How to change the time zone in your Google Calendar for the entire calendar or individual events (2024)

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How to change the time zone in your Google Calendar for the entire calendar or individual events Check out the products mentioned in this article: How to change the time zone in your Google Calendar for the entire calendar How to change the time zone in your Google Calendar for individual events Related coverage from How To Do Everything: Tech: How to add your contacts' birthdays to your Google Calendar in 4 simple steps How to add holidays to your Google Calendar on desktop or mobile How to print your Google Calendar for a specific range of time using a computer How to subscribe to a Google Calendar or share your calendar with someone, so you can see each other's schedules How to unshare your Google Calendar in 5 simple steps BEKIJK OOK: Luchtgevechten tussen drones in Oekraïne zijn een nieuwe vorm van oorlogvoering Dit zijn de 20 beste luchtvaartmaatschappijen ter wereld, volgens een nieuwe ranglijst – KLM valt net buiten de top Eerste Kamer stemt in met huurwet van minister De Jonge: dit verandert er per 1 juli 2024 Huis verbouwen in plaats van verhuizen? 5 punten om op te letten Dit is de olifant in de kamer die kan zorgen voor een serieuze correctie op de beurs in de zomer, volgens een topanalist Roemeens dorpje vlak bij Oekraïne wordt de grootste NAVO-basis van Europa: een doorn in het oog voor Poetin Lauren Boebert’s carpetbagging victory is a vindication of her attention-grabbing antics OpenAI’s CTO treats creativity like a problem to be solved — and that itself is the problem CNN stands to make millions from the Trump-Biden debate, but its rivals could make even more Texas natural-gas prices turn negative despite soaring heatwave temperatures Stock market today: US indexes rebound as Nvidia’s revival sets off a tech rally Partnerexperts #techtalks: Kan slimme technologie je personeelstekort oplossen? Vacatures Geschikt personeel werven wordt komende jaren nog lastiger door ‘vaardigheidskloof’, verwachten HR-medewerkers ‘China wil Duitsland belonen, als het land hogere Europese importheffingen voor elektrische auto’s weet te voorkomen’ Aandelen kopen op de top van de markt? Ook dan kun je nog miljonair worden Het grootste probleem van AI, volgens Elon Musk: wat is de zin van het leven, als computers alles beter kunnen dan mensen? Huizenprijs terug bij piekniveau van 2022: gemiddeld huis in jaar tijd €41.000 meer waard Anthropic CEO says we need to think bigger than a universal basic income if we want to solve the AI inequality problem


How to change the time zone in your Google Calendar for the entire calendar or individual events

How to change the time zone in your Google Calendar for the entire calendar or individual events (1)

Devon Delfino

How to change the time zone in your Google Calendar for the entire calendar or individual events (2)

Foto: S3 Studio/Getty ImagesIt's easy to change your time zone in Google Calendar to fit your scheduling or travel needs.

If you’ve been using Google Calendar’s basic functions – creating events and calendars to manage your time – you aren’t getting everything you could out of the tool.

For those who travel often, one of the “extras” that can be extremely useful is the ability to take control of your time zones.

On Google Calendar, that means changing your default time zone and creating events with their own zones.

Here’s how to change the time zone in Google Calendar.

Check out the products mentioned in this article:

Microsoft Surface Pro 7 (From $699.99 at Best Buy)

MacBook Pro (From $1,299.99 at Best Buy)

How to change the time zone in your Google Calendar for the entire calendar

1. Go to

2. Click the gear icon and select "Settings"

How to change the time zone in your Google Calendar for the entire calendar or individual events (3)

Foto: Select "Settings" in the dropdown menu.sourceDevon Delfino/Business Insider

3. Under "Time Zone," select your desired time zone from the drop down and, if necessary, untick the box next to, "Ask to update my primary time zone to current location"

How to change the time zone in your Google Calendar for the entire calendar or individual events (4)

Foto: Select the time zone you desire for your Google Calendar.sourceDevon Delfino/Business Insider

How to change the time zone in your Google Calendar for individual events

1. Go to and click into the date you would like to create your event on

2. Enter the title and click "More options"

How to change the time zone in your Google Calendar for the entire calendar or individual events (5)

Foto: Select "More options" to change the time zone for a specific event.sourceDevon Delfino/Business Insider

3. Untick the box next to "All day."

4. Select "Time zone."

How to change the time zone in your Google Calendar for the entire calendar or individual events (6)

Foto: Click "Time zone" to make changes.sourceDevon Delfino/Business Insider

5. Select the desired time zone (or zones, if you want to start the event in one zone and end in another) for the event and click "Ok."

How to change the time zone in your Google Calendar for the entire calendar or individual events (7)

Foto: You can pick the time zone you want for a specific event.sourceDevon Delfino/Business Insider

After that, you would simply edit the event as desired, and hit "Save."

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.