rewards (97)

Kuva Lich/Rewards (98)KuvaBramma - A massive bow that fires explosive arrows and clusterbombs, which can be detonated mid-flight.

Kuva Lich/Rewards (99)

Kuva Lich/Rewards (100)KuvaChakkhurr - A flintlock-styled rifle with explosive shots and dealing increased headshot damage.

Kuva Lich/Rewards (101)

Kuva Lich/Rewards (102)KuvaShildeg - A heavy hammer.

Kuva Lich/Rewards (103)

Kuva Lich/Rewards (104)KuvaAyanga - A grenade launcher Arch-gun.


A Kuva variant of a weapon will only provide mastery points once. A second weapon of the same variant but with a different Lich name will not provide extra mastery. These weapons have a max rank of 40. To obtain the maximum rank, the player must polarize the weapon five times, with each Forma increasing the maximum possible rank by 2 (similar to Kuva Lich/Rewards (105)Paracesis).

The Kuva weapons additionally have bonus damage of one damage type, ranging from 25-60% of the weapon's base damage determined randomly, with lower percentages being more common.[1] The damage type of this bonus damage is determined by the Progenitor Warframe, as per this table.

Note: This additional bonus damage applies as weapon base damage, meaning elemental mods and status that scale from base / modified base damage will be affected.

Valence Fusion[]

Valence Fusion combines two of the same Kuva or Tenet weapons into one with a higher Elemental Bonus, multiplying the highest bonus of the two weapons by 1.1, capping at 60% bonus. Valence Fusion can be found under the Actions button while modding a weapon. After selecting Valence Fusion, a player is required to choose another of the same Kuva/Tenet weapon from the inventory (not in Foundry or with the Kuva Lich / Sister of Parvos) to fuse it with. If the weapon's element bonuses differs, the player will be prompted to choose between the two available elements.

The final value of the Elemental Bonus after a Valence Fusion is performed is given by the formula:

Kuva Lich/Rewards (106)

Any other properties (Orokin Catalyst, Forma, Stance Forma, Exilus Weapon Adapter, or Focus Lens) do not transfer over, meaning the order of fusion is important. Put simply, it is best to equip the weapon with the most resource investment (weapon rank, Catalyst, Forma, and Exilus that you wanted to keep) and fuse other weapons to it.

After selecting the donor weapon to be used in the fusion, a confirmation screen displays the desired weapon's new damage type and bonus values and warns that the transfer will consume the selected donor weapon. Players are then prompted to type FUSE to confirm the fusion.

  • Example: Kuva Lich/Rewards (107)KuvaKohm (A) has 40% Kuva Lich/Rewards (108)Heat Damage and an Orokin Catalyst. Kuva Kohm (B) has 52% Kuva Lich/Rewards (109)Radiation damage. The player has two options, to fuse (A) with (B) or to fuse (B) with (A).
    • Since 52% is higher than 40%, the result will always be according to the percentage of (B) and multiplied by 1.1, resulting in 57.2%.
    • Fusing (B) to (A): Equip (A), under Valence Fusion, select (B). The result of this will be a Kuva Kohm with 57.2% Kuva Lich/Rewards (110)Heat or Kuva Lich/Rewards (111)Radiation damage with an Orokin Catalyst. (B) will be destroyed.
    • Fusing (A) to (B): Equip (B), under Valence Fusion, select (A). The result of this will be a Kuva Kohm with 57.2% Kuva Lich/Rewards (112)Heat or Kuva Lich/Rewards (113)Radiation damage without an Orokin Catalyst. (A) will be destroyed.

This section is transcluded from Valence Fusion § Extra Math. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

For Weapons and same-tier Armaments, maximum% bonus (60%) can be achieved in the following number of fusions:

Minimum Initial ValueMaximum Number of Fusions

For example, a Kuva Lich/Rewards (114)TenetEnvoy with a 43% Toxin bonus will need at most 4 Fusions to reach the maximum element bonus of 60%.


Kuva Liches have a 20%[2] chance to be created with an Ephemera equipped that corresponds to the Progenitor Warframe who created them. These Ephemeras can be equipped on Companions,Archwings, and Necramechs. Players will receive a Lich's Ephemera regardless of whether they Vanquish or Convert them.

Kuva Lich/Rewards (115)Impact
Kuva Lich/Rewards (116)
Kuva Lich/Rewards (117)
Kuva Lich/Rewards (118)Heat
Kuva Lich/Rewards (119)
Kuva Lich/Rewards (120)
Kuva Lich/Rewards (121)Cold
Kuva Lich/Rewards (122)
Kuva Lich/Rewards (123)
Kuva Lich/Rewards (124)Electricity
Kuva Lich/Rewards (125)
Kuva Lich/Rewards (126)
Kuva Lich/Rewards (127)Toxin
Kuva Lich/Rewards (128)
Kuva Lich/Rewards (129)
Kuva Lich/Rewards (130)Magnetic
Kuva Lich/Rewards (131)
Kuva Lich/Rewards (132)
Kuva Lich/Rewards (133)Radiation
Kuva Lich/Rewards (134)
Kuva Lich/Rewards (135)


Converted Kuva Liches can randomly appear in missions after the player enters bleedout, fighting alongside the Tenno. The converted Kuva Lich's level follows the formula Lich Rankx 20(cappedat level 80in normal mode and level 135 in The Steel Path) regardless of mission level, their weapons have a 3x damage multiplier, and will use all of their abilities. They will stay for a minimum of 2 minutes. Any Weaknesses, Resistances and Immunities that the Kuva Lich had at the time of conversion remain effective and are reflected by using the Synthesis Scanner's Data-Parse Widget

Railjack Crew[]

With Command Intrinsic Rank 8, Converted Kuva Liches can be brought aboard Railjacks as Crew members.

Unlike NPC crew members hired from Ticker, the Kuva Lich cannot be given weapons and will default to using their own, cannot operate Railjack systems such as the pilot seat, turrets, and repair, do not have moddable stats, and are restricted to the Defender role. However, their health and shields are significantly higher than NPC crew members, making them built for endurance and quite suited for repelling boarders.

Kuva Liches as crew members follows a different level scaling formula compared to randomly appearing converted Liches: Lich Rank x 15. For example, a Rank 5 Lich will be at level 75 when they are equipped as crew members.


After the player successfully defeats their first Kuva Lich, the Old Blood Emblem and Old Blood Sigil will both be granted to them automatically as proof of their accomplishment. Both cosmetics can then be equipped on their Warframes as Regalia and depict the logo of Kuva Liches. These items are only granted once.

Kuva Lich/Rewards (136)

The Old Blood Emblem.

Kuva Lich/Rewards (137)

The Old Blood Sigil.


  1. 1.0 1.1 https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/dz0tze/kuva_lich_data_weapon_drop_rates_elemental_bonus/
  2. Everett, Megan (2020, February 4). Empyrean: Kuva Lich Changes 27.1.0 + Warframe Forums. Accessed 2022-06-25. Archived from the original on 2022-06-13.
Kuva Lich/Rewards (2024)
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